Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1914, Page 3, Image 3

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Warden Gives Their Menus in Re
port Filed with State Board
of Control.
Governor Denies
He's After Heads
Of Institutions
(I'rum a Ftsff Correspondent
LINCOLN. Dor. tSpwlal )-Thf
publication In democratic papers ycxter
: ilay that Governor Morrhead had had
. trouble with the Board of Control and
TWELVE MEN HAVE DEGREES ! that m connection wtih it mi he ...
I ftdlntt to ask for the resignation of Pr.
Thla nmler 't "t I'onr lUnilrf idrr of tho orthorpedlc hoiltal and Su-
Cause of Failure of
12-Million Brewery
General Education Board More Lib
eral to Them in Donations.
and Thlrtr-alx Are College tiraiin
sir State limine i:m
plnyea Pnll.
( Trom a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dee. (Special.) Inrnates
in the state penitentiary feel little of the
conditions covering: the high cost of liv
ing and appear to net three pretty good
meals each day, no matter whether the
price of foodstuff is high or low. A re- absolutely In the hands of the Hoard of i
port filed with the State Hoard of Con- i Control and I do not propose to dictate j
ti ol gives the menu at the Institution i to them what they shall do regarding ,
for the three meals as follows: tie heai's or those Institutions. It Is
Hreakfast-Frled bacon, brown gravy. I Probable that we may confer together on
fried potatoes, wheal bread and coffee, i matters of Importance If they desire, but
perintendent Glittery of the, Norfolk In
sane asylum roused the executive this
morning to emphatically deny that he I
had any Intention of quarreling with the
Board of Control members over the re
moval or retention of any heads of Insti
tutions. "You may say." said Governor More
head to The Bee. "that there Is abso
lutely nothing In the charges. The run
ning of the Institutions of the state are
"Inner Itoast pork, boiled navy beans,
stowed turnips anil coffee.
Supper-Cottage fried potatoes, brown
gravy, hot biscuits, syrup and 4ra.
as for absolutely demanding the dis
missal of any man at the head of any
of the Institutions under control of the
obard, I do not Intend to do so."
Produce of Kami.
I 1 . W A.An lr t ... - f , V, i. rannrl 1
show that among the many things raised ! WEST NEBRASKA STOCK
on the penitentiary farm by the convicts
was 11.021 worth of potatoes, $2.ttO of
pork. 11,312 of alfalfa. of milk, l.r
of wheat.
During the blennlutn there have been
4:W people in the institution, of which 4"S
vet to male and eight female. Of these
"M were white, fifty-one negroes, two In
dians, one Chinese and one Japanese.
Twelve t'nl CJratlea.
Eighteen had no education, fifty-three
a primary education, 233 common school,
sixty high school and an even dozen were
educated In a college or university.
There were 31(1 who were single, 113
married, seven widowed, three divorced
and three did not know whether they
were single, married, widowed or di
vorced. t'nder the head of nativity, sevonty
tilne were born in Nebraska, 269 in the
I'nited States outside of Nebraska and
fifty-two were foreign born. Illinois
furnished thirty-four: Iowa, thirty-five;
Missouri, twenty-eight, and New Tork,
When They Worked.
Occupations run into every class nearly,
the following being among tho number:
Barbers, fourteen; rooks, thirty-one;
farmers, eighty-nine; firemen, ten; la
borers, ninety; porters, twelve; team
sters, twelva. The balance run Into the
single figure and show that there la one
professional ball player, three, cowboys,
' two printers, one pollcoman, one sailor,
one soldier, one undertaker and one trav
eling saleslady.
There eighteen in for murder, eight for
manslaughter, one is under death sen
tence, ten are in for life and two for
twenty-five years.
Salary Warrant in A.dvanee
Monthly salary warrants have been
drawn in advance by the people of the
state house out of respect to Santa Claus
and the Chrltmaa feeling that they needed
vhe money. State Treasurer George has
made an effort to help the thing along
by rashlng the warrants of the employes
so far as the money would go In order
that the monthly recompense might ex
tend along Christmas lines as far as pos
sible. Delsell'a Next Berth.
