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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1914)
i ill- I'.KK: OMAN . Till KSDAY. sKHKMUKU :M. 1 -4 . 3 Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska. OMAHA DEAF SCHOOL COST, Roosevelt Gives Possible Identity GERMANS LOSE GENERALS j Two Reported in New Casualty List j Just Issued at Berlin. State Board Receives Figures on Ex pense of Maintenance. SEVERAL FIRMS INCORPORATE Sackett His 0, K.i of Harvard Bandit FRENCH OFFICERS KILLED Knurl n Staff I'm reaituitieitt I I HAMI.Vi.S LINCOLN. Snpt. . (Special.) Hefnre Telegram. 1- In leaving l.lni-.-ln IhkI night I'otonrl Ume-; f t nut Chief of I'oll.o NW... ii-H. response to ew ftraranlaatlnua 1'lle rtleln With !rrrr1nrr .f Mntr at I. In coin Prominent Hallrnad Mmm Mnrrtnl In Lincoln. Harm from K J.'.. -1 Sii'i inl u telegram it letter II C. Olmiii. volt Nsui .I t lie fullimlns: irtMrtlliig rUa!rleil thl morning attitude toward Snat ir SHtkrtt. progros-' i caliler of tin- Hank of I 'mtinimoe of atve r.iinlMnte for govrrnor: "I rennnt iH-nk too emphatically Proportion of Their KalallOe i I iMiiinrrH ti Private la I.eail to ( hmi(f of I nlfttrm'a t ulura. (From a FtaTf cnrreapomlent.) MNOlil.N. Sept. ?3.-"Special ) V cord ing to a n port made to the state MonrcL T ! Kverett. Waali.. nlilrh cuntiilneil inn's in ' piiper dlppl-gx glvlnir an ni--onnt of tho favor of Mr. Saokett and th other ran- , l oMnp of tl'M hi. nil In II n man he dldatfs on tho progressive tic ket. It ould , lirve.l to have tun tli" nuirdorer of not onlv he n fine thing for Norak. it Sheriff Sanderson ;ipl Henry woiihl llti-raMy hnv un electric effe-t for. The letter i-ont:ilneil thr Information goml u'l through t' e c. iintry If yoi electe 1 j that the man mho held u. the Kvotctt . mi .--itcit..;i nnu nil rouea sue-. ineviOanK column. M m term in l he of Control by II bookkeeper. '.curse . st.1M(1 n f u.,t nJ wlsC(!, p,(. . ljmn,,n ,,rt!.v ,n rt,llf..rnln early this (veiaeniciu, uie annul com 01 minium forms 1 have ever Keen promulgate,! in u mj .uii-u .-rnooi 101 me i.e.. nl ( state arM I v sh to rail particular :it Omaha for the year ending July. 1314. jj tenllon to what this platform aava uhout S!',K74 on an Inmate population totaling j auliMlmtlfR co-operation for eompelitlun 1.4W. or an average of I.1;U per month i busincra. about keeping the fro of on an average population of l.'l. waier power sited for the people and aoout taxing tinenrueil Incomes more a r with The description of the man tallte that of the llnrvitrd muidorer. FAIRBURY TURNS DOWN THE COMMISSION FORM Sa -kptt'a aot. have bf i f.i b a c to wtitinre exactly with the promims In th platlorm. and I onlv win'i 1 mild nt.iv l'AlUl'.l HV. Neb., -.'i t 2.. In it quiet municipal iliitlui Kairbury turned don -i the i foi m of government, by a ot three to one. Tlie Muestion ial ) - Vestt rday. nimiiHton of Heal ly liinl be -ii evr llrldue t'limitn m . The ll.ven. n,w.. u.. fii-.i i '"" tl'" earned incomes. tary of RtHt with a iRt'ltul utotk of $10, JTA TVia Inirmtral.tri (' I Halt',. , ' rk 't . t. 1 in the Miito hihI 4-ouiil cRmpnln in very Til 51 n I J f in ton I r.I I nil I rilt n I'liMa. 1 t:an and J. W. Hutchinson. The object rm"r uf 'r l,lm "ml f"f ,px r V"n "r "'" f' l"e ' "x """ - 1 of the corporation la to build a Lodge ' 7n!"1" or"r1 1-ro-1 finally put up to tl-.e vu, ti.n.u.h tin a, roaa the Tlatte rive,- at Havena. In M,, "" 'r,,,; .. 'tHvo ami referendum. The IK. -t i 1 1 r.i m -i it. i. i' 'or. i . 1. 1 , municipal vote In years i-iihi ami .... ..... .. . ... . ... . i. . .. v.ay betwoen Central City and Col mbua. I ,.,.,. nrmr. ' ""'"i " " """"' uniuiv rHOirio ucomcd :or me v. n. I5KULIN. Sept r. p. ni-(la I .on-! 1 mi. Sept 2 ;i. ii. m -The riuoiallvl list iibllsl.e.l today show the death of two lieimiin Keneraia In the western cam i l aun, iViierala Von W roolo m and Von j i bou. Mat .r tioniial on I hu'tha sj bIm given aa killed, hie death bavin or - j rurred on August . Amonit Hie Ibibtly : wounded an two lieiiienant general.. ' 'on Wllllaen and V. ti Kui hne The list, containing ".f-'' names. Rives i ill- name and date of the battle for the Ut fine, an.l indlraien that the raMin'-j ics published si. tin covered nest of ' i. litem e npparoi'tlv deleted bv the lbtt- ..