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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1914)
2 THM BrX: OMAII., TntT-SDAV. KKFTr.MI.KK -J. :U. The Vogue of Separate Skirts $0) New Aprons MISSES' WHITE APRONS without bib, a very good quality .. 5 BLACK SATEEN APRONS The most serviceable for store and office wear, 23 to 35-inch waist sizes 35e and 50c Third Floor. Special Attention Given to Ladies' Suits Tailored to Order It is a very accurate serv ice we give you; accurate in interpreting women's fash ions, accurate in its applica tion of these fashions to. the individual. We solicit a thorough in spection of the Tailored to Order suit subject, when ever it best suits your con venience. ; . Dress Goods Section Main Floor. mm HOWARD ai" AND SIXTEENTH ALLIES ADVANCE IN WEST, CHECK . ATTACK IN EAST (ContmuW from Pane die) man shins the lllver Smnhre for uc In the event they sre compelled to retreat. MrnBlnM of lirrnti Itrtrmt. The question which military men here are. discussing to ay Is whether tin tirr- nians have definitely h. mimed the !' fenalve on the weat or whether the tier- i man general ataff regards the retirement J from Paris aa a temporary retreat, to be followed by an attempt at retrieving tho loat (round between I'errone and rtt. Quontln. The forces under General von Kluik, tha commander of the right wing, evac uated Perrone Friday, aim which time desperate flvhtinx has taken place for the poeseselon of the town. The British are reported a having wlthstoo.l Herman; attacks vtth sreat coat on both sides. , There has been no change In tne last two or inree nays in me i nine nnu muni the main front ftermans Attack Korl Ireyon. On the allies' rlKht Iwtwecn the Ar-jtoday. The Hus.-laa Hag Is now 'lying tonne and Met, the Hermans have de'.lv- urr the town. ered an attack over aloplix ground In an ' .lav luu la an important raliroad rep attempt to riuli th" (ort of Troy on, ter A lirhUo near the tgwn crows the aouth of Verdun and thus break the chain I San und l omiiiiiiii'a the 1 nssage of thu of forts between Verdun and T ml. i river. The town I located seventeen Tha latest reports front the Krltiah ex- I n.ilcs nnrthv,.t of Hrz.i.iy.M and on the petitionary army de.-rll-j the K' liersl j ruilroad I'ne Imtween Lrf-inbcrt and Cra f' atures of the flglulng u; to Heptemher j cuw. IS without alMmj any geoxrophh nl dc. i tails. No rstlniutes of the rasuaUiea of the allies during the ba;ilc of the Alsne, ' which will be the historic name nf tlie present conflict, be been pul llrlicd. Only meuger rejiorta have been inched In London of the Kusto-Auntiiun cam paign tn Galicla. Jaronlau. ;In;v miles wtt of Lcnibrrj, lias fallen Into U'ls- THE V ysAi. tlfi rfr:ii-vrw,t Practical- -Fash onablc--Inexpensive There is no style of dress more sen sible for home, office and school wear, than a becoming blouse and skirt. These values are remarkable: SERGE SKIRTS $785, $850, $975 Because the?c styles are both attrac tive and seasonable. In addition are many Broadcloth, Satin ard Rampourcuddi cloth; Skirts, air 1050,H 250, 1630 up to $50 A Special Sale of Untrimmed Black Velvet Hats All of the season's best selling shapes the , styles most in demand the quality of the velvet is beautiful. THE NEW TRICORNES AND QUADRICORNES are the most popular in black and colors ' ' $1.95. $2.50, $2.95 and $3.50 NEW SAILORS Medium and tango shapes a very fine quality black and colors $1.95, $2.50 $3.50 and $1.95. SMALL CLOSE FITTING TURBANS Ten new shapes -Black and colors, $1.95, $2.50, $3.50, $4.95. slan hands, according to dlspatchr from i'etroKi-ni, with lltt fighting, and the railroads leadlnr to i'rsemyal are con trolled by the lluHMlan. Many thntmanda of Austrian Wounded or being taken to Vienna, and according to dlsiatrhrs from Hoinr, an epidemic of tyidiold and other disease.. U feared In Auslrln, The Kelglana made another aortle from An:erii yratcrduy. In pursuance of their policy of murasslng tin German Invad er. licneral Hotha, premier of the I'nlon of t'juth Africa, has nettled the difficulty iircated by the rctWnatlon of lieneral Ueers and will take tho field aa eom- niundei -In-rhlef of the Transvaal forcea aselnst their tleriimn neighbors. RUSS DRIVING TO . PRZEMYSL FORT (i'i niiniit .1 I'rom Page One.) hlali-watrr murk of "the German In- ,gn ' IIussImh Ovoap? Jsrn.las, I'KTRllllHAII. Hem. ":' -IVU I 1 -. 