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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1914)
nrrc ref.: 0M.Tr.. fripay. -j:. inn. . 11 SWAPPERS COIAMN WATCH I have a g.d 17-ewe silver ease watch to trade, for a revolver. Ad dress 8 C, Ha, tip. WANT to swap lor a ntv harness ami a light single wacon. 1 have quite an asortment of perianal property to swap. Give particular! In first letter. S. C. 107S, care, Kr WILT, trade pedigreed Boston hull for something valued at $:"0 or over. Also hsre a $40 tool cheat to trade. 8. C H.U, Bee. AVI LA. trade art of World's Best .Music (8 volumes), practically new, for second typewriter. B. I'. 1444. WOODKN TANK, lh Riwd condition; & foe 9 Inches hlh. 7 feet 4 Inches In diam eter; hoops with malleahle Iron lug; tank Is taken apart and easy to handle. S. C. 1448. Baa. von iiext Ayartmf BtR ui Klata. Rental Service Free Why Worry where 'to find a house .j apartment when we have listed every vacunt betisc ami apartment In the city. 'Phone us for further Information. Douglas i.'38 Fldell.y Storage .- Van Co. ST. OKORtiE APARTMENTS One 'five. room anile, hest, water, Janitor eervtce; located In aelect West Farnam residential section. 11U N. 31st Ave. W. W.4. CLOSE IN APARTMENTS. CARPATIUA, m SOUTH 24TH STREET. Beautiful 2-room apartments, modern In every detail, newlv decorated, hard wood finish, tiled floors In the hath room; Ice boxes and gas ranges furnished. ISii.JJ summer, $-' winter. Call at our olttco and we will show you through. FLORENTINE. OAT enilTU 5STH BTRKET. S and 4-room apartments, nicely deco rated, hard wood finish, very modern equipment. Attractive rents. i LEONE, J3J SOUTH S4TH STREET. ' Five-room apartments, strictly modern and up-to-dste in equipment; beautifully decorated: HO lumnwr, $40 winter, we can show you through at any time. PAYNE SLATER COMPANY, 81 Omaha Nat l yidg. MODERN APARTMENTS ' HEAT FURNISHED Clyde, 1808 Ohio, J room. $2 to $24. Bosworth. ?217 Howard St., 2 rooms and bath; clone In; up-to-date; hest Janitor service; $35. , . ' Ayers W9 8. 31st; 8 rooms nnd bath; fine neighborhood; very reasonable, same rent year around ; 36. I rbnna. 1317 Park Ave.; 0 rooms and bath; high clasa; same rent year around: Pasadena, 420 Park Ave; 4 rooms and bath, $40-$46. Oroc, 13 Forest Ave.; 4 and 6 rooms; I40 to 47.50. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1530. ' 208-10-12-14 Slate Bank Bldg, Athlone Large 4-roon apartment; finely ar ranged, beautifully finished;, outside porches. $40 and $45. PETERS TRUST CO., 122 Farnam St. Douglas 838. THE CARLYLK. 625 SOUTH IsTH ST. We will have two very choice 4-room apartments vacant In this building Octo ber 1st. Now Is the time to rent them. PAYNE & PLATER COMPANY, 61 Omaha National Bank Bldg. ROOT APARTMENTS,' 321) AND PACitf'IC 8TS. . 31J5 Pacific St., beautiful 6-room strictly modern, up-to-date heated apartment, finished in quarter sawed oak through out, tiled -floor in bath room, private laundry, i private front and rear entrance, private porch, large yard, $50. PAYNE & HLATER COMPANY, , 618 Omaha National Bank mag. 1301 HOWARD St. 6-room brick flat, $33. 154 8. 27th St. 7 rooms, 'modern, $22.50. - 3716 Hawthorne Ave.J-8 . rooms, . hot water heat, $40. ALSATIAN APARTMENT. S6th and Famam Two 6-room apartments, $42.60. L. D. SPALDINO & SON; 1C18 Farnam. Tyler 100. ST. CLARE APARTMENTS, . ZJd and Harney Sts., 3 room apartments, Call H. 647 or D. KK. 610 S. JTJth. 6-r.. mod. flat, pfa 1003 N, 29th. 7-r . mod. flat. $30. -S0i:i leavenworth, 6-r., mod. ex. heat. ,20. C. G. Carl berg. 310-12 hrandels The. Blog, 4-R . mod, ex. heat: ?14. H. 2111. Modern, 4-room flat $16. 1417 Vinton St, Phone Red 549S OGDEN ANNEX looms, wltn kltehCD' ettes Council Bltlffa. Gordon Van Co III N. UiJh St Phone li. . or H. Mil 6-ROOM modern flat. 1112 to. llth. U12to1 nxu, s VERY choice 4 or 5-ru, steum-heated apartment on W. Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBBI.N8. 1 FARNAM ST. 6-ROOM tnodern. water, curtains and odme in dining room, free, $22.50. 219 No. i&iu Ave. Phone H. 57B7. j The Knickerbocker Omaha's Finest Apt. House ,ONLY ONE WITH HEATED GARAGES. 6 and 7-room apartments of extra large rooms. Marble and tile entrances, large verandas, reception halla with coat closets, fcun rooms, faience tile fireplaces, cornice ceilings, oak, mahogany and white enamel finish, mirror doors, tiled In hath tubs. Mi"! im, ciCftBiii . I (, I i 1 1 1 1 ( SIX tures, blgr closets, white enamel refrigera tors, double-oven gas stoves: beautiful lawn; low rentals compared with others POSITIVELY THE BEST AND ONLY EXCLUSIVE APARTMENTS IN THE CITY. Handsomely decorated to suit ten ants. Full Information from Ed Johnston. Phone Harney 7166. or at residence next door to apartments, or from Payne & Slater Co., Phone Douglas 1016. o THE ANGELI B, . CORNER 25TII AVE. AND nOt'OLAS. Only two 4-room apartments left in this rireproor. soundproof apartment house. The . electrlo elevators and other first class equipment makes this building one of the most attractive Dlacea in Omsha to live. Janitor will show you through at any time. PAYNE A (5 LATER COMPANY, 616 Omaha National Hank. - THE SHERMAN., Elegant 6-room apartment, 2501 Sherman Ave. Fnraiabed Rooms. DESIRABLE room with sleeping porch for gentleman, private family, $12 month. 