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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1915)
10 THE I'.EK: OMAHA, FEBRUARY 1915. WANT ADS Want ad tfrflvKl lit any time, but to Insure proper rlsKeirt'-ation must ha pre sented be'rc 12 o'clork noon for evening edition snd 7 SO p. m. for morning and Fund editions. Want received Bfter m-h hour will be under th heading, "Too Let to Clilfy." ' . CAP?? RATE"-. Peren enneecullv timet. I cent a worn each Insertion. . ... Three time within on week, 1H cent word each Insertion. Out time, I cent a wrdt CHARGE RATES. Beven consecutlv timet. ctnll a una ii'-h Insertion. ,n & Three time within on week. !0 cent a line each Insertion. One time, 11 cent a II" ,ta Count six sverage wonli to a Minimum charge. 10 cent. An advertisement Inserted to be ru B un til discontinued DUt be atopped tr tea order. All claim for error, rn"?1,? iT"! .ohi nrieen dav after tho last inser- tlon of tha advertisement. Ton ean placa rur want ad In Tha B bT '"KLEPHONE TYLER 100 Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column ft Hundred of other answer- have been tailed for and delivered during the last week. It la reasonable to eunpoae that all of tha people below have made the dealred swapa. therefore do not call for the balance of their answers. Bea want ft c. s c. l 142 1411 1V 1411 W.11 j4H IMS 14! 1MJ 14.'4 J4L lf' 14.1 r 143 wo 14.18 1M& 1441 1448 1449 1WT ,4M 70 14T W' 1469 157 143 1W 14;0 JS 1471 1WJ 1481 W BEATIII AKD riHERAt NOTICES. BAUER Richard, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kauor. ased 4 year. Funeral services at family residence. KiO North Twenty-fifth street, Wednes day, at t p. in. Interment at Forest lawn cemetery by automobile, friend Invited. . BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Rlrths Edward and Kate BoKaci, !Wi FVth Twenty-ixth, hoy; Joseph J. and (Francis jKirnsn. 4aA Farnam, girl; Wil liam P. and Justine Hudson, 24-30 Routh (Fifteenth. glH; Krvo and Vera Hunt. J41&4 8outh sixteenth, gtrl; Joseph and Wary Pecen. 1414 William, girl; Frank and Ella Poa-cll. 803 8outh Thirty-third, flrt; Edward J. and Unne Luch, 2lt irant, girl; Oeorge and t,lda Yeoman, S4I9 Bpenoer, boy; Frank and Valentin Herck, 1410 ltancroft, lKy. Ueaths Catherine Martin, to years. 2411 Cuming; O. W. Mltcnell. 66 years. For tieth street and Poppleton av.iue; Allen GUI, 66 years, hoapltsl; O. A. Kristol. 46 years. Tenth and Jackson; Wayna Joy, M years. 634 North. Twenty-seventh 1 Nancy Anns Tinneraa, T7 yeare. 8UIJ Vin ton; Mary Ann tJaseett, W years. Twen-1v-ntnth and Hamilton; Itenjamln J. Morris, 4 years, Twenty-fourth and Pratt. MARRIAGE UCKKIKI. The following marrlaga license were lud: Nam and Residence. Age. Carsten Kuebl, llennon 24 I'aulUia "WlUrns. Millard IN) James R. Craikhead, Central City 80 Nora Harbough, Valley V 80 Vernon A. Brack, Omaha .' .26 tllen Hmith, Omaha 1 TODAY'S COMPLETE movie riuxuiAMa KxcJiiHlveljr in Tho lie. Dim I'm, KUTR NO. 2. 1.111 FARNAM, Tlie stolen Ruby. (Alice liolUatur.l X-r Kal. dr. Broncho Billy and the Claim imnpera. ui, w. or. A Bare Adventure, FARNAM. 141 FARNAM ST, absolutely four first-run Mutual ii. ms, wun tne ramous Ksyslone eoiu adles changed daily. liii-P lHKATli.i, luXH ANu AlAiiNSY Horns of Paramount Flcturae, fAliAw XliAvAlaat. Feature program dally. Keystone Comedies. sit N. ICTli. I'RINCRt-d. L317-11 lK-ITfjika 'ard Never Li. (It, Meyer. R. Tlieby.l mum uw -iy. E,en tvnaon.i The Black Note. B reaming Joker com. Aorta. IAL11AUBRA, 1814 N. 24TH. Ainoii; in mourners. Key. Cora. Joke tn Jtllow Town, Rel. lra .ovei;ufw of War, 1-reel. K.-B. drama. ALAMO. 24TH AND VOHT. Environment, Majestic drama. 2'he Maater, 2-reel K.-H. drama. As a, Man ThlnKeth. Beauty oimsd y. n.iFTON. miu avk. a iwiumrta. Miilion-Lt11ar Mystery No. 14. The Hop tdnugglf-rs. Reliance drama. tuhcr 1'eople s Business. Keystone oom. IJIAMOND, 2410 AND LAKJi j oiiiiui i own urn. i-reei Ken. Those Uerman Bowlers, sterling comedy The Great Python Robbery. 4-reel. J'RANKUN, 24TH AND FKANKUN The tilrl Telegrapher's Peril. Kaiem dr. An Affair for the Police. I-r. Vita. com. jjvw iiray foum. mograpn drama. U ltANlTlTnMUr'iia4uiUfulTuA Tblnney, Hl-reel Keyntone comedy. Tilly's Punctured Romance. JilPIDROMli 25TII AND cCMIN'oT Arisona Jack and Montana Jack. Fancy ouuiiiia. inc. mping. ituins or rate, Fatty's Maglo Pan Is. Keystone comedy. 3T TH&ATEK. 14'1'tl AND Uk:UST. i na j eiiii.iv im mouK ii. rtuson drama. Tlie Fatal Opal. 2-r. Kalem drama. 1 lie hnYlln Miinimy. VHayraph com. B.uTJiu P. SITU AND IjUTHROP Zudora No. I A l.ucky I'Uwppoltitment. Reliance dr. Jlcfore and After, l omedy. 1VAU 2ua CAUlWtU. ilia jumsirniii. c-reei imp. Jove a-nd Water. Sterling comedy. Jewel of A Unit. Kcl. drama. la DAVKNl'ORT. The Treasure Train. I-reel Imp. A llinntotn Cri knun. Victor. nrhl'RHAN. S4TU ANI AUM. A almcnat of I'aradlse. J r. Kill, drama. i ne naiuo or in knvuif . tM. W. ouui. riaytliliiKS r.f j.ale. HI, dra ma. awatk. 