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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1915)
10 T1IK ItEK: OMAHA. FKMia;.in i:mo. WANT ADS "Want ad ree4rert at any time, but t tnur proper ciin-ation mint be Pr" ' tented bf'nn 11 o'clock noon for evening eAltlon sn.l 7.30 p. tn. for morning and eM"day editions. Want a'a received e'ter uch boors will ha under tn beading. Tf Lata to Claaslfy." CASH TIATF . fvn mneecutlve timet, t cent word each Insertion. , ,,, Three timet wHMn ona wee. 1H a wotd each Insertion. Ona time, I cent a word. fHA ROB RT9. ,, . f.ven rcnsecuttv timet. nU a una '-h Insertion. . , . Threw times within one wee. etnlt a hne each Insertion. One Unws 12 cantt Una. Count sl averag words to Minimum chart, to cent. At, adrertltcment Inserted " b? writ til discontinued mutt be atoppeU by writ teg order. All clalma for error ItMn fifteen day after tha Utt lion of tha advertisement. Tou ean ptaca your want ad In Tha Bea ry telephone. ,- Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" nimdredt of other answer have been railed for and delivered during the i week. It ! reasonable to ''l';"-';'', all of tha Peoria below have made tho nettred twaVa. therefore do not J the btlanoe of their antwort. Bet want f"C wi nv mi iv;t 1374 14 3W lr't Y.1H I4H4 leC !4"g 1JOT nr. 14H5 r is: 3 1BIT i:o IMA If,: 11K IMS 15?.- l"t Il.74 1 ,kj If.1 1W7 1A!I 140 1411 1412 1414 14! 14?4 14'J 14 ;l 14 (J 14?i 1441 144R 1449 14-4 ir4 14W m,; 14.0 1471 1481 nF.ATll AMI rt BBAI. WOTIt B" HKRRM ANN Anna, aged 44 nmry A1W, daughter of William Herr mann. I'acltlc atreet Fumral from Uenlleman a chapel " riBV fiernoon at t p. m. Interment at I'lnnpecl Hill cemetery. KKLTN.n-The funeral tcrvlcrt for K' r H. Kcltner will bo h-ld i-inaon umlrrteklng chapel. ie-nih an.1 Cumins ttreett. at 1 p. Wedtictdny. ' . .. . WDliK XtlTH'KJ. IiANIBH imoTIIKRHOOl) IXUKIE NO. I are reqioaU-d to at'end tha luneral of our late brother. Carl A. l'auiee:i. from Uml-nei-g rhaticl. Twenty-third and t urning ht.. Friday at i p. m., by order of C N. UESHKRHKN. Rrealdrnt. FRANK I.AWHQN. Hecretary. UIHTII AND DEATHS. Ulrtht Haan and Anna WUton. V4 Noith Thlrty-thli4 ttreri. boy; Antonio and laiia Natlto. l.wl Boutn Thlrtenln trc'-t. toy; Harry and Jennie Prleeman, Ji.a Nodli Nlnett'cnlh etreet. boy; Hun iiei J. Hnd Herttia. Pur hae. 3;l Houth T llrt"-tUat rtreet. girl; Joacph and Marie 1'cU'eka, Houth Fliteonth atroet, boy; Jotm and Katie Prelncr. 17ol Ptircag ttiot. hoy; Alfred and Oertrude ytatn. irwn, ai; Oavenport atroet. girl; M. and Alelgaard. 1 Maaon atrect. boy; tiueiav and Rata lloonatra. 7 Houth Fifty-first rtreet. girl; !eo and Mary l.obrovaky, 17.1 Houth Thirteenth ttreet. lil;s Ooige and Badlo Olll. 14 9 Houth Twntylth etreet. biy; Paolo and Louian Llano. I3I& Poulh Fifth atreet. boy; Alflo and HobaatlaT.a Martno. UJK'4 rluuth Twentieth aireot. gift; H. H. and Hoao B. Mullen. 1716 Rlnney atrtet. boy: ,rthu,- and Kinma Melnlg. 4304 Bmmct atreet. boy. ... Ieaih- har!t Barrett, M yeara. 4U Kfhola atreet;- Mrt. Klltabeth Alllaon, yeara. lln North KUbteenth atreet; Mm. Mary IV'U. " ,..Vr,h Twentv-aeventit etwet; William IVIIaon. 1 veara. vn North Twenty-aeventh Street; Oore'd P. Hjmptea, 1 '' "', tiltal: Carl A. Paulsen, U yaart, US South Twer.ty-eecond etreet. , MA HHIAI.K LICKNSES. rermlts to wed have- been granted to tha following: Name and Rexldenee. Age. titto H. Imfer. Nehtwka. Neb............ Carrla Terryberry, LVdar Creek, Neb... I. William F. Anderson. :ikhorn, Neb.... !4 Agnes Brlngman, wnwn ! - Id S. Petersen, Calhoun Minnie I. Bhlpley. Florence Pcevolla 11. Clark. Craig ' tlertride A. Maphet, Herman Henry Pedrrsi.n. Rurln Minnla Bwanson, . Oakland 1 Cherlcg.W. Hhermnn, South Omaha ' arah Kursgue, Houth Omaha Itowltni Thorpe. Omaha over 21 t ilertrude' Heath, Omaha over " ' wuiiem t". Krogmann, Oretna SS Helen M. Whhinan. Oretna Bl ll Unti PKUM IT. C A. Emmoiy C! Camden avenua, ' frame dwelling. Frank Simpson. r 2) Miami street, frame dwelling, .'); t Miron J earned and Clsra H. Wyman, Zi to Fsrnarn atreet, alterations, . .. 4 TODAVH ODMPLCTB MUVIK rUOXlRAMS . Inclusively in Tho Ue4u lows Ttiwau CAMERAHI ON E. 140S lOCOLA. ' lecn Intervenes. Thanlioueer C. D. j An- Old-l al.ioned Ulrl. Msle-tlc drama. A Modern Nohle. t-r. Domeailc drama. ! LLJTli No. 2. Ills KMNAM. ' i i. h-.-gcneiwling Lova. J-r. Lul.ln Hi. ' Csomun Kate. tKato Prlce.1 Vltagrsph ; cin.edy. ' ' FMtNA.M THEATER, Hli FARNAM BT. Kuniwiy June will be shown here every Turxiay In connection with our regular program and a Keystone comedy. klttf XiHATbH. lilil AND HAJANKT Home of Paramount Plot urea. , raba els N. UTH. , Fratvirg program dally. 1 Kr-V'stone Comedlea, 'i 1..I.1J1.', 14 DOCUl AiS. Ule's (lame. Vitsgr4h drama. Inning the Old Man Over, ril'i. com. I'.r hkIio filly and Fslse Note. K. W. dr. iTu T-"kh; ' JfliY-i rOCll.A8? lisunted Hesrts. (Cleo Maaieun.l I-reel. The lugh that I nix). tMary uller i Tn-i I nki.own Hiother. (Hydney Ayres.) Iiarfku LAMO. MTU AND FORT. l.iiViroiwnents, Majestic drama, i .it Msstcr, i-reel K-H. drama. ' As a Matt Thlnkelh. Resuly comply. 4 LUTON, M llhlary Ave. and Rurdetle. IW e-l.! In Fear of HIS post, J-reel Mu)t-!Uc drama. a l.iinixeg Into Happiness. 1'IAHuN D. .'4i lake! Heart tf IJncoin, 3-r. Hold Seat. Iatn of Huoon n l4t Or iree. L-ki. com. "DA V L.N 1'ORt7 zu XvtNpoicr! TI Pubmsrlne Bpy. 1-reel Imp. A MUed 1 p Honeymoon. Joker comedy. Til A N KLIN') 141 1 1A ,so: fiTan K LI .V 'li..: sNt Mstl't Danger. Kalein drama. J r (r.J (;irl. J reel hivsanay drama. M u't'iK Out of Belie Buns. . Vila. corn. . it A NL 'theater beautiful. " l-liiuy. 1 k. lolls of I- iMine, Ktlode No. j. i i"U li e Wa, 2-rei drsjiia. ij. i . H'ty I Msrried Lite. Key. com. ili.'l ..i'KoMI-:. 