1 Ituvslan troops have occup'ed the fortl- f ed AuMr'un position of Jaroslau. uccord- Ing to otflclnl announcement made hera r ollotv I p accesses. LuX I KIN, Sept 2:'. -The Kussian have followed up their u. -cesses In Galicla. where a third treat battle is shout to; beg n. If it has not already acted, by )'urin the '.mi'ortsnt fortress of Jar oeia'.t, on the river San, Just north of I'rtcmyel, whh-h they are surrounding. .laioflau commands the parage of lb Kan river It possession will greatly vjt tie liufsijns In their operations v:ilnn Prxemsyl. where a strong Austro .i supply this demand. I On.iu.i force M prepared to offer- stub With the approach of winter. i0O.O0 1 U rn re-'atance In the hole at least of de-jpra of 0,.k, ,ml ,, ,im,, nu;nilf.r llf I tuning the Russian armies which are, belt,, knitted or wov?n. rhould oe si p. t needed to take the of fenslve against Ger-1 p:ied. according lo the war . office csll-! ln'"'y , n:atr. to supplement the regular pio-j Russians Capture Sixty Thousand Men in Qalicia!b u,y k"'u'ng frm n ,o November. TAHIS S-pt. i.'.ro p. in.t-A ilava K't)- diapatrh from I'rlrograd say that the Army Journal publlnlios the following lint of Kuiiitn rapture in tiallcia from Ausiiel 10 to bepteniber 14: "Seven f'aae. C!? K'ma, of ahlcli thirty. eilil hurc ll.c Initial of Kmperor Wil liam: forty-four machine uns. Q case of ammunition, uno K-'cral. 4 oft leer and tM.UI sclJii-ra." A.MSTKItKAM, via l.undou. Sept. JS. (6 3 p. in I The lorreaiondcul at Me- tih'ht of the Telegram a that during tli lust few duja about iiermana wounded on Krcn 'li battlefield have paaeed tliruuh Little on the way to tier- lliuio . lie .eaUera ar too intellisent to over r k ih vpiorlunltlr In the "aant ad' New All Silk Crepe de Chine All the soft new tones, tints and in-between hues, that have been so skillfully produced for the autumn and winter seasons are ready for your choosing. Why not see them tomor row? The Store for Shirtwaists Exclusive new styles of SILK BLOUSES, $3.95 to $0.50. WASH BLOUSES, excep tional values, at $2.05. BUSS SHIP SINKS GERMAN CRUISER AND DESTROYERS (Continued From Page One.) i.2(x. r the. total'MSS "appear to .have been loat. The aurvlvora are accounted for aa fol lows: At Harwich. 605; on Rrltlsh ahlDs. H: at Tmulden. Holland. at lament oft. 31. Mar Have Hearaed Mare. It la posalble that lxiweatoft fishing trawlera have made further rescue. The truwler which arrived here today saw ' the three aulaera alnk and racued 3D0 ; men who. with tha exception of thirty j four, wero transferred to warahlpa. The tcawuln of the trawler aaya that the first I cruiser attacked aunk In throe mlnutea. tn aecond In elKht mlnutea and the third a quickly aa the first. Will Deliver Mail at Front Doors Only WASHINGTON. Sept. 3 -Housewlvea j and business men In many cities who have been accustomed to receiving their ! mall from obliging carrier t rear xnd i tide doors now must arrange to have! postmen rati only at front entrances. In- j atructlona tu this effect were mailed to) postmasters today, to become operative In two months. Alanv carriers lost much time, it waa said, by making rlrrltuoua route to rear and aide doors. BELTS AND SOCKS NEEDED MOST BY BRITISH SOLDIERS i LONDON. Sept 23 ilells and socks are the prime need of the British ctn.t.11. , tlonary army, and vry woman in the 1 empire a.i asked today t do her chare I Unions of the government. Queen jlarv ! notified of lhiaitutl,.ii and! to do her rart. fhe then appealed to Hritiali anmen to aid her. liouelca throughout the