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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1915)
8 'A TIIE OMAITA SUNDAY BEE: MAKCU 14, 1915. I iTT TP hi I V 1 T I 1 1 I 1 3 y 1 SJW LJ, HAYNES CARJS0S DISPLAY ippeari in Palace of Transportation at Exposition with Other Common Carriers. SKELETON COWL ON ' CHASSIS "A Haynea Light Blx Mode) JO chassis will b exhibited at the Panama-Pacific exposition. San Frmnclaco, In the palace ef transportation," states C. J. Cork hill of the Nebraska Haynea Auto Pdlei com pany, distributor of AmrrWs first car. "The rhsaals will be identical with the one exhibited at the New Tork and Chi cago automobile ahowe. A akeleton cowl la fitted to the chassis to carry the con trol Instruments In auch a manner that their connection! with the various unite may be aeen at a glance. While the chatsla la complete In all detalla, ready lor runnlnic the Important faturea are emphaHlied by nickel plating, In order to rive the exhibition an educational value The latest development of the automo bile Industry are embodied In the design of the Hnynes I.lnht Sis chassis. Ita simplicity and compactness will offer a great contrast to exhibits of former year "The palace of transportation contains exhibits of all means of conveyances for travel under the water, on the water, on land and In the air, but the automobile section l expected to be the most exten sive division. The automobile booth, which occupy the entire eastern half of the building, will be uniform In design and there will be no railing or parti tions between exhibits. The decoration of the automobile section comprises some very appropriate panoramas, that, though serving as mural decorations, are In real ity topographical maps. 'The Lincoln highway Is shown In this manner on a scale of about ten mites to the foot, so aa to form one gigantic pano rama over 350 feet In length. All colon of the varioua aectlona of the country through which the highway pasaea are accurately represented. Other sections of the United States are, exactly reproduced In the form of these maps that give the Impression of looking over vast areas. 'Linoleum la used as floor covering 'throughout the automobile section. The main north and south alnte passes through Italian pergolas, and each exhibit will be Indicated by large vaaea at the four cor nera. The Haynea trade name will ap pear on the bowl of each vase marking the Haynea exhibit" Auto Catalogues Are Interesting To American Boy "Every red-blooded American youth loves motor cars and studies them," says Mr. Clark of the Noyea Auto company Many can give their elders valuable points on both construction and operation. "Most of them know every car In the neighborhood, who made It and how well It runs. They read every automobile ad vertisement Theyaend for catalogues and never skip a page or specification They are veritable mines of pertinent In formation that 'dad' never had the leis ure or the opportunity to get. la It any wonder they are consulted when a new car Is the topic T "In the sale of an automobile there la, of course, no shadow of question regard ing the powerful bearing exercised by the buyer's wife, sister or 'Intended.' If the car does not appeal to her sense of beauty, comfort, convenience and refinement, the strong mechanical arguments that have won the 'mere male' will prove of little weight. "And the boy la an Influence which to my mind la a very close second to that of the woman. He makes or breaks thou sands of sales every year. "The automobile manufacturer for tunate enough to get the ear and the favor of a few thousand boys has ac quired an auxiliary sales force that he may well cultivate to say nothing of a goodly percentage who themselves will be buyers In the future. "Bo the boys 'can have our expensive catalogues and should have our time If there la anything they want to know about that'a what we try to Impress on very Klasvl-Kar dealer and salesman." JOINS FORCES WITH THE MITE-PHY-O BEIEN CO. t ( " I v ... J W.JT.SEJaLKJT Will N. Hellen, well known automobile salesman, haa Joined the aales force of the Murphy-O'Brien Automobile company, distributers for the Paige and Dodaje Broa. cara. Mr. Hellen for a number of years haa been Identified with the largest auto mobile aales proposition handled out of Omaha, and for the last year haa trav eled throughout the middle west and outh for the Dart truck factory. Mr. Ilellcn's broad experience In the sale of car, hi record having reached the high point of 900 car In a single season, la a tribute to the value offered In the Paige and Dodge Bros, lines, when It Is remem bered that he leavea now a high grade position on the road In order to take up the sale of these two cars. sixty-five miles, and carries four passen gers. Ills Model T, purchased In 1901), la still In service, with tho same wheel, engine and transmission, and haa a grand milcnge of 160,000 miles. In addition to this. Mr. Dunbar has re peatedly made the round trip of 130 miles, sworn to In his affidavit, on three and one-half gallons of gasoline, or a mileage of thirty-seven and one-half mile pel1 gallon. It Isn't remarkable, I'erhaps, that Mr. Dunbar should Insist apon having these extraordinary figures preserved In affidavit form. Carloads of Reos , Shipped to Detroit , Every Day in Year "That old wheeze about carrying coals to Newcastle was all right In Its time," eaya R. C. flueschaw. "but when you ship automobiles to Detroit. I think It's going some. "The tremendous Inrush of order that began the mldde of February, and had developed Into a veritable tornado by March 1, I certainly most gratifying to us; but the one telegram which causes greater glee at the Reo factory than any other of the thousands with which the dialers have burned up the wires, waa that one from our Detroit dealer, auylng. 