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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1914)
TIIK WV.K: OMAHA. NA'ITKHAY. SKITKM PK 1014. BRIEF CITY NEWS 1 AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA"- : oot Print It New rta'-'n TT. Llg-hting- ruturss, rtiirfts-tiranl"n t"o. fidelity Btortf na Co. Dong". 888. City PToprty For results, list tlist r.ouse with Osborne Rralty CV. P. 1474. j BsauUful All Modern lomn Tor Sal I r. the easy payment r'n Hanker'; Ialty Investmrnt Co. rhrne I ton 29-'. I V, 9. Steam Bakery Is to five away Shetland ponleg to boys an! srls unlT 16 years of 8Ke. See advertisement on another rSe. Mil. Btratton Oeti Divorce Mr. Carrie Kathburn ftratton has secured a divorce from Harry T. Stratum, with restoration of her maliien name. Back Funeral Sunday Funeral nerv ier for Fred Fuck, who klllec'. htmsel' Tuesday night at his home, 4C0 Faiific alley, will r held Sunday at C'roshy's t ha pel. Ministers ICeet Monday The Minis terial union of Omaha will meet Monday morning; at 10:30 in the Young Men a Christian association. Hev. (ieorpe tj. Peters will address the union. "Today's Complete Movie Program!'' may be found on the first pace of the classified seotton today, and arpears In The nee EXCLTPI VELT. Find out what the various moving plctur theaters offer. Mohr Puneral Sunday Funeral serv ices for Allrt Mohr, 3424 North Fiftieth street, will be held at H. K. Hurket s chapel. Twenty-ninth and Leavenworth streets, Sunday at 2 p. m. Burial will be at Forest Lawn. nynr.Baalum Clasaea Open Gymnasium classes have begun at the Young Men'a Christian association. Although, the en rollment Is already large, a campaign for new members will bo opened after the Ak-Sar-Ben festival. Mother Seeks Missing- Son The mother of Herbert W. Connor of Chari ton, la,, has asked the local police to locate her son, who has been missing from home for two weeks and whom she believes Is In Omaha. Raising a Sewer City Commissioner Thomas McOovern of the department of publlo Improvements la repairing the Jones street sewer, which blew up about eight years ago. The sewer will be raised two feet. The cost of the repairs will approximate 12.nno. Window Attracts Attention Bergs la Showing a fall bride and all her attend ants In one of the windows of the store Hibernians Make Preparations to,p Hold Big Convention. same i v.'nitik: T hall 'ti Twenty-' 1 M stri-rts ' O 'Sts and s'iMs for nt.vit, prosperous I W'r ladles No t r . . i : t I t fit a great rr for fie big PROGRAM IS NOW ARRANGED rnrrlly In heep tterelpte la ow Praia re of Market, anal Price of Mnttnn ald to Be Mated for Roost. The committee having In charge the arrangement for the convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernians has com pleted Its tssk The following 1 the pro- iMittinK the build ti In fcsti n i. The lll nu Workers of the First I hris ftin iliurrh will rieet with Mrs sham I ho tonio'Ton afeMioon at her home, ;.v f North Nineteenth street onttv at tMe M.-- I lill Keartirv oninn s llelief rorps will I linn hall. Tw eni -font t '. snd s'twts, hold a meeting next SstunWy afternoon r t iiturdav even'tiK. epti ni!er 1' ; at o cloc k st the '-ome of Mrs t' t) I! Khik. Karl chase and Ueorg.- Urallev, I'"""', d'i Jackson treet of the Ancient i 'rdcr of I Work YN women of the First Methodist men Temple house committee are busy church iS'.lre to show John I'istm Co I ( snm Vo !"!' I.'ot-il ..'cl.'or Ameri. a. will rive a i-ir the rro,-er' et re of J A tli.iss, Twen tv ' vrth nnd I" stieet. irdny It's money In your packet to look thioui:!) our children s il.-pai tmrnt before yoi tut Mi .os and nrls for f.ill. John Fljnn Co. I. I YoM was stricken Mh an att ick of tal'stonm wurM.iv afternoon at TM'iit -fifth an' N Mni't' 1 1 - was taken to the South Oniii'i i po'l'-r station and Inter I the South Omaha hospital lie Is M.ite, but the police could not leirn h i ' the afterno a Mi r-s I t tie oiith On-ih; High school font ball team rtlli play a amne with the ltellevue I olli-ge team on the liellevue fled in j le.h-viie this afternoon at 3 .to o clock All who wish to accompany thr team will jib part on the ;i o'clock Ht llevue tar i The ticrman American Oemocrat'c el ih ii l hold Its monthly meeting at the hall at North twenty loutiii siren, .ouin l Ml "I. r rats are onilally !n The err iteM line ,,f the best Oj'fort tint om want, t he c!ot i yoi, nnt ivi li s new . Let us . h & Co -.