1 AliHOU, 3tU AND ARBOR. iiinn.iwjiir Mysrery ,o. 14. A Hnlied areer. Keyaione comedy. 'nirsu. Thaiihouix-r drama. AH.UJI TilKATKit , IOJ4 lavenworth. 'ilarl-e!ig Nc, a. Tiw lie re lie. t-rel h! drama. The t-iuuklng Out of nim nuu. t iLMsrapn nimnly. I UU illilA 171U MJ. ly'l'lL .y ii.e oovrrnors tinier. S-r. Vita. dr. "I he i ourlehlp of the I'ook. EdL couv t'l-n Mute. Iibin drama. ".MtuKT. HTM AND VINTON y.uaoia K Wie No. . -r. The World i i.i.ia. ii.-uanee. uiaik Uhut Pandit. rnm inn w aiipair. Ky J-AiuhlTK IHliATfcit, 1U VINTON 1 M'at F I tMSI Iff PtO. S. '1 l. l iematture Compromise, t-f, rjj, or r-..ii:i.g i-u oum-m. iiugraph com. i ne millionaire toxnwr. I-recl Iuu. JfJ l.ittla Klopriurnt. Ne.tor cuiuvdy, i.r nifmrr a in t.u r n.niier ! U.l'', K7 VINTON i. a MiniKKlers Inland. t-tri liold bL i ne i . ar uii iiyitocrue. in l". Nns.ii s lwutJIt 'ryial comedy A.-'l I M K, t.l AND l.KAVKN WOKlit i i rrtimi. I-rel lt,A. Ji. ....n. in l'iuLaiid. il'ocr.) ..It Ire. tLi.arcu aatrahiia and hr ghAvi ad sure set result, sc. sc. s c. sc. VI V IH1 d sm 404 l"1 810 t1) 412 137 ill SA 415 IZM em rt 4! JMi OH ?1 417 JH44 r. iwi 4it it Ml MR 4?0 lc.l Si3 RTS ' 4:3 11 IV . 437 152 tfH 41 4X JS74 140 4 178 e:i .J it iw 247 ST4 7 130 4l lO 1" 24 Sfifi I'M 1JM S6t t tt 14" 24 n 117 1C r mil i4" M 4 1214 10T TODAY'S OOMPLKTE r.trlnslvrly la The Ilea Sooth. VENEZIA. 1211 SO. Four reel of Mutual picture 1ITH ST. Weal. MONRO K, 2.V FARNAM. I'artu Jake, Itcart-Hreaker. Cel. W. cm. Th Loos Change of Chance. Ess. dr. Exploits of Elaine No, 4. RENSON. WIS MAIN ST. Terrence O'Rnnrke. f Warren Kerrigan. I The Rural lnwn. (Ritchie.) L K. com. The Hermit's ce. ret. Eclair rlrsma. Coaacll Mlarrs. ELITE NO. 1. 646 HROAPWAT, A l,eap from the Water Tower, kal. dr. Murgoon Warren a Ward. z-r. r.s. r. A Matter of Court. Rlngraph romexly. NRIIOI.AH, M7 BROADWAY. The Khanty at Trembling Hill. it-r. Kkb. The Treachery In the Clouds. Vita. com. All for the Hoy, Hmgrapn nrama. ROPER. 6T7 BIUJADwai. Story the Bilk Hall Told. Imp. drama. After Her Millions, s-r. u. rur. cviuoj. ancelled. 2-r. rioisir w. gram. aadvllle. ORPHEUM. 14TH ANO Zudora Wednesday night. No. 1L .at oatb. TtBSSE THEATER, MJH A1VD N. The. Adventure of Bralrollff. 2-r. Kal. com. wemea, a nurm. . The House of Horror. Hlngrapn nnrnn. MAGIC. J4TH AND O. S-reel n. OM Pea I-ea's Will. Treaaura Beeaera. Sterling comedy. ANNOUNCEMENTS Olsen & Roueche Tailors 1505 Harney Street Douglas 6998 CLEANING AND PRESSING A SPECIALITY , jook Over Our Prices: Suits Pry Cleaned , . . .$1.50 Suitfi, Overcoats SponRed and Pressed, .75 Suits Pressd .50 Coats Relined ........ 3.50 "We do all kinds of repairing and alterations at very reason able prices. GOODS .CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE. s If you have a garment that does not fit we can make it fit. CALL DOUGLAS G998 NOW! DUKeiiSM AK1NO and tailoring, work guaranteed. 8404 Cass wt. Tel. Kea. ran. Wedding announoementa. Doug. Pig. Co. HAZEL Leaf Pile Cone. Best remedy tor Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; Mo postpaid; samples' fre. Sherman it Mcconneii I'rug io,, umana. ENROLL Bow. Y. M. C A. night achool. LUCKY wedding rlns at Brudegaard'a. f leOOATED IN.THB BlLhl BtlTDlNO. THK BCILDiNO THAT IS ALWAYS NEW." IS KVKH A SAFK AND DEIIRABLU ANNOUNCKMKNT. NOTICE. Tadlea rnlnr to coast should placa (heir orders early to avoid any delay la their plana. anna moin.iv, kdie' Tailoring and Dressmaking, JOt N 204 City National Bank Bldg. J AUTOMOBILES Going In the "Jitney Bus". .Business? Any of tha following rara would maka dandy "Jitney iiusea; Abbott-DeircR, u model, KnoDDy Tr. tire, new top, motor flaa shape I 700 STCOrJBAKkiR SIX. 14 (never been realslered). coniclet with starter and light L0O9 Ford, 14 model, flu shape..... SN) Ford, 14 roadster, extra equipment.. " Ford. 14 touring, extra equipment.'... 0 Uuk k, model F. U10, good running order (fine for truck) ,. 7& Overland, 11 Roadster Regal. 13 Touring 4tt Oakland, 14 touring, clectrlo light and start HO AND OTHER BARGAINS. COME IN AND SEE THEM, Auto Clearing House 22U Farnam ft " Phon Iiouglss 3310. WE BCV CAHM FOR CAK1I. ON K lull Csdlllac touring car; big bar- gain. Cadlilao Co., toug. 4-2. ln.litrlai Oarage Co., 'tli 4t Harney Ota iO RK WARD for any magneto w caa't repair. Coll repd. Haysdurier, no N. Is. 1H RKN'T One-ton Whlta truck wlia driver, by week or month. 