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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1914)
M 1 THH HKK: OM MIA. TIRKNIUY, ALHll'ST fi. 1014. OU KTtKI) I OR IIF.XT. Apirlmraia a ad I'lata. Choice Apartments 4, 5 ana 6-rooms Fire Proof Buildings T.-arge Grounds 25x548 Ft. Flower Gardens Tennis Courts. The Strehlow. Iloland and Majestic Apartments 16th and Yates Sts. PAYNF. & SLATER CO., Agts. C1G Omaha Nat'l. THE Thorvald, one S-room apt.. $.16; Jani . top service; references required. H. 610. LA VERNA. 1812 Capitol Ave., new brick, modern, choice furnished apartments, running water In every room. 1. 8M. Boara mmOV Roarnta. REEDHUKST . . .V?'s7T4! (Va) lime room on Parntun car lino for a rr man sn,4 ulfa Taxi I J .a FOR WORKING MEN Uood rooms, with excellent board; rates very reasonable. 1811-13 Howard. D. 7145. raralahee Ua l-ROOM furnished houae from Jly II to September 1. H. 6870. Paralikf4 Hooaaa. TWO nicely furnished front rooms on first floor, single or together; H block from car, Phone Harney g74S. WANTEU A younK girl to assist In hotisework:, rood home; small family. ti. 6635. 914 P. Sxth St. The Davis Apt, 610V, 8. 16th. Newly for nUhed rooms, mod. ; private baths. D. 7138. JTRONT parlor on first floor, single room on second floor, both suitable for 2 gen tlemen; modern, cool; hoard. Web. 8070. Madison Hotel . Twenty-'flrst and Chicago. First-class, low rates. Will leaae to reliable party for long lrm. MADISON HOTEL 21st and Chicago. First class, low rates. Will lease to re liable party for long term. PHOT. furnished rooms, walking dis lance private family, no chil dren, fine-home: board if desired. Ty nu Room in private family, 1 or 2 gentlemen or man wife; board if desired. H. 071. famished HoaHkeeslag Rooms. TWO newly furnished, modern house keeping rooms; gas, linen, close-in, It 1713 Dewey Ave. Hnaitkrrplas Rntal. 715 S. 18TH t--Houekeeplng and Bleep ing rooms; mod. bouse. Phone T. 1021-W. DAVENPORT, 2S16 Cool, rood. chaaD. rooms, BO. 16th ST.,, 725 Housekeeping rooms en suite: first floor; also sleeping rooms. Tyler 1021 W. THREE nice second-floor rooms, modern house. Tel. Webster 8O70. Hotels and Apartmenta. CALIFORNIA Hotel. 16th and California. Weekly rates $2 and up. Douglaa 7063. POIKIE HoTEle- Modern. Reasonable, OODEN HOTEL room I per week. Council Bluffs. Vafaralsbed Hooaaa. CLEAN, newly furnished, large, 1 room ensuite; housekeeping complete; splen did location; only $176 a week. 2526 Parker St. 2416 CASH Newly docorated 2 or 3-room ' suttea, modern. ' Ifonaes avail Coltagres. NONE tb compare, 7-room house; also 4 rooni flat. 220 N. 23d. TTcmana ln alt parts of the city. iluusLS Crelgh Sons A Co., Bee Bldg. 2619 Miami St., 6-r., partly modern, $12. 2400 N. 18th St., s-r., mod. ex. heat. $J0. J 607 Grace 8t., f-r., mod. ex. heat, $18. 028 N. 22d St., -r., modern, $18. J 007 N. IHh St., T-r., mod. ex. heat, hades, - . us., $1. . ' 1908 N. 26th fit., B-r. cottage, mod. e. heat; shades; fine location, papered ' and painted throughout, $20. W. O. SHR1VER, Ph. D. 1636. 1047 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. 1701 DAVENPORT ST., rooms, alt mod , ern, $37.50. 2529 Cass St, rooms, all modern, $35. : U2J N 19th St, 10 rooms, all modern. $30. ' $;1A Jones St., 8 rooms, all' modern, $30. IflOSVfc 8. 22d St., 6 rooms, all mod., $23. 1506 Yatas St., 5 rooms and bath, all modern, $'. 1008 Pacific Bt. 4-r.. mod. ex. heat. $15. 1506 Ohio Pt, rooms, partly mod., $15. BIRKETT A CO.. 423 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 659. Free Rental List Complete Information about every va cant house and apartment In the cltv. This service ts free. Tel. Douglaa 4477. (Fidelity Storage A Van Co. WEST Farnam, new cathedral district; modem brick, rooms, large yard with t rees; leaae to right party. Harney 217 1. Fidelity Storage Co. Storage, moving, packing and shipping. 16 A Jackson St a. - Phone. Doug. 1516. Maggard's cussi 'ub6" - rates for 60 days. Par A nan ) 1 OsT a... - I .a rem van. a mn El ok w . . , men, II per hp. 171S Webster. Voug. UH, " hVLi RENT We have a complete list of all housea. i.partment and lata that are for rant. This Hut can be seen free of oharce at " cuorage CO., 8U H. lth St MODERN S-room house, hot water hecu large sleeping porch; also modern 6 room house. Call Webster 41H. See Our Rental List ' We have a rental list that you should see If you want to rant a house. Our rental list Includes several new houses, all modern and in the best loca tion. , Monthly rentals range from 1 to $40 per month. For further information telephone Doug or call at our office. ' Bankers Realty Investment Co., OrounU Floor , Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. FOR RENT AH modern 0-room house. . 3617 No. 20th St. Tel. Wb. (;. J. C. RiJEDExp- " piano A furni ' v' -v-'-'tJ iif moving D. 6146. W. 2741 114 S AT1I ST. 122 M all modern house, 1130 S. 29th St. 7-r., partly modern. $17 50 RASP BROS.. D.W10LAgJ8M. HKVEN'-ROOM modem house, llnti and ..iihhtti cn. svarney 4JMa. $.0.--j2 Harney., 6-r., modern. H4J.003 Burt. 6-e.. mod., garage 1j?-?; !,rk Av"-. -' modern flat. Paik Ave., 6-r.. modern flat. .0w-l15 Howard, 6-r., 2d floor $17.50 Xt.14 Sherman Ave.. -r., all in best ot repair, fine lartye rooms; new plumbing fixtures, etc. $15.0O-2h3o Charts. J-r , mod. ex. heat liEOKU A COMPANY. Tel. D. 7f4. 02 City Nat. Bank R1H a lure a aaa 4ffleea. Fine cool rooan with vault, elec. light and water frew; 14Stx27 ft partitlomd for $ private rooma and recepuon room ' 4jids clroctly ou beautiful court, ikl floor. Apply room 103, Bee Bldg. FOR RENT An office with reception room, reasonahle. H4 State Bank Bldg. GOOD barm room for or 16 horsea . 