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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1914)
THE BEE: OMAHA. Tt KsOAY. Oi TOP.EIJ 1014. Nebraska Nebraska New Books REPUBLICANSARE ACT1YE Alive to Situation in Nebraska and Putting in Heavy Licks. SACXETT'S VOTE IS A FACTOR 11 pun Iloir Moosrr Rnirn Utp'tdi In I.arar Mrxurr M ho Will Mil thf (tohrrnatorlnl nnrr, (From a Staff CurresvKmiU-nt ) ,.lXrO!.N Oct M !vwri;il ) A II four committees conn-x-ted with the dlftcrent ! $ ,li""r"i,'r State Has Largest Crop of Potatoes iu Several Years LINCOLN. 0t. .--t Special.) Nebraska has the largest jota:o crop since IS, according to the iabiiiatl'ii ms'lc by tha tte Hoard of Agriculture.. With an acreage of S'i.WT acre the yield Is esti mated at 7.070.7KI bushels. Sonic of the laraest potato producing counties arc the following: County. Huhel. County. Box Hutte . ...Sll.avl lioiiK'.as Nebraska Bushel. SYNOD WINDS UP BUSINESS!":; " evangelist appears to be conditioned upon Moderator Osborne Preaches Morning Service Sunday. .4 I tue provision of the $1,000 additional to tne. anvaciy provm.n ior. i hi mh- NO ACTION ON SUFFRAGE Body Does , onatder It U le to Take Any Stand 1 pa tnr lion at Tbl Tlmr. mlttce on evangelism has the matter In ' charge and or effort will be made to provide the additional that It may be poeslble for Dr. long to asaln take t harpc of this Important work. ( political headquarters have situated awayiai i.Vi.W Dawson 11P.M.'! Custer ror the last lap of the poiitliHl cam- i;town paign-and from now until . Saturday -r h aiiejge was 10T.S-M. the night there will be much tTcur. around ' largest In tl: history of the state. The ioioi yicia was, onsnns. in iura Nrir rontorfloe for Seward. SKWARD. Nob.. Oct. 88 (Special.) A stock company of fifteen has been or- ...... 1.... I n Kullt a rmmttifflf, hlill.l'tlir , film-. ' n prt ...... (Special Tel- I'lans are now being made for the build- iC.MMrani.l-Thr husiness fe.iure I'.g by a local contractor. Its location .lv'W I wiuillv eiimiimte.! rr.-i,.i i ii K.i, rv. i v III be on tho aoutheast corner of the MADISON. Neb.. Oct ..!.,. W I , , . . ... ........ ..ltM,739 ercieea ci ine i i tir lenan synod, .wicur"'"" I erator T. C. Oslorne preached the set- ! mon at the morning service, followed by ! P I lip A TlIN lilkTx hf.:vniiii nivjit vii iu the tinllttcul henrlniiArtprn in Uncnlll. The banquet of the unlor. veteran ,e-i Nehrft!,ka- "'-cordlne. to reports, raised rubllcan club last Saturday evening- S.""M-- busnnla of ..uOAtoes on 100.277 demonstrated that republicans arc much "orv- ,n " hp "voruge yield rT aero atlve to the situation, confront!,.!,- thm w" 'tShty-ihrer bushels. In 19 elghty and the county as well a. the state com- ,lvp to the acre and In INS the mlttee will put In effective work from 1' yM r"'r ncrc " 4;1" now until the close of the campaign. b(jKnol to nrr- It is generally conceded that the re- y TIAM 111 publican state ticket below the head a I TrHUID SITUAT ION IN safely across the liar, the .c.l fight, TmiMSFH IS IMPROVING the celebration of the communion. Tht- afternoon service was given over to for- elgn missions, Kev. ' Frederick O. Knauer. chairman of the committee, pie- j siding. The evening services was In thj Interest of home missions. In charge ot I Dr. Mefllffon, chairman. The business of the session w:is con cluded at noon today: , The following resolution touching mis sions was adopted: Vhereas. The general question of no:rc mission administration Is some- NOT HIGH IN STATE (Continued from Taite One.) from now on being between the two I canaioates oi mc rcpuunean ann acmo- T v-r-i m a s-1 r m.i. o.. Kto,.!.1 church and the mailer of svnodi. sl re- what unsettled In certain sections of the i . . n..i.i ekflt' Vote I'aetor. ' ii Improved. The members of the local Much depends, according "to politicians board of health and other jihysiclans are who clolm to be lw to the situation, ; r,f the opinion they have the matter well on the vote which Sackett, the progves- n hand. While it has been bad. It bas i-lve nominee for governor, will receive. n,t been as bad as It 1ms lieen pictured C'hiiirman Corrlck of the progressive ; to be In some reports In the state committee