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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1914)
10 TirK P.EE: OMAHA. SATCKDAV, SEPTEMBER IP, 1014. By MELLIFICIA. Friday, September 18, 1914. ISS Frances Nash and Mis Nathalie Myers, who are now In Berlin, M Germany, writ that they will probably return hnm aome time In November. MIpb Nash finds herself In an unusual position. Although a citizen of the t'nfted States. Miss Nash has been In Merlin over a year, so that she la now a resident of that city, and the rule has been made that tourlsta ore to be given the first opportunities of leaving the countries now at war, and those who have been abroad for more than a year must wait until all tourists have received transportation out or the country. So Miss Nash and Miss Myers, although they have every comfort and special favors through Influential friends, both German and American, must wait until the tourists are taken rare of. Mrs. E. W. Nash has sent gold, so that the young women will not lacX for ready funds to leave Berlin. Mine Naeh was to hare made her musical debut this winter by giving a piano concert In Berlin. She has had great success In her music, and the postponement of thla concert la a great disappointment to her many friends. PIONEERS PERFECT PLANS :Are AH Ready to Entertain Guest Here During Ak-SarBen. CUDAHY INVITES THE VISITORS ! RereBttnn l iimmlllrf Named to Look After the Welfare of the Home, rnroers lint-Ins; Their lar Here. The Douglas ronnty pone rs are 10m- Powerful Dog Saves Child from Being Run Down by Auto Th 2-yar-old daughter of " T. Pin kl Thirty seventh and podge etret!, wss saved from an approaching automo bile, hy a powerful do; onned hy Mr. Punkle. The dot; la part hulldoaj, and ponflhly part mastiff. A iitomohlles speed down t'ie hard pavement of Podge street In this part of the rlty at a terrific rate, a are re looking Blomhrri Is i friend f.r whom tee police ar charged with ha. Inn counterfeit m-mev in . H'ombrrg heard he was i.mitH !n "iTtha hl poipeaon nn'i to lime tried '., pn' . r hlle staving In S.niv ('itv and ircnudi- It. lie dem haWng tried to pa. a eertain tmjs d"Mar, and Fays he gave i: to a tely started for home to lia'.e the n. after straightened out. The poi r turn d the prisoner over to t':iited Hhi'j Marsha' Ustnrr. who i:l hM htm until the eve ha teen nvre thoroughly Investigated. Hoinherg. Im '." ahr.ut years of age, lias h.n a ret lent of omsha all hi l.fe. fee Ads rrod'i-e Results. Eaird-Kennard Engagement. The engagement la announced of Mlsa A1Ij Kennarrf. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Kennard of Falracres, to Mr. Kd gr Allison Bnlrd. . Roth voting i.eonle have a host of friends to whom the announcement does not come aa a surprise. Miss Kennard haa a beautiful soprano voire and la a member of the Amateur. Muslral rluh. Mr. Bnlrd is a prominent attorney mid a member of thi Field livb. He Is asso ciated In business with his father. Judge Balrd. Mr. Halrd attended the t'nlverslty of Nebraska and la a member of the I'hl Kappa Psl fraternity. The wedding will be very quiet and will take place October 8 at the home of the brlda'e parents, only relatives attending;. Mr. JoVn C. Goodwin of New Castle, Ind., a sister of the bride, will be matron of honor and Mr. C. J. Balrd, best man. At Happy Hollow. Among those who will entertain at din ner Saturday evening at Happy Hollow are Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Adams, who will have twenty guests; Thomsa H. Fell, ten; A. II. Benton, ten; Judge Irving Baxter, eight; O. E. MeCulley, eight; Lloyd Bmlth, four. Mr. J. A Underholm and Mri. K. T Rector entertained at a largo luncheon today at the club. Covers were placed for thirty-nine guests. Mrs. R. M. tv rrty had eight guests at luncheon today. Mrs. R. M. I.averty entertained at luncheon at Happy Hollow today when cover were laid for: Mesdamea Mesdames R. K. Schlndel, Harry t ote. W. Ft. Bavlnger, Claude Orchard, v B. Tag. Harry