1B17 Webatair St Call Douglas 41 REAL F.8TATH HUB A JtA.NCII LAND FOR BALIS Celormae. ' FOR 8AUB S20 acres in eastern Colo " rado. l ulmproved. 0 acres farm land, balance Has lure. Price, $1.j0. Good in yeatment Fcr Information, address Box Z. Impenlal, Neb. lil.AL KST.UK FARM A HAM II L.4.MI I'OH S Iowa. 25 ACHES fruit land, unimproved SW miles north, $76 per acre. lay A Hess C.., 123 Pearl St.. Council Bluffs, FARM for sale, ill 6 mil north of Council Bluffs poatot lice, on Mine KUn road. Well fencvd ami watered. Good blua grass. Bom timber. 10 acre I corn. Price. 8 Her acre. Day A llnl Co., 13 Pearl Pt.. Council Bluffs. In. 85-ACRE improved farm In hills. Some fruit Small buildings. Uood water, a mllea north, $75- per aore. Can add an other 40 at same rate. Day A Hesa Co., 123 Pearl St., Coum-il VUiffa, Al tnneaota. 160 beautiful southern Minnesota farms In the heart et the corn belt In Watonwan, Blue Earth and Broun countiea; well im proved and located, rich soil, tire crops, write for our list and beautiful booklet, "Southern Minnesota." C. K. Urowtt Iaud and lan t'o , Madella, Minnesota. NO KAILURES In Pine county, Minne sota; close to best markets; choice lands, easily cleared. $2o per acre; easy terms. Hunt-Johnson, illnrkley, Minn. FOR SALE '.TO acres 4f miles from Mln ' neaiHjIis, one mile from town; ltio acres undsr cultlv.tio. bal. used for pasture; can practically all be cultivated; heavy soil; good set of buildings, conalvttug of 8-roo n house, large barn, granary, coi n cribs, etc.; the land will produce 60 bush els of corn per acre; telephone In house; country thickly settled; complete set of machinery: 27 head of stock, consisting of U cows, balance 1 and 2 years old; 6 good horses, 25 hogs, rhlckens; Vi of this year's crop and everything on the farm goes at V0 per acre; half cash. Schwab Proa, 101'8 Plymouth Rid., Minneapolis, Minn. -Nebraska. FOTJNIV-KO-acra homeetead In settled neighborhood: fine farm land: not sand hills: cost you 2 filing lees and alU J. A. Tracev. Klmhall. 'Neb. FOR HALB-Hest large body, high-grade medium-priced land in Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradlcv, Wol hach, Neh. o. FOR SALE Farms, roJUn, gracing land, near Dalton, Neb. Section with hous. $3,M0; half-section with house, l.tK0; half aectlon without Improvements, $1,600; 2iH) acres without Improvements, $!,(. R. K. Robinson, owner. Route 2, Corvallls, Ore. WILL MAKE FINE STOCK FARM. 1.600 acrea fine, smooth, rich valley land, west of Dalton, Cheyenne county. Nob, Eastern owner will sacrifice If sold quirk. HICKS LAND AGENCY, OMAHA. Wlirnnain, rppKR WISCONSIN. Best dairy and general crop state In ths union; settlers wanted: lands for sale at low prices, on easy terms. Ask for book, let 34 on Wisconsin Central I -and irant State acres wanted. Write about our gracing lands. If Interested in fruit lands, ask for booklet on Apple Orchards ln Wisconsin. Address Land Dept., Suo Line Ry., Minneapolis. Minn. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE K. E. FOR EXCHANGE Several good Missouri farms for Nebraska farms. Write what you have. Guy R. Stanton, Lebanon, Mo. No Commission Realty Co. S16-30 Faxton Block. If you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or business, go where that kind of business is ilonu. Everybody goes to the No Commission Realty Co., BE CAUSE nobody pays a commission. Pianos for other musical lnstru'ts. D. 2017. TO TADE 1 acres of level land, three miles from Fort Morgan, Colo., aoil Is heavy, all under cultivation, 50 acres elfhlfa, four wire fence, all under Ir rigation with water right from one of the largest ditches in Colorado. Price $lb0 per acre. Will trade for good stock of general merchandise, this land is. worth, the money and will stand Inspection. A snap for some one. Address O. K. Hotchkin, Mlncen. Neb. FOR SALE or trade, an eastern Nebraska Improved one-quarter, or will trade for live stock a fine level Improved one quarter ln Fall River county, S. D. Incumbrance $UJ00. Due five years at 6 per cent Daniel McNelf, bnlthwlck, S. D. . . . ' REAL ESTATE WANTED WE sold nine houses last week let us sell yours this week. We have more buyers than we have houses for sale. See ua today. THE VOGEL REALTY A1ENCY. ' . 1016-16 W. O. W. Bldg. - REAL ESTATE IXANS $100 to $10,VU0 made promptly. F. D. Weed. Weed Bldg.. lntb and Farnam. CI1Y and farm loans, 6, 6Vi. per cent J.H.Dumont A Co., In03 Farnam, Omaha HARRidON A MORTON. 816 Om NaL WANTED City loans. Peters Trust co. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farina. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. Douglaa 2715. WANTED City loans and warrauta. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1330 Farnam. GARVIN RROS Lot"- rJ" and up. VXV IJlW'J' Omaha Nat Han. SEE us first if you want a. faria loan. United States Trust Co., Omaha, Neb. MONEY on, hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City Nat bk. Bldg. 67c rtTV I1AR RomU.Carlbers Co.. 0 110-212 Brandels Theater Bldg. CITY nronertv. Ijiru. .nans a aoeuialtv. ! W. 11. Thomas. 22? State Banu Bldg. ' REAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS UK TITLE. KERR Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.. a modern abstract office. bo. 171a fit. Phone Douglas 6437. REED Abstract Co.. oldest abstract of fice In Nebraska. 206 Branela Tneater. ACBKAOK FOR BALE. Acreage Bargains 1 acre, 6 blocks north of cur line and Psved street, north t Country club and Krug park. Price, $7M. 2 acrea nut Benson way; high, alghtly location, overlooking Benson within easy walking distance to car line; $20 cash, til a moitth. - Price, tl.Uu. ... 2' acres, 6 blocks from end of car line, ln Benson, nearly all seeded to alfalfa; cement walka along one aide; can he di vided Into thirteen 50-ft lots. Price, $2.0U0. . 