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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1915)
rilR I IKK: OMAHA. NKDNKSIUY. .lAMAliV 1:?. 1!H. fT RUSSIA WUXJYOID TRAP Story Orrmwn Will Send Eleven Corps Into Serri Regarded as Transparent Rose. WILL HOT WEAKEN POLAND LIKE TETROGKAD. Jan. 13 (Via London News rearhlns; here of a trorord ex pedition ia force hjr the Uimtvsus and Austrlana against Sorvla. Is botne; said that the Teutonic allies are contemplat tiiK the dispatch of eleven army qprps to that country to avenge tho rrcnt Aus trlan rereraea. Is looked- uKn In Itusslan military circles a a transparent ruse on the part of the Germans to dlstrai-t llus s'a's attention from tho roll si) campaign 'and to divert this government frofn fur ther reinforcing the Ruwltn, armlea In Folait Th Russian ifncral staff. It Is said, is not balng Influenced by t!i reports en'l lontlnulnaf Ita campstsn already Initiated. Meanwhile the numW of German troops in Russian Poland ha'n .not, diminished, but Is continually Wing InpreaseU on the Bsura and Nteman Hvers. on the latter waterway as far as Tilsit. Raswet Adraaoe la Kaat Proud. The Russian aeneral ataff has ascer tained, army officers say, that the Ger mans are preparing for an offensive rampatgn from the extreme northern frontier down to the river Plllca, where the Austrlans likewise have not dimin ished their force. The supposition that the tSerfjians are making use of dilatory tactics Employed In the western war theater where there virtually has been no advance on either side, ia not shared by military authori ties as they maintain the Germans must advanc or foil before the spring months render the roads impassable. ffMa raptured prisoners and other sources the Russian are said to have received reliable' information that the Hermans Intend to begin an offensive in the future. The Russians are preparing effectively Jo meet this offensive. Tlw new recruitment in 1916. within sixty days, as officially announced, will jive to Russia nearly sno.COO men. The German advance on the communi t es south of the village of Moghely and southeast of Scoacsew, several times re pulsed with great losses in the last few ilsys, according to Russian advices, ia reported to .have been undertaken again, likewise an Austrian advance towards Ktolce, and in the region of the Plllca river ia said to have been effectively re pulsed. 1 These "battles are chiefly Important as hhowine the continued German and Aus trian offensives in spite of constant I oases. As offsetting th recently acquired Kusian positions on the Hungarian and Uoumanlah border, the Austrians have i:ttflcd themselves as a messure, Rus s'an officials assert, to prevent Roumanla, should it espouse the cause of the allies, rr.m crossing Into Trantylvanlo. Dosplte the ban placed by ttM Petrograd authorities on publications In the Ger man language, two newspapers printed Ii; German continued to be circulated in the capital today when tholr offices wore cloeed by government order. The explanation given was that such publica tions were offensive to the Russians. Blcasc Says Wilson Administration is Stealing Away Rights of States COLl'MMA, S. C . Jan. 13-In his fare, welt message today to the South Carolina legislature Governor Please commented upon what he described as the encroach ment by the federal (rovernmcnt upon states rights, many of which, he asserted, had bem "stolen." "Can It be possible.'' he said, "that un der the leader of a man, sometimes called a southerner, the democratic party Is to become the party that is 'stealing th power from the states' and giving It to the federal government, and that the re publlcun party, under the lead of a Hughes or a Whitman. Is to become the states rlRhts party arid stop this 'stealing of power? " - In closing Ms messnfe he declared: . "I have bowed my Knee to no man or set of men; If 1 create a favorable Im prrsslon. all well and good; If 1 create aq unfavorable Impression. I, and I alone, am responsible. My life's work so far as my personal Interest Is concerned has been completed." The governor recommended smaller ap propriations for state Institutions of higher learning and the abolishment of all free scholarships, t'rging the legisla ture to provide for Immigration, Governor Please declared he did "not agree with the policy that rtien should be highly ed ucated In order to be Immigrants. We want ji laboring eltiscn," he said. WOULD-SPEED UP COURTS National Senators Promise Nonpar tisan Reforms to Quicken Jus ' tice and Reduce Cot. RESTRICT THE PORTO RICANS Russian Soldiers On the March Are An Informal Body .