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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1915)
V ( I FOR KENT lloaaes tn4 Cottages, GordonVanCo. 5 Moving. racking. 1 N. 11th Pt Phone D 884 or Wsb. 133. Globe Van&Storage Store, more, pack, ships: J-hcrse van ad 3 men. 11. par hr.j storsge SI rer mo. Satisfaction guar, P. 4338 A Tr. PO. Jf T) .4 B),P- i moving. I,. KPPQ Parking torage, AYVV.VA 1W7 Farnam. D. 414. Maggard's Van and Btor. Co., Largo tier hr .. 1 . V J man. ILK Mr hr. ihl Webster, Pour 14. FOR IlENT W hT complete list of all houses, apartment and flat that are for rent. 1 hit list can be seen Ire of charge at Omaha Van A Btorag Co.. 808 So. ;th St. -ROOM modern houae, TO N. 80th.. 130 per month. Call Red 4S0S. trea aad office. Dowatowa stores. L. H. Hill. 830 Bran. Th. W ANTED TO BUT GET Kaplan' prtcea for d hand turn., ahoea. clothe, before selling. Web. 7600. Yal buy everything- 2d hand. Tyler 1418. CASH for you n ir male fox terrier. State price, etc. Address F 87, Bee. OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C Reed, 1207 Farnam. Doug. S146. Wlfl BUY 2d-cand clothes. 121 N. 84th. REAIi ESTATE VAftX RANCH UKDI FOR I A LB C'alorm- TO SETTLERS ONLY 830-ecra for $300; rich com, alfalfa and wheat land, no and. J. A. Tracy. Ft. Morgan. Colo. Kaaeaa. BARGAIN 240-ac re dairy farm, near Ba- .. '1"J .?.; wrlta for Iu" description and Hat of 109 Kansas farma for aale in central .nmnm. y. j.. ruiquette. Banna, Kan. Missoarl. . iana, cios to it. R, town, 2n acres, w"v, eu mummy; i acre, 3700. 11 monthly; o acre. $1,300; no interest, no laioe, no rorleltur; beat bargain In Houth Missouri; literature freej D. Mer- nam, mum genton, Kama City. Kan, UOOD home in south Mo. cheap and on eaay term. Write me for prloaa. J. C Wyukoop. Mountain View. Mo. ' ' CATTLEMEN'S HDTTTOV. Tha Panhandle Cattlemen's association, meet in El Paso, Tex., March 2, 8 and 4. This and other attraction mean possibly w w ffr.Qw viaiior xo n,i raw. THE) EL PAMO MORNING TIMES v will issue at that time a GATTLKM EN'S EDITION that will equal any newsDaoer ever nro- duced In El Paso. This edition will not only De of interest to stockmen, but to all those who have land to sell or ex change. YOUR AD SHOULD BE- IN THE LAND SECTION OF FEBRUARY 28 TO MARCH 4 if you wish to reach the people of west Mexaa, new Mexico, Arizona and state of Chihuahua and Bon or a. Mexico. El Paso is the commercial center of the southwest. EL PASO MORNING TIMES' CIRCULATION DAILY OVER 18,000, SUNDAY OVER 23.000. Advertising rate Mo per inch dally; $3.00 per men lor the 6 laaues; by the word lo; minimum ZSo dally; 4o per word for the t Issue. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE PRESENT DEMAND FOR FARM LANDS; i ADVERTISE NOW. THERE IS NO BUSINESS DEPRES SION IN SOUTHWESTERN TEXAS. ADDRESS WANT AD DEPARTMENT. EL PA SO MORNINO TIMES, EL PASO, TEX. Nebraska FOR SALE 80 acre, 6 miles north of Central City, Neb. Mrs. Amy Stavely, 860 Lincoln Aye.. Council Bluff. RANCH for aale, 640 acres, 60 acre under, cultivation, 800 valley, cut 75 ton hay, all fenced, 40 cattle, 7 horse. Price Including; stock $7,000. Cash. No trade. Lowe A Young. Mullen, Neb. SECTION Kimball Co. Oruaa. 1101 Paul. WANTED Small loan on quarter Motion and oawsen county, years, or will ell eaay term a. Addreaa E 38, Bee, Wlseemata. Upper Wisconsin Seat usury and general crop atat In the union; settlers wanted. Land for sale at low price on easy terms. Aak for book- let No. M on Wisconsin Cantral Land tUrant. Excellent lands for stock railing. If interested In fruit land ask for book let on Apple Orchard. AddreeaLaBd and , . Industrial Department, Moo Una Railway, MloiwapoUa. Minn. BEAIi KSTATE LOAXS CITY and farm loans, a. per sent. J. H. Dmnont Co.-leul Farnam. Omaha WANTED city loan and warranta. W. I arnanr Smith aV Co.. 1330 Farnam. $100 to 110. (Ml mad promptly. F. D. Weed, Wead Bldf., 18th and Farnam St. WANTED City loans Peter Tmat Co. OMAHA homes. Eaat Nebraska tar us. O'KEEFE REaL F.STATB CO.. 1014 Omaha Natl. Douglas 1711 1M to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bid-., lath ana fc'arnam Bts. UABV1N BBQS .nt SEE us first -for farm loans In eastern Neb. , United State Trust Co., Omaha. 6 PITV I11UI o j-. ii CITY property. Lara loan a a peal ally. w . a Dwni rhoma. xa Stat Bank Bid.' MONK J on nana tor city and farm loan. H. w. Binder. Our Natl. Bank Bids. , REAL ESTATE FOB EXCHANGE WANTED To trad, my farm conalstlns of V acres, only V mile from Burton, Neb.; -has grove of several thousand trees; running water; three springs; cuts 44 tons of hay; 0 acres of farm land; all fenced; encumbrance of $1,800; will trade for Omaha residence or bungalow prop erty. Address O. B. Flannlgan, Burton. Neb. I HAVE 100 acre choice western land; t need late model auto; will make It an object. 8. H., 4624 Grand Ave. Phone Webster 2932. EXCHANGES Uaa ROBBINS. D. 842, ABSTRACTS OF TITLES t HERD Abstract Co.. oldest abatrart o flee In Nebraska. Vw Brandela Theater. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.. a modrn abstract office. Ju S. 17th St. Phon Douglas 44b7. REAL ESTATES-ACREAGE Buy Acreage Now Do not wait until aprinir to buy acreage. Select your plot now; you will be able to carry out your plan better and get an early start. W oan offer you splendid tract at a low price now. April 1 these aame tracta will sell for a higher price. Below is a brief description of some of our beat offer. We suggest that you see about then and other today. Fifteen acres. West Center, five block from car. Fine improvements; cost ever $)0.0u8. Price. $16,000. Twenty acre, a little further out Good improvements All In fruit and conceded to be the equal of any fruit farm in the lata. Price. $U.0u0. Twcntv acrea, northweat of Florence. Very fair Improvements, lots ot fruit and shrubbery. This land la rolling, tut fine for fruit, poultry or bog raising. Prle, $7,000. Forty acres, north of Florence, about three miles. Improvement not very good, but all right. Price, $5.W0. Five acres, about V mile south of Soutl Omaha city limits, with A No. 1 Im provement, mat coat at least 4,uuu. 1'rtoe. ifi.uw. Five seres. In-same locality. Improve ment! fair. Price. $3,000. O 'Neil's It. Ii. & Ins. Agency, J50S FARNAM ST. TtlL. 10 REAL ESTATF ACREAGE Five-Acre Tract Located north of Krug park on SJd St.. a short distance front the pavement H'Rh. level, and one of the prettieet place In Dourlaa county for bulldlna: the suburban home you hve been dreaming ai-out and plannlnir aometlme to have. Reduced to $2,floo for quick ale; about one-half rash required. Shuler & Cary Phone D 4KB. ?4 State Bank Bid-. $ AND 10-acre tracta close in for sub dividing. Phone Doug. 2M7. ACREAGE. We have a number of client who want to exchange email tract of land, both Improved and unimproved, for city prop erty. THE VOOEL REALTY AGENCY, 101S-U W. O. W. Bldg. -O REAL ESTATE NORTI1 BIDE . Must Be Sold Good Home at a Sacrifice NO REASONABLE OFFER WILL BE REFUSED for a good 7-room, 8-atory and attic, atrlctly modern house, having 4 bedroom on 2d floor and a full cemented basement. Adjoining: KounUs Plnce. In first-class condition throughout. Located on east front lot and paved street, with paving paid In full. Practically new gar age. This place is cheap and well worth $4,200, but owner must sell at once and WANTS AN OFFER for quick aale. Loan Aas'n hold a 13.000 mortgage on thl place.- What Will you glv forequltyT Investigate If you want a bargain. George & Company Phone D. 75. 902 City Ntl Bank Bldg. Stucco House "Prettiest Mile Lot 55x165 The beat plan and the best built house, en a valuable east front lot. on the boul evard. Lot BfixIM. Six big rooms One bedroom, 12x23. "Sun room." Beautiful decoration. Screen and shade. "Piano" finish. All oak floor. Special made dooes. Thl house I finished with white "Me dusa" cement stucco, on metal lath and will stand Inspection. Let us show you. The number I 6832 Florence Boulevard. Price will aell It. Charles W. Martin & Co., Tyler 187. 742 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Light fine garden lota to select from In Hitchcock's First Addition, between 36th and 40th St., between Lake and Maple. PRICES, $ltl0 to $250. Term $1 down, $1 per week, without interest. Telephone Douglas 2696. ) HARRY BILBY. 1018-14 City National Bank Bldg. Five-Room Modern House For Only $2,500.00 Hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen, 2 bedroom and bath on second floor; full basement, bricked up and cemented, with furnace heat; east front lot, 60x124, on 22d St., not far from Kountxe Park. Renting now at $22.60 per month. W. H. GATES 47 Omaha NaTl Bank Bldg. D. 1294. I WANT you to look at mv K-rnom house. 1823 Lothrop St.: get at inside and ex amine it; it it loos good to you, we will do business: reception hall, narlnr. n. brary, dining room and kitchen, four steeping rooms, iuu attic, with modern, Improved, nice garage: shade tree and piemy or rruu; casn required, mighty lit tic. or vacant lot. C. M. Eaton, Web. 431$ 1104 W. Q. W- Bldg.. D. 1984. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE $250-CASH-$250 $25 PER MONTH 2216 South 24th St., 7 rooms, all modern, house nine year old. In good renalr. roll cement basement, cement walks, 4 block io acnooi, ngnt .on me car line. See thl today and make u an offer. Must be sold before March 1. THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY, . 1015-18 W. O. W. Bldg. Douglas S6l or South 281. NEAR BEMIS PARK 6 room, all modern nak finish in tid ing room, elegantly furnished hath -.- south front lot, with paved street; paving sit iiu. j nee dui 4,uuv. nere u your chance to get something nice. C. G. CARLBERG, ' 812 Brandela Theater Bldg. N4rh hnnw. Dm-i. Owner leaving city; sacrifice for quick ale. Wright ft Lasbiiry, 60t So. 16th. Doug. 162. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT 7 room, all modern, birch ftnUh hni water heat, elegant east front lot. nav-H treet, close to car line, first class nelgh- norimgu, luraira jusi a niocK north Of Field club on 38th Ave. Price $3,00. C. G. CARLBERG, 212 Brandel Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE West Farnam $5500 Living room, dining room and kitchen. first floor; 8 bedroom and sleeping porch, second floor; oak floors throughout and oak finish ; tile bath room; complete base ment; nncK nrepiace; garage and ce ment driveway and paving taxes all paid. Houae located one block from Joalyn . Glover & Spain 8UV20 City National. Douglas S962. WEST FARNAM HOME BARGAIN. CLOSE) IN, 8-Ra, MOD. $3,000. RENTAL TERMS. House well built, ha new furnace. nicely terraced level lot, shade, paved treet. etc., fine location. Here's a home of merit. Price but from $4,000 for quick sale. McKITRICK R. E. CO., Douglas 1482. BUNGALOW ON BOULEVARD room, new. modern In every wav 1 rooms finished In oak, choice east front lot; STbu casn or gooa lot will serve a first payment. See thl and many other bargain we nave. Rasp Bros, 106 McCague Bldg. oug. 16M. REAL ESTATE DUXDEB Dundee 6 Rooms $3,600 On Wcbater St.. between 60th and tlst Tbla la on of the finest locations In thl beautiful suburb. Adjoining I vacant lot V 1 .4 -, tl c,rt Th. h.u. 1. .,,11 tm, tory and la practically new, completely modern and couldn't be duplicated for laa than U.lflO. South front lot 0xU5. One block to car line. Terms, Armstrong-Walsh' Co. Tyler INN. State Bank Bldg. New, Well Built Dundee House Fireplace, buffet, tiled