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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1914)
TTTE BEE: OMAHA. DECEfBET? 1914. WANT ADS Want d received at any time, but to ti.sure, proper claIMcatlon muat be pre sented before 12 o clock noon for evening edition end I n. m. for morning and funday edition. Went d recelred after nob. hour will he under th heading, loo Let to Classify." CASH RATES. Seven eortsecutlv ttmea, 1 cent word "h Insertion. Thre time within on week, JH rent a word each Insertion. On time, S cents a word. CHARGE RATES. Seven consecutive time, t cent a line -h Insertion. Three lime within on week, 14 cent a line each Insertion. One time, rent line. Count six averes worda to a Una. Minimum chance, 10 cent. An advertisement Inrerted to be run on til discontinued muat be stopped by writ tea order. All clalma for error mt'st be mad within fifteen days after the last Inser tion of the' advertisement. You ran place jrour want ad In The Beo bj. telephone. TELEPHONE TYLER 1W0, Unclaimed Answers to the "Swappers' Column" Hundred of other anwr have been railed for and delivered during the laat aeck. It la reasonable to uppn that all of the teuile below have made th deal red swaps, therefor do not call for tne balance or their ana w era. e want TOTMVH OJMn.KTK MOVIK riUHJKAMH Exclusively In The lle Snath. OEM. 12.V4 SOUTH 13TH The Groom' Doom. L. Ko. comedy. Stronger 1-ove. Imp. Perils of Pauline, t reel. LYRIC. The Master Key. No. 1 Her Gratitude. Imp. In Tail 22. Nestor comedy. PASTIME, H17 VINTUN t reel. 24TH 4 LEAVENWOKTII Mary' Convert. Maty Plckford. Imp. Hi Father's Son. f-reel Victor. VENEZIA THEATER, 1211 B. 1ITH ST. Tricking th Government. t-rL West. MONROE, XCS TARN AM VI eUraley Picture, benefit fire fund. Red Bird Wins. 2-recl American. An Incompetent Hero. Keystone corn. Benson. BENSON. 6K MAIN BT. The Bride of Msrblehead. 2-r. Rosemary 1 .teby-Harry Myera The Decision, with Bob Ionard and Ella Hall; Aaher com. tanarll tneffe- ELITE NO. 1. Mo BROADWAY Theft of the Crown Jewel. I-r.' Kal. dr. Fixing Their Dad. Vltagraph comedy. A Moment of Madneaa. Edison drama. ROPE R. M7 BROADW A Y Maater Ker. -r. Kneel aJ Serial No. 1 The Wise Guy. Joker comedy. The Beat Man. Frontier. Ad aura get result. SG sr. 8C. . AC. SC. BC. 22 V H0 1M 1424 vn 2U 2i7 K4 174 148 1MI Z'i S ! 1T7 141 1.M7 tl 1 lt W 14P 1&39 f ivf iso ii im m is, j . im imo 2:3 $0 1314 !: H15 1Mb 217 ftlj nit 14-2 ' 144 1A64 ?-1 $! 13.1I 1U 1464 W 2S 817 XV 11 I IS J $:?4 i: 117 14.: 1ST0 I4 Sd 1U2 14m 13 V ?47 1V44 1411 1470 lhxa W SS 1?"1 J41I 1471 X -4 14 1414 142 1W7 I J Jsjl l Ji.l 1414) V'6 lMt oil Omaha. BE8BK THEATER. 4TH AND N Th Old Flute Ilayer. e-r. Vita, drama, Henpeck Oeta off a Night. Bio. com. The Unknown Country. Lubln drama. MAGIC ' MTH AND O Maater Key. No. 1. Th Coward i-r. Imp. 8ammle'a Vacation. Cryatai comedy. A Ixnely Salvation. Victor. ORPIIEUM, Vaaderllle. 24TH AND M RATIia AKO FlIXERtb WOTICKg BERO Catherine, aged 42 year. Decem ber I. 114. Funeral from realdence of alaterMra Jame Wheian, 40 North Twenty-ulK'ith avenue, Hattii-da niormnK. (:. lloly AnuelV ehurch, '( wentv-eiahth aireet anA l-'iiwler avenue at 9 o'clock, lntermi nt at Holy eepuichor cemetery. ' BIRTHS AND DHATIIS. Blrtha L,, l and Hfciscl Cnrr, Meredith, boy; Andred and Maria Kreataa, Flfty-flrwt and Itard, boy; Bruno and MarxTette Kucha, twin K'rla. Hit Pnuth Twentieth; B. J. and Agnes K aller. Z14 Eolith Twei.ty-elKhth, girl; 'wlnv and Marie Haiugn, arm Pouth Twelfth, girl; C. K. un. Anna. Johnson, :?17 North Twenty-ninth, boy; Halph and huth Mick, ms Nurth Twenty-fourin, boy; T. Fred and The tea Nai'Khtln, 4Mi Web ter. ttlrl; 11. J. and Nellie Peteraon, tm Frankiln, boy; Allan and Mable Wallen. tTll South Thirteenth, boy; 11. O. and 'ora Wlihelm, J21 Ca, girl; Fred and Margaret Zotsman, SCitif Houth Thir teenth, bey. leathKuth M.' Rwanberg, i2 year,, M:'4 Bancroft; Catherine J. Bourlleu, U year. X'm Gold; Hartley, 1 month, 3W!7 Paratofrn; limit B. Ntllttl. I pntha, 1H14 rioith Fourth. MARRIAtiH LICK.19K1. The following permit to wed hava been Uued Name and Residence. Age. Hoy U Allen, Uedham, la 4i Lura B. bnyder, Omaha 4 Iaoey O. McDotuOd, Murdock 24 Helen I M ovine y, Murdock lit Charles W. Bhook, Omaha i Clara MaUen, Omaha.... ...i na John P. White, Btoux City, la. 24 Anna tine, o.oux city, la 21 Thomas H. Perkins, Omaha H May Cage, bouth Omaha , 1 Fred II. Webber, Cedar Raplda, la. Z2 Jtieaeie Miller, Omaha. 14 Otto U Mattke. Omaha ft Annla M. Heywood, Omaha 21 Charles E. Webb, South Omaha il siary v. uusnee, rouin uinana Kl Francesco Minenno, Omaha.............. 17 Maria I'istelli, Omaha XI Bpeclal Keystona play featuring Charles Chapman. MVK WIIIH IHhlXKSS IKN OF U.MAU I Ueatiat. !r. Hrndhiiry. No iwln. 1.VK Farnam. fr. Todd a alveorar dentjatry 4"3 Branded Ilalley, the rentlit;7'Jl ity Nat jBank. Taft lental Hntnu. U.17 DniiKta. I. iim. pVorrheaTi ir.FI k. r7j4city" Nat. Bank. Drm, MHOH at cut price; frcltrht paid on $10 ordrra; catalogues free, hlierman A He Connell lr;ig Co., Omaha. Neb. Kleetrle anppllea. I. EURO N Flee. VVka., 1 Jt. l!th. D. m riorlat. A. DOXAOIII'IT, 1CT Hmey. Poug. 1001. HATH'H florists. 