Marling, N. R. Bryson. H. M. Le-verty. At the Field Club. Mra. J. P. Fallon entertained at lunch eon Tuesday at the Field club. The table decorations were white clamatla and Klll arney roaea. Present were: were:' Meedamea Meedames F. A. Hhotwe.ll, Ij. J. Marks C. R. Sherman, of Chicago, J. F.. Marsh. P. A. Welln, y.. K. Klmberly, Tom Ft. Kelly, R B. Zackary. J. P. Fallon, ! R. Porter, , Entertaining at dinner Saturday Sat urday evening at the Field club will be Krm. M. A. Wallace, wbo will have eovera placed for eighteen. A. D. Marlott, twenty; Harry Steel, four; F. U. Sturtevant, eight; tr. E. C. Abbott, nine; Dr. H. A. Wahl. sixteen; H. A. Cameron, four; W. It. Taylor, ten. At the Country Club. Saturday evening at the Country club Mr. and Mra. F. B. Hochatetler will have even gueate at dinner and Miss Frances Hochstetler, eight gueate; Charles Stew art will have twelve guesta and F. II. Davis, ten. Studio Tea. . Mr. Jean Gilbert Jonee and Mis Madge Mae Bourne and students will receive at the studios, suite 7-8-S-lO Davldge block. Saturday afternoon and evening from 2 to t o'clock and from 8 to 11 o'clock. An Informal program will be given. Phtlng preparations for the entertain- eppei tally when the motor-bike copi mtit of the territorial ploneera of the: not looking. stati'. who conen- In Omaha, September The metnliera of the family have many .It to October 2. ' times run Into the street, snatched the j Together with the Omaha Commercial ! garments of the child and dragged It off I rluh the Douglas county organisation Willi the street when they found It had wan make the state visitors' vlatt during earnl-j dered upon dannrous paving. al time a pleasant affair. I Hut the day rame when she wsndered The pioneer room In the court hous ' out and no one was witching. The mother will he headquarters for the out-of-town was busy In on'; of the Inner rooms of folk and a committee of sit women wilt i thn house. ronstantly be there to look out for the At the hissing and bonking of a speed guests' comfort and welfare. Tt Is de- 1 Ing automobile members of the family tired hy the local contingent that the looked out Juat In time to see the power- Wiiitors wear their home badge upon 1 fill dor dragging the child off the street i LOW PRICES HAVE KEPTMY STORE IN THE LIME LIGHT Every Day Every Month Every Year I'm giving the Best Hat Values in Omaha VALUES UP TO $20 on Sale at $10.00 Birthday Surprise. Mrs. Charles Kills and Mlsa Ona Jen nlng had a surprise party for their mother Tuesday afternoon In honor of her birthday. Those present were: slter of the groom, and Mr. Howard Spanifler. a nephew of the bride. Ilev. Harrison of Scrlhner officiated. After the ceremony the young couple departed for Denver and other Colorado- points. They will be at bine to their friends after, November 1 at 3TC1I South Nineteenth street, Omaha. Bartz-Baker Wedding. At the home of the officiating minister, Rev. V.. B Taft. pastor of the (Irace Bap tist church, Mr Kred Bartr.. Jr . of Val entine, Neb, and Miss Alice Winifred Baker, a public school teaj-h of North Loup, 'eh ., were married yesterday. Ti c couple were accompanied by MIks Cecile N. Baker of Omaha, a sihter of the bride, and Mrs. Clara B. lledilen of Omaha, a sister of the groom. The wedding march was played hy Mrs. F.. B Taft. Mr. and Mrs. Bartx will make their home on a farm near Valentine, Neb. Miller-McMullen Wedding. The wedding of Mlsa Carra R Mc Mullen, daughter of Mrs M. MrMullen. to Mr. Leonard. D. Miller took place Wednesday afternon at their home Itev. Oliver Keve of the Walnut Hill Metho dlat church officiated. The bride wore pearl ibarmeuse. trimmed with silk oriental lace, made tunic effect. Her veil was raught In place with clematis and site carried a bouquet of white roses. Miss Maliel Nelson, bridesmaid, was gowned In pink crepe de chene, trimmed with silk lace and rosebuds and carried a bouquet of pink roues. Mr. Milton Miller, brother of the groom, served as beat man. Miss Ella Kennedy played the wedding march. Refreshments