-sneaking dem d to Sttend. I, n' i lot hlng and to w the ,-attern ..II uant, the sliape i had to offrr i oii John Klynn will hol.t a home naklng s Ce at . taid to he a catto inan from out In theiomiha. on Si pte--hcr 20 at .1 o lock in IW "dances." htiMness Ma the "Puslness Kratn: i All the members and delegates meet at the Ancient Order of I'ntted Wnrienn : temple at Twenty-fifth and M streets at j a. ni.. "rim there mar-h to Ag nes" i hurc' I ci.ded by the fife and 'rem i corps. ATter mass a short business ses-1 slon will be held lifter which tt ad journ for dinner. After dinner the dele gates will be given a trip through too cilv i In automobiles. After this the regi.lar order of business of the convention will ; be taken up The convention being ad- j Journed the cc! fates and their 'Hem's wll go to the l'"xi banco dining hall whre' a banipiet a'11 be served. After the inr I o,iiet the following pnncram w'll bo rendered w ith lu. . J. McCnum ns toastniaster: Invocntlon. Ttev. James' Aherne; address. Wv. M. A Ptlne, j i iiiii!inoiiin, .ei..; selection, The't en turlon quartet; nddress. Mrs. Mary llaf ferty, state presntent Ladtes's auxiliary; flute solo, 1. J. Hurley; addresa, J. J Citrtln; address. V. C. Heafv. oountv president; slttgtng of "tlod Save Ireland,"! by the audience. I Motion Doe to Illse, Comes now tho report that the market w 111 show a tremendous reduction in the i sheep receipts of this month and probably tins year. This will bring up the price of mutton, which until now. was regarded as thn one meat that did not go hkyward evcrytinu. the packers got blue. Cattle have been scarce for some time, accord ing to packers, hogs likewise. But sheep came right along until now when It said that the Increase of settlers on the sheep rangea and the cutting down of the flocks by the sheepmen who feared the. effects of free wool and free mutton, has caused a slump. nffraae Meeting. In the hope of stirring the voters of S-juth Omaha Into something like Inter est In the woinari suffrage cause, the 1m cal suffragettes have enlisted the elo quence of John U Kennedy of Omaha. Friday, Sept. 18, 1914 Burgcss-Nash Company- STORE NEWS FOR SATURDAY Burgess-Nash Company Sixtcnth and Harney Sts News: There's None More Vital for Saturday and Mrs. Desha BrecltenriHe nf K-et, at Fifteenth ana uougias streets. intrtucky for next Sundav afternoon at s' o clock. The meetlnar will be beM in h bride Is dressed In her wedding gown and the attendants are all clothed In their ceremonial clothes. The window is attracting- considerable attention. Smith Party is Horns Dr. Charles IC. Bmlth, Omaha dentist, has reached home with his family from the British Isles, which they were touring when the war started. Their plans to visit the conti nent were spoiled by the conflict. They landed in America about two weeka ago tnd have been visiting in the east. Arias Brought Kara for Trial Mer cedes Arias, a Mexican chargod with lending an obscene letter through the malls to Mrs. S. Beronlaze, was arrested !n Denver and has been brought to Omaha by Deputy Clark. The man was turned over to United States Marshal Warner and will be held for Investigation. Pstsrson Hearing" Publlo Hearing on the charges filed against Police Officer O. P. Peterson for assaulting Oeorge Cathro, a health Inspector in the employ of the city, will be held in public at a time to be fixed by the city commission Tuesday. Cathro charges Peterson with malicious and unprovoked assault. Peter son saya Cathro abused him for arresting his small son. Orgai Creighton Students mize a Political Club; Nonpartisan The Creighton Political club