1M Famam lt. IIS H vVOHoKA, 1415 Farnam Ht. L. HKNHEKSON, lnW Farnam. D. liA Memler Klorlet Telegraph !!. Aasn. everything for Womri, Woman' Evchange, 4 Pax. Blk. R. 4911. ACCORDION, aide, knife, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all le and styles; hemstitching, plcot editing. Ideal Pleat I n g Co., 200 Doug I as Block. P. 1HM. CROCHET work for Chrlatmaa; lav or der. Mm. Maneval, 241 Dodge. Farrier. BEN FENSTER, 1410 N. Hth t Web. T777. IIKLP WANTKI) KK7.1ALK I WAMKl) H1TIAI1U.NH ' k eera It4 Uewratlea. WANTEDrilrl to aaaUt with light house work In exchange for board end room '"Lm"'',eJWM!! n": rhon Wehater 4JQH. WANTKO-OwkI, girl for genernf houeo work, small family. Wehnler 4B. COMPETENT girl for gerefaFhousework, prefer foreigner. Walnut V&l. W ANTKI ood experience girl for gen eral housework. No laundry, good wanes. Walnut 1710. 42 Cass Ht. WANTED work anl care for chlidmn for room and hoard. Htudent of bun neas college preferred. 1714 Farnam. i'h'M'1 girl to aiMlHt In hnuee. M I ace I la aroi a. YOI'NG Women ronvng to Omaha a stranxers sre Invited to visit the Young Women's ChrlFtlan Assorint.on building at Ht. Mary Ave. and lilh Kt.. wher Uiey will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. look for our traveler's guide at Union station. LADIE8' A misses' coat, suits, dresses it skirt samples at wholesal price. Hm off' NewYork Hample Ptore, N. lth. IADIEA U K) dot. making aprons; fas cinatlng home business; paroel poet any distance. Stamped envelope for particu- , lara Cornwall Supply House, Provi I dene. R. I. Hair DreaalaaT. HarieT method. R. , Balrd Bldg. D. JKTT1, Hat Trimmed. Hats trimmed, 60c. F. Lrfimberton Web 1P04. Lighting Flxtnre aad Wiring. THOMAS DUJiKIN Electric fixtures and upplies, contract ing and repair work done reasonable. 1419 CUMING. DOUOUAH 1. 1,1 v gtoclc Remedle. OMAHA Remedy Co., 607 8. lh. Red 4261 AKXOrNCKMENTS Fall Announcement Call on us for Pleating, Buttons, Kuchin?, Hemstitching, Picot Edging. Ideal Pleating Co., Doug. 193G. 107-109 S. lGth. o Mask, Co tames aad Lodge Sapajlea. MNFR. of lodge regalia And costume. The largest stock of masquerade and theatrical costumes In the country. Theo. Mehen A Bon, IV) 4 Howard. D. 4116. U U A Hrt 4.1 1AJ N G . Superior window glaaa and expert , glaxing. Let ua quota price. .HA It k hit, UHOH. VAINT CO., Doug I a 4760. 10 Farnam. CHR1HTMA8 BAHUAINH. In Jewelry, Watches, etc. Many satis fied customers. OROfi9 JEWKLllY CO.. "The store with the reputation." MH N. llth and 410 N. lth. BARGAiNH In uuro-lcmed diamonds, watches and other Jewelry. 1IAHUI 8 PIoe. 6J1 No. Kith rit. GET a Y. M. C. A. ticket for Xmaa. HAZKI, Iaf Pile Cone.' Beat remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles; cOn postpaid; sample free, tiherman di McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Wedding announcementsTDoug. Ptg.' to. LUCKY wedding rings at Brodcgaard. MODEL, cleaners and tailors; call and de liver. 1ll N. lfh Ht. Phone Bed 4.14. , TODAY'! COMPLKTB i . MOVIK ritOOIUAMS Exclualvely In Tti lie llS TOTVM. (ERA PHONE, 1401 DOUGUAB .New slaKdaim. t-r. Blograph dr. cho Blily Decision. Kas, VV. dr. tng In. Lubln comedy. 1K NO t J31 FAKNAM . Wuack. l-ret Lubln drama. ' ltocky Road of Love. Vita. com. icy of I 'ni ro as line. gelig drama. iN'-M. 1416 FAILNAM iual Girl. No. 44. Mutual drama, Center of the Web. i-reel Than, dr. Corner In Hat. Komlo comedy. f AUKAU4i.a. ttin AND iiAHNtl" jw of Paramount Picture. AUK. THKATblC ilk N. WTH. i L atur program dally. eyelon Coined loa. Hut DOUGLAS I . vAKiiOK, , ; ,1a Married Her Anyhow. Joker oomsdy .mini ui m i no. -reei maon. I KlNC't-fca, . 1317 DOUULAil Called Back. 4-reel tk-ld Seat Ive, lii g and Candy, sterling comedy. ALIIAMBIIA. M ortkx. 1U4 NO. Mth BT. Million Dollar Mystery, Eplsod No. S. imisaion 6c. ALAMO. I4TH AND tOrtfT iis ruiner's Son. I-reet Victor, lha Ctose Call. Steriiitg eouMuy. r LiiVa oiory. JPowera, AJos- M1U AV avHuiu-iii. Weekly. . A Gentleman of Nrv. Keyaton com. mid Jackon Girl. Thanwwiiaee drama. iiAMuN HHi LAKfci Human Heart, I-reel Imp. "'""-L-Hut"lir"i Rexcoinedy. i"U.NiH'JN Jr,ifc:A "TH-FKANKUN". A Midnight Tragedy. -r. Kalem drama, J romiio Hilly a Mother, Eaa. W dra. NMiilam HgitryJiii-a Courtship, Vnv ilU'rDHtlMli. a,TH AN D CUMING a Brand .New Hero, Keyaton. 1 he W rung Prescription, -r. Itallane dr. llarveet of Begreu. Thanhouaer drlmm. 11 THEATER, 1'TH AmTTIkTFmt The Holdup. )MMn drama lrt n the li of Harne. 2-r txll C Meeung Mr. Jooe. T'loyrain ,ni LOTHROP. fiii AND USl'liHo? Trey "O Hearts. No. 14. And eon.plia I nlveraal hroiram. VhaXAl wo Thl.vea Nea'tof lIX Klik.,!.. lioa. x-Jtr KaiK. of I"... v... - - i' t'r vrm MUHT sell all trunk, suitcases, liand baga, half price. Bee HARRY, D01 N. lStn THE; OLYMP1A la ahowlng a complete nn or a mas canniea. l.'iid inrney. M. F. MORRILL, DECORATED CHINA forXma gifts. S34 Brand! Th. Bldg. LIVK WIRB BUHINESH MEN OK OMAHA A B C of Omaha ALL WATCHES, diamond and jew elry, special prices, Nov, and Dec, Buy now. II a week. Waatern W.lrh and JewclryVo,. Boom 1(17, Karbach Blook. EXCELLENT 8U1TE of two rooms, 17th bt, expoaure, good location ' for your office. The Bee Bldg. Inquire room luS. TlINIv vTa,e the oli'.eat junk buyers ysjiM. , th6 W)(t writ lor price list on acrap uirtal rubber and rafta. l Hwrulng A won. D. gliU Idol Cum., Oinaha. CO K ABE LL1 N 0 Y .n snHsrartory eastern treatments; bath; dally and evenings. 