were served after the cere mmy. The hous was decorated with pal ma, ferns and cut flowers. The color used were pink and white. After a western trip Mr. and Mrs. I.. D. Miller will be at home at m North Thirtieth street October 1. Returning to College. Mrs. Jamea W. Metcalfe, Miss Rachel and Mr. George S. Metcalfe left Thursday evening for St. Louis Mr. Metcalfe en ters his junior year at Washington col lege and Mlsa Rachel will enter her fresh man yecr. Mrs. Melcalfe will return In , several weeks. In and Out of the Bee Hive. Miss Elisabeth Hewitt has returned after a ten weeks' tour of California. Mr. Harry Montgomery and children have returned from OKiinqult, Me., where they spent the aummer. Missis Helen Horcnaon, Agnes Ruasell, Marguerite Burke, Alice Duval and Lucy Hart have gone to Lincoln und are guests at the Kappa Kappn Gamma sorority house for "rushing week." Mr. and Mra. Mel I'hl, Jr., are hack from a visit to Mr. I'hl's parent in cm. Ifornla. Dr. and Mra. Mllroy, who occu pied their home In Dundee during their absence, have returned to their apart ment at the Colonial. Mrs. J. B. Berry of Chicago, who spent a few days with her dnuKhter. Mre. Oeorge Sumner, left for home Thursday. Mra. Berry brought back her little grand daughter, Ruth Sumner, who had been her guest In Chicago. coming Into the city, so that the com mittee, which will be at the station, will have no difficulty In recognlilng them. The committee will wear the emblem of the Douglas county affiliation. The Cudahy Tacking company of South Omaha will entertain the visitors one dav and will serve a luncheon for them. The committee to meet the visitors Is made up of Augustus Lockner, Peter Besen, John F. McArdle, John O. V lllls. Leo Jankowski. Alvln Metxler, P. J. Cree- don and Richard Tlzard. Mrs C. If. Klsette. Mrs. A. L. Root, Mrs. It. M. Taylor. Mrs. M A. Wltnneii, Mrs. M. Cortnack and Mrs. M. Sorensnn make up the committee which will en tertain at headquarters. with his teeth set in the child's sleeve. W. A. BL0MBERG GIVES HIMSELF UP TO POLICE j William A. ' Blotnberg. w ho has been sought by the police and federal author ities of Omsha for more than a month, ! 1 i .a ill ii i 1 V J 1 yT- w III s?- "ill n n itt a n nrrs. miss him I (?i ' ji S" 1 Over Alexander's 1 J t&i y shoe Sore - .Mre" m iu m wy.we jj' mumwm jjiuiiij iihi iw i.n aeyww FOR $2.50 You'll find actual $i values, including hun dreds of the latjst t-tyles. FOR $5.00 You'll find regular 10 values. Including all the up-to-the-mlnute crea tions in larce and small Shfipes. I.OOO TRIMMKD HATS AT mri'I.AU I'UlCF.S. Spleutlid service by Ktperloncetl Salt-hlndlcj.. OMAHA'S FASTEST GROWING CUT PRICE MILLINER 1512 DOUGLAS Z7 Missionary Rally Monday Evening A men's fellowship banquet, followed hy a missionary rallv, will be held at the First Christian church Monday evening. About l.Vi men of the Christian denomina tion from the First and North Side churches of Omaha and from South Omaha, Florence, Irvlngton and Lincoln will attend the dinner, which will be served by the women of the churches. At S o'clock following the dinner the public will be welcome to the meeting to be held In the church auditorium. Needs of the missionary society of the Chrlatian denomination in Nehraaka will be pre sented by Hev. Charles K. Cohhey, pastor of the church nnd state president of the Missionary society, and by Rev. Henry Harmon of Lincoln, Rev. C. K. l.emmen of Hastings and I'"lgar Suavely of Lincoln. E' M E IV: " K1il!.j.un '7 "" ir Mesdame FA Williams, Town send Otto Schwandt. Misses Haxel Townsend, dertrude Schwandt. SMITH'S WINDOWS SHOW FINE ARRAY OF HUDSONS One of the pleasant sight of the auto row ts the fine display of Hudson cars on the floor of the Guy L. Smith show rooms. Twenty-sixth and Farnam streets. The showing Is of the latest models of the Hudson output. Thl yenr Mr. Bmlth ha received twenty-two carloads of Hud sons and every one has been shipped by express. The display makes a beautiful sight at night