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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1914)
10 TIIE BEE: OMAHA, SEPTEMBER VJl- 5 i WANT ADS Want sd received nt nnjr time, but to Insure prvpcr classification must be pre sented before 12 o'clock noon for evening edition and 7 : p. in. for morning and un1y edition. Want ads received after uch hour will be iindor the heading. Too Lata to Classify." CASH RATI. On time, 12 centa a line. Three times within on week, t cents a line each Insertion. Seven consecutive tlmea, 7 cent a line each, insertion. CRA RGB R ATI'S. Three time within one week, 10 centa line each lnaertlon. Seven consecutive tJmea, 8 cent a line each inaeriion. Count alx average word to a line. Mlnitcwn charge, St cent. Th Fee will not be responsible for more than one wrong Insertion due to typographical error. Clalma for error must he promptly made. An advertisement Inserted to he run W til discontinued muat be stopped by writ ten order. , Ton can plane your want ad in The Bee by telephone. TELEPHONE TTLER KW Unclaimed Answers ' to the "Swappers' Column" Hundreds of other anawera have been railed for and delivered during the last week. It la reasonable to eupposn that all of the people below have made the dea'red awapa therefore, do not call for the bal ance of their anawera. Bet Want Ad B f. P C, B a B.C. n r. p c. " T3 10TH 1221 is nr; 14 lrS 1iS 1?H7 ISM kw vm w i.r ft T.i lino 12M I2 i:M i 1 1K' 1240 ia LP- I'll HO.". 124.1 1S 1U '2 !K mi 1.1-14 1 7 Hid l?4t l:w IT'" ? 1121 12J2 i:kh hi iisi u:x v.m l'ct K-K 11W 1X4 13.t7 14f TC1 1IT0 t 1M U18 14C3 m 10ft2 11 13RJ 1S42 140.1 MS 100S 11MJ 1LW4 1U4 14-7 rA 1010 192 1Z21 14"S m 1?S 11 1.V.3 14 P42 io?7 rj2 i-Ti . imi nil I'M 10:u 1304 1274 VMZ 1413 W7 1077 IMi 12M 1374 llli DK4THS AM) W . KHA L NOTICES J1AMUNO Eva D., Peptetnber 21, 1914. aged 67 years, 1 month, 1.1 day. Funeral aervtoca will be held from North Presbyterian church. Twenty fourth and Wirt, Saturday, Beptembcr 2rt. 3914. at 11 a. m. Interment, Forest ln cemetery. X.ANUK Anton. Wednesday, Beptember 23, aged 6K year. Funeral eervlcee at realdehoe, M24 North f4eventeenth atreet, Friday, Beptemlier 2a, at 1:30 p. In. Interment, Forest lan cemetery. Frlenda are welcome. Mem ber Camp No. 130. Modern Woodmen of America, are requested to attend by order of Venerable Consul F. C. Anthony. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births A rlson and Alice Carey Austin, 137 North Twenty-eecond, girl; E. and C. carrell, Flfty-tlrat and leavan worth, boy; Forest and Bernlce Clark, CM North Twenty-fourth, girl; Claud and Helen lenler, 601S North Twenty-seventh ave nue, boy; Henry and Rose Teters. Forty first and Pratt, boy; Thoroa and Annie .Ruckle, V Center, girl; Thomaa and Ague. Vaughn, tOl North, Forty-eighth, boy. Deatha R. t Simpson. 71 yeara, 4100 Davenport: Margaret Hooney, 39 years, J14 Booth Tenth; Alfred Mayer, 21 yeara, hospital; John Chrlatianson, 77 yeara, 1744 onth Ninth; J. M. Bird, 78 yeara. hos pital: Mrs. Anna Waltman, U yeara, 2616 Mouth Seventh. M4RR1AGR LICENtBt. The following permit to wed have been Issued: Name and Address. Age. Ray Buiby, Jefferson, Ta 2S Iorena Kimball, Jefferson, la......... 26 :dward Achats, Omaha 30 Klva M. Morgan, Omaha 17 ficott F. W. 1olbrok, Bouth Omaha.. 29 lCmma Dora Dethlop, Bouth Omaha.. 21 Joseph Cem'er, Oinnha 24 Vrancea KraJIcek, Omaha U llLDIXi PERMITS. Mr. J. Cerney. 1S10 Connell Court, frame dwelling. I1.3M); W. B. Oorrtnn. 2M EHIaon venue, brick dwelling. $2,600. TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE rROURAMii Eicluslvrl in The Be Di Ttwi. CAMERA PHON E. 140S DOUOIA8 ST. Vnder Royal Patronage, 2-reel Eeaanay. lxve. Loot and Liquor, Blograph. Stella a Elopment, Vltagraph. I UTB NO 1 13UI FAKNAW. r-park of Fate, i-reel, Essanay. Life' Crucible, Bellg A Village Bcandal. Erllson. V A IUfAlTTirirBTT4it FARNAM BT. Redemption. 1-reel Imp. Mltra of Dead wood Baaln, Reg. HIPP THIiATliiR. 16TH AND HARNEY. Home o? Paramount Plrttirea PARK THEATRE. il N. HTli 8T. The Road to Ruin, and a good comedy. PAiOXtK 'ilitAUK, 1 DOUGLAH. Romany Rye. beautiful Marlon Leonard. lov drama, PKINCKSS. 1317-r DOUdLAS 8T. Here He la Again. lxctr. Ford riterllng In "A Bhootliig Match." Bob and Eila Hall In -UlUe Blstrr." . Nartk. ALAMO THEATE1W 14TH AND FORT. Normandy Kcuiance. Tmp. The Diamond Nipiwra. Joker comedy. Am of the Oelsha. I-reel Rlaon. ALHAMHRA THEATER i14 N. S4TH Cut(raK-lie Hat lie in Nultyvllle, MaJ, com. Buslnua Is lxive. American drama, r-avliig of Young Anderson, 2-reel Kel. dra. it i a mom tT i eat k iC 24T6-Lake. Orntieman from Kentucky, 2-reel Victor. Hooh'a Nemeaia, Rex comedy. mile. Front. FRANKLIN, 24TH AND FRANKLIN. The Hoiae Thief, Vltagraph. Nearly a Widow, Kdlson. HIPPODROME THEATER 2614 Cl'MlNG Messenger of Death, Thanhauaer, 2-r, dra. Youth and Art. American drama. , rfnr AH Around. Keyntone comedy. JT THEATER. 16TH AND LOCUST. I'.y the Aid of a Film. F.dlaon. The While Mouse, 2-real cell. A Bubatltute for Panta, Kalem. J.OTHRop THEA 24TH and LOTH ROP. Thoae Happy Daya. Keystone comedy. Ioea It End Right, American drama. Million Dollar Mystery. No. 11. IX)YAL THEATER. S404 CALDWELL. I .aw of the lumberjack. 4-reel iliaoit. Man of Her choice, puwera t.niveraal Lfy. rAKK THEATfc-K. alt N. 1TU BT. Air Teredo, three parts. . PALACE THEA. DAVNORT. X 'elective Dan Cupid, Neator comedy. Coast Guard a Brido, 2-reel Victor, aud a good comedy. , f I'XiWbaN. 