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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1914)
i llli; UKK: OMAHA. THl'RSDAY. AUGUST 27. 1.014. ! . i Fashion Hint By MELLIFICIA. Wednesday, August 26, 1914. Y "OU have all heard of the newspaper women and settlement work. crs ho havo tried the various ways if the poorer wage-earners to set local color and statistics on the situation, but Home Omaha society young women who have hern nbroad thl aunimer will gone through some of these experiences not to pet local rolor or Ktatls lira, but In order to get home. Mips Ophelia llayden and her coucin, Mlmea Clara and Helen Hay. tlen of Wachlngton, I). C. had gone, with their uncle, Mr. Jame llayden, to the Land of the Midnight Sun for a (harming and beautiful trip, but t hen war was declared their one thought wan to get bark to America. The only possible accommodations were in the steerage, ho the young women were game and started, but, fortunately, after reaching the aecond port of call, they were able to Kecure second-cabin paxsag for the rent of the trip, as some travelers who had engaged then were not able to reach the port. I ir. and Mrs. A. K. Jonas and Mrs. (leorge l'aliuer and children were among those fortunate enough to have first cabin on thrt anie steamer, the Ilaltlc. Mrs. Palmer lost all of her luggage in France. Mr. Jonas Bays i-he would have been willing to come home a week earlier, tnlt they could not get even that arronimodation, so they waited for the Haltlc, on which they had made reservation last May. Many people were on gteamers al ready to aail, or steam rather, hen tho nhlp would be commandeered, and the passengers' would have to disembark and look for new accommoda tion. Mrs. Jonas was particularly Impressed with the kindness of the peo ple of tho nrltish Isles, and especially In Root land, where they were stay ing. People opened their private homes for the travelers who were ma rooned over there. Mr. Kdward Itrurey Perkins of New York City, formerly of Omaha, telegraphed his parents this morning of hln safe arrival In New York. Mr. Perkins was In Vienna the day war was declared. Reassuring news In the dispatches of the Hafety of two more Kuropean tourists relieves anxiously Inquiring Omaha frlendn unable to get word of; them, and directs attention again to two especially Interesting neraonageii. e m .wvM r t ... v 1 1 HvIav l on Omilt. mrm n m-hr, haa made bar W IJ r7 Ul t I. Ill, .'l inn iirmr- n; i' ... v u w - .. j own way to a successful mnnlcuring and chiropodist establishment, en-j joying the patronage of many of our society exclusive. Last fprlng. In ' appreciation of her favora and services, some of her wealthy customers vol-i nntiriir nixori a nu mo of several hundred dollurs to give her the time or. her life In a trip to Europe, which seems to have ben ''H timed for ex citement if not for pleasure. The other woman, Mrs. Eleanor Koeulg. la the mother of Mr. W. It. Koealg of the Kllpatrlck firm, who, although up tn the 70s, Is entirely helf-rellant and resourceful. Her special delight and diversion when she wants to get away from Omaha Is to do settlement work in New York or make solitary trips to relatives in Kurope. She has crossed and re-croHHed the ocean so many times that It Is almost a habit, and fihe knows Germany like a book. .4ii. 1 :::: : Omahan it Arrested as Spy and Later Released by German. WFRQTFPQ APP RSflf IIIP'"',, tfKtt