floor In bath room, finished in oak flrat floor, birch second floor; south front lot; close to car. ,W. II. THOMAS & SON, Six.. Bank Blilg. THE HEE; GRAIN AND PRDOUCE MARKET Ball. Jump Into Wheat Market Con trol and Corn and Oatt Are Stronger. PRICES REMAIN UNCHANGED OMAHA. Feb. Ii, 191S. The bull in wheat have agxtn gained control of the market, after allowing the bear the previous day session. There I little hope that the Danlar.olle will be jeopened, at least, for some time. Russia la In need of money ind It la believed th.t banker control the .train in that coun try and. that soino will be sent to Im porting countries -is roon a that port I open. Considerable rtivnK h was shown In the corn market, with unsettled weather and bad roads the ')rln:ip,tl strengthening tat tor. Oats also showed strength, and thl Is probably due to the demand from abroad. Owing to advances in grain and the small hog receipt the provision market showed strength. Omaha Spot Market Wheat was un changed to 1c lower. Corn whs un changed, oats were unchanged. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to l,3tX,ono bushels; corn, ,00tf bushels; oats, 4.0u0 bushels. Uverpool closed: Wheat not quoted; Corn, not quoted. Primary wheat receipts were 63.000 bushel and shipments 978,000 bushels. gainst receipts nf tjua.000 bushels and shipments of 40,0"0 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 8si,000 bush els and shipment 644,000 bushels, against receipts of 7TO.O00 bushels and shipment of SM,ono bushels last year. Primary oata receipts were 774.000 bush els and shipments M6,0OO bushel, against receipts of 642.U0O bushels and shlpmont of 634,000 bushels last vesr. CARLOT RECEIPTS. . , ' Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago iso 5 4 Minneapolis 1X1 ... ... Duluth 32 Omaha 7 20 11 Kansas City 46 M 4 Winnipeg 2xi ... These cash sale were reported today: Wheat No. 8 hard winter: 2 cars, No. 4 hard winter: 1 car (smutty), $1.48. Corn No. 3 yellow: 3 cars. 67c. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, jo. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, see. Oat Standard: 1 car, 63; i cars. 63Hc; 1 car. 63c. Sample; 1 car, 62c; 2 cars, 61c. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: Ntv 1 hard. $1.60l.fil; No! 3 hard. $1.491.60; No. 4 nara, ii.4fi(m.4; No. 3 spring, 81.4Afil.60; No. 2 durum. ll.44iAfal.46: Nn. 3 durum. $1.43Vi&1.44. Corn: No. 1 white. 8S.sf ; No, 2 white. SftftttSVic; No. 3 white, ;fj8c; No. 4 white, tKttWir: No. 6 wnue, WMtfawtc; no. white, wi4fiHc; No. 1 yellow. 7Hft7c: No. ! vellow. No. 3 yellow, 67fc7e: No. 4 jenow, BH!UTW)je; io. 6 vellow, 66rific; No. yellow. 6VUc: No. 1 tnlxrrt 61 tiGlc; No. 2 mixed, ftic; No. 3 mixed. 4'ge: No. 4 mixed, S6V4c: No. 6 mixea, mhv: mo. mixed, WRWio. Oats: No. 2 white. 634,ihA4r: standard. MM.&eS&e; No. $ white, SS'JiWic; No. 4 white. 635J4c. Barlev: Maltine- 10f 78o; No. 1 feed, SfhWo. Rye: No. 2, $i.l'i til. ii ; ix o. , l.ltyy CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Peatarea of the Trading; and Closing; Price on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Feb. 25. Emharra r'nmnr. nnd the prospect of the Russian surplus uiiuiuK an ouut'i inrougn tne Daitla nellea made wheat tumble In price today after an earlv advance. The market closed unsettled, 2'o to S4fr3!4o under mm nigni. inner staples, too, all finished at a net decline corn down Tie to 2V(j 2V4c, oats Vole to lc and provision lij liic to 65c Notwithstanding that owing to suspen sion of United States war insurance, wheat at first showed a setback, price quickly developed strength when an nouncement followed that the govern ment writing of war risk on vessel would be resumed, although at double previou rates. Kxport sales, which finally aggregated l.&OO.tXk) bushels, helped the market rapidly up grade. Then came a quick reversal of senti ment, seemingly started by gossip that congress would take some action toward forbidding the shipment of foodstuffs to all belligerents. Th weakness ensuing was rendered worse by dispatches telling of a fresh bombardment of the Turkish fort at the Dardanelles. Emphatls to the likelihood of the open ing of the Dardanelles gsteway was given through reports that wheat price in Russia were already being adjusted to a nearer parity with quotations In western Europe. Corn took the same path a wheat. As sertions that exporter nt Baltimore were reselling com to the west led to heavy unloading here, especially in' the last hour. Oat were upheld by notice of European purchasing that was estimated at 1.000,000 bushels. In the end. however, oat gave way In sympathy with corn and wheat. Weakness of grain appeared to strip the provision market of nearly all sup port The bear directed their attack malnlv against pork. Grain prloe furnished by Logan ft Bryan office. 315 South Sixteenth street. Arttclel Open. I Hlgh.l Iw. Close. Yes'y Wheatl I ( I I May.l 1 55 I 1671 168 1 53H! 1 W REAL ESTATE DUNDEE ; A Bargain in -Dundee Eight-room modern house, with oak finish and all convenience, cistern, with pump in laundry; garage, paved street and paved alley. Price only $4,160. Sub let to paving not delinquent. Thl property I located on the street car line In a fine neighborhood and I very cheap at the price. J. H. Dumont & Co. 418 State Bank. Phone Douglas 690. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS It Will Pay You. To let u how you several real bar gains w have in five and alx-room bun galow. If you are in the market for a home and want something right and at a bargain, see us st once. We have a bungalow In Kountxe Place, one in Norwood, two in Collier Place, one at 32d and Poppleton Ave., and sev eral other. Can make term to suit. Jorris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phon Douglas 4270. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS VACANT. Close-in apartment sit. $3x264, only $60 per front foot. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Douglas 1781. War Block. o LEGAL NOTICES. NHW YOKK. January 26. 1K15. ELECTION NOTICE.- The Missouri Pacific Hallway Company. Notice is hereby given tnat tne annual meeting of the stockholders of The Mis souri 1'aclfiu Railway Company will be held at the general office of the Compan In the City of tit. lxuls. Missouri, m Tuesday. March , IK 16. at o'clock A. M., for the election aot thirteen director for th ensuing year, and for the transac tion of any other business that may come before aald meeting. Th annual meeting of the directors will be held at the same office en the same day- at twelve o'clock noon. The transfer books will be closed on Haturday, February I, lltl$. at twelve o'clock noon, and will he reopened on Wednesday, March 10, 1V16, at ten o'clock A. M. THE MISSOl'RI PACIFIC RAILWAY COM PAN r. My m. r . bl hji. President. H. I I'TTER, Berretary. FrbM D12t NOTICE O STOCKHOLDERS' MEET- Nolle la hereby given that the regular nnual meeting of the stockholder of the Knuik Platte Land company will i k.ih at tli office of aald company at Lincoln, Nlraka at eleven e liock a n. on Uj third day of March. A D. lilfi. C. H. MORRILL. PrealdenL A. B. MINOR. Becretary. Lincoln, Nabraaka. bruary 1, 1911. (ftlAlIA. FKHUY. rEHIUIAIlV IOI.'a July. Corn May July Oats May. July. Pork May. July. Lard May July. Riba May 1 27'l 1 '! 1 I4 1 vi ss I 74V $:V MSI 7R ;?V74VtS tt'.: 74SI 74 6!'. &6V.I MSI 17 5 18 fO 17 s:h 17 17 65 17 V 1 10 jo 10 iC'.i IS S't io r 10 60 10 70 10 17VJ 10 70 10 S. !T7V 7S T7i July. 1 ?'.",l 10 2.'m 10 OS 10 w I 10 .11 Chicago t'ash Irlces Wheat: No. 3 red, $1.64M4l.67S; No, 2 hard. $1.66ii 1.5SV Corn: T.Jc, Oats: No. 3 white. V.ti7c: No. 4 "nae. wtivc. nye: iso. , (i.ziitf 1.72. Harlev Tl'.lxlt-. Caa.i - rri.,,ntR.. .5i; clover. 110 6tvj 14.00. Provisions; i nominal; iara, sicany; ribs, ss.87'j .37t. Rl'TTER "Steady ; creamery, 24iJ2Uc. l1)TATlk-,i,im. ?t ...... l ' ' v . " n , nisi unchanged. KtitJji Lower: receipts, 10.S05 casce: at mark, cases included, nii2Uc; ordinary firsts, 2li2U4o; firsts. 22V,c. POl'I.TllY Alive, unsettled; prlngs, 15Vc; fowls, 14c. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. BITTER No. l. 1-th. carton, ne: No. $. 60-lb tubf, tc. , CHEESE Imported Swiss, $4c; Amer ican Swiss. 2C block Swiss. 22c; twins, lc ; daisies, lie; triplets. 17c; Young Amerlus. lo; blue label brick, 174c; llm butger. -lb.. 20c; 1-lb., 20c; New York "hlte, ltc; imported French Roquefort. 40c. POTATOKS-Colorado Rurals. 75o bu.; Red River Ohio, euo bu.; Minnesota, whites, 66c bu. FISH Trout, 20c; large crapplea, 16ci halibut. 14c; channel catrtsh, 14c. 6WKET POTA lt)E-Kanaa, $3.76 bbl BEKF CUTS-Klbs: No. 1. 16c; No. 2. 14c; No. 1, Uc. lolns: No. 1, 17Wc; No. 2. 15'sc; No. 8, 1J V Chuck: No. 1. 9c; No. . 8Vjc; No. I, 7o. Rounds: No. 1. 114c; No. 2, 11c; No. 8, lO'.c. I'lates: No. 1. lie: No. 2, 7Hc; No. 8, POULTRY Broiler, l4Hc; pring chick, na. llo: hen, sllo; cock, sc; ducks, luc; geese, be; turkeys, 11k:; pigeons, per (tes., 80c; ducks, full feathered, i,, geese, fulfeathered, 8c; squaba, No, $, $LW, No, Market quotation furnished by Olllnskl Fruit company: FRUITS Orange, extra, fancy Alpha betical, all siscs, $ per box; extra fancy Glcndnra Homes, all staea, $2. Co per box; extra fancy Hunk 1st, all atses, $2.50 per box. Lemons, fancy Munklst, HOOs, 3t, $u.OO per box; choice Red Ball. $3.60 per box. Grape fruit, 86 and 4s, $2.00 per box; 64. mi, $2.60 per box; 64a, $2.26 per box. Apples, extra fancy White Winter Pearmalnes, $2.00 per box; fancy White Winter Pearmalnes. 1.76 per box; extra fancy Washington bpltsenburga, $1.60 per box; Washington fancy and ex tra fancy Hoovers, $1.36 per box: fancy Washington Jonathan, 176. 188 nnd 200 $1.26 per box; extra fancy black Ben Davis, $1.26 per box; extra fancy Black Twigs, $1.50 per box; fancy Black Twigs, $1.36 per box; extra fancy Ganos, per box; fancy Roma Htauties, 11.60 per box, 6 box lota or more, $1.40 per box; Hen Davis, highly colored, $3.25 per bhl.; Winesaps, $3.60 per bhl. Grapes, Cali fornia Emperor, $3.60 per bbl.; Malaga, $6.00 per bbl. Pear. Anjous, $2.26 per box; Jerseys, $2.25 per box; Kheldon, $2.25 per box; Lawrence, $2.60 per box; Bosco, $2.25 per box; Kastar, 82.25 per box. Ha nanas, per bunch, $tT63.60. Strawber ries, 50c a qt. VBtJ ETA BLEAOftuU flower. $3.50 per crate; cucumbers, $2.25 per box; celery, Jumbo, 80o do. ; leaf lettuce, 40c do. ; head lettuce, $1.00 dor.; onions, yellow, 2c lb., red. 2c lb., white, 2V4c lb., Span ish, $1.60 per crate; endive, 35e lb.; arti chokes, $1.60 dox.; Frusael sprouts, 20c lh.; California new cabbage, 2o lb.; peppers, 60c basket; onion (shallots), 60c do.; to matoes. $4.00 per crate; garlic, Italian, 25o lb.; radishes, 60a do. ; turnips, 60c do.: spinach, 60c do.: parsley, 60c do.; beans, $4.50 pe' hsmper. Potatoes, Colorado rurals, 75c per bu., Rod River Ohlos, Wc Eer bu., Minnesota whites, 60c per bu. west potatoes, i.ff per hamper. MISCELLANEOUS Shelled popcorn. in per lb.; limes, $1.75. per box; cracker lark. $3.60 case, case. $1.76; checkers, $3.60 case, H case, $1.76. Honey, $4.00 per rase. Cider, New York, $3.50 per keg. Cocoa nuts, . $3.60 per sack, 76a per do. Cranberries, Late Hoses, $7.00 per Dhi., $2.60 per box. Peanuts, raw, 7c per lb., aw, sack lots, Jumbo. 8e per lb., masted, 8V4c per lb., salted, $1.60 per can. Mush rooms, 50c per box. NUTS No. 1 California Walnut. 