2 acres, with 6-room cottage; only a few blocks from end of car line. In Benson. Price. $2 NU0. v 4 acres.' northwest of Benson; lays level: finest kind of soil; fine for gardening Price, $l,7u0 Easy terms. V acres,, northwest of Benson; mostly in alfalfa: running water; large shade trera; fine place for a little farm near Omaha, where you can grow moat any thing you wish. Small payment down and small monthly payments will start you on your way to independence. These are only a few of the Icrge list rt 'arreaire nrelMM'tltia wa hava Li itfl'..r I Your money invested In acreane property la one or tne Barest ana Beat investments you con get. -c - Hastings '& Hey den 1614 Harney 8t. - - CITY PROPKHTY FOR tAtC. Garden Lots Two Blocks of Ix)ts Just'estof Dundee PRICE: $75.00 to $295.00 TERMS: $1 down, $1 per week, without Interest. You may pay weekly, monthly, quar terly, any way, Just so your payments average $1 per weak. Ask any Dundee man what he thinks of buying property that will soon be a part of DUNDEE. He will tell you how much he has made by Increase In value ln Dundee property. These lots will go quickly. PHONE DoLULAS 25i6 II. II. Harper, lOli-ll City National Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE PHoPKItrv i ur aLK. I IT Y 4,r5.-a'T,'J r" $ ffT ; 4;St J T; '! THIS NKW. MODKRN HOME, $3.iV) FOR Vi LI Civ SALE. House alone cost over $:t. TOP ; 8-room, strictly modern, oak finish, newly leco rated; laundry and every detail of the modern home; level lot, south front, paved street, beautiful location, close to two car lines, near 2i?th and Meredith; small amount cash required. See us today If you want an tni anal value. McKITRICJC REAL ESTATE CO., 316 Hamre Rldr. D. 1482. lMh A Harnev. Easy Terms Kountze Place Home New-$3,650 Lermed Mt SH!i N. 18th between Pinkney an Evans; has large living room. Bun parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor; three good bedrooms and bath on second floor; first floor finished ln oak with beautiful stairway leading to second floor. Full basement, furnace heat, strictly modern, complete and ready to occupy. One block from car line. Terms, fi cash, the balance like rent. Call us up and we will be glad to show you this property. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. Douglas 4W. .. 2;s Omaha Nat Hank Bldg. v Close-In Corner Best in Town for Apartments N'orthesst corner Twenty-fourth and St Mary's, 72x147, with two two-story frame houses In fine condition. Price reduced to $12,000. Will consider all cash offer. It can't be beat for the money, Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. OTI-10-12-14 State Bank Bldg. See Happy Hollow Today Just, east of the boulevard and Happy Hollow club grounds and north of Dodge St. Take the West Fa mam-Dundee car and get off at ITnderwood Ava. and the boule vard, walk aouth along the boulevard and notlca the many beautiful homes already built. Irge lots, paved streets, easy terms. George & Company Phone D 7KS. 902 City Natl. Bank Bldg. NewBungalaw $3,250 Five rooms, strictly modem, oak finish and oak floors throughout, built-in book cases and buffet, lsrge attic; all rooms nicely decorated: screens, window shades. Located at 3171 Larimore Ave. Easy terms. . Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 4270. ; 42x149 on Davenport North front, paved street Only 400 ft. from .Jots held at $10 per foot. When M") cash Is paid will loan money to build to SUIT YOU. O'Keefe Real Estate Co. 1016 Omaha NaUonal Bank. Douglas 2715. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW, six rooms and bath, three rooms finished In oak, with oak floors throughout; large living rooms; high grade . plumbing, Bhudes, screens; lighting can he selected by buyer; fine corner. lot, 52x133 ft.; paved street; close to school and West Side park car line. Price, $3,850. Easy terms, or will take vacant lot. RASP BROS., inn McCagun Bldg. Phone Douglas 165.3, Owner Must Sell 3111 Sherman Ave. Eight large rooms, thoroughly modern, oak down stairs, attic all finished. large and full basement, press brick foundation, hot water heat, all in first class condi tion. Owner lives In house, open for In spection at any Ulrne. Terms to responsi ble party. Onlv $.".K)0. MUST SELL AT ONCE 4-Voom bungalow, riot yet finish -d, front vestibule ' with cost closet, with full-slsed mirror door bath room, no fix tures; linen closet and clothes closet, back vestibule and pantry; full basement and good well; large shade trees and vard fences; come and investigate; easy terms. Open every day. Call Owner and Builder ' 4123 Ohio. Web. 6329. Field Club Snap $5,000 Attractive modern hninw g wini. bath. Oak finish and floors. Dandy cor- ! , auoui Four years ago and always occupied by owner, a physician. Splendid opportunity for young doctor. Worth much-more than the price. Let us show you. Armstrong-Wiilsh Co. Tyler 166. jOk-Ui-12-14 State Bank Bldg. Cash Offer Wanted Worth $4,350' Offered for $3,900 What will you give for a brand new, strictly modem, oak finished home? Full two stories, six large rooms besides bath den and acreened-ln sleeping porch. Stair way to attic: full basement; sodded yard screens, window shades and fine light flx tures: decorated throughout; lovat.d on a full corner lot, nr Miller park, at 2441 Laurel Ave. AImo have a duplicate on lnaide Jut at 2:M Laurel Ave - Am leaving the city Friday and no reason able offer will be refused. Let us show you this with wur auto and you will be c nvlnced that it is well built and a bar gain for the price. Phone Charles Horn, Owner, Harney 5210. for more information. IDEAL HOME Sioo California St. Living room, sun room, dining room, kitchen fir.t floor; fuur bedrooms and bstli second floor; full' basement and attic, floored all over; first fl"or ln oak, second floor birch and ma He Large lot . Must be seen to be sptrV ciated. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 644 Brandels Bldg Phone Douglas S3X2. Cathedral District New. modern, frame and stucco, oak and birch finish. Yale hardware; three bed rooms and sleeping Tjrch; corner lot paved street; a complete home, beat bur In Omaha. WRIGHT & LASBURY UI6 8 Kh et, Tel. Douglas P.2. t-ROOM house, renu for $18 "s must-be sold at onus; $3u will hanoJe It it. Til. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET England it Short of Breadstufft and Will Needi Imports TRADERS FEEL MORE SECURE Importers Are Aasared by F.aalaad that All "hlpmeata lata Do ma I a Will He tiaaraateed by l.orrrnmril, OMAHA. Aug 5. 1914. ' Advices from the United Kingdom say that the supply of breadstuff held in the laerixHl and Indon markets la abnor niady small and that not only the aver aae traders, but millers and bakera leal that supplies must le brought In within a short time or there will he more or less suffering among many millions of people who depend on the baker lor the daliy bread. There are now at Liverpool, according to advices to the Chicago Hoard of Trade, 7c".,in1 barrels of flour sncl bushels of wheat On the ocean and bound for the United Kingdom theie are 20.17ti,OiKi bushels of wheat, wim fnnir included as wheat, and I7.S36.WW bushelj bound for the continent, making a total of Si,fali.Oio bushels afloat with the destination the Importing countries re ferred to. These supplies are a little larger than those ot a week ago as well aa a year ago. The trade felt a little more secure In Its position In the wheat market than at any time for mere thHn a week. The ad vances of iv to 2 cents for the day were the result of announcement that the lAindon Corn Trade association haa se cured assurance from the British govern ment that It will assume war risks on all Its grain contracts destined to the United Kingdom. Considerable wheat was bought on this, and this buying was largely by shorts. The volume of trade, however, was small and It Is likely to continue light until such time as the war situa tion will permit of broader markets. Cash wheat was weak, as buyers held off aprt the trade amounted to only 6,tW bushels. . Manv of those who were on the selling Ids of wheat during the early part ot the day were bueis later. Crop condi tions in the northwest promise an aver age yield, but ln the Canadian north west losses have been sensational. The corn market was an attractive af fair as it was In the hands ot bulls and advanced 21o, It was a market where the hears were in the minority and they had had no chance to control the situation. The volume of business was small on ac count of the heavy call for margins. Dry weather with Increased crop complaints from all parts of the belt, coupled with the scarcity ot cash article, helped prices no little. - The eastern call for corn wag active, sales mo.!) bushels. Oats were slow, but prices were SITSc higher. The strength In corn helped. Conservative men In the provision trade advanced the opinion that the receipts of hogs are to be moderate during the bal ance of this month, and that the total for August will be small compared with August 1813. , Wheat was lo to 2Vc higher. Corn was ISo to Sc higher. Oats were Ho to lo higher. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 492.000 bushels; corn, 6,000 bush els; oats. none. lTlmary wheat receipts were .ii,iw bushels and shipments 1.674,000 bushels, against receipts of 2,2.Xi0 bushels and on the corresponding days last year. Con ditions are practically the same as they have been since the middle ot last week, HEAL ESTATE CITY PROI'liRTY FOR SALE. Finelnvestment Bargains $3,600.00 At 628 S. 19th Ave. I have a fine R-room cottage ln excellent repair, modern ex cept furnace. In the olose-ln district where values are rising rapidly. Worth $4,500; offered how on easy terms for $1,600. $650.00 ' A vacant lot, No. .21.. block 2, Shull a Third addition. This la on 21st St., second lot north of Woolworth, close to govern ment commissary; paving, sewer, water, gas, sidewalks, all paid. Lot 122.5 feet deep, on grade. Easy terms. A snap for somebody. $1,400.00 Another bargain! A 6-room house situated on two lots, 1 and 2, In block 13, Ralston, Neb. Worth $1,800. Will sell for $1.4i0. W. A. Hixenbaugh & Co. IS14 Bt. Mary's Ave. ' Phone Douglas 4236. FIELD CLUB HOME Dandy 5-roflm cottage, entirely modern, elaborately decorated, paved street, east front lot, one-halt block to Field club, two blocks to car and near school. Price only $3,0iiO. C. G. CARLBERG, 3)0-12 Brandels Theater Bldg. NEAR JIANSCOM PARK $2M CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT. Nearly new, strictly modern 6-rootn bungalow; oak finish; full rement base ment; two blocks to car; fine corner lot THE VOGEL REALTY AGENCY, 1015-16 W. O. W. Bldg. FOR SALE, cheap, nine-room, modern house, with four choice lots, one block from the car line and In good neighbor hood, priced right and terms If desired. The Allen Ind and Investment com pany, BM Brandels Bldg. Tel. Bed 6266. A SNAP Must u soli', at once. Seven room house, electrio light, gas, city water, toilet, 50-foot front, good barn. 3128 Burdette, $l.noo, Small payment down and the rest like rent. Call Web. 1306. We Can Make Your Money Earn at Least 1 and Possibly More in Amounts of $100 and Up With Am pler Security. Set Ut tor Further Pirticulm HASTINGS & KEYDEH 1614 Harny Stroot LEUAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Seabid bids will be received at the office of the Board of Commissioners of Slate Institutions at the