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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1914)
11110 BEK: OMAHA, bAllKDAi, MAKU1 14, liH4. "A f TELLS OF IRISH TROUBLES Seumas MacManus Talks in Serious Vein at University Club. LIGHT THROUGH DARK AGES Until bnt Tlcctntlr Have th Irish Been Permitted to Tench Their Own Tongue to Their Otvii I'nplt. NOTED IRISH STORY TELLER TELLS OF IRISH FOLK LORE. It was a serious note that Seumas Mac Manua struck In his talk at the Univer sity club rooms at the luncheou, Instead of a funny note as was expected. U was appreciated Just as much, howover. for he brought an interesting fund of In formation about the history of Ireland and Its .troubles with England, lie lauded Ireland as the homo of education, saying that 1,300 years before the birth of Christ Ireland already had a Parliament which met once in three years. "The ancient laws of Ireland were the most beautiful and the most just," ho said. "The very poorest man In tho land could obtain redress against tho klnfr himself, and the man who stole a needle from tho poor embroidery woman had to pay a flno many times heavier than tho man who stole a similar needle from the queen. "From tho fifth to the tenth century Ireland was tho school of Europe. Ire land alone held aloft tho torch of light through all the dark ages of Europe. And the renaissance began In Ireland , fceven centuries before It began In Italy." Kllxnticth nml Cromwell. "Then Elizabeth trie to destroy Ire land with sword and fire. Then came Cromwell and Bwept over the land like a ecourge." Tho speaker called attention to some of the drastic laws that were enacted by England after this period against Ireland. lie said that Irish schoolmasters and clergymen wero required to pay heavy fines. In spite of this attempt to crush out learning, ho said, such was tho de tire of the Irish for learning that young men went to' Franco and other parts of Europe In tho smuggling smacks and gained their education in order that they might como back and tench tho Irish. To escape the law against schoolmasters and clergymen, these men taught ragged classes behind the hedge bushes and kept a sentinel on the heights to watch for the soldiers. "It was only In 1829," ho said, "that these vicious penal laws wero repealed." ' Even up to twelve years ago wo dared not teach the Irish language In Ireland to Irish pupils. Wo havo recently ob tatned permission to do this, until today the Irish language Is being taught In 3,000 schools to 300,000 Irish pupils. And with the return of the language is coming the return of the Irish spirit." 7 ftr - ft Don't Miss These Snaps in Men's & Boys' Furnishings Men's Dress or Work Shirts To $2.00 vnluos; all now, neat col orings, patterns nnd styles; on salo at GOd ttnd 496 Men's MuBlin and Cambric Night shirts, to $1.50 vnluos; go nt, cholco 49 nnd QS6 BOc Silk Four-ln-Hand Ties, la nowest colorings nt 25d $1 Silk Four-ln-Hand Ties, 40t it Hi Men's 25c Silk Socks, guaran teed perfect Wool or Lisle Union Suits All styles, all weights; on snlo at $2.08, $1.08 and. . . .QSd AVool Sweater Coats $3.00 to $5.00 values; on salo at $2.1)8 and 81.08 Fleecer Lined Shirts or Drawers to close at 20d w ill 300 Dozen Hoys' Mouse- Waists Mado to sell at BOc and 25c Chambrays, madras, percales, sateens, etc., in blacks, whites, plain blues, tans and neat strlpos, light and medium colors. K. & S. brand, all perfect, all sizes from 6 to 16 years, very best styles; on sale whllo they last at, cholco 25d Men's Hats An Immense Showing of tho Now est Blocks nnd Colorings. Assortments so broad that each customer Is sttro of finding a stylo Just to suit. Wo show the now pencil curl brim nnd drop tips....... 82.00 nnd S2.50 Quality never surpassed. JOIIX I. STKTSOX HATS In 50 spring nnd summer 1914 blocks, nt tho poulnr prices, S3.50-S4 New Spring Caps In almost ond lo8s assortment, excellent values Snturday nt. .81.00 and 50f ?S OFF ON ll.