2666 Douglas St. VOR RENT Front room, suitable for tw.j; modern; $5 week; board optional. 2317 Douglas St. ' BUNNY room, neatly furnished. 2.oo. 2209 Douglas St. STRICTLY modern,' for gentlemen only, $356 per week for two. 2212 California. FUR. rooms, pr;vat(! family, 82i.So. J!n"i Ht., or call H. 4iin. MOI'J.. clean. Minnie roo nlT 2.iil, 4J4 S. 241 1. 8. E. exposure, in private family: mod. room for two, $4. ''fi24 So. 19th St. It. 6676. FURNISHED room for rent, near Creigh ton university. Phone Douglas 72S1. WELL furnished modern room, hot water heat 2413 Capitol Ave. Douglas 6875. MODERN, aulet rooms, walking distance $1 60 week and up. THE KNAPP. Utf Cass St. e REDDEN i So. iWih, mod. rooms, steam heat; reasonable Neatly turn., mod., reatonable. 117 N. 20th. Mod., private home, references. H. 61. a. Fur, rma. modern, lrt Cass. Apt 1. WETL-FL'liNlSHElimo"dTrn roonvThot jvater beat 2412 Capitol Ave. Douglas 'raUhe Hoswkftslu M too Baa. CLEAN, inodern. furnished. Call tAl Dodge St. LARGE. mol.. Douglas. complete, $3.50. . tiavslceejtisuf ttooana. t APTS, furnished fur light hnueekeep. Ing: steam heated; mod 4705 N 24th "XHRrJK nice rooms, housekeeping! ulj 8. llth. Ilatels aa4 A km rt me ens. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California. Weekly rates tl and u&. DousIms 7iauL VOLKjh, HoTfcL Moderb. livaaunable. ron rknt Board mad Hooaas. GOOD tM board and room. f71! Jack son tret- FRONT room. modern, close In, for man and wife, with hoard. $H per aeek. If. '7. Hemes aad tnttaa. WHY rent when you ran own with the same money-after a small down pay ment? -room, all modern, walking dlManee. west, $: -room, all modern (ncw, by Fontencllc Blvd.. $if.. ' a-room. all modern (new. Miller park section, $25. l-room, light and ,water. sewer, near Sherman Ave. and lse, tlS. J-room, all modern lexcept plumbing na tures only), (new) two lots. fSV 4-rocm, two lots, M'ller park section. Il. 4- room. chicken outfit, fruit. Harden. Miller park section, $14. 5- room bungalow. 4 lots, well (two side by side), west of M Uer park. $. All near good school, rarks. etc All near car except last one, and It only bCHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO.. P axton Blk. t . WEPT FARNAM HOME FOR RENT. $73 Nine rooms, near SSth and Dewey Ave., strictly modern, hot water heat, nicely decorated. 1 ' OEOROF. COMPANY. S02 Cltv National Hank IlklR. Phone Douglas 756. HOl'SKS AND FLATS. $7X.0n 9-r.. 414 8. ith St., strictly mod. $47.50 7-r., SU 8. 1'Tth St., modern, steam heat. $42 SO 4-r. apartment In The Harold. 40.0ft 7-r.. 7t! S. ICth St.. modern, steam heat. $40.00 7-r. $M.r-4J-r. $30.00 -r. $-'5.00 s-r. cent heat. S400 Burt St., mod., garace. 217 Davenport St., modern. 604 S. 24th St., modern. 2319 Capitol Ave., modern ex- r.00 -r., lf15 Howard St.. modern ex j cent heat. j $15.00 5-r. flat, 2rtl4 Sherman Ave., mod ern except heat. f.n .m 7 acta a-S.. A .... mIa.h. GEORGE & COMPANY, 902 City National Bank Itldg. Phone Douglas 756. 6-ROOM NEW BUNGALOW: all oak floors; large living room and d'.nlng room: beam celling; electric fixtures Rjid spot lights,1 shades and storm windows. Will rent to good pnrtv for $.10. T RAVER BROS., 705 Omahjt National Bank Bldg. Phone Red 472L S-ROOM St., $21. house, modern, &tlo South 24lh Water paid. Tel. Red -ROOM modern cottage, i71!) So. 3th St.; fine location. BEVEN-ROOM house for rent, modern except heat, $19. 2626. Taylor Bt. P.BAUTIFCL ei'ht-rooni house,' oaodern, $40. mi California fit. Phone Harney 6513. FOR RENT All modern, five rooms and bath first floor, three rooms upstairs; hot water heat. 4120 North 17th. $16-6 ROOMS, BATH. 1703 MANDER SON. PHONK DOUGLAS 5351. WEST FARNAM 8 rooms, 2 baths; very modern. 323 No. 38th Ave. Doug, 2047. 2714 DAVENPORT ST., seven-room de i Inched house, modern. iflO 8. 30th St... nine-room house, furnace, modem, first-class condition. Apply 212 8. 3cth St. Harney 478. o 10-ROOM mod house, eplendld surround- Ings. 1015 William. Call Red 8XU6. 6-R. cottage. $12. 4022 Izard. W. 675. GOOD 8-r, house, all mod. except hent, on car line. 440$ No. 24th St. Web. 6S7. S-R. house, unfurn., mod., hardwood fin., water, heat; also 6-t.- house, mod., turn., all near cars, Dundee. Phone Harney 2.53, Rent Reduced Call owner, Harney 2911. 4 and 7-room houses, 42d Mr Cuming. One never lived In.- STEAM heat, all modern, i-rooui hyuse; also 4-r'-.m flat. V20 No. VA t-ROOM strictly modem house In At con dition, location 2812 Pacific St. Call at ,tC60 So. 28th St. or phone Harney 2346. 