(Correspondence of the Associated Press.) M3NDON, Dec. 10 A letter from War saw says that in marching Russian sol diers present an odd picture. "The Russian regiments on tUit march are the most' informal organisations In the world," It Bays. "Ahead ride a few officers, and then, In no particular for mation, come 'the troops, some on one "in or uie row ana some on me otner. Toward the rear they straggle off In dwindling1 streams, wandering- about the Held, and nloddlnc here antt thsro lni as though each was off on an Ir.dlvldual tour. "For miles alter a regiment has passed one sees little groups trudging along, ap parently perfectly contented and without a worry in the world. Yet at night they ri appear for rations, and In the morn ing start off again In a solid formation. "I am told that this method of march in has proved a great puszle to the Ger man airmen in trying to estimate the numbers of troops that are moving. When the columns are so strung out. It Is almost Impossible from any height to tell whether what one sees is a battalion in clese formation or a company strung out Most armlea march In aolld masses which can be seen and estimated accurately from a great distance. "The more one sees of the Individual of the Russian army the more one comes to like the common soldier here. He Is the meet good-natured, child-like, play ful persoa la the world, and In the month I have been with the army I have not seen any disorder. On the road and n the camp, all seem contented and happy aa Ions; as the weather is fine. It must be admitted they took a little dismal In the rata." Washington. jUn, u Nonpartisai Judicial reforms to speed up Justice and reduce tho cost bills is promised by sen ators before congress adjourned. The house has alteady agreed to the reform measures and they have bceif favorably reported to tho senate by the Judiciary committee. Flare rrel3ent Wilson's siwecb at Indianapolis referring to Judi cial procedure in the United States as being behind ev-.-ry. other civilised coun try, democratic senators predict the bills will pan the senate without debate. The reforms aim to restrict the number of cases which nisy reach the supreme court with a view of enabling that court to keep abreast with current business and to simplify procedure in the federal dls trlct courts and the circuit courts of ap peals. All these were initiated by the American liar association. Chief Justice White entertains an ambi tion to have the supreme court clear up its docket each year before adjourning for the summer. Tho court has volun tarily lengthened Ita session, but cases have been piling up on the court faster tha-i it . could deride them. The bills Would further the chief Justice's plan by restricting the avenues of getting to the court. lUaay Porto Hlraa t ears. Probably more cases have come to the supreme court each year from Porto Klco then front all New England com bined. The bills would substitute for the right of appeal to tho supreme court from tho federal dlstilet in Porto Rico the right of appeal to tho circuit court of appeals in New England. The bills would also restrict the Porto Rlcan cases before the court by provid ing that cases of local or federal law decided by t'ia Porto Rlcan supreme court cannot he brought to the supreme court unless the latter first gives per mission. At present all such cases, as well as those involving federal questions, may be appealed to the t'nlted States supreme court. The iamo limitation would be placed on cases