land, therefore, will be Note, froan Beatrice. BEATItli-K. Neb . tpt a. -(Special.) J cld-aJway trmoa thla to torpid liver; Kd ft Miller of Lincoln, a member of th J delayed, fermenting food In th bowel firm onln the Nebraska t'orn mill, j or our. iy vtomach. which va recently destroyed by fire In Poisonous matter clogged In th lntea thls city, gave out the information Tues- tines. Instead of being cast out of th day that the lant would not be rebuilt system I reabsorbed Into th blood, this ec r. The mill s one of the finest ! When thl poison reaches the delicate In the west and the total loss was est!- brain tissue It causes congestion and that mated Bl nearly I'no.ono. Charging that her husband deserted her sis months after their marriage, taking with him a sum of money belonging to her. Msry l Cramer has filed her peti tion In the district court asking that she b granted a divorce from tieorge Pavid Cramer. James W. Tell, aged vO. and Kebecca K. Wilson. ged T, both of t'Kkrell. were married in this city Tuesday by County JuJj N aiden. FRENCH DESCRIBES BRITONS JN ACTION General Writei Account of Opera tions in France Up to Friday. CRUELTY TALES EXAGGERATED trrssst of Kartler Battle l.lira hf I t.ermen Noldler In Letter to Ilia Wife la Incorporated la the Report. ; mNlmX. Sept. 23-The following de prrlptlve account of the oerath'na of ! the Mrltlsh arni In north" astern Trance I last week, written by Oeneral Sir John j French, haa heen issued by thfl war j office; I "Where our tnen are holding the for ward dKcs of th high ground on the north side, they are atrongly entrenched. ' They are Well fed and In spite of the wet weMner of the last week are cheerful j and confident. "The bombardment by both side has j hen very heavy, and on Sunday. Mon- day and Tuesday was practically ton I tlntioua. -Veverthelesa. In eplte of the 1 general din caused by the reports of the ' Immense number of heavy guns In ae- j tlon along our front Wednesday, the ar rival of the French forca acting agalnat the Herman right (lank was at once an Inrunced on the east of our front some ! mtlpa away by the continuous roar of the quick firing artillery with which tha at- tack was opened. . "Ho far aa the. British are concerned, ' tha greater part of this week has been peeetd la bombardment. In gaining ground by degrees and In beating back severe counter attacks with heavy slaughter. " Our casualties have been se ver, but It Is probabl that those of the enemy are heavier. AsManin FveJIaar lav Air. I "Tha rain has caused a rreat droo in tha temperature and there Is mora than a distant feeling of autumn In tha air, especially In the early morning. "On our right and left tha French hava been fighting fiercely and have also been gradually gaining ground. Ono village already during this battle has been cap tured and recaptured twice by each side and at the time of writing remain In the hands of the German. "The fighting has been at close quarters I an l of the moat desperate nature and the streeU of the village are filled with the dead of both aides. "The Germans are a formidable enemy, well trained, long prepared and brave. aoldlera are carrying on the con teat with skill and valor. Nevertheleaa they are fighting to win any way, re caidless of all the rules of fair play, and i there is evidence that they do not hesitate at anything In order to gain victory, letter of tier man Soldier. a large number of the talea of mlebe- havlors are exaggeration and some of the stringent precautions they have taken to guard thenuielvea against the Inhabitants ; of the nreas traversed are possibly Just! I name measures of war. But at the same time It has been definitely established mat they have committed atrocities on mony occasions, and they have been guilty of brutal conduct. "8o many letters and statements of our wounded aoldlera have been published In our newspapers, the following epistle of a German soldier of the Seventy-fourth inianiry regiment. Tenth corps, to