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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1914)
THE ni:K: OMAHA, TTESDAY, OCTOBRR 27, 1014. October the Month for Suits These are the Days when a Suit is of the Greatest Service There is no advantage in waiting longer because now we have the greatest possible number of style ideas in our collection. We have a distinc tive suit that will best express your in dividuality. The Prices are Moderate Excellent Values Shown at $19.50, $24.50, $29.50, $35 No Extra Charge for Alterations Coats Dresses Skirts The Store for Shirtwaists WARNING SENT TO NEUTRAL SHIPS Great Britain Sayi Cargoes Should Be Consigned to Neutral Gov ernment or Consignees. COTTON IS NOT CONTRABAND Miami Oil Reirardeel mm raatrev. Haa Wkri Their ntlaeat Oes. laatloa I" o Coaatrr la 71 aw at War. . Kaiser Could Land Troops in Canada and Respect Monroe Creed WASHINGTON. Oct as.-Orma.ny rlfhte to land troops In Canada, If possi ble, und thua secur at least ,a temporary foothold on the Amrrirtn continent was upheld today by Count Von Hornstorff, 'Jerman amhaaaador here, who declared thla would not be a violation of the Monroe doctrine. The ambassador BiifReated that as Canada waa acndinn aoldlera to Europe to flint aaalnet hla country, the United ftates ahould not conalder It In any sense an infringement on the Monroe doctrine If Germany ahould land an, armed force on Canadian aoll. Discussing tils now much talked of note of Peptemncr s to tha State department here, explaining the attitude of the Qar man government toward the Monroe doctrine and clvlng assurance that Ger many was not contemplating any South American colonization schemea In event of victory over tha all lea, the ambaa aador aald only South America waa re ferred to at that time. CONVENTION WILL DEPOSEJARRANZA ProYiiional President Will Be Sub stituted for First Chief of Revolution. i bolted, while tha hotel clerk looke on la amjifoment. II arrived at the sta tion Just in time to catch a train for Wou Falls. wber he waa scheduled to speak today. Mr. Hurlceon had caught tha "Hloux" end of the city's name when It rolled from tha ton rue of tho conductor and aaaumed he had reach hla deatinatlon. SULIMAN SENDS A REPORT ffaar ( Jlew (ioveraaaejat to Be Maori aaa Carraaaa Will B Fer sklttrel ta Be aaelaate at Rraralar Klaartlaa. WASHINGTON, Oct SC-Officlal re. porta received here today Indicated that Ibe Mexican national convention at Aguaa Caltrntea would today or tomorrow de poee General Carranaa aa flrat chief and substitute a provisional president. American Consul Htilltnan reported ha waa reliably Informed of General Car ranaa'a Intention ta retire under condi tion that no objections would be Inter posed to his candidacy at a regular alea tlon and that the tenure of tie provl alonal government ahould be short. Officials here believed that while Car ranaa refuaed to take the Initiative In submitting his resignation, he would abide by the convention's decision, should It vote to retire him. Evidence of that was contained In official advloes. which reported Carranaa making no extraordi nary military preparations. Conflicting reports have been received by the Slate department as to Carranaa' a attitude. J While . qo confirmation has been re ceived of reported dlaturbancrs In Mexico City, official advices told or a general order by Carranaa dpoalng many com mandera who were Villa adherents In the convention and appointing ethers In their place. Flmllarly a decree waa la sued by Carranaa InaVmlng all chiefs throughout the republic that he was still first chief and to obey only orders from him. The convention has dlscuaaed that decrea In secret aealon. but no report of tha reault of Its deliberations has been received. The War department today received from Colonel llatflell, commanding American troops on the Arisona border, a message saying Governor Maytorena f Bcnora waa "alowly and reluctantly, and thelToqui Indiana were defiantly leaving Naoo." . Zapata