2,14 Cl.MINtj" i it.!ii:g liraiu, extra good tensatiunal, 4 ieei featuie. ) ?nhsy -., 1 i '1 1 1 tX'I r. rT iiTU AND IiOCl ST. "no Voinen. 3 reel Vltagraph drama. '.I: 'HM- "" yv '"'i Kalem comedy. I.' I iil. lij Ninth bttii r-ireetT 4.cij t.. this wt.ek. whilo tusking al KirfUoc sn.j InytHlling an ut-tu-date i in w at- b! ppr i-ji vpen.itd. a4t gure jat reaull R.O. Kll C. HT w ai ft R OH r km it m r i tit m 4t r pi 4a tl fit 4t tn SM 4?0 TfS M 4' V3 - JS 4!T tm Ui :i m , ? yss ' w t1 K.4 M ?t 11 wo ' m r , in i ri mi today's OOMPI.KTE HOV1K PKOUKAM9 . Fgrlusivel in Tbe He. orth. LOYAL. CAI.UWKU. Cards Never I.le. ?-rcel Victor. The Dummy Husband, Kcl. comedy. Girl of the Pines. Pn. PALACE. WW LEAVENWORTH. Ir Jtinglcw ili', ?-ecl lllon. The .Manicure Otrl, L.-Ko oomly. SI H1RHAN. 24TH ANI AMS. The swindler. -reel Kalcm drama. Daredevil Harry. Minn comedy. Broncho Billy and he Ha by. Ken W dr. utfc. ARMOR. !t!D AND ARBOR. The CroM of Fir. K. H. Ira. The White Rne. Princess lira ma. The Clubman's Wager. Aiwr, 1'om. APOLLO. LEAVENWORTH. A Million Hid. 5-reel Vltagraph. COLI MKIA. 1710 HofTII 10TH. The Attorney for the lcfcne, S-reel l.uhin flralna. Hla New Job, Kaaanay Jr21?L!n"r!ilIL COMFORT, 34TH AND VINTON. A Man of Iron. S-ree' Thanhauaer. Hla Lent Heal. Majeatlc A Flurry In Art. Konilc. FAVORITK " 171 VINTON. The old Code, 2-reel Bellg drama. The Hair of Her Head. Vltagraph com. A Qm-allon of f nnacen-e. I.ublndriima. OEMT" " "liiH HOI f II 1.TTH. Their Laat Haul. 1-Ko comedy. Son of Hla Father, Imp drama. The Terror, 2-ree Kcl. LYRIC. 1117 VINTON. Maetor Kov No. 12. 2 reel aiieclal. Ar Kxampie, 2-r. Hlg V. Vox Trot Craxe, Sterling com. Tlie Counterfeiter, Vlctcjr. pT4ti m ii7 2ti"T a n hTfTvknVortii. Maater Key No. II. aicoial. .Mingle W illi the Crowd. Carnival Week. Feb. ?2-March 1. VENEZIA. L11 wTU Four reelj pf Mutual p let urea Weal. MONRO1-:. W.r- FARNAM. Thrut;h Hosperale Mngards. (A. John- M..n Ijilim f'riiitiM Tl.n Huef-hl Uh tlal. (Helen 4iardner. 2-ree Vifagriipli drama. J Oenaoej. .1. MAIN HT. The House of Fear, g drama In three acts. When the Heacnn Hworc. great stli ring : Nestor com. (oaucll Blaffai KLITH NO. 1, f.45 UROADWAT. Her Hupremn Harilflce. 2-r. Kalein dr. Olive and the Heirloom. Kdlson drama. (letting Into a Hcrane. Dlograiili com. NKHOLAH, 617 IIIw.iOWAV, Cnderneath the rnlnt. 2-r. Vila ilrama. Hliick and White, Minn comedy; ItoPKIl, 6117 il?,iAHWA Y, Mnater Key No. 14. 2-r, Sn'cll serial, laity's Infatuation, L. Ko. cuinedy. Mystery of the Mnn W ho Hlept. Rex dr. osik Oaaha; RF.K8K THKATKH. KOCTII OMAHA. In the Hands' of the Jury. 2-r. KhI dra. ! The (Ireen Cat, Yltaurmm comedy. Hroncho Hilly a Henlem -;a. W. dra. MAU1C. : 2ITJI AND O. Perils of the Wild. 2-ree Blton. How Mary Fixed It. Imp. aailevilie. ORPHEL'M. 24TH AND M. Regular program, Itelgton war pictures coming soon. AXXOLNCKMENTS NOTICE. . Ls riles going to coast should place their orders early to avoid any delay In their plana. ANNA KI9TEK, Ladles' Tailoring and Hreaamaklng, 201- 203 City National Rank Hldg. DF.NTifcTlt Y All kinda of dental work done under careful supervision at tha Crelghtnn University College of Den tistry, 21U 8. lxth HI., Omaha. Feet very moderate. Extraction free. HOMEMADE salience, only one In Oma ha. Bam FlHher, ltiti Leavenw'h. D. KUW, Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. HAZEL laf Pile Conea. Best remedy for Mohlng, bleeding or protruding piles; S0a postpaid; camplea fret, bliarnwa 4k lcConnill Drug Co., Omaha. ENROLL now. Y. M. C A. night school. LUCKY warding rlnas at UrvUegaard'a. AUTOMOniLKS I HAVE a -cyl 0 h.-p. White car that 1 will trade tor a modern homo of equal or greater value. 11. Pelton, ' Farnam. I OH HA LPV. CHEAP Five fine touring can for Jitney bUMi. from SIM) nn in Cadillac Co. of Omaha, 204 Far nam Ht. UK RlkWAiiD for any magneto wa can't repair. Colls repd. Havsdorfnr,210 V.1S. o list Overton's for leaky radiator, desjern, JITNEY HI'S Cadillac and tvena- Duiyea summer and winter bodies, 7 passengcr; just tha c.r for Jltusyt. 11 !4, Res. AUTO PAINTING. Fordt. 115: others. IM uu. llrimi. 14K N. leth. Phone Webster 1730. FONTENKLLK Al'Tt) CO., dealers In Used cars that uuarantee service. IIS Bo. IDth M. Oreenoiigh Omaha Rail. Rep. Co., sum Far. iUTt Clearing House, S-'iD Fsrnani, buys and tells used cars. Phone Douglas UM. C ELKA8HEH, expert radiator and 'lamp reyeif. i y. us. woibeavtnworta. Industrial Oarage Co.. 'th & Harney Hla. Motereyelea. HARLEY-DA VIDHON . MOTOR CYCLIC 9. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roos, n he Motorcycle Man.'1 a?tlt Isvenwortn. Uli INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready"; bargains In used niacliinea. OMAHA BlCYCLU CO.. 4lh and Chicago. D. XL's, BL8INKSS CUANCEa At '1X repair mup, garage and biaca. smith shop fnr rent or for tale. Charles Hntasal, I'apllilon, Neh. C. J. t anan can t-li your farming land. DRUU HTORE FOR BALE IN . WEHTEHN NEB. TOWN OF :W. SALES $h0. For particulars address Y 44M, Omaha. r Bee FOR HALE A coal business nicely lo cated in a growing northwestern Iowa county seat town of n.OUU. Address Weart St lsaght Co., Cherokee, la. o FOR HALE-Hardware slo k. one of best towns In slate; good double brick rooms wuh basement; long-tluie lease. Addrtiss Y 3M, Hee. FOR HALE-$:i.0 9 praciire. oflice luml tuie, fixtures and ttruga, everything In an uiwto-date oil Ice; reasonable price; good community; no crop failures; must let Irs, as have Kt health. Investigate. Adilrwi V si, Bee. FOR BALK Stock of clothing iTnd gents fuinisiilng goods In good live Nebraska town: have other buaimu i. take euro of; a good proiositlon for some one, Addrcas Bog 47., Seward, Neb. LIaT bui'lness chances, property for rent sale pr echanu with me. I will write 1 manner of insurance. W. O. Tern-pleti-n. Pen. UKOK KR. -3 Bee. Ty. i.'