his wife, also may be of Interest: " 'My IVar Wife: have Just been liv ing tnrough days that defy Imagination. T should never have thought that men oould eland it. Not a second has passed hut my life has been In danger, and yet not a hair of my head has been hurt. " It Was horrible; It waa ghastly, but I have been saved for you and for our happlneb. and I take heart again, al though I am still terribly unnerved. Cod grant that I may e you again soon and that thla horror may soon be over. " 'None of us can do any more; human strength la at an end. I will try to tell you about It. On the Sth of September the enemy were reported to be taking up a position near St. Prix, southeast of Paris. The Tenth corps, which had made an as tonishingly rapid advance, was attacked on Bunday. Sleep slopes led up to the heights.- which were held In considerable fcrcc. With our weak detachments of the Beventy-fourth and Ninety-first regiments we reached the crest and came under a terrible artillery fire, that mowed us down. However, we entered St. Prix. Hardly had we done so than we were met with shell fire and a violent fusillade from the enemv'a Infantry. The Third Colonel. " 'Our colonel waa badly wounded. He la the third we have had. Fourteen men were killed around me. We got away In i a lull, without being hit. j " 'The "th, Mh and 9th of September we war constantly under shell and shrapnel fire and suffered terrible lossea. I was In a house which was hit several time. The fear of death, of agony which la In every man' heart, and naturally so. 1 a terrible feeling. How often I hav thought of you, my darling, ami what I suffered In that terlfylng battle which extended along a front of many miles near Mont mtr&ll. you cannot possibly imagine. ' Our heavy artillery waa being used for the siege of Maubeuge. We wanted It badly, aa the enemy had their In fore and kept up a furtou bombardment. For four da 1 ws under artillery fire. It was like hell, but a thousand times wors. Order to Retreat. " 'On the night of th Sth. the order was given to retreat, as It would hava been madness tu attempt to hold our po sition with our few r.ii, aa wa should have risked a tcrrlbl defeat th nxt day. Bad Cold? Take LaSCaretS IOF Bowels Tonight Get a 16-rent box. irk headache., MlloUanau. coated tonrue. head and nose clocked un wtrh dull, throbbing, sickening headache. 1 fascaret Immediately dana th stom ach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take th excess til from th liver and carry out all th constipated waste matter and poison in th bowel. A caacaret tonight will surely straighten you out by morning. They work ahll you sleep a 10-cent bo front your drug gist me aii s your head clear, stomach weet and your liver and bow sis ragulsr lor months Advertisement. BUYER OF CHINA AND GLASS FOR BURG ESS-NASH COMPANY. MISS M. I. OriLFOIU Miss Oullfoll has been appointed buyer and manager by Burgess-Xash company for their china, glass and artware sec tion, which la now located on tha fourth floor. Miss Oullfoll came hr from n. B.Fowlar company Olen Falls, N. T., where for tha last five year aha n buyer for th china and kindred lines and Is an expert In her line. The first and third armies had not been able to attack with us, as we had ad vanced too rapidly. Our morale was ab solutely broken; In spits of nnhenrd sac rifice, we had achieved nothing. I cannot understand how our army. after fighting three great battle and be- Ing tetrlbly weakened waa sent against a position which the enemy had prepared for three weeks, but naturally I knew nothing of the Intention of our chiefs; ; they say nothing has been lost. I Jaat Strategic lletreat. 