from the Hawaiian supreme court. Members of the Honelulvi bar have asked time to forward an objec tion to this reform. Decisions of circuit court of appeals in all trade mark and bankruptcy cases would be final, exoept where the supreme court grants permission for such 'cases to be brought, to It for review. Railroad cori 'orations' with a federal charter would not be able to appeal-to the court merely because it was a federal corporation. Plfforeiit ' rights now exist In all these cases. . Some 9egaested Reforms. Among reforms in the lower federal courts would be these: ( torreciions permuted in nuns suits in l law cr In equity at any stare of pro ceedings. i Defects and at any stage In original allegations as to diversity of citizenship, where jurisdiction is based' upon that tart atcne. f ' Prohibition in setting aside Judgments or decrees on unsubstantial errors. Ku'iitablc defenses permitted 'in law suits without necessity of bringing new proceedings on the 'equity side of the tout ts. DEATH RECORD t'olnael UlaUmand Mllkowell. GKNBVA (via Tarlsl. Jan. 12.-1:12 p. m. Colonel 81glsmund Mltkowski, tho Tollsh patriot, died yesterday at Lau sanne at the age. of S2. .Colonel Milkowakl fought on many battlefields of F.nrope and was famous among his countrymen as a writer of Polish history. He vis Ited America on several occasions. Harry Alefork. YORK. Neb.. Jan. 12. tSpeclal.l Harry Aleeock died at the family residence, six miles south of this city, Monday morn ing. He was 67 years old. He had been a resident of thts county more than forty years. A widow and three children sur vive. Aaae.t Dreler. M'COOU, JUNCTION. -Neb.. Jan. 12. (Special.) August Dreler died Sunday at tho family residence In this village. He was "fi-ears oil and had been a resident of the county for many years. A widow and nfe, children survive him. No matter what you want It will save you tlma and money if you use Bee Want Ada. I Japs Keep Warehlps, Ifomr. TOKIO, Jan. 12.-Owlng to. the war. Japan has decided not to send any war ships to the Panama-Pacific exposition. bee Want Ads produce Results. FRENCH RESUME OFFENSIVE .S, r sesnt. nml the V'rrm h advance of half a mile. lint Advance Ordered Between Meuse and Moselle Rivers Results in Distinct Oaini. FIERCE HAND TO HAND FIGHT NANCY. Jsn. 12 Via I'ariO-The French troops were ordered to take the offensive between the Meuse and tho Moselle on January $ and the fighting that followed resulted In a distinct French gain. While on the winas the Infantry at tacked I.o Pretrie W-od and tho forest of Apremont. the artillery massed behind Kllrey. awaiting the rlsht moment to open fire. The batteries had been deftly con cealed during the night, but nevertheless as soon ns the morning mist floated away. German shells began to fall among fht yunne's. Twice the positions were changed, but Still the shells feM thickly. Manale from Windmill. It was then noticed that the sails of a dilapidated windmill moved In an un accountable way, since there was not a breath of wind and five men were sent to investigate. As soon ss they reached the building a man Jumped from the window and fled towards the German lines, but he was soon brought down by a French bullet. At noon the French guns opened and at the same time an aviator announced that tho German center had been weak ened because the Germans were obliged to rend help to the left wing, which was hard pressed In the LePretrle wood. After hours of shelling the German guns were put out of action and the French Infantrymen dashed forward. The enemy unmasked quick flrers. but their assailants were well Into their stride and did not heed the fir. llanit-to-Haad Straarsle. A fierce hand-to-hand struggle followed a'long tho edge of the wood and the Oer mans were forced back on V the mussles of the own quick flrers. which pumped lo:id into them for ten minutes, an error which enabled the French engineers to reach the principal work and blow It up, as well as the treacherous windmill. By tho end , of the day the Germans had been driven well Into the wood Of Body