claims that Sackett will get j press. The water In contaminated and from 30.000 to 35,000 -votes in the state, j one sample of milk Fhowed typhoid con The wise ones claim that If fackett I d'tlons. Fnrly last summer the matter polls as high as.lo.)no votes there will be of changing sewer conditions were was s Mttic doubt of Morehead's election. How- taken up. At that time reports on ever, many are not willing to concede paniples of city water from the state lntlon to thn board may come before the Home Mission council; Itesolved. That we addresTthe Home Mission council expressing the ynod'a satisfaction with the present arrange j A. Morrison of New -iork: It. U. Koei j ling of Trenton, N. J.; Penator Oeorgo T. Oliver of 1-ennsylvanla. and Bamuel V. j Colt of New York. ! The report shows disbursements for the Maine campaign for congressmen, Frank lin M. tVilllns of Nebraska, late an as sistant "attorney general, who partici pated In the spe-ech-maklng In that state, rcoelving 13..7 for traveling expenses. MlM Show Outlay. Vndcr the federal publicity law candl TEUTON ALLIES ADVANCE INTO PLOCKDISTRICT (Continued from Tago One.l j arrest thn offensive Russian movement by clinging to positions at Pokhatehoff, ' ftom which, however, they were dis lodged with heavy losses. saya that the Kussiana. . who had ".vlth drawn most of their troops from Lem berg, have now sent SO, Ml men there, who are strenuously fortifying the town. The liusslans the paper says, are clearly de termined to keep IVmbcrg at all costs. Tho following telegram has been sent by the Russian minister of marine. Itesr Admiral tirifcorovltch. to Hie commander ot the Russian Rattle, fleet, according to a l'etrograd correspondent of Reuter'a Telegram company: '"The ciar charges me to express 1o you and the fleet his gratitude for the activity this autumn season In keeping the sea, despite tho dangers from mines and submarines. "With skill and endurance the Raltle fleet has fulfilled the task of guarding the littoreal and supporting the. armies cn land. Iesplte tho enemy's numerical superiority and temerity, It has ob tained no definite success. The crar be lieves that God will bless with ultimate victory the Husslan steamers who aro struggling for Ihn glory of their dear ountry." - Regarding the operations In Poland, the dispatch saya: "The precipitate flight of the Hermans continues. They are evacuating Iid. seventy-five miles southwest of Warsaw. They made an unsuccessful attempt to GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS SHIP (Continued from Rage One.) ami only the utmost expedition will get thesw belitted packages ti New York In time for the loading of the big ship. More Parkiira Received, tone? of the packages received and not heretoforo acknowledged were from tho folowtng parties: . Kd I.ung. Omaha, fu North Nlnteenth. 11. M. Hoes. Omaha. First lrebyterlan Church. Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. O. U flykea, Omaha, lSDt Howard. Reg Saunders, Methodist Episcopal church, Clarkson Neb. M1ss Caroline Rnumolstcr, Nehawka. Neh Victoria fttllg. rrlsollla club, Holdrego, Neh. M. U Paul. Harlan, la. , Rox J4, Clearwater. Neh, Mtss) Veda Jensen. West Point, Neb. Mrs. T. 1 Pavles. rtloa. Neb. Mrs. Saner, Council Rluffa, la. Fifteen packages on which were no names. Bog front Shellon. Mrs. If. A. Vose writ- from Phelton, asking that The Ree. give tho proper credit for the box )t gcmls sent from there, and which has beert acknowledged as coming from her. Phe says credit for tho 1k)X belongs to the riesbyterlan Bun day school and the Shelton chapter of the P. E. O. It Is with pleasure this acknowledgment Is made. Other acknowledmeliU will be made when the final eheclftng over of tontrl button has been completed. rash Coat rlblo. The following cash contributions have ben received: " Previously acknowledged ...'.TT Vsl.R Miss Adams, Omaha 1 imam l.nrlntnl , Iyjsn Oarlivod . hi. Onthout. Shelby, la Alta V. Hent. Unr.ard, Neb It. A. Olddlngs, (Irani Island , iarrtson, isen.... Fannie Collin. North Platte. Neh.. M. J. Stewart, North Platte, Neb... 1 ! l.ol 2. oil 3.00 6.00 I. on I 1 ftol Total $K3.H More Money from America. WASHINGTON. Oct .