Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 14, 1914, Page 5, Image 5

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Nomination of West Virginia Man
is Sent to Senate.
Ntt Mtmhfr of Federal nrnrTe
nonrd lit Noir First Awilntnnt
to Secretary of Trrnn
nry McAdoo.
WASHINGTON, Jan. lS.-PrcsJdcnt Wll
sou today nominated John Skelton Wll
Hams of Virginia, assistant secretary of
tho treasury, for comptroller of the cur
rency and ex-otflclo member of tha fed
eral reserve board, which will admin
ister the affairs of ' the now currency,
Mr. Williams Is now In charge of the
fiscal bureaus and Secretary McAdoo
first assistant In matters of government
finance. Tho office of comptroller of the
currency has been vacant soveral months.
From time to time various reports have
been afloat in congressional circles of
opposition being brought to bear agalnit
the nomination of Mr. Williams. It was
said that the so-called great financial
Interests wero opposing him. There, lias
never been recorded, so far as is known,
before any committee or through any
Mother! is Child's
Stomach Sour, Sick
If tongue Is coated or If cross, fever
ish, constipated giro "California
Syrup of Figs."
Don't scold your fretful, peevish child.
See It tongue 1b coated: this Is a sura
sign Its little stomach, liver and bowels
are clogged with sour waste.
When listless, pale, feverish, full of
cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't
eat, sleep or act naturally, has a stomach
ache. Indigestion, diarrhoea, give a tea
spoonful of "California Syrup of Figs,"
and In a few hours all the foul waste,
the sour bile and fermenting food passes
out of the bowels and you hare 'a well
and playful child again. Children love
this harmless "fruit laxative," and moth
ers can rest easy after giving it because
It never falls to make their little 'in
sldea" clean and sweet.
Keep It handy, Mother! A- little given
today saves a sick child tomorrow, but
gel the genuine. Ask your druggist for
a 60-cent bottle of "California Syrup of
Figs." which haa directions for babies,
children of all ages and for grown-ups
plainly on the bottle. Remember there
are counterfeits sold here, so surely look
and see that yours is made by the "Call,
fornla Fig Syrup Company." Hand back
with contempt any other flg syrup. Advertisement
official channel, any opposition to his
appointment, though there aro various
rein , u of Impeding opposition to his
confirmation by the senate.
Announcement of Mr. Williams' selec
tion followed a conference between Presi
dent Wilson and Secretary McAdoo. It
Is understood that during the president's
absence Mr. McAdoo has been sounding
senators about the nomination and be
lieves It will be confirmed. So far as
known, the president has made no other
selections for the federal reserve board.
Secretary Houston said today ho did
not plan to resign from tho cabinet to
become a member of the board.
Before tho cabinet meeting the presi
dent had a conference with Secretary
McAdoo, at which It Is understood a re
port of tho progress of tho organisation
commltteo at work 6n tho new currency
law was made.
The president haa set aside tomorrows
for conferences bn the trust question,
arranging to meet Chairman Clayton
and porhaps the entire democratic mem
bership of the house Judiciary committee
Mayor John Purroy Mltchet of Now
York was tho guest of the president nt
luncheon. The purposo of his visit was
not disctoscd.
Prof. Fling Regards
Mirabeau as One of
Greatest Frenchmen
Prof. Fling of the department of Eu
ropean history at tho University of Ne
braska gavo tho second of a series of
six lectures on European statesmen at
tho high school auditorium yesterday
afternoon, taking Mirabeau, tho famous
Frenchman, who led such a strenuous
lite during tho latter part of tho eight
eenth century. Tho professor gavo ah
unbiased account of Mlrabcau'B life and
activities and gavo a general synopsis
of his private affairs as welt as his po
litical life.
Prof. Fling characterized Mirabeau as
one of tho greatest of all Frcnchmon and
told of his evolution from an army office-
to a member of tho general assembly
of Franco to his eventual and final posi
tion of adviser to tho king. He spoko
of MIrabcau's dcslro to become a mem
ber ,of tho general assembly and how ho
Dought a clothier's shop in order to se
cure eligibility td tho third estate when
ho learned that he could not becomo a
member of tho nobility, as he did not
possess a fief of his own. He character
ized Mirabeau as the man who mado the
general assembly tho powerful organiza
tion it became and he stated that Mira
beau was really the ono man who startod
tho French revolution.
