Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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LLh IShb: UAIAHA, A1UADA1, IS U V bAlBJiiU 24, 191J.
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Only S-cent stamps received In payment
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Communications relating to new; and
editorial matter should be addresed
Omaha Bee. Editorial department.
State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss.
Dwtght Williams, circulation manager
f The Bee Publishing company, being
duly sworn, says that the average dally
circulation for the month of October,
SSl was TStfa. DWIOIIT Wir.I-.IAMS,
via. wa clrcuUUon Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn
to Wore m. this SSSf
Notary Public.
SaW.erlbtrs leaving the city
tanssernrtlr ekowl have The Beq
tMtI te thrw. Aldrs will be
Ttfcanr'rt a ef ten as requested.
More glory for Nebraska in this
pear's foot ball record.
Good road and good road con
.tracts are too widely different things,
"iBterreae,'' says William R.
Hearst. Strange bow the president
disobeys him.
I , ,
Those who know John Llnd do not
(expect him to cash it in at the chau
Jauquas next season.
Paying taxes is a patriotic privilege
o the habitual toxdodgor when ho
finally finds ho cannot escape.
They must hare boon pUylng tho
tld game of 'hop-sklp-and-a-Jumn
frraea they named Hotch Hotchy.
For a man who has been put off
fft-atch so many times, Samuel Qomp
ers seems to held his ova tolerably
When 8 u tear gets into the legisla
ture will the dowa-trodden boss of
fTawraany send word that "I'm the
Nine sld Charlie?"
Are yeu reading The Bee's series
d articles oh Omaha's public schols?
Start sow, and you will sot want to
fells a oaa of them.
AJMsg the ceasplcuous figures on
the Mexlcfca horixon Just now, the
Baaquo-Hke ghost of the murdered
JHadero looms large.
But the fact that San Francisco's
fcsayer sella a church building undor
the hammer, is not intended by the
mayor as a knock on religion,
Secretary Bryan says the State de
partment is not o concern itself with
trade. Look but or we may get the
short a ef that Mexican deal.
1 :
President Wilton refused to tee a Chi
ta) yaafcsr. News Note.
Mays after looking over tk wed
tag preaeata, he found enough mea
in tide ever the winter.
FreeMeat Genpera and hta friends
n the America Federation of Labor
lira to he congratulated on setting
liesaselvsB affaiast I. W, W.lsm
stronger than ever.
Everything la season, and every
thing se&Maable. We aro free to con
fess that we would much prefer a few
vaapyy com uays more in Keeping
with the calendar.
For a layman untutored In "pro
fewtaal ethics," Mayor Jim did a
xeod js in denying the lawyer's re
tjaeet for the introduction or the
children into that domestic scandal
aired before tbe city commissioners.
Lincoln's charter campaign Is a
continuatlng the issue of home rule,
and strangely enough those who ore
stroagest for home rulo for the Fill
ylBoi, for the Mexicans and for the
Cubans are loudest against home
rule for Lincoln.
Our democratic friends used to
complain because more trust mag
nates were not mado to serve prison
terms. Has any pne heard of any
high-up anti-trust law violators being
sent to Jail since the democrats took
charge of the government machinery?
A dispute is now on as to the pro
per wording of the last democratic
platform declaration on banking and
currency reform. As commonly
printed and quoted, it proclaims op
pealtlpa to the Aidrlch plan "or" to
tb staeMshment of a central bank
rvhlle it is contended by insiders that
when adopted it was a declaration of
opposition to the Aidrlch plan "for"
the establishment of a central bank
"which can be constructed to make all
the difference In the world.
Men and Methods.
"America Is training men for all
kinds of service except that of the
public," said Clinton Roger Wood
ruff, addressing the National Munic
ipal league. He deprecated tho fact
that it was almost, If not qulto im
possible, to supply the demand for
city government experts.
Tho chances are the supply far
exceeds the demand, that is, the de
mand that has been put into a seri
ous search for the right kind of men.
If cities went after their public serv
ants tho satno way that private busi
ness concerns employ theirs, strictly
on the basis of their fitness, they
would find very llttlo difficulty In
supplying their demands. The only
Berlous lack is probably in the peo
ple's Intelligence of selection on such
a basts.
