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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
riTK HKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAIU'H 1:1, 1!MR. MlEF CITY NEWS see oet Mat X Nr Bt(M res Ssrrsss-Ortaasa Co. Lighting ftxtere. BTsbreste TtBf SB 1HV- New office between city hall M Fon teeelle hotel, 211 South Eighteenth PL Today Cemptata atevte Trowrmm-' eluMfled section today, and appear In The Bee EXCLUSIVELY. Find out hat the various mo-ring picture theater otter. Tae State Bask ( Omaha pay 4 per cent on time deposit, t per rent on savings account. All deposit In thl bank are protected by the deport tori' guarantee fund of the state of Nebraska, Cjalckly Xeeat4 and eaally aeceeslbW are two prime requisites of a destrabl office location. Tenant m The Bee build Inc. 'the buUdln that I always new." find thee two condition of great aervlc la buUdlaf up their bnstntea. Merer t Bound Or Joseph My eis of Greeley county, Nebraska, on a statutory chargr, waa arraigned ln po lice court Friday morning and bound over to the district court with bond fixed at 11,690. The complainant t a girl 13 years old. Tflunllnr Thiers Busy James Mc Kenna, 416 North Twentieth street, re port to the police that two vacant house belonging to Mm at lflS-Sl Case street, have been visited by plumbing thieve within the last two day, who hare worked great damage to the prop erty. Com Maa 1 Jailed A. N. Kockway of Kansas City was) sentenced to thirty days In the county Jail for trimming John Hendricks, a farmer living near Fremont. Neb, of $10 by 'the time-worn con game of mat ohm g coins. Rock way when ar rested had a pair of crooked dice In his pocket, and other articles common to the profSBSkmal ooa man. Viaduct on Dodge Street Sleeps in City Council's Care Ch whole situation with reference as what ts to bo dona with Dodge street Mmsp ft crosses the Belt Una. ia the western part of the cRy. tm slumbers la the cflty eouacfl. Jteoemtly, whew Vice President Hereon and Superintendent JTBernardl were In the elty. they held a meeting with the otty ooonotl and went over the Itodge street oroufog situation. To the council they presented two propositions. One was t build a viaduct over the traoks en the Una ef Dodge street, and the other waa to elevate, so that there would be an overhead crossing. The last ntmed plan contemplated the elevation of the tracks from about Dovenport, south to Jones trees. At the meeting the officials of the Mis souri Faoiflo expressed a willingness for nlther course, leaving the council to designate which was more desirable. Tbe decision was to be maa by the council and Mayor Dahlman was to make the announcement. Bince then the council has made no report, either to the publlo or the Missouri Paclfio rs 11 road officials, though the lfttter are patiently waiting. The assertion Is made that the Missouri Paolfla Is ready to begin work on the Dodge street crossing and push It to com pletion, but that no actlbn can be taken until the city council decides upon what It wants. Who Owns Omaha Postof f ice Comes ' Up at Court House "Who owns the portofflce in Omahaf was a question raised In the office of Harry Pearce, register oX deeds, when an Investigation of the records of the office was cause by a letter received from Theodore 11. Berg, city clerk ef Lincoln. So far as the records show the site for a quarter of a century has been owned ny II v muiviuuaia, m cnurm miu m No record of the acquisition of the prop erty by the federal government Is to be found. In consequence questions put by Mr. Berg as to tho price paid for the site by the government and the persons front whom It was purchased mast be left un answered. According' to the records, the lots forming the block on which the post of flee Is located are owned by the fol lowing: Union National bank. James H. McShane, Central United Presbyterian congregation. Byron Beed, Mary M. Reed. Benjamin R. Folsom and Dennis Cunningham. MARKET WEEK THIS YEAR BIG SUCCESS More Merchant, Attend Thin Ever Before and All Booit the Omaha Stunt COME FROM HALF DOZEN STATES Omaha jobbers say there are more merchants from adjoining states in Omaha buying their stocks of goods this present merchants' week than ever be fore. The wholesale houses are well sprinkled with men from Wyoming, Mon tana. Kansas, Dakota and Iowa. Kan sas I especially well represented. One of the Kansas fellows, Mr. McDonald of the