Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1914, Page 13, Image 13
TUT. J.KE: OMATIA, FHIDAY, DKCKMHKH '2 1014. 13 SWArrKK S COLUMN STOCK Preferred stock n large profit able corporation for Improved farms In csstern Nebraska. Kansas or Iowa. Ad dress S. C. 4P. Uce. STKXOTV f'E New, in the tint of con dition. Used than four months. Will trade for any thins; of equal value, or what raeh offer you will make? Ad dress B. C. 400, Res. TOTS, KTC.-A wireless telegraph sta tion, Radloptlcan, electric motor.'", fish aquarium and other things to trade for .J2 repeater or will acll. Address f. c. 413, Bee. WADERS Pair hip waders, size iV,. only used two times, to sell or swap. hat have you? Address 8. C. 416, lw. WATCH CHAINS Two Gros, new gold watch chains. Retail at $l..'i each. Price $2SS will exchange for diamond ring ur llcht auto or offer. Address C. 414. Pee. i lU'.AI. KSTATE FARM A II 1. M) FOR SALES I California. KI.'l.L and authentlu Information regsrd i In California land for the aakin. NO F..1'K..M; to you. You dial direct with owner. Let us help you in year planning for a home, away from cold and enow. California cllmue needs no word from i UK. Wo have a Ihiko list of satisfied 1 oiistotnei s. Oo on one of our excursion I an.i look over our colonv lands located I near Hucramento City and he convinced. Save your railroad expenses by dealing v ith us. Via.t the exposition, combining pleasure with your hiistmsa. Traits of all sizes. Improved ami unimproved. Very i little cash required. Write todav or call. ! W. T. SMITH COMPANY. I 1112 City Nat 1 Wank Hid. I D 2X19 Omaha. Neb. IllvMi FSTATK WKST NIDN ! WILL, trade a first class quarter sec tion in eastern Kansas, near Kansas City, for Omaha Improved. , This farm nas good Improvements, is under n Inch tate of cultivation and finely located, la priced right. You can deal direct with ner. W, T. SMITH CO., UU City National Bank. WOOD ri.OWPI.AlN AND IVOR JOHN SON REVOLVER 88 cal., botn in good shape. Will swap for a kodak or .22 Stev ens' repeating rifle or Marlln rifle. Might give a little to boot if your stuff in bel ter than mine. Address, S. C. 359. I3ee. Kansas. TOR PALJv Four well Improved alfalfa farms. Elk Co.. Kansas. Some rent for 110 acre. Might take some trade. N. . Tate. Howard. Kan. Calkins &Co. Yulrtlde Greeting to all their friends. Douglas 1313 Ci,y Nn GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET niirAt.o until ani rnoviits Italy and Great Britain Are Both Heavy Buyers of Wheat. CORN AND OATS MAKE GAINS Nebraska. f POOn MAN'S CHANCE. 1 i Father and son must relinquish two I good claims, nAoderately improved, within I the next two weeks. Here is 1.2S0 acres: only S miles from county seat Hotter than average. Price of both. Including I improvement,' 16,1100. J. II. Welton, I Mullen, Neb. FOR RENT SWT ION Kimball Co. Oross. 2tl Paul. KTOCK RANCH FOR SALE W'ell lmproved 4M)-acre ranch In Hooker county, with SO acres under cultivation. I must sell. The price la exceedingly low. W rite Edw. H. W elton, Mullen, Neb. Apartment! and Flats. ST. GEORGE spartmenta. located In se lect West farnam residence district; one t-room suite for rent; heat, water, janitor service. Phone Webster 1674. The Knickerbocker OMAHAY FIN KPT APT. HOl'HE. 3Sth and Jones Sts. One seven-room apartment tor rent. , KM JOHNSTiXN, Harney 71of,. or PAYNE A; SIaATAR CO., Douglas lOlfi. t-R modern flaY, 2o0S S. 2Hh; 1. ' Ha'ney 4711. U'i- 1 hODS GordoriWnCali! lit N. Uth St. Phofce U at4 or Web. 13SS, OODKN ANNEX. Council Bluffs, ooms with kitchenette, steam heat. Phone 64. THE HELEN, 2454 Harney Y,reet Choicely located apartments, easy walking distance, S roorus; winter, $46; plenty Bteam una hot waVr. MARIUS SORENtfEN, Office 2464 Harney St. Til. Doug. 8790. FLATS. IRIS Chicago, 8 rooms, close lb, brick, $30. 622 N. 24ili, corner California, 0 rooms, heated, $35. , 120 N. 30th, 8-rootn brick, $12.50, 201 H. aoth, 6-room brick. $. MODERN HOMES ON FARNAM MNE. 401 Burt, 9 rooina, hot water heat. $:. .!"02 Cass, full 2-story, 4 bed rooms. $10. 1109 8. 83d, one block from Hansvom Park line, 8 rooms, garage. $45. O'KKEFK REAL ESTATE CO., ' 101(1 Omaha National. Douglas 275. HEATED APARTMENTS. $47.50 rr month Seven-room apart ment In Her Bldg., CIS S. 16th SL; heat) hot and cold water, Janitor service. GEORGE & COMPANY, 902 City National Hank Bid. Phone Douglas 766. 40-ACRE HOME. 6 miles west of city limits of Omahf ; land lays gently rolling: $V4 acre alfalfa, about 3 acres pasture and about one aore In grapes, balance In cultivation: new 6 room house and other good Lmprots ments. Price, $225 per acre. C. R. COMBS. 1B Bra ndels Theater Bldg. Doug, jgllfc, 80 ACRES, all in alfalfa, cuts 4 tons to acre. 1H0 acres 1""0 nr,' in .ifnifu- mmi house, barn, sheds; all fenced, hog 'tight. I j-n-acre rancn, au leneed, S and 4 wins; house, hnrn, good supply tank and cistern, M barrels: 13 miles from. Cozed: at bar gain if sold soon. Box Mi. Cornd, Neb. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Kxtend their best wishes for a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to all their customers and friends. Tyler 1636. State Bank Bids. Cash Sales of AH tiralns Are Heavy ad Large Proportion of Pur chases Are C'onslanrit for K.aperlalloa. With best wishes to all of our friends snd custo mers for a very Merry Xmas and a prosperous New Year. Harrison & Morton 91$ Omaha, National Bank Bldg. Oklahoma. ACRES, large and small tracts; ab solute title; Pittsburg Co., farming, pas ture, oil, coal land; $5 to $25 per acre. W rite J. K. Cavanagh. Molester. Okl. Wlaconetkb Upper Wisconsin Best dairy and general crop etata In the anion; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low i riies, or? easy terms. Ask for book let M on Wisconsin Central Iand Grant Btat acres wanted. Write about our grazlDg landa. If Interested In fruit Jands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards la Wisconsin. Address Land Dept. Hoe LI dm Ky.. Minneapolis. Minn. Board and ttuoraa. 