6-R. HOUSE;, 2626 Parker, $20. H. 8360. Free Rental" List Complete Information about every ya rant houaa tuid apartment In the city. This service Is free. .Tel. Douglas &8. Fidelity Store.Ke A Van Co. COTTAGE, 4 rooms and basement, $11 per month, 2)6 8. 2ith Ave. Call 0. L. Thomas, 412 Bee Bldg. Tel. Dong. 2354. $3u.0O 7 rooms, parlor extending across the entire rront or tne nouse. oak finish, colonnade openings, four bed rooms 'and .hath. Fine neighbor hood, near car. $22.00 Five-room cottage, almost new, ex . ceptionally Urge rooms, strictly modern. Near Hodge car line. AMERICAN HECTRITY COMPANY. 17th and Douglas Sts. Douglas 5013. HOUSE suitable for two amall families. Inquire 2545 Capitol Ave. Phone 1). 4A0. ! HOUSE 7 rooms, modern, paved street. convenient to car, school,- stores ana church; small family of adults preferred; 125 rent, pay water. I. N. HAMMOND, Tel. Doug. 064. 332 Board Trade. I Inn ana ln all parts of the city. llOUStS Cr,jKn Son. A C(V. mag. t-ROOM house, all modern, free water. km) N. riOth. Tek D. 1530. 5-R.. mod., cottage, 24 Wool worth Ave. J.CReedi alxp. Co.. moving packing 4e storage. 2U7 Farnam. 0. !'.: Maggard's Van and Stor age Co. Reduced Lrge van. 2 men, $125 per nr.; dray, I i-i nr. nu vveusier. uoug. 1496. Fidelity Storage Co. Stcrage muvjiic. packing and shipping. lth & Jackson Sts. Phone Douglas 2M. FOR RENT W have a complete list of all houses, apattmenta and flats that are for rent 'this list can be seen free of charge at Urtiaha Van A Storage Co.. W6 S. lbth Bl liaraa. GJi?,D..,barn' room for or J0 horses, Mil Webster St. Call Do'-.glas 41. KICAL ESTATE FAKJ1 4fc RANCH LA.MIH K4R SALE Montana. MONTANA CAREY ACT LANDS-O0 acre now open to- entry In the famous V alter valley. An excellent opportunity for the hoineseekcr seeking good farm land tor general diversified farm. tig. The riuh soli, - xhllaratlng climate and abundance of water tor irrigation assures maximum crop returns. Great for graiu, alfalfa, tim.Uy, and for stock farming. Ideal spot for a home. Write today for bunk lei. and articularb. Valler Farm Sales Company. Valler, Mont. Box No. 17. Minnesota. FOR SALE-lno good quarter section farm, two miles from town. No bullc ings except corncrlb. Price $70 per acre. $l,oirf down, balance easy terms. 8. F. Scott.. Vesta, Mian. - . Nebraska. THIS TO YOU, MK. RENTER Who are paying some landlord one-thlid of all you raise for tne ' privilege of making HIS laqd more valuable every year. Isn't it time for you to be be ginning to use that rent money to pay for a home for your wife and children, where VOU will get the benefit of the rise In farm values Instead of the other fellow? You ran make a first payment of nay $7. (KM on the nice. m Ue. scribed below and get long time on the balance. No. SU A nice smooth 80. only 24 miles from town. All broken and - ready for fall or spring crops. Put in some wheat this fall, some alfalfa and oats and some pota toes and beeja next spring. You will make money right from the . start. Adjoining farms show -splendid crops and the soil on this is Just the same. Here Is a chance to buy a home at a low price, 4n good terms, and It is handy to town and school. Price, $5 per acre. F.aey terms. Write today for free copy of the "l.and Owner." It tells what others are doing there. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ware Block. Omaha. IlKAIi K8TATK -XOK-TIt SIDK LOT Special sale of $u"..00 nnd $fw0.00 lots in Clair mont, Saturday, i5KX) p. m. till night. Terms $10.00 wish nnd $10.00 n month. These nre not cheap lots, hut good lots at cheap prices nnd on easy terms. Ix)ts 50xl2( feet. Nenr 2 car lines. City water. Fine neighborhood. We confidentially recommend these lots either for immediate use or for investment. You can't bent it any place in the city. Salesman will bo on ground from 4:00 p. ra. till night, Friday evening to show lots. Take Heifton car line and get off at 48th street, or call Douglas 1722 and go out in an automobile. Benson & Carmichael (542 Pax ton lilock. RKAL KHTATK FAIIM A RANCH LANDS FOR SaLK $2,000 Cash Makes First Payment . on 120-Acre Iowa Farm If you want a good Iowa farm, located close to town and within forty-five miles of Omaha, on the main line of the North western road, you should Investigate this lftl-acre farm. It is located 4k miles north of Woodbine, la. There Is about 90 acres under cultivation: about half aore In orchard and the balance pasture; has 6-room house and other outbuildings. Price $1U0 an acre. Here is an opportunity to own a splend'.d Iowa farm that you will be ablo to sell before long for $12o to SI fit) per acre. Owner might take some Omaha property t trade. Hastings & Heyden ' 1614 Harney Bt. WlacttKBla. Upper Wisconsin Best uuy and generui crop staid in the union; settlers wanted; lanus for sale at i law prluea, on easy terms. Ask for oook ! let 34 on Wisconsin Central Land Grant State acres wanted. Write about our gracing lands. If Interested In fruit ianda, ask (or booklet on Apple Orchards In Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., So Line Ry.. Minneapolis, Minn. MlaueU IF UNTEREWTliD In land In southerit Iowa and southern Minnesota write the P. L. Jones Land company. Wlnterset. la. for their list of 250 farina REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and farm "loans! '6, Vk. per cent J.H. Dumont & Co.. 1608 Farnam. Omaha. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat l. Douglas I7U, GARVIN HARRISON A MORTON. 16 Pro. Nat'l. WANTED City loans and warrant W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1120 Farnam. CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 2i8 State Rank Bldg. tioo to 110 000 made oromDtlv. F. D. Wead. I Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY on hand for city and farm louna. H. W. Binder, City Nat l Bank Bldg. fiOCITY LOANS. Bemls-Carlberg Oo "z1' 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. SEE us first If you want a farm' loan. United States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. ItKAL' ESTATE FOR EXCUANGK HOUSE and lot In Gas City, Kan., for sale or trade. Address 9Ue, Adams, Neb. THREE hundred sixty-acre Improved farm, 20 miles irom Minneapolis; s-room house, barn, windmill and other buildings: part under cultivation, balance pasture and kvlanri: no waste land: one of the ay" land; no waste land; one of the best, stock farms In that vicinity; price, $0 per acre; will take up to iu,mw gooa property In exchange, balance some cash and mort- 1026 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., a modern abstract office. Hi b. 17th St Phone Douglas 6487. ' REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of. flea In Nebraska- 2C4 Brandels Theater. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Acreage Six acrea right in town, near boulevard system ' and park, fronts paved street, $4,500. (Sure to. crow In value ) Five acres on corner, two good roads. Located where land is growing In value. $2,000, $500 cash. ' Five acres Joining above at same price. Fourteen acrea vlrgiri soil, fenced, on main road, lies well, 44 miles from ptft - office. $300 an acre. Twelve and one-half acres, lies well, a I till n five-mile circle from postofflce. $2,Wk. s Scattered single acres near car, $50 to $1.00. Harrison & Morton Florence Acreage Bargain . Twenty acres, 2H miles northwest ef Florence and but a short distance from the macadam road. Seven-room house, Wi good condition, good bam and other outbuildings; nice orchard, full bearing. One and one-quarter acres In vineyard. The owner of this property, on account of family ressons, is compelled to move to the city and will take as part payment a good residence In the City; and will price this property right. O'NEIL'S R. E. & INS. AC1Y., Tyler 1024. Ifoft Farnam Ht. . 40-ACKti r'Rl'lT FA KM ItkU a.mlLfinsv sf let no Oft Bit raWst Va T I Council Bluffs. A big money maker fromiaaye rail the start. Owner will take Omaha prop erty. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, . .Ware Block, Omaha. Neb. RKAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE $100 Dandy 4-room house built tl Is year. floored attic, corner lot, electric lights. tiled well, one block to paved atreet. lo- jrn, beautifully finished, exrt-ll.-ut 0-a-cated north of Krug park; $.0 cash, bal- i tlon at 4M5 Webster hi.; I1 bloc Its to car anoe easy payments. Adjoining lot also for a'e. 0. (1. CARLHERO, 310-$12 Brandels Theater Bldg. Iti:.L KSTATE XOIITH SIUK SALE Telephone Douglas 1722. liUV FROM OWNKtt SAVE THE COMMISSION rtrand new home, never occupied, strictly modern, oak finish; has large liv ing room, 11x23. with colonnade opening Into dlnlntf room, 11x14, which has panel walls, plate-rall and window, seat; neat den or sewlna room and handy kitchen with built-in cupboards and refrigerator room; front and rear stairway three good bedrooms, four closets, tiled bath and scrtned-in sleeping porch with canvas roller awnings on second floor: eaay stairway to store room In attic. Full basement with floor drain, fruit cellar and enclosed coal bins; guaranteed fur nace and plumbing; nifty combination light fixtures, screens and window shades; decorated throughout; yard will be sod ded. Iarge lot, 45x120, on paved street, at 2532 laurel Ave. Price reduced to $3,800; $0 or more cash, balance $31.50 monthly. Good lot taken as part pay ment. Kev at 24W Laurel Ave. Phone Charles Horn, owner, Harney 6210, for more Information. READY TO MOVE. INTO Living room, dining room, kitchen, den and pantry on first floor, living rooms finished In oak; two bedrooms and bath on second floor, cement basement, fur; strictly all modern; paved street, corner lot. close to school. Price only $2,800, $200 cash, balance monthly. Located 2630 Blondo St. Keys at 262S Blondo. CO. CARLBERG, 310-312 Brandels Theatre Bldg. MUST BE SOLD Six-room house, 8924 N. 23d St, large lot, fine yard and a nobby home, east front. Price $3,900. Five-room, new, modern oottage, close In, 1716 N. 28th St.; must have money, $2,400. Five-room. 2419 8. 