24TH ANDME.i 1 he Brand. l-rt Kalem. g An Abscnt-Mlnded Cupid. Ediaon. AV aid s Islni, Vltagraph . APCLI THEATER. S8I4 Leavenworth. Never Again. Ilkjaraph. Tiie nmoker, Bxgraph. Hearst-Beltg. At the End of the Rope. 2-reel Kalem. COAIFOHT THEATER. 14th A VINTON. Tb riecond Alia. Hot-buck. 2-r.. Matstl.;. A I"" liood Deed, Thanhauaer. A physical Culture Rcrnnni, Komlc. OH MUIA. i:U . iuTIl T. Tla Attoriicy'a Dcialon, !rot Luuln. Vhen Men Wear Hklria Kalerrt. Hroiylui Blllva Wild Ride. Essanay. FAVORITE. lTiViNTOT Tne Hullo- Rebellious. Z-reel Ltibln. -ii;ipery eihm and the Fortune Teller, E. Kidnaped by Indiana, Kalem. 4EJi THEATER. 1? S. 14TII bT xve and iituft, Jtik- r oomedy. I i.' I., ar i 1 ma .StiitiC todavs friPirrK MOVIK riMK.IlAMM KtrrlnalvHy In The) lUr .th. HANSCOM THEATER. 24th Cestellar. Infective ln Cupid, Nestor comedy. For the Secret Servlre, two-reel Itex. The Mind a Awakening. Frontier. 1 .TRIO" TH KAEIt wi7VlNTON ST. TrT o' Heart a No. T. Scarecrow and the. Chapemne, 1. Ike romedy. FASTI M E THEATER, S4th-Leavenworth. Circle 17. two-reel Reg. TrouH-some Pets, Sterling comedy. VKNKZIA THliATBRTTjll 8. 13TH fif. The Disaster tn Pliaft Ne. 1, I-reel. AIRDOME THFA. FARNAM PARK. Topay Turvy Nweedle, Essanay. The llond Eternal, 2-reel Kalem. Bark to the Farm, Lubln. MONROE THKATKR, 2556 KAKNAM. Faithful Unto Death, a spectacular war drama In 4 parts. Reason. PEVSON THKATER. 68.16 MAIM ST. c ircle 17 t reel Rex. Well' W'll! Joker comedy with M. Asher. Universal lloy In Metropolitan Mystery. t oancll lllaffa. ELITE NO. 1. D45 IIROADWAT. The Mystery of the Bleeping Ieath, -reel Kalem; Hronrhn Hilly, a Friend In Need, Keaanav; The Hand Ieader. Vltagraph. ROPER Til EATEIt. M7 H HOAUWA Y Prince of Ravarla. 2-reel Rex. ilri and the Bmtiggler, Victor. Soatk Omaha. PEBPE, 24TH AND N. He Danced Himself to Death, 2-r. Vita. In the Depths, Kalem. The Ways of His Father. Essanay. 24TII AND O. In and Out, Sterling comedy. Trey o' Hearts No. Vaadevllle. ORrtlEtTM. 24TH AND M BTB. Bpcelal feature, Baturda, September 2lth. AKXOUNCEMETTS. FlToRENCK E. WOOIXKY, . Mu. B.. )lerlln (Conservatory of Mualc, will open classes In violin, harmony and ear trnlnlng. For particulars phone Harney MM SPECIAL low price on wall pner, all this week. We do pHlntlng and pnperhang Ing. We guarantee first clasa work. U. B. Wallpaper Co.. 24th and lke Web. 2T.1 GET a private Imx.H, m tn grill room for noon lunch.' PKTH LOCH. 311 B t?th Bt. Everett B. Dodrls. i Paxton Bk. D. 2!1. Globe Van&Storage Btorea. move, pack, ships; I-horse van and 2 men. 11.26 per hr. ; storage (2 per tno. Hatlafectory guar. I. 4SW ft Ty. 230. HAZEL Leaf Pile Conee. Best remedy for Itching, bleeding or protruding piles pnmimiu, Hinpiei iree. Dovrinsa el M cConneil Drug Co . Omaha. a. A. ATKINS, upholsterer drapery de partment Branded stores, doea nice work from bouse to house. LCCKY weddlnK rings, rirodegaard'v. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. .Co. 1 Bl'INS. showcarda. Clnrk Bon. D. 1378. AK-8AR.-BEN HINTS. 10c PIATE LUNCU for Ak-8ar-Ben visitor. Headquarter tor Willow Spring beer, beat grade of whlaklea and wines. Our 10a plate dinner bfuts them all. Henry Pollock, 122-24 N. 10th St. SWITCHES made from combing. IL lis N. 16th Ht. Douglas S043. Gibson's Buffet 223 South lath at LITE WIKE BUSINESS MEN OF OMAHA A, B, C of Omaha ALL WATCHES, diamonds and Jow elery, aeclal prloaa, HepL and Oct 1411 v nnw SI . . u U - U'...... Uatch and Jewelry 'Co.. Room 217. Kar- bach block. 1 T- r Offlte for rent in modern fireproof (re. Beat location In the city. Bee u now. NEW and aecond-hand electric fana and motor. LeBrun Klwtrio Work. Ml K H IVth Imiluliii 9l'.rt uoug. 24ti7. lienovuus leathura and inatircasea of hi h.:ius. make tfkther malreeae and 00 .. cover. PIANO tuning, R. Uiuiiuoit, 1 yeara at Haydena. Rocotnmended by beat musician. W . 4XXI 4K1S N !!klh Ava T TACILM cleaner for eale. Vacuum V cleaning dune In the home. Banllary - cser Service Co., 306 Bee Bldg. w rE rent, repair, aell needles and part for all aewlng machlnee. NE BRASKA CYCLE CO.. "Mick. el's." 19Ui and Harney. Dougia Ha. Areeantante. MELVILLE D. THOMAS COMPANY. iii-a -uy riii. nana mug. ryier 1810. AddlaaT Maealaea, Dalton Adding Machine. 411 S. 16. D. 144. Adder Mch Co. (Walra) W. O. W. D. 6338. Magneto repair work a specially. D. 2411. Anetloaeera, Dowd Auction Co. 1121 W. O. W. Red t2. Archttecta. Clarence W. Wlglngton. 220 S. 13th. D. 4287. Attraction. N OMAHA film ex.. 14th and Doug. Motion Picture machine and film bargains. Uarnero. 1! Chairs, 10c shave, neck (have. KIT Far. UATHo, 16c; SHAVE. le. N. Ulh. Bin Frlatlag. HORNUV CO-Blu printing, ucder new ownership. HJt Omaha Nat Hk. D. 1167. Braaa Foaadrlea. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th jjd Martha Pta llalldlna and Henalrlna. K. FRANTA. 611 I'aUon Blk. Doug. 1167. tallfarata Lssds. V. T. Bmlth Ce.. I1U City Nat 'Bk. D. 1. 4 ktroprarlora. J. C. Iawrence. D. C S32t Howard. D. MCI. L. Geddla. D. C. Bee Hljg. Ioug. m W.EPurvlanoe. D.C. 44 Pax. Blk. D. V.X, L. C. HAYES. D. C. i0 Bee llldg. R. i Card Slgne. Office door lefg. Mynater. Pax. Bk. D. I1R7. tklaa Pnlnllnar. Ruth Itrhford, dcoratlnT, firing. It 4942. f lvl tsflsrrn, M. J. LACY. 618 REM BtJXK D. 4716. Coal Dealer. , kS Ml John?on'a special; also. Victor ( reaaa fee pa raters. The Bt arplea (Separator Co., Kth . rara. Danelnar Aeadeaalea. t'urpln'a Dancing Academy. ISth Farn. CHAM KERB' Academy. Tlaato! lyinT. Mackie'a Academy, now open. 1M4 IlarT Drnilala. lr. Bradbury. Np pain. 1SH Farnam. Dr. Todd a alveolar dentistry. 