Kor a prohibitionist. State Superintend
ent James K. Delzell feels that his future
is to be along pleasant lines if he desires
to make it. Having accepted a position
in one of the fctate normal schools of
Wisconsin he has discovered that the
town In which the school Is located, has
sixty-two saloons with a population of
only 12,000 people. When Mr. Delzell
reaches the town there will be 193 people
to each saloon. Mr. Delzell Invites his
friends to come up as there is plenty
of room for all.
A requisition for L. G. Graham, whom
the authorities of Lancaster county have
been looking for for nearly a year was
issued by Governor Morthead this aft
ernoon. Graham Is wanted for forgery
and Is being held in Tulna. Okl. Deputy
Sheriff Anthes left this afternoon for his
man, but expects he will resist being
brought back. He is charged with forg
ing a check and having it cashed by the
Llnooln. Safe Deposit company for 100,
signing the name of J. E. Martin.
ELLSWOltTII. Neb., Dec. 23.-(Specil.)
Owing to preparedness and a plentiful ,
supply of hay, stock has not suffered .
from cold as In former years with each j
recurring cold snap, but the change to a i
more moderate temperature from 22 do- ,
greeg below zero la very acceptable to
stock growers and farmers.
Considerable agitation over the division
nf Sheridan and Garden counties Is up
permost at thla time. It is proposed to
take sufficient from the south part of
Sheridan and the north part of Garden
to estublish a new county, with Lakeside
as the county seat. The necessity of this
move Is of b'ng standing, and is evident
in the poor roads and other inconven
iences In both counties in this section
that could be remedied If even Indifferent
attention was given by the powers that
be In the north and south end of the
counties. Petitions have been circulated
and unexpected support for the new
county Is Increasing.
The recent personal visit to Ellsworth
of Representative-elect F. M. Broome of
Alliance, who Is now so prominent In the
running for speaker of the house at Lin
coln, has put his friends here strongly
behind him.
He is not fanatical in any view he
possesses, and his broadmindedness is a
prominent feature of his every action.
None of the Itorkefrller Moneys
Reaeh Thl tate for t "e In
ffrhonla or Collea;a Total
liter Ten Millions.
NEW YORK. Dec. 2.1. Western states
have been favored slislitly above eastern
and middle Atlantic states In the General
Kdueatlon hoard's donations of llo.W2.5Sl
to the cauw of education, according to
a fourth Installment rf t lie board's re
port, made public today. Southern states
rank third, although all three groups are
To western states, the report set forth,
thero has been given outright J3.9S7.7S1.
nuu imrimi t'uui I I iiinn, run a nn'u u v Voting dry
of which la not stated, have been made toj ,.,n(, jBSt traw"
a supplemental sum or i.t. t. 4i. 10 easi- '
em and middle Atlantic states the sum
given outright was $3,Sii2.1x5; ths supple
mental sum to which the boarJ sub
scribed an amount not designated was
$Ui.247,9:t9; southern states received out
light $3,0uS,ti2.ri; the supplemental sum to
which the hoard contributed In this
case was '.147,1S2.
Following are the donations made to
educational institutions in the various
states by tho board since Us Inception;
Southern states:
Maryland $ 2V. mw
Virginia 4!'.no
North Carolina :!7!M11
South Carolina l.M.lTti
Georgia 2"2.2W
Alabama -'t.7i
Mississippi l.'
Christmas Program at
Iuglcsido Hospital
COLT'Mni S. O, Dee. 2? -The Hosier
Columbus Breweries company, a $12.
r.V' corporation, went Into the hands of
r reivers tixlay or order of the I'nited
States district court. "Increased demand
fcr ieer. adverse legislation and the
voting dry' of many states and counties
In the laf.t eight years, was given as the
The appointment of receivers was mnd"
by Judge John F. Pater upon a showing
that the company had
upon a judgment of
Samuel S. and Victor Stelner of New '.
York. i
The court named '. Christian Born and j
Carl J. Hoster, large stockholders of thi i
company, as revolvers. I
In Its statement the company declared I
of West Virginia was
In a series of legislative
arts which reduced seriously the sale of
Its products. Increase of the saloon
license fee to $1,OHO by the Ohio legls-
Inture right years ago, a county local j
option law and the more recent license i
system by which the number of saloons
was greatly cut down, were mentioned
as other causes.