. LIST YOLK Bl'HINEstj with us lor quick action and square treatment QUICK BALK COMPANY. 41 J I Bee BH. Phone Red X4. MERCHANTS' Htu k reitucing and iloe lug out sales successfully promoted, ad vice free. Harry Bell, Ji West lu St.. K nm City. Ma. ONE of the beet rolall bakeries in the rlty; no com pernio a- Call Web. 7M. or address. K inJ. Bee. flONa. snow d.'e Cjark a i..n. D. UU HAMaiNH everywhere In slate) Harms Realty Co. Norfolk, Neb. TO GKT In or iji of business. Call on OAMiKHTAD. 4 Bee Bldg. D. 7T. THEATERnV-Buy, lease oi sll yuur the" ater. machine and supplies through Theater Exchange Co. Hn, Farnam Hi. Do.iyias !-!;. W' ANTED A good partner in ee7i.hlii.hed l""i"i in a good town of ij 'ji.i. Mut be wiile-aaake ju; ng men of good, and a good tailop-.. Write or come and ln tcftigalu. bitula. The 'lal.or, AtUnilc. la. MSIXKHH t H AXCK8 EXTRAORDINARY "1 i A NCH. To buy one nf the beet paving restau rants In Omaha. The pat week's busi ness ll how better than .V4 net profit above all expenses. We have personelly Investigated thla plare end can recom mend It aa one of Ihe best placet In the city. Owner going to California It reason for selling. Will allow ki trial If desired. Thla pls.-e is worth "". but can le bought for ll."i rssh R'gld In vestigation Invited. gi'H'K WALKS CO.. 41 Bee Pldg. Yot'R liuatneaa or real eatate quickly told. 'Write Jim Wrav. Hloux City. KIUCATIOVAL The Van fcant School Stenography Pay achool, ou to 4 0a. Night achool. :le to t.U. lth and Farnam Ht rMug'aa gOr WINTER TERM MOSHER-f AMPMAN C'OLLEXJB, NOW OPEN. Unturpaaaed Hasten In biwtneas. thort hand and F.ngllah pranchea. (Jradualea guaranteed good petitions. Placet pro vided fr young people to work for board. For free catalogue. a$4"?M Mosher-Lampman College Kth enl Farnam Street. O'raha. Neb. FUH-ale the following acholarahlps in a first clnta Omaha Kualneaa C'ollega: Ona unlimited combination bualnots and ahnrtl ami course. On unlimited bualneaa course. One unllmllcd etenographlc count. One three inunlfhV business or sttno- Bin(hli' course. Will be void at a discount at tha off let of the Omaha Hea. liOVU'JS COLLEGE Day B-hool; Night School; complete bnsnicss course: complete ahorthand or etenotype course: complete telegrsphy course; civil sorvlca I ranches and Kng ilh. students admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 1916 cataiogua. HOYLK8 COLI.WJF., H. M. .BOYLES, iToaldcnt. Uoylct llldg . Omaha, Neb. Tel. Dnuglaa hf&. KXPKBT lady atanoKrapber will taka ' puiiiia. tllJlf i iiaihii louin lyiwm.- lug, ti-alitng, punctuation, etc., taught and conn, eta trsliilim ulven inr ouaineaa ca- reciw Private Instruction If desired, ini St. Tel. Walnut 1317. Ffllt BALK F urn I tare. FOR BAI,H-New Remington typewriter. desk and chair, vheap; also oak flat top desk ffnd several ofllit chairs. Phone loug. 5S19. TV 1 . J. C. Reed. 12u7 Fan UGSKS "s,UKht nd old- LKU rnam glaa Now A: .'.i-hauU furniture, cash or torma; reannnithlt. Amor. Fuin. Co., 60S N. 16th Musical Inat rasneats. limit GRADE PIANO, CHEAP CAHII. W'KHHTKit HWA. Fon Hlglitly used hlith grade titeno. D. 17. 1'y peer rite r n.ENT Remingtons. Monarch and Smith Premiers of their makers. Tha Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Louglaj 1284. Rental credited if you purchase and omy very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Ratea, three, months for IA for understroke machines or U par month for latent model visible writers. TYPEWRITERS Must be told at once. Monarch, Underwood, Oliver, Bmith Premier. 4.H Hee Hldg. TYPEWR1TEKH to.d, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter higchange, 9u7 B. 17tb HliNT-An Oliver tyrwwrlter. a months for 14. The Oliver Typewriter Co.. I). 2ll Mtacelta aeons. 2-hand mch. Urona Wreck Co., 21 aV Paul. FOR BALK New and second-hand carora and pocket billiard tablea and bowling alleys and accessories; bar flxturea of all kinds; easy payments. Tha Brunswick Ualke-Collendrr Co., 4O7-40D B. luth 81. 15 NEW automatic weighing scales, ft and 110, Match machines and lifting machines, electric fixtures and supplies, buggy harneaa, tools, lumber and other miscellaneous articles tor saAa or trade. J. U. EXECUTOB TOt So. 31st Ava. . Phono Harney MX. HEWING MACHINES for tale, cheap. Tel. South m7 ONE second hand band taw and planing machine, circular rip. Address L, Boo. 1IKLP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and office. UTENOOKSPHEtt AND SECRETARY. MUkiT BE XH TO 36 YEARc OF AOE, WITH CONHlnERABLE EXPERIENCE. PREFERENCE WHO BE U1VEN TO AITUCANT WITH LEOAL OR NEWS PAPER EXPERIENCE. MAKE AP 111NTMENT BY PHONE BEfORB CALLINO i'ERHONALLY. D. 14.A WESTERN REF. BONDINO ASSN., OMAHA NAT L BANK RLDO. BOOKKEEPER (Co. Bluffs) $40 HI ENOURAPHER IM TtiE CA.M) AGENCY, W0 UEH3 BLDO. NO USftAL F1L1NU FEE. Htenograpliic positions now open, re tail $60 W holesale , $45 Automobile $"0 Insuianco $40 Bookkeeper, good place $65 Bl'HINKHB MEN'S REFERENCE AHHN. 13 g-.O Woodmen of the World Bldg. UK K PR and Hteno j , !) HTENO. and Bkkpr ; V.0 Watts Ref. Co., M8-4IV42 Brandels The. A BTENOURAPIIER and bookkeeper; Oliver typewriter: salary 110 per week. Apply at once. 13L9-1M Woodmen of the World Bldg. : NO FIL1NO FEE. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. Rogers Ref. -Co., tJe-H Htate Bank Bldg. Factory and Trades. LEARN ha'rdresslng. Oppenhelm Parlor. lloaekreare aad ftsnaeetlea. THE Servant Ulrl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Oirl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. This applies to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffa Bring ad to The Boo office or telephone Tyler lduO. GllvL for general housework ref. re- quired. .1040 Cans. H. f4. ;VAN1CU-A young girl to help with nouseworg, in nice, pleasant noma witn every mooern convenience, want a girl between the ages of 15 and HO. Addreaa M-fc-1, care Omaha Bee. W A NTKD I.XJM HKTKNT tilRL 1 DO tlENEUAL HOUSEWORK. 4KXJ1J W A O EH. APPLY WITH REFER ENCE. MRH. LEONARD A. HPALD- 1NU, 31 HARNEY HTREET. VANTE1 Competent girl for general housework; in family: good wages; w hite girl only, r'nune w eDster aueit. WAN f ED Nurse lor 3-year-old child. Mis Joeeph Barker. D. 3'Joii. VAUilCU-A Danish housekeeper. Web. UHNS. WANTKlv-A neat, competent colored girl for general housework; no washing. Harney ir. WANTED A good girl fur general house work; keep a second girl. Mrt. J. A. Hunderlsnd. 10J9 Ho. rnh Ht. WANTED A white girl for. general housework; no washing; no Vcooklng, net). '.H)i. ja w. itp c WANTEl An experienced, no Ing. SiKI Dewey Ave, H. XtaM. waah. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing, ggoj wagea. il5 Burt Ht. iji HI, fur general housework; three in fsmlly: no laundry. Webster 7vl. JHa and Hiuthling. WANTELv-A girl or woman to work la roil lil.g l.ollfce. I.-it I loin; las. A OIRL wanted who attends school half day for core of child tn a small family or iH.ara ana room, r.xcelienl place. Should be oer 1 lent Call Harney Vu CO.MI'KIENT and neat apiw-arlng girl inr general nouaewora. bmaii new apart nient. Thrr in family, tleaaant rewm. I's r.. .i tn., t-none M. ve. N A. 1 r.i A yuuiig girl at once to aaaiat witn hoiivewuik; aood home; email ismuy. ii. M iseeliaaeoaa. . WANTKl Immediately, an experienced gill fr feeding a ruling machine Ht.ady l V'ebure ledger Com pany. Cedar llauids. la HELP WANTED FEMALE Mlsre Ha aeons. TOt'Nfl women riming to Omaha aa strangers sie Invited to Malt the Young Women s Chrl'tlsn mw la I ion building at Ft. Mary's Ave. and 17th Ht.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding placet or otherwise aaatrucd. Look for our traveler's gu-de : Cmon station LA I 1 Kit ar inlaaes' coats, suits, ureases 4: aklrt aamples at wholesale price. Hon off t New York Hample Htotijus li. 1th. WOMEN get government Jobs. f7i month. List free. Franklin Jnntitute, Dept. tol B. Rochester. N. Y. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Of flee FALEPMAN. auto exp....Halsry and com. HALEHMAN. drapery Halary depends WATTH REF. COl, MH-40-42 Rran. Thea IK Yoi: are looking for a high-grade position, see me CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE" CO, 1016-la CITY NAT I, HANK ISL1KJ. VOI'NO mm with electrlowl exiierioncc. THE MIDWEHT HONDiNO CO. 31'i Hoe R.dg. HIOH-OHADE commer. lal posiiious. W'EHT. REF. & BOND AHS'N.. 'i&i lion ha Natl Dank Hldg. Aeeals, NilNmrs anal Kolleltora. OIL SALESMAN "WANTED To hsndlo an eaatnin Nebraalia terri tory. We sell directly lrom rcllnery to consumers, alno dealers. Have coniDetl- Hvo prices, sell on open account nd pay Hi per ent ommlsHlon or salary. We are one of the oldest Independent compenlei operating in the middle west. Adtlrent T-SM. Hee. HA LEHMAN wanted to tell our line of Calendars faea anil hnokleta for adver tising C. H. Hammond & Co., 30 Church Ht., New York WA NT ED HE VERA L OOOD MEN OF OOOI) ADDRFH T( TRAVEL: 13 TO r PER DAY; STEADY POSITION FOR PHODCCERH. APPLY S33 RRANDEIS THEATER RIDO., REFORM NOON. SALESMAN wanted for side line of wool flannels and auto roben to retail trade In Iowa. Nebraska and Houth Dakota, Addresa Y 3if. Hee. Drug store snai s; jobs. Knelst. Ret) jgldg- THE first payment now covera Insurance till July 1. 1S15. t his mages our ;-oncy easy to sell. Call or write. Mutual len eflt. Health and Accident Asa'n. i23-U City Nat. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neo BILLY .SUNDAY'S MESSAGE Author- Iced. Oreat oppirtunlty for inan or woman to make W.OO to 15.00 a day. t;n- usuallv liberal terms, spare time may bo uaed. Partlculara and sansples free. Universal Bible Hnue, 4V2 Winston Bldg.. Philadelphia. o Factory and 'iradea. AUTOMOBILE-WISE OR OTHER WI3H Bo wise a I Independent In business for youraelf or earn big money. Our large and well equipped school .and thop will produce this result for you. Oct our unusual Interesting offc- with Catalogue 'C." Day aid night class as. rnone u. 804.1. 1413-15-17 Dodge St.. Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL BOOK BINDER wsnted. Fester Printing Co., 119-11 Howard Ht. LEARN BARBIM?. TRA'rtB. Be Independent; wages and tools given. Electrln massage. Strictly rVifldern. Big demnnd for barbers. Call or write. TRI-C1TY BARBER COLLEGE, 1124 Loug'aa Ht.. Om. 1033 N t.. Lincoln. W A NTET Experienced gardener, who la willing to help out with other work in auburban home. Address G 617. care Bee. Mlacellaneoos. GOOD TOUNO MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Biggest demand for our Magneto, Eleo. Starter Auto Uraduatea. Too many un trained tinker repair men; good men posi tively needed. Big spring rush. Jfrca catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO COL LEGE, SW6J Farnam t. Omaha. MAN and wife for farm. No children. $K and furnished houae. Refercncei. Y. M. C. A. Employment. Bo an Auto Mechanic and draw a large salary, or go Into tha auto bualneas for yourself. Our com pletely equipped school and shops will bring thla result for you. Wrlta for fret booklet. Nat'l Auto Training Ass nf 211 N. tnth St.. Omaha. Neh. 1 WANT Pin 1,000 men to oat ham and eggs, 15c. Coffee John. 14th and Capitol. W ANTED All round automobile painter; no booxer. Ryan Motor Car Shops, Lin coln. Neb. . HELP W ANTED If ALB AND KiSUALH. THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women: Sin to liao rcontn. write for list Franklin Institute, Dept. 211 B, Rochester, is. x , OMAHA government clerk examinations, April zs. $n montn. uomnwn tuucaiion sufficient. Sajnple questions free. Apply immediately. Address X 3b 1, XI ee. WANTED -S1TTJATION8 DAY work or any kind. D, 67:44. YOUNQ man wants piaco to work for board while alteuuing ncyics college, Telephone Douglae lit. POSITION wanted by first class cook, at chef In hotel or restaurant; sieauy work. O 88. Bee. WANTED Employment by middle-aged man. aeverat yeara, ratiroaa ana sf (ice experience ; prefer posluon at traveling salesman or on ice wora; can use 'XV writer; not a tteno. K tJ-t. Bee. WASHING and Ironing EUa. Web-WW. EXPERIENCED young man wants work in a hotel or restaurant; can ao any work. F tt, Bee. . SITUATION wanted by a widow lady aa housekeeper, in o- out or -city; reier- ences exchanged. A S3, Bee. ' YOl'NQ man. 33. egperlenced at cashier. bill and office clerk, desires position In Omaha; am college graduate, good calcu-t lator and excellent penman; oesi ot ret erences; will start at a moderate salary. Address M W, fee. WANTED Chambermaid work. D. WJ3. Ida Ureene. CLERICAL position desired by young woman with yeara experience, a years with electrical concern and 4 years gen eral office work. Phone Ho. 311. WANTEiH-Position by all around couti r. try printer. Temperate ana sieaay, Oelman. Pen, Del., Omaha. OLD and young want place aa house keeper. No objections country. 2.M Oram Ht . Web. 313i. YOUNG man. attending . American Auto college, wants work evenings to help defray expense of board; ara used to hard work. A (la re bs i nee. WANTED Posit Jon by competent ac countant ana collection man; no. i rec- errnccs. Cail Webster or aaureat F Be. YOUNG man wants any kind ot work. Can give references. Addresa S-3J. Bee. KKLIAliLE colored girl wanta position ss chambermaid. So. 2793. YOUNG man from the engineering de partment of Notre Dame university de elres a position of any sort immediately. Phone Duugtat 7418. MVK STOCK FOR BALK lloreee and Vehicle. FViR SALE 2 trams of well-matched. chunky mares', weight 1,300 to l.buO lbs. each; agea A to T years; all good mare, right out of hard work: also $J60 takes chunky team of mares, heavy in foai. J. Ryan. Mgr.. ?,3 Farnam. MUST aell team bay brewsry horses; I years old, Iba; 4 teams black mares, in foal, all young; i team brown niares, 2.7U0 Iba., heavy In foal. Call at ButU Beer Dept., ISI4 8. 13th Ht. ATTENTION! Must sell this week four husky mares In foal; L20D to 1.4ub pounds each; nave been taktn cn a debt This Is a bargain. Call and Investigate, aud B. .'th Ht.. near Howard residence. SHIP live) stock to Houth Omaha. Have mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful atten tion. FOR BALE Standard bred stallion, reg istered. Volume SO, No. bfcnu, weight 1 Jj1!. age 4; guaranteed sound; premium winner at state fair. E. C. Barker, Ua t. Ud Ht . iancoln. Neb. FARM wagons. $ and up; Iwrina, $4u. Johnson-Danforth Co.. leth Clark Bta LIVE STOCK JXn BALE lloraea aad Vehicles. FOR PALE-1 team of nlee. large inarvs. hoavy In foul; weight 1.g lbs. each; age and 7 years old; Inconvenient for partv to cart for stock; private renhlenoe. 2421 Dodge St. fairly owner. FuR HALE A nice, large team, weight I. ft lbs. eaih; one In fosl; iO balee of hay, 4x bass of cracked corn and bran; blanket, curry combs and biuahea; must be sold within next 2 davs: party leav ing city: cheap for ready cash. Jamet Henry, r.'TS I lodge. , FOR HALE K) head of nore-t and mares, age from '4 years to h years, all well broke to work. Cail telephone Houth O. Harrl'on St.. Houth Omaha 1 50 iioikes tnd mules, all kinds, off Missouri rnh. O. L. Llghtfoot. 2102 Cuming. L, ... . , '.., ' om.m on Merchants. MARTIN BP.OS. A 4.X.. Excnirj(e Bldg. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost somo article would oo well to call up the office of the Omaha sV Council Bluffs Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In Ihe street cars. . Many articles each day arc turned In and the compsry la anxtour. to restore tl em to th rlghtfhl ower. Call nmiyW ITiHT-Tri Snutii Omaha, a pfxkethook .t-italnlng nbout f2' worth of ( hecks. Flm'cr call Chailes 1'etors of roplllion. Neb. K REWARD for Infoi math n lending to the whereabouts' of e HoHton bull ter rier, .Krt brlndle and white: haj whlto faie, bienut and front legs, one nine eye, crooked tall, long cars, one white tlpiied; (aver rluht rear leg. which has been hrolcn: name and address on collar, b. II. Farrtngton, Wool worth Ave. Harnev ."R22. . L4)HT Cameo brooch in Ilurgeas-Nash or between Hanacom Park and City Na tional Bank. Liberal reward. No ques tions asked. Tyler 637. MEDICAL Piles and Fistula Cured - without SURGICAL "OPERATION or PAIN. NO DETENTION from BUSl NESH. PAY when CURED. A written GUARANTEE given in every case treated, patients must como to the of llce, 40MMO Omaha National bank, 17th jind Farnam Hts. DR. WILLIAM CREIOirtON ' MAXWELL, Twenty-eloJit years In Omaha. Graduate of Bellevue Hospltt'l Medical College, New York City. N. x . Piles; Fistula Cured Dr. K. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal disesaes with test ImonlniB. DR. E. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldif. TriiT-itiirn Cured in a' few days without JVUJJllUC in CJ1 or wrtte Dr Wrar. tot Bee Bids.. Omaha. Established 1804. j PERSON AX B. THOMPSON of 646 Creacent Place, Chicago, III., wishes to communicate with stockholders of the Colleeum com pany of Chicago. III. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as ttrangera are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St and Bt. Mary'a Ave., where tney will be directed to suitable boarding placet or otherwise assisted. Lock for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. $7,000 to Pension Invalids If we receive 500 subscriptions to The Ladles Home Journul $1.60 The Saturday Evening Pott 1.60 The Country Gentleman l.oO Each month till April to equal last year'a buslneas, the original .".000 becomes the prorerty of tho Invalids' Pension assn., making $7,000 to pension invalids. We must have 67 subscriptions In February. Your order or renewal adds SO eta. Phone Doug. 7163 or address v Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAHA. NEB. WANTEI Information about parents of Effle Idell Hmlth: left destitute in Omaha, April 6, 1376; daughter of Daisy Ida answer Effle ldell Bmith, 122 Olive Ht. Ht Louis, Mo. THE Salvation Army Industrial home so liclta your old clothing, furniture, maga- tinea: We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglag 413S and odr wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1113-1114 Dodge bt. . POUIritY AND SUPPUES DON'T forget that three timee more chlckena have been hatched In Oil Truaty incuhatora than in any other In- cuoator. vaiaiogue iree on request, Ad dress, M. M. Johnson Co., ,Clay Center, Neb. STEREOTYPE matrices make tho best and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 7bc a hundred at The Bee office. LET chickens pay your rent: tend for tree book. ."Turning Eggs into Chick ens Into Dollars." and free sample world a only hatching chart: book deacrlnea Rayo Inoubators; give moat chicks; hatch on one gallon oil. Rayo Incubator Co., 1013 B 12th Ht. Omaha. Neb. Phone Red 33oo. Mixed grain, 100 lbs., $1.75. Wagner 801 N.l. BARRED ROCK chickens, poultry houses, Incubators for tale. Webster 610. CHICKENS lor tale. . 73 So. 41t Bt. LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA A B G of Omaha N EW and 2d-hand motors, dynamoa, maanetot. etc.. and mech. repairs. Le Bron EU'cL Worke, 318-20 8. 13th. OMAH. Dun an- M AHA PILLOW CO.. 1307 Cuming. ouglas Z467. nenovatea icainera ner mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresaea and down covera. VACUUM cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleanlug done in tbe home. Sanitary Service Co., 3u8 Bee Bldg w E rent, repair, tell noddies and parts Eur all sewing inwjninea ino- BRA8KA CXCLHi uu.. - Micgeia,- 15th and Harney. Douglas 1D61 Aeovautaata. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A.. Address 432 Ramge Bldg., Phone Douglas 7406. Again MachlsM. Da I ton Adding Machmea. 411 B. 16 D. 144a, AddeTMch. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. 633s. Architects. bverott 8. Dodds. 612 Psxton Blk. D. SX Ant Palntln. FORDS. li; OTHERS $30 UP. Priggs. 1446 N. liith. Phune. Webster 1T30. Aio"aad Maaaelo stepairlas. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. Ut. Aaetloaeera. Dowd Auction Co., 1116-14 W. O. W. R. XM. Allraelloaa. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motion picture pis,chlii and lain barsaina Mia Printing?. HORNBY BLU1 PRINT CO.. 102 Omaha Nat'l Bauk Bldg. Barber. 11 Chslrt. 10c shave, neck shave. 141T Tar. Mraas e'onndrle. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27tb and Martha Bta. Carpenter aad Coatraciore. BTEVENSoN, t3 S. ad. Douglas 6630. California Lends. W. Smith Co.. 1111 City Nafl Bk. D911 China PmlallasT. Buth Letchford. decorating, llring. R. M1 t'liiropraetor. I'R. EDWARDS. S4th ft. Farngra. D. 34 ti ( ream Separator. The Sharpies Separator Co , L'th tc Farn. ll Kaalneer. M. J. LACY. 518 BEK BLTX3. DOUO 4T16. W. J. McEatbron. Tl V. lotii. lult Om. Nat LIVE WIBK ni RINESS ME.V OK OMAHA 4 (alern and Well Iilggtasj. NEED well or cistern cleaned or dugT SU'HAFFFR does It. Phona Web. fM. J. E. RICKERTT Well Construction Co. ; nothing too big or Impossible: eatimatea furnished. HO N. 11st Ht.. Omaha. (oa I Dealer. $ r.. Johnson's special, also Victor nut, J-')y' $6.00. Phona Douglae 1702. Decora tore aa4 Paper llaagexa. B1L4JER does It. Phono Walnut litfj. Ilianag A cad em lea. . Turpln's fencing Academy, ffth ft Farn. Try Mackle s flrat. mi Harney. roiig.M4s; CIIAM PER9' Academy. cTassic. D. 187k nenfl'fa. Dr. Bradbury. No palln. ISflg Farnam. lr. Todd's ar eolar dentistry. 4HI Hrandels Ballry, Ihe Iienllet, ,uk City Nat I ban. Taft Det tai Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. ilit! Pyorrhea, Dr. Flckes. 724 City Nat. Bank. DetecOTCa. 1NVESTIUATION3 carried out In any partot United Htates, Canada, or Mexico. r Pax ton Blk. Doug. 1373. Walnut 1320. JAMES ALLAN, 311 Neville Blk Evl- dence secured tn all cases. Tyler 1134. Dressmaking;. Terry Dreasnitk'g college, fflth Farnam. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants work by day. Phone Klorenco S0.. WATSON & LL'ND, A17 Cass St. Klcctrle SappHes. LEBRON Elec. Win.. 31 R 12lh. D. 217. DRl'GS at cut prices: freight paid on t9 orders; catalogues free. Bowman 4b lie Connell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. Kcry talnsr tor Wones. ACCORDION, side, knife, tunburst. bo pleating; covered buttons, all slxea and styles; hemstitching, pjcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., Douglas Block. D. 1HM. SWITCHES from combings, $1.50. Psyche free. Mrs II. M. Eck, 3009 Marcy. H. 6646. HAIRDHESSINO at your home. R. (S931. Feathera Cleaned. BRING In your old atraw hats; cleaned and dyed fOc. Dora Kisele, 113 City Nat oougiHs ;..: Fnrlera. BEN FENSTER. 1410 N. ith Bt. W. 7777. Florlsta. A. DONAOHtTE, 1S22 Harnay. Doug. 1001. BATH S flortafs. 1H04 Farnam St. HESS A SWOBODA. 