107 R. 17th Ht. Notice: Prlvte entrance, basement, corner of bldgj Violet Ray, mas., 45 Bee Bldg. D. 112. GOVERNMENT Job for women. t7 a month. Llat free. Franklin Instltut. Dept. -T. Rochecter, N. Y. 118 WEEK, expense advanced. to travel and appoint asonta for con centrated food flavor In tube. Mlg. Co., Como Bldg., Chicago. Women for con- Reliable HELP WANTED MA Lft Clerical and Offlaa. CREDIT man, must hav wholesale ex perience and aMllty to handle large vol ume of account; prefer a young man with ambition, who want to connect with concern where there I a future. Apply 6a, Stat Bank Bldg. f. IW B are contemplating many change fot the new year, especially for book keep., er and clerk. BUSINESS MEN'S REF. ASS'N, 1311K Woodmen of the World Bldg. WANTED Bright, ambitious, well edu cated young man as office clerk; good penman, quick In figures; must have de termination to stick; give reference. Ad. drea B 1Z, Bee. HIOH-GRADE commercial positions. WEHTEHN RKK. dc BOND AS&N. 761 Oinaha Nat. Bank Bldg. IOL.SU man wuma pia m wuri tor board win. aitui.uiiig Boyie' oollegs, TMH'iK'ii Dougla i OOOD, ationg, i.o.i.pM.i-iil and niiling-lo-wora coioied vuin.ui wunta work, wasi lug tod irunu.g a spec. any. t an Webster lo.. MAN that wants to go to work, win do anything; nceo the money and ta will Iny to work for It Call Wefster 21S7. boOii, miioim, coinleiit uia wu.log-io-worK felniu lauy wants work vl any k.nil. ilnliKy 7.. SITUATION wai.ted by experienced coi oied woman, housework. Audress 2ift ht. JAPANK8K took wants a position, hotel or restaurant, American and Cu.neae dlnliea. l.i years' exeiUnce, city o, country. T. Kuja. 36th and L bt., Sou.h Omana. POSITION wanted In lumber yard oy young married man. Auurea L KiV, Be, or phone Wepgter ju evenings. WANTED Pos.tton by coiorvd gill to work In smail tamiiy - lor room and board and moderate wages. Webater POSITION byreliable colored TrTuit" Ing and cleaning. Webster i8. YOUNG g.rl to hi-tint In geuvral house work. Webster 30. CHILD'S nurse or companion wishes position; nest of references. Tyler lSif. YOUNG married man want job as f re man or assistant enslner In stationary engine rlent. Phnno Webster 18. SOBER young man will work for his board, room and washing dur ng winter. Pbone Bed Tm or address M 129, Bee. WANTED-Posltlon by a neat colored girl to do housework. Webster 2100. LADY stenographer wishes position; nunirnni- salary. Acioress. p z3, Hee. bn CATION-Day work or bv week; go home night. W. 54.14. Any kind. unuMMUMis, aoes not drink nor smoaa, wants Job. V. R., 137 New State Hotel. GOOD girl would like a plae to assist In general housework. Bellevu 118. AUTOMOBILES Kathleen Mack, massage ft bath. D. 7582. Clara Lee, bath and massage.Doug. 75L Miss Flshpr, mass., elect, treat. Red eon. MAH-tAOE, m B 17th Ht. Mra. Hteelo.' MAKMAflK BEfi BiriuDiNa DOUOI, f,AS 372. MINrt JACOBS, mass., manicuring. Phon Doug. J297, Hours. 9 to ; Bun., 11 to 5. M TS WALTON, bath, mas. Phone D. 427. Hour. 9 to ; guniiay, U to 4. MIH8 HCHM1DT, mas., oleo. bath. D. 711 Open ev., p. m.; Sunday, 10 to 1 BRIGHT, energetlo young man for good connection with real estate concern. ale opening. Apply . Midwest Bonding Co., sia Bee Bldg. Llndborg Broe., a?2 Leav. (Flying Merkle). louti, i-o ueu oiler loin ing car wun elf-starter, run lees than H)o mil.- gentlne bargain at $7W. The T. G. North- wan to., ai4 Joneg Ht., loiig. 1707, KDICATUINAL MOSHEK-LAMPMAN CO I LEGE. Unsurpsssed classes In business, short hand and Englleh branchea. Graduate guaranteed good positions. Places pro vided for yonnir people to work for board. For free catalogue address. MOSHER-LAMPMAN . COLLEGE, lSlh and Farnam Bts , Omaha, Neb. SWAPPER-! COtUJIJf AUTOMORILE! For bargain ea tn cation. other autoroobua Autoinobll" olaaauW AUTO Want to wap for some econa hand 44 auto case and Inner tube. iHHree S C. Bee. Ill BOYLE COLLEGE. Day School: Nlht Hchnol; .oomplet buamrss course; complete shorthand or itenotype course: complete telegrsphy tojrse; civil service branches and Eng lish. Ftuilen'. admitted at any time. Write, phone or call for 114 carklogue. BOY I. EX ' COLLEGE. H. B. BOYLES. 1 resident. Boyles B:dg, Omaha, Neb. Tel. IMS. The Van Sant School Stenography . Dy trhool. :UV to 4:00. ' Night arhool. :1S to li ISth and Farnam St Doug's M7. Mnalcal Iwsrtactlon. RAG TIME piano playing taught In 20 lessons. Chrlstensen SchooL 4''20 Cum ing f't-. Harney 3yi. Call or write. a t Tri k 1 1 avA HuitHon car winch 1 trade for equity In good cottage, or a rood lot. Car ha new tire, body lain good shape and engine has Just been overhauled Address 3. C. 1535, cre Bee. BUST "CHANCE First-clss down town money-making picture show to wap for anything of value not requiring personal attention; leaving city. Address 8. U. m. Bee. CJA HI-I.MHI tVINTHACTuK will wap contract work for auto not too high priced, build a garage or repairing. B. C P2, Bee. . CLOCK A beautiful artistic french chK-k In best of condition, for farm pro duce or other personal property It I one of the best on the market, and you will appreciate It true value. Address P. C. al. Bee. . CEMENT Want to-swap for wiw X c men: rock-faced b.ocss for otner per sonal proicrty. A good deal await you. Aduress S. C. 2fi8. Bee. FOH SALB Karaltare. Now ft !J-1iand furniture, cash or terms; reasonable. Ainer. turn. Co.. sua N. 16th. Jllaslpal Instramaat. $75.00 BUYS a Kimball upright piano, first rlasa condition. Foley Loan Co, im4 t arnam, upstairs. SOLID, quarter-sawed oak sideboard: cost $100; for sale at a sacrifice; will tsKe rs. A big snap. Address M ZM, Bee. Typevrrlier. RENT Remington. Monarch and Smith Premier of their maker. The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 12M. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and highest grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three month for to for understrok machine or 13 per monin lor latest moaei visidis writers. Industrial Garage Co., th A Harney Sts. $100 forfeit for any magneto we can't re- pw-ir, jqii repar g. o. Baysdorfer, 216 N. IS SALESMAN, stenng. and off Ice clerk, se WATTS REF. CO., 840 Bran. Theater. BATH and massage, alcohol rub. Laura Wilson. 18Q2 Farnam. R. ?. Douglas 7!iL Millinery. SWITCHES from combing. $1.50. Psych free. Mr. H. M. Eck, 3PiW Marcy. H. HMfl, Messenger and Transfer. WHITE LINE. 308 8. 11th. Douglas Wll Movlaa, itoragre and Cleaalnj. W. C. FERRIN. IRth and Capitol. Ty. 1200, Mafra. and Window ghad Cleaners. OLD shades made Ilk new. Mldweet Shade Factory, 4t10 Hamilton. Har. mt. Aajenta. galeamea and golleltor. WANTED Large corporation has several permanent position for men between zi and X year of age, who hav had ex perience a salesmen. i Applications will be considered from men now residing either In Omaha,' South Omaha and Council Bluff. Would Ilka to hear from men who hav a large acquaintance among Bohemian and who can apeak Bohemian. For further particular addre F 238, Bee. o. APPLEGATB get every new timely spe cialty. Nebraska Western Selling Co.. Bee Bldg. WANTED Several neat appearing men for soliciting. Money dally. Call at one. K9 Brandel Theater Bldg. Oenliata. Eye examined, glasaes fitted, par as youj can. Drs. McCarthy. HU W. ft. W. Bldg. Osteopathia Phrslelana. Dr. Rerucha. 201-4 McCagu Bldr. D. 8626. Patent Development. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 H. 11th Ht Pr In tlnv. WATETirt-BARNHART Ptg. Co.. mtallty I'l'iuiiiH, in. i-'pug. jiwf. pa ri. 3tn Bt. t()UGLA8 Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY A M'KENZIE PTG. CO. D. 2IH4. R1KS-HA1.L Pt g. Co., U20 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. $7m! Patent, IT. A, St urges, J8 Brandel Theater Bldg. p. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. Painting; and 1'aperinaT. HUGH M'MANUfl, 417 N. 40th. II. $728. Pinnae lienovated. PLUMES A flower made over, cleaned A qyea, uertna Kruger. 4a Paxton. D. KfH. N fcW and second-hand electrlo fans and motor. LeHron Electrlo Work, 818 8. Uth. iKiuglos 2174. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1W7 Cuming. Doug. 2447. Renovate feathers and mattresses of all kinds, makes feather mattresses and down cover. 14. o a f K Kilermlaatop. B. B. B. Roach powder at your druggist. Ha fa, and Tim Loelx Kxnnrta. C A T7T7C Opened, repaired, comb. Oll? JtiiJ rhaoscd. F. U Paven- -W rri. 1U. Tl r 1 ' .-'ift. bhoe Repairing;, Electrlo Shoe Rep. Co.. 1WT St. Mary's Ay, Sign and Isswesrli, K. M CLARK ft SON. IIS 8. 1TH BT- ' ACUUM cleaner for aale. Vacuum cleaning dyne In the home, tianltary service Jo., vn lie uiug. WE rnt, repair, sell needle and part for all sewing machliui. iNhi BKASK CYCLE CO.. "Mlokel'." lUth and Harney. Douglaa 1862. EAR-kiVER aluminum kitchen utan alla. Popular coutblnattona, not sold In atom. Factory balesmcn. Wea, w Aeewantanta. MELVILI-B D. THOMAS 4 CX1MPANT, City Nat. Bank Bldg, Tyler lalo. E. A DWORAK. C. P. A. 433 Ramg Bldg. Doug la 7408. BAKE it, VAWTER 4k WOLF. 4'2 hamse Bldg. lougla 7. Adding; Haeklssa, Daltnn Adding Machines. 411 8. U. D. 1448. Adder Mch. Co. (Wales), W. O. W. D. kl Arc hi tr eta. Everett 8 Dodds, 811 Paxton Blk. D. ML Attraction. OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion picture niachln and film bargalna At and Mas net Repairing. Magneto repair work a specialty. IV 241. Anctloneera. Dowd Auction Co., 113 W. O. W. Red 3& Bin Printing. HORNBY BLUM PRINT CO 102 Omaha - NU Unk tldt' Bavraer. 11 Chair. 10c shave, neck ahava. 1S17 Far. Hraa Feaadrle. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha St. JAlAtl. J8 davlnixJkt Tiie Old Bell Ringer. Nestor 'i UnaHjder. -re Eclair. .",l.HHA;f 1 ""KATajitritth and Ames l i i e of th Green Liiibrella, 1-r. Kal ii pery onm and the luiperaonator. i J J irfltr and Orange Bioaaom. Ik. "f550". . ND ARBOR J ii. in y. 2-ree Domino Uran.a. AH tr, him. Kyalona A i . il.eCs Truat. Majestic drama. fi-'i-i: i-.A lkavkn woSflT No. 74. Wlinin An Ac. LV drajii. brmXavljlB and Um l"l"t 1 enioi.t.ator. -VV. tomedy. A l-n..r to Providence. Ii,i drai-ui. A WMikii ol IdL-ntny. 2,. Uiimti jr. .r, i-ntd Attire. V aag rapn cumedy. w...pHf. 24I'irANDVIN;roli j';" "'T, ' - l-eav rv,,-t and 1. Amnican. '! i - f o r .M'eiMke. l iiii.-. s i a s . i h 1 1 it. a i k.Hr"i;i vlsto'5 i Moxiiiala U. ; i i Dweliw. Vk'a-r'ph comedy. J-ii ,i.ji4i.i(l i.iopi:ieut. r-,.uy or. ttalldina; aad RrtalrlaT. iq FRANTA. 411 Paxton Blk. Doug. 2157. Claiera and Well Dlggla;. NEED well or cistern cleaned or dugT feCHAFKER doe IL Phoo Wb. tvil. (alifarnla Laaa. W. T. Smith Co., 1111 City Nat Bk. D. 28l. t o Dealer. id 50 Johnon"a apMal, also Victor nut, S-J lo w, phon D. 17m. S alrwnrmetom. U Gedd.. D. c., 2S8 Be Bldg. Doug. 42)1. China Palatla.. " Ruth ltchford. decorating, firing. R 4W2, ilvll tnalnrrra. M. J. LACY. 611 BEE BLDG. DQUO. 47H. 4 reaaa Kenarntwra. Thejiharpie rparatorCo.. 