0. ltth. Clfl Etc.. board, clean rooma Furnished Hounds. 211 BO. tBTH BT. Strictly modern, desir able, reasonable, respectab.e. close In. La Verna. 1K13 Cap, front rrni, Stem, ht. I'l'ltMMifci1 room luf leui, near re. ni ton university phone l"ui;las 7281. PLJEA8ANT, warm room. 131 N. 31st Ave. Harney 1188. FURNISHED ROOM, heated, 4614 North 81 s Ave. OGDEN HOTEJi Council Bluffs, 8ttn heated rooms, z per weea. r-none on Ial Verna, lt12 Cap, front rma. steam ht. fcarg strictly moerp. K B. U. D. 7188. Hotels ana Apartment. CALIFORNIA Hotel, 16th and California, Weekiy rates $ and up. Doua-iaa 7083. PODGE HOTEL- Modern Reasons b la Hvuars and Cottaaes. MODERN -story house. 7 rooms; never occupied; new furnace; $-'0. Doug. 6963. ALL sises. $3 per month up. 607 Panton. KLKOANT 6-room. modern DricK apart ment; newly decorated; $j0 per month. 146 South 2th St Cottage. 2044 Vinton St. gas, olectrio light water, toilet, $16 per month. Frame flat, 1129 S. 2th St. newly decorated, $30 per month. J. C. 1SH, EXECUTOB. .70S S. Slst Ave 'Phone Harney 243. "Globe Van&Storage Stores moves. Dacks. ships: S-horae van vd X men, $1.2a per br.i storace $2 per ilo. BaUafactory guar. D. 4338 & Ty. M0. FOB KENT Wa nave a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent Thi nt .'An It &en frM of eharae at Omaha Van Storage Co. WW 8. iuth 3t Fidelity Storage, Co Storaaa. min iug, packing auu shipping. Uth A Jackson 8U. Phone Douglmi 288. Ilonooa'U al' osrts of the city.' HOUSES CreUtn bon, & Co.. Bee buUdlng. TOR RENT Modern H-roora bouae. 206 B. Kth Ave. Inquire T. J. O Brien, Henshaw Hotel. Hsrney 10M. Douglas 1218. -R. house, mod., suitable for two (am tlles. Douglas 4u. Maggard's VC'B per hr . uiay. i men, $L& per br. 171$ Webster. Doug. 14i. T- T") J Exp. Co., moving I . Krrfl packing 4 staiaue 207 Farnam. D. tll4& bTEAM beat all modern, 7-rooin house; also s-room tiat aao wo ua. im S. 8d Ft., 10-r., all mod., $60. 619 N. Ifith, 9-r., all mod., $40. 4S18 Undotwood Ave., 7-r., all mod., $36. lm-4o S. 22d St., tf-r., all mod.. t'M. 2716 Buggies, t-r., mod. ex. heat, $16. 817 8. 2tn L, -r., part mod., Ki. BIRKETT & COMPANY, 423 Bee Bl.ig. Douglas 633. Stores sad Offices. $22.60 per month 21 Sherman Ave., room lsxOO ft., good basement. $22.00 per niontli Ml Cuming St., room 20 x 60 ft., full basement. $30.00 per month 707 H. ltftli St., very de sirable storeroom, opposite new hotel. 20x ft., steam heat. $53.00 per month New, modern storeroom In Ilarley Hotel uiag., -uui una ! ur ns in fits. Very attractive store front, full basement, steam heat. We also have some very desirable space at u low rental, for Unlit manufacturing in the Welister-Sun-derland Rldg., loth and Howard Sts. GEORUE & COMPANY, M2 City National Hank bldg. Phone Douglas 756. Douglas Street Store ' ML'ILDING, $2x131. vacant January 1; make early Inquiries, as this Is centrally located. BIRKETT tt COM PANT, 423 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. Miscellaneous. 1 We have a parfy who. owns a half sec tion of land that Is all fenced and has 240 acres broken and ready to put in spring grain crop. Another party who has 200 acres that are under cultivation, which can be put in spring gialn, such as wheat or oats. This land is all level, wltliln 4 mllee of one town and two miles of another, lo cated In Weld county, Colorado, which is in the northeasetrn part of the state, in a locality where there is a great deal of small grain raised every year. This land can be rented very reasonable, or sold on a small payment down. Hero is an opportunity to get started to own your nwn land oil a small cash payment, or it can bo rented for one year or more. Hastings & Heyden 1614 Harney St. o REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE WANTED, GOOD EASTERN NEBRASKA OR IOWA FARM FOR FINE CATTLE RANCH. Ono of the very best cattle ranches In Nebraska. Not a foot of sandy land, all good, hard soil; best of all-yoar-rounJ pasture; lots of wheat grass hay. Fine natural shelter, good water, plenty of cultivated land to raise roughness; can raise alfalfa. New eight-room house; new 04x64 barn, corrals, windmill and tanks. Ranch fenced and cross-fenced; 14 miles from railroad town of 1.500 people. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, LAND SPECIALISTS. Ware Block. Omaha. FRONTIER CO. BARGAIN. Highly Improved farm of jfo acres. Land all lays fine and is excellent soil. Will exchange for good Omaha residence. C. R. COMBS, $15 Brandels Theater, Omaha, Neb. Douglas 3i'16. A 600-ACRE ILLINOIS CORN FARM FOR CATTLE RANCH A well improved corn farm, only 50 miles from Chicago. Black sandy loam, very smooth, well drained land. Hood shipping facilities. About half in cultiva tion, balance tame pasture. Every acre tillable. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, LAND SPECIALISTS, Ware Block. Omaha. WANTS CLEAR LOTS OR LAND for modern home; easy walk to heart of Omaha, near car lines, schools and churches. Ideal for large famny or high class rooming house. To man who will assume $6,600 on easy payments, big bar gain is open. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101$ Omaha Nat'L Douglas 2715. WANTED TO BUT OFFICE furmtuiv bought and sold C. Reed. 1207 Farnsm. Doug i44. I. WE PI'Y 2d-hsnd .-lo'hes. U.'l X 2to, SLIGHTLY uaed planus. pouglaagH7, WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $10.0u0 on well im proved ranch conslstiig of 3.3U) acras In Banner county, NeorasUs, Address Hope Brown, Bighorn. Neb. REAL ESTATE. . i nil irna lALn I' A II " ' - KOR SALE 409 acres choice N. W. Mls mri com land. weU improved; easy tnn. Address Y 311. Beeu I, DOWN. $3 monthly bus 40 a.