Boyle Furniture company of Belolt, Kan., says all Kansas Is looking for a great crop and a good year's business this year. He says the snow on the en tire wheat belt is looked upon as espe cially favorable. J. M. Bay of Hurley, S. D., says condi tions In his territory are good and that Dakota la optimistic The promise of the wheat crop for llt. he says. Is especially bright, with the heavy snows to protect It well Into the spring, and this mskes business prospects good in a wheat country. John Burly of Round Up. Wyo., ts one of those who catne a good way to do his shopping this year. He represents the Grey Bull Trading company. He looks for a good year In Wyoming and tlu ter ritory north Into Montana. r Beet of All Market Weeks. C H. Pickens of the Paxton-Qallaxher Wholesale Grocery company says! "Tak ing the weather and snow blockade Into consideration, this has been the best end moat enthusiastic market week Omaha has ever bad. We have had more people In here every day than we ever had dur ing a merchants' market week. The week has been a success in every way." Roy Byrne of the Byrne-Hammer com pany says: "It has been an unqualified success in every way. The Immense suooess insures the permanence of the merchant market as an Institution. Al ready the committee Is planning on new features for the merchants market week ln the fall, and the visitors from distant points are all expressing their In tention of coming again for the fall week when the date la definitely set. The pur chases have been very substantial and. In fact, somewhat larger than the whole sales had actually anticipated." Visitors Are Satisfied. Jo Kelly of M. E. Smith Co. says: "Everything haa worked out according to the best expectations. The attendance has been larger than ever before, and If the heavy snow and partial blockade had not occurred Just as it did, the crowds would have been larger than we could well have taken care of. General satis faction Is expressed by the merohanta from out In the state and adjoining states at the character of the entertain ment afforded during the week. The ultimate result of these merchsnts' mar ket weeks Is to be to cement all the wholesale and lobbing houses together into united effort toward these features, alnce we have largely eliminated the trade excursions. Trade excursions are well, and we get out and see the fellows, but It Is better to get them here. It cre ates a better impression In their minds to have them see whst we have in Omaha, rather than merely to go out and tell them about It. This merchants crowd this week Is a good buying crowd." Don Lee of Becbe A Runyan company says: -"This Is the' banner market week. The Jobbers are all well pleased. There are a great many buyers here from Wyoming, Montana, the Dakctas, Kani sa and Iowa, Thoy are all feeing good and the business is brisk." Mllhiirn again Arthur, non-surport al leged; Kate Ivrker against Harry E, non-support and cruelty allrced. Decrees granted follow: TMIth S. Kl llott against Neal N., cruelty: Hattle Ijewls against Theron R, cruelty: FJr nest Romberg against Marie, abandon ment: Alice Boyd against David E , non-support. EX-POLICE OFFICER IS ARRESTED FOR FORGERY Harry Miller. -poloe officer, living at SKI Ohio street, was arrested by De tectives Dunn and Kennelly on a charge of forgery. II Is accused of having cashed forged checks of small denomina tions with Joe !rls. iVil North Twenty fourth street, and Mike O'Dowd. TO1 North Twentieth street. Miller was brought bark to Omaha from 1red. 8. 1.. slxwit a year aso on a chars of having passed In the neighbor hood of fifteen bad checks about town. The checks were made good sad he was paroled pending good behavior. "BILL" CANADA VERY WEAK. BUT CAW SEE HIS FRIENDS There is little change In the condition of W. T. Canada, who la at St. Cather ine's hospital, except that he Is growing weaker. He la In some pain, but this Is not regsrded ss a serlcns symptom. Dropsy, which developed seversl dnys so, now regarded aa his forsl ail ment Though very 111, Mr. Canada is permit td to see his friend, many of whom have called on him each dsy since he. has been In the hospital. Itent room quick with a Bee Want Ad. Uncle Sam Will Help Protect the Florence Intake General Manager R. B. Howell ef the city water plant report that be expects his conference Thursday with government engineers at Florence will result In co operation by the government In