17th Ht.. $1,550. S-room, corner, 30 and Davenport Sts., large and well built home, $4,600. Phone Douglas 3607. Inquire 41S Karbach Block. REAL ESTATE WEST HID K House Beautiful West Farnam $5,250 WE have an IDEAL HOME on the top of the hill on Farnam Street, between 48th and 4th: 3d blocks west of the city hail. In a anlendlil nnlffhhnphnnri nf new homes. Read the description and realise that Its location Is Ideal: lxtt 50x150. Paved street. Flno lawn.' Splendid basement. Pressed brick. ) fireplace. Enameled laundry tubs. Guaranteed furnace. ... Living room 15x26. Den on first floor. Screened porch. ' One bedroom 124xl9. One bodroom 11x17. ' One bedroom 11x11. Tiled hath. Beautiful oak floors. Fine decorations. Screens complete. . . Large closets. Best plumbing. The number is 4S23 Farnam Bt. Come but TODAY and look it over. Just being completed. Charles W. Martin & Co., 748 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Tyler 17; Webster 6006 on 8fl.nda.jr, Sale or Trade Modern house, I rooms, In West Far. nam district, adjoining Turner Park; $1,750 equity to exchange for lots, auto or iland Glover & Spain Douglss 3IK2. . (J-Room Modern House . For Only $3,500.00 At 3315 Davenport street; hardwood finish and hardwood floors. 'A VV. II Oaten, Room t47 Omaha National Bank -Building, " Phone Douglua 1M. S-room house, to be sold by owner; 1 year old: all modern; oak and birch finish; corner lot, south front; $4,800. Ad dress 3162 Chicago Ht. Tel. Harney 1704. KKAL KHTATK SUBURBAN Da ade Fine Dundee Home Sacrifice Price . This Is one of the best 7-room houses ever built In Dundee and la practically new. Every convenient- every artistic touch, beamed ceilings, tricked flreplaoe, etc. Hot wster heat. 4wner leaving. says roll This Is a chance ti buy at your own iirtce, for there is to be a real sarrirtce. ee us about this. - Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 153rt. JOS-10-12-14 State Bank Bldg. Dundee Home Six rooms and sleeping porch, all mod elled, excellent lot a rl.; I1 blocks to car; Peters Trust Co. W23 Farnam. lU.ari.ifr . m .. Douglas SKI, M-.M. KMTATK Mls Kt.HNKOl .M Small Payment Down Balance about tho same as rout buys your vlwtie vt the following good prop erties; $i,K4-room bungalow, tilcrly arranged, gool basement, gnod-sised lot, I1 chicken house and yaid Hlrn snd slahtly location. Half block t " ar Near fine school, on 4IM St. near Grand Ave. $-,000f, room cottage, close In. partly modern, south front lot. Will make someone a nice, coiy home. 2.-th and Pierce Sts. $i,750 , N-noiii cottage, modern except heat, cemented basement, ground li0xl20. 4th and 1'arker Sts. $2,750 ft rooms anil rei-eption hall, there being two bedrooms snd bath up stairs; strictly tnodern. Near &1 and lei-atur Sts. U.aoo-Good dwelling of rooms and re ceptlon hsll, the upstairs having nl.-e bedrimtna and bsth. Fine large rooms downstairs, strictly modern. On paved street, not far uut; near car. 22d and Grant Sts. $J,00 Fine story-and-half cottage of 6 rooms and reception hall, entirely modern, oak finish In hnll. parlor and dining room, nice basement, paved street, south front. Not far out. Near car, stores and school. On Briiiw Rt near IfUh Ht. fall ii ;ip or come to our office for fur-M ther particulars. Uood clear lot oonstii-i ered as part payment on any i properties Scott & Hill Co., Pouglss 1(W). Sim7- McCague BMg. All Real Home Bargains Owners Must Sell $4.900 NORTH SIDE, on Florence Blvd.. Ik hl.,..b. tmiA enr aat front, good lot with shsde; 6 rooms, frame and stucco, with large living room, beamed ceilings, fireplace, lfge dining room snd kitchen on the first floor; S excellent bedrooms on the second, with tile hath room; full cement basement, good furnace, stationary tubs; gsrnK and drive way. This Is an Ideal home. Terms. $r..500-WKST END. excellent new home, never occupied, of 7 rooms and large attic; can finish a good room; owner forced to sen. mini i-y labor and exceptionally well con structed and fln'shed. Has large living room with built-in hooKrsseii writing desk, buffet and clothes chute; larite paimy, 4 usnuy "'d rooms, one a sleeping porch on the xecnml floor; t"e bslh ok floors throughout, and oak finish down stairs, with niahogHiiy snd white enamel upstairs; woodwork thor oughly rubbed and well finished, excellent hardware. Must be seen to be appreciated. No better built home in the city. Full jn"' basement, furnace heat; south front lot. ..iivti-c.