Resinol clears
away pimples
PIMPLES and blackheads dis
appear, unsightly complex
ions become clean, clear, and
velvety, and hair health and
beauty aro promoted by the reg
ular use of Resinol Soap and aa
occasional application of Resinol
Ointment These soothing, heal
ing preparations do their work
easily, quickly and at little cost,
when even the most expensive
cosmetics and complicated
"beauty treatments 'J fail.
Every druggist sells Resinol
Realnol Soap and Ointment htsl eczema and
ther tkln eruptions, atop itching InsUntln and
ire most Valuable for dandruff, sores, burns,
bolls, plies, etc. For trial sire. free, write to
Keslnol, Dept. 10-3, Baltimore, Md.
Street Car Company
Elects for New year
At the meeting of the stockholders of
the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street
Railway company held yesterday after
noon, directors worn elected as follows:
C. W. Lyman, O. W. Wattles, Frank T.
Hamilton, L. F. S.-ttot, W. A. Smith,
C. H. Tyler, C. W. Hamilton. .T. A. Mun
roe and Frank B. lah'u i. The directors
are the same cs last year, with the ex
ception of C. W. Ismail, who succeeds
K. C. Barton, dsccascd. C. R. Tyler Is a
resident of Council UluKs.
Immediately after the eie-tlon of direc
tors, they met and elected the following
officers, who are the same as last year:
Presldent-Q. W. -Wattles,
First VJ2e Pre' T. Hamil
ton. Second Vice President W A. Smith.
Secretary and Treasurer li. O Nash.
General Manager W. A. Smith.
Assistant General Manager R. A.
Audltor-G. W. Nicholson.
At a meeting to bo held wlth!n the next
ten days the directors will meet and de
termine upon tho expenditures for the
next year and In a general way outllno
the new work to bo done, deciding upon
the extensions of lines and general Improvements.
Be Sure to See the Children's Wor
sted School Dresses at
08S S1.48 nd S2.48
1613 rarnam Street.
Nearly ISO pupils from tho grades havo
asked for admission to the High School
of Commerce. Added to these are those
who havo not yet decided upon the course
of study they desire and those who have
not been in school recently. Taken all
together, thcro will be an incoming class
of ISO, making the enrollment total 850
for tho year.
New classes will be formed in sales
manshlp, commercial German, higher ac
counting and offlco routine. In order to
accommodate these classes another room
will be added to Annex B of the school
building and two more members will be
added to the faculty.
Kidney and I,tvcr Trouble
Quickly helped by Electric Bitters
sure and prompt relief stimulate tho
kidneys and liver to healthy action. 50o
ard t). All druggists. Advertisement.
A Sensation Price on
Phonograph Records
Regular 35oaW fOo Selections
Every record PERFECT Bvy rtcord up-to-date
Every record ready to play. There are thousands in thii
lot still you would better be here EAJtLY. We are
CLOSING OUT our stock of EDISON wax cylinder reoords,
hence this sensation -price lOo each for reoords that sell
the world over at 35o and 60o. This offer good for one
week only.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
Gsr. 18th and Harney Sts., Omaha
None Sent on Approval.
Nono Sont 0. 0. D.
No Reservations.
An Occasion Like This C omes But Once in a Long Time
Wednesday Morning at 9 O'clock We Offer You Choice From Our Entire Stock of
Women's and Misses' Exclusive
Whether the price was $50,
$65, $75, $85, $100 or even
$125, Wednesday at the one
... II. 'J
If m ; '
ill xmfn&m skill
I . i M MM , PVC 1 Vl
III II 1 1 ! ft lr?v-3BBBBBK.f7B ' '! iLtK SK- S"
Ill t. - i . ?."?BllHr.B f Ui."yJ.T. H.I
ill It fti Y( mttm- UW .iiiVtl. lMCsJ . mfciL
i. mm.