Leaders Caaealt Villa. EL, PASO, Tex., Oct. . Twenty-ela . revolutionary leedere of southern Mexico, representing Oeneral Kknlliano Zapata, arrived yesterday 'at Guadalupe, where they were greeted by General Villa. They prooeeded to Aguaa Callentee where the peace oon'erence waa expected to rratime lt aeaaiona today. The northern leader's reception of the southern - conferees was described In a tt-li'gram today aa moat cordial. General I'aullno Marlines acted aa head of the Zapata delegation. Tha southerners acre accompanied north by a committee headed by General Foltpe Angeles. General Obregoa and others of tha Carranaa . delegation, already have re turned to tho convention city after a visit to Mexico City In which they secured General Carranaa'g answer to the convention demands. It waa aa pected there would now be little delay la terminating the prolonged dlscuaslon sin oa Car rante has mads his final an nouncement of position. ALLIES HOLDING GERMANS ALONG LINE OF THE YSEE (Continued from Page One.) Weat Flanders haa been terrible beyond any other during the war. Projectiles hurled from the land, the sea and tha (Continued from Page Ont.) Member of Cabinrt Lost in Sioux City - UX ITT. la. Oct. K -Postmaster General rturleaon got 'loaf' In fious "ty uiay. - Curicton got off a train here and aent to a hotel Just then a cewap.per man accosted hint and aaksd: ''Aren't yu In the wrung town, Mr. Hurlrson" ' Xo, this Is "toux Kails. Ian t It?" Mfceii ha I, err -4 be was m Sioux City Mr B jrltjon dabbed his ' bags and air are sweeping this flat unprotected country, destroying villages and search ing out the terror-stricken Inhabitants who delayed too long In getting out of tha lino of fire. Victory loath at Lille. Paris reports that to the west snd to the south of LiUe fierce attacks by tha Germans have ben repulsed. Tha most significant part of tha Paris official communication relates that tha French with their heavy artillery now command tha road' which Is one of tha principal lines of German communication with St. MlhleL tha holding of which, by tha In vaders haa constituted one of the great est menaoes to tha allied line. Reports Indicate that tha Preach aerial servtoa has responded to tha da mand for reorganisation which followed tha storm of criticism leveled at It because of the ease with which German aeroplanes dropped bombs on Paris. No recent arel&I attacks hava been made on tha French capital and It la announoed along tha battle front that five German aeroplanea liava been destroyed by French airmen. , Reports from Vienna Indicate that along the battlo Una from the Car- pathlana to the Ruaslan border through Qalkla, the fighting continues, but without any definite reault. Petrograd elalms that the Germans still are retir ing from Warsaw In precipitate night and that they aieo are evacuating Ixda. in Germans attempted to arrest tha ItusHian offensive movement at Sokhat- cnorr, but were dlalodged from their positions there with heavy losses. Preach May Retara ta Paria. Tha question of tha early return of tha French government to Paris Is being ser iously considered. This Indicates that the military situation Is satisfactory from the standpoint of tha allies, but tne authorities believe that the battle along the aeacoart, because of the Oar man aavances near I Besses will be more prolunged than at first was aa. tlclpated. If the government does return to Paris such a step undoubtedly will nave a irrmenaoua moral effect Eessd raeha. tha chronic dlaturber of me peace or Albania. Is said to hava In nnrmern tpirue. ir this Is true It may bring about the entranoe of Italy in com net, according to opinion In London. Essad's activity may oorupel 10 consider me necessity of occupy .... . a su-p wnicn might meet -no iavor in Austria-Hungary. Positively Masters roley's Heney and Tar Compound eute ma mica cooking tuucua, and clears away the phlegm. Tha gasping. etri.ii. fight for breath gives way to quiet breath ing and peaceful sleep. Harold Berg