(iAOi: 50 Trunks and 100 Dngs and Suit Cases to bo closod nt V loss than regular. Trunks 83.05 to 816.50 nags and Suit Cases at 05d to 810.50 u m. . . as r nil me roewesr mveirtes in Muslin Underwear ai Most Attractive Low Pricings. Specials In Knit Underwear, Corsets nnd Hosiery that Insure big savings Snturday. Silk Llslo nnd All Silk Union Suits Mado to sell to $0.00; Saturday at, choice 81.08 Fino Cotton Union Suits All styles, to $1.00 values; on salo Saturday at -50c Italian Silk Bloomers Light and dark colors, also embroidered silk vests, to $5.00 vnluos at 81.08 Corsets nt 81.08 A splendid lot of regular $3.50 quality cornets, extra long, beautifully trimmed S1.9S 91.B0 Corsets nt $1.00 All sires in this lot, most desir able models Sl.OD aOc Brnsslercs and Sanitary Aprons On salo nt . -25ti Newest designs In Cnmlsolos, made of shadow laco and cropo do chine; on salo nt 82.50 to 85.00 91.50 Silk Hose nt 08c ruro thread silk,, in all tho popu lar new colors. ltrokcn Iots of Silk Hose To $2.50 values, black and colors; on sale at. . . . .98d Fancy colored Hose, worth to . BOc; big special lot at,25d Gnuzd Lisle Hose Bigirrfoclal lot, regular and otit sizes, 25c Quality, pair. . .12&i Children's School lloso: mado to sell at 25c, at....l2 m Hubbard Postmaster Had No Shortages in His Accounts The sudden and unexplained disappear ance of Postmaster Carl Fredcrlcksou from Hubbard, Neb., about two weeks ago, has led to efforts on tho part of Postofflce Inspector Thompson to traco the man and find a reason for his ab sence. A report from Sioux City says that a shortage of about $1,100 in Frederick- son's accounts Is alleged, but Inspector Thompson deglares that he has no evi dence of a shortage Ho says ho is en deavoring to determine positively whether the postmaster has met with foul piny or has absconded. It la said that when Frcderlckson went away ho left the im pression that he had gono to look for work nt Sioux City, whllo his wife kept tho postofflce. Since then no word has been heard from htm and the wife and children are suffering from his absence. - March Sale of PICTURES Includes thousands of pictures In most desirable subjects; on salo at hnlf and- oven Jess than half price. Pictures worth to 75c 25i Pictures worth to $1.00 49S $2.00 and $3.00 Pictures $1.00 $4.00 to $7.00 Pictures, .82.40 10c Sheet Pictures 10c Post Card Frames 5J 25 Discount on all picture framing Saturday. All work guaranteed. Ross Hammond Tells Noonday Club of His Job and Income Tax Miss Brehm Speaks at the High School Ross Hammond, internal revenue col lector for Nebraska, was the guest of tho (Noonday club Friday and after luncheon he told the sixty-five members present some things about tho workings of his office and also numerous things about the Income7 tax. Six years ago, Air. Hammond asserted, the Internal revenuo department was a secondary money getter for Undo Sam, but with tho passage of the Income ta,H which levies an assessment upon 400,000 of tho 9G,XW.OOO people of the United States, bringing in some $80,000,000 an- , nually, it has become the big spoke In the wheel. Mr. Hammond explained that the law is one of tho hardest there is to understand and describing its making he ventured the opinion that the author gathered to gether 10,000 words, mixed thorn in a hopper and what came out of the mixture was branded an income tax. In designating who are liable for the tax the speaker pointed, to the fact that all corporations come under the ban and that all' individuals who havo an income of W.0C0, provided they are single,, and J4,000 If they are married, are expected to pay 1 per cent on all Income above the sum exempt. One of the peculiari ties of the law, he said, was that if a man 'happens to bo married and living with his wife thero Is an exemption .if $4,000, while If the samo parties are living apart each is entitled to