-The Ameri can Red Cross, througn the State depart ment today tranamlttcd by telegraph t.M) from its Europesn war relief fund as follows: American ambassador. Parts, for the American ambulance corps, $25,000; Ameri can ambassador at London, for K the American hospital at Taigtiton. $10,(A-. American consulate at Munich, for the American hospital. 10,000; American ambassador at Uerlln, for tha tw hos pitals In Germany, whore the American Red Cross Is on dtlty, $10,000; American minister at Vienna, for the hospitals, where the American Red Cross Is on duty. $10,000. flnow la Northern Wisconsin. CHICAGO, Oct. 2. The first real snow of the season In the central states was reported In the lake Superior region today In tolegrams to the local weather bureau. At Green Bay, Wis., there was snow and a minimum temperature ot 20 degrees. Jenkins Presents Report. what waa expended In their primary that Sackett will get many more votes than he received at the primary, not over at the most, and on that basis they claim that MoreheaJ cannot land. This morning democratic leaders wcra board of health and from the state uni versity were that the water was con taminated. A little later samples of the water were again sent the state hoard and lo the I'nlverslty of Kansas Dr. Jenkins, chairman of the commit- ! campaigns and In the general election. . tee on executive commissions, presented 1 The primary campaign expenses of sev tho report and orfored the follow Ing cm! candidates In the six districts of recommendations, which were adopted. Nebraska have been published, the gen-First-Diioontinuance of tho board i r, nl election expenses now being received I plan, but at the same time maintenance i by the clerk of the house. lp to October or the standards. . rharlea o. lolK-ek certifies he has Second Kverv member canvased be . . , . , repeated In March. I'd.... and regularly nt 1 expended S In general election expenses. claiming that Morehead would get from and reports wero much better. Since the 25,000 to 35,000 over Howell, but they were not feeling so sanguine over the rest of typhoid broke out the water has again been tested and it shows up badly at the state ticket. Many democrats are this time. Dr. Wilson, an Inspector of already conceding the election of C. F Reavi to congress from this district. The address made by Rcavis here Satur day night made a strong Impression on those who heard him. One of the lead ing democrats uf Lincoln said this morn ing that while he had known Reavis many years he had never heard him speak before, and In his mind he was the. state board of health came to this city to look, the situation over and get the water and milk samples. There have been some fifteen or twenty cases of typhoid fever In the city, with one death. At the present time there sre one or two seriously 111 and the others are get ting along nicely. Teople generally are complying with health rules an pre- the Ideal man for congress. Mr. Rcavis : rrlbed y the board of health and are will speak again Wednesday night at ! DoillnS drinking water and being caro- ihe South Street tabernacle, and lndlca- IUI OI ,ne coultlo of the milk they use. tlona point to a. large crowd. Snffraee ArffYlty. - At suffrage headquarters much work Is being done in sending out speakers and In making a whirlwind wind-up. The suffragists appear to. be very sure that the proposition of equal suffrage will carry. Opponents of the cause claim that it will not carry, baaing their opin ions on the, fact that there has been practically little interest In the cam paign except that stirred up by the suf fragist themselves and that when the vote are counted it will be found that the silent vote has been .registered against the amendment. The main discussion around tha state house this morning And abouj; the hotel lobblea- U thft f rct which the tetter of Senator Kemp, written to Mr. Howell, will have on the outcome of the cam paign. The evldept intention of Mt. Hammond to also demand with Kemp that Howell make good on tils primary statements that the former was tied up with the "gang" In Omaha and that the later statement that a certain railroad had contributed $1,000 to defeat Mr. Howell In Omaha may bring complica tions which may change the political