protect ing the river near th water plant at Florence. The government men made a trip op the river la a launch and surveyed the situation, but would not commit them selves, explaining that tbey will make their report to headquarters in the usual way. In the meantime, however, the water board will take neoessary steps to protect the intake at the pumping station against any possible emergency. ALLEGES HIT HER WITH MOP HANDLE AND CAN Mrs. Margaret J. Hollo wmv vhA ru..i a divorce suit against William O. Hol loway, alleges that In August, 1911. he struck her with a mophandle, breaking ner arm, and that he hit her on the head with a flve-callon e-asolln e.n They have five children, the oldest of wrarai is 19 years 01a. Other petitions filed follow. Elsie E. Do You Suffer from Backache? When your kidneys ax weak and torpid they do not properly perform their function; your back aches and yon do not feel like doing much of any thing. Ton are likely to m rw,nri.n. and to borrow trouble. Just as it you nun c enougn already. Don't be a vie tlm any longer. The old reliable medicine. Hood's Sar saparllls, gives strength and tone to the kidneys; builds up the whole system. Get it today. AdvsrtiscmsnL See Ynr Csk t old. Bell s Pine-Tar-Honey goes right to the spot. Checks the cough, eases throat, kills the cold germs. Only Sc. All drug gist a. A dvertlsemcDt. SCHOOL GIRL ASKS $10,000 FOR PERSONAL INJURIES Adeline Binder, who, it Is alleged, was trampled by a team belonging to the big Fair Transfer company at Fortieth and K streets. South Omaha, while re turning home from school, asks flo,00 damages tn a suit in district court. Her horns is at Thirty-sixth and L streets. Set Bid fc,arrmas Colds, Ceaghe sas Vm. Grippe. Spring finds msny afflicted with linger ing, hacking coughs that weaken the sys tem. Slush and wet cause more cold than sero weather. Croup, bronchitis sad pneumonia are prevalent. Every family ' s'.ou.d have a safe and reliable cough nwdlcln ready for use. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound contains no harmful ingredients. It eases a cough, checks a cold sod relieves Inflamed aad congested membranes. It clears the sir pasaages and soothes Inflammation. Sold everywhere Advertisement. 1 HAVE COLOR IN YOUR CHEEKS Be Better LookingTake Olive Tablets it your skin Is yellow comDlexion pallid tongue coated appetite poor you bave a bad taste ln vour mouth a lasy, ao-good feeilng you should take Olive Tablets. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets- ..t.ti tute for calomel were omrmtt k tdward alter 17 years of studv .irt hi. paUepta. Dr. towards' Olive Tablets are a pure ly vegetable compound mixed with olive Mil. iou win anow mem oy their olive color. If you want a clear, pink akin. hrtcM eye, no pimple, a feeling of bouvaju-y Ilk childhood day, you must get at the cause. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on the User and bowels like calomel yet have no dangerous after effects. They start the bile and overcome con stipation. That's-why millions of boxes are sold annually at ltto and e per box. All druggists. Take one or two nightly aad note the pleasing results. The Oilve Tablet Company, Columbus, O. OmyaSJIEfllX Omaha LIQUO I? find D RUG Treatment 1602 S. 10th St. Phong D. 7353 OMAHA Friday, March 12, 1915 Burgess-Nash Company Store News for Saturday. B urge sa -Naah Company Phona Douglas 137. SatMirdlay WfiM B th hmt Day 2 th &p sMom S Omaha Mad (Sis at tairgMah Over 50 attractive displays and working demonstrations. Souvenirs and worth while samples for ever body IP op) f MILLINERY New Styles Presenting Foreign and Burgess-Nash CreationsSimplicitythe Keynote of the Loveliest Millinery That Fashion Has Ever Decreed ARE you Interested? Of course you are, and we ghall be glad to hare you Tlew the Exhibit Sat urday. The haU are truly feminine, really charming, and women will rejoice ln the wearing of millinery creation of bewitching; hecomlngneaa. But coma and aea for yourself. Exquisite New Trimaned Hats Sat urday at $5.00. Such smart styles as these at this pries are rare. Indeed. Ail the new shapes and shade), new lines and new braids. Including barnyard straws, hemp, tnllan bemp and leg horns. The trimmings are nosegays, im ported flowers, fancy ribbons and ornaments. f1arreslVasa Co." Sseeng Fleer. You!! Appreciate These Pure Thread SILK HOSE for Women, at 85c THEY are in reality the usual it. So values, but owinr to some irregularities of the mill, they are termed as '"Sec onds" and we sell them as such. Black and colors, some with mercerised lisle tops, some silk all over. We consider them extreme values. BnrsreM-asli Ce. Main fleer. Women's White Cotton VESTS 10c, Summer Weight, Usual 19c Quality WISS ribbed white cotton vests, with taped neck and arms, an sizes ana very special. Union Suits at 39c. Women's union suits, cotton or lisle, regular or extra slses, low neok end sleereleaa, umbrella style, laoe trimmed knee. Some have slight Imperfections; usual 600 to 76 0 values, ase. Women's 25c Vests. 