an Income of $3,000 that Is not taxed. Failure to lift property for taxation and claim exemptions,- the speaker said, subjected the man or woman who might bo taxed to a fine of not less than $30 and as much as $1,000. In .preparing to pay the income tax Mr. Hammond explained that the filing of the rtport must be made whenever the Income reaches $3,000, regardless of whether the party Is married or single. Collector Hammond took the club mem bers Into his' confidence and cxolalne-i all the workings of his office, telling how' tho lists were kept and how collections 1 were made on goods and wares handled by merchants and others and on which a government tax has to be paid. Before the speaking commenced N. P. Swanspn and J. A. Hwanson wero ap pointed a committee to meet the repre sentatlv'es of the Omaha Swedish Singing society at-the Swedish Auditorium next Tuesday evening and hold a conference with reference to going Into some of the details in connection with bringing the singing society Nordcn here during the summer of 1916 for its annual musical meeting. Holding up long lengths of ribbon to illustrate' tho amount of money spent in tho United States per year for alcoholic liquors alongside of comparatively short ribbons representing the expenditures for bread, churches and education, Miss Marie C. Brehm delivered an Impresslvo temperance lecture to hundreds of stu dents in the auditorium of tho Central high school yesterday morning. She urged temperance from a sclontltlo standpoint, saying that tho people who eep memseives in periect pnysicai con- I m ditlon have a better chance to succeul In than those who aro Intemperate. Her subject was "How to "Win." She is a national lecturer for the Women's Chris tian Temperance union, and has mado a number of addresses 'n Omaha the last two days. OLD MUSICIANS IN CONCERT AT Y M. C A Tho old musicians' contest, to be held at tho Young Men's Christian association on March 36, has already attracted a number of entries, and It is believed that this will be the biggest event of the kind ever staged by tho association. No player under 40 years of age Is eligible to par ticipate In tho competition. Tho instru ments which will be played In tho contest aro the banjo, guitar, violin and accor- deon. Seven Judges will bo selected and prizes will be given In each class. It Is planned to hold the affair In the gym nasium, as the auditorium has proven too small to accommodate the crowd. Six-foot linoleums, worth 75 cents. Monday at 33 cents square yard. Brandels' MILWAUKEE TO FINISH DOUBLE TRACK fN JULY The Milwaukee is sending out informs tlon saying that the double track line through Iowa between Omaha and Chi cngo, commenced three years ago, will bo completed by July 1 of this year. Tho cost of the work finished Is estimated at $20,000,000. The most expensive piece work was the bridge over the Des Molne river, which was built at a cost of $1,000,000. Through Iowa fifty-two grade crossings have been eliminated by th construction of subways or overhead via ducts.- HOOPER BURIED WITH NO FUNERAL SERVIC Unaccompanied by a single member of the family, and without a word of ser vice or comment, according to Coroner Crosby, the body of J. H. Hooper, th forger, who killed himself, was taken to Forest tawn cemetery' and Interred Thursday afternoon. While It has 'been known for several days that there would be no funerat service over the hpdy was believed that II rs. Hooper, who lives In Omaha, would at least accompany the corpse to the grave. Girls! Thicken and Beautify Your Hair Brings back. it gloss, lustre, charm and get riu 01 uanuruu m the moist cloth. t t nndsossed of a head of heavy, K.ontinil Hair: soft, lustrous, fluffy. wavy and free from dandruff Is merely a matter of using a little Danatrine. it is easy and inexpensive to have nice, nft hair and lot of it. Just get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne now all drur stores' recommend It apply a little as directed ana within ten rainuiee there will be an appearance of abund ance; freshness, fluffinwts and an Incom parable gloss and lustre, and try as you wilt you cannot find a trace of dandruff or falling halrj but your real surprise will be after about two weeks' use, wnen you will see new hair fine and downy at first yest but really new hair sprouting out all over your scalp Danderlne is, we believe, the only sure hair grower; de strdyer of dandruff and cure for Itchy scalp and It never falls to stop railing hair at once. If you want to prove how pretty and soft your hair really is, moisten a cloth with a little Danderlne' and carefully draw it through your hair taking one small strand at a time. Tour hair will be soft, glossy and beautiful 'n Just a few moments a delightful surprise awaits everyone who tries this. Advertisement. OCEAN STKAMEIIS. Special Spring Sailing Largest Steamer TTUE Mediterranean CELTIC, APRIL 18 Interesting Itinerary, Including MADEIRA, GIBRALTAR, ALGIERS, NAPLES, GENOA, WHITE STAR LINE, 8. H. Corner Madison and Xa Salle Sts., Chicago, or Xioeal Agents. Genuine "Wizard" Triangu lar Chemically Treated Polishing Mop LESS TRAIT 7IAT.V PBXOS. Saturday 6nly we will sell a $1.50 Triangular 'Wizard" oiled mop and 91.00 stse Wliard" oil; this 93-60 outfit for 9Qo No C O. D. or telephone orders ac cepted.. Our Saturday Tool Bargains, 10-ln Genuine Htlllson Pipe wrencu for - 09o 14-ln. Gcnulno Stlllson Pipe wrench, for 89o D-8 grado Dlston Saw, 26 Inches long, for 91.39 A lew Vore Bargains, Any Size Galvanized wash boiler, 89o Best grado braided cotton clothes lines for l!u EO-ft. twisted cotton clothes lines, for 8a Mop Sticks Oo Shinola Shoo Polish Oo C rolls So Gold Band toilet paper, lOo Any Size, any stylo coal bucket... 19o Any size steel fry pan lOo Coffee Grinders lOo Medium size "Climax" food choppers for ....88o We sell Blaok Nickel Tlnlsh senown Banges, They require no blacking anywhere. Exceptionally broad assortments in Women's Ready-to- Wear Garments, designs in which individuality and originality lend greatest attractive ness coupled' with unquestionably pleasing pricings await you here. Several Delightful Specials for Saturday NEW SPUING SUITS 225 of thoni, nuwlo U sell nt 918 to $22.80; go on snlo Satur day at ono prl $13.75 All now, nearly nil samples, nil tho most wanted colorings nnd mntcrlnls. Greatest suit values over. Mnnufncturcr's Stock of lmiCHHKS Now spring styles made to soil nt $15 to $20, Go on snlo Saturday nt your cholco $8.95 Designs suitable for nil oc casions, In taffetas, eollonncs, mcssnllnes and fancies; val ues you'll find mntchlcss. Twenty dlstlnctivo designs in tho very boat colorings and materials. Tho quoen of all tailored suits at tholr prlco; tho cholco of tho most discriminating. 100 Handsome- New Spring Coats Samples nont us by tho makers, all tho nobbiest now stylos and worth $15.00 'and $18.00; on salo whiio they last Saturday at, choice S10.00 Children's New Coats Tho most clever productions for spring 1D14, novor beforo havo wo shown such varied assortments of tho now garment stylos in tho chil dren's section S2.05 83.05 S5 Up. Over 200 Bountiful Now Waists In Bilks, nctfl, laco and cholco fancies, nil colors, all sizes, im mense assortment; special , $2.05 Other Cholco Values, $3.05 $5.00 $7.50 Up Children's Now Dresses- A special lot of regular $1.50 values, Including CO dozen pretty garments, in ging hams, chambrays nnd per cales', all sizes and colors. You'll find them matchloss at our salo prico. .. 70J IN THE BABY HAZSAIl -Everything for the little ono, beautiful garmontg at most pleasingly low prices. A Big Special Tablo of Sllpn, skirts, DrcBBes,'Sacquc, Kimonos, Baby Sots, Knit Garments, otc, to $1.00 values; nt, choice , . .50 Clearing Sale of Mantles All SOc Monties. Inverted and up right, each 18c All ICo mantles, inverted and up right. 