of Garibaldi Escorted to Tomb By Old Veterans ROMS, Jan. 11. -A great crowd assem bled In a severe storm here today to meet the railway van bearing the body of Constantlne Garibaldi, grandson of the famous Italian soldier, who was killed while serving In the French army. In the crowd were veterans of the Oerl haldlan campaigns, wearing their red shirts, and representatives of various po litical parties. The arrival of the body was made the occasion of a patriotic demonstration of remarkable fervor. In which the whole city participated. Flags everywhere were n'. half-mast. The emotions of the crowd were most tense when General Rlcclotl Garibaldi.', the father, his wife and chil dren. Including the sons who a few days ago brought back from France the body of Pruno Garibaldi, threw themselves, weeping, upon the coffin. Italian and French flags were then wrarped around the birr. . The French ambassador, Camllle Ur rere. was present in his official rapacity and the French armv was represented by two colonels sent by the minister of w-ar. Pee Want Ads iToduce Results. Soldiers Need New Outfits Every Month (Correspondence of The Associated Tress.) IjONDON. IVc. IS. Bo great Is the wear and tear of werfare that a soldier In the fighting line needs a new outfit every m.mth. Well over a million men have already been clothed, and another million a HI have to be provided for Immediately. The khaki industry, therefore. Is flour ishing. Millions and millions of yards of cloth are needed for uniforms and overcoats. Though mills are working overtime, new mills have been opened, and everything has been done to speed up the supply has not kept up with the demand. English Recruits j Rowland Takes' Wearing Overalls Charge of White Sox (Correspondence Of The Associated Press ) IaNLHJN, Jsn. 4. Thousands of re cruits In the North of England Terri torial association will sonn be wearing suits of cotton khaki as overalls over ths ordinary clothing tint 11 equipped with woolen uniforms for service. This Is an experiment sanctioned by the war office, and, if successful, will be Im portant to the Lancashire cotton Industry. CHICAGO. Jan. 12. -Clarence R..-i Isn.l. new mansaer of the Clilrsgo Ameil an. reached thei city today and at One as sumed his duties at leader. He annciin-! that the squad would leave on Its train In c trip to Cailf.imla February 1! or Ir. and that It would Include probably thirty players. Bee Want AJs Troduce Results. Her Medicine Chest J22Qaj2Sgg2Q5s!SSBsC3SsfisSs8B JwV Instant Relief jT, For :- : Igga. tV1 feet kesrsttta tare tssaelM caM isase T Hi se Wft Reek S!l2595 Istastlsw WflekrtB UtrS&JfeSSftt!!!. aitlieM J IMsms sjhior Kbwfiisilna, Osaaw - KILLS PAIN (CUARANTCCO PR. CARL S. SLOAN, Inc. Ptulerfelphia. Pa. Pries.. tSc.. SOc ai4 11.00 Tl' 'l ' I' " I "I ' IJ " '-'-L 0 -U-U-l.LL.lL J.. II M St. Loul, Mo; ' - - - - - ' 1 -ssBewf,B'r-Vi k. , ' , . .s-ik Z " : J f 1 -''S Hurrah! No more ashes to carry out! , , No more clinkers to dig out of the furnace! , "4 Dad just telephoned an order for a winter supply o f Kansas City Feds Increase Capital KANSAS CITY. Mo., Jan. li-The stockholders of the Kansas City Federal league base ball club voted today to In crease the stock of the organisation from $5o.000 to 1150,000. , RAILROAD BLAMED FOR DEATH OF M'DOUGAL AURORA. Neb., Jan. Jl.(8pecal.)-Af-tr sis hours' deliberation the Jury re turated the following verdict concerning the death of M. J. McDougal. killed In tho Chicago. Burlington Qulncy yards here Saturday morning: "That M. J. Mc Dougal was run down and killed by en gine 19M while In the act of crossing the Chicago. Burlington ai Quin. y railroad track at Twelfth street, in the city of Aurora, at or about 2:30 a. m. January . Itlt. We say further that we believe tbe said accident would not have occurred had there been an electric goog at said crossing or a light xn the tender of said enlne illuminating the railroad track whlU said engine was being used for switching purposes at the time. Thts te a Bad Meatk. The Indoor life of winter, with lack of outdoor