fight considerably. Has Not Heard from Howell. penator Kemp over the phone said this lirornlng that he had not yet heard from Mr. Howell. He gave him until today to clear Mr. Kemp of connection with the Third ward gang, but not havW heard from him the senator said that he shouW prepare- a statement of his own in a day or "o. Mr. Kemp j&Lthat he did not desire to make hard sledding for Mr. Ham-ell In his campaign ror the governorship, but he had waited a long while for Mr. Howell to say something which would absolve the senator from any connection with the so-called "gang," as charged in Mr. Howell's speeches Just before the primary, and he realized that if Justtlce waa to be given him ft must come before the cam paign closed. WOODWARD THEATER FILES T INCORPORATE (From a Staff Corespondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., Oot. Ii (Special.) Article of incorporation of the People' Slate bank of Wolbach have been ap proved ty the State Ranking board. The inntltutlon starts out wtlh a capital of $20,000. It Incorporators are C. Rrad ley, E. V. Johnson and C, Mathesen. The Woodward Theatef company of Omaha has filed articles ot Incorporation with the secretary of state. The capital of the company is given as $10,0'jo, snd the Incorporators are William S. Warren and Harold Homan. GRANT COUNTY HAS NO DELINQUENT, TAXES HTANNIS. Neb., Oct. M.-MSpecial.)-For the second successive year there Is no delinquent tax lst In Grant bounty. Tho book of the county treasurer show that all taxes assessed against , real es tate have been paid. This Is the only county In the state that can make a showing of this kind. Another evidence of mater'al prosperity Is a per capita bank deposit of $5. J Note from Beatrice. BEATRICE, Neb., , Oct 26 (Ppeelal.) The suffragist of this city held a largely "attended meeting ' in front of the But wood hotel Saturday evening, which was addressed by W. E. Oardy of Lincoln and Miss Helen Todd of California. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy and Miss Todd are mak ing the campaign In an automobile and ment existing between It and the toardJ dates for congress are compelled to show In a i a in the end of each year after thorough preparation. Third That urgent effort be made to promote the universal adoptlcji of cverv member canvassed. KnrstTng every member to give on tho Sunday equally for support of the local church and mis sion agencies. Fourth That the assessment for sy nodical expense for the year be 7 cents per capita. Fifth That the several presbyteries of the svnod give careful attention and. if possible, adopt the overture of the en-J era! assembly propounding a new rnap ter to be added to the form of govern ment defining lhe powers and preroga tives of the executive commlss on In the various Judiciary of the church. The budget of expense recommended an out lay for the ensuing yeir of $1.!VT5, which together with the amount of funds now on hand would be sufficient and take care of last year's deficit. Stands Off on Suffrage. The synod by vote demed It unwise to take action for or against woman's suf frage, although a large number of the membhlp are in favor of equal suf frage. The field men of the synod have been re-elected. They are Rev. Nels Johnson, Kearney; Rev. I). W. Mont gomery, Alliance, and Dr. Julius F. Schwarx. Omaha, Rev. O. C. Porter, pastor at Morrell and moderator of the Box Butte presby tery, goes to Fremont, where he will ad dress a political gathering a socialist candidate for governor. 'Tomorrow evening he will make a slm- TIh.iiiss W. Blackburn, H.fWi. In the First district. John A. MeGuIre reports $01 having been expended before October 20. Mr. Reavis does not report any ex penses whatsoever", since the primary campaign. ' Sloan's Kspenaea. In the Fourth district. Charles 71. Sloan reports having expended $.T40 previous to October SI. In the Fifth district. Stla It. Barton reports ?15 as having been spent on the general election previous to October 22. while In the Sixth district. Judge M. P. Klnkald reports that be has expended on general election account previous to October 12, fWO In the Interest of Hie re. publican ticket and $318 on behalf of the progressive ticket, he being a