trJn 'n w,r thlrty-W i 1in a woman arrears on the etagr, for lILLOlLnO ntxL DAtn nUlULjhnur it traveling 11 mta, being forcd ,,nmr,,r g-wA in the moM Mshlr.nar.le 1 to change rars aHont every ten miles. I tti,, , no , ,r. t!) j. I Miring thi time they had one meal tna. !.,,, of lh, ,,i,,n, 0. iaf,,i of a,r. simply a roH tunrh. an. In the cars j hunt mRy n. m( r,nl ,j,.li(Hr fi,, p;t were pncnen in line caiue. m- ( altln being full of men and women I TEUTONS ARE VERY CONFIDENT "nn- i ! In l'arls. where Mr. VTebeter remained days, he found a feeling of r.i reTi prevailing, hut not the excitement thnt exl.ted In Germany. Manv of the .ihopn ,-in'l trtoies were. cloet and pro prietors and clerks had gone to wsr. h tUi- thrend of a neat plt li.e . ! v, .11 ln slaFC'l ftv tnllclpatr Takln of St. I'rtf rahorl ft Pnrla ( an l.arlr Pate Or. lruin Return from I'nrla. rells It. H is innely n matter of KhcMvir'g the' r.f (lie tv Ir.'l' ien'l cntly ci the nsniifat'irei . It is to he it theitti'.ca! dicptay of stylish mee. har.dire. The acts in the p;ny will 1.0 1 ,ir of KO.-rifs in r'-vi!onsl.e ioiiely, ;it f,ih Ir i'al e ie rr tioi , f snjo." and other m - f.i.rl.n.. i l ii'intrj: t Pel W - I, mil i li.fn S'.:d.. il'.' ai ts. Among tha tnlent for t'lese U J"o Wy.-off, who plsjl In r v. Yor,i v ry tKicceasfully, rspec. mil;. In Mdiyoii .-nuari' (iBrden and other I'ln ps Lililan l-on Is another In this list (.f vaudeville t:i!e:) She Is a violinist of t ime, l eaner an l Jnnis ar to be hor t.j xlae fnnry titngidnq; nnd other danc lr.3 retvefu tl.e a' t-1. the .' '4 - . - . ? i f k-Brnrn 'M 1 I 12 I nts were fMnr everywhere and , , , ,. , " .military -plrlt was dominant. .IoIim is ,f,.;.r rtil ir.min t,re ha, lrom :i Fiimtrcr tr,-nt In I: irr,. While ' Trl ""'' .Mr. Weh.ter wax m t t loe enough til t.evlna PsriH Mr. Webnter had no dU the ceene ( to Mri ,,w,pr n WBH i fleii!ty in getting over to Enpiand and not far irr.m aetnnl linit ir - 'after ionu London a fe- days he "Rent Mr. We!ietr !elt f;ern:ar.v- 1 10 l-fverpoot. from nnd rneMently lie was tl,er. wl en was deilared n P.iifsU. The r.laht of the declaration ot war he and famllv Ms whence he and la-ully Ha!i for home. i I'aria. hen I left there," said the . doto, "th gravelv ..oneerned over ti e ere t i. hotel in Mayence and uliout I rrni'n invnelan and was ta King me. win inldnlcht they were awakened by l,-.ute i eriouiy. However, the naUves felt 0:1- , . heerlnir. Hlnainn and the tramp oi" man ! t -.t the Frenols troops wou'd he j in the etreets .e. hiK i-.f!ow. Uetiinir ! at Rer'lc j(:rt as soon as the Germans HP, .Mr. Wehstei l-,ke. n Into the street and noth ed the pu'Sitii; nf renl ment alter reslnient of "ldier. f'."itia would reiich Tarls.' down to the h''te , v., Ln ii'i-i 'in hi ne ten: i.eq thai j war was on and that oliliern were going (to the front j PrliT t'i this time. llr. W'elister i.H.I j heard tall, of war. hilt hud iu :oe,l nlat ' It wa merely ta!U. The follnwlna ly h ivenl down thn. Ithln. to ('iiloptio and .everywhere tli le were Hnldiei. 'fhev I were nn tho I uit, u ti e lan.llnt- nnd I In the, cltleH ul.iiir the rler. l.voi- lrl;(;e I nnd every railroad w;c ).iitrcl!e.. In CuIiiriii .Mi. Url i.lei li,.ij m ine . . perleme th;it to him v a lather am'i.lnn. I'or it short tune he wttt Kipr.ted of tii ina a spy. lie rs ! .kitii at n l.riiUe eros the liver and ;i 'remti oftler, notloin him. si-r.t ;i siriad c: soldiers to tnko him Intu ..mtniy. In 1 l privet ho earried an otdiuttiv tna; .