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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1914)
mmm- ssu Tim HEK: OMAHA. TUESDAY, SEITKMBEU 15. 1014. 9 von RKXT Heasea Cottages. FOR RENT W have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flits that are for rent Thin Hat ran be eeeh free of charge at Omaha Van Storage Co.. V 8 16th Bu Free Rental List Complete Information about every va cant house' and apartment la the city. This service la free. Tel. Douglas 44,7. fidelity Storage Van Co. $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 $12 1 3.KOOM BRICK 3 ROOM BRICK Gait ranee, electric lights, sink, toilet, cement basement. Fine condition. Water raid Vo children, 3038 So. Hth. Red 4K2. DESIRABLE 8- room house, modern. cloe In, pood condition. Reasonable rent to the rl ght party. Harney 1K. ROOM house. an modern, free watur. '.04 N. 90th. Tel P. 1530. 'jTCReed ixp. Co., moving packing A storage. 120T Farnam. D. 6146; Maggard's ?"CH:5 Large re van, z men, i per hr.; drmy, 3 . $1 per hr. 1713 Webster. Ioug. 1496 men, DESIRABLE 6-r. mod. except heat. Rent 118. 2228 8. J6th. Harney 5754. NONE to compare, alt modern 7-room house, also 4-room flat. 220 N. 23d. Fidelity Storage Co atcrage, moving, packing and ahipplng. 16th A Jackson Bts. Phone Doug. lfiis. 6-ROOM modern house for rent or fQr saie. ms orana Ave. or can w. 147. CORNER 24T1I AND CAPITOL AVE., $20 5-r., part. niod. cottage; no children; a nice place. FINE strictly modern -room bungalow, best of condition, . excellent location. Phone H. 539. See Our Rental Libt. Banker's Realty Investment Co Oround floor Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. 20-20. FOR 28th RfcNT-Four-room cottage, 26 R. Ave. D. L. Thomas, 412 Bee, Bldg irt Hod Offices, RIGHT ItpW, ' 3 SMALL OFFICES, $12 00 to 118.00. Free llaxda Lights and Water. THE BEE BUILDING CO. Office, Room 103. GOOD barn, room for 8 or 10 horses, 1917 Webster Bt. Call Do'iglas 43. REAL ESTATE . FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SALE Nebraska.. FOR SALE Best large body high-grade, medium-priced l.uid in Nehmska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol lch. Nsl. o FOR SALE ReasonH hie, 2K acres, Hayes county. Nebraska, rnone So. 4N3, owner. Montana. . . MONTANA CAREY ACT LANDS-80.000 acres now open to entry In the famous Valler valley. An excellent opportunity for the homeseekcr seeking good farm land for general diversified farming. The rich soli. exhilarating climate and abundance of water for irrigation assures maximum crop returns. Li real for grain, alfalfa, timothy, and for stock farming. Ideal spot for a home. Write today tor 1 booklet and particulars. Valler Farm Sales company, Valler. Mont., Box No 17. Wisconsin. : Upper' .Wisconsin o..y Mild general crop suit in ilia union; satuera wanted; lanus for sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for book let 34 on Wlatounln Central Land Grant, htate acres wanted. Writ About our grazing lands. If Interested In fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards In Wisconsin. Addrss Land Dept., Boo Line Rj., Minneapolis. Minn. 9Ilscellamou. iv tXTRHEaTUJ in land In southern Iowa and souiUern Minnesota write Uis F. L. Jones Land company, W Internet, la, for their list of 3S0 farms KARMS FOH KENT. FOR RUN T Between 2U0 and 30o acres of land, with Improvements, near Weston. C. JV.A-V Weston, la. i bEstatEfojexc FINE 40-acre farm 6 miles from Minne apolis, 3a acres under cultivation, bal ance orchard and timber; 7-room brick house, stone basement earn, windmill, chicken house, hay shed, granary, etc Price $6,500. Will take up to $2,500 In ex change, balance some cash and mortgage. SCHWAB BROS., 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Pianos for oloer musical Inatru'ts.lAJWiJ. REAL-fiSTATK WANTED ' HAVE over fifty buyers with from $6u to all cash for modern 6, 6 or 7-room homes from $2,000 to $4,000. Call us at once. Osborne Realtor Co., 701-3 Omaha icatl. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1474. HAVE customer with 11.000 first payment on Dundee 6 or 4-room modern home, $3,600 to $4,600. Address P. ?48, Bee.V REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY and iarra loans, 6, 6V4. 6 per cent J.H. Dumont Co., laud Farnam. Omaha WANTED City leans. Petera Trust Co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nafl. Douglas 37US. UARVIN BB0&SSS. f!tvj BEE us first If you want a farm loan. United States Trust Co., Omaha. Neb. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam. CITY property. Large loaaa a specialty. W. H. Thomas. 228 State Bank Bldg. $100 to $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Vad, Wead Bldg.,i lHth and Farnam Bts. HARRISON AjSoRTON. 116 Om. Natf MONET on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder. City Nafl Bank Bldg. CCA CITY LOANS. Bemis-Carlberg Co., " 310-S12 uranaeis Theater Bldg. ABSTRACTS OP TITLK. KERB. Title Guarantee and Abatraet Co., modern abstract office. 30u B. 17th St Phone Douglas 647. REED Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice m Nebraska- 206 Brandels Theater. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE TEN ACRES ' Soma people are advertising and sell ing one-half and one-acre "Garden Tracts'' at $1,000 per acre, and buyers at these prices will probably make money. However, If you waat one of the most beautiful garden tracts, here Is an op portunity to get one: ' Practically ad joining the city of Omah on theiwest high and sightly, this tract will make an Meal place for a suburban home. This tract Is as close to Omaha and worth as much per acre as those above mentioned, but the owner roust raise some money the only reason for selling at a price of $4u6 per acre. As an Investment It would be both safe and profitable. Don't hesitate to ask me about this, the owner is anxious to sell. C. M. Rylander . kri Omaha National Bank Bldg. WHEAT TAKESjA BIG SLUMP Outlook ior War Being at Close Brings Prices Down 5 to 7 Cents. DEPRESSION ALSO IN CORN Yellow Cereal Saffere Decline, Sell, lac Prices Ran Bin lrniTf ty-even In Se.veaty-Flve aad Half Cent. Due to the possibility of the war In Europe 'being near an end, grain prices took a big slump Monday, wheat on the Omaha, market going below 11 par bushel, the first time in mora than - a month, the low being 964 cents and the high $1.0"H. Chicago kept In lino with th Omaha market, there the slump being around S to 7 cents from the closing last Baturday. Omaha receipts were: Wheat, 62; corn, 23, and oats, lis carloads. While the bulk of the' wheat receipts sold close to $L considerable went at around 98 rents. There was some depression In corn, but the decline was less marked than In wheat. The Omaha market price ranged from 72 to & cants. In Chicago last Saturday cash wheat went to $M1. but Monday It was down to $1.08. The December option there last Saturday went to $1.14. but 11.10'i today was high and $1.08 low. On May, Satur day $1.2i was high. Monday the high notch was at $1.18 and the low at $1.14, LIVERPOOL IS LOADED VP English Port Seeking Ways aad Means to Handle More, OMAHA, Sept. 14, 1914. According to advloea from Liverpool, the storage room In thnt market Is full of wheat and cash handler are now de vising nays and means whereby the on coming grain, which la nearly due thftre, niBy be taken rare of. It has been aaJd all along that the English markets were short of breadstuffs. hut the eelxure of many cargoes of wheat and flour by Great Britain a,nd the changing! of the course of other enrgoca to IJverpool has caused a complete change in the situa tion. It Is now said that England has enough wheat and flour to last it for several months. From cable advices received from the continent France also has liberal stocks of wheat, but l still buying flour In the United States In goodly quantities. While the. demand Is likely to fall off from the countries which hnve been In the market for rraln for some time there nre other buyers now entering the markets of the United States, as well as Canada. Western receipts of wheat during lset week wero enormous. The big receipts show thert is a heavy movement from old sales sales that were made some weeks ago when prices' were much lower, but the wheat Is being delivered and the farmers are taking a loss. The corn market has not only held Its own In the matter of price, but It has advanced. The Increased demand for the cash article on eastern account and the failing off In the sales In the Interior have been the principal strengthening factors. The old bull crowd la again to be seen In corn on the buying aide and their following have also taken hold In a free manner. Enormous nuantities of oats are being taken from week to week for export end while the large volume Is not quoted from day to day the business Is being accomplished and It the dnsire of sellers especially to keep the matter from the public. The feature In the provisions I market last week was continued liquidation by longs who bought freely around the belt prices reached a week or two ago. The buying power in products showed a fall ing off and the weakneaa seemed to draw out Increased offerings, as there were many In the trade who were anxious to dispose of their lines even at. losses. Wheat was 6H"7c lower. Corn was nalc lower. Oats were l$lc lower. Clearances of wheat and flour . were equal to 1.449,000 bu.; corn, 3,000 bu,; oats, Mf.,000 bu. - At Liverpool wheat closed l($lHo lower; cem. Vic lower.- - l Primary wheat receipts were 4,367,000 bu. and shipments 3.096.000 bu.. against receipts of .184.000 bu. and shipments of 1,453,000 bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were 647.000 bu. and shipments 4M.0U0 bu., against re ceipts of 1. 070,000 bu. and shipments of 517.000 bo. last year. Primary oats receipts were 1,803,000 bu. and shipments 1,670,000 bu., against re ceipts of 1.4.rKt.0O0 bu. and shipments of 6&9.OU0 bu. ihsi ever. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat. t-Torn. uan. Chicago Minneapolis .. Dulutli Omaha , Kansas City.. St. Louts Winnipeg' These sales 194 132 203 1,326 1.291 62 908 191 23 33 6 110 61 87 2,814 were reported today Wheat: No. 2 hard winter, i cars, w, t ,... (r7tw. No. 3 hard 'winter. 2 cars, il.OOH: 1 car, 9SHc; 1 car, 97c; 3 cars 6Vj0. No 4 hard winter, 1 car, 92Hc. No. 3 miifrt i car. 9;ic. No. 4 spring, -1 car, lion No. 2 durum. 2 cars. 93c. No. $ durum. 1 ear. 8c. No. 4 durum. 1 ear. P2V4c Rejected, 1 car tsmutty), Ha rioto- No. 2 white. 1 car. 45c. Standard, s cbfh. 44ic. No. 3 white. 6 cars, 444c; 19 r... UM.C.: 4 cars. 44'ic. No. 4 white.' 1 rr 44Xc: 10 cars. 44c. No grade, 3 cars, 43Hc- 1 car. 43c; 1 car. 424c Corn: No. 1 white, 1 car, 75He. No. 3 white, 1 car. STXLf No. 1 vellow. 8-5 car. 73c. No. I yellow. 1 car. 73c: 1 car, 72ko. No. 3 yel low. cars. 721c. No. 1 mixed, 1 car, 72c No. I mixed. 1 car. 72c. No. 3 mlxeJ. 3 cars. 72c. No. 4 mixed. 2-6 car (near n.hit.1 73c. Samnle. 1 car. 72c. Omaha cash prices:' Wheat:. No. 3 hard, REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE READY TO MOVE INTO Living room, dining room, kitchen, den and pantry on first floor, ' living rooms finished In oak; two bedrooms and bath on second floor; cement basement; fur nace: strictly modem In every detail Price only $2,800: $200 cash, balance monthly. located 2636 Blondo St, on paved street Keys are 22S Blondo St. C. G. CARLBERG, ' 310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg. J207 NORTH 36th Ave., b rooms, hull and hath: -modern except heat: lot 40x103. barxaln at $1,800, easy terms. Nebraska Havings A Loan Ass n. 1605 Farnam St, Telephone Douglas 133. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS R. H. LANDER YOU, real estate. Insur ance; moved to 201 Neville, D. StSOO- Vt.GAh NOTICES SALE OF SURFACE OF INDIAN LANDS . EASTERN OKLAHOMA by United States Government ' There will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at different railroad points In the Choctaw and Chlckasaw Nations In eastern Oklahoma,' from No vember 16, 1914. to December 2, 114, the surface ot approximately 375.0uu acres ot Indian segregated ooal and asphalt lands at not less than certain minimum price. One person can purv'haae not exceeding 100 acres of agricultural or M0 acres of graiing land. Bids may be submitted In person or by mail or by authorised agents. Residence on land not required. ienna 37 per cent cash, 26 per cent within one year and the balance within two years, w 1th 5 per rent interest from date of sale Where bouses or other improvements art located on the lands the same will be sold, with the land, at appraised value. Improvements to be paid for In full at time of sale. The coal and asphalt un derlying these lands will not be sold with the surface, except where authorized Where the coal and asphalt are to be sold with the surface desoripilve circular will so siaie. For maps and full in formation communicate with Superinten dent for Tike Five Clvlllxed Trlhfcs. Musko gee. Oklahoma. CATO SELLSTCoinmla muner ot Indian Aifaire. 7cff l.('1l: No 3 hard. 6ca$1 fV No. 4 herd, h,i ; No t spring. av-1l ft.'1; No .1 soring. r.-it OU. No. 4 spring. fcVtf II on No. i durum. f.'S4jc; No 3 durum. fc-'fiMc; no grade. SM'.'-'V. Torn- No. I white. 75Vu No. S white. 7.M76Wc: No. 8 white. 7."iv:vri-: No 4 white, ,ia Kr; No. 5 White. 74S4T7.V: No white, 74tf74c; No. 1 yellow. 7S.f73o; No I veilow. t.'MjTio; No. a yellow. 72rj2c ; No. 4 yellow. ;':V,W;fSc; No. 6 yellow. 7.'Tf ?"c: No. yellow. 71VtT72c; No 1 mixed, 71Vf72c; No. i mixed. 71tr72c; No J mixed. nStiTV; No. 4 mixed, .lfMSo: No. n mixed, 718714;o: No. mixed, To, if 71V,P. Oats: No. t white, 44iU-45c; stand ard. 44iJH'4'4c; No. 3 white. 44ir44V: No. 4 white, 44tmc. Barley: Malting. 70fl7V; No. 1 feed. firtre. Hye; No. 3. 8MJh.iV; No. 3. 87VlI$8e. CHICAGO CRAM A.M1 PROVISIONS Feat a res of the Trading and Cloalaa Prices on Board f Trade, CHtOAtrO, Sept. 14 Grain prices crashed downward todav in a whirl of selling due to the belief that the war might soon come to an end. The close was wild, with wheat 6V1 to 8'e lower than Saturday nlghL corn off 2'-jc to i'c and outs showing a setback oi .Vc to 4c net. In provisions the outcome vailed from 24o decline to an equal advance. Excited liquidating sales by holders of wheat began at the very outset of trad ing, and before the session was over had assumed tremendous proportion. Export business on the decline gave the wheal market a slight temporary rebound at one time, but the foreign demand seemed so meager In proportion to the lowering of values that the effect waa ultimately to Intensify the widespread de sire to get rid of wheat In a hurry. Im mense reorlnts from the spring crop In the northwest added to tho woes of tho bulls. Corn fell with wheat, hut the descent was retarded by the fact that the visible supply failed to Increase as much as bad been looked for. Besides, country offer ings proved relatively iinall. Oats were under as severo selling as wheat a good share of the time. A hlg nurchnsInK on the part of shippers, how ever. heled somewhat to ateadv prices. Provision dealers who wero more con spicuous last week on the selling side turned out active buyers today. The ef fect, though, was largely offset owing to the weakness of prices for hogs and grain. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. red. $1.114: No. 1 hard. Sl.nMjil.07H; No. northern, 81.11. t orn: no. z vruuw n ttrwiac; No. S yellow, r.g"c. Oats: No. 3 white, 4Va47He; standard. 47W 4KHc Rye: No. 2. 0ii02c. Barley: t) 1fHc.. Timothy. $4 OOfltvOO. Clover: Nom inal. Pork: $18.00. Lard: $9.12. Ribs: $U.37fill.8T. . . Futures ranged aw iqiiqws: Artlcle Open. i High. lw. Close i Sat y. Wheatl sept l wi 1 06 1 02H i o: 1 02 1 05 1 06 1 12Vt 1 20 Pec. 11 10Vj09 1XH16 1 04H 1 181 1 11 i nv Corn I I Sept. 77H Dec. 72ri-2; May. 74Vtf6 771 72S 75 I la 75 70S 0"Vh H 72'i'n7:t .72; 72l 7tt Oats I I 44 1 46H ? I 16 I Sent. 4 47V41 44 1 46 H 49l 4T 61 MH 17 CO 30 30 Dec.. 53HWi May. &3HB' 53 Pork ork I Beptl 17 25 1 17 25 Jan.. I 20 25 I 20 65 rl ( ... I 17 25 20 15 Lard I Beptl 06 9 07Vi 9 05 9 (TM 8 90 Oct. I Jan.. 9 271 9 75 9 90 10 00 9 12H 9 16 9 15 9 7b 9 S2H 9 8!1H Ribs - - I, I. I Sept. Oct. Jan.. 11 fiO 11 35 10 62H 11 ! 11 37H 10 75 11 50 11 25 11 60 I 11 75 11 2S 11 36 10 67H 10 67HI 10 67H BUTTER Steady ; receipts 10,807 tubs; creamery, Z4Wt'4uc- .,. . . EOiiS Steaoy ; receipts, b,i.u"-,. mark, cases Included, Kr-ic; ordinary firsts, 2122e; firsts. 22.43c. POTATOES Unsettled; receipts. 80 cars; i..r..i- svwtinr.: Michigan and Wisconsin, 7Crtc: Minnesota Ohlos 7n4jOc. POULTRY Alive higher; springs, 16c; fowls, 16(0 16Hc NEW YORK OENERAL MARKET Quotations of the Dr on Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Sept. 14. FLOUR-Lower to sell : prices nominal. WHEAT Spot weak; No. 2 red, IUW; No. I hard. $1.07t; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1 09H" No. 1 northern Manitoba. $1.13H nominal c. 1. '' t, Buffalo. Futures weak under what was considered a more peace ful outlook in Europe. September, $1.11; December. $1.14. ... HOPS Steadv; state, common lo choice 1913, 30rf40c: 1912. 1416c; Pacific coast 1913, 1KUt21c: 1912. 14t?16o. HIDES Steady; Bogota, 289c; Central American, 27a WOOL Steady; domestic fleece, Ohio, 81ff02o. tXRN Spot steady; No. 2 yellow, 8t c. I. f. to arrive; Argentine, strictly prime, 85c; nominal delivered. ! OATS Spot easier; standard white. 5. K3Hc; No. 8, 62VS53c; fancy clipped, white, HAY Quiet; prime, $116: No. 1. $100' 1.02H: No. 2. 95c: No, 8, 8W90c. LEATHER Firm; hemlock firsts, 31 I".. wnnilH SlVdOlc PROVISIONS Pork easy; mess, $24.0O 24.50; family. $26. OOTq 28.00; short clears. $23 0OQ26.00. Beef unsettled; mess, $23.00 24 00; family. I30.00((f32.00. Lard steady; middlewest. $9.5O-u9.60; refined easy; con tinent, $10.70: South America, $11. 