Mass. Mich., writes: "v give Foley's Honey and Tar to our children tor croup and It always acta quickly." No wonder a man la Texas walked IS miles te tha store ta get a bottle of Foley- Honey and Tar Oomyouad. Every user Is a friend. AU dealers everywhere. Advertisement. Wire Ira Btattaa Repaired. NEW YORK. Ch. MAnaouncement was made thla evening that the high powered radio wlrel.a. station at Tuck ertoa. N. J which was burned out sev eral weeks ago. haa tee repaired and Is In condition to receive and send mes sages. The t'nl ted fctatee Navy depart ment will continue u eaerclaa a strict cinsorahlp ever the message handled. RESIDENTS OF ANTWERP SEEK REFUQE FROM GERMANS IN HOLLANDTop: Refugees sheltered in the skating rink at Amsterdam. Below: Some of the children who fled with their parents from their homes when the German shells began falling in the Belgian seaport town. WASHINGTON, Oct. Js.-Blr Cecil Spring-IUca, tha British ambassador, by Instruction of Sir Klward Grey, Issued a warning today to American shippers through the Plate department, to con sign sll car (nee) bound for neutral coun tries to the neutral government or a specific consignee!. Two notes addressed to Acting Secre tary Lansing say British cruisers will not interfere with neutral commerce When shipments are properly consigned. The documents specifically exempt cot ton from molestation, even thntierh destined to belligerent countries, ag this rtlr.le is not contraband. With respnet to mineral oils and j-tlcte listed as conditional contraband, the notes say Orest Britain will seise no cargoes me papers of the ship show their ultimate destination to be nsutral. t oltea mn Krre List. The first note dated today says: "In compliance with vour renueat I telegraphed oa the JRd Inst, to my gov eminent to Inquire what was their view in regard to cotton and whether or not they considered It to be contraband. You addressed Uiis question to me, as you aid there seemed to be doubt In certain quarter In this country as to the atti- utie or my government. Last night I received a rralv from Mr Edward Grey. In which be authorises to me to give the assurance that cotton will not be seised. He points out that cotton haS nClt tkAn nut In Anw nf ll-f- contraband and aa yoW department must oa aware from tha draft of the procla mation now In your poaseaaioa. It la not proposed to Include It in nur mw tiat of contraband. It la, therefore, as far as ureat It n tain concerned, in tha fra K.f and will remain there." DrfaWtea of Contraband. Tha Second not refnra mrtlrnlarU tn the case of tha tanker "Rorkff.iw ' r. cently rvleaaed by the British govern ment, but statea tha general policy of Great Britain on the subject of contra band. The text follows: "With refeienre to the riu nf h Rockefeller. I think It would be onnor- tune were I to make some remarks on the general Question of contraband and the attitude of tha British government. iou are doubtless swar. in th few weeks there haa been a marked In. crease of the export of certain articles as compared with previous years to those neutral countries which r in Att communication with the belligerent na tions, i win choose, among many, the single Instance of mineral oils, and the returns for tho month of September. Whereaa the value of the Unit nt... exports of the principal exports for thxt month as compared with September, 113, have decreased from llOT.000.ono to S74.00O,. 