-res. grsln it!,i. imMtry land. ner town, healthy iu acres. Bo 4Ji U. Carinusc Mo. WELL IMPROVED IRRIGATED FARM IN THE FAMOUS SCOTT'S BLUFF COUNTRY Will consider good Omaha residence property or an eighty-acre eastern Ne braska improved I arm in part payment for this line 160-acre farm. Improve ments are very good. Land all In culti vation and lrr.gaied from the U. 8. gov ernment Pathlinder reservoir, under a tyBtein which provides more water than can posslbiy be used. Soil very fertile, produulnir big crops of alfalfa, sugar becto, grain and potatoes. big money milker. Pr.ce, $115 per acre $18,400. Knet nib ranee. $2,500. Will carry back additional reasonable amount PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, LAND SPECIALISTS. Ware Block, Omaha. ABSTRACTS OF TITXJC. Ri.ED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of. flee in Nebraska. KM P ndels Theater. KERH Title Guarantee and Abstract Co a modern abstract office. 3u6 s 17tb St. Plione 1oucIh A&l. REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and faun loans. 6. 3Vk. per cent J. H. Dumont A Co.,16u3 Faruam, Omaha. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Ftrnam Smith ec Co. 1320 tsrnaro. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska fauns, O'KEEFE HEAL LsTATki CO.. 1916 Omaha Natl. Douglas $711. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. tluu to Uj.uwj ouuiv vruinut.y. F. U. Vt Wead Bldg., i8th and Karnaru bts. U AKV1N BKOS ""C 7- CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberg Co., OO tiu-311 Branoels Theater BiSg. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. J nomas, a mats tiinK mag. MONEY on band for city and farm loans, H. W. Binder, City Natl. Bank Bldg. BEE us first If you want a tarut loaa. United Slates 1 rust Co.. Onoaba. Neb. REAL ESTATE WEST 6IDK I Am Forced to Sell a new five-room, all modern huuke recently purchased by ine. This house Is locaud in the West FanntfU dixtrlct. one block from Leavenworth car and four blocks from Farnam. Oak finish downstairs, white enamel batli, sleeping porch, tautut.ful lnwi You can buy this nous n a big sacrifice. Address. M .'IT Bet. -r after t V- phoue 4.1U. 2 Blocks to 36th and Farnam $575 43x122, $10 cash, $1 per week. Can you bent this? O'KEKFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101$ Omaha Nnt'l. Douglas 2716. A Winter Bargain To sell these lots now the owner says sell for $f0 cash and $10 per month. You will find that this location is fine. These lots have water, sidewalk and sewer: are on the southwest corner of 44th and Dav enport While these lots face north. If you would rather have an east front we ean sell them that way. It will pay you to see these lots. Creigh, Sons & Co. 608 Bcs Bldg. Douglas $00. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE 7-Room House $40 Down $40 Month' North Side. Good location. 3 blocks to car. Largo lot. Cemented cellar. Furnace. Oak downstairs. Double stairway. 4 bed rooms. Bath. Window shades. American Security Co Douglas 6013 or evenings. Wainut 3097; Harney 2iMf. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 2S0 OMAHA NATL. BANK BLDG. DOUGLAS 498. Wishes its many customers and friends a holiday greeting. When Xmas 1b over, see us for bargains, in homes on the eaey-payment plan. To buy a home would be an exceptionally good way to begin the New Year. EIGHT-ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE FOR ONLY 2,760.00 House in good order; has hardwood floors; corner lot. with streets paved. Vacant lot 4fcxlb9. fronting Bcmls Park, Just west of S31 Cuming St, for only $1,400. Well located to Improve. W. H, GATES, 647 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 1294. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE The Byron Reed Co Extends to all Its custo mers and friends the best wishes of the season. With the Season's best wishes and for a Merry Christmas. Creigh, Sons& Co. 608 Bee Bldg. TO WISH YOU A MERRY XMAS AND A IIArPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR D. V. Sholes Co. 913 City National Bank Bldg. REAL KSTATE SUBURBAN Uanace. Buy For Xmas Big Sacrifice On Dundee House $700 cash buys a $1,400 equity In practi cally new house in Dundee; large rooms besides bath, and extra large sleeping perch, full two stories and attic, oak floors throughout, large living room, ar rangement with fireplace. The house Is well built, and only IV years old. Full lot on high ground, 1 block to ear; good farags with easy access. Price, $I.10; ;u0 cash, balance I per cent, payable $104 every three months. Glover & Spain l-t0 City National. Douglas 3M3. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS We wish all our patrons A Merry Christmas and Happy and prosperous New Year. Toland & Trumbull 418 Bee Bldg. FOB. tSALr.-. A Vroom house, modern except heat; ,ire corner lot, 140x7') It.; oement walks. iik l.wn; centrally located, a bargain if l.i:.tu at once Wilt.; ur tail, tith and L bts., Fremont, NeU OMAHA. Pec. 21, 1!!4. Italy and Groat Hrltaln were pur chasers of both cash and futures, and the situation was ono of great activity, and cons.derable strength was siiowu nearly all day. There were some In the wheat market who hint paper profits to their credit, and In nn endeavor to tisns fer the paper profits to actual money the market displayed nunc or less weak ness, and resting spots for the day wcro at net losses or VuV'. It was a difficult matter to learn as to the amount of cash taken In all IHisitlona, but the general Impression here was that the total sales wers around 2,000,000 bushels. A cable from Llvei iol says that nisr ket is inclined to trail on after tlio price changes at Chicago. The situation tneru was affected by the upturns here of Tuesday, but this was offset In a meas ure by Increasing offers from India and Argentina and butter weather In the lat ter country. Corn was up l,((ft and oats showed gains of mi'V. both of these grainu showing more or lesa activl.y. The lasii sales here were S10.000 bushels of