Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1914)
THK I'.KK: OMAMA. niFRSD.W. .Win SI J7. WH. BRIEF CITY NEWS j e Bjot Frtat It Now Be on Trass, j HOltMf IBOOIB itouia. nee HIO rid.Uty Store eafl Taa Co. Poof. IBIS. 7.1bUat HjUut Purgees-arandaj .vmpny. eutlful All Modern omM Tor Sals in tin; easy nyni'nt plan. Bunkers iifBity investment company. ic.rrmon '. 'oiifc. 2!Ci. "Tor Com plats Moll Frog-run" j May b. found on tuo lirat page of tu. ( ;:?!f!eJ section today, ar.d appeata lu j i r.a Ret, 1ZXCLV? IV SLY. Find out what ! :he vai'lo-i movins rd-tur theaters offer. ; We. Kusasll Bouad Owt Rot nice K'isi. wife of C. I.. Russell, tho irmn she- rV.l at ihc S:-rngi; hoi el on Atiaust : ?V v.iir iiound over for hearing In be 1:.--tri-' .-ou:'l on ..".'"jO I -ail. ; To JatI tor Shoplifting C. K i ;.ssell V I n v nj on, Joist,, w as nl'IKtI to ' v?n,y-f; e day In .Inil f": stealing u '.tridlms xshc.i a - :i from the llrawlols fti-r"". lie wn arrested Ut feteetlve '.. T. Fii.n. German Alliance Elects Officers and Closes Session roU'MBU-V Neb., .Us- X.-Sptcialj 1 elegranO The ilofln day of the an nual meeting of the Nebraska State Ger man alliance was a busy one. Report if committees new unusually lengthy ad all contained reference to tho oresent war: In fa-t, all the speeches TrtiiK the swHUm refered to tho present KiKiltimm In the fatherland. ('. .V. Summers .if Uncoln. who has n chulnnaii of tha committer to en i uiage tho tea:hlntr ami speaking of lornian, was continued In that position. .he has bsen quite successful during lie lust year. One of the especial points made by the iathtrlng and incorporated in the reeo U:tlors wxs that urging every German to nee hl. utmost efforts to correct the false impreeMons regarding conditions in Ger many liurlng the present war on account, f tho average American being; unfamiliar T-'th eonditioiib there. The report of the forestry committee, r which fail Rohde of this city la chair nan, which endorsed the work of the fed eral government In weatcm Nebraska. vas approved by the convention aa well a the recommendation to create the ot tice of state forester. The following officers . were elected: President, Val J. Peters. Oraaht; first ice president. Curl Rohde, Columbup; econd vice president. Carl Kauf, Hast ns; third vice president, John Schlnd er. Stanton; first recording secretary, fllchard Goehrins; Grand Island; second -eeordlngr secretary. Hans "Warkow, IJn ?oln; financial and corresponding seore .ary. John Mattes, Nebraska City; traa iirer. Fred Volpp, Scribner. Next year'a noeting will be held In Omaha. At a mass meeting: hold this afternoon upeeches were made by Rev. Rade of Bloorafleld and C. M. Gruenther of Platte Center. A subscription list that was cir culated netted about 1350 and besides this Thusnelda lodge, Pons of Herman, al lowed t'W at Its last meeting, making a, total of $960 for the German Red rCons ivorlr. Fire Destroys Big Store at Falls City FAlLfl CITT, Neb., Aug. SC. (Special lelegram.) Dittman'a department store tvas destroyed by fire early this morning. The lose is 130,000, with insurance of 118, m. The fire originated In new stock ttored in the cellar. Despite a high wind firnmcn succeeded in confining the blaie n tbe building where it originated. ?