Cities that continue to experiment
with various fads and methods of
government may, after all, have tho
cart before the horse. Maybo If
they placed the balance of emphasis
on men instead of methods they
would get along better. The ad
vance agents of tho commission form
of city government In heralding it
made much of the argument that it
would Invariably draw tho best of
men into the offices and dofy tho old
tricksters of ward politics to main
tain their control of affairs. Yet
are thero no object lessons to provo
the fallacy of such claims? Go about
tho country and boo how many fall
downs the commission plan has
made. Even boforo it is out of Its
swaddling clothes, other plans and
forms are being agitated and intro
duced, the latest of which Is tho city
manager plan,
Tho Bee's original contention was
that the commission form, against
which wo are not inveighing, was as
good as its personnel and no better.
The same thing probably will prove
true of the city manager and all
other forms. What, it seems to us,
most needs changing Is the selection
of our public- servants. Until wo make
sure of getting men of capacity anu
training, the best plan of govern
ment will always glvo us serious
Building Up Our Muiic.
Reginald do Kovcn and other ex
ponents of higher criticism havo
gono on record before tho American
Academy of Arts, and Letters as fa
voring ragtime and grand opera in
English. "All opera," says De Ko
von, "must be sung in English."
Now the lesser lights may take that
as their cue without feeling they
have done violence to their "pro
digious .technique." No doubt, it
will be much more common from
now on to hear similar expressions.
Of course suoh a pronouncement
will please the simple layman, who
never could fathom the niceties of
the art of paying three prices to hear
a company of singers warble some
thing' in a foreign tongue so that he
could not possibly understand a
word of It. But ho . went on pa
tiently paying the three prices be
cause he was told that it would not
be grand opera if sung in the vul
gar, inexpressive English language.
Yet this is what Reginald de Ko-
Ten says: "English Is second to none
as a singing language." And he
was applauded by the academicians.
Out sentiment has undergone a
change in our country la this re
spect. The demand for English
grand opera began, to assume form
and force when the popularity of
grand opera really took root. So
we ewe something to the foreign
singing, after all. It afforded a
very good vehicle of introduction
and it would be a poor commentary
on opera and us, too, If the demand
did not now arise for the English
But art has its practical side, and
as De Koven points out, English
grand opera In America will not only
subserve the artistic purposes, but
alike the sturdy ends of practical
business, which aro nover entirely
lost sight of by the true artist. "It
will open the doors of opportunity
in their own country to thousands of
American singers now 'barnstorm
ing In Europe at 'starvation' sala
ries," says De Kovcn, And we may
be sure, too, that It will serve really
to popularize grand opera and place
It within the reach of the masses of
America, as It has long been in Eu
ropean countries. That is actually
th0 best part of It all.
As to ragtime, perhaps De Koven
kind words are even more surprising
and to be appreciated than what ho
says on opera. "Do not decry rag
time and popular songs," he asserts,
"They are building up our music as
It should bo, from the bottom up, not
the top down." He indicates a re
markable Improvement within the
decade in our popular songs, which.
In connection with our lack of folk
songs, seems to Justify the appeal for
tho ragtime. Surely anyone with an
car for a simple tune will admit the
radical difference between the rag
time of today and that of fifteen
years ago, when it got its start.
The scholarly gentleman who tried
to find out what would happen to
him if he landed in Omaha "broke"
describes his dismal experience so
graphically that it ought to take
Omaha off the map as an attractive
resort for penniless wanderers. But
it will do nothing of the kind, as
Omaha has always been a bright and
beckoning spot for the genus hobo.
lopkin Backward
, ymj)sy in Omaha
(oxrars rsoM an nut
1 -T
Thirty Years Ago
The new Oermanla hall at Nineteenth
and Harney was inaugurated with ap
propriate Ceremonies. The committee of
arrangements Included: Phil Andres, O.
Sloccher. If. Rosenswetg, O. Balrd and
John Blechel. Those participating In the
program Included Hon. Charlea Kauff
man, Mayor Chase, I. 8 Hascall, Q. liar
thun, II. Haubens, O, F. H carman and
O. Frank.
The city council railroaded through an
ordinance granting the Omaha Belt Rail
way company right of way through cer
tain streets and the ordinance wan signed
by tho rnayor on tho spot. Credit for
pulling off the stunt was accorded Colonel
Frank Hanlon, representing the Union
Pacific and Gould Interests.
