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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1915)
Da: x EE DTOGTTSTJi wood a laster-a bat THE WXATHEE Fair; Warmer l-tlte up-to-date businees man in Omaha norm' the advertising col nron of Tb De. VOL. JAW NO. 107. OMAHA,' WEDNESDAY MORNING, EBKUA11V 3, 3915 TWELVE PAGES. Oa Trela aa at otl Bews meads, M SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. Omae B HE CHARGES WIFE LET ILLINOIS EX-CHIEF ' HOG HERON TRAIN Sayi Former Governor Yatei Em . traced Mate in Every Tunnel, at Every Bridg-e and When ' ; ''..' 4 ' Wnisjle, Blew CAltEM MAN IS COMPLAINANT Edward R. Freeman, Eureka, Cal., Photographer, Names Erstwhile : - Executive in Suit TWO HELD JUBILEE TOGETHER I' SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 3. Rlch ard D. Yates, former governor of Illinois,- is named as co-respondent la a divorce complaint filed here to day by Edward R. Freeman, a pho- ..V IT..-oL- f.1 . at I nit i Th complaint alleges that Mrs. Free man and Yates traveled together from Eureka to San FranclscoNln Ju!y,-19iS. against his wife are: That aha permitted Tatea to hue her In very tunnel the train vent through, at very bridge and every time the wbiatle blew for a crossing. . That ahe celebrated her arrival here with him by a jubilee at a public cafe. 'Which' name Yates . Is alleged to have traveled, to visit her room at a hotel in WllUts, Cal. Tatea left her, the complaint aaya, after the alleged Jubilee In San Francisco and went east. Irs. Freeman returned to her husband In Eureka. They, are aatd first to have met when Tatea dellvereda Chautauqua lecture In Eureka In IKS. - - Woman's Quick Wit Aids in Recovering Stolen Horses t SIOUX FALLS. S. D., Feb. J.-(8pecial.) The quick wit and keen observation of a woman frustrated the plans of a daring horse rustler and resulted In the recovery of the stolen horses, but tle horsethlef made his escape after firing one Ineffec tive shot at th officers who, put on hi trail by the , woman,' followed him to closely that he -was 'compelled to aban don the' stolen animals and make a'rua for It to proven t his capture.' . Mrs. Peter Smith, wife of the proprietor of a store and the postof floe at Mullen, was the heroine of the affair. She had Just finished reading, a reward placard which' had been sent broadcast through Gregory county announcing a reward tor the recovery of a bunch qf, horses r stolen frora,'W;JV rdnefteri-e, Ai Vance, Gregery county rancher, and the cap 'ture of th thief,1" When ahe glanced out f -ana fit the windows and aw the horses described ; being driven past the store. The man driving the horse fared for .thera .and ' returned to 'the. store for., a lunch and to get warm, as the .day was bitterly cold. ,As soon aa the. rustler, had departed aha notified the officers by tel ephone and they soon were on the cene, taking' up the trail.. They, followed the thief with such speed and persistency that he abandoned the horses In a can yon near the Snake creek crossing. While the officer were taking possession of the horses the rustler appeared on horseback, on a Ml' above them. He fired one shot at the officers and then disappeared. Another Corrick Gets Legislative Position! ' (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN. Feb." .-(Ppeclal.)-Further evidence that the democratic party Is truly grateful'for the assistance rendered by Colonel Frank P. Corrick and his bull noose voters In turning the republicans out f the siate house and giving the democrat the first -taste of the offices they have bad for halt a century waa g1vn when the legislature convened by the appointment of one of Colonel Cor rlck'a aons to a position In the senate. ' But with hearts bubbling over.: with gratitude,, feeling-that Colonel Corrick waa truly a life, saver, they have further shewa their heartfelt appreciation by ap pointing another son to a place over la the bouse. ;:; The father 'Forecast till 7 p. m. Wednesday:. For 'Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Falr; warmer. ..... . , Teaastcratara at Omaha Yesterday. . ' Hour. Deg. a. m 17 a. 17 7 a. m l S a. m IS a. m.. 10 a. m.. 11 a. in.. 12 m 1 p. m.. 1 p. m.. I p. m.. 4 p. m.. I p. m.. p. m.. 7 p. m.. I p. m.. 17 CaaaaaratlT Laal Record. 