(fw Pnetmastere. WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. (Special Telegram.) Postmaaters apiolnted in Ne--uaska: Corlett, 1'owell county, l. K oilett; Rest, Chase, Kllza J. Taylor, vice . K. In, rexiKiied; Hraden. Arthur, liail.-s R. Yoakum, vlre R. K. Twldwell, "srm-rt; I'orks, .Mcpherson, llenjsmln It. RtchHids, vice L.. Montgomery, re--iKned; Keystone, Keith, Atlss Donna. V. 1or, vli e F red Moore, resigned. lows: fiartletL, Fremont county, Ver- e Paris, vice V. Thornton; Rrookr, d"ms county, Harry C. Marsh, vice M. U Tin ker; Harvey, Alarlon county, Mrs. luftepliine Rean, vice .1. H. Larew; Hock- r.g, Jl'juroe county, Miss Anna M. Trol- n. vice It. Rlack; Imogene, Fremont -O'irty, Frederick J. Wyman, vice M. M. fa I hurt: LIHlo Sioux. Harrison county, Vrthur K. jJancett. vice L,. I Revnolels; Vuma, Appanooso county, Bert R. Ar-:-oa-st, vice H. F. Kowlej" Percival, Fre- nor.t county, Miss Clara E. Copland, vice vV. II. Sheldon : Rlverton, Fremont ounty, Mrs. Cora C. Clark, vice G. W. I'.viin; 'ringl'-y, Itlngold county. Mis, Iclle Fender, vice H. W. Awards; .'tileinvllle. Appanoose county, Fred A. VIIsod, vice C. A. Stanley. Nebraska: Postmaster reappointed: ted Peer, Cherry county, Mrs. Carolln '. Cnmhow, . H xtorn, Cheyenne county, 'lirlstlne Carlson: ftaflord. Holt county, "Wwin K. Ciandall: Troy, Kliuball county, .i.r Hall; Valley Range. McPherson ounty. Ion Hurd; Watertown, Buffalo nunty, Krnest G. Rurrlngton ; Willow Inland. Iauson county. Nenl McMullan; yela. Keith county, lilmiilld J. 41 one. PViatoffieu established at Mllldale, Cus ir county. Neb., with Albert G. Brown e postmaster. Christ Nt'llson of Omaha, and R. B. I.lerhtrn of Fairbury, Neb., have been apimliited chairman In conrcctlon with aluation eif railroad Interstate Commerce lonunlsslon. Kxpe l!nenv.'l villase delivery has heed -tlscontlnued h.1 Pawnee City. Neb. LATEST PRIMARY FIGURES Sixty-seven counties complete out of ilnety-lbree; US preoinots in Douglas; 42 ii-eeirx ts in Lancaster; partial returns on governor from thirteen additional counties. GOVERNOR. . RLPFRLICAN ' Ii:jfOCRAT. Hammond lR.W F.erge ,."5 How..l M.01P' Metcalfe 10.72 Weinp I I.21S .Moielirad 37., ill LIEUTKNA NT ttOVLUNOIl. fiiotwell II. 7W Pearson loaglaiid IM'.f IVtm 13.M4 All-irlgi.t ll4'Hnaely S,4?s V ;in Altn 3,7(171 . SECRETARY OP STATK liarr.arU ls13'Shielda alt 2.fM'PooI 'AIT.ITOR. Minor 27.ii; Nu opposition. ..17.8: ii i i 0 .Mil I.Ut I I TKKASIT.KR. "lamer 27. W Hall Tee garden '-'1 .:3 Uullaghe- .. 14 v .STATE Sl'PF.RI NT1CN 1 ENT. Tiiomas 19. .; Whitehead l Hays 9.SHMonroe '.'StM Flilott 1.'1. 1" line ;:fl4 J Walker ATTORN FT OliNERAU Ars l2'3'Red, Sears is.wi, oacjfiasrX Uevoe l""4 McQuigton .VSi'i IjANU COMJIIPSrO.VER. .e. kmn. ! Lastham 17.4 unupposc'l. 1 McKis.-feh U.Wi l-Afii-ti 9,;4 RAILWAT rOMMlSSIONL'R. Hall Ollia Vounr Sl. Msjpin 11.C7t Iiuval i.ioi Ralston ... 11.4 Kelfer 4.JH Lehr ,ti 'linaon 7..sit i'etrAtio RKilKXTii OF STATK UNIVERSITY. 