corn, with 176.H00 bushels for export, and 1.116,000 bushels of oats, with l.OXI.iOJ bushels fur export. l'rovlsions were sctlve with a good share of buying on outside orders. Back era sold May ilelU erica freely, and this pressure closed prices lower, tt Is said that the price of hotts mid products rhow a good "cutting" profit, and this will account for hedging sales by packers. Cash trade In lard was active, but In meats slow. Durum wheat was lo higher. Hard winter wheat was unchanged lo Vfco higher. Corn was Vic to c higher. Oats were unchanged to higher. Clearances were: Wheat and flour e.iinl to 1,677, t0 bushels; corn, 12,000 bushels; oats, $01,000 bushels. Liverpool closed: Wheat, not quoted; corn. d higher. Primary wheat receipts were l,4('s,f0 bushels and shipments X6K.000 bushels. against no receipts or shipments last year on account 01 nmioay. Primary corn receipt were 1.JM.000 bushels and shipments 797,000 bushels, against no receipts or shipments last year on account of holiday. Primary oata receipts were 743,000 bush els and shipments Hr,0i0 bushels, against no receipts or shipments last year on ac count of holiday. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chloaro 173 6.U 247 Minneapolis X'3 ... Duluth 41 Omaha IKS 231 85 Kansas City 115 :U 10 Ht. Louis ; 3 s :w Winnipeg til Thewe sales were reported today Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, 1 car, $Llty&; 3 cars. $1.19. No. 3 hard winter, 2 cars, $1.h; H cars, $1.1; 4 cars, $1.14 ; a cars,'i No. 4 hard winter, 1 car, $1.17. No. $ spring northern, 1 car, $1.14. No. 2 mined, 1 car (white), $1.16. No. 3 durum, 2 cars. Sl.Su. No. S durum mlved, 2 cars, 2 cars, $1.35. No. 3 durum mixed, 2 cars. Bye: No. S, 1 car, $1,116. Corn: No. 2 white, 2 cars, 63V4jC No. 8 white, 4 cars, Wc. No. 6 white, 1 car, 63c. No. 2 yel low, 4 cars, 63Vic. No. 8 yellow, 9 ears, 63c. No. i yellow, 1 ear, 6Sc: 2 cars 6ivc. No. 6 yellow. 1 car, 6. No. 8 yellow, 1 car, t2Vsc. No. 3 mixed, 1 car (near white), Wo; 3 cars. 61 Vic No. 3 mixed, 3 cars (near white), 620; 1 car, i'c; 8 oara, 8k!c No. f mixed, 2 cars (near white), t2Vc; 1 cars, bl'Vic; 1 ear, tttc. No. 6 mixed, 2 cars, 62c. Gala: No. 8 white, 2 cars, 461ic; li cars, 4Sc. No. 4 white, 3 cars, 4tlViC. No grade, 2 cars. 46c. Omaha Cash lrlcea Wheat: No. 2 hard, tl.WVl'l.l0: No. 8 hard, $1.17Mrfil.W; No. 4 hard, $1.11(1.18; No. 3 spring, white, $1.16&1.17H; No. 8 spring, northern, $L17V4 &1.18; No. 8 durum, $1.34j4.36; No. 3 durum, $1,8311.34. Corn: No. 1 white, 63H enac; No. t white, ti3tf4i4n; No. 3 white, Sr63c' No. 6 white, 2V:3c; No, 6 white, 62ti2o; No. 1 yellow, 63'foi 634o; No, 2 yellow, 3fu63c; No. $ yel low, 629f1B'; No. 4 yellow, MMr'tpMc; No. 6 yellow, tWWcOaV; No. yellow, 2jf 62Hc; No. 1 mixed, 62?i(ti3c; No. 2 mixed, WWS21o; No. 8 mixed, 62'4h2VIic: No. 4 mixed. 624(62Vic; No. 6 mixed, 614ii2i4c; No. 6 mixed, 61W'i2c. Oats: No. 2 white, 4747Uc; standard, 44iiQ'47c; No. 3 white, Wft'40c; No. 4 white, 4t?4i4o. Barley; Malting, ff70e; No. 1 feed, MVfiftSo. Rye: No. t. $l.fcil.(XH: No. 8.'val.or.. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS DO NOT, WORRY ABOUT RENT DAY. DO YOU? Mr. Salaried Man, can you keep your family as you feel that you must keep 11 em In the city and save enough out of lour salary to support you In your old ageT Have you seen any old farmers living in OLD BKOPLR'S IIOMF.8? Not on your life. Why not put that savings bank deposit that is bringing you only a small rate of Interest Into a productive Irrigated farm? We will sell you one ori asy terms. (So onto this farm and be Independent for life snd give your chil dren a chance to live In .the open and f;row strong and hearty. While your farm a making you a living, and more, it will be Increasing In ralue every day you live and will make you rich. You lose money every day you put off thlB move. Come in and see us about It today. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, FARM SPECIALISTS. Ware Block. Omaha. COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO ALL OUR FRIENDS Birkett & Company 423 Bee Bldg Douglas 633. $100 CASH, BALANCK MONTHLY. We have 3 or 3 houses, modern and partly modern, large and small, north and south side. Why not be your own landlord? Haven't you not lie. 1 that the property owner seems to be better off financially than yourself? Come In and talk the matter over. PAYNK INVESTMENT CO.. Ware Block. Doug. 1781. o REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Acre Property We have the best thing you ever saw In a 16-acre trai t of la.ud, with a lease hold privilege of about four more, mak ing in all about 20 acres. Good 6-room house, fair outbuildings. There are about four acres In orciiard and vineyard in full beanng. This property Is only three fourths of a mile from city limits of South Omaha, and in Sarpy county, where taxes are low. The land lays practically level and a very homelike tilace. Tnis will surely please anyone ooktng for a suburban home, as well as a money maker. Would nsmlder a resi dence up to $3,0uu as part payment Brine, $7,W0. O 'Neil's R. E. and Ins. Agcy. 1606 Farnam St Tel. Tyler 1034. Featares ef the Trading " ClMlaa rrtcee en Hoard tr Trade. CiIICAUO, Iec. !4.Whrat showed good rallying ixiwer todav after the fact became evident that Kuropean demand had not materially fallen ol f. despite Xrutntlne advlees lavorlim the bear sl.le The market closed steailv at a shade decline to tt'V advance, compared with lMt nlKlit. Corn wound 1111 Mth a sain of Vn :c andoats of c. The outcome In provisions was utn'lisnged to 10c higher. lOxpnrt houses watched their chance and promptly took offers of wheat as sunn as the market had undergone a set back. The down turn desired by the representatives of foreigners came early a a result of a decline of 2c at lluencs Ayres. where. In addition to favorable weather for harvest, estimates of a