- IIOMP TlrcAi'Ttr 11 J., n.Wm with consisiing in imso ------ a KI.'H iAR FIREPLACE built-in book-cases, besmert ccuins". d'nlng room, also beamed ceilings, eon.l kitchen nnd nsr-tr'-: 4 gooa bedrooms on the second floor, ono a combined sun room and sleeping r ,....i..r.Mnir the beautiful homes In Happy Hollow circle. Has excellent fiirnsce, full base ment, driveway and garage, nil and gas tanks. Too large for present owner. Glover & Spain 119-20 City National. D. S9U2. "CHILD CAN MARK $1,000 WITH L1TTLK GARDEN." Bo aays a man whose little daughter made $250 on plot 50x52. This Is not "talk." but actual experience, and It was fully related In a news Item of our Omaha dallies Aug. 22, last. We will show you tne article on request. Don't wait until later, when all good tr.xl. r leased for next sum mer. That Is done ln the fall. Then you cannot get possession for a whole year later. Bee our several bunches of lots, I to 50. A couple of them have small houses. Just outside city, all near good Omaha city schools. One Is where an raise plgs-S acres to 12-very Profitable. See cTlXSt. E. WILLIAMSON CO., FAX TO NT BIaOCK, OMAHA, NE. 4-Room House and 2 Lots Fine 4-room house, on two large lots. Well improved, with fruit trees and mall fruits. Hmall barn. J'en;d all around. On new car line at 4809 Popple ton Ave.' Only $3,600. on very easy terms. Peters Trust Co. 1623 Farnam Bt. Douglas 898. Homes Built and Financed Easy Payment Plan- Will furnish the money and build you a home to order and draw plans to suit your taste, -win uuna on your wi any lot you select. Telephone for par ticulars. , , Ttelephone Webster 3879 o BARGAINS IN HOMES. . . Eight mom, new 2-story house, 2th and California Sts., snap. $4.. Klght-room, new modern, 34th and Cen ter, only $4.O0. Seven-room, new modern, SSth and IjCB venworth Hts.. $4,200. 1 F.nqulre 41 Karbach BIV. Phone-f). SW7. SIXROOM house to be sold st a special offer for quick service; modern except heat, rooms nicely finished, large lot, good location, convenient to cars, oavnef must leave town. Call Red 7461. 2Tlu Bo. 21st St Invast Your Motley With Us In our new proflt-shaiiivg plan. In amounts of $100 or mora and be' assured at leaet 7 ON YOUR MONEY Be or write us about It HASTINGS & KETDER 1(14 UBIaT ITUIT. PRIEST TRANSLATES WORDS OF PREACHER TO DYING MAN RORDKAITX. Kept. 24.-A young Oar- man soldier lay dying of his wounds this morning In a Bordeaux hospital. He asked for spiritual consolation and a French Protestant chaplain came to his side. The chaplain, however, spoke no German. Hearing .of the difficulty, a Catholic priest volunteered to Interpret. The Protestant minister pronounced the words of consolation and peace ln French and the priest translated them Into Ger man to the dying man who breathed his last peacefully. . . CHINA SAYS'IT IS NOT ABLE TO DEFEND ITSELF PEKING. Sept. 24.-The tlilnese gov- ernment has replied to the protest Germany against the landing of Japanese! troops In China, disclaiming responsibility for the violation of Its neutrality, which it says it Is unable to defend. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. riAHTY V I imATifi ir I Tn GERMAN SUCCESSES War Operations First Month Won on Aviation Corps, Heavy Artillery, Soup and Sturdy Legs. BIRDMEN HIGHLY VALUABLE Principal Kffertl vetiess ! In l.oeet lag Knemy, Direct I a a- Ihe Klre of the ni (Jans anil In Bavin AmraanKloa. tCorrespondence of The Associated Press.) BERLIN. Sept. !4.-Four factors largely responsible for the success of the Her man arms In the first month's operations against France were the heavy artillery of the field army, the traveling field kitchens accompanying the troops, the sturdy legs of the German soldiers and the service of scouting and Information ,h 0erman aviation corp. This verdict by one of the German military aviators, boastful though It may seem. In Its conclusion if his own branch of the service. Is confirmed by the opinion of other officers, iwho have had 'oppor tunities of observing operations at the front and who agree completely with him as to the great service rendered by the aviiitors In locating the hostile forces, and establishing their strength, following every movement of the hostile columns, and marking down the positions of the ennmy's artillery or trenches with such precision that the German fire could be directed upon them Without wasting a shot. Roth German and foreign critics have united In the thorough going appre ciation of the work of the German heavy artillery not tho mammoth sixteen and one-half-tnch siege mortars, which smashed Liege and Namur, Mononrllllers, Iingwy and Maubeuge Into submission and surrender In a few hours or days but the heavy howltaer batteries, which accompany the field army and have uaed with terrible effect In all the great battles of the .war. Battle of Field Game. In regard to field guns, tho French artillery has proved a moat worthy op ponent Onrman officers eheerfutly admit that thn French field guns' practice -has been remarkable but thus far -they have had nothing to oppose to tho heavy Ger man artillery, which by Its Indirect, plunging fir has rendered trenches and gun positions untenable and has pounded