1 ;oiiilind s.T42' NoWe Nebraska TERMINAL TAX FIGURES Srcrttaxy Seymour Shows that Total Has Been Slightly Increased. NEAR QUARTER MILLION MORE ('otHfiutntlnn MHdf seael al- illaii of Tangible and Intan Qltilf Prpert for Miles of Main Track. i l"i urn a 8-if tVi re ixinilent.) '.IVCOLN..Neb.. Aug. 28 (Spe. lal.Y-Finui-ea prepared by Secretary fJe-rrimi: of the Mat beard of assessment sl ow ti-.:it h. vuluntlon of railroads for mmiM pal ;itir;H'cs hns increased uxe tin- vsluation a returned last year. ; The figurea jjlvcn are for miles jf main ttia.'k, the computed assess valtiatlmi o j Intanaible property and rolMrg stock, the nliu of tangible property aa assessed by U'al sfesvri and ecjuallxed by the stiU bonrd and tile total assessed valuation o' ea' h rail-oBd -ompany for niunltlpnl tx aticn. Vollowing ait! the figures for l1!' and W4- Rt-RUXGTON. Value of Value of Int'g'blc Tan'ble Prop, and Allies. Prop. Riding St k. Total 7.J4 rs1M.iw l.ls7.fSl 4.2,44 .V.a9 3.H0.KS t.l!.247 4.J.2S: 1'XION PACIFIC. in 4.. 1813.. 1M4..., 1913..., 4.7H2.H2I t.h.-.',:s;i l,4(.4.f.S l,37',liji r.9R,.-r. C.W.7K2 Wl.TSO 11UI7 t.ttK.?. V NORTH WF.ST1CR N. 1M14. ixir;. . ... H4.1-2 1.W.9S4 21.7S .... !W73 i,ivi,4.r :v,m C. S?T. P.. M. ; O. HJ.d? 47S.1i.i 125.4M .... 4.!f H$,gT4 ROCK IsMiANn. . ... UO.W 222,9T h,6l2 . ... 211(11 121.. M,6:'w Missorm pacifk'. 4il.4i !'.r,9(.' .... s.r ma.spi tt7.24r 1H14.. 191:!.. 1914. 191S. 1914.. 19P!.. 47S,45fi 479,5r)3 ST. JOR GRAND ISLAND. lftH 10.57 4K,u2i J't.iSi rtN.m 1911 ll.W 48 W i4.8T 70.812 MASON CITV FT. IHIIKSE. ii "9S7D :m,6:c, 1'3 121, ; 121.529 ii.n uiA uKinc.i; tp;r. 1914. 1913. .. .Ti 9I.4I 14.S2S .... o.41!l 14.S28 1u'i.77:i 104.7I1 24.505 ?4,8in CO. 3.792 OAfAHA. 1JNC01.N & R. ISM 4S5 17,77o CWft 1913 4.W 1.20 i5 7) OMAHA LINCOLN RT. ft U 13M 7.07 1714 1.078 1913 7.07 1.5o4 1,07 OMAHA & SIH TI1KILN. If 14 1.35 S.tfTM ,T0ii 113 2.CU W 4,m 2,i2 7.6W Other Railroad. The Illinois Central valuation on ln tanplhle proiwrty and rolling' stock only is given with the ftruros 7,7nn, the Wa lnh at llO.trn). the Chlcniro. Milwaukee & St. Tanl at I2AO0O and the Atchison. To pelia Snnta Re at ll.SS". there being no ehangna In the valuations f - 113. This gives the totals as follows 1914. 1913 Miles 570.89 577.37 Tangible property t !,3Cr,249 $ 9,19,07(i Intangible prop, b r. a. 2.X86.015 i.82,334 Totals Sl.353,2b4 12,On.5T,4 firirea for Ommha. In Omaha the figures on the five largest roads are given as follows; Property. Miles. Tang. Int. & R.S. Total. Rurlington 604 S 2,0ti t iio.MX, Union Pac 7.96 2.S42.1M 107.WI 2,4M),241 N. W J,77 l::4,2&fi S.671 142.92S M. & O.... 4.0X 199.270 14.4M4 2U.8sn Rock Island .... 21,4 21,4.0 Mo. Pwo.... 10.28 17YU2B S4,2 214.0SO validity" of county, high SCHOOL UW ATTACKED rTAPtE7rON, Neb., AugA2t.-Sperlal.) A temporary restraining order has been granted on application of John Worrell to prevent the Board of Regents taking further action in establishing a county high school at Gandy. It will come up for final hearing before Judge Grimes at North Platte September 3. This is the first suit brought to test the validity of the new high school law. Wewi Nartea PB4. PONCA. Neb., Auff. Speciftl.) Ttej annual teachers' institute of Digon county la In Beeaton here this week with V; t'&&m I ' T", 1 , ': p tiff Victrola VI, $25 ' Oak Have you you'd like If so, offer it through the "Swappers' Col umn" of The Bee. The"Swappers' Column" is now known from one end of the country to the other and is being widely copied. It fills a human need the need of getting into instant touch with people who have something to ex change. Come in and find out how easy, it is to get into the Swappers' Club and how much you can get out of