141u Farnam St. L. HENDERSON, 151 Farnam. D. 136a. Member Florist Telegraph Del Assn. (atterlwsr and Upoatlsg. FIRF7 PREVENTION CO.. Dotiglag 4584. Hair Dressing;. Harper method. B S, Balr-t Bldg. P. Mil. Lightlns: Klxtarea aad Wlrtatx. THOMAS DURION Electrlo fixtures and tuppllet, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 241ft CUMING. DOUGLAS 2619. Lire Stock Hemedlee. OMAHA Remedy Co.. 607 8. 13th. Red 258. Messenger anal Teamster, WHITE LINE. 309 S. Hth. Douglas $311. Mask, Costomes and Lodge ppltes. MNFR of lodge regalia and costumes. ' The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Lleben & Son. 1514 Howard. D. 4115. Maaaeatea. CORA BELLINGY "ftr&iJiS: tory treatments; 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. VAPOR BATIJShd grlfe'Sr Douglas. - Notice Entrance downstairs, basement, cor. of-Dodge. Call today. MISS SCHMIDT, mass., elec bath. D. 713. Open eve.. 9 p. m.; Sundays, 12 to 8. MASSAGE, 1721 IodgeTMrs. Steele. M'.ss Flwher, mass., elec. treat. Red 603. M A KS! A H F. 520 BEii building. jiincon.uu Kt-rt BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, 1802 Farnam, R. 2. Douglas 8751. Open evenings and Sundays. MIHS WALTON, bath, massage. TeL D. 4i7. Hours to ft; Hunday 11 to 6. ' Clara Lee. bath and masaage. Doug. 875L Kathleen Mack, masgageid; bath. D. 7582, BATHS. 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Doug. Moving-, Storage and Clean lag:. W. C, FERP.IN. 15th and CapltoL Ty. 1J0B. Ucallsts. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay aa you can. Drs. McCarthy, mi w. u. w. Bldg. Oateopatklo Phyeiclaaa. . Dr. Remcha, ?Q3-4 McCague Bldg. I, 2(W. Dr. Peterson. 603 Brandels Bldg., D. 2144. Printing. WATERS-BA'RjNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 524 8. 13th St. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY at M'KENTZJE PTG. CO. D. 2614. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co.. 1620 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. 3764. Patent Development. AMERICAN Maohlne Co.. 110 8. 11th 8t Pateata. H. A. Sturget, 3d Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. Parneli. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Roaeh Eilcrmiastai. B. B. B. Boach powder at "Fregger'a " Palatlaa- aad Pnperlnaj. HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. tm Plnmes Renovated. PLUMES & flowera made oyer, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kruger, 42 Paxton. D. 8394. Suite and Tlsao Iock Bxperta. C A T?r?0 Opened, repaired, com. 0jr UrO changed. V. E. Daven Wi llt podge. D. ua. Shoe Repairlasj. Electric Bhoe Rep. Co., 1807 ft Mary's Ay. FRIEDMAN BROS., shoe repair. 211 S. 14. feigns aad thssrcarsi, E. M CLARK tc BON. 118 8. 16TH ST. teel CrillnasT . CARTER Sheet Metal Company. 110 S. 10. tre and Wide Fiatares. DESKS, aaes, scales, showcases, shelv- ing. etc. . Wt buy, sell. Omaha Flxturt ind Supply Co.. 414-16-18 8. 12th. D. 2734. Towe gappllea. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 8. ilth. D. 6A Trssk aad Isneawa FRELINQ A 9TEINLE. 1808 Farnam St Tailor. CHAS. C. LANDERTQU. 108 N. ISth tit OLSEN &. HOUECHE. 1Mb Harney. D. t.. T Get competent help through The Bee. Veterinarians. PR. O. R. TOl'N'q. ev2 Center. Wat. tKi. W laea aad l.leiBora. C " ALEX JETES, 20r-8 S. tSth Bt Wlnet, liquors, cigars. Plate dinners. !1 to 8, lto. Globe liquor house. 424 N. lth; CaltCurnla mlnm . 1 . . I II'. . . . . . wi.m yvw gu nfiw lor price list. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOU6B, l;th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Klein's Liquor Uouae. sa N. idth. Douglas Uu. SWAPPEirS COLUMN A .SINGLE horse cultivator, seeder and assortment ot farm tools. Whst have you to offer. Address H. C. 64. Bee. Al'TO 113 i pass. Buick. fine condition. Will trsdo for lot valued $l,wk) on paved atreet Will pay difference If lot la wortn more. Call Webster 4li. AUTOMOBILES Foi other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. ATTENTION. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Auto tire, nearly new cuing, also 36x1, demountable rim and inner tube; will sell very cheap for cash, or what have you to awapT Address B. C. 1631, Be. BuOK of foreign slainio; w ant to awap for Victor records, or what have you. Address 8 4 4ko, Hee. CARPENTER WortK-Will exchange services as carpenter for two lot grad ing A.t.tres H. C. He. CHICKEN Rhori Island Red cockerel will exchang for pullets, same variety. Address H. i IW. CIAK lT, lilx. Nob., tlsu. Want dia mond or any offer. P. O. bug 6vi Omaha. KWAri'KR S CX)LUMX t'EHK Roll top desk, good condition. 'refer typewriter. What have you? Adilrea, H. fil. Ree. DREFS FVIT and Tuxedo, gas atove. or namental clock, or a mandolin for any thing I can use nn a farm. What have you? Address H. f. tv. Hee. GOOD, smooth 11 in Nehrsa. yielded J1.S(4 In grain and hay last season; 4 miles to good railroad town; Ht miles to school; fenced, no buildinga; price, $5; terms right: no trades. Address Bog 6V7, Grand Inland, Neh. U III TAK Washburn guitar rnd canvas case: cost JJZ.M; to trace tor picture lard projector or kodak. Addresa S. c. Bee. INCUBATOR-Old Reliable Incubator, good condition. What have you to offer? I want Buff Orpington hens. Addresa S. C. :2, Bee. MOTORCYOLB-1 cylinder, chain drive. Harley-Davieon, i passenger, fully equipped, run 1.200 miles, tires good. Presto lamp; cost $-"7i. Want diamond ring, clesr lot or what hsve you; also have nearly new l& typewriter; would trade together or separately. Address H. C. OHO, Bee. MOTORCYCLE Will trade one twin ryllnder motorcycle with side car. all same aa new, for anything of equal value. criress H. t . ofil, care Bee. PIANO First class upright piano; want chickens and cow or horse or make offer. Address 8. O. IWI. Be. PIANO Swap on well located building lot; bal. cash. Give full description and price or no attention paid. Address S. C. fif4. Bee. PIANO