11. Peltou. ram r arnam. v all iiougiaa uoi. s Greanough Omaha Red. Rep. Co., J Far, AUivl ulvaJtng bouae, iW kaiuaiu, buy and sells liavd Ja. t'lion Douglas C ELSAKriKR. expert radiator and lamp repairs. i y. itu, mi Laveiiwoi'in. AUTOMolilLK-Ovvrland Su, I paaseiigvir touruig. uvernauieii MIA. Hear Urea new, nobby tread. Will buy tire to make deal. Kxlra tube aud tires cheap fur oub. L L. D.. P. O. Box IK bouth Omaha. Detroit electric, overhauled and In first. class condition. Csll Phnn Harney fw. I,lia paiitletl, atxoruing to SIM Uoid work guaranld. Hanatoin fark Uare.g. FoR Kli.NT-1 htgb-crade 1-ton tiuck ty day. wuek or uio.iin. Call Tyler Um. Molars j elea. HARLKY-DAVID80N MOTORCYCLES. Hamulus in uswl machines. Victor Rooa, "The Motor, yele Man." lht Iavenwortn. iJii IN bl AN MOTOKCVCLK now reaoT bargains In used maL-nlne. UMAllA mcj-i.ji cJ., Mia and cuius. U. iiu. s BltilXLSS CUANCES AN opportunity to lease the only store ivoitsny in gooa imana town In Ne braska. Hliould carry (aU.000 stock. Ad- dieea a ov, tire. There are Better Business Chances For TboM Who Qfflca la , G.xd Building For Room in Tlio Bee Building "The bull.llng that Is slwsys new." tic the buperlutcndcuL, luom lol ni RIXKKH CIIANCKS GROCERY Mere I a splendid place for man and wife: "good" location In nice residence district; "eying business; Invoice about ll.BOO. QUICK SALES CO., 41s Bee Rldg. FOR SACK Cheap, small planing mill, doing hood business. Adtlreaa L, 6w9, ltee. LilT liiirlncns ihance, property f'rrerrt sale or exchange with me. I will write All manner of insurance. W. O. Tem pleton, Oen. RRoKKK, "3 Re. Ty. 2"?n. ONE of the lest retail bakeries In the city; no competition. Call Web. 7694, or address K 2!?. Hee. C. J. Canan can sell jour farming Isnd. TO GKT In or out of buelness. Call on (lAXOKKTAI). 4 Ree Bldg. D. .t47T. flONH. snoty rM Clark ion. I). U7 LARGEST rafeteria In Iea Moines, la., can be bought on your own terms. T1- agreement of partners compels Immediate saie; man or any Business anility ran clear a,0!ir to K.flnO a year: Immediate aciien necessary. J. W. Wefcrh, City Nat 1 nana riog., i.imana, ren. THKATKR.S Buy," lease or sell your the ater, machine and auDnllna thraush Theater Exchange Co., 1406 Farnam 8L lugias iwi. TOUR business or real estate quickly mil, tv rue Jim w ray, aioux city. WANTKD In northern or central Iowa, a man with 41. (Ml to Invest in a huxIneM whereby a good salesman ran reallaa 1"T0 on Investment, beside a good salary, the nri year, it taken at once. Address T XA. liee. LIST YOlfR R1IS1NIK-SH with us for Quick action and square treatment. UIJIOK BALES rOHPANT. 41g Bee Hlrtg. Phone Red JM. C. M. EATON. Bus. Broker. OfT wSct win neip you in or out ot ouslpee. Roaming; House for Male, BOARDINO and rooming house for sale cheap. Ill health reason for selling. Furniture In excellent condition; elso high grade piano. 2213 Howard. I). 3n0. FOR HALE Newly furnished, steam heated, 14-rooin rooming nouse; walk ing distance; full of roomers; owner go ing Into other business; rent Is reason able: cheaD for cash If taken at onra. Could arrange for terms Call D. 7101. Baalaea investment. mmm j Our Nebraska farm mort " T gsges are not affected bv L Kuropean war or panic. Amount S400 to $20,000. W M S collect ail Interest and principal free ot charge, M ear In the Nebraska farm loan field without a loss is our record. KLOKB INVESTMENT COMPANT. an umtnt in at. Bank meg. jman EDUCATIONAL WINTER TERM . MOSHER-LAMPMAN COLLEGE. NOW OPEN. Unsurpassed classes In business, short hsnd and Knglish oranches, Graduate guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for young people to work for board. For fre catalogue add- Mosher-Lampraan College Isth and Farnam Htreet, Omaha. Neb. Tho Van Bant School . Stenography Pay school. :00 to 4:C4. Night school. 4.U to l:U. II tb and Farnam 8ts. Dougtas MT. LXPKRT lady ttenographer will take pupil. BHORTHAND touch typewrit ing, spelling, punctuation, etc., taught and complete training given for business ca reer. Private instruction If desired. 44 Douglas St. Tel. Walnut ZiZl BOYLES COLLEGE Day Bchool: Night School; complete business course; complete shorthand or tenotyp course; complete telegraphy course; civil service branches and Eng lish. Piuaenis aamittea at any um. Write, phone or call tor 1914 catalogue. BUTLKH CtJL.LH.UHi, IT. B. BOKLLa. President. Boyle Bldg., Omaha. Nab. Tel. tiougiaa ima. tX)R sale the following scholarship In a first claas Omaha Business college! One unlimited combination bus in as and ahorthand course. On unlimited business couraa. On unlimited atenographlo couraa. On three month' business or steno graphic course. Will be sold at a discount at tha off to ot the Omaha Bee. PRIVATE1 lessons given in algebra. trigonometry, geometry, calcuiu or ma chine design. For partkulara apply to Box No. P M4. Be. FOR BAUD Varnltare. New A jd-hand furniture, cash or term; reasonable. Anier. f urn. t;o., ou& w. istn Masieal Jaalraaaeata. Slightly ued high grade piano. D. 1T. AT A SACRIFICEFIn upright Kimball piano. Harney 463 after i.iv p. m. Tygrswritera. RENT Remington. Monarch and Smith Premier of their makers, in neming- ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas llaA Rental credited U you purchase and omy very neweav and highest giade ma chines sent out. Rates, Ihreemontha tor $6 for uudarstrok machines or H par month for latest model yisioi wTnera. TYPEWRITERS oid, rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 307 S. 17th All make typewriter rented, sold, terms. Butte Typewriter, ihh f arnam. u. euu. Ri,NT An Oliver typewriter, s month for 4. The Oliver Tpwntr t-o,. v. bii as. $5 Afl Ruya beat coal for the money: try W 1. vl 14s Hmiiiin Jk Waatli. ELKOTR10 MOTORS 1-11. P.. volt. I Dhane. new 1 17 a-11. P., X.V volts, S phase, new 44 s-H. P., 2J0 Volts, S phase, new 60 a-li. r., 1U0 vol! a. 1 phase, new 67 S-K. W.. 110 volts. 