retiring troops .from orderly retreat Into full flight. The sturdy legs of the German Infantry men have made possible the great flank. Ing armies, which officers) atate have avers ren twenty-nv miles or more a day and wherever they have halted, whenever a pause In the battle gave op portunity the wheeled camp kitchen, drawn by four-horse teams, have been on hand ready to serve out meat stew or hot coffee to the soldiers. . " werner, the military aviator quoted above. Is tn civil life a society man, a crack tennla player In tha Bad Homburg tournaments, When mobilisa tion was ordered, he disappeared from Bad Homburg, donned a uniform, became uorporai Warner, seventh detachment aviation corps, and waa heard from no more until he appeared In Berlin earlv In September to take over a new aeroplane In place of one worn out In a month' short service. He had been attached to one of the armies which entered Franoe by the Belgian door, which one It It not Permitted to state, and for. a month had been scouting and reconnoiterlng dally "um mo enemy. Uetchea 1tlal of bti-u Questioned about the series of engage, ments In which the British im. rolled back before the advancing- flood of v,ruia.n iroapr,, Horgent Werner bor rowed pencil and paper sketched f ?Lf,W!trokM rouMy accurate map of x- rauco-ueigian frontier region, in serted Mons. I Cateau. St, Quentln. ........... ana lomptegne, and em barked unnn .n im, , .. , ' " ' - nun description of that part of the German r.m.i His trnute of the fighting qualities of the allied forrea tallies with that of ."..r o.ncers or the general taffwho ..,,, irom auty at the front. r,xcept at Liege." he said, "the Bel- away almost without fighting - . 4 t, rncn artillery waa excellent. The British wera the best sol dlens that we met In the flrat engage ments, before their morale waa shaken by repeated defeat And heavy losses they .tuck to their trenche. doggedly. " stayed In the trench -eeping up the fire until our men were upon mem. Our heavy artillery and the way ln which our men kept coming regardless of losses, finally got them and men iney ran too. What Am t'l r ma "I heard at headquarters that the Brt- i.s.i were excellent at minor tactics, 'They were great at preparing a trench for ua In a village, would lie low In the houses on eltner side of the main street, get machine runs ready at the window. .h when our columns came along- would let the advance party get clear In town be fore opening fire. They usually got most of the advance party, but what difference doea the loss of fifty men or so make in .eiuing a nig battler They were great, mo, in utile night ralda, causing- our pick "nmaeraoie annoyance, but without i lectins; ine general result." nr.. . , . . '.era jugnt over Paris and his oroppmg or bombs and bulletins of Ger man victories have already been men iionea in cabled dispatches. His critic Isms of German and French flying ma chlnea are Interesting- from the noint n view of an expert. He had been ueing a Taube monoplane, a type of aeroplane unicn. ne complained, was under-englned rose oo slowly and had not sufficient carrying power. They could not) get off tne ground with less than 1M yards run, coumn t ehoot ti ln the air quickly to voio nosuie artillery or rifle fire when scouting or to get above a lighter and """" rrencn aeroplane In a conflict In the air, and with aviator and observer on board, could carry only two or three or tne rive-pound bomba with" their nl .-.... LUWIU, nuw ne was re turning to Berlin to take over a biplane a macmne which he thought bette adaptcu for war purposes. Need of Qnlek Ml sabers. . "Had ho ever been attacked by hostil air craft? Yes. on his return from Pari he had been pursued by two aeroplanes an English-Bristol biplane and a French biplane. Both were faster and quicker climbers and they soon got above th German aeroplane and flew along one " ach aide of It. while he and Ma com- ofiranlon emptied their revolvers exchang 'ta shots with the enemy. Had either of the other aviators had a bomb he could easily have gotten above the Ger mans and wrecked their machine, but after an aaxloua ten minutes tbey gave up the attack and returned toward Paris (This Incident was mentioned In dis patches from Paris at the time.) "The French machines were too lightly built for wsr purposes, emashed up too easily and If left out In the rain, larking a hangar, became useless. This ac counted, ho thought for the failure of thv French aeroplane corps to accomplish what had been expected of It." Cnsualtlcs In the aviation corps, he saM, had been remarkably light, considering the risk. lttle danger was experience! from hostile fire. Ofie of his comrades, Is the habit of going out without an ob server In order to carry more bombs, failed to return. It was later learned that hi motor had stoprcd while he waf within the Belgian lines. In attempting to smash his seroplsne on landing, as In structed