Women requiring sizes
32 and all the way to fj jfej 'H
44 will be able to find a V ' '
desirable assortment in t
Remember tho Sale Starts
Wednesday Morning
at 9 o'Olock.
wm, www
r? .r. r. .
AN OFFERING that reaches far into the realm of the
sensational exquisite gowns and wraps which are
quite properly termed as "style supreme" creations that
are individual and distinctive offered at the extraordi
nary low price of $22.50.
It is the most beautiful and most varied assortment
of high class dresses and wraps this store has ever
shown at a price anywhere near this the fabrics, the
trimmings are the richest examples in a season that will
go down in history, famous for fine fabrics.
Many of these dresses and wraps are either origi
nals or duplicates of advance models by the celebrated
fashion creators of Paris and Now York. They are dresses and wraps
which foreshadow the style tendencies and which holp to fix them.
They are garments so far in advance of the season's style that you will
not see their duplicates for months.
Evening Wraps Evening Gowns Theatre Wraps
Exquisite Costumes Afternoon Wraps
Smart Coats Dinner Gowns Street Dresses
They are costumes and wraps one sho uld purchase now for the many social func
tions or if you intend to make a trip to some, of our winter resorts to thoMardi-Gras
at New Orleans Florida or California., You must see tho garments themselves to gain
an adequate idea of their richness, elegance and exclusivenoss.
OrWn Bros., 16th and Harney Sts., Omaha.;
Orkin Bros., 16th and Harney Sts., Omaha.-
Twenty-Six Below is Eeported in
New England.
Ilnlnir Weather Prevnlllntr in Went
Will Soon Push Storm Into tho
Atlantic Clale mowing
Atonic the Conat.
show. It is tHo only ono of Its kind west
of Chicago, whero tho only other cement
bhow In tho country Is held yearly. Al
most -',700 cement users have been mailed
literature about the show by the Omaha
publicity bureau, The show Is Klven by
tho Nebraska Cement Users' association.
WASHINGTON, Jan. il.-Contlnued
cold that drove tho mercury to zero in
many i-pots and as far as 26 degrees bo
low In some, still gripped tho entire north
and central portions of the country today
and caused much suffering. Following
In tho wake of Monday's St. Lawrcnco
storm, which passed out to whip the New
Foundland const, a blanket of still frost
settled down for another day.
Hut to the westward of tho wintry re
gion is another "area," aB tho weather
sharps say, pressing for room to move,
and aa it slides eastward It is oxpected
to displace tho colder air tomorrow and
bring relief. Rising temperatures all
through the west were marking the
movement of the' new weather today and
temperatures there wero again abovo tho
seasonablo average. As tho warmer air
moves toward tho, Atlantic the weather
men say It will be accompanied by blue
skies. 80, the winter's first real old
(Contlnued from Fage One.)
fashioned weather promises to be short
lived. Tulrty-Fopr Below.
BOSTON, Jan. 13.A breath from the
Arctic, which followed the Bt. Lawrence
storm of yesterday, brought to New Eng
land today the lowest teihperaturo In
three years St. AlbanB, where read
ing of 34 below zero was recorded, heads
tho minus list. At Plttsfleld, Mass., It
was 28 below; Burlington, Vt., 23 below;
Concord, N. II., 1 below; Portland, Me.,
9 below, and In this ciy below.
The cold weather -was harder to with
stand than usual owing to the northwest
gale, which blew a mile a minute on
Cape Cod. The maximum wind velocity
was seventy-two miles an hour on Capo
Twenty-Trro Below.
SYRACUSE. N. Y... Jan, 13,-The ther-
mometer registered 23 below xero In Byra
cuse this morplng. The big drop followed
one of the worst blizzards the city has
suffered in year?
Thirty-three salesmen and branch man
agers of the C. N. Dletz Lumber and
Coul company aro enjoying a two days'
convention In Omaha. They dined at tho
Commercial club yesterday noon and last
lilglit attended tho Brandels theater. To
night thpy aro to attend tho Orphoum.