'Hiilp alx carloaila of Reoa per day every I day until otherwise Instructed.' "We have always been proud of the fact that Reo sella more cara In the state of Michigan than any other eon- i cern, with a single exception, and our tig business In Detroit haa always been a source of great satisfaction to us. "To ship eighteen Reos every day from i 1aninng into the, automobile center ef the I world, surely la an Indication of quality j In the product for Detroltrrs know an ' automobile as Kentuckians know a horse, and they certainly make a lot of mighty flue caj-e there themselves." Jitney Bus to Be Popular Carrier, Declares Willys "The tremendous political Influence ex erted by the electric street railway In terests may succeed for a short period In retarding the sudden and great de velopment of the 'Jitney bus,' but It will never be able to suppress that new and popular means of transportation," de clared John N. Willys, president of the Wlllys-Overland company. In the course of an Interview on the "Jitney" situation at his winter home In Pasadena. ri 8lnce arriving In California, Mr. Willys nas made a study of the "Jitney bus" In the cities where Its remarkable rise to popularity started. "The publlo In this eountrv Is lust awakening to the poaaiblUtiea and ad vantages of motor transoortatinn." mn. tinued Mr. Willys, as he scanned a re port from the Overland factory at Toledo advising him of a record-breaking pro- ductlon. "In London, the electrln tinea iin over there as trama, are owned and operated by the London Mimi This body Is extremely Jealous of Its na nas orancned out Into numer ous paternalistic schemes. As soon as tne motor bus became a faotor la trans portation, nine or ten veara v h. council began exerting every effort within ita great power to suppress motor buses In the Interest of the huge Investments in wnicn body had Involved the tax payer In the construction of eleotrlo street railway. "The public, however, rallied to the de fense of the newer and more popular means of transportation, and today, not withstanding the fact that the council' pet street railways are facing certain bankruptcy as a result of motor com petition, the peope stand by the motor buses and refuse to see them unjustly deslt with." y- Electric Safety First Lighter in Detroiter Cars "While we expected that an electric cigar lighter would be appreciated by men motorist, we have been aurprlaed to discover that this feature of De troiter equipment has actually Influenced! quite a number of sales In our favor," ays Claude B. Brlggs, president of the Brlggs-Dctroiter company, Detroit. "Moat motorist have a wholesome re spect for the explosive properties of gaso line, and often go to extremes In avoiding risks. Men who like to enjoy a cigar as they drive their cars are confronted with the difficulty of keeping a cigar lit whllo keeping their minds strictly on the business of controlling the car. Any one who haa tried to light a match with a car traveling twenty-five miles an hour, need not be reminded of the diffi culties of the undertaking. "The first 1315 Detroiter were equipped with electric cigar lighters as an experi ment, and they made a great hit. The apparatus conslsU of a length of flexible steel tubing enclosing the two wires that terminate In a resistance coll, which be comes red-hot when a small button In the handle of the lighter is pressed. At tached to the back of the front seat, the lighter Is within convenient reach of all the occupants of the car, enabling the driver to 'light up' without resorting to the danger of llRhtlng a match, or stop ping the car entirely." Haynes Car at the Exposition THE HAYfiES LIGHT SIX OHA33I3 AT THE 5AN f RANCI3C0 EXP05ITWM EXHIBITED BY THE STANDARD OIL COMPANY TO DEMONSTRATE THCIH T. PRODUCTS. I , . i mi 1 1 i Z f A k '". J . - J - i-irmr v - 9 -t trier s i mr - '" ii tt Chandler People Reduce Price After Successful Season Announcement of one of the most sen sational price reductions In the history of the automobile Industry, made public today by the Chandler Motor Car com pany of Cleveland, has given automobile manufacturers and motorists generally, the biggest topic for discussion in some years. Retaining the same model of the Chand ler Light Weight Six which last year es tablished a record for volume of sales at the price of $1,595, officials of the company have placed a new price of $1,2 on the same car in five and seven pas senger bodies for the coming season. This reduction of $.".00 or close to 20 per cent of the former selling price, stands without a parallel in the high grade field. According to President V. C. Chandler the announcement of the new price on the Chandler Six follows the most suc cessful season's business In the company' history. Efficient in War, Economy in feace, is Jeffery Slogan "Efficient In war, economical In pece" 1 the slogan appearing on the new Il lustrated story-catalogue of the Jeffery Quad, which has Just been Issued for cir culation In Kngland. Not all of the hundreds of Quads that are shipped to Europe are going into the war many of them are being applied In commercial service. The new Jeffery Quad catalague con Ulna a wealth of live pictures .showing the four-wheel drive, . brake and steer truck In mining service in Death Valley. In the sands of Texas, the mud of Illinois and In commercial service In cities and towns all over the country. A few extra copies are available for American distribution. Preaaa Actios Will Stop Year . Ceaa-h. Dr. King's New Discovery will stop your cough. The first dose helps. Good for children. All druggist. 