State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska, until 2 o'clock p. in.. Saturday, August 15th, IHH, for the furnishing ot all material, supplies, Isbor and the proper construction of a brick hospital building at the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Mil ford. Ni'bracka, In accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by Jo seph W. Salmon, architect Also for the furnishing of all supplies, material, labor and the proper installation for the plumbing and healing of said building according to said plans and a peel flea lions. Also for the furnishing of all supplies, material, labor and the electric wiring of said building according to said plans and specifications. Separate bida must be mails for each of the three Improvements above mentioned. All bids must bs accompanied by a certi fied check fur 6 per cent of the amount of the bid. Plans and specifications may be had at the office of the Board at the Stale House jr at the offl of the architect, Unooln, Nebraska. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bld . BOARD OK COMMISSIONERS OF STATE IN'STITI'TIONrf By SILAS A. IIOU'OWB, Chairman. A4d3t shipments of 1.34.flon busheis last year. I'rlinar corn receipts were f.a0ii bushels ami ahipiiw ills -S.'iO bushels, agiilnst re ceipts of 47,OH) bushels tnd shipments of 770.iM hual-.e's last year. Prlmurv oats receipts were I. Urtli bushels and ship nients 87.VtiO bushels, against receipts of 1. .!. OiiO bushels and shipments of 431. ( bushels Isst year. CARLoT RRTKIPTS. Whest Corn. Oals. Ra. Chicago Minneapolis Duluth Omaha Kansaa City St. lvouls ... .1,041 187 . 115 . KM tt. . 4t . 337 17 153 69 l Winnipeg ipeg Two days. These sales were repotted today: Wheat No 3 hard winter: 1 car. 8 4 cars, sOo. No. t hard winter: 2 cars tdnrki, Vie; 2 cars, 7!c; I car. r. No. 3 spring: 3 cars, !LV Coriv-No. 1 white: 1 car. 75c. No. t white: 1 car. TPe: I car. 74Ho. No. $ white: 2 cara, 74c. No. 4 white 1 car, 73tc; No. 1 ellow: 4 cars 7'.o; No. $ yellow: I cara. 73V! 1 car, 7!; No. $ vellow: 3 cars. 72c-: No. 1 mlxe l car, 73c; I car, 72Hc; 1 car, 7'.'c; l cars, 7IV. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 8o; 1 car, 71r: 1 cars, 71Vcv No. t mixed. 1 car, 73c; S car, 72c: 2 cars, 71c. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, '. No. 6 mixed: 2 cars, 6c. Sample; I car, Tv. Oats Standard: I car, V'. No- white: 8 cara.; 4 cars, $3c; I care, 3c. No. 4 white: cars, S3c: $ cars, 2Sc. No. 4 mixed: I car. 3.Hc. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat ' No. I hard. TO-Mc; No. 8 hard. 7siti4i?-; Ncv 4 hard, 74v.hONo: No. 2 spring, KitKJc; No. S spring, mtiic: No. 4 spring. 7sn V; No. 2 durum, MVulo; No. 2 durum, 7 80c Corn: No. 2 white, 74W4VTV:. No. 8 white. 73ff74c; No. 4 white. 7;if73Wc; No. 2 yellow, 7iV,tT72V-; No. 8 yellow, 7HiiT2c; No. 4 yellow, 71WU7IV; No. I mixed. 714r 73c; No. 3 mixed, 7Hi71c; No, 4 mixed, KSMITOo. Oata: No. 2 white. IVfi'jc; standard, 83Vktf.t3Sr: No. 8 white, a.vflxr to; No. 4 white, S2HtfS8c Barley Malting, 47ui4o; No. 1 feed. 42T47c. Rye; No. 2. flbVtlf; No. $. 65UG5VkO. tlllCAtiO GRAIN .f1 PROVISION: rrtcee ss Hoard of Traae. CHICAGO. Aug. 5. Despite the shock of England having entered the war and of having apparently forsaken plans to guarantee the safety of grain shipments Intended for British ports, prices today on the board of trade here developed grea strength. Violent declines, which at first took place, were succeeded by sn all-around advance. Net gains for the day were. Wheat, -T,o to 8'.c; com. l4c to 2c; oats. 2"c to lc: provisions. 25c to $1.5o. Sudden upsetting of tha trade under standing that the question of ocean war risks had been to a large extent settled seemed to overturn at first all thought that general .hostilities would mske more necessary for European requirements Immense quantities of foodstuffs from the I'nited Ststes. It was not long, however, before the wheat mar ket here began to feel the effect ot cable grama that the stock on hand In Liver pool was scanty, and that prices there were anvanclng In a manner that showed alarm. Abnormal strength ln the Winni peg market was deemed a spKlal signifi cance in this connection. Shipping demand for corn w'gg urgent, especially from the east. There 'were reports that drouth damage was reducing the crop so thst the total yield was not unlikely to fall below a ten-year aver age. A quantity ot No. 2 yellow corn brought the highest price so far this sea son. 80o a bushel, notwithstanding that during much of the time today September wheat was also selling here In the 80s. Oats showed a lively tendency upgrade all day, and even other grain was on the decline. Opinion was general that rela tively at were too low, aa compared with other cereals. Reports which, however, were not veri fied, that Great Britain had bought 5.000.. OiW pounds of meat here, led lo a remark able buigd In the provision market. The chief advance was In pork, $1.55, with the close at the top level reached. Lard gained a value of 25o to 27So, and riba 35e to 7Wc. Grain prices furnished by local branch office of Logan Bryan Co.: Article. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Wheat Sept... Deo May.... Corn Sept..., I eo. May..., Oats ' Sept...', I lec May..., Pork Sept..., Lard Sept... Oct Jan Ribs Sept... Oct Jan I ...8j8'. ...iwi-iml ..f.7ns14! .... 6fiSf4 ....kwi ,'...!36SSJ .... SWj.tflsi ...l2Sl fcl ,... 