35; com pound, 8M18Hc. Tallow quiet; city, Site; country. eSic; special. 6'c. BUTTER Steady; firsts, afcH&lHc; sec onds, 26(S28c; 'process extras. 2i2SHc; labels, current make firsts. 23H324c; seo onds, 22H'6r23': packing stock, current make. No. 2. 216lVlc. , . . CHEESE Weak; receipts, 620 boxes; state, whole milk fresh, white and colored specials, loc: same, average fancy, iZu 13V4c: skims, 4fq4c. EOGS Receipts, 11,097 cases; fresh gath ered. 30832c: extra firsts. . 20r29c: firsts, 2&fi27c; seconds. 24i'2rc: state, Pennsyl vania and nearby hennery whites. 3&H0c; samet gathered whites. 30f&37c; same, hen nery browns. 33c; same, gathered browns and mixed colors, 27iafl2c. . LIVE POULTRY-Unscttled: western chickens, broilers. 16H17V4c; fowls. 18o; turkevs 15'o"18c. Pressed firm; western chickens, froxen. 17-a'22c; fowls. 14ViJ20c; turkeys. 19e26c; Mlaaeapolls Urala Marked. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 1-WHEAT-September. $l-06,: December, $1 .06': , No. 1 hard $1 0D: No. 3 northern, i&6l.01H. WHEAT September was off 4c soon after the opening. ' , FLOUR-Decllned 16c a bsrrel; fancy patents, $6.10; first clears, $4.90; second clears, $3 20. , BA RLEY "tfJflOc. v RYE 8oiWc. , BRAN 123.00. ' t:ORN-No. 3 yellow. 72 ,3c. OATS No. 3 white, 41tpt:c. FLAX-4l.6ll81.55H. ' Omaha Hay Market PRAIRIE HAY Choice upland. $12; NO 1. $11.00&11.60: No. 2, $; No. 3 "$7.0rrrt00; choice midland. $11.60; No. l' $10.50fll.OO; No. 3. $9.00 10.50; No. 3. $7.0O'n.0i; choice lowland. $1000; No. 1. $9.O&10 00; No. 2. r.OOytt CO; No. 3,- $5.00? 7-. J .... STRAW Choice wheat quoianie ai, $4.00j4.oO; choice oat -or rye, $5 00475.50. ALFALFA Choice, quotable at $13.60; No. 1. $12.00,'al3.oo: No. 2. $10001311.00; No. 3. no demand, $8.00510.00. Kaaeaa ( Itr Oral a. aad Provlaloaa. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 14 BUTTER Creamery. 29c; firsts. 26Vic; seconds, 24c; parking, !0c. EGOS Firsts. 22c; seconds. ISc. POULTRY Hens, 13c; broilers, 16o. W H EA T No. 3 hard. fcV$1.011; No. 2 red, $1.0mafl01: December, XU Jc ; May, $1 04 CORN No. 2 mixed. 74H?r75c; No. 3 white. 77JP77H; December, 67Hc; May, Tl'sfeTIVic OATS No. 2 white, 46c; No- X mixed, 43c. St. I.onls Urala Market. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 14 -WHEAT No. i red. $1.0231 04i; No. 3 hard. II 1.04; September, $1.00; December, $1.01. CORN No. 2. 78Hc; No. $ white, 79H4? See; September, 74Se; Decembef, SSc. OATS No. 2, 47gH8c; No. 3 white. iBHc. , Liverpool Grata Slarket. IJVERPtKJL, Sept. 14 WHEAT-Spot quiet; No. 1 Manitoba. 9s lOd: No. 2, 8s M futures weak; October, 8s 5d; December! 8s 7Hd. CORN Spot nominal; futures weak; Oc tobcr, 6s 9 'lid. , Laadaa Meaey Market. liONDON. Sept. ll.-SILVER Bar, 24V d per bunce. C1SCOUNT RATE-3Uir3H per cent, OMAHA LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Large and All Kinds Weak to Lower. HOGS FULLY TEN CENTS LOWER Fat arep Flfleiea tn a Qaarter Higher Fat Umki Tea tn , Twenty Hlnher aad Feed, era a Miade Higher. WM'TH OMAHA. Sept. 14. ISI4 Receipts acre: t attle. Hogs Sheep. i. si una tn Momiav , .1 !..' Same day lat aeek... 8.:t Same dav $ we-ks aco U.WJ Same t'ay 8 weeks aKO Same day 4 aeeks ago s.l;i7 Ssme dav last year.... 716 l.ini j;.. '"t J4.M., 1.4i 4.a I.Vi 4.7"W 7w :.,': 777 4.0! J he Incoming table allows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at the South Omaha live stock market for the year to date, as compared with last year: V. 1I4. tlS. Inc. Pen. cattle N,4o7 W.tnl sa.ift Hogs 1.744.rt7 1.M4971 2rt.i;4 Sheep l.Sil.Mn 1.M9.73 IS1.S02 The following table shows the prices for hogs at the South Omaha live sloes mar ked fur the last fw days, with compari sons: Pete. I Ii)i4. (113 tlIJ 11911. HIO.ilrXV. Aug. Si. I 6 H9m I t iai 7 02; S W; 771 Sept. I. I PJ J Ri 7 0,1 6 791 7 821 6 4i Sept. 2.1 $ M 7 7 3?( 7 12 W 7 SO) 6 Sept. 3.) S S4 7 R 27 !W 7 7i 6 W Sept 4.1 7:Hi 7 641 3 U, 7 17 I 7 m i ill Sept 3 62 7 731 Mi 7 11 9 02 I 6 kl Sept. Sept. 7 SO) 8 27 6 fill 9 IT 7 s; 9 66 ) . 361 6 94 9 Orii 8 Mi, t J7 6 9K(8 91 8 tt.'ti 8 09! 8 391 6 971 9 02 7 3 6 1 i ?ept. 7 92 64 7 St; 6 69 7 88 1 6 Hg 7 Mj 6 M 7 W! 71 seut. rVpt. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 8 tSl 8 Oi;; 8 351 9 134 8 MS! 7 7Si 8 W 7 01 8 41 ', 7 8": 8 3T 6 91 1 27 7 871 8 3 6 861 9 17 7 91 14 8 S0,1 1 8 431 6 7h 9 761 7 9 86 Sunday. Itecetpts and disposition of llvw stock at the Union Stock yards, South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m. yesterday: RKCKIPTS-CaRS. Cu t tic. Hogs, Sheep. II r's vt a bush .': Missouri Paciflo Union I'aclflc ,. C. at N.-W., west.... C, S. P., M. & O.... C , B. & (J , east C., B. W . west ('., It 1. at P.. east.. C, R. 1. i P., west. Illinois Central 1 I .. .. ).. Sn 6 61 3 li7 :i I 3 2 I r.j 2 1 2 . . . . 1 Total receipts. 4iV 15 101. DISPOSITION H BAD. Cattle. Hoga. Sheep. Morris Co 676 2.7x6 2, n5 3,716 3. M3 Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armous & CD J. W. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Packing Co South omuha Pack. Co. I'udahy. Country W. B. Vansail Co Benton, Vansant A. L.. Hill i Son F. B. I'Wis Huston & Co J. H. Root & Co,.' J. 11. Bullu L. P. Husx iHoBcnstocit Bros 1.115 7U2 26R 316 IK, 8 2t2 Mi 2: ) 543 161 192 , l ;cd 6.11 2S4 36 1241 '181 27 7 37 26 21 46 233 320 88 N4 1,036 8, 43.1 McCreary & Kellogg.... Wertlielmer ft Dcgcn... II. F. Hanulton Rothschild Mo. & Kaunas Cult Co.. Chrlsle HlgKlns ". 