Rabbl If, Baft conducted his Initial
services for the congregation Israel In
Central hall. It Is said that Rev. Baft
Is the first rabbl to be located In the
state of Nebraska.
W. J. Cuddy left for Caldwell. Idaho,
where he will engage In the newspaper
Four children, two boys and two girls,
were christened at Ttvoll hall, according
to the ceremonies of the socialist order,
under the auspices of the local branch
of the International Socialist association.
Fred Rhue, the organizer, officiating.
The names of the children are Max Fer
dinand Hoffman, Henry Julius Hoffman.
Katie Midnight and Matilda Trefold. This
christening Is not a religious form, but
indicate that the parents are willing to
have the children reared under the nrln-
clples of the order.
Nebraska lodge Knights of Pythias cel
ebrated Its fifteenth anniversary with a
program of muslo and dancing-
Twenty Years Ago -
The latest news from Washington on
the appointment of surveyor of customs
in urnaha. Indicated that James H. Mc-
snane. brother of ti.anmMmin m.
flh&ne, would land It, He was said to be
favored by Secretaries 3. Sterling Mnrinn
and John O. Carlisle.
The subject. "The MrrantlL Hu,
was discussed before tho historic-econo
mic section of the Unity club. Pnn.n
were first read by Mrs. PerHn ani mi..
Duval and then Victor Itoeewatir led
the discussion.
Lucius W. WakeMv. nt h rhlvn
Burlington & Qulncv fretrht nftic
and his family, arrived from Hot
Springs, B. V.
Hamr Cov. . VHl South Thlrtv.fmi.4h
street, a IT-ycar-old youth, had a fright
ful fan five stories down an elevator
shaft at the Merchants National hunk.
He was picked up unconscious and badly
Injured Internally, but, it was said, with
every hope of recovery. His escape from
death was regarded as almost miraculous.
The iworu of rubllo works let the con
tract for paving Douglas street from
STorty-seoond to Forty-fourth to Alf
Bralnerd at lo cents per square foot.
The two men who had been mimvdeil
of stealing from a church on South
Thirteenth street, were apprehended and
Imprisoned In default of tl.SOO ball.
Ten Years Ago
When the city council called President
Harry B, Zlmrnan on the carpet for fall
ing to sign the resolution of October 29,
extending the Omaha Oas company's con
tract, he started something' by retorting
that he hesitated to sign it because of the
Irregular manner In which City Clerk
Etboura had bundled the document. This
set off a large-sited bomb and the air
was soon filled with the choicest kind of
words, but blows were averted.
Robert Ifdraon and hla company pre
sented "Soldiers of Fortune" to a large
audience at the Boyd.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Loftus returned from
Kansas City, when they attended the
funeral of their niece, Miss Jennie Bunts,
who died of pneumonia.
An announcement curat to Omaha from
ISdgar Howard, editor of the Columbus
Telegram, to the effect that Mark O.
Perkins, for years manager of the Ameri
can In Omaha, had bought a half Interest
In Howard's paper and would go to that
town and take hold.
Mrs, Caroline Maxwell Estabrook whose
body was brought from Klberon. N. J.,
where she died, to Omaha in Colonel Tl.
0. dowry's private car, was buried In
Prospect lift! cemetery with servlc con
ducted by Rev. Newton Mann ot Unity
church. Accompanying the body from the
east were Colonel dowry, the son, IT. X).
Estabrook and Mrs. Estabrook, Mrs.
Karl D. Roehlfng, Mrs. E. A. Btglow, T,
P. Cook and F. J. Scherer. Some of the
pioneer cltlsens acted as honorary pall
lioarers, General J. C. Cowln, General C
F. Manderson, Judge Doane, Judge K.
Wokeley, Edward Rosewater, Dr. George
It. Miller, Herman Kountto, Frank
Murphy, George A. Hoagland and George
Van prman.
Around the Cities
Des Moines' Charity ball cleared Ii .
013. GO tho best ever.
Atlanta, Ga., has adopted the Initiative,
referendum and recall.
Flndlay, a, citizens In a six weeks'
campaign have killed 101S rats.
Attleboro, Mass., prohibits all ragtime
dances, silt skirts and transparent gowns.
Chicago authorities are Inevatlgatlng
taxican rates with a view to forcing re
ductions. New York how has a municipal com
plaint bureau, whither cttxens may re
sort to -kick."