11th 4 Farn. Detecllvra. T JAMES A LI. AN. HI Neville Blk Fvl- dem-a cured In all caaes. Tylwr liU. Dancing; Aendrsalea. ' Turplna l'anrlng Aca.lemy.20th A Farn. CilAMHr'RS' Academy, classic. 11 li;P aiacala Academy, now oymp. ntt Har i r n i oaiu ea. prt or !.. up Dreanaklag. " T'l (aamaJt'reoMege, loth Farnam. iti M. Morlu, Gowns, t'aa. k77ij.7 F ' lULtLAlt iK drey.ilTakTnTr iwHwh WA'iouN A LL'ND. DUDouglaXKrtL0i. Store and Office Flxtnre. DESKS, safes, scales, showcase, ahelv. Ing, etc We buy, sell, Omaha Fixtur and Kiiply Co., 4I4-1H-18 S. litu. D. r.24. ateel CrlHac. CAHTKR Sl eet Metal Work, 110 8 10th. Towel kapplles. SjjjlAJjlji-ypp'y' IN 8- d. 62g. Trnnka and knlteaar. FREt.ING A HTEINLB. 1TO8 Farnam St Tailor. CHA8. C. LA NDERYOU, 108 N. 16th 6t O. OI-SEN CO., successor to Ola an 4 Jameson, 12 S. 16th St., 2d floor. NO classification; liberal contract; nsw pollcie. Mutual Benefit Health and Ac cident Association, 423 City - National Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. SALESMEN, ROAD Side line, low-priced elf-starter for Ford car; aomethlng new, big demand; aell to trade only; 16 oommlaalon each sale; no experience necessary; no samples to carry; good for five to ten dollar dally. Call or write. Omaha Western Sale Company, 10th and Jones Sts., Sattley Bldg. TWO real live aaleamen to call on auto ownera; a good proposition; can make from $10 to $15 a day ; experlenoa unneces sary. ' Room 20, 2a 16 Parnam St Call be fore 11 a. ni. or after 6 p. m. YOUNG man to call on merchant and manufacturer with special proposition: peclalty experience an advantage. Room 3, paxton hotel. Oreenough Omaha Rad. Rep. Co., 2020 Far. FORD car palnt d $22; other car accord ing to size; work gtd. Phone B. S630. TRY PELTONJS GARAGE for winter storage: stem heat; mak ar rangement now. 220& Farnam St. The Auto Clearing House 220 Farnam Street Phone Douglaa 3810. Omaha. We announce the opening of an exclusive second-hand auto salesroom at the above addrefa. We expect to buy ana sell Used cars for spot cash. Lot u have a call from you, and tell ua what you have to offer for sale and what you want to buy. We have two customers for light coup car at thl time. Tire and accessories at a discount , AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 220$ Farnam Street, Omaha. Nebraska. AUTO clearing house, 2319 Farnam, buy and oll tied cars. Phone Douglaa 8310. SALESMAN Prefer one who I now em ployed: muat come well recommended and will pay $200 or more; depend on ability; only thos experienced in heavy hardware nd anawer. Address L 148, Bee. WB hav several openings for live men in aiea positions. . Midwest con qui g Co.. 312 Bee Bldg. ' Kaetory aad Trade. WANTED Men - to learn the barber trade. Com to ua and be prepared for the job being vacated by foreign bar ber leaving on account of European war. Few week complete. Year of appren ticeship saved. Tool given. Wage In advanced dept. The proper facilities can only b had In th larger- cities where abundance of free patronage can be had for your practice. Call or writ. Moler Berber College, 110 8. 14th St WANTED Linotype operator-machinist act also as foreman In country news paper shop, in pleasant town of 6.O0O; Must be decent, pieasant and able to handle help without friction. Practical printer experience neceaaary, and no booser need apply. Good steady job to right man. Address 1 2., Bee. Drug store snaos; lofa Knent Bee Hldg Tu.Anv, yi 1 n i, 1 11 nri inn Veterlaarlans. DR. G. R. YOUNG, 4002 Center. H. tout Wine and Llajnora. ALEX JETE3. 201-J S. ISth Bt Win. Il'liiors. clgara. Plate dinner. 11 to , 10c Globe li-juor house. 424 N. l&th; California 'ii'l.'iiL Write for prt cej i a c HENRY POLLOCK LIuLOR HOUSE; lith and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. BUY your family liquor at Kielu' Liquor House, iul N. lbih. Pouglaa imka, HELP WANTED FEMALH Clerical and office. TYPIST, Wahl adding attachment; salary $4). Wa-ST. REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. 1U-C Omana National Bank Bldg. aTt-.stAl UAl'lll.H and bookkeeper, ew, alenographer and asatalanl' bouakeeper, $f. Natta Bef. Co., UMi-tl Brandej Tuea. Agienls and altnaucs, WANTED LADY BO LI CI TORS In every county for Th Twtmtiein Cen tury Farmer and other niegasliie. B Independent ru big tuouev. W rit at our lor agency. TWKNTTETH CENTURY FARMER, omMlia. Neb. SAI.EISGIRL wanted on waist. Apply at '21- ""h 8" ' " 90 " SALEiiGIRL wanted on cloak and auils, must understand fitting on ooals, good position. Apply Id N. 14m tit., at ft ao a. m. y aetery and 1'raav. GOOD, er)crlncd m anlcurlst, 218 8. 14t h. I,HK iMirureas.ns. Uppenneim Kariura Heneekeeper and Deaaeetloe. THE (Servant Girl Problem Solved. Th Bee will run a bervant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get th desired resulta Thi applies to residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Biull. ltruig ad to Ti e f o01ceortelephoneU'yirr lnO. VA TKl Girl "'for general bouseworkT no waahlng. Apply .vl N. 2,tli Ave. GOOD girl for general housework, except rooking. 