big exportable surplus had caused depression. wnicn was Increased bv almost prohibi tive rates for vesaol room to Kurope. On tho other hand, the bullish renejon here whs accompanied by announcement t li nt export clearances from the t nlied Mates during the last two days had amounted to as mucli as 3.0.tK bushels. r riends of high prices were gratified 1 over the fact that durum wheat today at Minneapolis touched $1 46 a bushel, over topping all previous records. The American supply of this grade Is . said to be now virtually exhausted, tho result of Immense purchasing for Italy. It was estimated todsy thai the Itnlian government had bought In the 1'nlted States S0,0"0.0u bushels of all k mis of wheat so far this season, and would need as much fore In the near future. Predictions of unsettled weather helped to broaden the doman for corn. Rural offerings continued to be less free than was expected. Oats hardened with corn. The chief feature was the buying of May by cash houses. In provisions the call from outside In terests more than offset hedging sales bv packers. Uraln concerns led the buy ing. Drain prices furnished by !oKsn Bryan, office Slii Mouth Sixteenth street; OMAHA LIE STOCK MARKET, NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Fat Cattle Generally Slow and Weak and Otheri Steady. H0QS FIVE TO TEN CENTS OFF rat Sheep and t.amna In Active De mand 4 an Advance of Ten In l-lfteen rents Otfr Wednesday. Continues to Traverse Ground of Last Few Days. MORE MINIMUM PRICES Trading Hears Kamlllnr Ante-HolU day Aspects, Vnlomn of Baslness Falling; Below Beeent Inys. SOVTH OMAHA. Dec 74. 1514. Becelps were: Cattle. Hog Pheep Official Monday 3.043 i Official Tuesday 3.111 9 t.M I f fil ial Wednesday .. !.?;.". U',iM S,7n l.'sliiimte Thursday i,tm ;ii :tSeo J-our days this week, n.r.'.ft ns.i'.v: IC.T'.x) Same days last week ..21.. 4 :H 4'"m Jt.lKI fame tlnys 2 wks. ago IT.Tt'J IT.if.C S.4T.! i " days 8 wks. ago 1H.4.T. 4S.'.'.r 44.342 !ime days 4 wks. ago.1.1.014 V4.4''l 4L'.3.T Same days last year.... fl.OSJ 1H,4;9 RS4o The fnllowti g table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Bouth Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared w th last year: 114 1918. Dee. Cnttlo M2,.s!2 t49,.t 17.0(17 Hogs t. 314.400 2.RO.272 2PI.H72 Pheep 3,tWP,033 8,1, 222 10.1H9 The following table shows the average price for hops at the South Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons: :S4fi!.l,'MJ-')i4 Antclei Open. lligh. Iaw. Closed Yes y Wheat! I I Dec. 1 V 1 W'il 1 2f'H 8KV4.I I 2IS. I ai' turn 1 Dee.. KJ Mny.72trtl'V7 Uats Dec. I 4 I 4W1 4!) May. I M'J fc.lil 63 Pork I I I Jan.. 18 a- I 18 So 11 m May. IIS 86-S3: 19 00 18 $2W I'ard I Jan.. 10 80 May. I 10 fiO Rlha I J an . I 10 10 May.) 10 4fi 10 82U 10 80 10 66 I 10 60 10 in IB 10 10 M I 10 1 t 2!iy",i 72S, 49U 18 $6 18 K 10 $2'V 10 B5 10 12S 10 ii 1 2.-. 1 71(.t' 4Sfi 18 85 18 8$ 10 80 10 47i 10 10 10 46 Cash prices: Wheat. No. 2 red. $1.2fMj No. 2 hard. $1 2r.lJil.!Hi: No. 5 northern, $1.23. Corn. No. 2 yellow, fWMrd 7c: No. 3 yellow, Kiffltilte. Oats. No. t white, 4iWl"4e; standard, 49'itfn. Hye. $1.HV4. Harley, H0u7lo. Timothy, $,'..r-(r7.2h. Clover. $12.tWt 15 00. Pork. $17.00. Lard, $10.37. Ribs. $!UMV10.S7. HllTTKlt Firm; receipts, 8,445 tttbs; creamery extras (92 scoring), 84H.'l-rio; orramery (higher scoring), 3tHti.uc; creamery firsts. Slfo; soconds, SsjiOdn; process extraa. Koiii.De; lanies, current make, firsts, 23H4124C; econds, 2.1c; pack ing stock, current make, No. 2, $lV52c, rOl'LTRY Quiet ; western roasting chickens, UJTISc; fresh fowls. 124j'l7c; lit.k.iv. lMil'li T.tvi. If.fiifv: WAatArn t hickens, lUVtjc; fowls, lKjl4o; turkeys, nnrifio. HI'TTKR Higher: creamery. 24Wlo. KOOS Higher; receipts, 2.M0 cases: at mark, rases Included, 22i4c; ordinary firsts, EK(i:t2o; firsts, k.'jWK;. l'OTATOl'Jo lleoelpts, 8. csrs; un changed. ltUl,TRY Alive, lower; springs, 11c; fowls, Wc; turkeys, lho. New YorU General Market. NRW YORK, l"ee, 24. l'UAR Fu tures opened 1 point higher to i points lower. .The market became steadier later on tho firmness In the snot position. 1'rlen at 12 30 were around last night's closing levels with sales of 3M tons. The siot market was firm at 4.01a for con tiliugal and 8 3to for molusse. Refined, steauy; cut loaf,; crushed, 6.76c: mould A, 6.40c; cubes. 6.200; XXXX pow dered, 6.10c; powdered. 6.06a; fine granu lated, 4c; diamond A, 4.95c; confection ers' A. 4.85c: No. t 4.70c. CHEHSK Steady; receipts. boxes; State, whole milk, held, specials, lfrdilflc: same, average fancy, iriVifllBtic; samo, f reKh, specials, 16c; same, average fancy, MUtoHXiC; skims, GH(fil34c. Kittia Steady; receipts, 4.3M casea; fresh gathered extra tine, S8v40r; extra firsts, $7ii3Nc: firsts, 3fit).1tc; soconds, Xkip 34o; state, rennsylvania and nearby hen nery whites, fine to fancy, 47f4!to; gath ered whites, 3fit47e; hennery browns, 4ltj) 42c; gathered browns and mlxod colors, 20(3400. Kassu City brain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Deo. $4 WHEAT No. 2 hard, $1.18HKert.20V: No. 2 red, 1 1H4&U9; May. $1.21VIfl.21; July, $1.1SH. CORN No. a mixed, 7ffrt4o: No. t white, 6oHi7c; May, Tl'tVTlHo; July, 71V:. OATS-No. 3 white, 4SW.20; No. $ mixed. 44Mii('THo. BUTTER Creamery, 81ej firsts, $c; seconds, 26n; packing, 204c. KOOW Firsts, 81c; seconds, 23c POULTRY Hens, &!c; roosters, ta; turkeys, 16c. Mlnnrjapolle Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, I)o 24.-WHKAT-December. il.21H; May, tl.24; No. 1 hard, $1.2tAfc; No. 1 northern, $1.2281.6; No. 2 northern. 8l.lliS1.24S. FLiOUR-Advinced; fancy patents, IRJ0; first clears, $A.80; second clears, $4.26. HARLKY-fi7ivlc. RYE-l.OKMl.OO'i. 1 BRAN-$22.50. CORN No. S yellow, fiSOSHo. OATH No. $ white, C,n4Vi. FlA.V-$1.6' at. I.ools Uraln Market. ST. !I'IS, Dec. 24 Wl IF. AT No. f red. $1.2S'a1.?4'i; No. I herd. .23mtl.24V6; December. $12i; May, $1.26V4. CORN No 2. (t.c; No. 2 whits, 67c; December, 6tc; May, 7fa73'Ac. OATH No. 2, 48r"(i4t'tjo: No. i white, 60e. : 1 I.l-rerpool Grain Market. MVERPOOU Dec. 24. WHEAT-Rpot, firm; No. 1 Manitoba, 10s 8d; No. 2, 10s 6d; No. 8. 