44 TtroTidels. Bailey, tlielwoilst 7wi City Nat l Bank. Talt Dental Rooms. Iji7 rwuglaa7TOli Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckea. 74Ciiy Nai. BankT Detect I e. JAMEd A1XAN. 1 Neville Blk. Rv. dema aecured la all caaes. Tyler 113. DresaaaaklBa-. Terry Dressmak'g college. Hh Farnam. MilS M'NOTT. tailortng and dressmaking. '. B. iwth Bt Call Harney 7 Mra. Ijntlliner. Ikll Farnam. for tail roa t nines, lateat style, perfect fit. D. LIVE WIRE BlKINESH MEX OK OMAHA llnii DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $11 orders; rataloguea free. Sherman fc McConreil Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. Klertrle Slappllea. LEU RON Kleo. Whs., Jig S. 12lh. D. 2m Kverythln for W oeri, IIEMSTITCIUNG IdeslRtitton and Pleating Co.. 107 B. 18th. Womsna Exchanger 432 Pax. Bik. R. A'.iTi ACCORDIAN, slle, knife, aunhurst. bo pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstlt hlng. pleot edging. Meal Pleating Co.. 2O0 Douglaa Klock. D. 1H.. I onrrete Knalaeers. Oagnebln-Wells Co. 4 State Bk. D. 224S. Farrier. BEN FENPTER, 1410 N. 24th St. W. 2264. Klorlali. L., 1i1 Farnam. D 1268, MenilKT Florist Te'egraph Del. Assn. HEHH A 8WOUODA, 1416 FarnaTRf A. Do.VAH UK, 1122 Harney. Ixiug. 10o. BATfl'B florlets, 14 Farnam Bt Hair lreaalnj. Harper Method. R. . Balrd Bldg. D. 3S1L I. Ire tnek Heroedles. OMAHA Remedy Co., )7 B. 13th. Red 42T4 Loan Offlcea. NA THANH loan office, licensed pawn LlahtJnar Klatarea ana Mirlsg, THOMAS DURICJN Electric fixtures and supplies, contract ing and repair work don reasonable. 4I CUMINO. DOIJUIMH I61. Mfrs. ana Window Shad Cleaaerm. OLD shades made like new. Midwest - ''ctTy, 4010 Hamllten. Har. 43SL Maeeeaaea. Mgg?"..MI" Wglton. R. 224. Neville Blk. Mla Jacobs. Mass.. Bath, Elec. Trt. D TYl ANNA MAim,: W2Farnam Bt Apt, i, td floorD Mlsa Fisher, mass., elect, treat' t. Red5"37 MAPSAOB. int S. 17th Bt. Mr. BteeleT Mr. Bnyder, elec, trt 141 f B. 8th. D. 43SO, MASSA( IK Swedish movement. 424 112ZJ: flw NK- Douglaa t,V2. L"""ei. JnD" I on, R. 224. Neville Blk. short time. H. 2;m. Miss Qould, ma-e , 224 Neville Blk: 10 to . Manicuring, Kathleen Mack. Doug. 7M2. and Transfer: WHITE LINK, yi9 Ho. Hth. Douglaa 3313. Mlllln e.ry. SWITCHES from combing. 1.M. psyche free. Mrs. H. M. Eck. 304 B. lfith. D. 67. Marina-, storage and t'leaalnav W. C. FERRIN. JMh and Capital. Ty. 130. Ocnllsta. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Dra. McCarthy. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. Osteopathic Physicians. Dr. Rerurha, 203-4 McCague Bldg. D. 363S. Patenta. , H. A. Bturge. .H Brandets Theater Bldg. D. O Barnell, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117? Patent Development, AMERICAN Mwrhlne Co., 110 fl. 11th Bt Plantre Renovated PIjI.'M KS A flowers made over, cleaned & dyed, rtortha Kroner, 49 Paxton. D. MM. Printing;. WATER8-BA RNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. tlW). 24 . 1.1th Bt. DOUGLAB Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 644. COREY M KENZIE PTG. Co. D. 2641 R1E8-HALL Ptg. Co., 1B30 Capitol. D. 1102. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUO. 7&4. Hoard Exterminator. , B. B. B. Roach Powder at your druggist. safe and Time Lock Experta. C A lPned' rei'fclred. comb. OAT cnanged. F. E. Dawn- m . Irt. 1404 Dodge. t. 11,21. ahoe Heaalrlna:.- ' Klectrlo Bhoe Rep. Co., 1807 Bt. Mary Ay. Ian and Hhorrcarda. SIGNS AT CUT PRICES, E. M. CLARK As HON, 14th and Dodge, D. 1378, at eel Irllln... CARTER Sheet Metal Worka 110 8. 10th. atorw and Office Flxlarea. tf'." cle. , howcaaea. .helv. . ,2,.'tY buy el1- Omiha FUtura and Supply Co.. 414-10-18 a Uth. D. JIM. Towel Snppllea. ' " OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 B. Uth. D. 6JL rnnaa ana Bnlteasra. FRELING & STE1NLE. 1S0S Fa 1 nam Bt TaVlora. CI1AS. C. LANDER YOU, 108 N. ISth Bt. Vetertaarlana, DBr Q. R. YOUNG, 4ti03 Center. H. COtA ' and Llqaora. ASr.JKeT3. -th St. Wlnea. r mm uinner 11 to a, 100. GLnriir. 1.1.,, tJ .--r. : - -.- ; . . ..... . .vii, c j o. ltoin. a ata cold beer. aSc. Wrltajor rrl.ellst D. 4363 llS?ikY .poLiiTTguolTHou8E: 16th and Capttol Ave. Ten-cent lunch! Dl,Y... yiir ll,luor Kleln:. Llijuor Mount, 623 N. 16th. Douglaa lsOD. HELP WA Nl EI FEMAUC Clerical and Offiee, WANTED Bright young lady, who I a neat penman and live at home with parents, for bookkeeper in retail store; need not be professional, but must be ac curate In work; position permanent; sal ary. 140 to M er month and advance after continued satisfactory service. Ap jiee ,n own handwriting. Address-D ueO, sVeNOU., ; atenog. and Bkkpr., 857 htenog.. 8ii; Stenog. and Bkkpr.. $4.. Watt Ref. Co.. S4Q-4: Bran. Thea. Bldg. Factory and Trmdea. APPRENTICB girt Oopenhalm Parlora GIRL to learn halrdresslnc. Oppvnlieim t'ariora WANTED Flrat class experienced preae er on ladiea' garments. Wage i3 to 130 per week. Dreaher Bros., 2211 Far nam bt. Call In person.' Ilonaekeepera and Demeatloa, WANTED Good girl for general house work; good homo, good wages. 1663 N. 19th Bt. 1 HOUSEKEEPER for Anall family; call aiier a o ciocs. iJ3 . mn SI. V, oi. GIRL wanted for general bouaework: family of four. Apply 674 8. Sbth Avt. WANTED A tnlddleaged womuu for light house work: family of 3: refer. ences. call W-utM A NTEl A ciniteui airl fur ui.i.r.i houaewurk. to In family. Apply to Mrs. Thomas J Kelly, yn Bouth Thirty fifth avenue. Harney tKH. y am hio Lxperienced nu raw girl 106 N. 3th. ' . ENT girl for general housework. References. Wagos satisfactory. 