4642 1o,Ik St WANTED Cooipaiiionabi girl to work for room and board and ainall wages; family of I; high soliool ghl praferred. Webster 8I7. UuMl't'i KNT girl tor general uouutk. no laundry work; good wagta. Xili Burt St. GIRL for gv-neral housework; sniiill faiiilly. UX4 Weleler St. Walnut 2nJ. VANTEI An eaperhnced nurse girl, not umVr W; large family. Mrs. Dixon, 4JS N. SMh t. EXPERIENCED flrl for smond work: good wMgva Mis. C lirlc MeCs, U4 80. 21th tL LEARN BARBER TRADE. B Independent; wage and tool given. Electrlo raaasag. Strictly modern. Big demand for burbers. Call or write. tri-city barber college. 1124 Douglas t. Om. 1022 N St.. Lincoln, Mtaceiiaaevaa. WB SELL everything. Crew mgr., agents wanted; Neb. Waste rn Sailing Co., 1714 Farnam. Bee Bldg. GOOD FUTUliE FOR XOU or anyone who makes himself an auto expert W giv expert work. Go right Into th auto business from her. 'Best and finest equipped college. best her now, ever have been. Write for llat of opening. Free catalog. " AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE, 2118 Frnam St., Omaha. WANTXD l.OOo men to eat ham and egg. isc, t one jonn, im ana t apitoi. NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL educates yoo for any automlbll position; practical training on actual automobile building, remodeling and repair work. Day and night- claaae. Automobllee built and rebuilt to your design. Every repair job guaranteed. Th practical school. 1412-16-17 Dodge St Phone Doug las 2o4. W ANTLUi Railway mall and poalal clarka; examination eoon; over I.OuO appointment yearly; prepare at home. Write for plan No. 88 of payment alter apolntment. .Philadelphia Bualnes t'ol lege. Civil Bi.c Dept. Philadelphia. Pa. GOOD FUTURE FOITyOU . or anyone who make Mmself an aut xpert WE GIVE iSXPEHT WORK. Go right Into the auto business from her. Best and finest equipped college. Opportunities best here now. ever hav been. Write tor Hat of opening. Free catalogue. AMERICAN. AUTO COLLEGE. ' 2119 Farnam Et, Omaha. - Wanted at Once MEN to team the automobile bualneaa; th demand la great (or our graduates, w hav trained hundred of men; let u train you. Writs for free booklet Nat'l Auto Training Ass'n, 2S14 N. 20th Bt, Omaha. Neb. IlliU WANTED HALU AM) I'UMALE. THOUSANDS government job open to men and women; big pay; Omaha ex amination frequently; hat of position free. Addieaa i.eO; OOVKHNMKNT jobs oien to men and women; tub to HM month. Write Imme diately for position list. Franklin Insti tute. Ipt. in W.. Rochester. N. Y. WE SELL everything, agent wanted. Nebraska Western Selling Co. 1714 Far nam, Bee BU'g. ' . WAXTFIl SITTATIONR lOUNtr-V.a w tuns wora ot ai.y ataa. Motoreycles. HA RLE Y-D A V I DtSON MOTORCYCI.E8. bargain In used machine. Victor Rone, "The Motorcycle Man," 2703 Leavenworth. 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready! -...iTl? ,n umwl machlnea OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. D. 8728. TYPEWRITERS aold. rented, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 307 i i7tn. RENT An Oliver typewriter, 1 month for $4. Th Oliver Typewriter Co., D. All make typewriter rented, sold. term. Butt Typewriter. iw Farnam. u emi. Mlacellaneoaa, Harmon tt Weeth, ftj HQ Buye best coal for the money; try it. weo. s. 6x7 GRAFLEX newspaper camera, with 11 plate holder, carrying case for enmera and carrying rase for plat bold er. The outfit In good condition and a big bargain for th lot at $110. Address A 390, Bee. 12-GAUGE Steven and U C. Smith guna, fur auto robe, reasonable. Fried man, 122S Dodge St FOR SALE New and second-hand csrom and pocket bUliard table and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixture of all kinds; easy payments. The Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co.. 4O7-40 8. 10th St DAMAGED hay, $3 ton. Wagner, 801 N.10. FOR BALE Letterpress and elegant land, fplendld condition; retail prloa $.16; will cell for $10. Add res A 275, Bee. t-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co.. 21 Paul. Bakery and furn. wood. Tel. Florence 401. LIVK STOCK FOn SALE. Horae and Vehicle.' HEAVY teaming gears, farm wagona tt harness; large stock A attractive prices. Johnson-Dantorlh Co.. 1D28-S3 N. lth St Da CLARK'S complete outfit for $100. horse, harness and carriage: real bar gain. in a. ztftn bt. A GOOD team. 1.100 lbs., $150. One horse, $2S. 3322 Harrison St., South Omaha. Telephone South 2029. LOST AND FOUND Mnd bora Bros.. 2072 Leav. tFlylng Merkle), BUSINESS CHANCES 400 Square Ft. OFP1CB SPACE!. Specially priced at $30. Vault, Water, Maxda LignU Free. READY NOW. The Bee Building (Th Building that la Alwaya Nw.i Office Room 101 J. CANAN. Real Estate and Eichinr u ELECTRIC light plant for sale; a good business In a liva town; a snap If taken soon. Address H. Irwin. I.vnrh Ni.h Fl RST.CLA SS r.fa ZA ..r .1 .. . , vuu..uUIIH buslnee In a town of 1.9u0 population for ak; doing bis business; good reason for selling. Address Y :!92, Bee. r. SALKReal live money-making billiard and pool parlor. Best equipped and located In th couth. Business good the year round, clearing over all x penses between $6,000 and $7,000 a vaar Coat ts.OuO: will aalt for txnun x?,... Vl pot cah. There 1 no' Indebtedness against thlg place. If Interested, write or wire W. K (leaHv iiivu. ki.i Dallas, Tex. FOR SALE. CHEAP. A w.wervn.. Job printing plant In th best town In "i u nouraua ueain or aviu. son for selling. Addre Y 297. Be. FOR SALE Grocery .tor, good trad. Inquire of Frank Sterba. 