000, or 30 per cent, the export of gasoline. naptna, etc., haa Increased from 20,000,14 to 13.000,000 gallons, or IS per cent, and of fuel oil from SB. 000,000 to U.000.000 gal lons, or tl per cant. I need not Joint Out thnr h taiiM. of the present war has shown the Im mense importance of the motor, the alr hlp and the submarine, all of which are consumers of mineral oil. I mar add that there Is re aann tn Kll 4k. mineral oil In all Its form. m. h a for these purposes, ' Qaatee Saprasna Cosrt. "A large proportion of the utmrti .i this country haa been consigned to neu tral ports, and according to avtd.. in our possession haa been transmitted from mem to a belligerent, oountrv. As u r aware, tha supreme oourt of tha I nited States In 1S6S considered vassals a carrying contraband, although uiiine from ona neutral port to another, If tho goons concerned ware das lined to be transported by land or aaa from tha mu. tral port of landing Into aa enemy' country, it than decided that tha char acter of tha goods la determined by their ultimate and not their Immediate des tination, and this doctrine waa at the Uma acquiesced In by Great Britain, al- mougn its own trade was the chief suf ferer. "On th other hand, the neutral coun tries concerned, who are amino. I. h IntereaU of neutrality to avoid being usee as bases for hostilities by either belligerent, now are making amn.a. menta which will give sura guarantees mat articles which may be used In war shall not be re-exported. In a word, they are anxious to prevent thslr porta from bacomfng the bauk door of either belligerent. V When these arrangements are complete. It . is to be confidently honed that trad between neutrals will be subject to Mtl or no hindrance. "It la to be hoped that for tha future aaequate precaution will ha taken order to show tha real destination foods consigned to neutrals kUk trans-shipped to a belligerent, might ha uaea tor Deuigerent Dut-noses. "I may observe In conclusion that al though tha British government has de tained cargoea of contraband In order to make aura that they are really Intended or nrutrai countries and hava retain om cargoes such as copper deatlnad for vruppa- ammunition works, they hava not yet taken a single cargo without pay. Ing for It and hava allowed every cargo unei i or neutral countries ta Krwvvu to its aeaunation. Caaelaraaaaat t- Order. ' "But It la. of course, essentia! In tha Interests of free and undisturbed trad between neutrals that every security possmie snouia be provided In order to nable belligerent te form a speedy and aura judgment aa to the neutral des tination of goods which may be used for peaceful or warlike purposes. IB the caa of tha Rockefeller, which we bound fo, a port In tha near neighbor- Ui or uie cniax naval port of a bellig erent, the oil It carried waa consigned ta order, and there was. therefor, no guarantee that It would not be for warded to tha anemy. tt waa accord ingly detained until proof waa afforded t the neutral destination of It earg and tha Intention of tha neutral govern ment to prevent re-export if- "ZlZ.'r- ,..w.-- . -v-v V- vXa ZSb,,,, . . 'i - 'JrT "" "'ai na ai Ginning of Cotton is Not Affected by Trade Depression WASHINGTON, Oct. 2C.-Th depres sion of the cotton trade has had no ef fect upon the ginning of this year' bumper crop, which is Indicated a the country' second In point of production. In fact, ginning waa more active dur ing the pfrfcjd from September 28 to Oc tober IS this year than ever before, 4.X1. 829 bales having been ginned, againet bales ginned tn that period In the record crop year of 1911. Up tt October IS there had been ginned T.R10.nt balcw, the census bureau an nounced today. This compare with 4,971.518 bale last year and 7,758,601 bales In mi. Arkansas, I-oulBlana, Mississippi and Oklahoma had ginned more cotton to October II than ever before to that date. . Wrt.TlfiNo Carolln.. mm . .W.osijnklahoma .. 4P0,(W . .Si:tSo Carolina. HM.332 .1.SM.018 Tonnessee .. ltt.?0 . 2?4.M Texas 2.712.71! . 4;4,330jOther states.. u 43,433 Alabama ... Arkansas .. Florida Georgia liulalnna Mlsglastpl .. Only Oaa "BKOMO tCIltirB.ia Ta get the genuine, call for full name. LAXATIVE bltOMO QUININE. Loog for signature of B. W. GROVK. Cure a Cold In On Day. Stc. Be reader . r too Intelligent to aval look the opportunities In the "want at column. They're worth while reading. Terrific German Shell Fire Blows Allied Soldiers from the Trenches liONDON, Oct. 26.