-f K.'.ironi' lin.'l to the soldn is thlv ,m.h o.nienre that he was a spy. 1 iin'l.. he . n t.ilic n heroi e 'tho I'limraur lin "I ''!' er f 'lint l'prtluii of tho terms n urm ,- oei-npvlnt' tt-e town 'and gtve nn ei,ir.itioi. Hist rtns satis ; factory. i.ermaaa I fiiinflf-iif. Tiilklnit with n H.-iinun nffliei.. .Mi. Webster was ansmed that liie (reinianN would be In M. Petri shurir within .three weeks from Anaust 1 nnd In Pinis by. AuriibI to. Kvery where they felt eertalti of Style Show and Play to Be Given ! at the Auditorium; A real, aure-enoug.i style show, in the ! hate of a theatrical production with I many f haracters, and high priced talent j is now scheduled for the Auditorium for i September 21 to Z. Inclusive. There will j bo pei femancer. both matinee and even- in,, ever dny. K. U. Ryan, the advance nuent, is in Ctv.ahs making atranseiuetits 1 for this Hho. Tn enrnpany Is Junt fin-! Iidnnsj a suefossf'il run at :leveland. Mr. 1 Ryan tays tho i-hov. played to ',i"i pej. pie at I Moines. The play is :ndr the personal p:oiut llon of t'red 11. Morgan. Amon the mnrry ate K Patlifian mrleln f:oni tti shT o;' Madame Kavarrle, in Paris. are many male models .alfo Tho 111 appeur In tho rw.irse of the play. This Is to le something ne,w In style sl ows in Omaha. An allegorloal play In ; six acts is to be produced and special ! srenety for the. work Is carried. The latent fashion designs originating In the bent rriinils in faahton work on two con- I tlnents will he utilised and employed, j This, Mi. Ryan announces. Is not an aj- I U MM IllliS ioN o if,-, )t USUI ;m i p i i im T 1 T I! Buy it by the Dozen r hare a tnptiiy of ftesh, C:( r every purpose. Cottar and you'll alwavs tiara a hdii!t of ftesh. clean, tmre.'avteet cream and milk on hand for every purpose. EVAPORAT ED me I. vrr.i si: Returu from E.tei Park. Mlsa Mary 1". Cooper has return-id lrom Untes Paik, where rha taught .lanrlng lor tne lunt four weeks. Previous to her aeason at Kstes Park Mlsa fooper t.pint six. weeks at tho ('Knihrldae scliool of dancing in the, taking the couran for teaching and receiving Instruction In the new aoclety ihuicea liy duncera frun Cns tic liousu. MIfs Cooper took part in the i Wiping rxercine of the school wltii an Mglnal composition in dancing. At Carter Lake Club. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. ITynn entertainad at dinner at Carter Lake club last even ing, t'ovora were laid for: Mr. and Mrs. Phil Mm Millan. Mr. and Mrs. It. Yocuni. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Klynn. . MendHmea Mesdamea Kind Hoffman. John Moi'ann. M.fisarit Wagner. Marie Hchnelder. Anna Jucksun, Miseea Misses nor Hoffman, Xallle ti'Connell, Marif-nrvl Prennan, Rata Rarnahle, I'taiivhe Kenney, Agnea Parnahln Anna Klynn, of L Mara, la. ; .VI Initio Klynn. Mr. Mh hael O'Connell. Mr. and Mr. C. If. T. Riein enter tained at a dinner party, whe their guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Htlle. Mr. and Mr. V. P. lleeney. Mesdamea MeadHmea 1). A. Hrown of K. J. fesott of Kanaaai'lty. Mo.: Topeka, Kan. MIm KliMbeth Htllea. Maatera Masters Kenneth HI Ilea, Jack Drown. Mr. and Mis. 1". T. Maaon entertained at dinner In honor of Mr. and Mr a. W. . Maaon of llufUIo, N. Y. Covera were, laid (or: Mr. and Mrs. ". a. Maaon. Mr. and Mr. Will Plainer. Mr. and Mra. Kdward ('lav. Mr. and Mr. K. A. Pardun. Mr. and