18 I 8fi 90 1 031 I 70 I T2i 648U 66 66't 671 6tk S8'l 25VI S7T 41 "oS 40t, 44 42 44 20 80 I 18 80 'l 20 30 8 80n2 07H 25 37W 8 80 I 00 8 12HI I 11 62HI 11 02 10 25 t 05 20 35 12 00 11 624 10 62t 8 00 8 15 It 62- 11 071 10 2ft 12 02H 11 674) 10 624 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Aug. 5 WHEAT September, nc; No. 1 hard, kSc; No. 1 northern, 9Scl41 0i,; No 1 northern, 87Hc4i $1.02t. WH KAT Higher. KLOITR Advanced 20c a bairsl. BARLEY 44i 63c. R-VE 3'iiiiic. BRAN-$22.60. CORN-No. 3 yellow, 74iij744p. OATS No. 8 white, $7fe37',,c-. FLAX $1.54S 1.56. I flntaha 1 1 a Mml4 PRAIR1IC HAY. iln 1 hnll I fiu.wii ii.w. asn.utFJiiu.iit: rail, x ia in Si.0a. No. 1 to choice midland. M.vufs 10.00; No. 2. $8.0Oy9.5O; No. 2, $6.0(8.00. No. 1 to choloe lowland, $8.00U.00; No. 2. $6 00 8.00: No. 8, $4.00&a.OO. STRA WCliul - - " w a ar w 7VfbKriuaj.irv. choice wheat, $4 004.50. ALFALFA-No. I to choice, $12.0013.0O: No. 2. $10.00011.00. CHICAUO LIVK STOCK MARK HT tattle Steady 0 Stroag lloges atroaa- aaa lllgher. CHICAGO, Aug. 6. CATTLE Receipts, 12,fw head: market steady to strong; beeves. $7.10fl l: steers. 16 4'infi 40- mtnr-Z. ers and feeders, $i8ott7.0; cows and neuera, (a i(m lu; calves, 7 IXmiv00 HOOS-Hecelnts. 13.0110 head: market strong and higher; bulk of sales, ST.8s4i. 26 : light. X vtfxrtH fs: mixed (7 7iW.iH7K- K....w diJ.-O .... . a. "z : ' $30 rougn, n.mKtft. ib, pigs, $7.00 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, , head: market strong to 15c higher; sheep, K iV; y,"n. $i.768.76; lambs, $b.2f'j.15. St. Loots Live. Stoek Market. ST. IXJI'IS, Mo.. Aug. 5. CATTLE Receipts. 4,300 head; market steady; na tive beef steers, $7.5jUi.76; coas and heifers, $5.'crt.25, Blockers and feeders. $o.00cu7.60; southern steers. 86.oo zi- ,..... and heifers, $4-5n.5u; native calves, $6.00 tf it r. HOGS-ReceipU, 4.000 head: market higher; pigs and lights, $6.6or(j75: mixed and butchers, $.J54&75; good heavy, !.2&3 $.65. I SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, .6t neau, maraei sieauy; lambs, strong to 10c h'gher: native muttons, $4 0134 50, lambs, $ii.(XKU6.2o. i SloaK City Live Mock Market. SIOUX CITY. la.. Aug. S. CATTLE Rei-elnta. MO hend- market ..HU. nu.i... steers, $S.5US 60; cows end heifers, $i"i.7w AOII: Teicaa ni ...I itlr.,,ju. ' - ........ , . u rr, tanners,, $3. s1t-S .ffi; calves, $7.5X'i.0u; bulls. Bcdsa, etc., HOGS Receipts, 1, 0K head; market 5)0c higher; heavy. $7 7foe.0O; mixed, 87.7tr7.75 light, r'7.70; bulk of sales. $7 7l7 60. SHV-n.p AVIl I.AM fcsl U.,..l,.l. I .,, head; no tone; fed muttons, $5.70t(6.3.i; wethers. $5.2.r3f.65, ewes, $4.5uu5.uO: lunibs, $6.754Vl.O0. Kansaa t'lty Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Aug. (. CATTLE Receipts, , bead; market higher; prime fed steers, $1 W 85; dressed beef steers, $7.75j.2; western steers. 16 7:,i 2-.- Blockers and feeders. $6uj.05; bulls. $o.00, caivea. lo.w H04 IS Receipts, 3.0ut head: market steady: bulk of Balsa. 17 7V.iji 10- i....t $7.7fjOf; packers and butchers, $7.au6 20; iiRiii. iuv 'i plea, ' no'yi . in. SHEEP AND I.AMHS- Receipts. 9.600 head, market higher; lamba, $ yearlings, $5.50414 50: wethera. 14 7,'.,,f. 7r.- ewes, $4.5035.00. Dry Goods Market. H'CW VObt,' , . . E r.uv ........... " - . . ...... .u. u. 1 ' 1 . I 1 J i O Coltuu goods market was firm todsy on bag goods and easier on wide print cloths. Sales of fine yarn goods more active. Burlap advanced more than 50 rat I' ft. ,1 1 in Ih. lu.t T i . ; " ..." " " " " .Miiviia 1 1 v. 1 1 s and advancing Wbrated yarns higher. x.uiiisj in luuai lines sccauler. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Eeceipti Very Light and Pricfi Steady to Ten Higher. H0QS DOLLAR 10WEK IN WEEK Sheep aatf l.amtte In Light tapply at All Totals, with Fair fleylag De maact Steady la ghaae gtroaaer. SOCTH OMAHA, Aug. 5. 1014. Receipts were: tattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Mondav 6.4'. t.M 15.1-8 Official TuchIbv 2.478 .f .M Estimate Wednesday.. 500 l.O'O f.lQ Three days this week. 8.404 ",7t 4t .808 Same dava last week.. 10.016 18.5M an.jcg Same days I wks ago. . 22. W 36.i75 Same duys 8 w ks. ago. s.2I 84.627 17.624 Same days 4 wks. ago. 5.244 ls .vul 27,249 Same days last year.. 14.262 2,i7 55.817 The following table show the range ot of rattle, hogs and sheep at the Soutn Omaha Pva stock market for the year to data aa compared with laat year: Isii. 1818. Ino. Deo. felt la 4M.515 4X0.014 .4W Hogs 1.671.302 1,7X4,658 153.2.0 Sheep l,8na.Kl5 1.H4.2M 165.641 The fallowing tsble swaws lia receipt Prices for bogs at the South Omaha live stock market tor tha last few days wittt comparisons: . Date. 114.!HH0'. July July Julv July July July July July July July Julv July July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug 18. 18. t 7$ I 8 811 T H 6 84) 8 !tt ( 1201 685 885 TT8 60S1 T 231 83 8 ts, T 75 88 8 TIN 871 ! 6 271 8 8l 7 H 6 2; 67X1 I 8 1 261 f 5i l 1 l 8 t! gS 1 24 I 8 $.41 7 87 1 6 M 20. 21. . 83 24.1 25. S7-I 28. 8 54'4 I 7 1W f " I i ' 54- $ 77 T 47 6 8 Ml 6 j 8 8-.l T 851 8 Sl 1 M1 e 1 I 64' I 231 1 vi 8 62's 3 67 8 6111, $ 56 8 4IS 8 66 8 & (3 8 48 1 66 87 1 86 T67 7 17 7 27 14 6 40 SO. 81. 1.. 2.. 3 4. 5 7 40 1 73 6 l 7 44 6 41 41 1 7'1( 6 641 7 60 7 851 $ 68 7 7 481 8 04M 7 a4k 1 :ii 6 761 7 751 7 64 6 821 7 70 7 52 1 a T 7t'tl 8 831 $ 081 7 041 7 f 7 54 1 6 38 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards In South Omaha for twenty-four hours ending at t p. nv yesterday: RECE1 PTS-C A IIS. Cattle.Hogs.Sh'p.IIri'f. t'nlon Pacific Missouri Pacific ... C. N. W., west.. C, St. P.. M. A O.. C. H. A O. east... $ 4 1 1 I ( 7 15 "i 8 i 16 1.. 