Cleveland Is compelled to retrench be-
cause every city department faces a
deficit In funds before January 1.
A total ot 1.T7I.1SS.5SS cash fares were
collected on New York's local tramit
lines last year, Traffic increases faster
than the population.
Sioux City's publlo school property is
valued at fi,Z9,30o, bonded debt, MT.00IX
The plant consists ot twenty-six buildings
and ten vacant lots.
Cn'uncll Bluffs, through the Nonpareil,
puts up a lively kick against increasing
state taxation. The total levr tor all
purpose In the city Is 101 mills. Out of
eacn Iioi paid In taxes the state get
H.W the city I3S.7S, the county,
publlo schools SCT.tS,
Salt Lake City Is tickled from crown
to toe with a promise of the
of the Gould system ef raltroads, in
creased output of Utah coal and the
electrification of the Denver ft Rio
Grande railroad, from Grand Junction to
Salt Lake City, as miles. President Bush
handed the package of promises to the
Salt Lake City Commercial lub
Twice Told Tales
Had nettrr Lack.
They were talking about the medical
fraternity at a recent social affair, when
Senator Benjamin T. Bhlvely of Indiana
recalled the case of Jake Adams, the
farm hand. '
One day Jake, who was new to thj
community, was taken ill and his em
ployer sent him with a note to the fam
ily doctor In town. On the following
morning the patient returned to the farm
considerably Improved.
"Vou. are looking a whole lot better,
Jake," remarked the boss. "Did yoU have
any trouble finding the doctor?"
"No, his name was on the door," an
swered Jake, "hut I didn't go to the one
you sent me to."
"Tou didn't," wonderlngly responded
the farmer, "why not?"
"Because," replied Jake, "undr bU
name on the door it said 10 to 1, whllo
under the name of the other doctor waa
8 to 6."
"Well, what In the world has that got
to do with It?" demanded the puzzled
"Everything," answered Jake, "8 to 3
la a whole lot better chances than 20
to 1, ain't It?" Washington Star.
Simply Dreadful.
They were speaking about the unfa
mlltarity of a certain person with the
classical authors the other day, which
reminded ConETcasman Thomu ftlia.
gher of Illinois of Gwendolyn's Aunt
Gwendolyn, who lives In a bl cltv.
went down In the country to nDend a
part of the heated season with her aunt.
one afternoon Aunt Hannah went to call
on some friends in the neighborhood,
leaving Gwendolyn alone with h msida
In the big farm house.
I hope you haven't been verv Innalr.
dear," solicitously remarked Aunt Han
nah, on her return home in the evening.
"What nave you been doing all the
"I haven't been a bit Anntv.
dear," sweetly replied Gwendolyn. "I
spent me enure afternoon In the ham
mock with my beloved Robert Browning."
"What's that I" exclaimed the wanrial.
Iscd Aunt Hannah. In a cold, hard voice.
Jfeaiiy, Gwendolyn. I can't oermlt auen
doings. If It occurs again I shall cer
tainly write to your motUer!"-Phllad1.
phla Record.
Her Eye Upon Him.
A well known 'writer was present re
cently at a dress rehearsal of a rnmi'
played by amateurs. The rehearsal went
wen, dui me nero. u , seemed rather
hard and cold. Thn nnvalUt In n k.
next to a charming woman of middle age.
ttno said at the end of the third act:
"It goes beautifully, doesn't It?"
ueautiruiiy." -aid the gentleman.
'But B doesn't make
- - ,w uini
pretty girl In as ardant a .-
Could Wish. His lovi.makln I .t
strikes me as very tame and spiritless."
xne woman rrowned. "He won't put
any more spirit in it wmu tv
eye on him. let me tell you." she said.
i m jura, u ."New York Mall.
Editorial Sif tings
Chicago Record-ITeraM' Bfw,l.l
f wfcrwwn, UU1-
mlssioner Llnd remains at Vera Crus. He
is likely to be able to. talk Spanish flu-
s.ivtj uitvro nu jod. is finished.
Boston TranscriDt; Th.r. 1. .
th the republican managers In quest
of a presidential candidate will have to
get up a more alluring prospectus If they
hopo to entice Charles E. Hughes from
a comfortable life Job.
Brooklyn Eaxle: Manv rtrin.h i.n.
lords havo called Lloyd-George's bluff
about a land trust by offering to sell
cheap. In the absenoe of a parliamentary
.n fcriiuiuna- mm to Duy, the experi
ment waa sar and satisfactory.