-h cciisoi i. The toliu losses so fa:' pub- bailed arif enate b'.tW. dead. woim del mill K;,".' m I st-1 n Today's list siiaws the lu avn st losses w ere - austaln. d by the I74t ti Infantry In the buttle of Saint Uie on August and I l.tim-vtllc on August 'J.'. This nglment ' lost Its colonel. IT offlcera and l'.f men dead. .'1 ot.'lcers and l.iM wounded audi men inli-sina. stat'on about tnicl- line. near the Polk county Oejtient Xll 4 ompany. The Interlocking Cement Stave Silo oom Jony of Omaha files articles of Incorpora tion with the secretary of state with a capital stock of SlO.'Hut. It. M. t-anhach, M. L. McIonald and O. S. Lanhach arc the Incorporators. Frank Mullen Med. HEARING UPON TRAIN ORDER! FORMER HOLDREGE SHERIFF DIES OF HEART TROUBLE From a staff Correspondent. 1 I INCOI.N. Se t. :X tfpe. lal.l tin ap plication of the I'nlon t'nciflc railroad a, tlul.l iKKUK. Neb.. Sept. -.! .-iSpeoiat reheailng has bcrti planted by the rail-! Telegram. -.).. hn Vistas of I lol.lrege dbd way coinnilssh n in the order made by , tli's morning of heart failure. Mr. Cu-das the comml.-sloi. two weeks ago for extra R well known resident of lloldreg. and a pioneer of Phelps county. He an formerly sheriff for a number of years. The funeral will be held at Mr. U istas' residence Saturday afternoon. I train aetvlce on the Siiilillng branch of Krank R. Mullen, superintendent cf tlie!,h"' I'nlon l'aclflc from Columbus. iniaha division of the l.birllngton railway, ' I'1"' hearing will be bad on September :.'.. ins married thla forenoon to Miss Helva I - - Cotton of Lincoln at St. Mary s cathedral. CRACKSMEN BLOW SAFE o1 of odell lumber firm jPresident Advises llugton for St Uouls in a private car and from there will go to New York, return 'n to Omaha In about two weeks, where they win reside. I'reneb officer 'Ion 4 onsplcnons. ! I"A Ills'. Sept -t. -The proiioi tlon of 1 I'r. in h oitl. ers killed or wounded in the ! battles is so gient as compaieil with the ; eajii.ilt ley atnoio? tin privates that the 'iillesllon Is bebic d iscllssed WlietllCf II .would not be advisable to modify offi- j rer.'.' niiifori is and make them more dlf- flciilt to dint iiigiilsh from those of thei ti en. Tlip liei nians seem to pick out the ; 'orfci'- nil the more easily since the ;,l''nncli otfiiers are said t i bv sliowlnv; gnai dailng at the heads of their com- j 'panics. There have been many promo- I tloos of general officers recently to fill j vacancies made tluouph casualties. The brilliant i'rench cavalry leader, j Mle oial Hrlooux, was Killed in ariion yes t l .lav. NEMAHA BAPTIST UNION IN SESSION AT STELLA STELIaA, Neb., fept. 23. ( Special.) The forty-first annual session of the maha Baptist association convened at Stella yesterday afternoon, and will con tinue until Thursday evening. Tho as t M'iation embraces the counties of Kicnard ton, Nemaha, Pawnee aid Johnson. The BKATRICK. Nel.. Sept. il.-i Special Telegram.) Ci ackmen last night Mow thoi safe in "he office of the Odell Farmers' j Lumber company at Odell. thla county, ! and tscaped with $100.' Bloodhounds from this city were put on the trail of the rob bers, but failed to Tlnd them. Coal Operators to " t-z - Annn.f mm i on ! ROOSCVClt GUCSt Accept Compromise News Mote at Falrliary. WASH ITilTON, Sept. 23. - President ; Wllnon today told J. F. Welborn, jiresl-J dent of the Colorado Fuel and Iron com-' pauy, that of Elks at Boone IHMiNK. la., Sept. St. Colonel " uli.i is making a speaking tonir ot he lielleved It to be the duty j ,..', ., . ,iphlllf 1)f proares-' VAI FIBFRV, Neb.. Sept. '23. (Special.) of the operators in Colorado to accept the " .., . noon (odnv ; ;sive I'm o, nii... " -- - i was a guest at Ihe Klks' club at u j I Judge L. M. Pembcrt in adjourned the J basis for the settlement of the strike September term of district court f r Jef- I proposed by federal mediators Mr. Wei