1 1 ut f man Roth Meyers Krebs Baker, Jones & Smith... Tanner Bros John Harvey iKllene J ). & F . Other buyers 10,109 Totals 8.718 1.220 27,601 CATTLE Receipts were large at nil h arkct points this morning, this point being an exception to the rule. As a matter of course, the arrivals at western markets at least consisted very largely of range cattle, there being very lew corn-feds at this point, locally thero was a largo run of row stuff, but the quality was poor on an average. Under the Influence of large Tecelpts the mar ket everywhere showed more or less de cline. As usual under such conditions me common to ntfiaium came suuenu the most severely, while the better grades, being in lighter supply, sold to better ad vantage. When the trade was once under way It was In fair condition. Beef steers sold till tho way from steady to as much as 10c lower. Uood ranger suid up to $8.40. Cows and heifers were In very fair de mand and prices on anything desirable wore generally steady. I Stockera and feeders ranged - all the way from eteady on the best grades to as much as 10c lower on the U fcs desirable kinds. I Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice cornfed beeves, $9.6Oijl0.25; fair to good cornfed beeves, $8.76U9.50; common to fair .. .4 17 "(.', rU 7 . - ,A 1 range steers. $7.4048.60; fair to good range steers, $6.7iV(f7.4o; couuuon to fair range steers, $10)(i.76; good tu choice grass tows, k i.ib; fair to good grades, $o.M 6c6.2fi; common to fair grades, $3.7b&n.f0; yood to choice stockors and feeders. $7.60 lu'e'.oo; fair to good stockers and feeders. S6.75&7.GO; common to fair stockers and feeders, J8.UK.7t; stock cows and heifers, $6.2b&6.7r; stock calves, $6.00t4.00; veal calves, $8.0010 60; bulls, stags. He, $o.2y l. DO. Representative tales: STEERS. No. At. Pr. Ns. Av. Pr. it loo a WESTERNS NEBRASKA 1 bull 17o 6 16 5 cows 1014 6 00 8 f 17 calvea.... 48 6 66 6 calves.... 381 7 00 13 feeders... 841 7 20 20 stock h'rs 80.1 6 8b J4 calves.... 439 8 76 10 calves.... 3U 8 00 8 Blockers.. 676 7 00 2 bulla 6 70 1 bull 1C10 6 70 1 heifer... 370 6 J 1 cow 1130 5 26 3 cow s 923 6 0) 2 feeders... 12A0 7 10 9 cows 774 4 6o 12 feeders... 1011 6 fco 1 steer 1680 7-VI 1 feeder. ...1160 8 10 40 feeders... 1183 $ 10 8 stk. half.. 628 6 (A It feeders... 10K7 7 65 1 heifer 720 6 60 2 cows 965 6 60 1 bull 1210 6 86 1 cow M 6 60 1 cow 860 ft 20 1 bull 10 6 8f, 101 feeders.. 882 6 90 1 calf.. 170 10 00 2 bulls 11)0 6 80 18 feeders. ..1000 7 25 39 calves.. v. 381 7 feeders... 777 10 Mock h'rs 816 15 stock h'rs 696 1 calf 410 6 90 40 7 15 8 75 6 calve.... 366 8 00 2 heifers... MO 7 00 1 bull 1240 6 70 9 heifers... U6 6 40 1 cow 31:41 6 26 1 oow 1040 6 00 1 bull U80 6 70 2 bulla 10i0 6 65 88 calves.... 410 8 13 8 steers 1327 7 60 19 feeders... laoO 8 10 10 stk. c'lv's 362 8 2: 16 Stk. COWS 885 5 n 25 feedersl. .1111 7 1 cow 1 calf 1 cow 1 cow 1 bull .... J9 cows 6 feeders. .. 9U .. 440 .. 6.1O . . 9"o ..16.) .. 963 .. 8x2 4 75 7 75 6 60 5 60 6 00 6 fc 6 00 6 70 6 15 2 bulls I486 9 cows 9:n 1 stk. bull.. WO 6 7 1 stk. bull. .1130 6 75 6 stk. cows 921 4 90 28 feeders... 800 7 25 WYOMING. 37 Steers 1073 7 60 3 steers .1020 7 60 5 steers 1318 7 60 SOUTH DAKOTA. 22 steers 1440 8 40 Jasper Jasperson, Nebraska. 10 feeders... 824 7 (4) 37 feeders... 605 1 cow 11) 4 76 1 stock calf 460 II. A. Hauptmu, Nebraska. 1 feeder.... 9,o 7 10 3 bulls 613 1 bull 1J0O 5 75 1 cow 1141) 1 bull Ut) TO 21 calves.... 419 John Deimer, Nebraska. 41 feeders.. .1118 7 3u 15 feeders... 1133 6 00 700 5 65 6 76 1 26 7 20 Hall Urehm, Nebraaka. 88 feeders.. .1364 S 30 HOGS Receipts dropped almost to the Vhiilahlng point this morning, only seven teen cars, or about l.luO head, being re ceived. This Is without exceplion the smallest Monday run of the year, being smaller than last week by 0 bear!, ana less than half a large as a year ago. Prices broke at ail points again this morning, and the local market was no exception to the rule, the very light sup ply inuvlng at prices that were folly a dime, lower. Receipts were really too light to make much of a market, and when packers started bidding figures that were around 10c lower. It did not take salesmen long to make up their minds to cash the few loads they had, so thst while there was no lite to the trade, the few loads here were cleaned up in good season. The quality was naturally poor, and as shippers and speculators f iil"d to get In, everything sold at a very narrow lange. Popular price was $8 30. with the bulk being quoted at $ 2.Va.35, the latter figure being tne highest paid. When the present slump first started something like two weeks ago, local prices broke before those at other poluu began to tumble, and for a few dss this market was slightlv out of line with the other river msrkets end Chicago. Since then the decline has Income a general thing and while the shipper buyers are doing little at this toli't. racking lng. comprising tho blj end of the receipts at the present, are selling st prices thst couipaie levy favorably with the figures paid at other points N,. At Hh. Tr. No r. h. P. j in ! I :j : ;i, las . ! ie 10 t ri . J. U.... t as a 7 t:- f H "l t it. 2: l. 4 ao i ;u i) 1,7 ;m io : II. ....... Mk . . t M 47 ?4 I U 7t ri iki i f: i7 it, M ;7 10 II M I tt w !..... .Wl ... I 1 17 ... I Jb PUIS. 44 10C ... 7 :j 14 M ... SI 1 ,10 ... 1 it I JO ... ) f I"4 ... 7 . SHKEP-lt was a tre.tly g,od market on both Tat eheci" and lambs, due fur the most part to a model ate run, w hich in cluded few nsliv tood killeis ot any kind and to the continuance of a healthy Inquiry on the part of the packer buiers The receipts were estimated at 26,600 head, which was about the same as on the corresponding d a week ago, but considerably short of two weeks ago and a year ,. gunlity whs lacking, and thia stimulated cimietltion among the packers for the best oftcrinas that were available, resulting ill a lively trade all around at prices fully l'Vv higher on the bulk of the fat lamba and lf.'iiU.o bet ter on yearlings and ewes, the supply of thorn being light and there being few If any wethers to speak of on sale. Fat lambs made a new hluh mark In several weeks, as a two-load bunch commanded $t,10, this being the highest price sluce ft 20 was pnld on AufiiHt 2i. The largest share of the lamb sales ranged anywhere from $7.70 to $t.fln, and In most cases qual ity and weight determined the price. Such ewes as were here sold around $A0H4i';i.W largely, and yeat lings changed hands at a spread of $6.0h6.3i, the former figure being paid for sumo on the heavy order. Some of the offerings were a little wet again today, but this did not seem to delsv trade much, as most everything going to the packers cleared by 10:30 o'clock. The packer buyers rot In on the reeiier end of the receipts this morning, which) was also the case at the close or ibsi week, leaving a com para lively smiill sup- plv of feeders available snd taking a large! share of the offerings most desirable asl feeders. Commission men hnd good orders lo fill and country buyers were well rp-j resented, . consequently the qeniann was vigorous. Most nil kinds or feeders moved as soon ns sorted on a basis steady to a hn,ln Mulier than last Friday. 