organized Creighton law college Thursday evening, for tha year In a lively session at the It If estimated that nearly BOO students attended the enthusiastic gathering, fol lowing a red hot canvass of the student body. Officers for the year were elected, and It was decided that the club would be strictly nonpartisan In its altitude. The club la recruited from all depart ments of the university alike, and the offices are equally distributed. To the law students ss those who are most closely connected with politics, was given the presidency. J. J. McDermott of Shelton Neb., a Junior In that department, was elected over L. D. Kavenagh of South Omaha. A vice president was chosen from each department to promote the interests of the club Is his school. Hugh Gillespie of Omaha, a Junior at the law; John Tamlsea, Junior medic of Omaha; Walter Coakley of Flandreau. S. D., senior arts student, and Robert Gallagher, dental student, were chosen from their various departments. Otto Brisskey of Wlsner, pharmacy student, was chosen financial secretary; Edward Murphy of Minnesota, medical Junior, secretary, and Matthew Kane, dent, treasurer of the organization. Thomas Ensor, Mark Ryan and Gerald Lyons, acted as Judges of the election. high school auditorium. Mrs. Precken ridge Is the granddaughter of Henry Clay, one of "old Kalntuck's" proudest ' glories. Committee to Meet. Notlco has been served that the Douglas county republican central committee will I 1 meet featurday afternoon at the Rome ho- ,rl l" iccv a cnairman, secretary and treasurer to manage the campaign of the republican county candidates. t Wheeler llrlgga' Manager. ! Although official word has not been given out It Is understood that Chief of j Police John Brigga has selected City Clerk I Perry Wheeler to manago hla campaign j for sheriff of Douglas county. Cltv Clerk i divisions In tho ranks of local republicans, rank and file of Rmnh nmok. a - - -... i.e. n iiu 1 1 in choice Is approved by all factions and divisions in the ranks of local reubllcans. Wheeler has not formally announced his acceptance of the position, but it is thought that he will do so. The Repub lican club will support the republican' ticket and acUva work will begin in a! short time. Maarlo City Gossip, Suits that Suit They are here. John I riynn & Co. j Office space for rent In Bee office 2118 N street. Terms reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South 27. rn." IX,'rn',y Post will meet at the homa or J. T. Robertson, 2119 F street, next Saturday evening. All members are re quested to be present. The local order of Kagles will give a dance next Saturday evening at their hall on Twenty-third and N Ktreeia ti, Loyal Order of Moosa will give a dance ! BALDWIN AND THOMAS IN RACE FOR CHAIRMANSHIP The call for the republican county com mittee to meet Saturday afternoon to or ganize for th campaign has been fol lowed up by notice to the members over the signatures of the officers who pre sided over the late meeting of party nom inees reinforcing the candidates' recom mendation as to whom the committee should select for its officers. Members of the committee think they ought to have something to say as repre sentatives of the party and are not all inclined to carry out the slate, and a fr'endly contest is in prospect for the chairmanship between John N. Baldwin. Jr., who showed up so well in his run for polite Judge at the primary, and Amos Thomas, who heads the list of "recom mendations." Kor secretary, Edward 1 mon Is acceptable to all, and for treas urer, W. K. Rhodes. A Customer Said to us the other day, "I have tried stores for boys' shoos, but they do not fit nor wear as well as yours." iTEEL HOD HOES We are not surprised. Steel Shod Shoes have always outworn two pairs of ordinary boys' shoes. As to the fit ting, we have made a study of children's feet for over 30 years. We know how to fit them. Boys' 1 to 54, 92.84). Little gents' 0 to 13 4 at, $2.25. rexc 1419 Farnam St. 1 1 LUSITANIA BRINGS MANY REFUGEES BACK TO U. S. NKW YORK. Sept. IV With