17c. High neck, long or short sleeres, white cotton vests; low neck and sleeveless vests; also shaped vests, cuff knee and lace trimmed pants. rargesa-Waek Vm. Main pleer. Burgess-Nash Exclusive Representa tives for " Wirthmor" Waists at $1.00 ANY waist bearint; the "Wirthmor" label assures the purchaser of the best possible value for the price. Every food style Is represented all dainty materials. The newest, prettiest lingerie fab rics, voiles, batistes, organdies, crepes, etc., there is hardly a lingerie material that is not represented here. There are beauatiful new blouses In both plain and errfbroidered effects. Models that are sought by the best dressed women everywhere. Many of them adaptations or high price im ported models. All slses, 34 to 60; several new styles go on sale Saturday for the first time. Bsnyresa-Wesli Te.. Mela fleer. Here's Your Chance to Buy the Usual 75c to $1.00 Neckwear Saturday at 35c, or Three for $1.00 A BIG purchase of all the short ends and "odd" lots of silks made up in the full Urge shapes. Some shapes In which they make $1.00 neckwear in all new fresh goods and the most beautiful designs and patterns. "Ideal" Brand of Men's Shirts Made in Omaha We want you to see the splendid line of Omaha Made Shirts "Ideal" brand we are offer ing for Spring. New and original designs made of madras, percale, penang, fiber silk, tub silk, silk mixed and In fact all the fabrics made for the manufacturing of good substantial well wear ing shirts. Prtoed especially for this week at $1.04. $1.50, $2.00, $3.00 and $8.00. Men's Hoee at 25c Fiber silk Hose, made by eae ef the beet fac tories making men's hose. In three colors, black, navy and gray, the pair, 26c. Bargees Wash Cs. Wale Fleer. There Is Now a Special Section for MEN'S SHOES in the Basement IN going through the men's stock we tind a great many short lines and styles we wish to discontinue. All have been greatly reduced for a quick clearance. 8 styles of $3.50 trades Satur day for, a pair. ............... $2.25 25 styles of men's $3.S0, $4.00 and $4.50 trades, pair $2.45 IS styles of men's $4.00 trades, Saturday for, a pair. .... .$2.9 12 sty!s of men's $5.00, $5.50 There Is Style Individuality in These wjpi OTTO at M-8.71 Usually Found Only in Garments " at a Much Higher Price TIIKY have just tAken up their abode in the big ready-to-wear section on the second floor a splendid range of selection the result of a very special purchase. The opportunity is very unusual, every line in the suits bespeaks newness and the price offers advantages seldom encountered. THE Are the popular and greatly favcred pop MATERIALS lins and gabirdines. THE Include navy and Belgian Blue, also COLORS black. THE Are the new belted effects, button STYLES .trimmed flare skirts. Other New Spring Suits Offering a most gratifying selection at $19.50, $25, $29.50, $35 and op to $75 teeas-Neah C... Beeestsl Fleer. T These GLOVE Values Offered Here for Saturday Are Most Unusual and Right in Time for Easter, Too Harrison's Fabric Gloves, 50c. Suede finish, with new broad stitching la black, white, reindeer and gray, exceptional val ue at 60c the pair. THE result of carefully laid plans -just an other Instance of our constant efforts to be of the greatest benefit to you. These three special values should and will attract a great response for it's not often that one Ceii find glutei like these that include mjc'u splendid style, fit and quality. Women's 12 and 16-Botton Kid Cloves Usually $3.60 Pair, $1.79. Soft pliable kid shins, all slses. It and 18 button lengths, white only and strictly perfect, usually $3.0; Saturday, 11.79 the pair. Women's $2.25 Pique Kid Cloves Saturday at $1.29 Pair. One-batten pique kid, with new contrasting em broidery; black, with white embroidery; white, with black, and new Una, with black; usual $2.25 quality. W a Oev Male Vie. Barsees-Meah C St. Patrick's Day Line of Novelties A COMPLETE line of favors, so varied aa to make description Impractical. Novelties for parties, dinner fa vors, etc You will be interested In the display, and the prices are right, toe. Bersrese-If sab Ce - Mats Fleer. Interesting Specials In STATIONERY Featured for Saturday Visiting card envelopes, 2 5 to the package, regular 10c package, 2 for 5c. Combination lead pencil and pen bolder, regularly 6c. Saturday, le. Pen holders, lc kind at t for lc. Library Bell playing; cards, linen (finish, 19c package 18 Mc Poker chips, box of a hundred m-lnch chips, regularly 36c, at 27c Pencil tablets, 6c kind at 2 for 5c Children's slates, small sine, at 8c. Slate pencils at, S for lc Weekly end monthly time books, desirable for factories, contrac tors, etc, 26c kind, each 8c. Family medic! adviser, at SSc. II lit more gold initial stationery and correspondence cards, 60c kind at Brs;.-Tah Csv-Mals, Specials in Drugs and Toilet Goods Rllverbrlt, for rlranlns silver and china ..SSe Williams' shav Inar soap, ek. Se Canthro sham poo. tOo slse 80 Peroxide, Bur naaco. 1 tt 170 Boras chine, larsre eke. .ise Venetian bath tablets. IS sis, at Te Jan nose soan. rake Se Kinltn i ca tarrh jelly, J5n slse 17 it Muls Tesm boras. 1 lb. ..Se Sloan's tlnlment. a oo slse ....17s Kill's easier aulnlne. lio sis at iso rtnver mud. to else is Fff.rreso.nt Ho dlurn vhoephste. lOo slse ....SSe Household am monia. 1 at. IS Dr.Oraves tooth at ss Mnanslds tooth powder, 2Sc slae at 14 Psroxld t6o sis. . ercsm, ....14 Is.'bolla fee. powder, SOo slse St Possonl's powder In aolf bos, I On sis SS Charles' flesh feed, toe slse SSe Vesf, win and iron. 1 pt. . .40 Srrue lie ai ef Is fls-i, ..940 Jed slse Tla . Rubber stave. tOc kind ....SSe flenulne I d a I doubts bristle hair brushes. tl.iS kind ,.7M We have pur rhssed a Is ran auantltv of Msh a-rede water bot tles mad. for German purchas er, vuaranteod for 1 yer, reau- -lar 11.10 vain", fur .... .. .80 Co Mala Tloer. Our New Shoe Section on Second Floor Of fers Remarkable Reductions HE final mark down on all the women's, misses', chil dren's and boys' shoes left from the season's selling. we must make room for the new bpring styles. A great many styles for your selection, aad ne trouble In Undine; the correct else. Women's $3.50 Boots, all o or leathers, Saturday, for. . . .'.-. apsfieOO Women's $4.00 Boots, all (to - r leathers, Saturday, for H3 1 0 Women's $5.00 Boots, all o or leathers, Saturday, for $0,00 Misses' $3.00 to $3.50 Shoes. $1.65. Misses' shoes In dull cslf snd patent colt; slses IS and im; S and 93 60 kinds, S1.SS. Child's $2.50 Shoes. $1.95. Child's school and dress shoes, dnll calf and patent colt, slses t to 11; ware 12.60; Saturday. S1.S5. Boys' Shoes, at $2.19. Boys' shoes, wfth velour calf uppers, solid leather double sol, button and lacs; stsea 10 to IS Vs tor I2.1t; slses 1 te 6H for IZ45. Bsatweea-Xae Co. red Flsss. 7 S-J7 U A Carload of Cedar and Matting Covered SHIRT WAIST BOXES at Reduced Prices ACAKLOAD possibly seems like a great many, and it is for that matter, but the way they are priced and thje values they represent they are certain to go out in a hurry. The boxes arc recognized as the best made line in the country. Made of best quality of seasoned cedar, mortised corners, which makes them absolutely moth and dust proof. Each box is fitted with locks, heavy brass hinges and heavy wood rollers. m a i l m . I . Li L. I I -a urge pacit&ge oi ceaar sn&v Aw I il e Intra with aeh box tiiirrh Aiwrl Cedar Boxes Usually $9 ff- ff Special Saturday at ipOeUU Some as Illustrated, II Inches wide, SO Inches long and 16 inches deep. Cedar Boxes Usually $15.00, very Jq qc Special Saturday at yww Iarge size, 19 Inches wide, IT Inches deep aad si Inches long, as Illustrated on the right Matting Covered Waist Boxes Specially Priced at $2.25, $2.95, $4.75 to $7.95 Several slses. every one splendidly made and fin ished. The values are extremely pleasing. Naea Ds-TklrS rieer. sTfJ era. a mm ueoar Boxes Usually Asy r r $12.50 Special at tyl.VD Kzactly like box Illustrated. II Inches wide, 17 laches deep and 41 laches long. lWr-E?- CARNATIONS Fresh rut. long stem, colors and while; special, at f-arh 2c and $6.00 grades, pair $3.45 . i c.ssii 1 ssism "everybody's store1 i rii'i ji", fV y Free Lessons Is knitting aad 9 crocheting la An Embroidery Section.