1 lie re ceipts of feeders continue light compared w-ltb what generally shows up at mis nine of the year. Quotations on range sheep and inmost Lambs, good to choice, $7.751120; lamba. fair tn good. $7.3iVil7.7&; lamba. feeders, $6 HO 1i7.2o: yearlings, good to choice. $6.i40; yearlings, fair to good. $."i.7.iti6.10: yearlings, feeders. so; weiners, goon in rn,,i, $i.4.V&7i.70; wethers, fair to good, $i 3VoA 40; unilmrv fepdrrs. 14 MWH ewes, goon m choice, I.VOOfifi 30; ewes, fair to good, $4.7&iJ 6 m); ew es, feeders. $3.6071 4.25. No. A v. rr t Wvnmlna feeder wethers 6" 4 75 6 85 5 St 8 00 T 00 6 no ft no 5 no t on 3 75 4 65 5 on 6 no 6 on 4 40 8 on 8 00 8 00 5 00 7 15 7 15 7 16 7 20 7 20 102 Wyoming feeder yearlings... 68 17 Wyoming feeder yearlings... 71 123 native lambs 61 7 culls . "0 1ST. Idaho y Tga and weathers.... 92 215 Idaho ewes 114 lk0 Idaho ewes ,113 8 Idaho ewes HI 6 oi11 7 1.231 Idaho ewes 105 73 Wyoming ewes 91 222 Wyoming ewea 91 211 Wyoming ewes 92 IVS Wyoming ewes 91 196 Wyoming lambs .' 87 204 Wyoming lambs 68 248 Wyoming lambs..., 67 119 Wyoming lambs 68 25 Colorado feeder lambs m 69 261 Colorado feeder lambs 68 44 Wyoming feeder lambs M !f Wyoming (feeder lambs 56 25 Wyoming feeder lambs. ....... 66 CHICAGO 1.1 VK STOCK MARKET t attle Steady to Lower Hogs Weak and Lower. CHICAOO. . Sept. H. CATTLE Re ceipts, 23.000 head; market steady to 10c lower: beeves. $6.904111.00: steers. $6.S6fli 9.9i; stockers and feeders. $r.4(Kii.2fi cows and heifers, $3.7.Vf9.;i0: calves, $8.OtKirl2.0O. HOUS Receipts. 29.0(8) head; market weak, 10c to 30e lower; bulk of sales, $8.30 J'8.80; light, 38.6oru4.30; mixed. $8.25iJ9.30; beavvt 88.0ofl9.00; rough, $8.0iU8.20; pigs, $4.7r(i.0. 8HKKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 28.000 head; market strong, mostly 25e higher; sheep. $5.40416 25; yearlings, $0.0ofl7.00; lamba. $7.1H6.7$. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Sept. 14 Receipts, 28. (VK) head; market lower: prime fed steers, f9.76iU10.7S; dresBOd beef aeers, $8.0(t9.B0; western steers, $6,604(9. On; stockers and feeders, fifciX)'8.S6; bulls. $5,251)11.76; calves, $6.7iOii 10.60. HOUS Receipts, 5,000 head; market lower; bulk of sales, $8,40rS,75; heavy. $8.60 f(i865; packers and butchers, $8,56tpS.80; light. $8 35ij?8.80; pigs. $7.2.y8.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 9,000 head; market hlnher: lambs, $7.50478.20; yearlings, $5.754j.6.&0;' wethers, $T.40ni5.90; ewes, $5.16125.60. St. Lonla Live Stock Market. ST. IXri8. Sept 14 CATTLE Re ceipts, 11,400 bead; market lower; native beef steers, $7.604i 10.60; cows and heifers. $5.UXh9 60; stockers and feeders, $5.06 50; southern steers, $6.00jt8.00; cows and heif ers, $4.00Giti.60; native calves, $6.004ill.0o. HOHS Receipts, 14,800 bead; market steady; pigs and lights, $7.0O4J?.3Q; mixed snd butchers, $9,0044) 30; good heavy, $9.15 43 9.23. SHEEP AND IAMBSReceipts, 1.900 head; market higher; native muttons, $4.o0; lambs, $(.00u8.16. Sioux City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, Sept. 14.-CATTLK-Re ceipts, 4.000 head; native steers. $7.0Ogi7.e0; cows and heifers, $5.00titi.6; ranners, $3.78 4i 4. 50; stockers and feeders, $6.26fii7.46; calves, $7.25j10.25; bulls, stags, etc., $6.70 tj.2d. HOGS Receipts, 1.500 head; market 10c lower; heavy, $8.3fiiH.40; mixed. $8.3008.35; light. $8,2548.30; bulk of sales, $8 36. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,500 head; market strong; fed muttons, 5.75ti 6.25; ewes, $1,6046.00; Ismbs, $6,7547.76. St. Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH. Sept. 14. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1,400 head; market steady; steers, 17.0010.26; cows and heifers, $4,25441.25; calves. $6.0n4ilO.tO. HOHS-Receipts. 3,000 head; market dull and lower. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 8.500 head; market strong; iambs, $7.00a.00. f offee Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 14.-COFFEE Rather a steadier tone was reported III the cost and freight market for Brazilian coffee htere today. Considerable coffee is said to have been purchased from Braxtl during the last few days and Santos 4s were reported sold In the cost and freight-market todav at an advance of 'nr to 8V- The local spot market showed no , Improvement, however, as nrlces have been held far above parity with Braxil, and With buyers now holding off In the hope of a readjustment, prices were more or less nominal at 6u fur Rin 7s and llo for Santos 4. There sre now afloat for the United Statea 446.NM ba" of coffee, against 426,000 lust year, and warehouse reliveries have shown a con siderable falling off during the last week. Evaporated Apples aad Dried K raits NEW YORK, Sept. 14. KVA PO RATED APPLKS-yulet: fancy, 104llc; choice, SVil'IOc; prime, S'-ic DRIED FKU ITS Prunes, firm; Cali fornia. 3'iwllVe; Oregons, 104il2c. Apri cots, dull; choice, U'wliV; extra choice, 12V"12'-.-c: fancy, 13Wc. Peaches unlet; choice, 6i4iSe; extra choice. KVaSc; fancy, Raisins. Inactive; loose muscatels. tV4!7c; eolce to fancy seeded,. 7Mic; seedless, 6H45',c; I-ondon layers, $1.7&al85. Kuaar Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 13. SUOA It Ra w firm; molasses. 