Minneapolis News: Judging from the
Washington forecasts, a nniiv
effort is soon to be made to unscramble
inoso interlocking dlrecsoraiMi that havs
proved (n 'be such effectlv v1.K ....
ing machines. And It will doubUees re
quire a very serious effort to accomplish
Baltimore American: A
Jersey lias cells equipped with shower
hatha well-cushloned walls and cork
floors. All that la now needed for the
moaern prison with all the comforts of
home Is a garage attached, with some
Up-tO-daie Can tO ziVA thn Inmilu ....
ular airings for the. benefit of their
Philadelphia Ledger: Man ram.
and woman came after, and she's been
alter mm ever since. 86 runs the old
proverb. It hi repealed dsiiv. a mn
went to Jail Just to find out how It was.
Now two women have followed his ex.
ample. They found it hard, especially
when they could not have their hair
washed as they wanted it. The moral Is
for both sexes to keep out of Jail.'
Stories in Figures
Winnipeg. Man., will expend SU,E09,OC3
for Its new water supply system.
There are 4T.6SS letter boxes In Britain,
not yet destroyed by suffragettes.
Philippines annually produce more
than 4.00O.000,0oD cigarettes In lSlS exports
totaled tt.Ott.O0O.
California 1913 citrus crop la estimated
St 9,000 cars. Jemons being placed at J.fflO
cars and oranges at 2C.2S5 cars.
Wages distributed to white miners In
British South Africa during the first six
months ot 1113 totaled Its, 0GO, 000.
There are 714 state banks In Nebraska
and their deposits Increased III.M.SU dur
ing the year ending June S0 1913.
Mineral water produced and sold In the
United States last year totaled
gallons, having an average value ot 1014
The production of potato flour In Hol
land Increases rapidly from year to year
and the product la also steadily finding
markets abroad. The total production la
now not leas than 275,000,000 pounds an
nually. Calculations based on present market
prc of (arm products, the value of this
year's crop of corn, wheat, oats and
potatoes raised in Nebraska totals SIM.
K2.007, compared with n4S.S7.ClS tor the
same crops ot last year.
Railroad BslUtsvsc la Soatk America.
Philadelphia Ledger.
Those who are studying South America
should give spedtl atUntlon to the fact
that the rails of the great Chilean rail
way from Iqulque to Puerto Montt have
been Joined and that the length of the
line Is 1.SM miles. Great events are in
progress In the continent below us and
our people should t studying Us devel
opments and Its marvelous possibilities
niame for Auto Accident.
OMAHA, Nov. 2t-To the Editor of The
Bee: Just three little words explain why
lives of Omaha citizens are dally en
dangered by speeding automobiles, mo
torcycles and street cars: "Lack of sys
tem" that explains It In a nutshell.
If when a speeder Is arrested, the police
Judge fined him a minimum amount fot
the first offense, three times as much
for the second offense, double that for
the third, and twice the size of the third
fine, coupled with a stiff Jail sentence
for the fourth conviction, there would
be less speeding. The city prosecutor
should have It put up to him In a manner
that would leave no doubt In his mind
as to why and the wherefore, so that he
could be on hand to prosecute appeal
cases, which doubtlessly would be numer
ous at first, with the energy that the
problem demands.
Mayor Dahlman should be given to un
derstand that It Is possible for him to
misinterpret the words "good fellow" by
using his pardoning power too freely for
a,uto speeders.
Police Commissioner Ryder and dilcf
Dunn should be made to undersUnd that
one person Is no better than any other
when If comes to the speed ordinance.
Although It can not be proven, tho Im
pression Is strong that any number of
speed maniacs are allowed to go scot free
Just because they happen to be friendly
with high city officials. The authorities
should stop allowing sympathy, friend
ship or pull to continue to endanger Uvea
In the same way the street car com
pany is allowed to go Its way, unmolested,
While some of Its high-geared motormen
grind out human lives. Several times
during the last year, street car motor
men have failed to heed the warning
gongs of police and fire wagons and have
wrecked apparatus and endangered the
lives of humbler city employes. No law
suits nor arrests followed, for the reason,
apparently, that the city does not wish
trouble with the corporation.
If there was some kind or a system to
the city government's control of autos
there would be less danger to pedestrians.