18o ter l.j black walnut, 3'c per lb.; fil berts, loo per lb.; pecans, 12le per lb.; Braslls, 12o per lb.; almonds, 20c per lb.; 13-11 o. figs, 86c per box; 60-8 ot. figs, $2.00 per box; sugar walnut date, $1.40 per box; hallow! date. 8c per lb. New York Geaeral Market. NEW YORK. Feb. H.-SUQAR-Future were in moderate demand early today and price at noon were m-i point net higher raw sugar, firm; molasses. 4.06c; cen trifugal, 4.83c; refined, stesdy. BUTTKR-Steady; receipts. 4.30S tuba: creamery extras, 82 score, WHigOc; cream ery, nigner scoring, i;i2c; creamery firsts. 27Hi2!Hc; seconds. 25H27Hc EGOS Unsettled ; receipts. 13.143 cases: fresh gathered extra, 27S31c; extra flrat, 36Vc; rirsts, Z..VitlJc; econds 24482.5'4c; nearby hennery whites, 304iOlc. CHEESE Irregulsr; -receipts. 2,061 boxes; stste whole milk, held specials. 17 (fil'c; stste whole milk, average fancy, 7lilifo,76c. POULTRY Dressed, weaker: western roasting chickens. 17&21e: fresh fowls. 14V. ftlSc; turkeys, 13'!lVcr live, steady; west ern cfhtcken. 15Vic; fowl, I6fil5Hc; tur keys, I&QI80. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 25. WHEAT May. $1.46; July. $1.40 bid; No. 1 hard, $1.60: No. 1 northern. $1.4oV61.tB; No. 2 northern. $1.4261.47. FLOUR-Unchsnged. BARLFY-6RC))c. RYE-$1.2n, 121. BRAN-823.00. CORN No. 3 yellow, 6W41M7c. OAT1 No, 3 white, 6341V.c. r LiAJt l.alSiJl.B4. Kaiuuta Cltr Grain and PrsrUlAna KANSAS CITY, Feb. 6.-WHEAT-No. z nara,; no. I red, I1.6W1.62' My- July. $l.lBl.UVs; SepUmber. $1.11inn.llVi. 72i724c; No. 2 yellow. 71c; No! 3. 69Vtr iw, Kiy, 't'mjTK'c, juiy, ilc; rvepUjm. ber. 721fc72Vo. OATS-No. 2 whit, 65HG6c: No. J I1I1AVU, UtUMU IOBla Grain Market.-' ST. LOUI8. Feb. 26,-WHEAT-No 2 red, $1.52; No. 2 hard, $1.6S'al.67y,; May. $14-H July, $1.20. CORN No. 2, 70i70Sc; No. 2 white. 72Hc; May, 71V971V; -uly, 74o. OATS No. 2, 6666!.:; No. $ white, 68V1C New York Money Market. ' NEW YORK, Feb. 26. MERCANTILE) PA PR 3Vi'u4 per cent. STERLING 60 day bill. $4,790; for cable, I4.W3S; for de mand. tl.TVKi. SILVER-Br, 4Hc; Mexlckn dollars, $7c. BONDS Government, easy; railroad firm. MONET Time loans, firm; 00 days, fi per cent: 80 day. 8 per cent; six months, per cent. Call money, gteudy; bitih, I per cent; low, 1 per cunt; ruling rste, 1 per cent; last loan. 1 pur cent; ololi g DlO, 1 per rrni, uurrru ir ci:iii. Closing quotation on bond today war ae follow: V. a. nf. K rag.... "4Mo. tr. 44 ae soupea M4 N. v lm .... V. t. . rt lontN.T. City liHIl.. loo So cousos 1I4N. V. gists H 10H V. . : PWiN. T . N. H. A H. 4e eoupoa IMVi ev, 4s 101 Panama esupoa. .J01V Kn. Pu lllc it 1S Am. gnellrs a....lS o U ATAT. ct. 4H.W'4V t). L rml. f so Armour A Ce. 4m.. l Pe. T. T. is.... Alchlsoa n. 4.... l'frau. Sua. 4 S7 44 Bl. A Ohio 4a... W 4a eoa. t 10S4 M Ohio 44i.. HfUdlji( son. 4s c H. A q. I 4s ... L AH. F. r. 4s 44 C U 1 H P 4,,..l"0'o. pan. rr. 4s UK to c. rt. 4..., M), P. R. I. P. s. 4s J0'4 4o e. M C r 4Ss. .. S-'i'". Rilr fc m p. a p.. a nt. 4 Inloo Psrlrlo 4s..... M14 Kris. fs. 4 4 4 T. 4 ft Urn Klee. 6s 101 V. K. Rubber s... l24 Ot. No. 1st 44s... M I' . uw as Kn) III s. ref. 4 ... M Wsnsaa lt u M K. C So. rat. Ss . rrHwat. t'niua 4s... H U K. sl. 4s ... lWast. Else. . 6s, at. K. A T 1st 4.. tl BI4. Ottsrsd. Kvapereled Apple and Dried Pratt NEW YORK, Feb. 15. EVAPORATED APPLEH-Diill. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, quiet and easy. Apricots, steady. Peaches, dull. Raisins, quiet. Investor with money read th Real Es tate ad in Th Bee. Advertise your property for a quick al. I I OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Bftt Beeves Steady to Stronger New High Records for Year on Sheep and "Lambs. HOGS SLOW AND SOME LOWER SOlTIt OMAHA, Feb. 2, 1!15. Receipts were: Cattle. Hog. Sheen. Official Monday 8.M1 8 2.1 8.4T Official Tuesday 6,tW 17.940 13.2"S Off clal Wednesday .. S.HMt 15. Ml 16.322 Estimate Thursday .... 4,7m 1K.C00 ll.OilO , Four day this week.. 1S.I49 69.7:2 47.J nme days last week... 8.669 M.4.' 86. M3 Same days 2 wks. ago.l6.:2 77,(V16 66.V.J Same days 3 wks. Rgo.lH.6V 36. 873 64.623 Same days 4 wks. 6.l 44.IOI Same day last ycar..l6.S2.l W.S 60.340 The following table show the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at th South Omaha live stock market for tha year to onto as compared wtlh last year: iuu iii A Ine. Cattle m.O.i 144.M4 4.4M ' 64K,!Wf. 4T0.1M Sheep 436.787 42J.4.'! 14.8T.1 The following table show the average Price for hoss at the H.iuth Omaha lira lock market for th last tw day, with comparisons: Pat. 1816.,l!ll.Hll.lT. Feb. 6ft 4114 6 404i 6 7't S 401 $ 46 S 41 8 33) $ t S 1 8 84 C 061 T HI I 8S 8 47 IB Feb. 7 38 7 R2 11 8 481 I 24) Feb. PVb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 7 Zl $ 61 $ so 6 18 V5 $11 18 $07 08 t 81 5 87 a 8 96 $04 6 11 7 10 T . 7 !: 6 06 8 71 S 77 0i 5 W S SO 1 86 7 M 06 t t $01 1 01 1 11 8 76 64 I 8 01 8 14 S 86 8 76 17 $ 63H S 8N $4j 7 04 8 foi 8 42 8 3M 8 33 8 83 8 86 8 8 (ml TaW t'ok! 7 01 8 4 3S - f, t R4 6.' 66 8 At! 8 8 a 7 6 W 8 K Oil $ 03 7 mi 0 5 05 6 7 46 7 04 8 80 8 19' 6 70 i Sunday. Receipt and disposition of llv tock at the Union Stock Yard. South Omaha, for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 o'clock yesterday: REC EI PTS CAR LO A DS. I '.111. Lin.. Uh..n vr1... ., i. e oi. tr 7 6 .'. i 6.1 30 21 1 1 -4 a II 8 64 14 2 21 7 .. 1 6 8 7 48 7 W abash 2 Missouri Pacific .... 2 Union Pacific 31 C. A N. W., east.. 29 C. sV N. W.. west.. 4K C, St. P., M. A O.. W C. 1 A Q., ast.... 4 C B. A O.. west.. 31 C, R. I. A P.. east.. 8 i'.. it- I. P.. west 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago a. W 3 Total receipts ..1H7 Dl SPO.SITION-H KA D. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co 404 3.0H7 1,6iH Swift nd Company.... S00 8.61H 4,024 Cudahy Packing Co.... 6x3 4.101 1,838 Armour A Co 1,104 4,614 3.622 J. W. Murphy 1S6 ' ,v. Morrell (ti St. Clair Packing Co... 36 Cudahy from H, C 37 Armour from 8. C 2K1 W. 11. Vansunt Co 31 Benton, Vnnnant A L. 14 F. H. Lewln 11 .... .... Huston & Co 8 .... J. B. Root & Coi 78 J. H. Bulla 44 L F. Husx , 14 Rosenstock Bro 27 Kellogg 18 Wertlielmer A Dcgen.. 63 H. F. Hamilton 44 Sullivan Bro. "8 Rothschild Mo. A Kansas Calf Co. 63 Christie 43 Hlggins 7 Huir man , 4 Roth 10 ....' Meyer 8 Tanner Bro. 20 .... .... John Harvey ' 82 Kline 42 Other buyer 280 Total 4.880 16,416 12,3S8 CATTLE Receipts were liberal for a Thursday, 188 fresh car being reported In. For the week to date tha receipt mount to 18,248 head, being the largest since, three week ago and larger than a year ago by. almost l.OOO head. In other words, the run today waa most too large for this lato in the week. Fortunately there was a good shipping demand for well finished heavy cattle. Such rattle were fully steady and In spot line Higher even than yesterday, a high a $V40 being paid for the best her. Tin 1 tha highest price paid for the month to date, the top In January having been 1 lie medium to common grade of beeve were alow seller, and at th best no more than steady and in some rase as much a lOo lower tnan yester day. Cows and helrera were slow. In some case buyer who happened to find rattle of the kind that they wanted paid price that were steady or right close to steady. A a rule, however, buyer slarted out bidding lower from the opening of th market and that Is the way most of th cow stuff sold, price being weak to a much a lOo lower than yesterday. Stockers and feeders showed little or no change, the supply being small and prices firm a compared with yesterday. Quotations on i': Good to choice corn fed beeves, $7.60fti.40; fair 1o good cornfed beeire,; common to fair cornfed beeves, $6.86407.00; good to choice heifers. $6.26il6.75; good to clinic cow, $5.8U4I.S0; fair to good ccrwa, $6.u) 06.75; common to fair cow, 8.1.50-500; good to choice stockers and feeders, $7.00 4i7.60; fair to good stockers and feeder. 86..Wd7.00; common to lair sioc iters ann feedera, $6,764t60; stock heifers, $S.rt .on: stock cow. $4.76'jS.7.,i: stock calvea, $6.ootf)8.00; veal calve, 87.00ttlO.OO; bull. stags, etc., m.t&tju.zo. Representative sales. BEEF STEERS. Ns. Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. . 171 7 1 .110 7 so .lw 7 ,1IM 7 W .1401 8 tO 1 4T4 4 K) 4 W0 4 Tl U ki i to II HOI I M 7 1 1MI I Hit 17..,.. 1 .....Uo7 T u HEIFERS ..... ; no iu 4 4 41 6 SU 4..... 7.0 4 00 10 14 M M CALVES. . 4 I1 7 00 1 1 M0 7 2i X...., I no 7 to 1 1 8M I wu I ..744 8 . ..1018 4 U 6 4o .. I4 1 0 ..ISO 8 00 .. 140 71 .. liO 10 00 Su4 M 40 HOUS Receipts this morning were the largest of the week, about cars, or )H,(u0 head, being estimated. The week' total Is 68,722 head, a gain of more than 8,0tA) over last week and 21,500 larger than tor the same period a year ago. With another generous supply in sight the trade opened out very alow. Some early shipping sale were made at about steady prices, but these were not very plentiful, and some of th later - one wire quoted as weak to a nickel lower. Killer early offer were around 64 10c loWer, and a seller were asking fully sttady and In aom case stronger prices, nothing moved until well along toward nudtlay. As salesmen bave hud to put up th same sort of a fight every uay this week, but have finally carried their print, they kepi hanging on today in hope that trade would strengthen up. Nothing of this sort happened, however, and when reports of a strong close In Chicago failed to improve the local trade any a few loads began to move at Die figures killer had been offering all mora, li.g, that 1, around W.47voVuO. Move ment never livened up. but In th end the bulk of the offering sold on thl basis. While some of the early sale to ship per were steady there were hardly enough of them to affect the average, and the gensral market 1 6tvl0o lower. Bulk sold at .47V(f6 60, with a sprink ling around 36.56. and a few that lust suited shipper buyers sold a high as $..60. Today's decline wiped out most of the advance made earlier In the week, and current value are less than a nickel aPove tne close or last week. Representative sales Na. It... 71... 71... 71... IS... 10... A. 8k. rr. Na. A. 8k. Pr. ...110 ... i24t ...1 ... u ...M4 ... U ...M ... 4 40 ...MO ... 4 4 .in; ... 4i ..iU ... 4 47 ..ail ... I 47V ... M... ... 4 Kl 13.. ..)- 40 4 bo 10. ..8M SO li SHEEP Notwithstanding a liberal run for a Thursday I ho market opened early this morning, and th bulk of the offer Its waa disposed of on a basis JOg-joc l.lghsr. both sheop and lamb gettlna th advance. There waa little. If any. uiffer- euce In quality from yesterday. Shipping demand was more in evidence, as several cam of lamb were sold to shlb during the esrly hours at, the latter l Inure being paid rur offering on the Mexican order. VVhllu the demand seemed just a broad a was the case ytaterday th light "eights wcr most gotight after, conse quently as rule moved first, the besvy weights selling later on In the forenoon. The heavy lambs are quotable anywhere from II. 50 lo 8S.80, while the good lamh ol light weight sell up around tVtX'nH The light run of some 8.UA0 head st Chi cago was a bullish Influence In the trade. The aged sheep sales Included a lunch of Mexican yearlings at M.60, these being s straight rut or those st 3K.26 on Wednesday. The bulk of the ewes found rsdy sale at 34.7m7.oa Wethers like those t $7 !S yesterday brought $7.40 to day. Trade waa active and the clear-ani-e early. Viuntatlon on sheep and lamb: Urnbs, Mexican. S8.7A4f9.16: lambs, fed wenlertns. $S.MVrfS.0; lambs, shearing, $7.7fvitfW.25; yearlings. light. 