HASTINGS, Neb., Dec. 23 (Special. )
An elaborate program has been arranged
f.r ths Christmas festivities o be held nt
the Nebraska hospital for the Insane at
lngleslde, fnm 2 tu I J'1 o'clock Friday
afternoon. It will be under the direction
of Superintendent Baxter, who extends
an Invitation to the public.
The lngleslde institution Is for the In
oiriHe Insane. Several numbers on the
program are by Inmates of the Institution.
The address will be by Superintendent
Baxter, aftet which there will he a mini-
defaulted payment j ,0r f selections by the lngleslde orchea
$.",5H In favor of ' r Mlsa Baxter, daughter of the super
intendent, will sing. There will be read
ing by Miss llanshaw. a cello solo by
Joseph Harrison ami a trombone solo by
James Foley, ltef reshments will be served
later In the day.
Head the "For Sale" ads if you want
bargains of the minute.
OXFORD. Neb., Dee. 23 (Special.!
I The democrats have railed a primary fo"V
December M. the purpose being to unite
on some one for a successor to rostmna-
ter !!. I. Helebardt. whose term expires
Feb! nary 1. HM. 1'P to date six persons
have signified their desire to become Mr.
Relchardl's successor. The primary will
be oHn from 6 a. m. to K p. m.
Tennessee (IJn.Oi)
Kentucky 1I'.'.01
Texas 4i.tK
Florida f-0,000
Ilavltl O. Itratvner.
SI'BINGFIELD. Neb., Dec. 23 (Spe
cial Telegram.) David O. Brawner died
175.1 tut I last evening at R o'clock from the ef-
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 23. -Special) Presi
dent J. A. Ollis and Secretary H. J.
Gramllch of the Nebraska Improved Live
Stock Breeders' association have an
nounced an Important series of programs
for the live stock sections of organized
agriculture. These meetings will be held
in Lincoln January IS to 23.
A special colt session of the Nebraska
Horse Breeders' association will be held
Tuesday morning, January 19. The pro
gram follows:
9 a. m., "How a Colt Grows," II. J.
Gramllch. Lincoln: "Fall Colt Siows." J.
s. Montgomery; "The Foal From Birth to
Weaning Time," J. H. 8. Johnstone. Chi
cago, 111.; "How We Feed and Care for
Weanling Foals at Gregory Farm," W. 8.
Corsa, Whitehall, 111.; "Can the Eastern
Nebraska Farmer Afford to Raise Colts?"
Senator J. M. ates, Fort Crook, Neb.;
"Alfalfa and the Draft Colt," T. B. Bow
man, Boone, Neb.
TECUMSEH. Neb., Dec. 21 fSpeclal.)
Harry Q. Lawrence, son of Judgo James
A. Lawrence, died at noon yesterday In
this city. He had been In falling health
for two years and diabetes was the cause
of death. Mr. Lawrence was aged 36
years. He was born on a farm near
Tecum sen and spent the days of his
boyhood here, graduating from the
Tecumseh High school. One year was
spent In newspaper work In Florence,
Ala., and thirteen years ago he became
a reporter on the Johnstown (Pa.) Dem
ocrat. A year later he became a reporter
for the News-Standard at Unlontown, Pa.,
and recently he was promoted to city
'editor of that paper. Two months ago
he had to give up the position owing to
falling health. The funeral probably will
bo held Thursday afternoon.
BEATRICE. Neb., Dee. 23. (Special.)
The annual meeting of the Gage County
Society of Agriculture was held Tuesday
afternoon, at which these officers were
elected: President, F. W. Mumford; vice
president C. G. Baker; treasurer, W. W.
Scott; secretary, H. V. Rlesen; chairman
of board and general manager, J. C.
Emery; members of board of directors, E.
L. Hevelone, C. W. Murray, C. H. Green
and Dr. C. P. Fall. The report of the
secretary showed the society to be In
good shape financially.
Joseph G. Fisher and Miss Millie Chapp,
both of Virginia, were married here
Tuesday by County Judge H. D. Walden.
The rase against James A. Thorn, a
Sherman township farmer, rharged with
neglecting to bury or bum hogs which
died of cholera within the forty-eight
hour limit prescribed by law, was dis
missed Tuesday In Judge Walden's court
because the state failed to show that
Thum violated the law.
( harttrd l(h Horse Stealing.
ARLINGTON. Neb., Dec. 23. (Special.)