1 I I I 21 25 37 1 C, B. (J., west.. C, R. 1. A P., east C, It I. A P.. weal DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs eneep. Morris A Co 50 1.3.43) l.tMt Swttt A Co Cudahy Packing Co... Armour A Co Schwarti A Co J. W. Murphy S. A H Hill A Hon F. B. !ewla J. B. Root A Co Werthelmer A Degen. Kline Digging Hurfman Tanner Bros John Harvey Other buyers 61) 136 72 84 6 243 120 17 17 17 135 10 11 3 an 3 184 3,132 Totnls ".Ml 1.162 .8.018 CATTLE Receipts were very light at all market points this morning, with South onmha having less than any of the other big markets. The warnings sent out Into the country advising a conser vative policy until business should be settled down to a war basis, was evi dently heeded by shippers. It was evi dent this morning that the packers wanted a few cattle and while there was no great activity or rush to buy. they were all out In the yards In fair season and the meager offerings were soon cleared up. The prices paid for fat and butcher stock were strong to 100 higher as compared with yenterdsy. the advance being due apparently to ths ex tremely light run. . . Blockers and leederg were fully steady, but there were very few cattle In first hsnds. There wa some little Inquiry, it few country buyers having been attracted to the yards by the reported break In prices. Packers are tslklng more encouraging ly to the effect that they are going to need cattle right along, and that they are willing to buy at this and all other points a reasonable number. Under con ditions existing today It Is impossible to give any advice to shippers further than to watch the live stork and money mar kets closelv and Judge for themselves when to ahln. One thing Is certain, no one would like to see a glut of cattle on any market, certainly not al or hear the end of the week. Advices from all points Indicate that a very conservative policy la being followed In the trade. Yesterday's Chicago papers u M 1 m nuniliiv a decline of IMlM. added that even with moderate receipts there was no great prospect of a stronger gen eral trade owing to the determination of everyone to move cautiously ana. swan, developments. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice cornfeU beeves. 76; fair to good voinfed beeves, $.25iiitl.00; common to fair corn fed beeves, $7.6oi)8.26; good to choice range steers, $8 04i 60; fair to good range steer. $7.2tVcj8.O0; common to fair range steers, $SMki 7.00 ; good to fancy cornfsd helfeia, $7.76U8.7d; good to choice grass heifers, $625.u7.26; good to choice grass cows. $6,0tnJ .50; talf to good grades, $o.25 (u.00; common to lair grades. ta.Sotf'j.ij, good to choice Blockers and feeders, $7.50 iifH.00; fair to good Blockers and feeders, $6.Iirf7.50; common to fair Blockers and feeders, $6.0(u6.76; stock cows and heifers. $6.on!.7fi: stock calves, IK.0O37.76; veal calves, l7.0OqjlO.U0, bulls, stags, etc., $4 754V 7.25. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. A. Pr. No. A. Pr. 1 us oo if.. hum 4s II 1207 I 40 Ml LOCI I (Kl STEERS AND HEIFERS. n 770 30 COWS. I Ml 3 to 1.... I I IN I.... t 4 4u 4.... 4 1M 6 li 8.... ....16M 19 ....1UMI t 10 ....710 10 ....1074 4 14 .... 404 4 U 1., f JO I 14 I I Kill I M M W I (M I 40 i tin 1 U I .110 Ik) .1110 7 14 1.. 1 4.0 I to HEIFERS 4 Ml 5 40 8 1 4tt I 44 1 10 4 46 40 4 44 .1010 4 40 I ...12M 4 71 ...IIO I t! ...14i0 4 00 ... 710 4 OS ...IIM 4 00 ...lids 4 SO . . . 1440 li ... 1M 10 00 120 4 49 1040 I li , 77 I h) .I....U70 I 40 1140 I 44 740 I 75 CALVES. II.. 1.. 114 8 T4 I. 2 6 40 I. 1U 10 40 STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. It vit 4 00 1 lei 7 00 4 10ft4 4 20 I 7 00 $ Ml I 10 17 1U41 7 24 1 W 4 74 4 410 7 60 1 704 4 44 WESTEKN8 17 steers.. ..1200 7 50 WESTERN. J. C. Klrkpatnck, Nebraska. NEBRASKA. 48 feeders.. 830 6 35 $ steers... 853 I 00 HOGS-Receipts continued very light this morning, no more than twenty-five rats, or about 1.60O head, being received. The total tor the three days Is the small est for several years, only 7.768 hesd showing up. This is almost 12,000 head smaller than last week and only a little over a fourth of the slse ot the supply and while there Is no cause for alarm, the country la showing Its wisdom in holding stock off the market as much as poaaiide. Shippers and speculators were back In tho market this morning, buying a few of the best kinds st prices that looked lOifJoo higher, and filling some later ordera at figures that were steady or very nearly so. Packers failed to follow thlr lead, though making their early bids at prlcee that were all of a dime lower, and In some Instances even more than that. A sharp advance In provisions failed to have any noticeable effect on ths trade and the market remained in the eame oull condition that haa been its only fea ture for the last five days. In most cases seller were asking stronger prices and had determined to put up a fight for them and when buyers refused to better their offer everyone laid back and waited with the result that up to noon the kill ers' buy comprised only a few scattering? bunches, mostly small pieces of loads I p to a late hour the situation bad failed to show any change. In fact, good iniiny salesmen snd some ot the buyers left the yards snd the market was ao solutely lifeless. 1 he prices offered ranged laigrly around $7 5", with an oc casional bid aa high aa $7 60. Aa high aa $.( was ild by shippera tor some still f that Just suited them. A little after noon couple of the pack ers went on n still hunt for what few boss were scstteied around, and wound up ly buvlng the most of them at prices that were anywhere from a dim lower on some to fully steady on others. Sales ranked all the way from $7.55 to $7.70. Representative sales: NO. At. h. Pr. Sn. A. Sll. Pr. 41 IM 100 7 Ml SO 0 im J 70 41 71 ... Ill 40 107 ... t 74 IS 17$ 0 T 8 1 ... f 84 V Ikl 200 7 40 M it I j It, 17 114 ... IM 24 Ml 4078 41 :M Ki t 4S 74 ? 40 f tKl H tt 0 7 S 41 Id St I Oft H : to 7 70 rios. : 142 . . IM SHKKP Receipts amounted to some 8. 