1915. 19U. 113. 1911 .... i 4H a 11 UlShest yesterday.. Lowest yesterday 17 at 17 a .... 19 2N 00 .00 Mean temperature 19 2n IS 4 , PrectpliaUoa 00 .00 ,00 .lb Temperature and precipitation depar tures from the normal: .(Normal temperature il Lteficlency fur tne day 2 Total excess stm-e March 1 ,., 607 Normal precipitation 03 Inch D(iclenfy for the day Winch Total ralufall ain- March 1....24.M Inches l)efilruy since March 1 Indies Ie.fti-iency for cor. period, inn. t.70 Inches Iteflcleniy for cor. period, 112. 4.33 inciiee Restarts from Stattaaa at T P. JM. Station and 6lalJ Temp. High- Kaln of Weather. I 7 p. in. est. fall. Davenport, snow ., 27 24 .24 Dodae f'ity. cloudy 34 42 .00 Nortn Platte, cloudy 2S 32 .o Otnaha. cloudy 20 21 .lw hapid City, cloudy SH M .o Miandan, cloudy... M ,l smoux City, pC cloudy 1 LD . .01 alcntlntt, cloudy 30 32 .00 Uxiicates Ulow sera U A- WU:U, Local Forecaster. THAT WHITE HOUSE BApY AND HIS GRAND-DAD: Here he is, young Francis SayYe, in the president's ann, as he had his first picture taken.' ' . r j ' ' ' ) ' , , A .4Vr v. ; ,. ' -' . V i -.T t .V. : T' '- 1 ' ' " i x - . v - x -. ... ,. , , V t. X'. ..ATI ' WHEAT SELLS $1.56 ON OMAHA MARKET ' . Gain of Five' Cents Over Monday t Marks' Another Record for ' - the City. CORN IS ALSO VERY STRONG . . i. ,J s..' j TZ Wbeat on the Omaha. Grain- tx change raade another ion'saliofial ad vance Tuesday, going to tl.BC per bushel, a gain of S cent' over Mon day. Tbls wag paid for a, car ! choice stuff ' for ',' milling purposoa. Geoerally prices were around 11.54 to $1.55. Durum sold at $1.65. 2 cents above any former top price. -'The advance in the" price of, wheat came with the opening of the market, when work from Chicago indicated that the export demand had agftin bf.come enor mous and that millers of I'ni ted. States were on ' the market, ready' to pay a premium for (about anything tlint could be converted Into flour. Corn' was strong, prl-o ranging all the way between ti cents and 77'4 cents per bushel, new tops and ' a full half cent over Monday.. ' There was another bulge in thi prices on rye, this grain . going to SI. 25 per bushel, three cents abovo the hlghesi paid Monday, which waa me top ui market. ; -' - ; " . - Receipts Oaly Fair. Omaha vecelpts were only lair, there being twenty-two cars of wheat, 118 qf corn and nineteen of . oats . on . the market. . . . The heavy movement of grain to the south haa set In and it is expected to continue for some time. Today tl.e Mis souri Pacific took jut fifteen freight trains, 354 curs, nearly all loaded with wheat and "corn and all consigned to gulf ports, -or -points In the states to the south, southwest and southeast of Missouri. .. Bis; Jauis) at Chicago. CH1CAUV. Feb. S Wheat raced up ward In . price today, first salea allowing a Jump of as much as 3 cents a bushel. The May delivery pouched 1.6X the top figure to which the. market went to the fainoua deal by James A. Tatten-Jn 19 9. Extraordinary rises in isolations at Liverpool: excited wheat-traders here. C. II. Canby, president of tho Chicago Board of Trade, said the 'Liverpool-prices were probably duo to an advance in war risk Insurance and to fear that submarine at tacks would hinder the arrival of British supplier and make .shipments from other. j countries to Great- Britain more difficult. On a second strong , swell the market swept upward In the last hour to 11.64 for May., a .gain qf 7"i. cents a bushel, com pared with last night. Transactions In the May option )ecame so hazardous that the bulk, of trading shifted to the July delivery. Vrwency of : export, demand overruled every other influence. It was said that salea to the It Mian government alone In the lest twenty-four hours amounted to 1.000.WO bushels. Still another cent was piled on the cost of wheat lust aa the day camo te an end. The market' closed feverish at the tip top pries of the suasion, with May at making the gain from last night 8 cents. - Earth Shocks Are -Felt in Yorkshire LONDON, Feb. .