as. the show room la one of the largest U Omaha and the place la one blase of light. Mr. Smith expect one of the largest years' business that he has ever had since he has been In busi ness In Omaha. The place is open eve nings this week and an Inspection of thla fine display of cars Is Invited. MOTHER OF NINE MAY LOSE FRACTURED LEG Mrs. John Browskl, mother of nine children, and living at 2719 South Twenty tlfth street, suffered a compound frac ture of her left leg when she fell from a grain car at Walnut and Twenty-sixth streets. She was taken to St. Joseph's hospital and police surgeons declare that she will in nil probability lose her leg. Her husband Is a laborer employed In a South Omaha packing house. "You Jut Know She Wears Them" That Is the title of our fas cinating little book which tells about the new etyles in silk hosiery and how to get the best wear out of it. Sent on request. McCslliira Silk Hosiery linn" ccllcnec o( quslity nd suprems good looks tht nukt it indispsn sbl to th msn snJ wono.n who mutt be wll drewe slTfsys. 1 Correct hosiery for every occasion j mending yro with every peir. Sold at the Bttt Shop itttCallum JDoKitrp Co. Northampton awMbi r' I-r I e "s. NEWS For Those Who Are Interested in Their Homes OL'R NEW FALL AND WINTEK stock of home furnishings hai just arrived and Is now on exhi bition on our floors. Your Inspec tion is cordially invited, for we be lieve that we have the finest, greatest variety of furniture and carpets ever shown in the city. We wish to direct Hperial attention to this fart; that although our new- Fall and Winter stock is the fin est that money and experience can command, our prices are the lowest in tho city. Acall on us does not obligate you In the least. You will not be urged to buy. We are glad to show you our stock and sell it strictly on its merits. CONVENIENT MONTHLY PAYMENTS GLADLY ARRANGED To Convince the Public that wc are offering the rarest bargains in Omaha we have on sale a - - i n c h guaranteed brass bed, standing 54 inches high, with ten heavy fillers, all steel sani tary spring with heavy r ma nv woven wire top and two rows of copper coll supports and a sanitary, well made cotton top mattress. Bed finished in a beautiful satin finish only. Priced spe cially for Saturday's selling or until the quantity lasts at the ex- i tremely low price, for complete outfit $13.35 NO DEALERS SUPPLIED Only One Outfit To GUARANTELD a customer Mesdamas A I Jennings, George Hope, ftuskell. Misses fcva Townsend, Nellie IMerson, Vera Jcnnlnls, To Celebrate Birthday. Mr. W. 11. C'hapia entertained at a luncheon at bor home Thursday In cele bration of her birthday. The decorations were In yellow and whit and hand painted place cards were used rovers were laid for: Mtadmes - Meadames F. E. fox. Jerome A. L.IUI, tfruen Wllllnms. F. E. Juraenson, J. K. GsKe. F. Hue. Kmma W hite. B. MrMullen. Kdnsrd Hunaerford, W. II. Chaj'in. Josephine Neely, Birthday Party. Mr. and Mr. Jenntna entertained in honor of the fifteenth birthday of their daughter. Vera, Monday evening. TlneJ present were: M Uses May Iinhlnsnn. iolrtin Klllot, Rita Uskei. Kilna Kiissell. I.onora M-i 'armey, Ona Jenntnue. Crosip and rnnajh Remedy. Dr. Klng'a New Dlsrovery gives almost Instant relief: first dose help; best rem edy for coughs, colds and lung trouble. rV and 11.00. All druggists. Advertisement. Fashion Hint .Cl v If Misses tniily Brandt. Mildred uthmt-r, Irene Pope. Ruelah Baker. Annlo McCartney, Mary Ftnnlgan, liat'ie Iverson, Messrs. Kdward Kunold. Ixiuis Beedle, jru Finniaan. Ttgar Mcartney fienrKe tialler, Kelson Gregg, 3eorge Uulnotte, Messrs. Fred Thompson, rm'fj i'ummtn:. lelKhton Mi fasllln. I'aul lienlson, Floyd Tavlor, Lai re n Humbert. I v't js fj. Plxinrpi Ta&t. The !! Kaiser entertained at their home Saturday. The evening was spent i in music and games. Prlxe were won by Mluea May and Rose hechmelster, Mr. Jsjoea Murray and Mr. George Htangle. CoMUlaUon prlsea were awarded to Mr. Walter Bpellman and Mis Martha Brit ton. Those present were: Missee Mlfse Klartha Bntton. Grace Kaiser, i'at'ierlne Kaiser, Jean Britton. riancne tvamer. Helen 'hristenen. Messrs George 8tann!e, James tilej. Kolrt Kaiser, C harles Kaiser. Mary hechmetster, Nell Kaiser. Messrs Walter tfpellman, lames Murray, George Butej. Carl gtangle. 