31:7 lavenpirt St. I'hone Harney 241 WANTED An experienced second alrL SI St. Mary's Ave. ' TL WANTE1 An expericened house maid. 403 N. Mh Bt. Harney 7. WANTKli-4.Jlrl for general house work good wagea. lie N. 4tth St. WHITE maid for general housework, two In family, no laundry work, good pay to party with good reicience. 3Kt) IrX Telephone Harney 73kl. " WANTWD-A young white girl to aaslst with general houeork. Call H. (xj WANTED-Girl for general huuaeworkT Phone Harney WANTED Competent glil for general houaework. Apply Mra Kata, 7JD a. St., or call Harney 3373. WANTED Competent girl for generaj housework; uo washing. 3224 Dodao St Phone Harney 1874. WANTE1 Experienced woman cook for small country hotel In luaa- Please addreas L. Jorgenaeti, Corydon, la atat ing wagea expected. FAMILY of two desires white girl (or general housework, ir.cluri.Uig aashlns: new houac. excellent maid's rouin with ioivau balh; Ukl wora. Phuua U. 4U3. HELP WANTED FEMALE Itnaaebeepera and Pnmritlri. THE Servant Cilrl Problem Solved. The Hee will run a Servant Ulrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the delrd results This applies to residents of Uirnua, South Omaha and Cjuni-ll Bluffs. Bring ad to The Hee t.fflce or telephone Trier iul GH)t maid for housework. Call at 111 .-no. ,9in ri. WANTE D i I ri for general hou awin rkT Good Jiom offered. Phone Harney 46.V1, Call at 3!0Harney St. WAXTKIi a girl for gen7raIhousework! 610 H. 2Mh Ave. W A NTKI) A middle aa'M woman for gen eral housework In private family two mile north of Florence. Call Florence 44 W' ANT ED A girl for general housework. Harney aH4. OIKL wanted for general housework. Mrs. O. W. Noble. SW Hawthorne Ave. Mlscellanroos. WANTED A good nurse to take care of baby. Apply Mrs. Katl, '.20 H. 37th. Ht., or call Harney 3:17.1. WOMEN iet government obe; thousands vacancia yearly; llet position open to "men rree. rranklln Institute, Dept. 6W1H. Rocheater. N. Y. YOLNC1 women coming to Omaha a alranger are Invited to visit the Young Women'a Christian Association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th Ht., where they will be dire-led to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at l':.on Station nAiir,M An exerenced lister and checker. Kimball Laundry, 1M1 Jack son ri. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical and Office, HiPi'j.R.AJ.'E rf""nerclal position. Ut",T.MtN Kt-K & BOND AdN. iaj jmana iat. Hank Bldg. ir you are looking for a high-grade po- tr Z V-vl'.!.? 'nf U'0-4tPKRATI VK R K F FKENCK Cf)., 1015-is city Nat. Bk. Hide. .7'''' 1TOR, young man, 23 to 30; must be -Hit! in mt ik of bualnes men; moderate salary, good il Kor 'nt"vlew, call at 62 Btate a-o 11 r r I ' 1 . aJTENOt.., 75; Stenog., fHTi; Rtenog., 4u; of flea boy, good future; 125. Watta Ref. Co.. MO-42 Bran. Thea. Bldg. Aaenta, Salesmen nndsTollelloTir" AGENTS Ever sell aluminum? Blggeat nony making proposition out; 12.49 out- rit free to workers; every woman buya Beauty Brand Pure" aluminum. Bolte Weyer (estahllehed Dept. 27-A, ONE OR TWO 04"K3D BTOCK SALESMEN WHO CAN FURNIBH OOOD REFERENCES WHO ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE IN. VESTINlJ MARKET FOR DIVIDEND-PAYING STOCK. NO BLfB BK Y VENDERS NEED APPLY. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 50U, OMAHA, NEB. WANTED Two high-grade specialty salesmen or capable ex-merchant for staple line; liberal weekly advance; pro tected territory; old established house. H. K. Kline. Bale Manager, 706 7 Craft mug., 1 leveianu, O. CIGAR salesmen wanted everywhere to carry line of cigars on the road; XCi per week and expenHes; experience not neces- sary, i nion cigar Co.. Fork. Fa. EXCLUSIVE county . representatlvea to introduce Ro-lu-bo; permanent poaitlon, no Investment. Write for particulars. Addresa lock box 4:r., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Salesman to sell welt estab lished office specialty. Straight salary basis. Must be sober and Industrious. Ap plicant should state ago, experience and give references. Address B 4!3, Bee. MAGAZINE WAR OFFER Big seller. Special low priced to public Btate man ager wanted. Chance to make from 373 to 1100 a week. It you have handled crew, write at once. Give experience and references. Manager with working crew preferred. J. B. Kelly. Metropolitan Magailne, 432 Fourth Avenue. New York CUy AGENTS To aell an article lied by SO Per cent of peopie, liberal profit, no peddling, experience unnecessary. Vic tor Arch . Co., 303-6 Commercial Bldg., 1 'ay ton, O, WANTED Experienced printing solicitor. acquainted with the trade. Salary and commission. WATTS REF CO.. A4A-43 Rran. The. Ride- KAf irKMKiii Mrt""I-, - "V--- ferred ,'n'll .t V.!?. kTuCV ferred. t all at 6-8 Btate Bank Tlldg. Factory and Trades. Drug store snaps: jot. Kneist. Bee Bldg. WANTED A barber; steady Job; reason- able wages; no booser. Address August Konimri, Arapahoe, isep. WANTED MEN TO LEARN .TrjE BAR- BER TRADE Positively the best trade of the kind. Hundreds of positions va cant on account of foreign barbers being drafted for European war. Can prepare you la few weeaa. wagea wnne learning. No previoua experience necessary. Ap ply by mail or personally. Open to every one. A! OLE K HAlUltK COLL1SGE, 110 S. 14th SI., Omaha MILLINERY apprentice at once. Apply mre. 11. it. aot . jstn. u. Hoi. o V i VTK ri Cutnnet j.nt ilni .l.rli - tered In Nebraska.. Sherman ft itcCon- neii prutg Co.. lth and DrMlge Bts. WANTED All round printer at once; no uooser, steaay joo. uiaae, Howard, Neb. WANTED TWENTY SADDLE MAKERS. , . TWENTY BRIDLE MAKERS. TWENTY HARNESS MAKERS. COME IMMEDIATELY GOOD WAGE8. WYETH HDW'E. & MFG. CO.. ST. JOSEPH, MO. M lace 1 la neon. PAXTON Btk.. Lettertna School. Rm. 411. , TOUNo""MEN WANTED To be auto experts. Good men earn big money; largest and best college. Big new bldg., elec li. and starting systems, big machine ahops. You do the auto work yourself. Free catalogue. American Auto College. 