'In a word we retired towards Cor- I motitreull and Rheims by forced marches by day and night. We hear that three armies are going to get. Into line, en trench and rest and then start afresh our victorious march on Purls. It was not a defeat, only a strategic retreat. I hive confidence in our chiefs that everything will be successful. "Ouc first battalion, which has fought with, unparalleled bravery Is reduced from 1,200 to 194 men. These numbers speak for themselves, 'Amone the minor happenings of in terest Is the following: 'During a counter attack by the Ger man fifty-third regiment on portions of the Northampton and Queen's regiments on Thursday, the 17th, a force of sjme to of the enemy were allowed to ap proach light up to the trench occupied by a platoon of the former regiment, owing to the fact that they had held up HesiTr Fltfhtlng Near Amiens. IiONDON. Sept. 13. The Amiens cor respondent of the Times telegraphs that heavy fighting Is In progress not many miles southeast of Amiens. He says: "It Is the beginning of a decisive phase of the battle of the Alsne. On the Issue of this fighting depends the continued oc cupation of French soil by the German Invaders or of their retreat to strongly entrenched positions which have been prepared for them on the Bambre. "Since the Germans evacuated Amiens a week ago the town has become an Important center for French military op erations. Though the Amiens district Ih well served with railways. It Is the high ways that count now, as the railway bridges for the most part have been blown, up and not yet repaired. "On Thursday, laat, French reinforce ments, under command of General D'Amade entered Amiena from the west and after a short stay resumed their march, proceeding along one of the east ern roads to a destination which can only be conjectured. "The enemy occupied Douny yesterday morning and seized the railway atatlon at Soualn, on the line connecting Doual with Valenciennes. It appears, therefore. that tha Germans are alive to tha neces sity of protecting their line of commu nication to Mons, where I hear headquar ters of the army haa been established. Thua the German Una haa been extended north from Camhrai, which haa been oc cupied in force. "On Saturday and Sunday there waa great military activity In Amiens. The nervous tension was extraordinary in expectation of some Important develop ment along the fighting line. When c ' T i '.' Ail ).' '"' ? V tf , '' SQ, OMAHA, NEQI Most Modern and Sanitary Brewery In the West. Family trade supplied by: Sooth Omaha W.M. JKTTEK, 2S02 N Street; Telephone South A3. Omaha HI GO V. BIliZ, 124 Douglas Street; Pbon Douslag 8040. CouncU BJuifa OLD AGU BAK, lBl-J bouth Sixth atreets PtMsn Genuine Rock Springs Coal Mined by the Original Producers, Sold by the Following Dealers Jeff W. Bedford Henry Foley Harmon & Weeth Howell & Son 0. W. Hull Co. C. S. Johnson CARBOU COAL & SUPPLY CO. ' Nebraska Distributers. awofce this morning the street., wer. strangely empty and very few soldier? were left In the town, the majority hav ing hurried away to their posts to the 'southeast. We learned that a great hat tie had begun in that direction and It ' was rumored that the fierman troop had advanced as far as Mint lidicr. Mvery I rad out of Amiens was barred by pick ! cts, no vehicle being allowed to pans j without military authority." i Allies Slnnlr Gaining, j The 01 respondent of the Times at Por j deaux lias this to say of the hig battle i that Is being waged In lYnm r: I "The battl" fiom th Alf-n" lo the I Wor vie proKiesvs s'owiy. but mcthod :hully i.l favor of the nllles. Both fddes j have hern entrnped the q:t few days In sending reinforcements and Hssemhllr.g J new force on the firing line. A the le- intorccrr.rnta rea'hed the rront tne ac tivity cf both armies In the Woevre dis trict on the rl-'ht of the allies' position In creases. "The prediction of the staff of both aide for decisive aition on the allies' left must not divert attention from the allies' right, which In the present battle constitutes an all Important bulwark. "The operations In Woevre have heen more or lesa at a standstill for some days a the iruns were stuck fast In the clay and innumerable riverlets overflowed large tract of country. The armies are