-Eaith shocks oc curred last night la districts of Yorkshire. On miner Was killed and many had nar row eacapea owing to the shaking down Of coal in the pita. In sotae cases the pits were rendered unworkable by the fall ef coal i in mmmmmmm ol TAYLORWODLDKHOW WHERE MONEY GOES Custer County Representative Asks for Committee to Itemize Appro . priations for State Schools. OPPOSES MILEAGE 'LUMP. LEVY . " - ' . . 'i - 1 f S - .1 .1 ... . -v V . (From a Staff Correspondent.) , LINCOLN, Feb. 2. (SpeciaU-It hag been the general .opinion for some time that Taylor of Custer would propose something soon and that all his time was not being spent , in an experiment to see , how .cheaply be could run the . legislature.. This morning he produced a resolution calling for a special committee of thre to take charge of all bills cov ering appropriations for the Univer sity of Nebraska, its -activities, and the normal schools, and calling for an itemizing of all appropriations. ' Mr. Taylor condemned the' work of pre vious legislatures In making appropria tions directly contrary to law and said that, sxtceu years ago the legislature passed a 1-mlll' levy' for the maintenance of the university.. In a lump sum and other legislatures followed . suit. Two years ago the legislature prsvlded for an .&6-mlll levy for normal schools, 1700.000 all In one lump. Likewise' In Violation! Of the law. which 'provide for Itemised appropriation. , Charge ftcaliaene. . "I charge these legislatures n. the past with negligence of duty.',' said the Custer county member. 1 "They have; said to the normal authorities that 'we know nothing about Take this t700.000.of the people's money and -spend it as. you please.' We have .been spending- time quibbling, over little things, what jantlors shall receive, how many we shall have, and the charge shall not tie made with my consent thit this legislature was penny wise and pound foolish." ' lie appealed to the democrats'as a ma jority party and to the republicans ss the minority party when they passed H. n. 4. tRe university appropriation bill, call ing for 11,000,000. to do se according to law and ltejnix the appropriations. Nerd Bsilsrss r(ri. ' "There are $2,500,000 in the three educa tional bills," said Mr. Taylor. "Why not say ib the governor, "We are not com petent 'how -this shall be spent.' In the $3,000,000 appropriated for . running the state, why not ssy. Take It and spend It aa you like.' Our system needs a chanse. We must have a buslneaa sys- ftem." Mr. Taylor alsi demanded that each department make a report of its expendi tures every two years. Mockett of Lancaster objected to the consideration of the resolution at this time end it went over under fhe rules. Norton of Polk-also sent up a r solu tion calling for more ayatem In the state's business affairs. He. wanted consolida tion of departments, elimination of com- it .v,,o auu m m J . v . . . v. uuDim mm v u ,, ducted which would give efficiency and ! also economy, although he did' not want ! the latfer to be carried out so far that the .former would suffer. j j Pioneer Stockman Suffocated in Home CHICAGO, Feb. J.-Mhhael O. Iwler, a pioneer and one of the oldest live stock commission men In the state, was killed last night by sullocation In a wire which threatened to. destroy his home. Ills son, J. J. Lawler, was severely burned in an attempt to rescue his father, who was a year old and aa invalid. FILIBUSTER CREW CERTAIN FIGHT ON SHIP BILL IS WON Insurgent Dcmoi Will Support Measure if U. 8. Ownership Tem porary and Propreiiive Q. 0. P.i Vice Vena. WILSON IS UP AGAINST IT Only Allies He Can Hope for Are Diametrically Opposed to Stand . Upon Legislation. LITTLE CHANCE FOR PASSAGE WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. Extraor dinary efforts were exerted