2U Farnam St.. Omaha. Neb. Wanted at Once MEN to learn the automobile business, the demand 1 great for our graduate; we have tialned hundreds of men; let ua train you. Write for free booklet. Natl Auto Training Asa'n. 2814 N. toth St.. Omaha, Neb. MEN with patentable Ideas writs dolph & Co.. Washington. D. C. Ran. TIIE NEBRASKA AUTO MOBILE SCHOOL has turned out more successful graduates than any school In this country. "There's a reason." Write today for our catalogue lC). 1417 Dodge. Omaha. Neb MAN who has time for occasional odd Job and repairs can rent or buy 3-room house and lota of good ground (good city schools, well, etc.) and have little or no cash payment to make for some time. Another like It adjoining. Owner will put in electric IlKht and furnish some material for chicken house. Charles E. Williamson Co.. Paxton Block. THOUSAND government Jobs open to men and women; big pay. Omaha ex aminations frequently; list of positions lire. Address Y Iwi. Bee MEN to learn the barber trade; tuition. $35; aet of tools given; wagea paid. Trl City College. Uth anl Dousias Bta CARPENTER or iieneral repair man for real estate and rental company, several Jobs. Must have reference, and in Oniahl to make it his home, btii Taxton Block. HELP WANTED MALE AMD FEMALE. MEN WOMEN Get government lob. $16 to $150 month. Write for Hat of po sitions available. Franklin Institute, Iept S2-K. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED SITUATIONS YOUNG man of good haltlU and willing to m-ork wanta employment of any kind here there Is chance for advancement: can drive and take car of any model car or truck: will cona.der any employ ment: well recommended as to ability. Call Har 4' C.M PETENT. energelio man. 15, with college education, wanta connection wllh advertising agency, real estate or rciai firm, -vmmanda FngllHh. tierman and i YAXTEI SITUATIONS I'dliRKI) piri aants ix.sltlon taking care of-children. Call llnrncy t".tV. 'ANTK I'osltlori as house salesman, lKW)kkeeer or cnrrespunilciit with whole sale rotx-em by experieni ed man, 2o years of age. Aridresi A 4:,'V Ree. WIl.l. do utenograKlilc w.-rk tartl v or ex cluslvely; inn ke.i books; young man looking for connection mith Iniai'. firm where nV-rlted service will count. II fiW. MAN with three years' exiierlcnce as elc trl Ian, both outside wiring and irslde work, wanta Job as infildc man. Address B. RT. Hee. WANTED Position as cook where lucre ts no Sunday work. Call Red T7..5. WANTED Work us thnniiieriiiaid in hotel In Omaha or South Omaha. Phone c) J'.. fA Y work wan ted. Phone Douglaa 8276. EXPERIENCED grocery clerk, can tsko full 1 hargn of store; references. - Call W. JS7.1. YOCNU LADY Desires to work for board and rxjni after office hours: off at 1 o'clock Saturdays. Address B fee Dlf WORK, bundle washing. H. T37. YOL'NfJ man wanta place to work for board while attending Boyles" college. TeleoVone Dourlns l.W. HERMAN Chauffeur, 24 years. wUhcs to drive private car; do own repairing. Ad dress F 662, Bee. At'TOMOMLKS CHALMERS 6-paasenger car In perfect re pair; must be sold; bargain. Aidr:s 1113 Howard. HOC' forfeit for any magneto we can't re pair. Coll repar'g. O. Baysdorfer, 210 N. 18 "Lindner-" Fore door, bod bldg.. 40 Ac Far. Ureenough Omaha Rad. Rep Co. 2J20 Far. Industrial Uaraae Cp . 20th A Harney Sta I HAVE a 1910 model Detroit Electric, In good shape. Will sell for $800. Address A 2', Bee. m HAVE new 1914 Jackson automobile, com pletely equipped, to exchange for good building lot or mortgage. Charles Horn, Omaha, Neb. Phone Harney MtO. Motorcycles. HAP.LEY-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES, Harpulns in used machines Victor Boos, "The Motorcycle Man." 270:1 Leavenworth 1014 Indian twin cylinder motorcycle, fully equipped: ha been run only 32 milea. Hay ward Bros. Shoe Co., 11th and Far. nam. Llndborg Broa.. 2572 Leav. (Flying Merklo). 1914 INDIAN MOTORCYCLE now ready; Bargain :n uned machines. OMAHA BICYCI.K CO.. 16th and Chicago. D. 37?. NEARLY "new motorcycle, cheap. D. JSSti. IU'SINESS CHANCES BEST OFFICE LOCATION IN CITT. Prloea right. Service of the bet THE BEE BUILDING CO., Office Room 103. liA RBB;R outfit 3 chairs, for sale. D. 719. Investment l will offer for sale Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday of this week stock In a hlirli-claas automobile tire mfg. company. This tire Is In a class by itself. None but Investors need apply. Company now or ganizing. Call and sea J. E. Varner, fi nancial representative Packer City Tire and Rubber Co., room 514, Ilenshaw Hotel. C. J. CANAN, Real Estate and Exchanges. ELECTRIC PLANT One-half of an elec trical buslneea in a hustling little town of 10,000; will sell cheap on account of Ill health; is dolus a good business on cash basis. Address Y 02, Bee. FACTORY distributers for auto tire puncture seal. Immense profits. Write Imperial Mfg. Co., "No. Main St, Council Bluffa, la. Wanted Immediately State and county managers having $360 ito UNQUESTIONED REFER- hnciom hv rti.i'hivk Miviipic. TL'RER of new product of startling economical uses. Proposition pays to $10,i0 yearly. Apply nt once, 2 to t p, m. J. II. BROWN, Hotel Paxton. FOR SALE $8,000 stock of hardware and modern store building, located in good town In eastern Idaho. Will sell build ing and fixture for $1,000 leas than they coat two years ago. No trade. Addreaa, Y 173. Bee. GKiiCERY for sale; an up-to-date gro cery stock doing a fine business; etock and fixtures amounting to about $3,000; reasons for selling on account et health. One of the best locations In the city of Clarinda. Ia. Address Y 2n3 Bee. LIST YOUR BUSINESS with us for quick action and square treatment. QUICK SALES COMPANY, 413 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 3254. POOL HALL and barber shop, terms Y reasonable. 