1 i I w i-i T.ya Honky-Zeman Wedding. MUa Gertrude Zenian of hirlliner and Mr. L- fi. Horsky of Omaha were united in marriage at trie First Congregational etiurth at Fremont Wednesday. The were accompanied by Miss Irma Horsky, ' . e- H4 tiTRnV"4 Jf M 111 1 j I 1 1 m lj -ii sjr 'Mm! MASSIVE MISSION ROCKER A SOLID OAK MISSION STYLE ROCKER. Splendidly upholstered In imperial imitation Spanish leather over full steel spring construction. Has extra heavy posts and beau tifully finished fumed. An extra roomy and exceedingly comfortable rocker on sale tomorrow, only $4.98 S PLENDID DRESSER VALUE AN AMAZING BARGAIN IN A STRONGLY CONSTRUCTED COLONIAL DRESSER. Made throughout of hard wood, finished in American quartered imitation oak. Hase measures 3X inches. French bevel plate mirror set in neatly carved frame. Posl lively on sale tomorrow only at this extremely low price of $7.96 i No Matter If the Ice Gives Out You can always be sure of pure, sweet, fresh milk and cream if you have on hand a supply of APOH AT ED Br ! ACOTEl SE. Afternoon atrap-frook of white tatfeta. The bodice la a kimono with long fitted Hleeves fiulahed by itiall rever. A Mar-ci-au lollar of aame malerial flnlalie I lie neck, and on the shouldi-r Is poM-d a huge roue of ilaik t jucs I.ooi of rlhtion fall from the center of the 11 k to the skirt. II StauHlizeti Unsweetened Cottage Milk is th richest milk with nothing taken out ex cept watei and with nothing added. It perfect sterilization makei it mote aanitary than bottle milk. There is no danger of contamination at in the bottling, handling and delivering of ordinary milk. All animal germa have been eliminated from Cottage Milk. That's why it lasts longer and doesn't take on the odors of other foods in the ice box after it is opened, as reaany as ooiue mm. Cottage Milk It told direct from our condenserie to your retail grocer, inauringtresnnea at an iimci. rm iiaui,iiwii, convenience and economy Cottage Milk ii unexcelled. THE MILK WITHOUT THE COOKED TASTE In Two Slice B and lO ctav At All Good Dealer Or Hhons tTI.I.KN BROKERAGE tX., 1 Uoug. 111). SI& Hrsndeis Theatre Kids.. Oiuaha. Neb, I AMERICAN MILK COMPANY, Chicago j j A ROOM FII,T, OF f rilXITI UK at an un umially low price. Mafle tliruuKliout of eolid oak. bea ii t I f ully finished fumeil. f'hiilr nnd rocker upholstered in iruaran tee1 Spanish fabrtcold leather over full ateel siirlns: rniiHtriictlon. Ta ble fitted with roomy drawer, maeazine com partment and large book fhelf. t'omplete wet oC three prices at nils un usually low price $13.65 I Pi sP III Jieavy t'oloiual Pining Room Chair, built throughout of American quai terauwed imi tation ouk. has roomy tiack, comfortable saddle seat and scroll front posts, regularly worth $2.r.0. for tomorrow only, at $1.79 Let Hartman Feather Your Nest li! I Wj ' iVv '"'tis llZpfrAlk'r Extends PS 45-ncn to 6 Feet. j f ToP- I.AP.itK S1ZK 45-I.NCH' TOR COLONIAL, i:TK.NTIOX TAHl.K. Made extremely heavy, htis massive peileatal supported by four heavy Kcroll feet. Htiilt through out of American quartersawed Imitation oak, pollwlieil golden. Top externa to six feet. For tomorrow's sellln! spe cially prlcedi at $12.25 MKRIT RKtlKNT PTKEK HANOI: Made full size with liire oven and six-hole top. Stove rents on sanitary ateel haMe. Ilrts large fire box, du plex grates, nickel towel bar and otherwise elaborately nickel trimmed. Manv new 1515 improvements. Won derful value, specially priced at $23.50 Rug Special slS T. aauastLi bus, bw rixi raVTTiaire $10.95 wmw$ 1414-1416-1410 DOUGLAS ST. nihil i IllllifllWIIIilllllllllalslllllll IllillU'llliiSlllllllll lllillllllM writ FREE 51-PIECE DINNER SET, With Every Purchase of $50.00 or Over. CASH OR CREDIT.