ferson county today, and returned to his born told the prcaldent that the operators (home In eBotrice. Charles Smith, con- ; objected to several points In the plan. accompanied fined In the jail on the charge of burg- nnual aermon was preached by liev . "try- " "1 pieaaen K. tSoodman of Adams. Thursday after-! not ",,,y' 1,0 "1U ,,lc(l bpfo"' j.oon w devoted to women's missionary j u,y 1 ','cmb,,' work, with Mrs. S. MiHr in charge. .Mrs. I JudB P-nilrtmt granted four divorces -Miller la the wife of the pastor at P.alriel1" ''"ry and Jefferson county parties Vnton. a eotintrv church nv I l tnls term. The litlgatiiiB parties, who ast year her church stood foicino-t for l.iembrs in the missionary work. Mis. .ieiinie A. I tail of Lincoln spoke on "llonio Missions by the Women." f'r. L C. ! nnd ; huffct biiieheon. He was i by a number of leaders of the party In j the state. i j at this term. j were freed from the bonds of matrimony 'Included Annie and Israel Kunnlcutt, j (Jeorge and Leonara Howard. Frank and IClla Coder, Dorothy and lldgar Walburn. t'i's evening. Other speakers on the pro urnui are Rev. Wilson Mills of Oinah'i. liev. I M. Benjambi ot Orand Island. Iter. Charles A. Carman of Peru, Rev .1. 1. Collins of Lln-oln, Mrs. n. it. 1'avorlght of Beatrice, Rev. C. II. Ilea'ly of Tecuniseh and R. II. Floyd of Lewis ton. COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL I Mr. Roosevelt made a speech at Armory ! hall and left for les Mollies, where he j w 111 speak this (vcnlng ; His speaking engagement at Ames was j cancelled by Ills physician, who la per- mining the former president to make but lone s-i ch a day and one at nignt 1'arnes of New York delivered un addiens ' Vnntli Accidentally Shot j ALLIANCE. Neb.. Sept. 2:1. (Special i j Telegram.) Tom F.ndicutt. 10 years old. j while riding over his brother's range seventeen mllea south of here this morn ing, dropped hi? rifle, the gun discharging and the bullet, a IM-callbre, passing through his right lung. He is In a serious condition and will be brought" " to Xt. Joseph's hospital at Alliance tomorrow. Yotlllir Klldieott enme her.- Willi hla LAW IS HELD VOID ' mother from Usage, Ok!., for a month' ! vihlt with Ma brother, A. J. Kndicott, who i STAI'LLTON, Neb., Scd. I;!. tSi:ecial.) J is on a liomeetcad -.lodge Ciritncs has rendered a decision I in the test of the constitutionality of the county high school law In district (Tuirt. He holds the law of 9'i valid and the ii'vv law ol ll'bi unconstitutional. That the method of attacking the validity of Ihe latter by Injunction was the proper course. Therefore, In the chso at hand, John II. Worrell against Regents, Judgn makes the injunction permanent. That thero w as no legal Boh i d of Re gents nnd that nil of their actions in levying a tax for county high school pur-J Notes from Albion poses was unwarranted und without color ALBION, Neb., Sept. 23. (Special. ) of law. This case has been widely Adam Long, a prominent farmer and watched, eighteen counties of the stute I stockman living north of the city, had hla are affected. I leg broken today, while endeavoring to stop a runaway team. L. Parrott and wife are slowly recover ing from Injuries received a few days ago, when their auto turned over In a ravine. ' tint I. a n.Aallnitl d ciL Ait tlinl fhev rea'oti skier the question. In answer to the objections of Mr. Wel born the president declared he could not act as the umpire between the operators and the miners, and that he felt It the duty of the operators to accept the plan already adopted by the miners The continuance of federal troops In I on ml ;iillv of AssnaU. Colorado was discussed and later it PIF.RHK, S. P.. Sept. 2:1. --(Special Tele-' said the president would withdraw the gram.)