2 Tor 8o lOo Mantles. Inverted nnd upright, S for 380 Inverted an Upright lights, ready to put up; big value, complete. ,. .300 (Remarkable Glove Bargains j Lamb Skin Qlovss, big special lot of values to fl.00. All colors nnd sices. On snlo Saturday, JLQn choice CU Chainolsette Gloves, tho popular Knyser brand; white with black stllchlng or In plain white, 9 tin at. per pulr . ........ U Why Fay BOo to 91.00 for To or Chole Classical Soleotlon. Get Our Prices. Sheet Music 10c A fsw of thousands shown hers. "Abide Wltn Mce." "Uarcarollo" (Talus of Hofr man.) "Hon to en Train ' "Danco of But terflies." "Day Drenms." "I Have Sighed to Itest Mo" "Alice Where Aro Thou" "Aragomilso" (Maasenw "Battle Cry Freedom" '"Flowr Bong." "Oeii Bolt." "Daddy." Earl King. My Old Ken- tucKy uome." ot Ilosary" By King. i "Dolly Varden" "Largo" Handel 'Anchored" "Good Bye" (Tostl) "La Sorella" "Jerusalem" "Palms" "Lost Hope." 'Second llapso- dlo" "Itock of Ages" "llustlo ot Spring." "Sack Wnlts" "To a Swallow" "Torredors Bong." "You and I "Mighty Deep" nappy nay- Catalogue of 2.000) titles sent free; a postal will bring it. Fashion's Very Latest Decree Bandeau Trimmed Hats We aro showing dozens of distinctive patterns, cop ies of imported hats, and you will always find tho cor rect of fashion's latest ideas hero in great variety for your selection. BANDEAU HATS, like cut, exact copy of a high priced model on sale SATURDAY at Trimmed on a hemp shape witli best trimmings. Only one of a hundred clever models that look twice (the prices wo quote. Why Pay More for Drugs, Toilet Goods Xtote Specials Jot Saturday's Selling, 60c Lablancho or Carmine face powdet' for ...aoo $1.00 Azurca or Latrefle face powder at 70o Banltol or Dr. Graves tooth paste or powder at luo 25c size Peroxide or Pond's Extract face creams ror 100 Two (2) Bars of Williams Shaving Bonp for 0o lOo Shinola Shoe Polish for Bo Seven (7) Bars of Ivory Houp for. . .23o luc Package 20-Mulo Team Borax, 7V4o 2Co Size Sautoflusu at 18o Four (4) 10o Itolls of Crcpo Tollot Paper for ,250 Four (4) Dozen C-grulu Aspirin tabloU for , aoo One Hundred Dr. Illnkle's Caacaru tub lets for ioe lOo Saymon's Vcgetablo or Jap Hose Soap at 2 bars lor loo 25o Laxatave Uromo Quinine for..,.10o 76o Jad Salts for the kidneys, ut.,...05o 7fiu lludnuts or Plnauds toilet waters for boo 2Co Slzo Bath Sweet, 2 to a customer, each , .100 11.00 Size Pure Hydrogen Poroxlde, ex tra size, for , loo lOo and 16o Violet. Lllao or CorylopsU tulcum powder, at 3 cans for ICo 35o Bar of Pure Imported Castile soap for lOo Largo Package best quality Hassafrasn Bark for loo 26o Size Sal Hepatlca or Beldlltz pow ders at loo 50u Hizo California Syrup of l?gs, BOo 26r Size Llsterlno (LambertH) for lOo 10c Diamond Dyes, all colors, at 0o $1.00 Mrs. Potter's Walnut Hair Stain, at .....i 05o Se Bare and Get a Written Gnarantov With Your Bubbsr Goods. $4.00 Wellington Syringe and Bottle combined, guaranteed to you for 6 years, for 92.00 Full Length Fountain Syringe Tubing at BBo and OOo $2.50 and $2.00 Fountain Syringes or Bottles, each 91,00 76a Household Itubber Gloves, at. pur pair OOo 76c Genuine Ideal Hair Brushes, Rubber Cushion, at 00o Big Shoe Sale Saturday An opportunity Saturday to buy shoes for tho entire family from tho big surplus stocks of threo of the host factories in Massachusetts at less than tho cost to mako. Ken's $4.50 and $5.00 Tan or Black Shoos, latest stylos, all sizes and widths; very special $3.50 Men's $3,50 and $4.00 Shoes, tan or black, latest styles, au welts, all slzos S2.50 1,200 palm of Men's $3.00 Shoes, mostly welts, tan or black. In this lot aro several numbers of splendid work shoes, In tan or Wack S1.08 Women's Shoeo In all the newest styles and patterns; values up to $5.00; In tvo big lota 83.50 and S2.50 . 