Slieril'X Compton came from Blair Tues
day norning and placed Chris Hollinger
und Charles Bolton under arrest, charged
with btcallng horses in Coloiado. Bolton
lived in western Nebraska, near the Colo
rado line, and Is supposed to have stolen
the horses In Colorado, assisted by Hol
linger. He moved here this fall and has
been working around here since. They
were taken to Kimball county by Its
sheriff, who was here when they were
arrested by the Washington county sher-Iff.
Western states:
Ohio t 7W.001
Indiana 230, PiO
Michigan Kin;
Illinois XOnnoo
Minnesota ,'fti.oiO
lowa r.,ris
Colorado .uo.wO
Knnsas '.'7fi.o0
Missouri 525.0i)0
South Dakota - IMMOl
Washington 12."i.000
California 1M.0H0
Total 3.H7.71
Eastern and middle states:
Maine .0W
Vermont l.'xl.wiO
Massachusetts 7:U0
Connecticut 400,i0
New York .00)
Pennsylvania 7.i7,i41
New Jersey 849.444
Rhode Island 160.00J
Total W,M2,18S
Principal donations follow:
Maryland John Hopkins university
Virginia Richmond College UAOllO,
University of Virginia IfiO.OoO.
Tennesse Vnnderbllt university UfiO.OnO.
Kentucky Georgetown college &K,00it.
Texas Baylor university 2),ii00. South
ern Methodist university $200.0 .
Ohio Oherlln college $1J.000, Ohio
Wesleyfan university $126K, Western
Reserve university $12f,000.
Illinois Northwestern university $109,
000. Wisconsin Belolt college (two ap
propriations) $150,000. , ,
Iowa Coe college (two appropriations)
$14,Cli, Cornell jollege $100,000, Drake
university $H.000; Grlnnell college (two
appropriations) $200,000, Mornlngside col
lege, $50,000.
Colorado Colorado rollege (two ap
propriations) $100,000, University of Den
ver $ioo,oo. .
Kansas Ottawa university $,25,000,
Washburn college (two appropriations)
$125,0U0, Baker university $125,0u0.
Missouri Drurv rollege (two appropria
tions) $125,000, Washington university
$200,000, William Jewell college $12G,0H),
Central rollege $75,000.
South Iakota Dakota Wesleyan uni
versity $50,o00, Huron college $lu0,O0O.
Washington Whitman rollege $126,000.
California Pomona college $150,000.
Pennsylvania Bryn Mawr rollege $250,.
000 Bucknell university ifi.000. Franklin
and Marshall college $50,0ii0, LaFayette
college $47,741, Pennsylvania college $50,
Ouo, Swarthmore college $75.ono, Washing
ton und Jefferson college $100,000.
New Jersey Princeton university $99,
444. Stevens' Institute of Technology,
WAHOO, Neb., Dec. 23. (Special. )-The
Saunders rounty Belgian relief committee
reports having collected about $2,200, and
yesterday shipped 1,00 sacks of whole
wheat flour and a supply of new and second-hand
clothing to the people of the
destitute and stricken country across tha
feet of a paralytlof stroke. Mr. Brawner
came to this county In 1S7S and was one
of tho first businessmen In Springfield,
lie was a member of the first village
bonid that organized the village. He was
a member of tho Adventlst Christian
church and also a member of tho Wood
men of the World.
Notes from Ravenna.
RAVENNA. Neb.. Dec. 23-N. A.
Grlgshy, who conducted a saloon in Ra
vennat for a number of years, but went
west for his health a few months ago,
died In a hospital In Denver. His body
was brought to Ravenna for burial yes
terday, lie leaves a wife and two chil
dren. A locker at the Burlington shops was
broken open and a diamond ring, valued
at $150, together with $40 In cash, belong
ing to O. C. Srhrank, night machinist,
was stolen. There Is no clue.
FA1RBURT, Neb.. Dec. 23.-f Special Tel
egram.) The first Scottish Rite funeral
ever held in Farbury occurred here at
10:30 last r.ight when the IJncoln con
sistory held its ritual service over the
body of the late Alfred A. St ran be In the
Christian church. Falrbury members of
Lincoln consistory assisted with the serv
ices. Mr. Straube was a member of Lincoln
consistory and had attained the highest
degrees of Masonry. The body was taken
to St. Louis this morning for burial, A
tribute of honor was paid by a delegation
of Rock Island engineers accompanying
the body as far as Belleville, Kan.