And tn closing, it might be added, that
it would not be a bad Idea to make the
licensing and examination of drivers,
whether owners or not, more real. B.
FTora Auditorium Purchase.
OMAHA, Nov. 28. To the Editor of Tho
Bee Much discussion Is being had at
this time over tho purchase of the Audi
torium by the city. It seems to me that
this is purely a business proposition and
should be discoursed from a business
standpoint. The city has never proposed
to vote bonds for any purpose whatever
that there are not some who will take
down their hammer and begin to knock.
Nearly every taxpayer in the city will
agree that the city needs an auditorium
In whloh to hold conventions, concerts
and other large gatherings. The need
being evident, the question arises, where
shall the Ity buy and what Is It going
to cost to erect a building suitable for
said purposes? location Is the first and
foremost thing to be considered. Whore
can the city find a location as central
and convenient for an auditorium an
the old site. I venture to say that, a
halt block of ground situated as the old
Auditorium Is, near to hctels, close to
all the large retail, wholesale and office
buildings and convenient to all street car
lines cannot "be had at this time or five
years hence for anything near what the
old Auditorium can be bought for today.
Whlla the building Itself is not Just tn
our liking or what the city would erect
If it was o build a new one, yet thn
presenf. building Is not altogether Inade
quate and a cracker box as some would
have tin believe. It Is well built and Wltb
small expenditure can be put tn shape
for years to come. From an Investment
standpoint a big majority of the real
estate men think the Auditorium a good
buy for the price and can readily be sold
to private parties as an Investment. To
Isaac the property for five years or more,
without the privilege ot buying at tho
end of the lease at the price given
the city today would, In my Judgment
be a mistake. Unless nil signs fall, this
property as well as all other property
centrally located will enhance In value
very materially In the next few years.
The objectors to buying now might be
surprised at the value placed upon thn
property five or ten years hence. Tak
ing present conditions and future pros
pects into consideration and In favor of
the city buying the auditorium at the
price offered and think It & good Invent,
ment at that. W. O. 8HRIVER.
Would Take It Out on ttic Taxis.
OMAHA. Nov. 2J.-To the Editor of
The Bee: Don't you think that it's
about time to clip the wings of these
taxi drivers and also the taxi com
panies? After witnessing the accident
Friday evening and tho way that driver
wan mowing down tho people it seems
to me to be about time that the citizens
of Omaha were doing something, if
the city authorities will not check this
reckless driving vn Ihe part of the
taxi companies then the people of
Omaha must step forth and put these
companies out of business If necessary.
The public, as a whole, would be
better If there were r-o such things as
taxlcabs. Because about all they are used
for Is to haul men and women back
and forth from questionable places. I
trust that the Omaha Automobile elub
and other publlo spirited organizations
will get together and take Immediate
steps toward eliminating this Inhuman
manner In which these taxi companies'
cars are operated.
Around the Cities
Chicago has put to work a ''cost of
living" commission with ample salary at
tachment. In 80 out of SO New York divorce cases
the women in the proceedings were,
Brooklyn is steadily crowding New York
In voting population. "The City of
Churches" is now only KOOft behind the
old city in registered voters.
Salt Lake City agitators have formed
a Municipal Ownership league which has
declared tor ownership and operation ot
all publlo utilities.
Sioux City is viewing with pride plana
for a union depot to cover a block of
ground at the foot of Nebraska street
The next thing IS to get railroad officials
Cleveland's new charter Is being at
tacked in the courts. The reduction In
number ot saloons affected by state
law out the city's revenue by 8609,000,
which complicates the operation ot an
enlarged municipal machine.
People Talked About
Ruby Tillon, aged 11. daughter of Po
Uoeman E. P. Tilton of Springfield, Mass.,
planted a few squash seeds in her
father's garden. One ot the squashes,
which Is on exhibition In a store, weighs
over fifty pounds and measures fifty
two and one-half by fifty Inches.
ThO annual blowout of the North Da
kota division of the Ananias club at Bis
niarck had to content Itself with a brief
note of declination from Judge Alton B.
Parker, democratic candidate for presi
dent In 1904. The Judge regarded a blow
out as a violation of club rules which
forbid festivities during the absence from
home of the president emeritus of the
Harry D. Todd of Kansas City, whose
specialty wan automobile specialties, by
means ot Ananias fiction overworked his
credit some 160,000 and got away with the
cash. Tour Uncle Samuel then took
Harry in hand, not because Harry got
the money, but for tainting the malls
with hot air. The latter specialty cost
htm a fine ot 81,20 and three years In the
Leavenworth penitentiary.