1( head as compared with 2.358 head last Wednesday. II.IKki two weeks ago and 7, 41:4 on the same day a year ago. For the week thus far the receipts have been lib eral aa they foot some 44.3m against 20. 3C6 for the same days last week and 6.'. 817 for the corresponding dsys a year ago. Quality of the offerings this morn ing was much the same as on Tuesday. Chicago and other western markets were lightly supplied again to day and this wss given sa the reason for the bullish feeling in the general trade both here and at Chicago. With a very fair run of both sheep and lamba on aale for a Wednesday the sell ers set out to boost prices beyond what the packer buyers were willing to pay and as a result the market dragged along most of the forenoon, nothing much hav ing changed hands by 10:30 o'oloca. In the end the bulk of the lambs moved on a basis generally steady to a shade higher. Aged slice'.) were a little more active than lamba and the majority of the hold Insa were disposed of In fair season, at prices steady to a shade up as compared with the general run of sales yesterday. The bulk of the mutton offering cleared In good season. Tlieere wss another short supply of anything suitable aa feeder today, conse quently the trade 'V limited on thst account. The demand, however, for both feeding sheep and lambs was aa keen a yesterday, there iyetng severs! buyers In from the country looking over the receipts. Feeding lamba are still quota ble at 50117 00. Several load of feed ing yesrllnga were picked up at an early hour at 86 hin6.70, price being strong to a shade higher. Quotations on range sheen and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $7.75413.15; lambs, fair to good, 87.mf7.7S: lamba, feeders, $4 fVf)7.00; yearlings, good to choice, $5.76 ((6.16; yearlinga, fair to good, to . hhiT'5.75 . yearlings, feeders, $5.254iV70; wethers, good to choice,, vethera, fair to good. 85 3ik5.60; wethers. feeders, $4.004r4.0; ewes, $4. 75tif6.00; ewes, fair to good, $4,604 4 76; ewes, feeder, $3.2a1.75. No. Av. Pr. 3,V Wyoming yearlings tW 26 Wyoming wether ,.10 i 75 210 Wyoming wethers 100 t 80 78 Wyoming wethers 100 I 296 Wyoming feeder yaerllrars. "4 6 n 11 Wyoming feeder yearlings. 74 $60 158 Wyoming feeder yearlings. 73 i 60 37 Wyoming feeder yearlings. 74 6 60 C70 Idaho lamha 66 8 05 220 Wyoming feeder yearlings. 80 5 70 85 Wyoming feeder wethers.. 8" 4 86 36 Wyoming feeder wethers.. 86 4 Vi 12 native lambs 80 7 76 16 Wyoming ewes 73 S 00 81 native ewes 104 4 65 1,025 Wvnmlng wethera 83 $80 m South Iakota lambs 68 7 80 lt6 South Dakota lamba 6J 7 20 lnll South Dakota ewes 104 4 65 53 B. Dakota feeder lamba... 55 7 CO l:tc S. Dakota feeder lambs.... 55 7 00 1116 S. Dakota feeder ewes 80 8 85 45 S. Dakota feeder ewes 80 8 35 Stfi S. Dakota, feeder ewes.... 92 3 8.". 184 S. Dakota feeder ewe.... 82 $70 66 S. Dakota feeder ewes 80 3 36 S60 S. Dakota feeder ewes.... W t 40 Ksw York General Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 5 BUTTER Mar ket steady. Packing stock, current make, , No, 2, 20c. EGGS-Market firm: state and nearby nearby hennery browns, 28 30c. . I Bank Clearlagt. OMAHA, Aug. 6,-Bank clearings for Omaha today were $3,818,921.61, and for the corresponding day last year $3.138.407.i. Local Banks Can Get Ten Millions of Money if Needeu The national banks of Omaha and South Omaha will probably soon have Available some $10,000,0(10 of currency under the Vreeland-Aldrlch bill, providing they want It. They have organised a National Currency association locally to comply with the requirement of the bill for par ticipating In the advantage of the act. They notified Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo of thla fact, and now expect soon to be Invited to recelv their quota of currency under this act. Under the provisions of the law they could draw to the extent of some $10,0)0.000 If they chose, but they do not believe thev will ask for anywhere near tha limit. American Clergymen Detained at Frontier Copyright. 1914, Presg Publishing Co.) BERLIN, Aug. 5 (Special Cablegram to New York World and Omaha Bee.) Two American clergymen hgv been detained on the Swiss frontier. They had taktn photograph of the German troop. With reference to the detention of Americans the statement I made that stranger who conduct themselves In a cautious manner are not only unmolested by the author! t'es, but are being treated In the most courteous manner. GERMANY WILL BE VICTOR, DECLARESH. F. MEYERS "Germany will come out victorious In the war la my prediction," say Henry F. Meyer of Omaha, who by very dis tant descent I German and who comes from a race of sold'era. Meyer to talk war. His father Joined the Ons Hundred and Fifty-ninth Indiana In the civil war. and young Meyers Joined an Indiana regiment in the Spanlsh-Amnrican war. He declares that the Germans love their country and their emperor aa no other Europeans do. and that they will f'.ght to the last breath for that love. "Even f England does declare war oh Germany." say Meyer, "the Germans v'W have the French beaten before Eng land gets started. They will defeat Rus sia, becauae, although the cxar ha an enormous army, they are not good fight era. They have no love for their csar. and many of them would as readily kill one of their own officer aa they would their enemy." Omaha real estate f "- ItiTWrtrvr.t you could make. Read The Bee' real estate column European War The Inveatora' opportunity for bit profits iu HTAXDAKll OILH, INDL8 TltlAIiS and ClKIi HTOCKS. Orders for cash or on tha inataJlmant plan should be plaoad now for execution at the reopening of the Market. My monthly partial payment plan lnaura against all margin call. Writ for Partiemimr, L.D.NOLL Stock Broker (Established lt)7X 1 44 Broa4 teee. Sow fork autaa B av at w TO si c O u mm : er- "'5 4. F