88 OOdrfS .60: vearilnsa heavy, $7.76f8.00; wethers, good to choice, 87.Onni7.40; wethers, fair lo good, $6.76p 7.00; ewes, good to choice, $4.7&itf7.UO; ewes, isir to gooa. Representative sales: No. Av. Pe 4. fed lamb 74 as 4Mi fed lambs 77 g gn i'60 fed lam ha en ton 244 fed lamb K 8 00 i'4l fed lamb Oil 128 fed lamb 7 no 1H4 fed lamb 11 mi 171 fed lambs 71 8 00 1M Mexican lamb ; n jo Mexican lamb 78 8 10 'J Mexican lamb 79 t 10 Z2 Mexican lamb 7 9 10 X fed lamha 79 15 36 fed lamb , ;n m 221 fed lamb 78 9 15 CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Caltle "(eady Hogs Active heep Weak. CHICAGO. Feb. 2S.-a.TTLK-lteclpt. o.'i new; market steady; native steers, $5.6i8,10; western, $5.103'7 cow and ii-ueiK, nwq i.m; csiven, I7.UUT10.60, HOGS Recelpta, 23,000 head: market ac- " ira nigner: euik ot sales, snap 4.1. 16; light, 88 fKti.85: mixed. $6 .4.VJI 80; so. ieiue.iv; rougn, ltD'i; I". 86. ISKfe,. 80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 16 fy) head: market weak; sheep, 86 tr7.75; rarungs, fi.eiia.Mi, lamb. 37.8Oti9.S0. Kaneaa C ity Mr Mark Market. KANKASJ PITT lr.K Olt rtiTI.1 t.- rt - I . . t , i i.r rtf orlptu, J.. bend; murkrt truk: prime- St. T ,WUPr"v 'Vtf'i.w; bulla, Kk&AP .', ri-s, tn.nsrTfiiVy.'n. HOGS-Recrlpts. 18.000 bead: market hluher? hull, r.t ... 1 , .... -. . , .. ? . : ",,'k',r" n(1 butchers, $.60r nam,; pigs, JU4IH. 99. SIIKKI AMIl I.AMUW lUln head; market hlghor ;lamla, is..VVfi!2.",; yearllnss. l7MtomH- ik.n v " tvss n fisuvii I .uv, waa, $6.2607.10. loax City Lire Stock Market. SIOT'X" riTT tVk t niTTIf n.. celpts, 1,800 head; market 10c lo 15o higher: natrce steers. $s.iir.l6; butchers, $6.0inB.60; cow end heifer. $4.70(j.a6; rannor. $4.oft4.70; stocker and feeder. $...5iiv40: calve, $5.0OTltO; bulls, stag, etc.. $X.0Ofll.8O. HOGS Receipt is, 12,000 head: market TASsriv Iu... t! AmL f.a KK . h,i..j ila . . j , ..,.w,iIt w-r. TaMlv-tni, llll Jtrta.1, fn, ts' light. $6.40(a.45; bulk of sale. $6.124 v - '. 8HEEP AND LAMBfl-Recelpt. $,fJV) head; market 10c to 16c higher; ewe, $6,116; lamb. 37.0011 8.60. nt. l.oiii, Live ntoek Market. ST l.ntTIH .K l!jlirTl.n. eelpt. 2.500 head; market steady; native .'w, v.ttib. ai.vTiivi; cows ana ncuers, $5.6ft-,j.2R: steers. $6 TWT.TK; cows and heif ers. $4ODM00: niUvs calves, $H.01iU.rA HOGS Receipts, 7,700 hesd: market higher; plga and llghta, $5.26)i7.o0; mixed nd butchers. fA7tth'7 AO viuwl k.w tii un SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 1.6M head: market higher: native muttons. 86. 7S '.. llisv m'i , t o I88twsig ft. I . sJi.TB; lambs, $8.76(09.50; yearlings, $7.60 Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 25,-COFFEE Addi tional March notice against 10,000 bag wero Issued in the coffittee market here today, leading to continued switching from near to late months, but otherwise there wa little feature, and after open ing unchanged to 1 point lower, closed net unchanged to 4 point lower. Hales, Including exchanges, were 18.7M bun. European house were moderate buyer ot near months, while there wag some scattering Wall street llnuldstlnn and little trade selling. February. 8 4i; oiarcn, o.4ci April,; May, 6.90r; J una, 6.66c; July, 6.60c ; August, .73o; Septem ber, SRIc; October, 8.kc; November, .8f; December, 7.02c. Spot, quiet; Rio No: 7, 74e; Santo No. 4, 9o, Millions Demanded Of Mexico City- Men By General Carranza WASHINGTON. Feb. 2. Tmnnaltlnn a' Pedal taxes amounting to millions nf dollar upon business houses and property owners of Mexico City by General Onregon. the Carransa commander waa reported to the State department today. ., Under lh general decree payment must be made before o'clock n..l nvi. ay evening on pain of Imprisonment and confiscation of property. Th tax amounts to three-fourths nt 1 per cent on alt banks, business concerns, stock compaule. mortgage holder and Individual operator In th federal dis trict. Foreign eomsanle are mbwi t th tax on th amount ot capital invaated In th republic. EL PASO. Tex:. Feb. 14 The n.m.. Catholic prteat Whose detent Inn . loo City by "th Carransa official ha occasioned diplomatic solicitation by th American Stat department arrived today at Vera Crug, according to official Car- ranxa advice received here. The new bulletin conveyed tha following of the affair: 'The priest were exulted tmm i 1..- - .. a v-uy tor raiiure to contribute 600,000 peso for the relief of th poor. Thsy are being criticised tnr nn .i. ing this contribution, though they gave nuerta eu.ww.ono pesos. Briton Cruiser Takes German Ship Gotha MONTEVIDEO, Feb. SB.-Th' n..- steamer Ootha, loaded with provision for th German auxiliary c rti 1 ssi Trxii Prin Wllhelm, ha been captured by a onusn cruiser, according to reliable d, vice, nd taken to the Falkland Islands. The steamer Gotha wss but rannrt- .. leaving Bueno Ayr, February I. with upplle. It I a vessel of $.668 ton and belong to th North German r i..j steamship eompany. It wa built at Bremen In 1907. Over Million Allies Captives of Teutons LONDON. Feb. la. A omi. ... lr tlmatd that Qermanr and Au.ih. now hay 1.036.000 war prisoner, about 7$ per cant 01 which ar held by Germany ATTITUDE OF ITAXY OF MUCH CONCERN TO KAISER BERLIN. (Via I,ondon). Feb. 25. A sud den change of feeling concerning th at titude of Italy was noticeable In dlplo matle quarter during th laat few day. Th position of Italy appear to have become a matter of much concern. The reason for thl change ar got clear at thl time. r-et competent nelp through The Be. Estate ad In The Be. AdveUs your property for a quick aal. t 11 NEW YORK J5T0CK MARKET " 1 Further Recovery from Recent .Pries Depressions by Whole List of Shares. GAINS OF POINT ARE THE RULE NEW YORK. Feb. 25. Further recov ery