-"As far as tha eye could reach nothing could be seen but burning villages and bursting shells," says the Pally Telegraph's correspondent In Belgium, who, accompanied by a son of the Belgian war minister. M, Pe I Broquevllle, made a tour' of the-battle'. ground la tha . Plxmude district . last Wednesday. x '1 realixcd for the first time how com pletely the motor car had revolutionized warfare and how every other factor waa now dominated by the abaence or pren enoa of this unique means of transporta tion. "Every road to the front was simply packed with car. They seemed an ever- roiling, endless jure&m, going and re turning to the front, while In many vil lages hundreds ot private cars were parked undnr the control of the medical office, waiting In readiness to carry the wounded.- . , "Arrived at the' tiring line a terrible aoene presented Itself. The shall fire from the German batteries waa so ter rific that Belgian aoldlera and French marine were continually being blown out or their dugouts and aent acattertng to cover. Elaewhere, also, little groups of peasants wero forced to flee because Ihrlr cellars began to fall In. Trese un fcrtunutea had to make their way as best they could on foot to the rear." chins guns. The bridge 1 blown up, but who can say by whom? Luckily, the train runs back. " 'A brisk day, remarks the corre spondent. 'Not so bad,' ropllea . the of ficer. So the days pass." Best Laxative For Children When your baby Is crows and fret fut Instead of the happy, laughing; lit t'e dear yon are acenstomed to. In all probability tbi digestion has become deranged nd the bowel need atten tion. Olre It a mild laxative, dispel tha Irritability and bring back the hsppy content of babyhood. The very best laxative for children 1 Dr. Caldwell' Syrup Pepsin, be cause it contain no opiate or nar cotic drug. I pleasant tasting and acts gently, but surely, without grip ing or other distress. Druggists sell Dr. Caldwell's By nip Pepsin at fifty cent and one dollar a bottle. For a free trial bottle write to Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 401 Washington St, Montlcello, 111. Quit Sneezing! A little Koodon's Catarrhal Jelly placed la the nostrils will bring relief. Your druggist guarantees It. Money Keck If It (alls. AZSo or 50c tube of i LONDON'S Original and Ganulno CATARRHAL JELLY Don't delay. Use It at once. Its cooling, sooth I nr. healing effects are woodertul. Best thing you can use for chronic nasal catarrh, colds in bead, aneesing. dry catarrh, aore note, none bleed, etc 16.000.000 hi bee have been oM. Write na for i rontons tree cample. 35.000 drnsirista sell this splendid remedy. Avoid dsngerovs substitute. KONOON UFO. CO, Ms FIGHT ALONG YSER ISJRIGHTFUL ONE (Continued from rag On.) tempted dally. Baoh day accumulate an unwritten record of Individual daring feats, accomplished aa part of the dally work. Day by day men push out on these dangerous explorations, attacked by shell fir. In danger of cross fire, dynamite and ambuscades, bringing a prlcele sup port to tha threatened line. A the ar mored train approaches the river under hell fir the ear oracks with the con stant thunder ot gun aboard. It Is amaalng to the angle at which the una can be swung, and overhead the airmen are busy venturing through fog and puffs of exploding shell to get on small fact of Information. We used to regard tha looping of the loop of the German overhead as a hare-brained piece of Impudent defiance to our In fantry fire; now we know It mean early trouble for the Infantry. ' "Beside us as wa crawl up snuffing the line Ilk dog on a scent, grim tralnloads of wounded wait soundlessly In the sid ings. Further up the line ambulances are coming slowly back. The bullet of ma chine gun begin to rattle on our ar mored coats. Shells we learned to dis regard, but the machine gun Is the master In this war. , "Now we near the river at a flat coun try farm. The territory Is scarrvd with trenches and It la Impossible to aay at flrat who la In them, ao Incidental and eparate are the fortune ot thla river Id battle. The Oermana are on our bank, enfilading the lines of