it. Telephone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE Everybody reads Bee Want Ads ?RFSIDEXT NEBRASKA GERMAN AMERICAN ALLIANCE. I j j n ttteuaance of 126. The Instructoi 9. if .iv., i MU'erlnfeiidctit A. V. Tceee, .ue IiiMit Rouse oi tho otate normal, Pom; Prof. Filley. fro'ii Shoel of Atrrl- riltur, slate univor.ity; Alias Mai In An derson, supeivlor in famous schools of fiiiry, Ind., and Mis Claire Roach of Sioux City, Instructor in music. The funeral of U. .Sherman, an old resi dent of this place snd a veteran of tha civil li ar, took place this afternoon at the Methodist Episcopal church. Rev. I'Vr gleston officiating- Air. Sherman died after a brief i'.lnens at the home of his son. C. F. Sherman, of IMxon, on Sun day. Madison Party is Safe in London AtAI'ISON, Aug.. 26. (Sneelal.) Word came to Ir. and Mrs. V. A. Iong yester day that their daughter. Francs Long, reached London from Paris tho 13th, after a variety of experiences In Paris during the four days of grtatcst ex citement, and without looidng any bag gage. Aliss Long Is conducting a small party of tourtstu and , reachod Pails from Brussels on tho night of July 31 The party will sail for home from Glas gow to Montreal on the 29th Inst., thoir regular reservations having been held for them. LJcGAIR BEET, Per Sack . S6.75 1GU . . Sl.OO CANE, 1534 lbs $1.00 Per Sack $6.95 AT ANY OF THE ...FOUR BASKET STORES... No. 21-816 Xo. 16 No. 23-1807 Vinton No. 22-1406 No. 24 No. 24-2127 Farcani anything to swap? Nebraska. MOST VOTES REPUBLICAN Deputy SUte Auditor Mfckes Esti mate oi suae s iieciors, CRADD0CK TO FURNISH PLANS Open Sen!!!! for lek aH afer Knnl Mill tart First of sp lemner and Will lose ItrrrmKrr (FYotn a tlf t'oifespondenui , LINCOLN. Aug. 2H.-(PpiX-inl Accord ing to flanivs ronipllcd by lvputy Htsta Auditor Minor on the primary election lie liuntvs that the threo low , nndlilnies run ning for governor on the republican ticket elner. Steens and Cepl-dia. tlll p.Jl In the prtgbbothood of 11.') votes. wnklHir the total republlonn vote in thai state about 11. or 12.J more than the democratlca vote. 1 trrrpt mrteJcti.We IMans. The Stste Normal board at Its meeting todav decided to accept the plans pre pared bv J. H. Craddock of Omaha for a new model school building nt the Peru .chiHil to cost In the neighborhood of I- .000 or MVW. lda to be considered at the noxt meeting or toe iramo, October 1. Onrn teason'for ln-ks. The oubllcation of a neVs Item that the open season on ducks did not begm until ftotnhrr I. has brouj-'ht In a flood of let ters to Game Warden Rutenbeck asking about the law. The pame warden his kept his stenographer busy today trying to untiiiiFle the mystery and (.Ives out that tho open season fur wild duck, l.ront , rnnos mid KUliio water fowls begins Tuesday, September 1 and will closo Wednesday. Pecetnber K Candida tea' -.iene .evonts. Candidates still continue to want to let the public, know how much money they spent In the quest of votes and the follow ing certificates came In today: Robert W. DeVoe, for attorney general. 1131.15; T. U Hall, railway commission, IF.23.53; J. Warren Kiefer. railway commis sioner. &.: K. K. llnyes. state super intendent $19.Vi; Clyde Rsrnnrd. 