1,000 pairB of Women's and Dig Girls' Bhoos tan or black, low or high hocls, all leathers, values to $3 a pair all sizes, SI. 08 400 pairs Children's Combination Lace and Button Shoes, fit any. sizo anklo. Mado of gun metal stock, all solid sizes 7 to 10 ; $1.85 values at, pair 81.00 Chllds' 5 to 8 turn solo button or lace sboes, $1.25 values. .75J Orover and Queen Quality Shoes for women. Stetson and .Crossott shoes for .men. Saturday Is Baby Day in the Furniture Department We havo just received a solid car load of flo-Carto and Baby Buggies from tho GBN DIION WHEEL- GOODS CX., Toledo, Ohio. We bought them at a price which enables us to offer you a very superior article at each price. 8e them Saturdny. SPECIALS YOU WILL ICKBNLY APPIlfeCIATK. , One motion collapsible go-cart with hood and adjustable dock, spring seat, steel gear; frame finished In black enameL Upholstered with lsathcr cloth. Interlocking hood brace. This Is a real bargain at.... .94.40 One motion collapsible go-cart, ad justable back, soring seat wlUi hood, one-half Inch rubber tires, nickel trim, mud; good quality of leather cloth. One day only for ...90.00 English style carriage, seat, back and side upholstered in Kngllah carriage cloth. Solid steel pusher handles. Nickel plated trimmings. A few of these at 930.00 Kngltsh Heed Sleepers, baby car riage 913.50 About IS different other patterns at greatly reduced prices. The famous Glasscock baby walkor. On sale at 91.90. Always sold at 3 A dandy solid High chair with table .....91.00 Nursery chair with table, one day only .....91.00 Baby Bed. adjustable sides, springs, white or Vernla Martin ..95.00 I 9 Lbs. Best Leaf Lard Saturday, 98c Hindquarters best quality Mut ton, per lb 10?4c Forequartcrs best quality Mut ton, lb. HKc Pork Roast, best quality, young pork, lb 13ftc Shoulder Butta, best quality ot young pork, lb l&ttc No. 1 Steer Pot Roast Beef at, per lb. 12c.i3Je Cholco Breakfast Bacon for Saturday only, per lb 14 . Diamond C Skinned Hams, first quality. Saturday, lb..,18)xo Fancy Lean Breakfast Bacon, lb , SSoSSMo Fresh Dressed Chicken at wholesale; all kinds of Frosh and Salt Fish' tor the Lenten season. See Hayden's first, It pays. Reducing High Cost of Living Sugar Down, Butler Down, Eggs Down. We follow the Markets, and Fight the Trusts for the People. 33 lbs. Best Oranulatsd Sugar , .91,00 The Btst Creamery But ter, carton or bulk, pttr pound 'JO a The Best Strictly rrssh Brgs, per dozen!,.. aoo 48-lh. sacks Best High Grade Diamond H flour, nothing finer for bread, pies or cakes, sack, 91.10 10 bars Beat-'Kin-All, Diamond C or laundry Queen, White Soap.'.SOo 10 lbs. Best White or Yellow Cornmoal, ,..18o 8 lbs. best Boiled break, fast Oatmeal, ..... .38o 6 lbs. Hand Ticked Navy Beans S5o 6 lbs. Choice Japan Iltce for , 83o 4 lbs. Fancy Japan nice. lOo quality 30o Tho Best Domestic Mac aroni, Vermicelli or Spaghottl, pkg. . . .7o K. C Corn Flakes, per packuge ......... ....0o 4 cans Fancy Sweet Su gar Corn ,....30o 4 cans Wax or String Beans 30a 5 cans OH or Mustard Bardlnes 30o Advo Jell for dessert, per package . .....7V4 Gallon cans. Golden Table Syrup 40o 2-lb. pkg. Belf Rising Pancake or Buckweat flour ,81-3o The Best Tea Sittings. per lb. . ., .100 Golden Santos Coffee, per lb. 300 BUTTER DOWJT AOAXH Don't pay store than oar price quoted below. The Best Creamery But ter, carton or bulk, per pound 39o The best country cream ery butter, per lb.... 30a The best Dairy table butter, per lb ,33c Omaha's greatest frssh Vegetable Market. IB lbs. Early Ohio pota toes to the peck . ...3So Fresh Beets. Carrots, Turnips, Shallots or ltadlshea, large bunches for ..4o Fancy new cabbaoe. per lb. , ;..3(o Fancy large head let tuce, head -7Vi 3 heads fresh leaf .let tuce 100 Old Beets, Carrots, Tur nips or I'arsnlpa. lb.aUo Rutabagas, lb lV4o 3 largo Soup Bunches for . .10o Fancy Texas Spinach, per peck ,,.,,20o 18 Ho pkg. of fancy Hal loween dates for 8 l-3a Qrspe Jfralt Special. Fancy Florida Fruit. 3 for ,10o IT TDV UJIVnCM'e EIDGT IT pnve. I