Mra. V. Cunnlnaham. Mr. aad Mra. firant V llllaiiia. Mr. and Mra. T. Maaon. iMr. and Mrs. C. II. be Waal had aa (heir guta: Mr. and Mra. Oeorge Nownea. Mr. and air. Kusaell Wilson. Mra. Edgar Wllaun. Misaea Mlsaea aortrud Pe Waal. Ruth Nownea. Other entertaining at the club were Mr. and Mra. Willis Crosby, who had eight guests; f. R. Rrlgliam. eight; Dr. t ir. Uallard, four; K. A, Ilanaon, five; W. II. Crott, four; Nyal. three; Kdwln Palmer, four; Grant Puter. two; Vincent Jfaacall, two. Wedding; Anniversary. Mr. and Mra. Fred Itadra aie ntertaln Ing at a family dinner this evening to celebrate their twenty-eighth anniversary and for the departure of Miaa Lola llarria for Wellealey college. Cover will be laid for: Mr. and Mra. W. L. Karri. Mr. and Mm. Fred Haiira Miaa LoIa llarria. Merera. Meaar K. Keiigaohn, Julian llama ttlgniund tamdaberg. For Mill Caroline Congdon. Mrs. J. M. Harding gave a luncheon tuday at her borne t.,r Miaa Caroline ongdon, whoaa wedding to Mr. Herbert French mill take pla Fept-rnber 1 .'over mtro place! fcr: Mlaaes MUaea f'andiite Cong Jon. Mary ilurkley. Hllver. Joetphluv L'vngdou, l ncabeth Cong Jon. M-daine Mnadame- Arthur M. Rogera. J. 11. Harding, ramutl Reea, ir.. At Fontenelle Park. A band concert wlU be given at Fou ttiiella park Uunday afternoon between 3 and i o'clock. The tcrinio court, which were begun last year by Commissioner Hummel, are now being completed. Slumber Party. . The Mlaae. Alma and Helen Soren&on entertained at a (lumber party at their l.oma Monday evening. Tuoea present were: Wedemeyer, yice president; Mi. C. P. Walker, secretary: Mr. Charles Rrandon, treasurer, and Mia. n. J. Hcannel), re porter. The next meeting will be held In two weeks, when Mesdsme.t Albert Wedemeyer. Charles llmndon and I N'el Hit will be the. honteases. Seymour Lake Country Club. The tmmanuel l.utheiStn choir of nxty five voices, under the direction of Mr. II. 12. Johnston, inrnln the trip to thn Hey mour club loat evening by chartered car. and following dinner sang a number of selection. Adah Chapter Xo. ul, O. K. B of ftoutli Omaha, will have dinner utul spend the evening at Pcyn9ur club tomorrow. Mra. William Jlerry, worthy matron, will be hostess. Mra. M. P. Prown entertained the children' day committee at a chicken dinner at her country home near Papiillmi Tuesday. A bimlnesa session followed. Thoan present were: , Meadame- MnaflameH John t rlon. n0y Wnnls, J. M. Van Kuren, M. n. Haid. It. A. (Sander. K. T. Yaler Mis Handera. ..Una Kunlce Rneor, who ha been gunat f honor at a number of pleasant affair this Kiimmer, entertained at a I'aiewell luncheon Tuesday. Ml Ensor leaves to day for Rochester, N. T. lr. and Mr. T. J. Dwyer entertained at dinner last evening, having fhclr guests Mr. and Mra. T. P. Redmond. Mlneee Mennrs f 'J1'""' 1 ' ' "do' t ) ei Iella Flanagan. of Chicago. o. . r. J'lin Hwyer. Cyrtl K Pheehy had a his guests at dinner M Mayme Crowe.ll of Chicago. Mlsa Margaret Carley. nuwara r.Kger. Model lllnnclmt. Paris. atlii hat of navy blue, nun white bolder of velvet, trimmed with feather o' Numidle. This is a veiynew dexlgn. a City are the. gueats of Mr. and Mis Robert I oiiler. J. 0. F. Club. Mr. V.. J. Council culei tamed the J. O. F. club at his home TuesdKy evening. Uanclng, musln and original a amen we-ia enjoyed. Those present were: . siiecens and thst the ar would he short, i vertisinff r ropositlon tn that It does not In- j j From Cologne to Straw bin g- tl-e Wrb- j dlvid jalli snv partlciimr brand of good.'