Their' meetings aro' In tho shape of con
ferences and got "together-affolrs." The
managers and salesmen are from various
parts of .the state and even adjolntrig
states. Symposiums of ten-mlnuto talks
are part of the program of the meetings.
Fontcnellc Forest Association Holds
Its Election.
l'ariiose Is to Preserve 'ntnrnl Park
Alontf Missouri Illver Bluffs
Between Chllda' Point
and Bellovne.
shall be known as 'patrons, $1,000 contri
butions shall cntltlo the donors to life
memberships nnd persons giving 1500
vUnll bo fellows of tho organization. Ap
propriate certificates will be presented
persons who make other 'gifts or render
signal services In furthering the public
park undertaking for which the society
was founded.
The Perslsltent and Judicious Use of
Newspaper Advertising Ui the Road to
Business Success.
Rosa Nobll, aged 17 years, who lately
arrived in America from Italy to marry
Sebastian Manganaro, 723 Pierce street
died Saturday morning at St. Joseph
hospital with an attack of appendicitis.
The girl had been in Omaha only three
days. Funeral services wero held at 10
o'clock from 723 Plerco street. Burial
was in Holy Sepulcher cemetery.
Yesterday was tho twenty-seventh anni
versary of the wedding day of Rev. and
Mrs. Charles W. Savldge. In celebration
thereof the happy couple sat down and
looked back over the years they had en
Joyed with each other. "They wero Im
measurably hippy," remarked Mr. Sav
ldge, "and If I were a bachelor, I would
not wait a moment about getting a wife."
Twenty more cement manufacturers
and jobbers will make displays this year
than participated last year at the .annual
Midwest Cement show, which Is to be
held at the Auditorium early In Febru
ary. The exhibit space on the floor of the
Auditorium has been replotted (to take
care of the increased interest in the
and Colds
Forerun Sickness
end should hare immediate efficient
treatment with SCOTT'S EMULSION
because physical power la reduced
r the cold would not exist.
Drugged pills and alcoholic
syrups are crutches, not remedies,
but Scott's Emulator drives out
the colds, warms the body by
enriching the blood, and strength
ens tne lungs.
Nothing equals or compares
with Scof'smuWonln build
ing the force to pro vent bron
chitit, grippe or pneumonia.
1 ,T I T
"Promiscuous cutting of trees In Ne
braska will soon stop, as the result of
the organization of the Kontenelle For
est association," said Thomas R. Kim
ball, ono of the incorporators of tho
project, nfter the meeting for permanent
organization yesterday afternoon at the
Commercial club.
"People who contemplato chopping
down trees will now stop and consider
whether tho value of tho cleared ground
Is not exceeded by tho vnluo of the truct
with tho trees standing, as concerns rain
fall, soil preservation, natural beauty
and cash productive value. In some cases
It may be Justifiable to cut down trees,
but usually In Nebraska it will be found
economically wise to let them grow, for
they aro a valuable asset to the land."
Tho forest association Is the result of
a desire to preserve a natural park for
public use along the Missouri river
bluffs between Chllds' fyo.nt and Delle
vue. The organization wan Incorporated
last week, and at Monday's meeting th?
following permanent officers were
elected to serve one year:
Prebldcnt, C. J. Hrnst, assistant treas
urer of the Burlington ruliroud.
Vice president. Henry W. Yats. presi
dent of the Nebraska National bank.
Treasurer, C. F, McQraw, president or
tho Live Stock National bunk.
Secretary, Dr. A. A. Tyler, dean and
head of the biology department of Bella
ue college, originator of the or Kan I ra
tion. Additional members of the executive
council, Thomas II. Kimball, Itomo Mil
ler and Dr. Solon R. Tnwne.
In addition to tho cxecutlvo council of
seven, these men are Incorporators of
the association:
C. C. Belden. Roy N. Towle, Alfred C
Kennedy, C. M. Wllhelm, C. N. Diets
II. It. Baldrlge. Fred J. Adams. Dr. A
F. Jonas. W. II. Buoholz. Dr. Harold
Glfiord, llcv. Stephen KiooKey.