Mr. St ran be had been a prominent Rock
Island paEsenger engineer at Falrbury
since 132.
BEATRICE, Neb., Dec. 23. (Special Tel
egramsHenry Gerdes, a member of the
State Board of Control, was In thu city
conferring with the city commissioners in
regard to securing water from the rity
for the Institute for the Feeble Minded. If
neeessary arrangements can be made, the
water will be pumped from the Zimmer
man springs to the state Institution.
Hotel Loyal
Two Special
..Christmas Dinners..
At $1.50
Per Plate.
Beginning at
. 12 O'clock, Noon
and at
6 O'clock, Evening.
Tables May Be Reserved
In Advance.
The Three Ootterill Sisters
In Special Concerts
At 12:30 to 2:30; 6 to 8 P. M.
!1 v..
csri a A A v
( x for dBeleeta Drhatlaa Team.
OXFORD. Neb., Dec. 23 fSpeclal.
Fred Hellner, Merlin Springer and Ralph
Cole were selected to represent Oxford
High school In the district debating con
test Roy Bendler was chosen alternate.
The Judges of the preliminary contest
were Superintendent D. D. Gibson and
Principal W. J. Yourd of Holdrege. and
E. J. Burgaulst of North Loup.
Dr. Klaa'a Kenr Life Tills.
For constipation, torpid liver, sallow
coiuitlexton; their use will strengthen and
add tone to your sytem. 25c. All drug
g hits. Ad vertutemer
l!il1l!ii:itl:l!l"l:l,,Tlttl,:HI!l iH'iHrlWT?" f I
I i'l'l' i M..w"'J"!"!in,i'i'tfeii.
.'I.Mi'iliiiiihi'i'!'!?1 JV.MnWj W
I OK Nr.W5PA i '
j; THE HNtSf -i GiMDE'OF;
( COMMtRmL-r'klNip.C
"Chlcafto'i Newest end Best Hotel"
Morrison tel
The ILomo of Omaha IYople
Visiting Chicago
T7ie Place Where You '11
Meet Your Friends
Under th.
Pmor.l Snpvrriiioa of
And Your Horns
Papar is Waiting
for Yon at
ths News
for a Dollar and a Half
Home of die
B ostonOyster House
I he Most Famous
Restaurant in
the West
In the
Courteous treatment and TJat-m t
Every Convenience ,
for Comfort the JOOp
ConTanitnt to
Stations, Theatres, Shops
Morrison tel
X. Madison and Clark St. CHICAGO
a i, jttms.Bjju-K!
Special Clean-up Sale of
Smoking Jackets, Bath
and Lounging Robes
For Thursday
An opportunity to
give "Him" a highly
appreciative gift at
a small cost to you
For Thursday wo place
on Special Sale an ex
tensive line of Smoking
.Jackets, Utilise Coats,
Lounging nnl Until
Robes; in all sizes,
colors ami patterns.
The Savings Are Unusual.
Several dozen of our Bath Robes, Smoking
Jackets and Lounging Robes, which sold at
$7.50, go on Sale at
CI pzsrj Q Buys any one of a goodly number of
Robes and Jackets, which have sold up
to Thursday at $10.00
All our $12.50 and $15 Smoking Jackets, eg (Ty 1
Lounging and Bath Robes, are offered in jjTT :
this Sale Thursday, at
Hffl6 a5mOWABt ffll
I Coal 8
120 South 17th St. -Phone Tyler 40
Petroleum Coke
Southern Anthracite
Wo Boot, Xo Bmokn
Ho Asb.s, AU I-nsl
Bett.r Satis
faction Than
P.nn. Antb.
Hut, rornao Lump, X.arra
Lump, Hot, XaaUn
We bought 20,000 lbs. of live
your order. We guarantee to give
Sanitary Market.
4,000 11)8. of Xmas Geese, 20,000
lbs. of Xmas Ducks at the
market price.