6.62c; centrifugal, 37c, Refined, steady; cut loaf, 8.16c; crushed, 8(xc; mould A, 7.70c; cubes, 7.50c; pow dered, XXXX, 7. Vic; powdered. 7.36c; fine granulated, 7 25c, diamond "A," 7.c; con fectioners' "A." 7.15c; No. 1. 7.05c. Klala flatter Market. KUSIN. Ill . Sept. 14. BUTTER Fifty tul sold at SO1,!-. Rank Clearings. OMAHA. Sent 14 -Bank cUarlnes for today were $3,097,793.82 with $3. 117.990.03 fur the corxeeppudlng. day lout year FRENCH SEE ROUT FOR GERMAN ARMY Retreat of Invaders Looked Upon at the End of Campaign in North of France. LINE OF COMMUNICATIONS CUT Anglo-French Armies Have "nr. reeslrd In Inlerraptlna applies for Tfitan and t'oafiae lilm In Narrow Channel. f'Copyrlght, 1911, Itcss Publishing Co 1 LONDON. Sept. 14.-Sprclal Cablegram to New York World and Omaha Bee.) The Chronicle's Bordeaux correspondent telegraphs: " Following the great victory of the bat tle of I .a Marne. the irresistible advance of the Anglo-French army eontlnues. and the Hermans are In full retreat. They till are being pushed back on the lefi and center, while the allies have crossed the Marne between Epernay and Vltry le Francois. tn the right, also, the enemy eon tlnues bis retreating movement and Is ab.indoninir the district around Nancy. The allies have reocciipled Lunevllle. The I Hermans are retreating much more rap Idly than they advanced and are leaving behind guns, ainniunltP'n, supplies and horses. I.rrmsn oinmnnlcxtloaa 4'nt. "This evening 1 now icarn that the Hue of communications used by the Oer;nana Is cut, and they cannot make use of the line to the enst of Argonne, owing to the rapid advance of the allies on the center and right. They must, therefore, try the lino through the Meusn and Luxemburg. " 'The loss of the line of communication will probably apply to tho German army In a day or two's time,' said a well In formed personage to me, adding when It does apply the Herman retreat will have become a disaster greater than Telptig. Joffre's Strategy Wlai, "Every official report gei to show how sound la tleneral Joffre's plan of leading tha Invaders further and further away from tholr base. From the wounded, as well as from the relatives of noldlera, I have time after time heard remarks which how that Just when the French troops were on tha point of scoring a success and charging (he enemy, they were be wildered at receiving order to retire a number of kilometers under cover of ar tillery. The reason for all this now Is evident It Ik said the battle of the Marne will end In a complete victory for the allies and Oeneral Joffra will prof). ably become a national hero. Predicament of Invaders. "Germans are still retreating on their new line of communications. It they go east' of the thickly wooded Argonnes, they probably will be stopped at Verdon; It they go west of Argonness and east of the Belgians, who are now operating In force south of Antwerp to clear southern Belgium of the Invaders, the Herman army In France will be obliged to com municate with lis base through Nsmur and Liege and . the Meuse and across Luxemburg. There w ill then be- danger of Inextricable disorder, for the Herman army from Belgium and the Herman army from the Olsa valley will be obliged to pass through the neck of a bottle In north France while being attacked from all sides. Their rapid retreat shows the Germans were unable to bring up reserves In sufficient numbers. "All this la borne out by yesterday's communique referring to Hie general re treat between tna oue ana tne Marne ana Argonne." Gasoline Tank Car . Explodes When it is. Thrown Off Track BLAIR. Neb., 8ep. 14.-(SpeClal Tele gram.) As ' freight train No. 18, going north on the Omaha road at t o'clock Baturday afternoon, was near the Wallace crossing, about'a mile south ot De Soto, a, car of gasoline waa thrown from the track, supposedly by the breaking pf a wheel flange. The tank of gas exploded, starting a fire that burned several cars of merchandise. ' Ten other cars besides the gas car are piled up In the wreck and the track Is torn up for 300 or 400 feet. Tha train was a double-header, tn charge ot Conductor Bolenbaugh. The southbound passenger, leaving Blair st 5:30, wag sent by way of Arlington to Omaha. v A terrific rain and wind storm cams from the southeast this evening, and, crossing the Missouri valley near De Soto, truck Blair with a downpour of rain. The creeks at De Soto were running bank full and the wagon roads were badly washed out on the hills. Everybody reads Bee Want Ads. Cora and Wheat Rrglsa Bulletin. United States Department 'of Agricul ture, weather bureau, for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 76th meridian time, Monday, September 14, 1914: . OMAHA DISTRICT. Temp. Rain- High. Low. tall. Sky. Ashland Auburn ....'. 82 63 1.12 2.33 .16 .67 .06 .68 LOT .85 1.40 1.47 .93 .85 .06 .71 .83 1.22 .04 2 80 Mi Pt. cloudy 79 60 68 M 40 48 42 62 49 41 44 48 48 61 40 46 63 bi 40 61 60 i louay . Cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Broken Bow Columbus Culbertson .... Falrbury Fairmont Grand Island.. Hartlngton ... Hastings Holdrege Lincoln North Platte. Oakdale Omaha Tekamah Valentine .... Alia, la 83 78 68 66 66 64 82 64 M 78 i7 68 n C8 Sioux City, la, Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. In Station. ' District -Temp. Raln- Hlgh. Low. fall Col urn bin, O.... Ixnilsvllle. Ky.. India'polis, lnd. Chicago. Ill ft. Louis. Mo... Kan. C.ty. Mo. Omaha. Neb..,. 18 64 48 . .00 22 M) 54 .00 13 76 68 24 72 . 