1904 Cuming. Call Red 2315. SIGNS, show cards. Clark Son, D. 1378. TO yUKKI.Y sell your business or real estate, write Kennebeck Co., Omaha THEATERS Buy, loase or sell your theater, machino and supplies through Theater Exchange Co.. ltuft Farnam St Douglas 1697. PARTNER wanted; small capital' and some experience tn cleaning and press-4 I . j u i , .i. ! ma. jiuuienn i iw.1, ri: 11 u j irr, neu. TO GET 111 or out of Business, call on GANGSTAD, 404 Be Bldg. D.3477. WOULD like to mee$ party that can In vest $1.0u0 In an automobile device; noth ing like It on the market. Address F 363. Bee. WANTED An Idea. Who can think f some simple thing to patent? Protect your Ideas; iiiey may bring you wealth. Write for "Needed Inventions" and "Hew to Get Your Patent and Your Money." Randolph A Co.. patent Attorneys, Wash- Inxtnn. D. C RooaalasT Honrs for Sale. TO buy or sell hotels or rooming houses quickly see us. BUY FROM, US. LIST WITH US. 1 f,,:t, ci r 413 Bee Bldg. Phone Red 334. EDUCATIONAL LEARN TYPEWRITING AT HOME. Three months, S4.U0. THF1 OLIVER TYPEWRITING CO., Douglas 2V19. 1906 Farnam The Van Sant School v Stenography Dr school. 9:00 to 4:00. Night school. 6:15 to 3:16. 18th and Farnam St. Douglaa 4647. FOR SALE ai a discount, a full unliin Red scholarship la Boyles Business col leae. Omaha good for either ahortnand or business courao. Apply at tu olUc of Omaha Be. EXPERT lady stenographer will take Il UliriQTU 1 VI. . .. L. . , . uiii. rnvui ll.-i.'l", iuui n iiiwwni I 1 . I I I .. ..,in,.,,,S L. . and complete training given for business career. rnviii iiibii ut-uuii 11 nesu 00. 4tui4 Doogias St. Tel. Harney (Mu. 19H FALL TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN. la both th day and night sessions. Tet II la not too late to enter. Begin at once to get that mental discipline that will double your earning capacity. Cull, writ or telephone for new cataiague. Business practice, Dooaaeeping. penmaaanip, aais nianablo. banking, atenograptiy. ateoo- yi-y. tpewritinc, telegraphy, accounting, filing, private aecretartaLwork and many other courses are open to you here. You may work for board wniit alleadiag. Douglas 15. bovles collp:ge, H. H. BOYLES. PRES.. Boyles Bullciiig. Omaha. Bee readers are too Intelligent to over look the opportunities In the "want ad" EDICATIONAL MOSJIEIt-LAM pman COLLEGE FALL TERM IS NOW OPEN Students admitted ant day. Cnetir- - ! I'wu. claiwes In, all bualnee nd Knt- llsti hranches. .horthand. stenotypy. ' telegraphy and typewriting. tiraduatesl guaranteed good poaltlnns. Pluccs pio-i vliled for young people to work for board. ! For a new free cntalnrue nddrea MOSHER-LAMl'MAN COLLEGE IMS Farnam St.. Omaha. Douplts Q-19. Omaha Musical Art Institute. Associated Music Instrnctora. Haldrldge Block, 21) th and I'trnnm. MARTIN "vTbT,"bII. Piano. H. M.1. 8.'jsherg, l'lano. Harmony. D. F4H. Francis- potter, Mandolin, ftnnjo. D. 3W3. HENRIETTA Rees, Piano. Douglas 4i" FLOHENCK RABLER, Voice and Coach ing. Red .VW1. ORACElTANCf CK. IMino. H. 1W0. J. H. SIMMS, Orsa n . 1 Inrn tony. H 41X jx)U se y.ahr1.kle. Vlofln, riano. H. tl. Jesle F C.uiway, I'ramatio Art. D. 6i7. FOR SALE Foraltnrr, New A "rl-hand furniture, cash or terms, reaonaho. Amor. Furn. Co., &o N. Mth. BEVERAL van loads cf rurnTture and ome pianos. Oniaiia Van and Storace Co., soS to. ltith sl Auction Sale Saturday. Sent. 2!. in n. nv. and lastinc all day at the utnahn Van & Storage Co., corner I'.tu and leavenworth Bts., an other goi'd lot of bargains! in furniture and household goods conHlsting of tugs, table. chHlra of all kinds, dressers -In fact, furniture of nil kinds, and aiso aomo Rood bargains In trunks, hand palnted china and dishea of all kinds to be sold nt your own price. Dowd Salo & Auction Co., Auctioneers. BtMJKCABK, small oak tabic, wardrobe, Cliifl'onnier. kitchen tnhle imiill linit.- i burner, carpet, runs. Harney 15:14. BKAI T1FI L solid oak buffet. ,3.t.;v0, cort ISO; nearly new. Call Web. ;W2 after :30 p. m. WILL trade my" $370 equity In a 1750 new Baby Grand Chlckering piano for dia mond or $125 cash. Call WebBter 6675. Slightly used high-grade' piano. W. 37:8. I1AM) player: a bargain. Tel. H. 4711. Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS aoid, rented, repaired. Central Tvnwlte Exchange. 307 S. 17th. KENT Remingtons, Monarchs and Smith Premiers of their makers, The Reming ton Typewriter Co. Telephone Douglas 1284. Rental credited If you purchase, and only very newest and hlgheat grade ma chines sent out. Rates, three months for $6 for underslroke machines or $3 per month for latest model visible writers. All makes typewriters rented, sold, terms. Butts Typewriter, 18' Farnam. D. H031. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE at a discount a full, un limited scholarship In Boyles Business college. Omaha; good for either short hand or business course. Apply at the oil ice of The Omaha Bee. 600M. BRICKS at $150 per M. ; also 300M. feet of lumber at worka. 11th and Jack son St. Buildings bougat and wrecked. Trester-Kelly Wrecking Co. Web. 4S08. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables aud bowling alleys ana accessories; Car fixtures or all kinds; 'easy payments. The Brunswick- Balke-Collenier Co 4"7-409 S. 10th St. ttfi flf) BAiy h'st coal for the money; try rt Web. 848. Harmon A vVeeth. A NO. 1 BATH TUB. 8M, eet Trester Kelly wreeaing Co. vv. 2-hand mch. Gross Wreck Co., 21 A Paul. AN Acorn hard coal stove and Birming ham 6-cover steel range; reasonable, Harney 6704. LIVE STOCK FOR SALS. - Itorsea aad Vehicle. LARGEST stock of delivery wagon la the city; uil kinds of blacksmith work, painting and lettering. Johnson-Danfortb Co.. new location. 1629-31-." N. lotn Bt YOUNG cow for sale. Florence SS2. 1 SOW with 10 pigs, I sow with 7 pigs. 4 shoats. Florence 3524: George Y aimer. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persrtns havtne lost anm srtlcl would j do well to cotll up the offioe of the Omaha 4k council f iurrs street uanway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many erticles each day ar turned In and this company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 43. LOST Pair nose glasses near Farnam and 17th street Return to Bee office. Reward. IX)ST Oold four-leaf clover pin, set with opal and pearls. Reward. 2304 Ohio St. or phone Webster 4CT8. LOST Navajo rugg off line, no questions will be asked of finder; suitable reward. 132) S. 31st St IXtST Cameo brooch, aet In plain gold rim, Tuesday evening at Carter Lake club; valued as keepsake. . W. 1229. SHORT blue coat; reward. Benson 721-J. BROWN and white Boston bull terrier; answers nam of Pedro. TeL H. 648. LOST Black handbag, left on Farnam car going weat; bag containing noae glasses tn an aluminum case: also silver pencil marked "T. L. K." Reward If returned to Mrs. R. R. Kimball. 24 St Mary's Ave. MEDICAL. Piles, Fistula Cured . Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical j money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DIt E. R. TARRY. Z4i pi.- t-fiirtiirc Cured in a few daya without Iiuptutt. pa, Call or write Dr. Wray. 30 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Established !S94. o Tuberculosis If you want get wen nd build up your health, this I your one chance. Ad dress fi 61, Bee. MONEY TO LOAN NEED MONEY 7 See ua. Juli-k service. Half usual rate RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 308 Paxton Block. Diur'si 141L rOVLTRY AND SUPPLIES Mixed grain. 31. 6u h'dred. Wagner, 601 N. 14 6TBREOTVPK matrices make the best and cheapest lining for poultry houeea They are 17xJ inches, atronger and more durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof 7Sc a hundred at The Bee office. PERSONAL THE balvation Armv industrial home so. limits your old clothlng furniture, maga lines. We collect. We distribut. Phone Douglaa 1136 and our wagon alii call. Call and Inspect our new noma, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St I HEREBY will not atamd for bill fur Mra Rob M. Anderson. Josephj R. Anderson. YOUNG women cumins to Omaha as atiangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ava. where they will be directed to suitable boarding place or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elera aid at me 1 niun station. NOTICE la hereby given that I, th un dersigned, a ill not be responsible tor any dbt contracted by Mra Olive it. Arnold and all nerchanta and others ar hereby warned not to charge any Dur- I chaeea mad by her to the account of th I unaeraignea. Aruur ju-ooia. J jLIVE STOCK MAHKKT OK WEST j SHI l' live slock to t--Mit Ii t):naha. Bave I mileage end shrinknee Your consign- ir.etus receive pronipi unci tarciui atten tion. 1.1 re Stock tsm mission "tlerehaats. ; MARTIN BROS. & CO.. Exchange BIJc i . r.r-v. : - i-1 it 1 WANTED TO nUY x OFFICE furniture bought and sold. J. C. Beed. L'07 Earns m. Doug. 41441 WE BUY 2d hand clothes. 1421 N. 24th. WANTED TO RENT TWO ui: furnished rooms for housekeep Ing, walking dletance. Address B. 4oi, Bee. SWAPPER'S COLUMN A FINE Stevens, 2"i-20 riile, have no us. for it none lettcr made. 1 will swap for anything I can use. S. C. im-1, Bee. $2.0( grocery stock all new goods. WlTl take In good car and cosh for difference. Doing all cash business. Address 8. C. 14:16. Bee. A J ' TOM OF.ILF. - High-giade Apperaon. low scat racer. 40 h.. p.; in fine shape; for other ."roperty I can handle or use. Demonstration Riven to prospective bui er.t. B. C. 144i:, Bee. A BMALL hut water Iron heater, suitahln for KHrn--;c. cliiokerl house or emnil house In perfect condition, for a singm wagon. Regulate, hot water system ami not complicated, s. c. inso, Jw ACCOl! NTS Party wants to leave ctly. has equity of ubotit 12.500 wortii of ac counts, beins paid monthly; accounts all on good notes, wanted trad? for city property, not haily mortgaged. Addreen S. C. 14W. Bee. A $ STOCK of millinery. What have you to trade? Address, B. C. lont. Bee AUTOMOBILES for otner automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifl rs'lon . Al'TO 20-H. P. Hupp 2-passen3er racer uuto: perfect order; tl'HO caFh. Address Owner. B. C. I43 Hee. Al'TO What have you to trade for ,1 roadster in the very best condition; has plenty of