10a 8Hd: No. hard winter, los Ti'fd. Futures, nominal. CORN Spot, nominal. Futurea, quiet; January, 6s 2d; February, 6a Coffee Market. NI7W YORK. Dee. 24 There was some trade selling In the market for coffee futurea again today and prices were lower In the alsience f any active de mand. A further decline in the rate of Brixillan exchange on London wore, ac companied by reports thut some or the Brazilian shippers were showing a dls poHltloti to shade their offers, In Ibo cost and freight market and after opening at a decline of H to 8 points, prices here close! 12 to l'l points net lower. Kales, 18 i'aXJ sacks. December. D.liSc: January. 6.9Kc; February. e.Ot"c; Man h. 15c: April. ' 0.24c; May, 'i.fcc: June, ii.22e; '.Julv, 7 lic; August, 7.2lc: Heptember. 7.2c; October, 7; November, 7.41o; spot, quiet; rio 7, 7V; Santos, No. 4. 10c. J)ata Dec!" .T Pee 1.. Deo .. Dee. .. lec. 10 Dee. 11. Dec, 12. T-ec, IS Dec. 14 Dec. 15. 1 'CO. Ill Dec. 17. Dec. JS Deo l fec. a Dec. 21. t"eo. 22. Dec, 2:t. Dec, ? I 114. 11. U. I1H11. 11911. 11810. 1190 lw. S :: 7 67 C 21 471 T 64' t T 321 221 6 42 7 4,-. 80 ami 91 6 R3 774jl o i.4 tl 'M 7 n't; 7 IMI ) 7 02'-1 t : 1 MV, 7 03 R 113'tji h 20i i 1 44 7 441 T 4S 7 4i 7 ;;. 7 74 7 4 .1 7 421 7 :wi 7 47,' 7 4.S 7 43 I 7 fiO 7 49! I 32 8 Til 6 431 1 t; 7 6 01 7 Mi 7 31 i 5 971 7 If, I !) ; 7 c!i ;r' 7 82 X tmi 6 001 7 Ml I XI J 8 86i 7 (&, 7 00 7 01 7 0; T 441 7 hi 7 M! 7 t0, I 7 83 I 09 9 14 8 48 6 63 5 41 6 32 6 74 & 5 i7 6 30 3 901 I 311 8 2o 3i OCil 5 94 1 7 08 i 01 7 121 tXl M (VJ 7 1! 5 HV 7 13! I 7 57 7 48! 7 W 7 tl:l 7 M T 7! 8 ifi 8 2 8 OK 9 Oi 9 11 6 .111 6 o4 6 8 6 84 5 .Hi R 47 LEGAL. NOTICES BTOC K HOI.DE1UJ' M K li Tl NO. The Annual Meeting of tho stockhold ers of the HAXTINOH AND NORTH WESTERN RAILROAD COMPANY, for the election of seven Directors, and the transaction of such other business us may come before tbe meeting, will be held at the office of A. L. Mohler, corner of lith and Dodge Streets, Omaha. Nebraska, on Monday, the 4th day of January, A. D. l'Jl at U o'clock A. M. T. M. ORR. Di4dl It Secretary. BTOCK HOLD K I li? M KET I N 1. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Bee Bulldlmr company will be held at the office of the company In 1 maha st 4 o'cux k p. in. on Tuesday, January 19, for the purpose of electing officers for the eiiHiiliig esr and tbe transaction of such other business as may properly come lefoie IIim meeting. I Bv order of th president. , N. V. FLII Secretary. Cotten Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 24.-COTTO"N-Spot, nulet: middling uplands, 7.86c. The Market closed steady at a net ad vance of tVrjpt points. Futures closed steady; December, 7 32r; January, 7.6lc; March, 7.69c; May, 7 87o; July, 8 06c; Oc-tob.-r. 8 29.V LIVERPOOL Den. 14. COTTON Slot, quiet; prices Irregular; American middling, 6.44d; good middling, 4.77d; mid dling. 4.53d; los middling. 4 Ofid ; good or dinary, 8.44d; ordinary, 299d. Sales, 6,000 bales. Metal Market. NWW YORK, Dec. 24. M F?rAL3 I -end, itilt at $3.7y'i3.8r,; IxiimIoii, l!2sd. Spekcr quiet at $6.Uy(i J.t"', London, f2 17s d. Tin: Firm at $:i3.2Rfi4.(n. Coiper: dull: electrolytic, $I3.0i4 U60; tasting, $12.00013. 2n. Iron: Quiet and unchanged. At London: Ppot coPer, fM i;u; fu tures. t57. Tin: Kpot. fits; futures, (146 HT. IT'1S Dee. 24.-METAI.Si-l.ead, firm at $3.60ti3Ub; spelter, dull, $b.50, nominal. luna City Xle Mock Market. SIOUX H1TY. Is.. Dee. 24. -CATTLE Receipts, 1"0 head; market steady; native steers, $i aoi(.uO, butchers, $&.2f7 00; cowm and heif"rs. $4 ij(l.26; canners, $.1.7$ M 70; calves, $7.aS.tO; oululs, stags, etc., y (mkii i Hi KJ.s Receipts. $.500 head; market, 60 lower; heavy $H ifAi'- 9A; mixed, tn.ilHify 6TW: lialil. $6 .tKjj HHKF.f AND LAMBS Receipts, tOO uvad; c, $6.&i.7!i; lambs, $7.608.2. "Sunday. CATTLK Receipts were not very heavy this morning, either here or at any market points, but tliov were plenty large enough to meet the requirements of the trade. As noted before in those columns the demand lor beef Is always limited at all market polvte during the holiday Beacon. No one Is looking for an thing like a brisk demand for cattle until after January 1. The few beef steers here this morning moved slowiy at pr.ces that were cer tuinly no better than steady and If any thing a little lower than yesterday, esiie Maily on the close. The best beeves here were good enough to bring $X.6j, there being nothing good In sight. Cows and heifers generally commanded good steady prices, but the market closed weak. There were not enough storkers or feeders to cut much figure In the trade and prices w?r without noteworthy cliaiike. All the live stock markets of the country will be closed on Christmas day. Quotations on Cattle. Prime yearlings. $8. iM(i9. 76; good to choice -"ornfed beeves, 8S.Oia1i8.75: fair to good cornfed beeves. $7.(0i(f9.00; common to fair cornfed beeves, lti.OiHiV7.60; good to choice range beeves, 7.ft"nb.