60c Advertisement. Reliability Car is Proven Stock Model Since t,he conclusion of the famous 7,500 mile Sealed Bonnet tour of a Mitchell 1915 Light Four model car, there have been mutterlnga among the trade that the car used was not strictly a stock car. The fact of the matter Is this reliability car Is Identically the aame In every de tail as the Light Four Mitchell 1915 models now being distributed aU over the coun try. This reliability car finished Its 7.500 mlle thirty-day run October , In Pitts burgh, and on November 4, F. H. Ed wards, technical expert of the i contest board of the American Automobile ao elation, broke the seals and made his technical examlnaUon of this car. Within twenty-four hours his report was made and Chairman Kennerbel of the contest board approved Mr. Edwards' report, and the reliability car waa passed as a stock model. If1 es to H'eaKh Ford Makes Record Mileage in Texas So determined Is W. I. Dunbar of Port Stockton. Tex., to hold the Ford mileage record, tli&t be haa sent bla report to the rird Motor company in the form of a sworn affidavit. It ta certainly an estoa record, too. Mr. Dunbar mahes leaular trips in hla Ford between Fort titoiktoo and Peoos City, a distance of V Jil I ' I HI 1 w ciaate. 1 j.' 'Wj r-"i r'" f-V I ""T"". - -j . 1 . ' There can be no real health so long as the Stomach, Liver and Bowels are in a weakened condition and are unable to perform their daily functions. POOR APPETITE INDIGESTION HEARTBURN BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION are "foes to health" that soon develop. , You can help Nature conquer them by the timely aid of IIOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Give Your Horse a Chance A card with the following suggestions for drivers and horse owners js being widely distri buted by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals: "Watering horses when overheated brings on founder. "Avoid sore eyes in your horses by having stlie blinds away from the eyes. "Have all parts of your harness fit the horse but see that it is not too tight. "A hot, close and foul stable brings on thrush in the feet, coughs and inflammation of the lungs. "Do not try to doctor your horse yourself, , s it ia cheaper to pay a veterinarian's bill than to buy a new horse. "When a horse has fallen on slippery pave ment put a sack or blanket' under the feet be fore trying to get him up. "Let your horse get his head down while ' pulling a load, as he can pull better with hia w eight than with his muscle. "When your horse goes lame on the road . . examine the hoof for a nail in the hoof or a stone lodged between the shoe and the frog. "When your liorse is sick allow him to lie quiet until the veterinarian arrives, aa it will only injure him to keep him' on his' feet and -move him around, i (t Wben your horse is getting plenty of feed and is losing flesh examine his teeth, as he may have an ulcerated tooth or may need other at tention of a veterinarian. "Never have tho hames hang loose on the collar, as they will be sure to cause sore should ers and necks. Leave a space of about an inch between the lower part of the collar and the throat when not pulling. "If you have n sick or crippled animal which you wish to have destroyed in a humane manner free of charge, call The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.' LIGHT POUR, $1750. t 51 , . f BIQ SIX, $5010. It's great satisfaction for a If'. ' jf, A mm fa owner who meets a difficulty in the road to know that his car will "make it." It it the only strictly high-grade, hand-made car at the price Mclntyre Auto Company Distributors for Nebraska, Western Iowa,- South Dakota 2427 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. There Is still some first class territory open for live-wire dealers. JJ in Never before such motor car value Electric Starter $895 ALLEN 34" -- sV earir SF W ssasa, -J TVT j. 1 : . . . io wuiur car is uencr man its specifications la the AQcn "J4" Toa bare an aristo- tioa and Steering Gear, Left Hand Drire, erttje S-paasenger ear, S i S inch long Center Control, 12-inch Brakes, Electric troke Allen motor, 110-inch wheeibaie. Light, Starter and Horn, S2 Tires, Westoo-Mott Asle. Warner Transmit- Demountable Rima, Faultiest Upholstery. ' Fire ether models. $875 to $1395 It's here now, ready for a demonstration strength, speed, classy, unusual power, comfortable a handsome car at a price tnat meets your approval. See the Allen 34" call or phone today Built by THE ALLEN MOTOR CO, Fostoru.o STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO., 2012 Farnam Street, " . Omaha, Neb. Sealers: Write or wire for ajrenoy proposition. DC in Auto Tops, Seat Covers, Dust Hoods, Curtain Lights and All Top Repairing WESTERN AUTO TOP CO Pkone Douglas 1815 ! 20th and Hart tj Sts. i ''Life; " " a m i 1 a w k- ! i , ) " ' Syr " CisselKar Trucks Effect Big Saving 1TI1E County of Missoula, Montana, is saving sixty- lght cents a yard In road build ing since it substituted two Kissel Kar 6 tou dump trucks for horse drawn wagoai. SIX SIZES 1500 II. 1, 1H, 24, 3 and 6 ton rapacities. Municipalities, contractors, builders, brick makers, coal dealers and others throughout the country are employing Kissel Kar Trucks with results just as remarkable. It should be tntarestiBur to Toa to kaew won tfcas treat trucks are Asuur tow ethers la your llas of bnsiness. Coiue 1m aad let us sfeow you. KlSSELKARTkUCKg ; N0YES AUTO CO., 20C6-68 Farnam St, Omaka, N1k Ii