1914 Spring Chlx Uic
Vig Pork ltoat 10?4c
Pig Pork Hutts 12 94f
Lamb Iegs 12c
... - 15c
Turkeya which we will drees to
16 oz. to the lb. at the Empress
Choice Mutton Chops . ...1-c
Steer Pot Roast. .. .14 He, 114c
Young Veil I Roast.. 14 Hr, lMc
Cudahy's Diamond C and Arm
our's Star Hams 10a4c
Sugar Cured Liacon 16tc
Oysters, per tjuart 40c
No. 1 Soft Khelled KngllMi Wal
nuts, per lb 17
1014 Mixed Nuts, per lb lftc
1914 Brazil or Soft Hhelled l'e-
cans, per lb... 15c
Large Queen Olives In qt. jars 28c
3-lb. cans of Sliced Pineapple, per
can lc
25c California Peaches 1.1c
3-lb. can of Pumpkin. 3 for. .2.V.
Our 750-lb. N.V Mammoth Cheese
Is cut and on sale at, lb.. . . ;i)c
Best Tub Creamery Butter, lb. UOc
Fancy Craiilx-rrlCN, quart Re
Large Grape Fruit, each Be
Large 8iinkist Oranges, doz. 2H;
Bellevue heart Celery, bunch, 2,c
Casaba Melons, euch
Large Jonathan Apples, 12 lbs. to
peck, per peck IHfc
Large Cauliflower, each, 10c, lftc
8wet Cider In half gal. Jugs, 2c
Golden Santos Coffee, per lb. 20c
Try our KmpreBs Special Coffee,
per lb a.k-
Opp. Woolworth 5c and 10c Store.
113 South 16th St. Tel. D. 2307.
Next We Wfll Give
Now listen to this,
girla. When we opened
the doll box to get one
for this week, what
should greet us but a
pair of twins. Think of
it wo wero quite puz
zled to know what to do
at first, because one is
enougli for any little
Busy Bee to care for,
but we soon decided
upon a plan
The Twins are to go to
the country to some llttl
girl living on a farm, where
there's Dlentv of nlca frh
milk every day, and lots of room to romp and play when they are bli
enough to run about.
All the dollies so far have been won by the girls In the cities, and
now I am sure you will all be glad to help some little girl on a farm win
the Twins. No one else can get them.
The Twins will be given free to the little girl under la
years of age, that brings or mails us the largest number of
doll's pictures cut out of the Dally and Sunday Bee before
4 p. in. Saturday, January 2.
The Twins pictures win bo In Tha Bee every day this week. Cut
them out and ask your friends to save the pictures In their paper fot
you too. See how many pictures of The Twins you can get, and bs
sure to turn them In to The Bee office before 4 p. m. Saturday, Jan. 2.
You Can See the Twins at The Bee Office
A carload of Turk.ys. pics .A. W. ars la poultry. Ws
drsss aU poultry aud auarautM high quality and low pries and
lxtMa onao.a to th. pound.
6.000 lbs. Xmas Uease I At arkt Lunib Jgm iao
i.000 Xjnaa Jnickn I Priea SuKar Cured Hacon Uo
1914 Hprlnir Chickens 11. yter. PT quart 400
Fig Polk Itoast 10?4o
I'lg Pork Butts IS 8rZ0ZAX.B
Steer Pot Koast 15o and II Uo .v, . . - .
Younif Veal ituast ....X60 and llUo m 8 P M. to P. M. Lamb Chopi
Choice Mutton Chops lSVim per ,b 60
Cudahy's lilamond C and Armour's K10111 '.' 1. M. to 10 p. M. Pork Clio;
Star Hams l4.o at. per lb l0o
4 cans Hwet Pens or Corn 8 So Large Jars (Juwn Olives, each.. BOo
t pkK". Hueded Italsiiis 36o Citron or Candied vla aoo
Clutter Halslns, on stein Soo Qt. Jura 11. mi Mad. Mince Meat 3o
X lt. Prunes or Kulstns 86a Full Cretin Chen., lb iiee
4 lb. Mulr i'eai hes 83d first creamery hutte,r. ks;. or tub!38o
Another Sled Free
Just Like the First One 4 Feet Long
The picture of the Sled will be in The Bee every day
tills week-
Cut them all out and ask your friends to save the pic
tures In their paper for you, too. See how many picture
you can get and bring them to The Bee office.
The Sled will be given Free to the boy that sends us
the most pictures before 4 P. M. Saturday, December SO.
Let The Bee get you a good job.
"Situations Wanted" ads are free