exercise, puts a heavy load on the kidneys. Nearly everybody suffr from rheumatism, backache, pain In sides and back, kidney and bladder ailments. A backache may not mean anything seri ous, but It certainly does not meao any. thing good. It's better to be on ths safe side - and take Foley Kidney rills o strengthen and Invigorate the kidneys end help them do their work. They help rid the blood of acids and poisons, bold by all 4 taicrs. Advertisement Eat Like Let Stuart's Pysprrmia Tablets As sist Your Stomach Whenever It Needs Help. They Are Safe and Sure. A Trial raekaa-e Free to All. If you really want to digest a meal, take a Stuart Pyspepsla Tablet attur eatlng it. ' If you really want your old-time .'j.t biitiii iriuni nf J uu mice more, form the practice, of enttna a I kt,i i y wufMJfiM I Riiifi mtrr cacil meal. Results will astound you. s S i I S T ft.. "Oood Old SUaoe rte Uke Mother Vsad To Make." The reaaon a Stuart Dyspepsia Tab- ; let Is powerful enuuch to diaeHt your next me I Is bocause it is composed of theme things whlcli a weakened dl gesllve svstem laca. Una inirredieiit of these tablets dl- , Kevts 3,00 times Its bulk in food. Think what a arreat assistance' tMy kiiiif of co-operation on your part i to the worn-out nerves and Jukes of your stomach and InteNtlues. You cannot understand how the IkmJv really and aleefullv O. K-'s eui Ii help until after vou see that the or dinary distresa after eating no longer bothers you. if all the stomach sufferers who have been relieved of their mlry ainl restored to health by. Stuart's lvsr-p-la Tablets could be gathered together, into one column, they would make x larger body of men. women and chll- ' l re ii than were ever gathered together on this globe. This fact is a fact because no town is so small that Htuart's Pyaoerist Tablets are not to be found In Its drus store. Wherever you inav so. there you MI rovd in every arug store Htuart a Uyspousia Tablets, price. 60c per box. A email trial sainole package V Ktuart'a Uyenepata, Tablets will be mailed free to anvone. ai'drrssins; F. A. Stuart Co.. lit etuart Building, Mar shall. Mich. - IT ALL No Soot No Smoke No Wasrc No Ashes For economy's sake, start using it - today Full directions on how to use , it to the best advantage sent with each delivery. 97 Per Cent Pure Carbon The Most Perfect Fuel Ever Discovered Contains 5,000 to 7,000 more heat units per , pound than any other Coke or Soft Coal, and 2,000, more Heat Units per pound than Anthracite. , Better and more economical than, any other Fuel for Furnaces, Open Grates, Heating Stoves or Cook Stoves. 'Will not darken or soot the Cooking Uten- :.; sils when used in a Cook Stove. A heat maker that the whole family wiiriike. ' Every lump of Petroleum Carbon Coke is a lump of Heat no dirt no waste and clinkerless. AH its . energy goes into Heat instead of up the chimney in Smoke. It's the cheapest fuel on the market today, and is growing in popularity by leaps and bounds. Hi IhierMaini Coal 0o Wholesale Distributors 537 Omaha National Bank Building . . . . 1 - i - - , . i, ; PETROLEUM CARBON COKE CAN BE PURCHASED FROM THE FOLLOWING DEALERS IN OMAHA SOUTH OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. PHONE FOR A TRIAL ORDER TODAY HOWM A.X-kllAXZ LL'MHtK CVMPANV BOYEK-VAN Kl IiAX lA'MUKll it VO W. CO. COAL HILL COAL COMPANY DWOIIAK YYKECKIXG CO. KTCHISOX COAL COMPAXY HAUMOX A YVEKTH HAYKVH COAL COMPANY HOWCLL hOV t. YV. HILL COMPANY KKYK Ll'MBF.B COAL COMPANY' MI8SOIHI 1UYKK IjI'MBEH COMPANY' PAHTTUIKiK.TIIOMl'HON COMPANY' ItX)PI.E,H COAL COMPANY KIYKTT IX' M UK II COAL COMPANY ItKYNOIJMi COAL CX)MPANY JAH. H( HXKIUEHWIXll hl'NDKItlJYNU KBOH. COMPAXY I'NION HKI CXIMPAXY I'PUIKH Ll'MliKK COAL COMPAXY Y'ICTOn WHITE COAL COMPANY" BROAmVKLL-IvOOEIlTS COMPANY, Souti Oawha. O. E. HAniUXCJ COAL COPMANY, South Omaha." P. MURPHY', Houth OinaJui ' - - CARBON COAL COMPANY', Oouacil Bluffs FENLOX.WICKHAM COAL CO., Coumll Bl ff '-','' T. V. Mrt'AKH.HV, CouacII Bluffs CTXEILL BROTHERft, Council Bluffs PHILLIPS BROTHERS COAL CO., CouucU Bluff'. .1