from recent price depression was) made by today' stock market, the Im provement embracing all part of the list with the exception of a few Issue whose Increasing weakness result front unusual conditions. Gain of a point were the rule In speculative and invest . ment hares, while some of the erstwhile active seclattles like Mexican Petroleum American tobacco and the motor stock cored material advances. The weak feature Included New Haven, Southern railway preferred; ft, Paul preferred. Seaboard Air Line pre ferred, Mackay company' preferred and Pressed Steel Car preferred, all of which. Itouched new low minimum prices, the ' aecnne in rressed uteel extending to) eight Point. Hautmore & Ohio com mon also came within a fractional ran go of It new minimum of alxty-three, while May department stores, with a fierprndlcular decline of almost nine points, reflected an absence of support. More stability was manifested by all the market for foreign exchange, that situation leliig assisted by rumor that negotiations are almost completed for the placing of additional credit Isv sev eral of the European governments now making extensive 1 purchases In , thl country. " " 1 Domestic monetary movement show av ' light hardening of rate for lofig-tirn accommodations, but interior bank con - tlnue to lend freely of their superfluous, funds. The probable score of the Ana- ' conda Cornier note offering", which coin cide with an advance In the prloe fit copper metal to 15 renfa, was the inter- t eating financial development of the day. The Atchison yatem presented its Jan- nary statement, which . was noteworthy -chiefly for Ita Increase in operating ex penses, thereby enabling net Increase: of about $L7n,om, Re pert a of several minor line were lee satisfactory. 1 melon's market were heavy, even, high grade Investment Issue Inclining; ' to lower levejs. The Hnnk of England showed a nirther loss of gold and reduc tion of liability reserve. , Bonds were firm, except In some of the lower priced speculative Issues. Total sales par value, $2,O3O,0no. I'Mteil states) registered 2 declined U - per cent on call. iTumoer or sale and leading Quotation en stock wor a follow: siaa. His, low. Cloes Alaa Gels' '. Amalgamates. Copser .... Atnarhan llt Hugar..., An'arlran Cfcn Amarlraa ft. a ft An.trlraa g. a H. p(d.. Am. Hussr Refining Anarlean Tel. Tel.... American TAhacee Anernnd Mining Alrhleon Baltimore a Onto HrooRlrn lUpId Transit. Talirnrnie, Petrnleuro .... Cnnadfas Iaolflo , Ontral Leather tTiaeapealia a Ohio...., t'httiasa Great Waster, fhlrago, M. Ht. P.... rniiiaao a n. w t'htno Copper I'olnrana Fuel A Iron.., Cnlnraio A 4niitham.,. Penr A Hlo Uranda... Ii-nrer A 11. O. pr4 IHntlllrra' tlerurltles ... Krle (leneral Rle,-trlo tlreat NoKhern pf4 Ureal No r etta Oussenhelm Ktploratlom. Illlnnls Central Interhnrmigh Met. pfd... Innpimllns tapper International liarreeter. Kaneaa city Southern... Ijettigh Valley lioularllla Naahvills. Menlran Petrnleum Miami Copper Mleaourl. K T Mlejiourl Parlfle National Hlecult ....... National Ieed Nevana Copper New York Central N. Y . N. II. II Norfolk Weetarn Now hern Paoins ., Pacific Mall 1. I'aollln Tel. A Tel Pennsylvania Pullman Pslana Car.... Ray i'4in. Opper ftMitlng Republic Iron A Hleel... IKork lelan ,. Hock aln4 Co. pld St. L A H. r. M pld.. Houlhern Paolfle Kouthern Hall war Tenneaeee Onpper Teias Company Vnlns Paclhn I'nlnn Parlfio p(d. foiled Htatee Hleel V. . Steel pfd Utah Copper Wahaak pfd ,, Weatern t'nlen Weetlnghouea Cleotrlo .. Oflared. 0 an 37 r T.7e 1M 1,400 us 41 ll 81 17 81 86 ! 40 soit , s 7X n lot 14 101 44 ll 111 11 Km in ni zii . 84 S f 81 43 . 44 700 16 l.OOO 84 1. 4 ano 18 17 IS a.kW 11,7 1WW l.W 14 444 14 8.40(1 eve l.ow 40 40 40 10 10 10 14 4 14 im 4 24 10 10 "H 13 no U4 1,004 11 Ml 1.800 10 tl 10 M l.SOO 111 11.11 UJ., 404 10 M sr. 4V . 104 . c 11 21 1WU, 113 4A0 64 - KM . IH "io 'ti'i 1.70 1.13 M "ji lit 113 . KO 111 100 mo 47 18 11 ' 1 .... 4 10 10 10 .... I? too 10 41 II 13 4S 704 t.loo 1.000 1 81 II 8! 41 It) 400 101 1.000 lftl J"o 100 10 Jit , 25 104. im m 1M)' 800 14 11 . 1.104 143 141 141 1 a . 1 83 14 11 21 3.100 700 1.400 4.1 ' 81 ' 13', 13 27 24 7,400 111, 111 11144 II 1.704 41 41 4t t.ioo 10.1 101 im 1.104 61 M 40 '.-.. ..... 1 400 l fit 14 w 4V0 4e 4B 48 total sale for tha day. 144,804 shares. ' . Metal Market. NEW YORK, Feb. ffi.-METALS-Lwd' ftteadv at 8.VrtVWflBR. ij",. , i Bpelter: Htrong at $10 00 bid; London. 43' 2s 6d. Tin: Firm; five-ton lot, $S7B7Uf8' 38.37; twenty-five-ton lola, $37.7fi38&o Copper: Dull: electrolytic, $14.76f14 87H- "". sii.ewB-n.Mvt. iron: steady and unchanged. At London Copper; Upot, t4 10s; fu- lYZ?',-A-U "" Tin: "P"1 future. 1157 10s. ST. IX)V1H. Feb. Jo. M ETALB Iad' Bywig at $3.80. Mpelter: Strong at 89.12V4 ' Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Feb. t5.-COTTOV-pot quiet; middling upland. S ?6o; no (ales , Cotton futunrc closed steady. March' 820c; May, LbOc; July, 8.73c; October. S.OOo.; December. 8.17c. L1VKHPOOI Feb. M.-COTTON-flpot. firm; good middling, I.27d: middling, 4.964; low middling. 4.66d; sales, 7.00Q bale. Dry Good Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 35. DRY GOODS . v Cotton good market were quiet today. Yarn and raw silk were eaay. Fancy wool wultlngs sold well for fall. Belgium wa In the market for uniform cloth for war purpose. ErU for First Hlf OUC Mils, 49o for toh a.dttionst nil thr$ after for tha distinca yon rida. Ra charja lor e$!I inj or rebirntn. - Waltlna Time at Batf of 0LBO Is ( Hour. "That's Oar erlo" Telephone Poug. 00. Om.tia Taxi Servlca Go. 104 FarDtm St. OMAHA 17 Engravings Electrotypes Stereotypes Designers U 0 Retouchers Photographers All Under One Roof iav - a I I I). f . 1 L p i