. J I Misses Olartys l.lmlberg, Marin tiKtronlc, Agnes Sloiip, llattle Itsnxen. liene Kiillivan'. Messrs. I.ouia Waviln, .lames Kailll. John :: a. t.angfiinl Iwecraft, Frank Vaskn, Mixns -tlet Irmlii Hell Cinimll iilufia, Mayme rtlonp. llse Coniiell, lorU I'oiinrll. Menu i . '"liarlfH llnffmiiii, .liniicM U'atsmi, Hoy Malcolm, li. J. Connell James Kuncl, Dancing Party. i The Misses Frances and loretta M alley will entertain at a dancing party ut their homo this evening. Seymour Lake Country Club. The mambera of th Mother a Cultui ; club wltl entertain their husband at din- ; ner at tho Heymour Lake Country club ' Friday evening. ; L U. Wlndheim had wilh the M ic KUael Tlrney, Aiiniuta AnfMii b, llaasl Amlerson, violence Uoller, Ithcl Molltr, Miaaea Helen Anderaon. Jirnrtetta Will, Alma horeiition, len ciorvnaun. Mr. and Mra, them: Mr. and Mra. Stubun, Mra. John Meyer, Mr. Frederic. Meyer. Pining together In another pnr'v were Mr. and Mr. K R. Ilgh. Mr. and Mra. a. F. Daavrrs Mr. and Mrs. U t Ktter. C. It. Uugdala entertained at a famllv Party Inst evening for Miss Maiart Swift. Ir. Willlgni Rrrv waa hot at a dinner party when rover wera laid tr- Mlaaes- Mia. I.oulso eis., l"-tr .Mario Pert v. Anni'iovi' I 'i ,SU' ,"u,1, "at!ii,a Ioi-ia Berry, Vr. and Mra Retry. Mr. and Mr. Howard WINon had a their dinner rueeta: Mr. and Mr. F. Dimke. Mrs. O. C Aleshlre, Miaa Jennie Tient, Mr. "'undo Fcut Othera who entertained lat evening were A. F. Hughes, wo had als vueat: P. Jucklnesa, four: Ii. 8. Vet, four; J J. Hlnchey, Tour; U M. Cohn. U; Ml Worley, ntr.e; U U TUlnr, three; W. H Cheek. li; C. M. Bklnner, eight: Mia. T. L. Combs, three: Ma-t'ev McCaithy. two! Hiicellanrous Shower. The K. i:. K. riub enlaitained a: a mis CffUaneoua liowfr Tuaaday evening In I honor of Mis Anna I.lnd, whoe mar-1 " r. Artnur i:eniti-om lll be celebrated Heptember 9. Mf!.a Adi Bosael. man and Miaa Ada Miller nltU In en. tertalnlng. Those pieaent were: Misses- MI.He Mary Luff. Fannv D,k,i,., . ierirude I ce, Margery ileMri.i.' Hemletta iiyhrbrig, Kmma Nielsen, lone IopiKn. Alinina Pfiteraon. fJiac Chltntan, Ada UiMMlmin Johamiit hneidet, Adeline llerra, lladya Mill. Rale l-aienCf Ada Miller, -May Miller. Anna l.lnde. .dele I.lnd-. 'IMIan Linde. Klliabeth IUmuaea la and Out of the Bee Hive. Mr. William Iewey has gone tn country' for a two weeks' vacation ! lr. and Mr. P. It. Mnllh nnd aou, ' Harry, have returned from a tHp to iHmver. Mr. Frank Uuidtner nnd MU i;ila Oardttier liuve returned from a week's ' stay at Hpirlt Lake, la. j Mr. Ralph Coad of New Yotl: City, ! fotmerly of Onuika m aiiending u tort- night here visiting .cl.itivc.i. Ir. J. K. Muldoon of Arapahoe. Ne')., was In iiiniiha a few days on busine. Miss Viol Mulduou Pft for a week ftay in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. W. I,. Iliimn and Mix Leola Harriri leave Friday evening for the east, where. Mil's Harris will enter WUley college. Mr. and Mrs. lloury Cox have icturned from a stnomer ipent In illi'ferert point in Iowa. Tho lust two weeks they have been vtnlilng friend at Arnold's Park. Lake O'.tobolt. j Mis Catherine I . lias been stopping at th) Hotel Knickeiborker In New York for Severn I week and nUo sp. nt a few day at Atlantic city, she will leave fur Omaha this week. BEATON & LAIER CO. sXs, Steirilirod Unswfsertened ralievai you pf