again moving and the Germans are des perately attempting to break the Mrong natural defenses of the Meuse heights In order to paralyxe the allies' plan In the center. "The plains tf the Woevre, the scene of the present effort, were made for a battle and the Muae heights, with their steep escarpment and strengthened by forts form a barrier or rrodiguoua strength. The northern Woevre lake ll among green forests and a ranpn of steep hills, crowned with forest, rises amid this country. "The enemy Is making desperate ef- ! ,ort ,( dislodge the Frnch fores from this natural fortress, which commands an Immense sweep of country. In the dis tance are the height of Pont-A-Moussotn and Met and the old battlefields of r.ravclotte and St Prtva.' The enemy attacked, without success, the right along the Meuse on the heights from Tresanux to Herli.ourt. I . Individuality In Clothing Let us make your cloth ing express your individ uality. We help you select the goods and style that hest becomes you. We tailor your garments faultlessly and guarantee that they shall be perfect in fit and style. We offer to clothe you in perfect taste at moder ate prices. Suits and overcoats to measure $25 to $45 MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co. 304-306 South 16th St. 2 ni;n - . "IV yi , a Keys Lumber & Coal Co. Lucas Coal Company Peoples Coal Co. Union Fuel Co. Updike Lumber & Coal Co. West Omaha Coal & Ice Co. 5& A Judicious Appointment The appointment of the Peter? Trust com pany as the executor of your estate is a gool guarantee that every matter will he attended to promptly and effici ently. Our charter is lermanent. We act as Executor, Trustee, Administrator or filuardian. Capital . Surplus $200,000.00 250,000.00 am - mm 1 1622 fARNAM STREET Genuine REFLEX Mantles Formtr Prle NOW REFLEX - - 25c 15c Welt. Reflex 35c 25c These prices include install ing mantle and lamp adjust ments. Omaha Gas Co. Stadium Speedway 100 Miles an Hour Every Hour 8ptmb)r 26-27 World's Greatest Motorcycle Riders in Seven Races Dally 1, .1, 6, 10. 15 and 25 Miles. Races start at 3 P. M. Positively the Greatest Aggre gation of Speed Demons Ever As sembled in the United States. American Federation of Motor ists' Rules Govern Each Event, Iocust Street Car at Sixteenth to Hi)? Entrance. Admission Children under 12, 2oc; Adults, AOc. lam ax ijy nniarun in vmairn but thr 1 only en Belmont Restaurant And the name la eymbollo of everj thinn that is rood. We will (five von quick service when In a hurry or when you have time to enjoy the navory. delirious food, served to suit the most particular patronase, you will appreciate the variety offere'l for your Helectlon and the amount of the check will be a pleasant surprise. 1516 Dodge St. Open All Night. C. N. BALL, lrop. AMI JKMEMK, ERAPIDEIS SMSJifc. '"Bale, 500 ; Orob.,75c-Sl Belnart-OroasmsB Yiddish Co., Tonight, - - "WHO WAS OTOTT?" Friday, . JTBI I.0STHAProrE8S." Kept. 87 Fl Says "Ih Ba Wolf." 8 Bight. Oct. 9 and 3, Mat. Saturday, ant. GEOBOE AKX.ISS. In Zoul H. Parker' Maatrplc. "DISRAELI" ( Tj:rt.C0') Prices,;;' Bffy Seats Friday (Xj0JlfVV I Advanced TaudsvUl. Week Sept. 30 ZZ'i harlle Hxwsr (" . iaan Carraral i,,c,on, lacier ( o. Anna Hld' I Mr r Kae. i.-o John Hl(l"i. Prlcn: Mt. Saturdar ana SO,- mw "5c .irrh.uin Tnnfl Weeklr. o11t. lfr': b'" aHt (fx pi SundoJ. :5c, Nlflit. 10i. 1 OMAJiA'S TUB CEBTEB" Dally Vat., 15-S6-80C. Xvg 1S-8S-60-7&C. Worms Oraalt Orwatque nancera, GEO. STONE and ETTA PILLARD Social Maids MS.. hrllllant. Tuneful Marrlmant of tha hishfat ur.1 lVattieat ChMU. I P ! Yl It X.ADXX5' DIMX MAT. WBEB PATS HIPP BOMB Or 18TB PAJtAaf OtTBT AMD Two Days Sept. 84 tu and 1:5th. ' Paramouat Plctnr Corporation Present HODART BOSWORTH : U "15 ODTHIT OP TBB BOBTB." By JACK LOW DOST. Starta at 10, 1H30. 1, 8:30, 4. 5:35. 9:60, IS, :35. Ssturdsy On Day OsUy "Claasmat." FRANCES BAETENS TEACHER OF PIANO Tslephoa Sougla 30C4. Boom 80 ArUagtoB Block, tSll1 Dodg Streav I liJjsfiri J j - - --