the allies' trenches. W creep up and the German come Into sight out of the trenches, rush to the bank and are scattered and mashed. The allies follow with a fierce bayonet charge. "The Germans do not wait; they ruah to the brldgea and are swept away by the deadliest destroyer of all the ma- Planning for the Stork's Arrival Among those thing which all women should know of, and many of them do. Is a splendid external application sold In most drug stores under the nam of 'Mother' Friend." It la a penetrating; liquid and many and many a mother tell how It so wonderfully aided them through tha period of expectancy. Its ohlef pur pose Is to render the tendon, lira. men t and muscle so pliant that nature' ex pansion may be accomplished without the intense strain ao often charactextstlo Of the period of expectancy. "Mother' Friend" may therefor be considered a Indirectly having a splendid Influence upon the early, disposition of the future generation. Whatever Induce to the ease and cam fort of the mother abould leave Ita lmpre upon the nervoua system of the baby. At any rate It (a reasonable to beltevw that sine "Mother' Frinnd" ha been a companion to motherhood for mora than halt a century It must be a remedy that women have learned the great value of. Ask at any drug store for "Mother Friend," a penetrating, external liquid of great help and value. And write to Brsdfleld Regulstor Co., 402 Lamar Bldg., Atlanta, Oa.. for their book, ot Useful end timely Information. ri mi ' The use of Coke in furnaces has hecome much more than occasional Not being inclined to urge experiments, we have been conservative about recommending coke. But we can fur nish two kinds, either of which is worth trying in YOUR furnace. "PYRO" $8.50 "PETRO L E U f.l" $10.50 s V Thla Coke is made from high grade bituminous coal, the im parities having been taken away in the manufacture of gas, leaving only CARBON the ONE heat producing element. The Standard Oil Company makes this coite. xi is a carbon residium from crude oil and 'is volatile,, leaves no waste, not even any ash. Think of running a furnace with no clinkers and no ashes to ,take away and no shaking down the fire. a K The Elms Hotel Frank F. Dunlap, Manager, Excelsior Springs, Mo. A paradise for overworked and nervous people. Home of the most wonderful healing water in the world. FINE GOLF COURSE Send for Booklet, AMUSEMENTS. BRAMDEIS XaUne and lgl Ruth St. Denis PrlCtK' Bargain Matinee, Bert Seata. BAT. NEXT, OCT. 81. Matinee and aright. Beat Vow. and Company el Solo Dancer and VatlT Hindoo, "O MAMA JB rCI OXsTTBJa" Sera.FOLLIESoftheDAY?. With Ban Stdsiaa sue Oertrude Hares. Nero, before such a east: oaoar Hanaxratela, rfc14 Belssoo. Oao. M. Cohan. Al. Kseves. Ml Hares' Btr Rxxpttos err mattnee to lady palroaa. Kan-Mhnwots an 4 mem renin. X.ABIXI' Dim MAT. VIII BATS Redpatb Sorle So. &, David Duggan Opera Co. 'AUDITORIUM TOXIGHT 10-15-90 rnt to holders of member ships, fteaerv seat at Box Office Today. Also Oool Season Kesarratioas Tel Available. HIPP THEATRE "WAV DOUG CAS Ai9. . TODAY AND WKDNEBDAT LtW OUCKSTADKR In "DAN" A i Thrlllina Civil War Drama. Starts at 10. 11:16, 12;. 1:45, 1:00, 4:15, i:V. 1:46. 1:09. :15. THCR. & FK1DA Y BERTH A KAUCH. And reauunber 81 kinds of Sunderland "Ottiflejd" Coal; your kind Included. F1IO.NE DOUGLAS 852. 'X. SUNDERLAND BROS Entire Sd Floor State Bank Kld K. E. Cor. lTta and Harney. roala-at, AU Wees. Mat. Tnurs Bat, EVA LANGCHARLES MILLER aa4 tli six npr company in BlVSTATiaa A KV8SATB." A Comely-Drama, rrlee ne m too. Meal Wee a "nmaMaf Toala-atl Matinee Tae Tkar, Sal, m wooswAjao btock comajtt gfl VaaVaS C will 1 J. "READY MONEY" S5 ANY SEAT 25 Wsak of ev. It "The aaube. aa SeagUa tavCAVVaV AOTAJIOXO TAVOXTIXXA This arMfe: Kale Bllaan A Beat Wllllaau. BlaaMT MlMT A Co., UM WkajTy Lswls Qvimi M. fe DakUna a rra44la N'Ua, Joaws a Srtoaeur, Cbiue. allaale KauTsaaa. Tae Wiart at Wars mbS flar. rrtaaa: atatiaaa. Oaliary. laa; kaa saeas ni, asarsaf a4 ka4af , a. KUtUa. Ih aaa a.