today and tonight by administration lead ers of the senate to save the govern ment ship purchase bill from threat ened" defeat or consignment to 1 pigeonhole for this session of con gress. i n tn a late hour tonight with the 1 democratic majority ami BiruBBinm the legislative dilemma, nothing but tentative plans of proceaure had been dlscloaod. These Included propositions for revision of the pending bills to draw sup port from progressive republican senators and proposals designed to win back, at least six of the seven democrats who Joined with the republicans yeeteelay In an effort to send the measure back, to the commerce committee. 1 Activities ef Day. Preliminary skirmishes at the capital and White House were begun early in the dsy. President Wilson conferred with several progressive republican sAqator In regard to their Ideas on th proposed legislation, the democratlo majority con sidered methods of procedure .o regain Its lost ground, and the seven recal citrant democrat conferred , among themselves with the avowed purpoe cf standing firm until satisfactory terms should be presented to them. As a result of this complicated situation the democratic conference appointed a sandal committee of three members, 8en idors Fletcher, Simmons and Martin, to conduct ' negotiations with senators of both parties with a view to ascertaining what support could be gained for the bill and upon what points of revision. This special committee waa prepared to report progress at th second caucus late to night and ' hold out hope to their col leagues that ultimate success would be their. ' ' Iaaargents Approached. . . Revolting democrats, Senator Bank head, Clarke. Camden, Hard wick, Hitch cock, O'Gorman and Vardaman, were approached by the caucus committee sev eral times during the day and asked for a stipulation of term upon which they might reconsider their attitude with a reservation that It might first be wis te reranunlt the frJlL-. t., . The committee waa given to understand that there would be no change in the re- volter' attitude toward the measure unt ies It Was stripped .of government owner- Ship features, with a provision that it be understood to be an emergency under taking with positive limitations. ' One suggestion offered' was that pro Vision ' be made for the government to retire from the proposed - operation of ships -after two years.1 Another stipula tion was aaid to be that the government should purchase or acquire none of the ships of belligerent nations. . ' Here They Clash. Insofar as prohibition of purchase of foreign ships now laid up In this country In concerned, such a stipulation was pro posed by some of the progressive repub lican senators. ,Thcy, however, do not favor the government shipping corpora tion as a temporary measure, and sug gested amendment whereby it would bo Instituted as a permanent venture. Here the proposals of progressive republican and revolting democrats claimed. After Senator Norrls and Senator Kenyon had talked with President Wilson. t waa un derstood that the president had looked with favor upon same amendment that might satisfy their views with regard to permanency of the project... A direct stipulation that the government be pro hlbited from acquiring ships from belli gerent. It was stated, however, waa not favorably received, although th Intima tion waa given that there might be no objection to a "declaration of policy on the subject.' and that the government did not - contemplate purchasing ships that might ' be the subject of international controversy. Another amendment, proposed by Sen ator l-a vollette, who Is expected to sup port the bill, was suggested a a middle- ground with relation to th proposed leasing of ships to private corporation by th government. It would provide that the government shipping corporation' in I leasing ships should do so for a period no longer than six months, and that all such leases should specify the "rates, charges and fares" to be observed in the lessees. After all angles of the situation had been canvassed during the day, the sen ate having adjourned early to await the outcome of the aklrmlahlng, republican leadera ere coulldenl that, their fight against the measure had been won. Ben. aiors nmoot, lodge, Wecka and others aeciored that the bill waa dead. Demo crane leaunrs, on the other hand, still wer noperui. ( - Xeweaatle at t al iaum feru j-b. n.