to swap for an auto to make serv ice wagon out of. Don't care for paint, but want a good 4-cyllnder running gear; nn Junk pile wanted. Address 8, C. 663, Bee. PIANO, in good shape to swap, on well located, ekiae-tn old style bouse and lnt; will pay balance. Want something that can be made an excellent place: priced around $2,000 or less. Give location and price, or no attention paid. Addresa 8. C. 2, Bee. 10 PCLLETS and 2 cockerels, thorough bred Barred Rocks. Make me an offer; want electric fan. Addreos S. C. S, Bee. ROADSTER 1912 Ford roadster, in excel lent condition, new 1!H4 roadster body. car looks and runs like new; hare bought a new car and will trade Ford for good clesr Omaha lot. 8. C. 175, Be. RUBBER BOOTS Have good pair o! rubber boots almost new will sell or trade for something I can use; la good) conaition; sise '. s. oi, nee. SADDLE Side saddle, good aa new; will wen or irnu', dress S. C. 0, ell' or trade, or w hat have you? Ad- Beer fclGNS, showcard. Clark a Son. D. 1373. TYPEWRITER Hammond, 'used only montna, coat ia; 1 also ; Hampton watch; will trade one or both for dia mond ring, or what have you? Might con sider motorcycle ir good, or offer. ' Ad--dress H. C. 6fi6. Bee. TOOT, SHARPENER Never used: cost wholesale, $7. 'Will trade for anything, aa have no use for it. Address 8. C. 648, Bee. VIOLIN I have a good violin worth $75 and Ensign camera (postal card elxel. worth $25; both in good condition. Camera Ir nearly new. Will trade for anything of equal value. Addresa 8. C. 49, Be. WATCH A IB-Jewel, 18 also, tO-year J. J loss 20 goid-llilea cagn to trade for shot gun. Address S. C. 1521, care Bee. WOULD like to ewap roller top desk. In flrst-clasa condition, for email safe or strong box. What have you gtt Ai dless, 8. C. 658, Bee. FOK RENT Apartments aad Flat. - Fidelity Storage Co Storage, moving, packing and shipping. 16th A Jackson Bta Phone Douglas 283. OODEN ANNEX, Council Blaffs, 'ooml with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone 4J i-r., modern Hat, 33W a B4th. $a. H. 4iU- FOR RENT Most beautiful, finely fin ished and up-to-date S, 4 and 6-rOom apartments la city. , Building Just Tin-, tshed. Flora Apartments. 2661 Jones St' MOST uT-todate brick flat in city; hot water heat, large lawn. D. 6691. II. 1803. NEW 6-r. apt. 207 So. 26th Ave., close In; bullt-m buffet in dining room. Individ ual porch, good Janitor service. Bend tor ' our weekly printed rental list HASTINGS A HEYDKN, 114 Harney gfc Board aad Housaa. JjARfiK front room, mahogany finished. private bath; also tingle room.- Excel lent board. Phone Harney 70S0. FLKNlBilt.D ltuv44, fteatou. 414 Norta (1st Ae. - ' NICE room in Uintah Apts. Harney 2868.' MADISON 21st and Chicago; steam beat! $19 mo. and up; caie uwxnwurajAw nnn l.'m uiITUI . '..unr.ll Hluffa atean heated rooms, M pr woes, rnow La Verna, 1X12 Cap., front rma. Stem, hi. LjvrQE front room in private ramlly tog i uenilomen. with breakfast: on car Una! In Dundee. Addresa, E 470, care Omaha B .: THE COLLINS One double and tlngl room, steam-heated, nloely lurnianed. good location. 3406 Harney. BODGE. 2037 Steam heated room, with , board; tuitapie tor two. . raralaked Hoaaa. T-ROOM (urnlahed houae, all modern; walking distance; line location; term reasonable.! 418 B. 26th ot, or Tel. P. 8028. -Hotel-aad Apartsaeata. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 18tb and calltoraltx Weekly rate $2 and up. Douglas 7u6l DODGk; HciTa-L- Modem. Reasonable. . lloasekeeplaa gtoogma. 6LIEP1NQ aad houMkeeplxui rooms, fur nace heat 726 B. lath. Tyier 1031-W. Famished Uoaaekoeplagc Raoma. Fur. housekeeping rma., 2Z22 Farnam St Hoaeea and Cot lose. SEVEN BOOMS, sleeping porch and tun room, new ana desirable, exceptionally fine view, quiet neighborhood, $s0, or 65' with garage. Seven rooms and hall, strictly modern, hardwood finish In first story, three bed rooms upstairs, one bedroom or den ami bath on tirst floor. $30. Thla houae fronta on a paved street and boulevard, blocks (rom car line. Five-room cottage, J-i block from the Harney Ht. car line. $10. Four-room house on Harney car line, $10.60. v J. H. DUMONT tc CO., . 416 State Bank. Phone Douglag S0. $47.60 7-r. apt; 618 South 16th street; Janitor service, steam heat $45.ou-7-r. apt. 631 South lttb atreet; steam heat. Janitor service. $12.50 6-r Farnam St; modem. 40.uu 6-r , 6J South lfth Ave.; modern flat; new. $40.(10 T-r. apt., 709 Bo. 18th St; gteam heat. K).00-7-r., 1320 :o. 35th 8t, Bern It Park; modern, hot water heat 7.50 -r., 2wi Burt ttreet; modern. SJO.OO -r.. sU North 43d atreet: mruWa except heat. l.30.oi-o-r., UDl Cuming St.; modern ex cept heat. $13.00 4-r., 410 Houth JTth Ave. - GEORGE & COMPANY. Phone D. 71)6. Wj city Nat. Bank Bldg. S!14 N. 27th St.. e-r., mod. ex. heat. $13.60 Rasp Bros., 106 Mcl'ague bldg. WALKING DISTANCE, 6-rgoro modern houae In good condition, 2t44 Dodge, $j Vacant March L W. W. Mitchell, owner! Webtter 47a. $12 8-R, BJtlCK. PART MOD. EXTRA GOOD. 80.(4 S S. HTH, TEL. R. 4Pj3. q 2S13 Woolwortb. Ave., 8 rooms, mod., $JX 316 Seward. rooms, barn, US. . 1(6 S. 28th, 6 rooms, $10. l"a N. auth. 4 roeens. $12.60. 27ug Farnam, 8 rooms, mod., brick, JfA. 410 N. r.'d. 10 rooms, mod., 2 baths, tla. J4S Capitol Ave., 7 room, mod., 8J0. 2716 Howard. rooms, mod., j0 12i7 8. 16tij. 6-room flat for colored, tl R1NQWALT. Brandels Theater Bldg. 7-ROOM. all modern, 24.W Parker St ALL tiaee. 83 per rtwnta UP. 607 Pax to, 6-r . nuolera. 7l 8. 37th St. J-r..' modern-" 8614 Lev. St.. good 'oca t log. Web. 3a4i lROOM modern house, with bera. to(7 wa:r hat 618 Harney St. vacant Man h L Inqwir T. j. O Brian. H. io4. Inline "' PJ"t of the city. UOUBeS cflu Bona Co., Bm Bid. unshin A .' K 'I Ll