4. C. new $71 -K. W., 110 volts. D. C.. new I'M 2"-K. V l-6o volts, new 0 1-11. P. Uaaullne Engine 30 6-11. P. UeAiltne engine. throttling governer ,luO Le 13ron Electrical Works ils 8. Uth Bl. t-hand im'h. Uimi V w On., II 4k Paul. FOR SALK New and aocoml-hand caruiu and pocket billiard table and bowliug alley and sccuwrlvi; bar fixtures of all klnria; easy payments. The Brunswick- Balke-Coliender Co., T-4a S. lwth St. 4 BAbKETS coal. 4L Was ner. sol N. lellu I NfcW aafea, diderent ilui, below ouL Dr. Bradbury, demist. 1 r arnam. U NEW gutomallo weutlilug scale. $ and $lt Match machlnee and luting machine. One horse wagon, buggy and harneea, also tools, luiuber anu other luiscellsneous articles for sale or trad. J. 0, 1S1I, EXECUTOR Tnl Bo. Slat Ave. Phone Harney Z43. EUXTUIC MOIXJUS l it. P., U0 volts, I phase, new $ 37 111. P., M volts, $ phase, new 4t J-H. P., 1-1 volts, I phase, new W HI. P.. iJ) volts. $ Thase. new bl DYNAMOS. -K. W 110 volt. D. C, new $ T 5- K. W.. 110 volte. D. C, new 11m 3VK. VV'.. i:-o volts, new NO 1-11. P. Oaaollne Engine jw 6- H. P. UaaoUne Engine, throttling governor f.-. 100 LE BRON HLKCTRICAL WORKS, tin b. lnh 1 St. FOR JSALE 300 Aliuiio Engines Oil and gasoline, atatlonary and pert able. 1 to l-h. p. at coat Prices. -h. p. vertical gaaolln engine. (. a, b., Omaha, each $.T 60. J-h. p. hurtsonlal gaaolln engine, f. a b , Omaha, each eiH.iju. 2-h. p. horlsontai gasoline engines, f. O. b , Omaha, each UlvK Other slsee at currea ponding prices. Engines shipped ou approval. Order one today. ALAMi FNliINK AND SIPPLY CO UJ.'I Faliuua 6U. Omaha, N.b. FOB R.ILK Mlacellaneoaa. ATTKNTION. TIAIRYMBN. Twenty tons A -I Alfslfs. M per ton. CALL IKIt OLAf .VC HELP WANTED FEMALE 4 lerlral sad Uffie. CLERICAI One who Is rapid and jf. curste at figures H0 to $0 WATTS RKF. Co.. X.W-40-42 Bran. Thea. BOOKKKKPKH and stenographer I Bonkkeerer snd stenographer fV) Bookkeeper and etenopranhcr )45 WLST REF BOND ASSN. 7T.X4 Omaha National Bank Bldg. NO USUAL FILING FEE Stenographer H& Office clerk $40 Ledger clerk US Business Men's Reference Assn " 1310-21 Woodmen of tho World. BOt)KKKh.I'KR with experience; must he n n t .n t fnn ...m. - nn. Position In small city; 50 per month wi'.U room and bn.irri. I'ri.l Innratlv. .f i l' lf nty National Hank HlUg. BOOKKKKPKR and stenographer, $60. 4.l. . 1 ENKRGKTIC lady solicitor for corset wura. jii eosier-Bunaerian(i King. LEARN ha'rdresalng. Oppeahelm Parlor llossekersera and Ilom .!.. THK Servant Oil! Problem tfolved. Tht eee win run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FR&I2 until you net tha dVslreri l. This applies to resldenta of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffa Bring ad to Tha Bee office or telephone Tyler lOoO. A NEAT and Intelligent girl to assist in general housework; family of 4. call a. m., Ll Binncv. Web. twa. COMPETENT girl for general house work; no washing; good wage. 2313 Burt HL WANTED A girl for scneral houiework. Hmall family. 41K ft. ath ft. H. aill. WANTED A competent second glrL References required. Mrs. N. A, Spies kerger, 3il9 Farnam Ht. H 17. WANTEIi A girl for generalhoU8ework; no wssning. Kg is. llilh ay t. WANTED A girl for general housework. I.. t-ara Ave. ti. WANTED A competent second girl; ref- vrvuuva reguirea. 4L1 an rH. MOTHER and daughter want positions aa first and second cook' In commercial hotel out of city. D. totot. WANTED A girl . for general house work. 326 So. 37fh rU. H. 2771. WANTED A girl for general housework. 3303 Woolworth Ave. H. 6342. Miscellaneous. LADIES' A misses' coats, suits, dresses A skirt samples at wholesale prices. Bon off's New York Hample Store. 206 N. 16th. WOMEN wanted; government lobs; full HatN frMt I,' a ,b!ln In.lllit. 1 1 , oca r . - ...... ... BUta WW A. Rochester. N. Y. XCXJNO women coming to Omaha as Itrangar are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian association building at St. Mary' Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler guide a,: Union station HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Office. WANTED A young energetic man about ao v,,r, viiiMi i. .. a . r. . 1 lu Omaha real estate and rentals; must M W.ll r a n. . . 1.1 , i , . ., a nve wire ana work on commission. Address L iS8, Bee. . ' ' 1 1 .... v. r r j 13, . 