(i0; fair to good range beeves. $7.00 $17.50; common to run range beeves, u i5(jf 7.00; good to choice heifers, $6.UOtdl7.X; good to choice cows. tf.6Xkuvii.36: fair to good cows, $6.00iiO.5O; common to fair rows. lit. iBWB.tiO: good to choice stneksra and feeders, $7.40f7.76; fair to good stock ers and feeders, $ti.75i7.40; common to fair stocaers snd feeders,; stock t 'A'.fti A '..". .Irinli entt. tl 1TJ. K stock o'alves, .OOftTTh): eal calves, $7.o6ai $.00; bulls, Mags, etc., iS.iltW76. Htiua-Reoeipts were fair this morning, bout 12o cars, or 8 300 head, being re ported. About xixteen loads of these were consigned direct. For the four days the run totals 30,6Htt head, a gain over lost week of 2,000 ami 20,000 larger than a year ago. The fact that the Christmas holiday enmn on Thursday last year Is partly responsible for the big gain noted. ine market opened out auu tins morn ing, and as other points, especially Chi cago, reported sharp declines, the local trade opened with shippers and specu lators buying at btiioc lower prices. i'aokers' early offers ware even worse than that, being In most Instance a flat dime off, but by the time a general move ment started they had Improved until the big end of the offerings finally sold at a fulOo decline. Trade remained dull throughout. The bulk of sales was made, at M SOtf 6.95, with quite a sprinkling at $7.00 and a top or 17 on. F or tne weeg to nute mices are around a nickel lower. Pack ers have Ixen bearish ail through, but heavy shipping and speculative buying helped to hold values up. Lights, which havo been In poor request, probably show tho most decline, but It haa been notloed that the big, rough, packing grades have not sold so readily as they did last week, SHEEP The packers were good com petitors for another light run consisting for the most Dart of lambs and a sprink ling Qf ewes. The demand for killing laniDs was so good that sellers were ante to realise nrices strong to lntfrl,'o higher on luinhs and fully steady on ewes. If anything tho general quality of the lamb offerings was not quite as good, though some pretty good lambs were on the market, there being averal loans good enough to command $8.55, with tbe bulk going at $k.26TrN.40, the moat Of which were on the wrtcatflnld order. Moil of the ewes on sale brought $5.30(06.50, wlh the quality In manv respects like yea terday. Trade being brisk the clearance was naturally early. Two cars of feeder lambs moved at $7. no. Friday being Christmas today prao tlcally clones the market for the week, with lambs Improving 4O'ifi00 since Isst week's close and ewes showing an ad vance of 15 a -'P. Yearlings havo been in meager supply and moved up lufylRc, The upward tendency to prices and the healthy cunditlvn of the trade this week has been attributed largely to the fact that the country has been conservative In shipping to market, the receipts for the week to date being very moderate. In the iielKhl4rhood of only some lti.7-0 head have been reported In, against 29.34 last Week and 2K.4..9 bead two weeks ago. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, got il to el e, WJ'WVoo; lambs, fair In .'. o, 7 IHtfiK 26: feeders, fair to good $7 50 070; yearlings, good to choice, ft; !OfJ 7.H6; yearlings, fair to good, M.604.H.80; yearlings, feeders, $5. 751)4. 26; wethers, good to choice, $i loiji 36; wethers, fair to good, $f.V.i86 10; wethers, feeders. $4.40 45.00; ewes good lo choice, $5 IWritYtiO; ewes, fair lo good I6.00ft6.30; ewes, feed ers. $4'U'.(!i5eO. 191 fed lambs 88 8 5." M fed ewes 108 fi 60 148 fed ewes 112 D 40 NEW YORK, Deo. 24 In Its essen tials today's stock market conttnued to traverse ths ground of the last few days. More minimum prices were registered In shares in Investment and speculative vsl ties, the list Including Canadian Pacific, Baltimore Ohio and the Southern rail ways, while I'nlted States Steel and Southern I'Hciflo repeated their estab lished low quotations of the preceding session. More than a score of Inactive and mis cellaneous stocks sold lower than before. Ttnillng bore the familiar ante-holiday aspects, ths volume of business falling below recent days. Opening prices re flected the same degree of Irregularity so long prevalent, followed by rallies which carried the leaders one to two points above yesterday's close. The ad vance appenred to be the result of short covering more than anything elee, and. when the demand from that quartet" teased, stocks fell back from sheer Inertia. Renewed weakness In Canadian Pacific an I Southern Railway preferred on ex tensive offerings unsettled the list In the afternoon with lowest prices of the day. In the final dealings some buying of Amalgamated Copper and Reading Im parted a belter undertone, but the closing was heavy tid uncertain. Weakness of the high priced railway shares indicated thst the reduced divi ded! declared yesterday by the directors of the Pennsylvania company, with Its resultant effect on Pennsylvania rall rond aarnlnat. was causing some appre hension respecting tho dividend status ol the other stocks In this class. Declara tion of tho regular New York Central di vidend on Its increased capital stock Im parted firmness to the Yanderbllt group. A loss of more than $10,000,000 gold was the interesting feature of the Bank of England's weekly statoment. London brokers were said to have expressed dls tippolntment over the terms Imposed for resumption of business on the stock ex change. The locsl bond market was heavy n small overturn. Total transactions par value aggregated $1,11)3,000. trnlted States government bonds wers unchanged on call. Number of sales and quotations or leading stocks were: 9l4. His. Low, Olsse. Alaska Oold 11. mx) 24'4 H , Amslsamst-M Onrpor ... 10,000 4i Aaierlcsa not Suswr.... l. tU "I Amorlran ts I. 4 H 8. ft R LJOO M UH MV An.-Tlmn fl. R. pM Ansrltn Suira Htflnlng. J0O tdlH Ml'4 IS. Americas Tel. 4k Tsl... SOO 116 lid n An.-rlrail Tobacco St Mlnlas Atchison a... K tav llaltlmors A Ohio 1 linnklrn Rapid Transit. SO U M 4 millolla Patroleua .... X I UU C.u.dian Barilla 8.1n 1H 1 tvntral I .-Miliar . fti.Aipwik. Ohio mi 40t, 4ut 4flH Chi!) Orest Western. 6"0 14 1 M Chicago. Mil. Ht. P.. l,7l W afi lru NonhwMiarn. 2i 1224 its n,lii Cocpar tu0 3iV l"i 1 Vilorado r ik' 1 a iron ..... ..... " tx.lonlo A Koutliasrn.,.., ...... ..... .. to liivar A Ulo Uranda.... ...... i HfnvAr A Hln 4). pfd ,l lUntlllara' Hi-orultlas 11 Krl. 8,700 ItH t 21 (1-i.arnl Blei-trto 187 Orrat Northern ptd W0 lr." 113 111 (rest Nor. Or ctta -00 itm H Se-t (ussenltaim Kxpluratlou 4l. Illlnola ontral ..... ..... 