power; recently overhauled; would consider n good lot; also one hiKii grade piano, with outside player and roll music. Address B. C. I4.?. AUTO Want to swop for a late date fully equipped touring car, income brick business property, well rented In fouth Omaha, on principal business 8t., 25th and & tj streets. S. C. 1344, Bee. ; BOOKS For sale or exchange, one set of 7 of Amiell engineers' pocks, A-l condi tion, for typewriter or cash, or what have you. Addreaa Y 19". Boe. BICYCLE Cooeter brake bicycle, only used one year; cost $H). Addrees B.C. 1443. BOY'S bicycle to swap for other personui property, or brick, cement blocks or old lumlier. Tell what you have to offer In first letter. S. C. 1076. Bee. COUCH A large real leather lounge, good condition, cost $45; will swap for high grade lawn mower and garden hose. Address B. C. 1428, Bne. CliOTHES In exchange for dental work Tailors only. Add ress 1427. Bee. CANDY MAKERS' complete new outfit,- such as furnace, copper kettles, sizing rollers, gum machine, kiss machine, cough and 'cough drop brass rollers, caramel and other cutters, all of the lateat pattern, not Junk, other re quirements for the business. S. C. 107.;, Bee. CONTRACTOR'S OUTFIT Will trade or sell contractor's outfit of shovels, spades, picks and lanterns; good as new. Address S. C. 1421, Bee. COLUMBIA press, Hx9, 13 cases of Job typo and rack; a Wlneheater pump-gun and leather case, for sale or trade. Ad dress S. C. 1432, Bee. " DESK A golden oak 60-inch roll top desk. In good condition. Address 8. C. 1441. Bee. FOR SALE Stock In a reliable Sash and , Door Co., of this city. Doing a largo business and paid 13 per cent during 1513. Will exchange for an auto. Address S. C. 1439. Bee. GOLDEN oak chiffonier and dresser, new ; ' will exchange for golden oak buffet. Have brand, new "Lion" brand gas hot water heater; will swap for roll top desk. Address S. C. 1430. Bee. MERCHANDISE stock at half price. I offer good, small stock of merchandise . (no groceries), cash business, good loca tion. In Omaha, cheap rent, worth $2,&00. sell for $1,260 cash. Might consider small house or equity In bungalow If price very reasonable. Address, S. C UK;, Bee, Omaha. . r ' MAXWELL runabout, first class, for sal or trade. Addreaa S. C. 1429. Bee. FURNITURE! for a 46-room hotel near Omaha, 1,600. Low rat rent ou the building. What hav yqu to offer AddreBS S. C. 1268. care Be , HIGH school cadet suit In good oondt: tlon; medium six. Addreaa & C 1423. Bee. MOTORCYCLES Have a nearly new 19U , nanaera i"n v r ,71 used only three months : would oAlf lot, or what have you, Addreaa & 0. 1033. Bee HORSE Good horse tor a small dall-rer) auto, suitable for email packaga! -b quick; don't car what It la a long a tt Is In running condition. B. C. ID, IV. KODAK A new Anaco foldlag I thixi'A. leather tourist caa fee and portrait attachment. Will gws enaj burner or rang with bat attachment ood blcroU. i artre C. 1091. hopper with flat owver, 4 t4j4 : (hell by t-feet tfk NO. 8 steel 1 lfeit dress 8. C. 1423. car ol B. OFFICE FURNITURK Will boy OM good saoond-naaa onto (urauww wyee be cheap tor eaalu Addraag v Be. - . PHOTOGRAPH high sTrad outfit ra olete Was forced out of buslnsa. ad the city condemned the lot tor gtreet Consulting of 1 No. 7 Serlea TolghU : lander 11x14 lens, costing soma $300; also 1 6-7 portrait lens, 1 14-17 camera aad tand. and 1 3-10. 1 enlarging outfit. -ln. condenser, 1 air brush outfit, all gutter, printing frame, posing chain, stools, etc., all In first class condition; every thing required for a first-class studio. For an auto li in gooa condition. S. C. 1074. Bee. PIANO Party owning mahogany Cable Player Piano, having moved from the city, will sacrifice sain with muslo. Ad- cress S. C. 1414, Bee. RANCH for merchandise; 4.000 acres, all fenced; $20 per acre; mortg. $16,000; will exchange equity for good goneral store. Addreea B. C. 1443 Bee. RANGE Hav a good 6-hole range, large stza, that I have no una for) will ex change lor a small slxe beater. Address 8. C. 110. care Bea RACKS Two 6-feet metal double over coat racka Address, 8. O. 1410, Be. SHETLAND pony and outfit for trad or sale. Phone 21L Council Bluffs. I a. SHOriSHOP Suburban location, fully equipped for neighborhood trade. Cheap renL On account of other business I will sell or trude reasonable. Or might lease to responsible party. Address, S. C. 14.D, Bee. SCALE Dave a Toledo 2 lb candy seal. nearly new, will exchange for anything that can be used In a restaurant, or roll top desk. Addresa S C. IAS. Bea STOCK Will exchange atock In a corpo ration that will pay good dividends, for a Ford car Address 8. C. 1424. Be. STOCK -For lA with 7 per cent atock In Omaha corporation of good financial stsndins: will exchange for vacant prop, erty In Dundee or goud residential neigh, borhood. Will pay difference. Addrees S. c. 101 BTOC K Will trad stock in Omaha cor poratlon worth 6J6.00 per share; paid 13 per cent last ytar; f jr good auto. Ad dress S. C 1436. Bee.' SlTiNS. anowcardk. Clark & Son. D. 61OT MACHINE A money-making; aiundnuni nam plats alot uiach'.ne, coMtna some $200. Drop a penny In Iho slot, turn th crank to get your full name on an aluminum ribbon plat, big profits placed out on commission. Legal ized, not a gambling machine. S. C. 107.'. Bee. TYPEWRITER to swap for cneau einMw harness in good repair, be quick. Tain is limited. t. C. luM, Bee. WILL exchange Fox tvwwniu for anv.- thing of equal value that I can une. AU- areas s. t. iti, ce. Id I! I U7 4 II,