117. Mat hew Oerlng, who ran second In the , race for congressional nomination honors, i spent MM. 17. He encloses a letter to the j secretary of slate In which he eongratu- J latMH Mr. Walt on his ronominatlon and savs that ho proposes to get into the fight wtth his coat off an do whnt he can to j make Nebraska republican front top to bottom. Complains of (train Rate.. .T. W. shorthill. secretary-treasurer of the Nebiaska Farmers' to-oprative Grain and IJve Slock assoelation. ha4i made complaint to the State Railway commission that grain rates axe too high over the railroads and petitions the com mission to notify the companies to ap pear before the commission nnd show cause why freight rates should not bo made lower on grain lu carload lots. If s easy aoces the Victroia Cardinal Farley ; Arrives in Rome, KO.MK. A'.ig. 25. "Vo ,,. i-tVis Paris. ' Alii. 2" 3:M a, in.) Ca'dlnal Farlev otj .Nca l ork, n eompanb-d bv Monslgnors Patilek .1, Hives and John Friward and tl-.e Rev. Thomas I . Carroll, went to st Peter's today an I were received bv Mon slguor Giissepe de ltii"Clw, admlnlstra -t"i of Cie lliislltca They praynl lie fore the toni'io of the apntli'S and thru do- 1 H'enile.l nt. the ciypt to imy a hist h. nis re before loo ii stiiiR plsee of pope Pius X. They remained there deeny en - grossed In p'sy- rfora nnsldi labte time, 6-v:fl .. Wfj77i4WIJ Oil! Yosi'Wfimer! . Heads first division "BlatejPrwatc Stock 9 9 Leads Them All A Winner always. , A hiost exquisite Brew. Pure wholesomesnappy and ' individual in taste. Its real superiority appreciated, by every member of the family. Satisfy their .enthusiasm by order ing a case sent I home today. ' i Blatz Company, Omaha, Neb. ! Douglea t 802 wit to the The Hesitation, Maxixe, One Step, Tango, and other dances all played loud and clear and in perfect time. , There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from $10 to $200 at all Victor dealers. Victor Talking Machine Co. Camden, N. J. Austria Not Seeking Revenge Upon Italy ( i ll"- ! LONTX1N. Aug. .!. H: .0 a. m. I A palelt to the Kxrhango Telegraph from Rome says Hint a cording to advices from . Vienna, General Corad. chief , of the A'istrlsn staff. ha sient tho follow ing niessnoo to the Italian government: The reports published In Italy that A ust i In-llungai y has aggressive .Inten- lions as.ilnst Italy lit older to revenpe lt - - ll' for MaIt-V failure , In participate If the wa-. are absolutely without founds - 810 DOUGLAS STREET Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Castle, teachfirs ana 8Tatet expo ntrnit of t n modern dance, use tl Victor exclusively and superintend the making of their Victor Dance Records. Mr. ana Mrs. Vtnwo Caatla danein( thaftUaixa TnJ, i 'owrJiiwr 1 ' I ' '" leairh the "-Hew music of - i r " ' ' . . 0 :W 'J til t'on ani am stlcrmatlsed as msllmant efforts put forth by a third party.' etr Poalmseler at 9hellen. SltKLTON, Neb.. Aug. 14 (Special. The Khelton poslorflee ixissed to a new postmaster yesterday, being tinder repub- ... ,1 I II' Mil I'lutlllli-fP I"l Illlll'l Lllltll riJVIT-Tl years. I. I. Peterson retired and John Courtly succeeded him. .Mr. Peterson will devotn his time to forming and stock ralslntr. Heal for kl OUeaaea. , HiKklen's Arnica Salve Is soothing, healing anil artiseptlc. Pest for hums, sores, wounds, bruises, riles, etc. iSc. All druggists.- Advertisement. i 6662 ' ' -. njn 1:7 iiier j 4; lirwHO 22.;kii UUI