1OT InlerhorouKh-Met. pfd DO Internal iimal tlar Uj Ksnaaa 4 Ity Rout hern. . . lt tl It 20' l-ahlsh Vall-r ,1"0 1WH IM 1-IVS IiuIaHIIo & Nashvllls 116 M-itrsn Petroleum t Miami (Vrtr MO il 17 11 Miiaourl, Kan. 4k Trass. too H S "i MI.AOiirt Parlflc MI tt , National Blarult U National Laad oo 434 41 4.1 NTala Copper to iV 1IH 11 New York leiltrej ton) 2H H N. Y 1 M. II. H 700 4 M Mt Nurfnlk Waatsrn 9H Northern l arltlo 4 XI M MS 97 1-arWlu Mail IWS U)4 14 Pai'irio Tel. a Tal X PennayWsnla I.WS 10444 IMS 1" rnllmsn 'ali-e Car 100 hV4 W 1W iliay t:nn. 4Hper ..... 15 lleadtns 14.SI 149 1WSI, 141 Republic Steal A Iron.. It II II Hoik Inland 10 0 1 S 44 Koik 1-lsnd . pfd 700 1H 1 HI. U A H. K. ti ptd... SOO I I 34a Hiiutliarn Parlllo $,.Vio il 4a It II Houth-ro Hallway tee 14 14 14 IVnn-A-e Copper too I046 IS i Texaa Company ..... 14 t'niim I'aotrio t.ine ltr44 ll 1H l'nlun Ps-lflo pfd 800 7 T9 T I'nlted Hlataa Htuel 1.70U 41 4 V. t. fMl pfd o 14 1034 lna t'lah Cnpeer US 47 4Vi , Wabash ptd a... a ..... 1H Waitorn I nlon a a M44 Weatlnitiouas PMeotrle a..,, eats Ottered. litre dividend. Total sales for ths day. 101,6s taarss. DUN'S RBVIRW OF TRADH CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAIIKKT Hhrrp Strong. Cattle 8trenar Hose Vnsetlled CHICAfJO, Dec. Z4. CATTI.K Re celits, 3,000 head: market strong; native steers, $.V5flti 1D.00: western, fc.awiJt lit; cows and t.eifers, WSW.30; calves, $7.u0y lO.OO. 1IOI38 Receipts, eXS.aJ head; market, unsettled; mostly r.i lUo lower; hulk, $i i 47.10; light. (8Ctp7.10; mixed, $.7."i7.a; iiravy, $ii.7Mj7.17S; rough, $.75'fiHi.0; pigs, $"'ti7.1o. riHKKI AN PUA MBS Receipts, 7.000 head,; market strong; sheep, $5 05(fi.ti0; yearlings. $C7fir7.80; lambs, $6.T5i.7u. St. Loots Mrs Stork Market. HT. I.OH!a, Dee. $4 CATTLK-Re-c ipts. 1.7i0 head; market higher; native beef steers, $i.50irf 10.00; cows and hellers, $7i.Ooiii9.2:; southern steers. $5,751(7.75; cows and heifers, $4 OWitj.OU; native calves, $b.iyrM.27j. HotlS-Receliits, 7.800 head; market steady; pigs and lights, $6.0uri;T.$t: mixed and butchers, $7.007.80; good hevy. $7.16 1 25. rillKin' AND LAMHS-Rneelpta, none; narket stealy; native muttons, $4 W16.0O; lambs, K(ffjkU), yearlings. $5.jOtj'-50. Kansas City Lire stork Market. KANSAS CITV, Dee. 24.-CATTI.E-Rs-celpts, l.fioo head: market weak; prime fed steers, $9.fc)'u 10.35; dressed beef steers. $5.50'7. 5u; stockers and feeders, $i.0uS.lS; bulls. $6.Kti 50; calves. $, UtkaO .60. HOOii Reoeipts, i0 head; market steady: bulk. $O.Hf,iJi7.2o; heavy, rr.0i.w7 IS; packers and butchers. t7.4kefii7.2S; light, $ Ww7 15: pigs. $0.401; 75. hilt-KF AND I-AM lit Receipts. 1.001 head; lambs, tT.foiiel .; jrearlinge. $8 Sutjl 7.5v; wethers, $o.imi.i, iwis, $.oua.ii. k Conditions Appear FaTorable for Trade Generally. NEW YORK, Dec. 24. Dun's Review will say on Saturday: Ths railroad rate decision, ths contin ued big exports of wheat and other pro ducts and the colder weather, which stim ulates retail distribution exert the most important influence In the markets this week. December, with Its holiday Inter ruptions and Inventories Is not usually a month for large developments In busi ness activity, but the recent progress In finsnrlal recuperation, the rapid establish ment of a big balance of trade In favor of this country, and the rate decision giv ing a lsrge pert o the relief aaked for from the Interstate Commerce commis sion, combined to create a favorable sen timent In business The better feeling has undoubtedly Impaired a brisker move ment to the Christmas trade, which, though less in volume than last year, baa been much more activa than appeared possible a few weeks sgo. Hank clearings for the week were) $2,008,108, a decrease of 11 $ per cent as compared with $2,81, 368,7a In ths soma week last year. Failures for the week wers 878, against 449 last week and 28$ In ths same week last year. Wheat exports were $.757,942 bushels, against S.804,788 bushels a year ago. Krev York Money Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 24.-MKRCANTILJB PA lKR -4i 1ft per rent. HTKRMNCI EXCHANGE Steady; 80 day hills. $4.83; for cables, $4.b6H5; for de mand, $4 K0. SILVER Bar. 4SV. LONDON, Dec. 24. SILVER Bar, 21 U-I'.d per ounce. MONEY l's per cent. Dlsoount rates, short bills snd three months, 24 Per cent. Call money was steady high, S per cent; low, 24 per cent; ruling rate, $ per cent; lust loan. S tier cent; closing bid, 24 per cent; offered at 3 per cent. Time loans, dull; 0 and 80 days and six months, 3V 4i4 per cent. Closing quotations on bonds wers ag follows: V. 8. ret. Js, rag... " M , K. 4k T. 1st 4s TT do roupon 4 'Mo. Pa a. or. Is... 4S V. 8. a. rS N. Y. C. sea. SHs. do coupon l'W N. Y. Cy. 4a. 1MJ.PH V. S. 4a. re ie4 N. r. Htate 4Hs.. .1071 do coupon 1SV4 -N. Y . N. H. U. - Panama Sc. coupon. vt. da 1M Am. Binalters a....l04 Nor. Pan flu do A. T. At T ce. 4Vta '. Mar. Taclfia Sa..... eArmour Co. 4'ia. O. g. U ref. 4s s7 AUhlaon sn. 4a.... It Pac. T. 4k T. ta... 4t4 Hal. A Utile 4a ... Pens, con- 4s tl eotiea. A Ohio 444a. II Read Ine, goo. 4a tl 0-. " A Q I- 4v.a.. '4B Lag g ret. 4a. el CM 8 P g 44e.. tBo. Pac 0. 4a..... a c H. I. A 1 en. i do ref. 4a. n S4 C A 8. ref. 4a... 'W du ce. 6a fbi I). A It. O. rot. ba. 411480. Railway la Rrta gen. 4i " Union Paclfle 4a.... Aa len. Klactrtc 6s. .. a do ce. es. IS "in. Nor. let 4l1a I'D V. 8. Rubber As.. .101 111 rent, ret 4.... MVS. Steel Is luo K. C. 8. ret 6e Wabash let 6s ?V kin, un. 4a Illtt'Weat. (Julon 4Hav, n Bid. -crtfid. West. Elac. or. 6s.. H4) Rank Cleerloaa. OMAHA. Dec. 84. Bank clearings tor Omaha today wero $A7l,4o0.10. The corre sponding day last year was Christina. 7 Stock for Sale Aa omaha corporation In eotlvs buat Bea (or twenty yoara offers (or sals fifty abarss guaranteed asvea $er een preferred stock redeemed (root lerimea SWbsra. tin agents. Will soil. dUect, A 111' Cars Bts.