3l 1PTT ...TAW, Rogers Ref. Co.. 6:-8 Btate Bank Bldg. STEND One who is capable of meeting win puuno ana aesirous ot learning the i"" business. &o-75; excellent adv. WATTH R KF, CO.. S3-40-42 Bran. Thea! MGR. and salesman, city Investment Salesman, city Salary and com. Man with sales exp, to take charge of hdw. dept ..Salary depends talesman, paper exp,...; 17; Stenographer $75 watta Kef. C.i.. g3g-gM3 Brandels Thea. TRAVELING Salesman t75 to lino ntenograpner and Clerk $85 Stenographer, beginner 35 to 140 WEST. REFERENCE A BOND ABS'N., OrtKinater of the Reference Business, 7:2-4 Omsha National Bank Bldg. TRAVELING salesman with grocery specialty experience. MIDWEST BONDING CO., Be Bldg. IUGH-ORADK commercial positions. WEST REF. BOND ASS N.. 7M Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Agents, galessuea as4 Solicitor. Experienced Salesman First-class aalesman who I over SO year of aga, can show a successful rec ord and furnish good reference can se cure position with unusual opportunities. Man preferred who I now employed but want to better himself. Applicant must furnish full particular la first letter to J 697, Bea. Drug store snap; jobs. Knelst. Bea Bldg. EXPERIENCED crew manager and ape clalty salesmen for fastest seillna article on the 'market; expenses daily, pay weekly. R. U Crounse blk., liy Na. lSth. WANTED Experienced salesmen to sell '"nursery stock. B. E. Flelda A Son. Fremont. Neb. THE first payment now covers Insurance till July 1. 11&. This make our nolicv easy to sell. Call or write. Mutual Mn eflt. Health and Accident Ass n. tat-to niyNnl. Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. WANTED-Ten energetlo young men for high class advertising proposition In city. pay dally, experience unnecessary. Apply Brsnilels Theater Bldg. $li WEEK salary and commission paid one I'nun, eacu town, selling nonalco holic flavoring. Linton Co.. Kuiu City. Mo. o Factors- Tn4. AUTOMOBILE WISE OR OtHERWISB if wise a 1 inaependeat In bualneaa for yourself or earn big money. Our large and well equipped school and shop will produce this result tor yo. Get our unususl Interesting offr.- with Catalogue "C." Day aid night classes. Phone D. SOU. 141 15-17 Dodge St , Omaha. Neb. NEBRASKA AU'IXJMOBILE SCHOOL WANTKD-MKM FROM EVERY WHERE TO 'LEARN BARBER TRADE. Caa be your own boss or sure of steady employment. Few weeks' qual ifies. Spring rush soon. Bosses already engaging help. Earn while learning. Country or City applicants accepted MOLER BARBER COLLEGE, 110 S. 14lh 8t. LEARN BARBKIt TRAD hi Be lndc(endont; wsges and tools given. Electric inaa4e. Suictly modern. Big demand for barbers. Call or write. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, 1U4 iHiuglas St., O111 lu-3 N St , Lincoln. PRINTER WANT1U Man who can set nest ads and lobs and make ready and feed presses; steady Job and good wages to the right man. Address Tha Telegram Co., Columbus. Neb. atlaeellaeewwa. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business; Hi demand Is a rest for our eradi .14: w have trained hundreds of man; Ut us train you. tv rile lur ire booklet. Nat '1 Auto Training Ass'n, tS14 N ath Bt.. Omaha. 'Nib. WANTED Names ot men wanting to b 1 r uiau 11.1.4 uwuii, viuaiie exaiulnationa coming. Addrese Y C3, bee. V'AN'fEt)-l,il men to eat bam and eggs lhc. Coffee Jonn, 14(h and Capitol. GOOD YOUNG MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. Biggeat datuand for our klagneto. Else. Siurier Auio Uiaduatva. Too many ua trained tinker repair men: good men poaa tlvely iweded. Big spring ruu. Free catalogue. AMKRlt'AN AUTO COL LLOE. &6I Faioaui ot, OiuaUa. MKIlICAL Piles and Fistula "Cured Dr. Maxwell has resided in Omaha for twenty-eight years, and during this entire period has heen engaged in treating Diseases of the Rectum, Piles, Fistula, etc. Without surgical operation or pnin. No detention from business. A written guarantee given in every case treated. PAY WHEN CURED Persons are cautioned against imitators, substitutes or inferior methods of treatment. r Hundreds of the most nrnminr-nt rtpmile in Omnhn have been cured by Dr. Maxwell, who's names may be obtained by request. Patients must come to the offico for treatment. Dr. Villiam Creighton Maxwell 408-9-10 OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, 17th AND FARNAM STREETS. Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City, New York. NO PRINTED LITERATURE SENT OUT. RUPTURE itupture treated tuccMsfully by all safe, scientific methods.' The ma jority are cured without a surgical operation. We have treated many hundreds of men, women and chil dren. The cost Is determined after ex amination, and time required to cure two or three week. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suite SO 6, Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and ether rectal diseases without surgical op eration. Cure guaranteed and no money Said until cured. Write for book on rectal Iseases with testimonial DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Be Bldg. Rupture Cured in a few day without Daln. Call or write Dr Wray. KM Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Established 1x94. o HELP WAATED MALB AND FEMALES. WANTED Person to copy letters at home; pays 110 to $25 weekly. Send tamped envelop for particular. Na tional Copy Co., 3418 Brooklyn, Kansas City, Wo THOUSANDS government Jobs open to men and women; $66 to $150 month. Writ tor list Franklin Institute. Dept. 221 B, Rochester. N. Y. WANTEDSITUATIONS YOUNG man want piac to work for board wliu attending Boyle collage. Telephone Douglas 166i A FIRST-CLASS plain and ornamental plasterer, wants to correspond wltb con tractor and builder, In reference to locating In small 11 v town, wber there 1 an opening for a first-class, sober plasterer; best of reference. Address Y Son. Bee. WTD. Bundle washing. Maddle. W. 6666. WANTED Position doing general house work. Mr. Mattle Smith. Web. 7467. . WANTED Situation. Young man want to work for room and board and small Uary, P M7, Be. 1 WANTED Employment by middle-aged man, several years, raiiroaa ana office experience; prefer position a traveling sslssman or office work; caa us typewriter; not a steno. it aa, nee. YOUNG man of experience wants posi tion of any kind, chauffeur, yard man, Janitor or porter. Reference. T. 8049. SITUATION wanted, drug clerk, full reg istered; good references, it years ex perience. A. A. Berger. Harlan, la. PRACTICAL nure Wlhes position. T.1378 AMBITIOUS, strong young man on th farm, law win pi. wania position. - POSITION wanted by young married man; have had experience In variou line; can operate typewriter or sell any thing; 1 years' drug tora experience; will conlder anything for moderate aal- ry to start. Addrea u wb. pee. EXPERIENCED ' ateaographer . wants nos lion. Web. sss. WORK of any kind wanted by reliable colored woman: cleaning and scrubbing a specialty. T. A BRIGHT and Intelligent experienced mm -n t Twalttnn aa ahtn- ping or office clerk In a wholesale or com mercial nouse; can uw any mkiu e eral office work; ean furnish the bet of references; willing to stsrt work" at a moderate salary, u e, on. CHAUFFEUR Experienced young roan aeairea position m . elsewhere; strictly sober; can furnish reference If neceary. Address G 6S0, Bee. YOUNO man wants position driving jtt nev 'but. on commission or salary. Ad dress J-, Bea. LIVE STOCH FOR SALB Uersee aad Vcatclaa. MANY well-matched tearoa: young mares; so in in foaL Call at Brewing Co. aalooh. 1114 rV). 11th St. FOR SALti-Team. 4 and 6 years old. weight 2.00 lbs.; also team mares heavy in foal, weight 1.400 lbs. Each cheap for cash. Private residence, Hl Dodge St. FOR SALE Four-year old team, weight 1,600 lbs., one heavy in foal; also team of mares. 6 and years old. weight 1.400 lbs. ach. both In toal. Call residence, tX3 Dodg t . FOR SALE Two team of 6-year-old mares in foal, one team of 4 and 6-year-old dark gray horses; very cheap for ready cash, J. Ryan, manager. 2&0J Karnam. M l 1 eell Immediately, the beat l.WO-lb. team, well mated bay maree. In Doug la eounty; quit gentle and well broken; have benn taken on a debt. Call resi dence, a B. loth St. BIG team of work horses, ISuO lbs., iHM; 1-year-old draft colt, 1.400 Iba, $160; 1-ysar-old draft cult, L0 lb., tlw. I4tu and County Line. Phone Bouth 3029. SEVEN hore and mare. Tranafr Barn. 908 N. SHIP live stock to Souta Omaha. Save mileaae and shrlnkaga Your uonaign- menta raccW prompt and carefui atua- tkn. . FARM wsgons. $ and up: harne, $40. Johnaon-Dsnforth Co., Uth 4k Clark Bta FOR farm horses so Henry GHsaman, mt W. of Oinaha. Tel. Wal. 16J11. TEN good farm mares, som in foaX aome a little pavement sore, cheap. Twin City Transfer Co. barn. 1&3 Dav'pt. Un (UM twaaaataetaa Ucrckaau, MARTIN BROS. CO.. Kaonanga Bldg. LOST AND FOUND POUND At all News Stands, FREB LANCE JUNIOR, Uveat youngster. Read It. LOT Female Esqulmo Spits dog. black eye and nose; answers to name of Teddy. Reward. Call Doug. 63S4. LOST Boston terrier, dark brindle, per-l 'feet marking. Harness najnetual. M. P Miller. l.e So. list. Baward. MEDICAL LOST AND POUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Person having lot some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha Council Bluff Street Railway com pany to ascertain whether they left It In the atreet car. Many article each day are turned In and the company I anxious to restore ti em to the right?.! owner. Call Doug. 48. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY? See ua Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., to Pax ton Blk. Douglas 1411. NCTISERV PLANTS AND SEEDS GARDEN aeeda, small fruit and vegeta ble plants of strictly first class quality; catalogue free. Bowker Plant Nursery, Box 10, Kearney, Neb. PERSONAL $7,000 to Pension Invalids If w receive 500 subscription to The Ladle Home Journal $1.60 The Saturday Evening Post 1.60 The Country Gentleman 1.60 Each month till April to equal laat year's business, the original $o,0u0 become the property ot the Invalid' Pension asan., making $7,000 to pension Invalids. Wa must have 397 subscription in February. Your order or renewal add 0 eta Phon Doug. 7163 or address Gordon, the Magazine Man, OMAIH. NEB. THE