Committees on grounds, legal affairs.
finance and publicity were authorized at
yesterday's meeting. They will consist
of three men each, to be appointed by
tho president. An assessment was agreed
upon by the members to take euro of the
present running expenses.
The by-laws adopted Include provisions
for raising some of tho money necessary
for carrying out the arsoclatlon's plans
for a largo public park along the river
bin it's, south of South Omaha. They In
dictate that private subscriptions will bb
largely depended upon to mike the
project a reality. It is provided that per
sons making donations of $10,00) or moti?
shall be mado honorary vice presidents
of the association, thoc wno give 15,0(0
!suptnrd !Popl,,BM"
Give This A 60 Day Trial
Only TIiIiir (Jood Enough
To HUuid Huch n Thorough Test
Here is something you can try
sixty dayB Just as a test without
having to risk a cont
Somothtnc which in the last twen
ty-four years has savod thousands of
ruptured people from having to un
dergo operation.
Something no strengthening to the run.
tured narts that you can work right
along without the slightest danger
Something absolutely guaranteed to
keen ruoture from comlnR out If tt
doesn't It will cost you absolutely noth
You Don't Have to Risk n Penny
We don't ask you to pay out a penny
on the strength of any mere promise or
Wo will make you a ffuoranUsd rup
ture holder especially for your case-
make it to your measure and let Ton
Cured many of them after everything-
nau railed
try It slaty days.
Let you irlve It a thorough test with
out asking you to risk a cent.
If it doesn't keep your rupture from
coming out or bothering you In 'any way
ir It doesn t prove overy claim w.i
makethen you can send It back and it
won't cost you a penny.
Hco What It Does
This guaranteed rupture holder the
-famous Cluthe Automatic Massaging
Truss Is mane on an absolutely new -principle.
It Is far more than Just a
you see tills truss unlike all others
Is self-adjusting, self-regulating.
The support It gives automatically In
creases when theru U any sudden move
ment or strain as In working so n
strain cun force your rupture out.
And. In addition, the Cluthe Truss
provides the only way svsr discovers!
for overcoming the wtakntss which is
the rsal cans of rupture.
JiiHt how it does that entirely auto
matically la all explained In our free
aoo.000 People Have Tested It
The Cluthe Truss bus such a remark
ably strengthening and -beneficial effect
that it has cured some of the worst cases
on record
Among them men nnd women SO to 70
years old, who had been ruptured from
20 to SO years.
else. Including operation.
ao any gooa.
No lielt No IiCg-Straps No Spring
The Clutho Truss does away entirely
with belts, log-straps and springs. P-v
pie who have tried It say It Ih aa com--fortable
as their clothing. It is water
proofwill hold In the bath. Also per-splratlon-proof
and easily kept clean.
Get World's Greatest Rupture Book
So that you can Judge for yourself, wi
want to send you a free book we havi
written a cloth-bound book of advice.
People who have read It including phy
sicians say it is the best book ever
written on Rupture.
It sums up all we have learned about
rupture In forty years of day-after-day
experience. It deals with rupture in all
its forms and stages. Explains the
dangers of operations. Shows why wear
ing elastic or spring trusses is sooner or
later almost sure to shorten your life.
And It exposes the humbug "appliances,"
"mothods." "plasters." etc. Puts you on
guard against throwing money away.
It shows why 60-days. trial Is the only
safe way to buy anything for rupture,
and how the Cluthe Truss is the only
thing you can get on such a long trial,
because the only thing good enough to
stand such a thorough test.
And it tells all about the Cluthe Truss
how it epds constant expense how
you can try it 60 days, and how little It
costs If you keep it.
It tells In their own words the exper
ience of many former sufferers gives
their names and addresses perhaps you
know soma of them.
with tin
i book.
endorsements sent
Write for it today don't put it off
this book may be the means of adding
many years to your life and of restoring
you to full strength and usefulness.
Just use the coupon or simply say In
a letter or postal "send me the Book."
Boa 714 ox,xma eewAirr
13S Sast 23d SJt XSW TX OCTT
Send me your Free Book and Trial
Offer. .