1M a 20th. GROCERY STORE fur sale, only x clualv on In live town of L100, located l"J weetern Iowa. Doing good businesa Will pay to Inveetlgat. Good reasons for siting Address Y-234. car Be. KNOW YOUR BUSINESS" BETTER BY INSTALLING THE- MONARCH 6 1 M PLI VI ED ACCOUNTING SYSTeSi; ANYONE CAN KEEP IT? SAVFa timc' SAVES MONEY. SHOWS AT A GLANCE ioijh nijii?i.,MM STANDS: MAKES BOOKKEEPING A PLEA&l CRE; BEND FOR BOOKLET DESCRIB ING THIS SYSTEM. . UNITED SALES CO., CITT NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. tl.-YI AHA, IS EH. LIST YOITR BUSINESS! with u tor quick action and aquar treatment. ... QUJ,CK SALES COMPANY. 412 Pee Bldg. Phone Red 23S4. NO TRADES, but excellent bualnea"open: Inga Harneati ahop, town or l.'Juo rxn.ple. fVw; hardware and groceriea. town ot l.Ow, doing buslnea of Iwi.OuO'a year $i.mO for two-thlrtls Interest; a clean' popular restuarant In Omaha, netting 14 0 monthly, half Interest, ll.uuo cash, bal ance from profit. We hav four men looking for bank opening; can Invest $') to IJi.OiiO. WALLACE'S CO-OPFRATIVE REF ERENCE CO., WIS City Nat'l. KIQN'S. anow rjriln. Clark ft Ron. D. 1!7 TO GET In or out of -buainea. Call on v..nit. i yi u tie riiug. I' Mil. THEATER. Buy, ieaa or sell your the- ler. roach'ne and supplies throush Theater Fvcl ange Co, luti Farnam St I loUl IMS 1KW YOUR business or rel estate quickly sold. Write Jim Wray. Sioux City. WANTEl Young hustler who does not drink or smoke, who knows something of the meat or grocery business; one who nas n.uw to i,n 10 invest In a growing bosines. Address Basket Stores. General Oftloe. 22u4 U St., Lincoln. Neb. Mettra 1 an Itanee. 20-ROOM rooming house, close In, full of roomer, $J60. GANGESTAD, Room 4XM Be Bldg. D, 4T7. EDC CATION Ali fcAPf.KT lody atenographer will take pupils. SHORTHAND touch tyiwnt lng, tnwlllng. punctuation, etc.. taught and couuilcto training g von for ii.iia ca reer. Piivaut instruction If desired, eol'l Duuglas tit. Tel. Walnut 2227. , OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET KAU.WAI 4JOMPANY. Persons havlna lost soma ertlela W011M oo wen to can up tne office of th Omaha & Council Bluff Street Railway company tr ascertain whether they left It In th street car. Many article each day are turned Jn and th company 1 anxlou to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 48. Lost, H bracelet; finder leav at 1421 Dodge. T mtcticaij Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. EX K. Tarry cure pile, fistula aad other rectal dlaeaaea without surgical op eration. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal disease with testimonial. DR. JS. R. TARRY. 140 Be. c.'-LtL.t.H i' PIainO Swap for Vlctrola and records. Must be a top-notch ma chine and have a large bunch of records. If you expect tn een exchange. Will take EiUson machli.e same way. No Junk and NOTHING BUT DISK ma chine wanted. Will take good rifle or repeating shotgun to help mak up th difference In VHiue. S. C. 320, Bee. 1x7 GRAFLEX newspaper camera, wltd 11 plate holder, carrying cas lof camera and carrying case for plate hold eta The outfit In good condition and a big bargain for tne lot at $110. Addre S. C. ISll HAMILTON PIANO AND OTHER COL LATERAL for Virginia land or land In southern Indiana, or for lot well lo cated In Omaha, Kansas City, Indian apolis or Cleveland. WILL PAT DIF FERENCE. NO WESTERN STUFF WANTED. Please give beat dlcrlpUon you can In first letter to aav corre spondence, also legal description. I am buying for myself. S. C. 3h7. Bee. JACKS and HOUSEMOVERS' roller; Jack are bell bottom. Will awap tor what have you. Would like a Marlln 26-20 rifle or power rifle or repeating shotgun. 8. C. .Ti3, Bee. LAUNDRY business, worth $4,600. Will take property valued at $1.'0 to $2,000 In trade and rest cash. 8. C. 2S8, Bee. OFFICE DESK Will buy some good second-hand desks; must be cheap for cash. Address 8. C. 264, Bee. PIANO In excellent shape; swap for auto In fairly good repair (I fix them): prefer one not too large. A fin ohanca to get rid of that bum car that you hav no place for and gyt an excellent piano that you can use. 8. C. 384. Bee. PAINTING CONTRACTOR will awap painting for an auto, not too high priced. Want car for my own us. 8. C. Ml. Pee. - PIANO Standard player piano, used only four months, paid $650 for it; will ll or trade to responsible people on aay monthly payments for $300. Address a $29. Bee. PIANO Almost new Story A Clark piano, rnaaugany caae, caan, iltv. A bargain; was $360. new. Addrer 8. C. 827, Bee. RANGE A good sseel range for blcycl or-orncg oesx. Aggress a. v. 19, Be. READY REFERENCE Brand new aet of , Ready Reference, six volume, never been used. Address 8. C. 821, Bee. ROLL TOP DESK, 66-INCH, AND CHAIR Swap for larger one; mine la In good shape and not scarred up. Want extra large on and deep to handl plan. Would consider flat top, If large, a C. 8W. Bee. STAMPS-Book of foreign tamps; will wan for Victor reem-da. a A.l a C. S22, Bee. STOVE A NO. I SOFT COAL HBATINtJ tov, used about t month, for any other piece of furniture). Address a C. 312. Pee. SIGNS, showcards. Clark Bon. D. 1378," SIDEBOARD-Solld, quarter-sawed oak ldeboard; cost $100; would awap for Vlctrola. Addre 8. O. 1R26. Bea. WOODEN PLOWPLAIN AND tJUTVV JOHNSON Rnvnt.vrns.. . kodak or camera of some kind, or what have you. 8. C. 886. Bee, WATCH Gentleman' small alia, 15. jewel. Elgin. 