Salvation Army Industrial boma so licit your old clothing, furniture, maga slnes. We collect. We distribute. Phon Douglas 41 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new noma, 1110-1111-1114 Dodge SL YOUNG - woman coming to Omaha aa stranger are invited to visit the Young Women' Christian association building at 17th St. and Bt. Mary' Ave., where they will be directed to aultable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union atation. POL'LTRY AKD 8V PPLIES DON'T forget that three timea mure chickens have been hatched In Old Trusty incubator than In any, other in cubator. Catalogue free on request. Ad dress, It. U. Johnson Co., Clay Corner, Neb. STEREOTYPE matrices make the best aad cheapest lining for poultry houaea Thy are 17x23 Inches, stronger and more durable thsn tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76c a hundred at The Bee office. BABY chick and egg for hatching from all leading varieties ot standard bred, farm-ranged fowls. Write your wanta Maplewood Hatchery. Exeter. Neb. ) LIVE WIRE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA A B C of Omaha A GOOD LOCATION 1 th first requi site ot a successful business. Th Bv Building, "tb building that la slwsys new." Is well located and It rooms easy of access. N EW and 2d-hand motors, dynamos. uiaiitioa, etc., ana mecn. repair. piui ciqvi. woria sis-sii a. itn. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming. Douglas 2467. Renovate feather ..isvivMva w an amos, maaea feather mattresses and down cover. fAi.'l'UM cleaners for sale. Vacuum cleaning doo in the home. Sanitary Service Co., sua Bee Bldg. WE rent, repair, sell nevdlca and part for all Bowing roachinea. NE- UKASK.A ciuue uu, "Mlcker.' 16th and Harney. Dougla imz. Accssstastt. E. A. DWORAK. accounts audited Ing and closing books. Installing modern uuice anu cuai acuouniuig systems. Ad dress 4.t3 Ramge Bldg. Phone Doug. 7404. Addlne- Maefclaes. Dalton Adding Machine. 411 8. It. D. 1449. Adder Mch. Co. (Wale). W. O. W. D. 6138. Arcbltec-ta. Everett 8. Dodd. 1S Paxton Blk. D. 1981. Magneto repair work a specialty. D. 2411. Aactlaaeera. Dowd Auction Co.. 1123 W. O.W. Red 828S. Attraetloaa. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion picture machine and film bars ain a Blae Frtatlaer. " HORNBY BLUK PRINT CO.. 302 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Baraera. 11 Chains, 10c shave, neck shave. 117 Far. ru FsiaSrira. Pax ton-Mitchell Co.. 17th and Martha Sts. Clatera aaeWVell Dlaataa. NEED wll or cistern cieansd or dugT gl'jjAf KR Aorm .Phone Web. 6,11. J. E. RICKERTT Well Construction CoT; nothing too big or Irapoaaibla; eatlmatea .,H.l-kA CIA V . . , miiii.iiru. BW C.. it rl., V1UBHB. f'sryestera aad t'eatractore. STEVENSON. V3 S. tld. Dougla 63 tallfarala Laada. W. T. Smith Co.. 1111 City Nat'l Bk. D 19. teal Dealer. $1 fJl Johnson' special, also Victor nut. P...F It .ft !!. rvnualaa 1701 Chiroaravtare. I Oeddl. D. C gl Bee Bldg. Doug. 4293. t'ataa faiatlagr. Ruth Letchford. decorating, firing. R. 4941 tlil kullMH. M J. LACY. 818 BEE BLDG. DOUG. 4716. Creaaa pa rat ere. Tha Sharpie Separator Co.. L'th Farn. riatmaT aad Dreiser. OLSEN t ROUECHE. IMg Harney. D. UaaesaaT Ae4talw, DOUG. AUDL Spec'l rate for dub and pit danrea. Call or tel. Mgr. D. 1424. Turyln'a Dancing Academy. th A Farn. Genevieve Hauflalre. Phone Vtatr Mackle'e Academy, 1818 Harney ClIAMbERS Academy, classic D. UU. LIVE WIRK BI HIXK.SS MEN OK OMAHA Ilevo raters aad Paper "lluten, RILOF.R doea It. Phone Walnut lS2f Destlali. Dr. Bradbury. No palln ISO Fmim. Dr. Todd's alveolar dentistry. 403 Brandels Ileteetlvea. INVESTIOATION9 carried out In anr part of United States, Canada or Mexico. " Paxton Blk. Doug. 137. Walnut 1520. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Blk. dence secured In all cases. Tyler 113 Deattsts. Bailey, the Dentist. TO City Nat'l Bank. Teft Dental Rooms, 1M7 Douglas. D. 21. Pyorrhea, Dr. Flckes, 724 City Nst. Bank. Dresaraakl ag. Terry Dressmak'g college, with A Farnam. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wanU work by day. Phone Florence SO.. WATSUN & LUND. 2007 Cass St. MISS STURDY, 2416 Cass. Red 73U. Dregs. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman A Mo Connell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Elertrle applies. LEBRON Elec. Wk.. 31 S. 12th. D. 7. Kverytalngr for Women. Woman' Exchange, 432 Pax. Blk. R. 4S11 ACCORDION, lde, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and stvles; hemstlt'-hlng, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas Block. D. 1.W. HAIRDRESSING, all branches; combings to order. Apt. 81. Wright Blk. R. 8SI. MUFFS made from old fur. H. 6646. Farters. BKN FENSTER. 1410 N. 4th St. W. 7777. Florists. A. DONAGHUE. 