-The British . . , u,.r nririnnie arrived nrro today and I is taking on provlsiiitia. Th vckeol will The National Capital Taeaday, Fehraary 3, 10 IS. The Seaate. Democrats caucused an-1 thin 'resumed fight fcr adinmlstration ahlp bill. The Haas. Debate resumed en nival bill. GOOD penman; one familiar with abrttra.t work. Permanent and ' pleasant Job; out of town: good salary. Tot farther laforaatlea a beat tbls opportunity IH tit Witt Ad Kilo of toaay' Bee. RUSSIAN OUTPOST GUARD on observation, duty perched on top of the roof of a peasant's cottage in Poland. 1 V. " i' . j " -1 ! ' .. '-.'. ! .'Vf ."- r." - Nt '?' ' V V 1 . 't '' ' ' " - ' 1 - - ". . . . ' ' i -4" V ! -" f '", - ' .''.' V, : ' -. r' ..... . 1 : H .-' 7'; :-; v..k - - - RUSSIANS LOSE LINE OFTREHCHES Official Report from PetrogTad Tells of Series of Bloody Enoounters, Near Warsaw. VICTORIES AT SOME POINTS PETItOORAD, Feb. 2. Renewal of a fierce offensive by the Germans la the region of Sochacsew and Borjl mow, on the road to Warsaw, is ad mitted In an official statement Issued here today. The violence ot the German attack, the statement says, 1 compelled some 'of the Russian J-nU to retire' to the second line of trenches. The communication was as follows: . : ' On th right bank of th lower Vistula on January SI, our calvary mad a sud den and successful assault upon the Ger man line along the front between Breaun and : lake Orezelejo, fifteen versts (ten miles) north ef Slerpec, capturing many officers and soldiers. . ' "The attempt of th Germans on the Soth to open the offensive movement In the direction of Lipno and DoBroyn. sup ported by artillery fire, wa checked. . "On the left bank of . the Vistula front at the village of Makow and Dyblln the enemy waa thrown back to the line of the villages ot Welese and Naslgnewo, north west of Wloclawek. The Oermans In re treating abandoned at Makow many of their dead, German . Take and Los Trenches. "In the course of the. day of January U, th enemy, after having concentrated In the region of Sochacsew, Boltmlvo, and south of Bollrolvo, a large force of artil lery developed active operations against our position with very considerable force. The German offensive wa distinguished by great ' tenacious, ' advancing In close ranks strongly, supported from th rear "After having concentrated a violent fir In the morning upon that' region, the fierceness of the German oftenalve compelled some of our .uiitts tto rttlre to th ecpnd line of trenches." . "In the meanwhile a counter, attack from another detachment .of our force drove the enemy from all the trenohe occupied by him,' Inflicting upon him en ormous losses. Lm First Lin of Trenches. "Simultaneously, with . this . attack.. on Borjimow, the Germans delivered a series ot ferocious sssaults against oar ' front between the villages of Goumlne, Bour- gade and Moghely. These attacks were) supported by heavy artillery fire. Up to; midday of January St every one of these assault was driven back by us, some by our rifle fire and with the bayonet. --But between midday and I p. m. cf January 31, the Germans .were successful ' In oc cupying a part of our trenches. . In this they wer helped .largely . by an energetic and sustained artillery fire. A little after I o'clock we undertook a general counter attack.! This wa successful and,' as a result of It, the enemy the evening of January 31, retained but a tittle por tion of our first line trenches, together with a certain chateau In" tht country. It can b aald the success of the Ger mane January (1 In the vicinity of BorJJ maw were relatively ' Inslgniricant com pared to the losses we Inflicted . on ' the enemy with ou. artillr-ry fire, our coun ter attack and our bayonet charges. Ac cording to reports from our military chiefs the Russian artillery inflicted Immense damage on the Germans. Our guns dis persed dense gatherings of German In fantry and reduced their batteries to si lence; this mude it possible for us to re sist their fierce attack. " Mare riahtlaar la Carpathian. "Th fighting In the Carpathians con tinues. In spite of the reported partici pation of fresh Austrian troops, which, up to the present time have actually appeared on ourfront, we were success-' ful In repelling every endeavor ot th enemy to. assume the offensive In the vicinity ot Mount Beskld and Mount Wysxkow, and w are continuing to ad- (.Continued B i'u '!, Coluiuu Fvur.) t ;'!--. I . .-."'j-vv;;, fc- ' GERMAN DAMAGES CANADIAN BRIDGE Officer of Kaiser's Army Under Ar rest in Maine for. Trying to Destroy Structure. HE CALLS IT AN ACT CF WAR mr , VANCEBORO, Me., Feb. 2. An attempt to .destroy the railroad bridge spanning the St. Croix river, which forms the International boun dary line betweejf eastern Maine and New Brunswick., was made early to day. One of. the three spana ot the structure wag blown up by dynamite, The attack on the bridge caused great excitement on the New Bruns wick: side, where rumors, of a Ger man plot spread rapidly and resulted In an Immediate Investigation by. the provincial authorities. .Inquiry ws also begun on this side and this led to the arrest at a local hotel . ef a man who gave his nam as Werner Van Home. According ' to ' th police, thi prisoner said he wa an officer In the service ot Germany, but refuted to divulge his rank. 'The police say he admitted that he exploded the dynamite under a section of the bridge and that a dynamite cap and a plan ot the bridge were found in hi pockets. Van Home says he I 37 years old. The arrest wss 4nade by Deputy Bherlf George W. Ho a, who was accompanied by two Canadian , officers from McAdani Junction, New Brunswick. II was re moved to' the United States Immigration rooms where he was closely guarded. Deputy sheriff Rosa notified th United State marshal and the United States district attorney at Portland, asking for instruction. ' . .. Call ' It , Act f : Wnr. Asked why he had dynamited th brides, the prisoner, the police ' say; made the simple explanation that' his country wa t war with Great Britain,' and that Can ada was a part of the 'enemy' country. He said that he ram frpm Now York. -The bridge; I the connecting link be tween th Maine . Central .and. tho. Canadian-Pacific tracks, theCanedlanTaclflo having traffic-' rights cer i the' former road from Mattawamkeag -to the boun dary. . Tht , lu-i the through route front upper and western Canada to'the Mari time provlncea,' directly "connecting Mon treal with the ports of St.'-John and Hall fax. ' - . . ; . . , :, ; , -In th winter season St John, N. B., Is the principal eastern -port" of Canada aud thither have come from - Montreal an 1 further" west' great - quantities of provi sions . and other . munition of war ' for shipment . to England and . Franc. The shipment have passed over th bridge which It wa sought to destroy. Waald Delay Wer flaps-lies. -Tbls Is th moat direct. rout from th west, ' ai, ' cutting across the state of Maine, It Is several hundred miles shorter than the northern route operated by th Canadian government. " hkh follows th St, Lawrence river to Little Metis, Quebec, and. then turns south . of Moncton, fit. John and Halifax. The loe of th bridge would delay, but not interrupt the trans portation war materials to the ooast. Home was made a prisoner of the sta rli.MVne. To avoid possible compllca licam tlK- local authorities made no tur .r mve pending advice from th fed ertl. government. The Canadian author ities indicated they would Immediately niake representation at Washington with a view to extradition on the ground that dynamiting baa been done on th Cana dian aid of the border. On the other hand. It was said that Home would b