68 1.10 23 82 66 .20 34 86 42 50 17 70 48 l.W The weather continues cool In the corn and wheat region. Rains were general In the western districts, and falls of one Inch or more occurred In Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota snd Wisconsm j Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Sept. 14. Cotton goods and yarn markets firmer today. Dress goods active. Raw silk dull. Knit goods for quick delivery In better demand. . Metal Market. ,. i ni u Rant 14 M ETAIj Lead. lower; $3.70.siwlter. lower. $5 40tfi 50. Jacksaa Loyal to Maps. According to advice from Washington, ".n.r heins 'doaued' sll over the circuit! hv federal league scouts, who offered i him almost twice as murn as n is sel ling, and salary for a year ana a nan in Uun.e. Joe Jackson has put the quietus on tne indeptndents' efforts to flatly re fusing to desert the Cleveland team. YATICAN ALARMED BK TURKEY'S MOVE Decree Abolishing PriTilegei Foreigners Means Blow at Roman Church. ot LIVELY TROTEST IS ENTERED Pontiff Forsees a flrasqar aad Revnlntlnnary Change Mast-. Pe arlve Office of Force la Ad m Inlet rat loa. (Copyright, 1914. Prehs Publishing Co.) LONDON, Sept. 14. (Special Cablegram to New York World and Omaha Bee. Tho Chronicle's correspondent at Roane sends the following dispatch: "The Ottoman docree abolishing tha privileges of the capitulations for foreign subjects in Turkey causes the greatest concern at tho- Vatican, since It sweeps awy the famous French protectorate over Christian affairs In the liberty of public, worship and the rights of semi religious Institutions, such as schools and hospitals, which Christianity, in virtue of the cnnltulatlons, has enjoyed through out Ihe Ottoman empire since the age of the crusaders. Hitherto no ecclesiastical law could be dealt with except through Ihe French consular agents or tht) French ambassador to the sublime, port. "The holy see Is entering a lively pro test, because It fotfiseeg thnt so brusque and revolutionary a change must deprlva It of all force In administrative matters, while the resultant disendowment mean' financial ruin." v. Nine Survivors of :, Karluk Marooned on Island Aboard Bear WASHINGTON, Sept. 1.-B1ght whtt. men and an Eskimo family, survivors of the wrecked Canadian exploring ship Karluck, are gate aboard the revenua. cutter itcar, after being maroonoa . on froxen Wrangell Island since last Jan uary. A relayed wireless dispatch from) tha Bear received ; here tonight said It was due at Nome, Alaska, today. The Karluk waa a part of an Arctic! ; expedition sent out by the Canadian gr ernment under Vllhjalmur Stefaason.j There were twenty-threa white men i aboard. Captain Robert Bartlett and eleven others reached Wrangell Island, but eight never have been heard from, i Bartlett,- with- three companions, war! ashore near Point BarroW when the) Karluk was carried out to sea by tha lce, They made their way to Collinsoa'g Point j carrying word ot tha vessel's plight to tha, outside world. , The Boar wag sent north from Nome tn July, ss soon as It could 'make Ita way through the ice, to pick up the marooned explorers. It was thought that the party had plenty of food and would not suffer greatly while, awaiting . rescue. I'ntil early In July It was believed that all of, the Karluk'a crew had found safety on Wrangell Isle nil. Then It waa learned that two parties of four had pot Joined the others. The missing were: Henry Beiu-hat, Paris, anthropologist; AUlster Forbes MacKay, Edinburgh, surgeon; L. Murray Foxfleld, Hants, England, ocean ographer; Alexander Anderson, - second officer; Charles Bartlett and 8eamen John Brody, Archibald King . and Thomas Morris. ' Refusal of Request , By Germany and Its Ally Angers the Pope ROME (via Paris), Sept 14.-A dispatch from Turin quotes the St am pa as saying that Cardinal Bourne, archbishop .of Westminster, is conveying from the poea to King George a letter which Is filled with sympathy for tha British nation, which Is described as tha "guardian of peace and master ot Justice." . The Ktampa adds that tha pope asked! the Austrian and Prussian ambassador, to give safe conduct for the return o'C Cardinal Mercler, primate of Belgium, taj Belgium. This was refused, whereupon; the pontiff answered that he would re-j member the unpleasant refusal. A telegram from tha Austrian frontier gays that among tha killed In the Ausil trlan army were many ot Italian birth, j word rrom -iinnoisi ssya mat idosj United States cruiser North Carolina ! coaling there. I ' Prince Louis Napoleon, whose swordlf was refused by -Franca, .Is awaiting Inet tractions to Join the Russian army. . War Keeps Russian Naval Attache from'1' Seeing Dying Mother! SEATTLE, Wash., Sept. K-3aptaln tk, S. Vassllleff, naval attach) of the Rum Ian embassy at Washington, arrived from) Yokohama today, after a vain attempt t see his dying mother lo Russia. BelnsI advised that his mother was fatally 111 with cancer at her home near retrograde Captain Vassllleff obtained leave ot ab- sence and departed from Washington Juljf ,', hoping to reach his mother's bedslda before the end. He arrived In Petrograd August 1 and reported to the war office There he waa Informed that the mobilisation of the army had brgUti, and he' was ordered to return to his - post immediately,, via) Siberia. . j He has not heard from his mother and believes she la dead. . When he arrives In Washington this week he ' will , have traveled . entirely around the world without accomplishing anything. i UNSETTLED WEATHER IS FORECAST FOR THE WEEK WASHINGTON. Sept. ll.-1'nsettled weather with showers in the great central valleys and the lake roglon, extending by Tues lay Into the eastern and southern states, was forecast by the weather bu reau tcnl;;ht for the first part of tha reining week. "Temperatures will average near tha seasonal average In the southern states," ssid the bulletin and "below normal else where with frosts probably along tha northern border and In the northwestern states and the Rocky mountains and plateau regions.". JW ! 1 $7 ! ATTaeHsieBTT was ssra HI llva? Pw karvsauprcuu and throw ia I 118 liS f T pOsoft hrvatraria ia I H ttt F I I L 4 " MuandkorMcutaiwt ) Sjsw SaSs a B) ahuca mil wils s eom bin der SoMlsaTaryatal frieaonlir i.'U niiwilh foddcrbtmlar. J. O. iora. l(aswll.rolo .wnlaa: ", Mia fcarvnn tarla sll yaui alalm fr It) !. Umt ahaxkaS 4 Sara wlls, a" a and sera iaat yar." 1 'ai,monaiaaa. ealalug frea. ahowinK Mturaa of harvaatrr. AildraaS eaocisswAMurACTuaiHacs aaaw. a