all milk worriej. It keeps better than tottle milk. It U alwiyi of uniform richness, and it more economical and convenient. Cottasa milk ia made under the roo9t sanitary condition right in the heart of the beat dairr country by a process that eliminates that ctthdtattt which make tome milk objectionable. The Cottage process assures the highest quality at all times. It s delivered direct to your erocer from our Condenserie so that It reaches you quickly and always fresh. uet a supply ot Cottage Milk today. Once you know its quality, convenience and economy you'll never go back to bottle miik. The Milk Without the Cooked Teste In Two Sizes 3 and 1 Oc At all Good Dealer Ov Phoe CTM..HX RROIilllt .!: CO.. Oonglac 4413. at J Brandel Theatre' Sldf., Oir.aha, Wtb. American Milk Company, Chicago an b m Your Home Can Be Just as Attractive at Moderate Cost Artistic, attractive, well mude furniture Is not high priced at Beaton & Laier'g. Furniture bought hero has an attractiveness in the home far beyond the ordinary furniture, becaune It is latest in design sets, away from ordinary styles and makes your home different in looks. H will pay you to-come here it will pay jou to get acquainted at Beaton & Luler's store. Como In and look around. He Want Adi Are the liest Iiucinrs Boosters .4 The Ideal Family Beverage Anheuser Busch Co. of Nebr. DISTRIBUTORS Tamil? trad supplied by G. H. HANSEN, Dealer Pkoae Dowglaa 2S06 OMAHA NEBRASKA Prairie Park Needlecraft. The Prairie Park NeeiJiecraft club uuiU ltd firet meeting of the ear at Prairie club Tueaday afternoon. Mi. . C. j(yn a cleiied prctldcnt, J:s. Albeit J I.Ida Newell llerlha Hansen, Mary Chrlelenseii, Anna Haniien. Nellie Wimmer, Kua Iraon. Oertrude Iraon. less Huseklit, Iren Hough. Marguerite Hough, Alice Urecnman Knther Un( Margaret Mvnxle. Anna U, Harriet Cady. Nora Treenrry. Acne Trenerry Mr. and Mr. Patrick Connolly Mr. and Mra. Prea Harper. Mr. and Mra. T. J. Line. Mra. J. K. Heimtrom Mra. K. Anleion. J. 0. Hub. Mia rbarlotie Peleisuu aJid M:. ; Tracy McUtnnl. ho have been homf. , ateadlng Id Wyoming near Luk. are vl- : tttng in tha city for a week or ao. Mr. and Mr W l'llmji M K;roy f Kan-j f i Minn1' I m Demand the genuine "Your Persuasive Personality ar your I'oiiviiicii!"' ariiimu'iit can't stop tlic t-'. '. k. TIio train that Vgo:io won't come liai'k. Tin.- oi'ilfi- llint's iipen givtMi ov the tontrai t that's Umi s'unoii won't lo rovoked vou'vp pot to GET THERE FIRST! ft Whether you travel on business or plea Mire to St. Paul, Mimiesii-olis or beyond, it's always well to lie on the wife bide by using the train that gets there first: Leave Omaha 8:30 p.m. Leave Council Bluffs ... .8:50 p.m. Arrive St. Paul 7:30 a. m. Arrive Minneapolis : .8:05 a.m. Your telephone is handy call Douglas 260. Day train with cafe parlor car and coaches leaves Omaha 0:CO a. ni., Council Bluffs P:30 a. m. ASK P F. B0N0RDEN, 0. P. & T. A. 1522 Farnam Street, Omaha. Phone Doug. 260. wmmmi attna-Vt O3" Demand the genuine by lull iwir.e Nickname encourjrt kur ititution. ifn'iirt u" V . 11 ""I1"1"-"""1 r 1 . 1 ' t-i j ' IPttv !. It... wu ti A. 1 W ' ' ! i ' Z. ' 5.-T t Tnu Coca-Cola Company, Atlanta, Ga. Mot Slodera ami Saultat IW-enery in tlu, West. f amily trade aappliftfl by: South DmIu WM. J10TTKK. 50a W StreH Telephone Aovtii tua. Omaha Hl'tJO MIX, 1824 IKmilaa Btmet-' Pbon Doaglee SO40. 1'uoim II Ulnff OLD AGK BAR, 1S12 South Sim, Street; Phoee HKiM. '