defended against extradition basing his claim for th protection ot the United States on his assertion that he bad com mitted an act of war and that hta of fense waa political. Railroad officials, after a careful ex amination of the bridge, declared th ex plosion had been a failure a far as damag wa concerned. Sleeper wer blown out. th rails were twisted and a girder wa damaged, but th foundation Continued on Pag Two, Column Four.) 0flt , In .Hi iTl,BMMTfc 'TEUTONS DEGIII LONG PROJECTED ilOVEJlPOLAND Germans Are. Apparently Executing .Their Plan for General Move ment Toward the City of Warsaw. FIGHT FOR MOUNTAIN PASSES Austriani , Making Desperate Ef forts to Get Possession of Three ' Strategic Points. RAIDERS SCARE BRITISH SHIPS The Day's War News KEW GERM A attack en the Waw mot frwat ha led t mmc f the heaviest ftahtlaw ot the war In the vast tkas tar. Aa nttlrlal statement leaned from Pet roar a 4 admit the Uersnan saereedrl la earrylaa Ttnsntaa trenches In the realen f Ssessiew and MrJ- sear th Vlatala and ahont thirty nation went ef Waronw, hat were . f small Importance cm narrd with the loaaea they . talaed. BATTLE far possession at th Car pathian sweatee ennttnne-e wlthaat definite - nettM for either th Rnealaa or Anatrtnn. CRK4T BRITAIN ha declared fnodstnffs deatlned for Uernssr, Anatrla or TarUey contraband of LONDON, Feb. 8. The--, Germ ann,. after a long period of preparation, appear today, Judging from r porta reaching; London, to be putting into execution their plans for an advance on Warsaw. At the same time the Austrtans seem to have renewed their forward - movement In tbe Car pathian mountains. . The fighting In the Carpathians la expected to decide for the period of the war the mastery of threw moftt Important passes through the moun tains Ussok,' DuJtla and Wyszko-y. The strategic value of these passes la Indicated by the fact that Wystkow" la almost. due south of Lemberg, while -Ussok Is In the same relative position frora Pnemysl, and Dukl' ts situated similarly with regards to Cracow.' The fighting, apparently baa not yet assumed full proportions, but the Austro-Germaa concentration la progressing, notwithstanding Rus sian harassment.. .'"?.'" Flore Fights Near La Bilitc. " Spirited - contest also ar In progress In , the western war sone, the German having ' made , attack . In force rat La Bassee and along the coast. The French assert that th battle at LaBaasee has not resulted In a change ot positions, while along the coast the German attack la directed at tbe recovery ot th Great Dun an artillery, position near Lom baertsyde, which, however, remains In the possession of the alllety 'London's Zeppelin scare of last night, now appears to have been in th nature of a rehearaal. No foundation Is discov erable for th rumor that German air craft were traveling ever Dover. Th firing by the Dover fort 1 said to have been a warning to ships which omitted to comply with port regulations. Th German submarine raiders, at- though not knowa poalttvrly to have been in the Irish Sea within the last twenty four hours, aim hold lit port a majority ot tli coasting ' steamers and fishing boats. ' 'Liverpool Insurance ' men are quoting rate approximately tour times the former figures. , . ..... From South Africa comes the news that arrangements are under way for the sur render ofv the Rebel Leaders Merits and Kemp. It la stated that they have dm greed with their German adviser. i Italian Reserves ' In London Warned LONDON. Feb. t The Italian reserv ists living In London have been warned to be prepared to respond to a call to the color a Don't Worry About the i Farmer lie may have his troubles; but he's the man on top today. Mr. Farmer is adding up the increasing profits cf his gran, aries, stables and feeding lots each day and speculating where to invest his surplus. -Farm Land i3 his favorita investment and he will find tha the best land offerings in the classified columns of today's Bee. ' Telephone Tyler 1000 , THE On AHA BEE "Everybody Read Ilea Want lils