by regulations, he was thrown out and both thighs were broken. He If now recovering In thn hospital at Antwerp. HOARDING BANKERS WARNED McAdoo Tells Them He Will Post Those with Excessire Reierves. MUST NOT OVERCHARGE, EITHER fteeretary Adopts ntrlageat Meas ure to Make National lastltatlens Katead C redit and Not Desisss Too Hlaa Rate. ' WASHINGTON, Sept. 24 Secretary Mc Adoo tonight adopted stringent measure! to urge national banks to extend legiti mate credit and charge normal Interest rates on loans. He telegraphed to ten na tional banks ln the four reserve cities In the south that their requests for addi tional crop-moving funds from the federal government would not be granted at this time, and made It clear that his action was taken In connection with reports of excessive Interest rates and restriction ot credits. lloardlaar nf Money. In a statement made publto with the telegram Mr. McAdoo declared that there waa an extraordinary hoarding ot money by banks throughout the country and nil. Ing up of reserve wlthoul occasion. He aid reports to the comptroller of the currency ahowed that money' hoarding has been carried by banks to an extreme de gree, and announced that he expected to focus attention upon the guilty banks by Issuing a dally list of those with excessive reserve. Likely to Hart Bnslaese. . Although th federal government has no power over state banks or trust com panies, the secretary explained that. state superintendents would be asked to furnish available Information on money hoarding In such Institutions. Ho characterised money hoarding by bank as the agency most likely to Impair confidence and In jure buslnesa. Bernstorff Learns Russians Mistreat' the JewsinGalicia NEW TORK. Sept $4. Count von Bern storff, German ambassador to the United " States received from his government to day two official Informations. The flrat aadi According to relfible Qallclan source the Russians have brutallsed tha Jewish Inhabitants ln all places which they have occupied In Oallola. They Incite the Rutbenlan peasant . population against the Jews and hand over to them Jewish property and tbat of Polish landowners, most of whom have fled tha country. Cruelties committed on Jewish Inhabitant! by tha Russians become worse and wnras each day. This oontrasts remarkably with the cxar's manifesto to' hta beloved Jews." , Tha other read: "It has been said that the export of- goods from Germany la not possible and that consequently neutral countries should get goods heretofore Imported from Ger many to other countries. The passage of goods over German railroads hava baen -resumed and there) Is no reason why goods should not be exported with the exception, of course, of those tha export of which has been forbidden because of the war. Tha export trad st Germany will be resumed In a large measure tn th near future." Business Reverses Cause the Suicide of Mrs. Helen Suggett ST. IOUIfl. Ma. Bept 21 Special Telegram.) Mrs. Helen K. Buggett, formerly Mrs. Helen K. Bellgmaa 'of Omaha, a divorce and the dWorcad wife of Dr. Orrlll lu Suggett, committed sui cide In a rooming house' at 3300 W. Olive Street by swallowing poison today after he had made an appointment with Dr. Buggett to meet her there and he failed to appear. Mrs. Suggett called Mrs. Ida Wilier, proprietor of the rooming house, and asked her to call Dr. Suggett and tell him if he wished to see his former wife while she lived, he had better come at once. Mrs. Wilier called Dr. Buggett and he arrived at tha house at 10;ao o'clock to find Mrs. Buggett unconscious. A bottle which had contained poison was near her. Mrs. Suggett had been living with her sister, Mrs. John Bassett. jr.. U7 Ham ilton avenue. Mr. Bassett claimed the body last flight. Dr. Buggett aacribod business trouble as the cause of Mrs. Suggett' s despond, ency. she had been employed, he aatd, by a Chicago firm as a Bt. tiouls repre sentative, and had experienced reverses. British Give Further . Losses of Officers LONDON, Sept. S4.-The war office to night Issued a list containing; the names of twenty-five officers killed ln action oi who have died In hospitals from wounds., The list Includes Lieutenant Colonel D. Warren West of the Surrey regiment and I,leu tenant Sir G. G. S. Balllle of the. Royal Scot Greys. Major A. H. Matt land of the Cameron Highlanders, a ho was reported last week a woundeU, I given In tonight's list as having suc cumbed to bis wounds. He was the third son of the earl of Lauderdale. , . . An additional list shows forty-one offi cers wounded and five officers missing Two of them are members ot the Intelli gence corps. Three officers have been made prisoners of war'. Including one member nf the Royal Flying corps. $rkssg Works Hard. Catcher Wally Schana of the Athletltx la doing double duty oaliig to the abon -e of Jack I-app from "ie game 1nn la I truing a broken linger and probabl will be laid up for a mouth.