20-year case, new. Will Wan for ahntrun nr iei. . . res 8. C. 82. ... . . WILL trade my equity In t-r. cottage. FOR REJTT Rnntnra Cured in a few day without lAupiure p(ln Ct or wrlt- Dr WrMP $0$ Be Bldg., Omaha. Established 1894. o MO.VET TO LOAN NEED MONEYT See us. Quick service. Half usual rate. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. tot Paxton Block. Dougla 14U. FERSORAIa, $7,000 TO PENSION INVAUD8 W must hav 1.W7 subscription to Th Ladle' Horn Journal $1.E0 Th Saturday Evening Post.. ..$1.60 Th Country Gentleman $LM In December we muat wurn th $7,000 for THE INVALID'S PEN SION ASSOCIATION. Your order or renewal contributes 60c or mora toward the support of a scor of Invalid who hav re ceived pension check for nearly two yeara URGENT. Phon Dougla 713, or mall to Gordon THE MAGAZINE MAN OMAHA. NEB THE Salvation Army Industrial horn so licit your old clothing, furnltur maga llnes. W collect We Mstribut. Phon Dougla 41 2i and our wagon will call. Call nd Inspect our new borne. 1110-1112-1114 Dodee St. YOUNtA women coming 'a Omaha a stranger are Invited to visit the Voun Women Christian Association building at 17th SL and St. Mary's Ave, where they ui M directed, to suitaui boarding place Or otherwise assisted. Look lor our trav elers' aid at th Union Station. Be W ant Ad Are the seat Business Boosters. POIXTRY AND SUPPLIES 6TEREOT YPE matrices mak the best and cheapest lining for poultry bouse. 1 hey are Lx23 Inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically lireprouf. 7ic a hundred at The Bee office. Mixed grain. H.wJ perluu. Wagner, a N 14. Apartments and Plat. FURNISHED APARTMENT THE NEW "TRAVERTON" FIREPROOF 24TH AND LANDON CnfroT The most attractive : and horn ilka apartment tn Omaha. Abso lutely new and modern In every way- especially comfortable. If PRICB, CONVENIENCE1, DE8TR ' ABILITTT 8ERVICH, COTJRTKSr count with you, call and see ua TELEPHONE DOUGLAS IM TRAVER BROS.,' TPS Omaha National Bank. MODERN xceptheat I aad -room flat, situated on th corner of 13th aad Cas tellar Bt. Rent $1A Doug. 6866; THB THORVALD, Park Ave. and Hare. -room apt, ei per month t . Phon Ilarnay 6410. rla. on refereno. FIVE room. Hudson, $07 S. Wtn Av, built-in buffet: panel wall la dining room; half blook to Farnam car; very choirs; $60 winter; $46 summer. HASTINGS A HKYDBN. 1914 Harney Bt OQDEN ANNEX. Counoii Bluffs, 'ooma with kitchenette, steam heat Phon 44. ST. OEOROB apartment, located In -I act West Farnam residence district; on 6-room suit for rent; heat water, janitor service, phon Webster 1074 STRATFORD TERRACE. Park Ave. and Jackson, 6 room. tam heated, new, exclusive; Ret reaulred. O. B. Moser. Wal. 1756. o SIX room In th Dougla,' $1$ S. 2tU Ave.; baa sun parlor, beautifully deoo rated, cloa In; no car fare; very cholo. $M year around. HASTINGS 4k HBTDJT.N. lfflj Harney St tVR modern flat -3 S. 24th; $22. T ' Phon Rental Service Free We can aav you much worry, trouble and annoyance. We can tell you what houaea and apartments each real estate 1 office has for rent Phone us, Dougla Fidelity Storage and Van Co. Gordon Van Co. $! N. Uth St Storene. Phon i !Wor Web. VMt. J-R. ONE-STORY BRICKS. $12. Part mod., no children. Ref. R. 4901 SEVEN room, 2117 N. 16th; nicely decor ated; the cheapest rent in the city; $32.M winter; tJb summer, which Include heat, water and Janitor service. HASTINGS A HEY DKN. 114 Harney St Board and) Htxina. 19th, 618 Exc, board, clean room a sTnmlaaed 240 HARNEY Beat location In eltyj 1 iiK.-eijr lumionea; nieam Dnaleo. LIVK 8TOCK MAHKKT OF WEST ' Price reaaoriable. -TUe Coilin," for merly Ainiaro. resiaence. CHIP live slock to South Omaha. Sav mllcag and shrinkage. Your consign ments receive prompt and careful alien tloe 1 Llvei gtuest Caaaaalsstaa atercaanle. MARTIN BROS. 4k 4 O . Exchange Bid SWAPPER'S OOLCMN AUTOMOBILE Bulck auto, 6 paasenger, in perfect or-ier; new Urea. Will sell or exchungo for equity Ir. good cottuge. house or for desirable bldg lot. Dcacrllw hat you have fully In first letter. Ad dree a C. S.'4. Be. AU TOMOlilLK Have new 26- U. p. standard make, electric lighted and tarter. Wui trad for llxhter car or clear Inoom property, or will give dis count tor cssn. Address, a C. 2J Bee. AUTO Will swap a late date high-grade Stanley ateaioer runabout In nrt..t condition 'for material and contract work on house. Tbla la tn time of th year to itwcur a snap. Address & C. XIV Be. Fl'RN rooms by dsy or steam heat: $1.50 up. 107 wk.-; modern, a IT. D. 4SUJL NICELY furnished room In private bom. Harney 41M. FUKKInHKD room for rent, near Crelgh ton unlvere'ty lku4aa 72S1. tH S. 29TH Furn hed rooms, prlvat family. Harney 40M. Ir SIR ABLE modern heated room. 131 N llat Ave. ' MOD. furn. rooms In private home. suit. Wal. 1468. 4702 Cum. abls for two people. WELL furn. room, family of two no Jther roomers H. t,4. 1341 S. list St. nf nrnlsned Usosna, 8 or 4 mil., gss A- water. 107 N. 12. Cheap, lletela nna Apartueais. CALIFORNIA Hotel, leth and Ctlirnm. I At Weekly rates ti snd up. Do OGOEN HOTEL. CouncU Bluffa ..r. aea'ea rooms. $2 per week Phoae ua. DO DOii UO-ILe atodara. ReasoaUeT If t 4 J 1