candidate on both tickets. Representative Stephens of the third No braska district has not reported hla general election expenses as the federal publicity law requires, but It is possible the report may be received In due time as the law. requires the report be made within ten days ot the general election. Lent Tea for Home. Penator Hitchcock left for home yester day and will at once oni.i the campaign, the democratic state committee having arranged for his appeararce at a number of towns in the state during the current week. He speaks at West Point tomor row night. Hair Stops Falling, Dandruff Disappears 25 Cent Danderine ft in C- Try a you will, after an application of Danderine, you can not flnd'a single trace visited thj towns of Wymore. Odell, Dll-4 f dandruff or falling hair and your c.lp ler, Fairbury and Harblne Saturday. Joseph Wade, who 1 connected with the Apricultural department at Wash, tngton, arrived In the city Saturday to Investigate the damage being done by the Hessian fly. He will spend a few days here looking over the situation with Farm Demonstrator Liebers. Annetta F. Thompson was granted a decree of divorce from her husband, Vir gil Thompson, Saturday by Judge Pem berton on the grounds of extreme cruelty. They are residents of Blue Springs. Farm Demonstrator Liebers Saturday announced that the date for Beatrice day at tho state farm had been changed from November 8 to November 4. 8. S. Spire, who served In the legis lature fron) Gage county from 1904 to 1.106, died Friday at his home at Wymore after a prolonged illness. Nemaha Balldln; Concrete Road. ACBL'RN. Neb.. Oct. 26.-(8peclal.) The county Is putting in one-halt mtie of cement or concrete road east of town as an experiment It connects with two mile of good road put down under-the supervision of the government ten year ago. This road has been a success. It concrete proves successful It wilt be much cheaper than the -old rock rad. Poultry Show at Seward. SEWARD. Neb., Oct. 26 -(Special.) A poultry show will b given here on December 11 to 21 In connection with the ennual Corn show, which attracts crowds here. The Seward Commercial club will offer a sliver Cup for one prize and the Seward Farm Management association wftl give four silver cups as awards. One thousand birds will be shown. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Seward. Hioaeer ta Dead. bK WARD, Neb.. Oft. 2 ( Special.) K. Wood, a pioneer citlten much be- will not Itch, but what will pleaao you most, will be after a few. week' use, when you see new hstr, fine and downy at first yes but really new hair grow ing all over the scalp. A little Danderine Immediately doubles tha beauty of your hair. No difference hofr dull, faded, brittle ajid scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and care fully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. The effect is Immediate and amazing your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance of abundance; an incompar able lustre, softness and luxuriance, the beauty and shimmer of turn hair health. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton' Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair Is as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or Injured by careless treat ment that's all. Advertisement. siaannnn Excello Lump, $8.00 Per Ton THE WONDER FURNACE COAL NO SMOKE-NO SOOT-BLUE FLAMED Every year show a big growth' in Excello users chiefly due to the recommendations of those using It. EXCELLO Is hand-screened at our yard. OLYMno LUMP, FaTG or NUT Our best soft coal, per ton $6.50 GOAL HILL LUMP Illinois, per ton SG.OO COAL HILL NUT Illinois An excellent Illinois coal, ton, $5.50 COMET LUMP Per ton $4.75 COMET NUT Our economical coal $4.50 Every Coal Guaranteed. COAL HILL COAL COMPANY 211 So. lOtli St. intone D. 97S. & ANNOUNCE FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday October 29, 30 and 31 The Greatest Sale; of Women's and Misses' Ready -to -Wear Apparel In the History of This Establishment A backward season has been the cause of tremendous accumulations with a number of the best manufacturing houses of Ready-to-Wear Apparel in the east The summer-like weather we have been enjoying so far has retarded