-Moint-r Akin and Oliver Marlon troops unless a satisfactory settlement i wpre Mt i.ort Pierre today found guilty was reached. This was not verified, how- un ,.,HriI0 0r assault and battery audi ever. In official quarters. each was given a fine of fSi which a The president had expected to receive a j ,ud. j committee representing the Independent; T-,f.Ki. were the young men who while: coal operators Involved In the strike. Mr. ' Kmm'lng a melon patch on the Marlon ; I' Welborn told hlin that the other oper- ( ,,., wern charged with shooting into a ators were unable to bo present, but , , ,v (jf .... pt.pip. from Fott PI'Tic who were riding along the highway near News Note nf Mllford. MII.FORH, Neb., Sept. .-(Special.) The members of the Women's Relief corps and (irand Army of the Republic post of York came to Mllford Friday and en Joyed the hospitality of the Women's Re lief corps at the springs at Mllford. Flag raising "camp fire," and supper and singing of patriotic songs were the order of the day. Dinner and supper were served by -the Mllford Relief corps. Pr. Conway of York delivered a patriotic, address on the raising of the flagstaff. President Ada Culver of the Mllford Women's Relief corps presided over un Interestlug campflre, where the veterans indulged in'reminlsoenees which was hap. I lly Interspersed by the members of the Relief corps, some of whom were old enough to remember the homecoming of tho "boys" of "til-HS. M rr l the Ph Nfwi .Note of l'alrbar). T'AIRBl'RY. Neb., Sept. Ti. I Special. I - Pat Keenan, switchman in the Rock Island yards, ia reported dangerously ill ut his home with typhoid fever. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Sehulti are staying' .Valley Junction for several weeks, ow- K to the death of the former's father. Thomas L. Vtter has been nssigne. J to the lenver express runs, l'airbury to Phllllpsburg, Kan. James H. Odey is visiting friends in Horton. Kan., and will return to Fair bury and resume his work as engineer. Charles Kautznian. lashicr f.r the St. Jo.-cph & Grand Island rallwav in this city, has resigned, to take a similar posi tion with the Rock Island fit this point. He succeeds Ivanhoe Bradley, who was promoted to chief clerk to the general 1 night eg mt at Topeka. l.lTej-y Ran In (.Iblxin Burned. OIBBON. Neb.. Sept. ;r. Telegram.-Fire destroyed the north side liv ery bam this ir.urnlng at 3 o'clock. .Seven horses were burned to death and every thing In the barn wan a total loss, as the entire 'I'.sde was a raging furnace be fore the lirenwn were called. W. C. Smith o' California nwiud the bjilding, which v us insured for '00. Ira Weakley owned the contents, on which he carried tl.aOO i. entrance. Nothing definite a to the irgin of the fire hH been learned so far. I MiuhrtilKe Tea in Una Fine Record. f AMHHILGi:. Neb., Sept. Ii (Bpeclal.) - The Cambridge base ball team played thirty-nine gunus. winning twenty turn. It defeated all the fast teams In thi sect I. u of the .tale. The team wat, u. scni'-pr-M.'SH-oilal organization and was well supported by the busl'icu mm and eopl of Cambridge. Temperance I nlnn Talks Suffraare. HASTINC.f). Neb.. Sept. .(Special Telegram.) All but five of the counties of Nebraska were represented at today's session of the Women's Christian Tem perance union. Kqusl suffrage will be the chief plank of the resolutions. About 2o0 delegates are in attendance. Officers will be elected tomorrow. would write. The president asked that Mr. Welliorn tell the other operators tlintj he could not accept n refusal of the plan.! Mr. Welborn presented an alternative! plan for the solution of the strike trouble, j but the president refused to consider It, ! saying that he did not believe a compro-j mlse possible. The president declared that I the public Interests demanded the end of the strike ami that it was the patriotic i duty of the mine operators to accept th proposal. j Mr. Welborn declared after bis Intel view j with the president that the question wasi th patch and wounding several of them. DEATH RECORD Michael II. Weal fall. FAlRlll'RY. Neb.. Sept. IKL-t (Special. -Michael B. Westfall, a veteran of the civil war, died at bis mime here after an j extended illness. Henth was attributed to ! i heart fail. ire. He was one of tho oldest . veterans nnd citizens of Jcferson county, j having been born In Champaign county, j Ohio, March ft, IMS. lie entered the civil i Ohio I 1 still onen Hnd that he would liniuerlintelv renort Ihe result of his talk to the other war. enlisting In the Forty-fifth j volunteer intantry, ami nerved nearly three years. 