a total of 1.062 passengers on board the big liner I.Ufltanla reached New Yoik from Liv erpool tonight. Americana returning from the war zone made up the maturity of the Lusl tanla's passengers, but there was a lib eral sprinkling of eminent foreigners In its cabins. One of these was Sir James M. Harrle, author and playwright, and anotner was A. K. W. Mason, also a PiitUli author of prominence. Widely known Americans include Will iam Hale of Chicago. Harry Ruwe fclul lev, organist and composer, and .Mrs. George Var.dcrUlt and daushter. "Just Say" HORBJCit'S It Means - Original and Cinulnt MALTED MILK 7h Food-drink (or All Agis. j More healthful than Tea or Coffee, i Agrees with the weakest digestion, . Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powder form. 1 A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Tale no substitute. Ask for HORLICK'S. j 535" Other arc imitations. Dainty New Neck Fixings for Milady A HKAl TIKI I. lino i. x of I1PW neckwonr, sIiowIhk all tho new features worth whilp. Anions them are the now;' t'ape with cuffs to match; liasuo vest op of net and rlilffon, new roll collars in organdy, pique Rtid net. Neckwear at .10c. IncludinR Quaker linen sets, or Kandy vestet-s. roll collars, lt. Venice flat collars, etc.. In large assortment. Milk Itlhbnn. 1c. All pure silk, plain and moire taffeta, six Inches wide, all best colors and Mack. Handkerchief!, 1 V. For women, pure linen and linen lawn, hand embroidered cornet initial, colored and lace edges; pretty assortment. Bnrgtss-fTaah Co Mala rioor. Girl's Dresses at 95 c NKATLY matlo of pretty clipck or stripe mater ials, made with self color trimrniims for acres to 14. Girls' Dresses, $1.50 Plaid, cheeks antl stripes in Ktissia and pleated styles, neatly trimmed with con trasting colored materials, acres (i to 14. Ur Dreswes. frt.D.y Wool serge, plaid Bkirts with belts, navy blue, brown and green; ages i to 14. Mr!1 Coats, $.V1M, $fl.5 and $1.1. Fine all wool materials, plain and belted styles, military or coat collar; aes fi to 14 years. Burfress-lf ash Co. Second rioor. f j ' M rati A VICTROLA In the Home H TAILORED SUITS at $25 Which We Jre Featuring Saturday Are Notable k'rampff of the Most Approval ami Exclusive Styles for Fall. NKVKK hefore lias our showing of women's fine tailored suits at $ll.". 0 unite equaled the one this .season. The demand for styles of pronounced individuality lias hcen the prinn factor in this feature and our showing enihraees till of the stvles. colors am ahries in accordance with the i.Mular at.d exclusive demand. Tailored Suits at $25.00 Individuality the Keynote The assemblage embraces evcryth ing that is most correct to the minutest 'etail. Models that are copies of much higher priced garments some hem imported ticsicns which have neen .inericani.ei, creating sivies which more readily appeal t. Omaha women. Charming Tailored Suits Featured at $19,50 There Is nearly a ecore of fetching models from which to wake selection. They're made with the new Kedingote style coat snd yoke klrt, from such splendid materials as poplins, gabardines and chexiots. Navy blue, brown snd green are the colors, with plenty of black. Top Coats for Present Wear at $10.00 An exceptionally good line for selection and Just the coat you want for cool evenings. Made of silks, satins, serges. Imported tuixtti res, worsteds, brocaden, etc., in every desir able shade for this season. All lined throughout with guaranteed silks. Bnrrcss-Hssh Co. Second rioor. Women's Imported Silk Lisle Hose AVE YOI ONE? it lfl always notice. It officiates at the home dances or for entertainment with out taking tho hostess or a guest from participation in the enjoy ment. We hsv a comprehensive nsnrt- inrnt of the newest ilntice nii'l wm reinlils, lis Well SS the claHt popular stmi'l-hys. "in. heiir them. Victor Vlctrolns Buresss-Hssh Co. Third rioor, n in In nnd $15 to Saturday at Just Half Price, 25c T'S the bigirest hosiery I A Limited Quantity of Women's Long KIDLOVES7for"Saturday at $L25 E bought them