122 Harnay. Doug. 100L BATH'S florists, 1S04 Farnam St. Florist. HESS A SWOBODA, 1415 Farnara Pt L. HENDERSON, 1519 Famara. D. 126. Member Florist Telegraph Del. Assn. Hair Dressing;. Harper method. R. 6, Bstrd Bldg. D. 811. Lighting Flxtares and Wirlaa;. THOMAS DURKLN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 2418 CUMING. DOUGLAS 21. Live Stock ' Remedies. OMAHA Remedy Co., 807 S. 13th. Red 4VX Messenger aad Teamster. WHITE LINE, 309 B.'llth. Douglas 8311 Mask, Cosiamea aad Lodgre Sappltee. MNFR. of lodge regalia and costume. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In tha country. Theo. Lleben A Son, 1614 Howard. D. 4116 Massenae. - CORA BELLINGY rwai.roi- netlc treatment. Invigorating bath, mass sages elegant and satisfactory: dally, evening, 107 S. 17th St. Notice Entrance down stairs, basement, corner building. MISS SCHMIDT, mas., elec. bath. D. 713. Open eve., Ip, m; Sunday. 10 to 2. MIBS JACOBS, mass., manicuring. Phone Doug. 4297. Hours to 9; 8unday 11 to 6, MASSAGE, 109 S. 17lh St. Mr. Steele. Mig Fisher, mass., elec. treat. Red 5036. MASS An"! e20 BEK BUILDING, BATH and maasage, alcohol rub. Laura, Wilson, 1802 Farnam. R. 1. Douglas 8761. Open evening and Sunday. Clara Leo, bath and massage. Doug. 8761. Kathleen Mack, massage A bath. D. 7682. BATHS. 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Doug. Moving, Btoraare aad Cleaning. W. C. FERR1N. 16th and Capitol. Ty. 1200. Oeallata. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay as you r-w -uA..Kw 1111 W r TX7 d(h. . mil. xi a. ... v-c tii, e Osteopathia physicians. Pr. Rerncha, 108-4 McCagtie Bldg. P. 3H3A Dr. Peterson. 603 Brandels Bldg., D. 2144. Prlatiaa-. WATETRS-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug, nw, K4 . 13th Bt. DOUGTAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY A M'KEWZJK PTG. CO. D. 2644. RIES-HALL Ptg. Co., 1620 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 3754. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 S. 11th St. Pa teats. H. A. Pturges, 838 Brandels Theater Bldg. D. O. Earnell. Paxton Blk. TeL Red 7117. Palatlagr aad Paperlag. - HUGH M'MANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. 6728. UmamW Kt'. w ra. Im.tar. B. B. B? Roach powder at your druggist. Plaaaea Renovated. PLUMES Si flowers made over, cleaned A dyed. Bertha Kroger. 4Z Paxton. P. 8394. Safe and Tlsae Lock Kzaerta. O A Openad, repaired, coma. - ri changed, u. to. Daven port. 1408 Dodge. D. Iko Kenalrlaaj. Electrlo Shoe Rp. Co.. Hfl Bt Mary Asy FRIEIMAN BROS., shoe repair. HI a 14, Store and Office Fiztarea. DESKS, safe. cals. abosri 'oasea, a naha Ft Uth. D, ahatsw lng, etc. We buy. sell. Omaha Ixtura and supply Co., 414-16-18 B. Sign aad ttaowearda. B. M CLARK A BON. Ill 8. 18TH 8Tv Steel Celllagr. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, 111 Ma. Tewei Bawpllea. OMAHA Towel Supply. 107 B. nth. P. 623. Trsaks aad Baiieaee. FRELINQ A BTEINLE, 1806 rarnam Bt. Tailors. CHAS. C. IaA NDERTOTJ, 108 K. lSth gt Veteriaariaaa. DR O. R. YOUNO. 4603 Center. Wal. 8025. Wlaaad Lloaore. ALEX JETES. 201-1 S. Uth St. Wine. liquor, cigar. Piste dinner. 11 to 3, lOo. Globe liquor houae, 424 N. 16th; California wine. $1.26 per gal. Write tor price Hat. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSE. 15th and Capitol Ave. 'Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at KUeln'a Liquor House. All N. lth- Dougla 1809. SWAPPER'S COLUMN ARM CHAIR Cherry, highly polished. new: will trad for mission rocker. S. C. 653. Bee. ATTENTION! TAILORS AND CLOTH ING MEN1 I have a 6tanley Steamer roadster automobile In excellent running condition, good In paint and equipped with top, windshield and late type road ater budy; car Is easily worth the $0 I ask for it. 1 want a light weight and heavy overcoat and the balance in suits. In a trade with a tailor might consider one suit and overcoat in "uncalled for" stuff If good. Will also consider offer on "lesdy made" cveicoata and suits from clothing men, but clothes must be good, as I want to wear them myself. Will store car until spring if you have no place to keep It. Hera's your opportunity to get a good car without cash, g. C. 560. Bee. AUTO CASINGS Auto casings snd Inner tubes; want to swap for same, (4x4 sec ond hand. 8. C. Mo, Bee. AUT'J Want to swap for a fctaaley B. earner auto for other personal prop erty of equal value and will give a good ' swap to you. S. C. 67, Bee. AUTOMOBILE Will exchange us or mora high grade automoblles in first class condition tor 160 acres eastern Ne braska land, clear or nearly so. Address S. C. 64s. Bee. AUTOS Will awap for a first class, high grade auto. In perfect condition. If you have It 8. C. 6731 Bee. AUTOS A 4-pas a. Auto, body, top. wind shield and other parts to- awap for anything requiring less room. It Is a onap. If you can use It. 8. C. 874. Bee. AUTO TRUCK Have 30-H. P. car ahlch. with but little work, could be converted Into truck, or used for roadster ss It stands. Engine, magneto, differential and transmission lust ovsrhauled and rebuilt; $64 worth brand new tires on rear; front tire in A-l shape. Want Ford or similar car that lady caa ban die. Addrea 8. C