1 lie i.ranu .Army veterans operators. Pee Want Ad Produce Reaults. MEMBERS OF DIRIGIBLE CREW GET IRON CROSS BKRL1N. Via London. Sept. 23. Kvery member of the crew of the (Vrman dirigi ble balloon Sehuettelans II, has been decorated with tho Iron Cross for recognition. had charge of the funeral. Ilarr) llnrliaselte. McCoiiK, Neb., Sepl. 21.-(Special. I--Harry Barbaxette, onu of the proprietors of the Commercial hotel of this city, died Monday night, after an illness of some duration. Oeeeased was long a resident of Mef'ook, and is well known overouth west Nebraska. His widow and three children survive. Reliability is what a t lot' tor must b iiKsurod of in n-coiniuentl-. ing a l'oott or drink. He must know that it is hon est, efficient, pure and wholesome. hi cates of nervousness, heart flutter, headache, biliousness, indigestion, etc., where the patient is a coffee drinker, most doctors order: "(Juit coffee and ue Postuni." Doctors recommend Postum hi-cause they know that it is a pure food-drink absolutely free from the ilruir, caffeine, which makes coffee injurious to most nsers. It is sufficient that thousands of physicians not only recommend, hut themselves use POS TUM its worth having been fully demonstrated, not only in the homo, but in Sanitai ium. Hospitals and Colleges. Po3tum now conies in two forms: Rejuiar Postum must be well boiled--' ami J5c packages. Instant Postum soluble no boiling made in the cup with hot water, instantly. :te and 50c tins. I loth kindsj are delicious cost per cup about the same hold by (irocera every where. "There's a Reason" for Postum Inteir is a Shance to Save Firon $85.00 to $215.00 OH A CIIGE1 GRADE PIAHO Thf arve annonnceinant brotifchf so many rnatomera to nor atore the nt wpok tht Iit declrlM to rontlnu the aale. The low phlcf for anrh hluli irrnMlei rianoa wnei an attraction that th peple roalttn't rit. tVnn tomorrow and sileet a Piano from oar big lint of harRatnn. HaDeekOTliMyla VI 1 . . ,,'..,f -'r ', !?Hi: - r- i This sale offers genuine, substantial, price-saving chances to all shrewd and economical buyers. And when you buy here, remember you get an iron-clad guarantee, backed up bv good reputation of 55 years in the Piano business. Choose from the World's Best Makes-Pianos You All Know our Steinway Emerson Stegcr & Sons Weber Lindcrnan & Son Schmoller & Mueller Hantaan McPhail Many other makes A SAMPLE OF THE WAY PIANOS ARE PRICED m.'too jrlWti HI H.IO S.vki f Son T plight, ntw.. Sl.0 Nfwliy V Kviinn t'riKht, nnr,...,.K 75 Hi'liirtnor rjirilil. now . , StKor At 'it. I irlKhl, now Kiiiron 1 prinlil. now . S10O iro Si'liiiiollor Mm-ller I'prlnht, now . . . fj4 llstoy I prlKlit, .now St"Ker V NoiiM I priKht, now Stone A' Sun I plight , now . 1H 8125 9-IOt) Srhnioller Jt Mueller Vprlght, $:tlM) IttvU & Hons I'prlnht, now . . , tMtf.t Kniei-aon I'ruixht, now , 250 FlortroTa VpriKht, now . . . . f 4tK) Mrhlln Upright, now ....... JUt'Jn Kmeraon 1 Plight, now HH4)4 4Jeo. MtM-k (irand, now ...... flM)) A. It. Cliaae (irand, now $1,00 VleT (irand, now Slf8 8125 82O0 8 05 8145 8100 8250 8325 8650 Klll:K STOOI, AM) STAltP WITH KVKIIV PIANO. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. Illll-I.'t PA II NAM HTHKET, OMAltA, NEB. F.atab. 1RI. 0 Wr. M ''l4l His wife snubbed by her neighbors His daughter turned aside from at church He himself blackballed at the club A man in a small city tracked down the cause. He was square, clean and likable; well known, with a charming wife and daughter, pleniy of money, and yet why wouldn't folks have anything to do with him and his? The man tells the story himself see page 13 IN THE OCTOBER ISSUE OF The Ladies Home Jour nal Fifteen Cents the Copy, of All News Agents Or, $1.50 a Year (12 issues) by Mail, Ordered Through Our Subscription Agents or Direct Our Sales Agent is ERIC NELSON, 2549 Farnam S.rcct, OMAHA BE A SWAPPER Make swaps for profit. Look into the "Swapper's Column" u