from a New York importer early In the season long oetore tne sutbiiiw in price and we want to impress on you that we will probably never bo able to duplicate mem Floor OCThe offering memoes xta, 1 ucape and chamois 1 Bnriress-Nash Co. Main 12 and ifi-imtton length: size ranging from 6 to 6 V4 In white, black and a few shades. They are the usual $2.50 and $3 qualltleB. but nome of them show slight Imperfections, not enough to affect the wearing quality. snap we know of, including: Women's black silk lisle hose, full fashioned, full regular made foot, high spliced heel and d-uhle sole, double hem tops, pair, 25c. Women's I lack gauze lisle hose with neatly embroid ered insteps, double gaiter tops, high spliced heel antl toe, double sole, pair, 25c. Women's very nheer gatize lisle hose, black only, high spitted heel and double solo and toe, also double gartcnvelt top, the pair. ftc. Burresi-Nssb Co. -Multi Floor, Three Distinct i j rill ' ' fl'ii! I! fell With I Stationery Colonial Initiil, 39c a Box LINEN finish, 2 4 sheets paper and 21 envelopes, colonial Initial lu gold, box :c Correspondence cards to match, llnx I'ii per, toe. Elnen finish box paper. 2 4 sheets paper and 24 envelopes 10c h'ountaln Pens, HOC. Standard makes. Including self rilling safety taps, and regular filled pens. U) ijeks-Wssb Co. Miln Floor. Corset Models at $1.00 Mah Pure CREAM CARMELS, 25c FOR Saturday we feature in the candy section a special pure cream carmel in assorted flavors at 2oc the Another special value. Pure fresh dipped cream choco lates, assorted fillings, Sat urday, pound 29c pound. Fresh Chocolates, 29c Burtrsts-Nash Co. Main Floor. EM I'M or low bust line, lso medium or long hkirt, free hip antl light boning or heavy with elastic over fleshy part .-f limb for the stout fig ure. Six good hose supporters, very special at $1.00. Brassieres, ftlc. Splendid selection in broken lots, in back closing, allover embroidery, etc. Burftss-Msib Co. fUoon4 Floor. and "Geraldine TAILORED BLOUSES, Like Illustration, of Washable Mcssaline, Saturday. $1.95 AM) they are not only charming lit tle creations that will appeal to you at f i rut glance, but they aru reelly worth a third more than the price for Saturday. Thuy are made exactly like illustration, blouse stylo and splendidly tailored from washahle mcssaline silk of superior quality. They have tho new style sleeve, rolling col lar and tailored cuffs, finished with silk but tons. Navy, while or black. urftss-ITsib Co. Bcond Flu... ;$19T Yl-T .,7U "Madame Sans Gene Farrar'' COMBS for the New Coiffure THE demand which the radically new coif fure makes for special combs as well as the ever potent requirements, of fashion and beauty are met In these newest hair orna ments. The practical designs cause them to support the hair In a way to give that comfortable se cure, feeling which In bo rare and theu it con forms to the shape of the head and any shap ed hat may be worn with thern A Dlwlnj line of beautiful designs at. . . .t.0 to 1'earl Necklaces at 05c. 15 inches long; cream, oriental and white evenly matched beads in uniform sizes. The clasps are warranted 10-karat gold. Burg-sss-lfsib Co. Malm rioor. Here Are the Biggest Values in Boys" Suits Offered in Town, $3.98 AM) when you see them you 11 agree with us that we have not overes timated. The suits are made Norfolk style in cheviots, eassimeres, serges ami corduroys in all the season's desirable patterns. Some have two pairs of trous ers. Exceptional values at $3.98. Other suits for boys from 2Vz to 17 years of age at ' $2.50 to $16.50 HOVS' iam'SKS AT O.V. Made of high grade inadras cloth, cut full ind well tailored, no strings to bother, adjust able with special arrangement In front insuring a perfect fitting blouse. HOYS' HATS S.VrrKD.W. SOc. Ralmaeaan or Rah-Hah hats In gray and brown mixtures, blue serges and corduroys. Burg.s-Maih Co. Mala Floor. DRUG SPECIALS Ilorax chips, a i large pkg. . 10c Toilet paper, crepe finish. 