orders for fall Apparel generally thrpughout the Middle West. These manufacturers have turned to the leading houses of the country the stores that have the largest out letasking them to take these goods off their hands, and we bought at practically our own price ready cash and ability to dispose of large quantities of merchandise quick ly being our most powerful arguments. "Women who have waited until now to buy fall Apparel for themselves and their daughters will be offered the bar gains of their lives in this sale, which begins Thursday. Watch the newspapers for further details. Look in our windows you will be amazed at what they will reveal to you. i ATTORNEY GENERAL GRANT RETURNS TO LINCOLN U ved, died at his hum? here. Saturday. Me was. at one tlin rominajider of tho (From a Staff Correspondent .1 I ,of -rnI Army of tbe Republic. H LINCOLN. Neb., Oct. 2tt. (Sjxvial.) ' w '"" a member oi Congregational Attorney Genera! Grant Martin returned . rhurch and active .In Its work, thl morning from Washington. whert.j ha attended a meeting of the attorney. I general of the I'nited States. He alar,; waa present at meetings of the American Bar association at tha same place. Breaks a Cold Opens Clogged Head and Nose Kelief Instntly. I A dose taken every Jwo houis until! News Sates frra Kalrhur,. FAIRBl-RT. Nb . (k.t. ii.-(Fp. clal )- j W. D. Oakford, x-rond foreman of ecju'p. ment, 1 moving his family to ijixwlland. ; Kan. Mr. Oukford has taken c iKisUlor. j a. enginar on me toionns division, thw, oofi, are taken will end grli re ! Tairburjr. Owing to slavk tuMi:rss on the Ne braska division, a reduction of five men 1 was made on the foreman's extra board at Fairbury.. A reduction of fifttcn men was made In thr ur '.epartmerit. The misery and break up a severe cold either I in the head, rhtst, body or limbs. j It promptly opens rlogged-up nostrils and air passages In the head, stop naaty I dicharge or nose runulDg. relieves sick j headache, dullness. feverlahneKS, tor I throat, .needing, soreness and stiffness. I oca isiano emiuoyea a woiuin3 on an i pon t stay stuffl-up: Qjlt blowing j eight-hour basis now. I ajJ fcf;iin,; EaM your throbbing head: j Olen Dickens, a Uadier In'th Fair- j Ko,j.IIlK e!, n the world gives such! burj- Hl8h school, is lil with tyj'hoio rr,p, ltnrt - r.-ne'a CoiA Y.m I fever. An epidemic of uiplu -.f ria U pr ailing in Fairbury and. a mi.nli of lnmi hav been quarantined. The epidemic is in a mild form and no deaths Lav resulted. . Kund." whi' h ccets only cents at any I tiruo; stoic. It arts without assistance, tastes nil, cause no Inconvenience. Be sine you get the genuine. Advertise ment. ' IB ssa 4s(.V" Same Superior Quality Since Eighteen Forty-seven, B' EFORE your grandfather was a father, men i who were good judge a!d, CEDAR BROOK, to bs sure." Judge Vni. H. McBrayer wa a good Judge, aa history will show. At the early ag of thirty, he wci elected Judge cf Andrew County, Kentucky, and as a distiller he set a standard of au parlor quality for bourbon whiskey which bis brand, CEDAR BROOK, ha maintained to this very dsy. A t all leading Dealers, Clubs, Bars, Restaurants and Hotels For Sale Everywhere For Our Little " FreeB Busy Bees oils This Beautiful Doll will be given Free to the littlo girl, under 10 yrs. of age, that brings or mails us the largest number of the doll's pictures cut out of the Daily and Sunday Bee before 4 p. m. Saturday, October 31st. TMi Coil's nam la Alio, be 1 8S laos. Mgb, has llg-bi browm luJr aa4 bin ?, and Is beautifully tressed. Her picture will be in The Bee every day thi week. Cut them all out and ask your friends to gave the pictures in their paper for youtoo. S;e how many pictures of Alice you can get, and be sure to turn them in to The Bee of fice, before 4 p. m. Sat urday. Tf you don't win this Dollie. perhaps you can get on next week. Onlv on doll will be given to any on person. You can see Alice at The Dee Office I. 1 i Daffe411a. 1 Ofwe, I Catalogue on I tteauest. I I ITBWAHTt I f SKU.D STOHK, 1 I, 11 . ! 1 1 Of. rteee, I Ulu TT. S eta mmammmmamBBmmiMmmmmmummaimM, i fTwcntieth Century Farmer I The Missouri Valley's greatest farm paper 110,000 copies weekly " FLITTOK ABOUT YOUR evre Isoaclas ISM. tibl