4 rolls for . .2Sc Iteef, wine and iron. 1 pint 4Jt: Absorbent cot ton, 1 lb. . .2 ic Sal llepatica, 2iic size for lc Canthrox for shampoo, DOc. slzo for . .SJOc Ivory s"ii, .V size, O cakes for 1 l)c Hospital ed milk, size ... White soap, 3 for malt $3.50 $2.74 Lily Cakra . IOC Household am monia, 1 pt. Dc 20 - Mule-Team borax, 1 Hi. Oc Syrup of Klgs, 50c size . .Sic I'cls Naphtha soap, for 10 cakes : Field voilet tal cum powder, at Itfc Castile soap, a large bar .40c Whisk brooms, 15c quality . 7c Kedlltz pow ders, 10 In box, for 18c Swamp Root, Mic stze . ..' Sani-KliiHh, 25c can for ... 18c Co. Main Floor. There's a Wealth of Style and Comfort in These 'LOUVRE" DRESS SHOES for Women at $5.00 BUTTON pattern, from the best patent colt am! demi-ealf leathers, with full cloth tops and backs, very flexible soles anil leather Louis heels; they are hand finished in every detail, perlect fitting and very dressy. A superior shoe in style ami quality, priced at $5.C0 Women's Dress Shoes at $3.50 A wonderful line of shoes for both dress and street wear, In all the newest styles made from patent, deml-calf and vici kid leathers with those real flexible sewed noles that are so comfortable with every move of the foot and they have leather I.ouls, Spanish or Cuban heels. These shoes have the snap and style of much higher priced footwear. Our price, per pair $:J.f!0 ;. ;v 1 m MiRhex' and Child's School Shoes. Button shoes for school wear, made from selected gun metal stock with flexible, sewed rock oak soles, broad and medium toe lasts, perfect fitting and very comfortable; the best miss es' shoes made. Misses' sizes 1 1 'i to 3, for, per pair, H2.33 to 2.7.V Children's Mes, 8 a to 11, at, pair, 82.00 to Hoys' and Vouths' School Shoes. Ilutton and lace styles, gun metal and box calf leathers, solid oak leath er sewed aoles, broad toe lasts that fit perfectly and give comfort every minute. These are the best shoes made at the price. Youths' sizes, 0 to 13 H, jwr pair, 92.2. to $i.OO. Hoys' S le., l lo AH per pair, 92..10 t 93.50. $998 ECONOMY BASEMENT Ta lorcd Suits. Like Illustration, on Sale Saturday, Worth $ 1 5, for $9.98 Till- suits are made of fine all wool serges, trimmed with braid to match. Direc toire style coat, with new plain fitted skirt. The col ors are mown, naw and black. Positive $l.rj values, at . . . Wo men's Medium Weight Coats, Sat urday, Choice $6.95 There's a big range of good styles for selection, made of light and dark materials and all wool mix tures, plaidH, checks, etc., all sizs for women and mnses. We con sider them remarkable values at tho price H.0"i Pretty Cloth Dresses Very Special at $7.50 Made of fine men'a wear STge, with silk girdle and medid collar. Skirt tunic style; black, navy, brown, gray. Very special at$".")0 Girls Fall Dresses 75c Values at 49c New fall Russian styles In checks and stripes forages C to 14 years. Girls' $5.98 Coats, $3.98 Made of fine gabardine in blue, brown and green, for ages r to 14 years. 50c Union Suits, 39c Women'a high neck, long sleeve medium weight white cotton. Women's Hose, 10c Heavy black cotton, full seatn Ioks, 15c quality, subject to 6llght Imperfections. Child's Union Suits, 23c j Cream color, medium weight, I drop seats. iiisMsMUU Men's $1.50 and $2 Pants in the Basement at 98c The pants are made of cheviots, cassimeres and worsteds in medium and dark patterns, alFo some blue serge, extra well made and win stand hard wear. They are excellent pants for every day wear. Positive $1.50 and $2.00 values, at 98c Men's Hose at 7 He High spliced heel and toe and double sole, slight Imperfections of regular 12 4c quality, Saturday, pair . . 7 ? c Hoys' BOe Shirts, 20c I Dark blue and striped rhambray, sizes 1214 I to 14, collar hand and j laundered cuffs, 50c ! values, at 20c We Develop film Free when an order for printing is left. Our work i.J guaranteed. Our servire is prompt. BURGESS-NASH COMPANY i"EVERB0DY'S STORE."; Roman Stripe Girdles A pr.'tiy assortment of the nw Kom m stnpH k I id Irs to lo orn twice iniiiiut ami l')'-l In the btii'k. tipc- cIm.1 fur haturuay, it, tacit $3.98