"Jim kissed Mame while they were out
In the boat trying to hook trout."
"Well, that was a kiss appropriate to
the occasion."
"In what way?"
"Wasn't It a fishing smack?" Balti
more American.
"Last night," said Mr. Henpeck. "I
dreamed that I was In heaven."
"And was I there with you?" his
"Certainly not. If you had been there
with me how could It have been heaven?"
Chicago Record Herald.
Her Partner If you are tired of danc
ing, Mrs Newrocks, we'll sit down and
have a little tete-a-tete, shall we?
Mrs. Newroclt Oh, dear me, no,
thanks. After such a big supper I
really couldn't eat another thing. Boston
Maid: "Thieves got Into a houce In
this street last night snd stole all the
Mlftresn: "vhat stupid people to leave
tilings unlockod. Whose house was t?"
Maid: "It was No. 7."
Mistrees: "Why that Is our house!''
Maid: "Yes' ma'am, but I did not
want to frighten you." New York Mail.
'In the stone age," said Mr. Meekton,
In tones that trembled a little," a man
proposed by hitting a woman with a
"Yes," replied h!s wife, with a steely
Growing children need
good, plain food
tSSh some' 'rasa prc, rich
BsIBBl buttcrine Armour's
HgHBS GlendsJe. Give it to the
EiJSBL children on their hreftd.
Kjk4r jw You won't hare to stint
K P them, for it costs less
ffr mi and tastes better than
wfVsr most butter.
NOW is the time for planning a visit to the Sunny
South. Favorable round trip excursion tickets on Bale
daily to all important winter resorts.
Jacksonville 50.50
Miami $72.60
Palm Beach $69.00
St. Petersburg . . .$62.10
New Orleans $41.00
Return limit, June 1, 1914, excepting New Orleans
tickets to this point bearing return limit of May 15, 1914.
Liberal stop over privileges. Choice of scenic routes.
Luxuriously equipped, are operated on fast schedules
between Omaha and Chicago, via the Chicago and
Northwestern Railway,
Convenient connections with fast trains on all lines
to and from the South and Southeast.
For full particulars apply at ticket offices,
1411-13 Famam Street, Omaha, Nebraska.
glare, "but thv are careful not to say
what happened after thry went to house
keeping and the woman got her hands
on a few crude but hefty cooking uten
s Is." Washington Star.
(Will someone kindly dash oft a little
song, entitled, "Waiting at the Rio
Grande?" Bee, 17th.)
Waiting at the Rio Orande
Are "constitutes" with contraband;
But Uncle Bam won't let 'em leave our
So Huerta and his tyranny still stand.
If Prexy Woodrow only had the sand, '
He'd let 'em cross that Rio Grande;
And soon Carranza.-s nervy little band
Would 'stabltsh peace In fighting Mexy
Omaha. B. D. L.
We're waiting at El Pasd until Woodrow
says to go;
Our guns and swords are polished up
we're ready for the .foe;
We're prepared for old Huerta and the
time Is now at hand
To fold our tents and make a dash across
the Rio Grande.
Then, what's the use ot waiting and tak
ing such abuse,
When we have such a splendid fleet near
the town of Vera Crux?
Tell our admiral, Put the boys ashore
and make a firm stand, ti
While our men march through Eagle
Pass across the Rio Grande.
Start like this and keep a-gotng with the
flag of Uncle Sam, .
And plant it in Nogaies, in the land ot
old Carran(za); a
Then notiry Boss Huerta that he'll hear
our regiment bsnd,
When we beat the drums at Brownsville
snd cross the Rio Orande. . '
We sent John Llnd to Mexico and also
. Bayard Hale, ...
And they used the greatest Judgment In
keeping out of Jail:
Thoeo special trains of Huerta'a to take
them overland . . .
iWtere never used by Llnd or Hale below
the Rio Grande.
Our patience has- been tested with these
greasers In old Mex,
And our boys along the border are get
ting mighty vexed;
So we're looking tor a mixup out In So
nora's sand.
When our khaki lads will break the brush
along the Rio Grande.
This dove of peace and grape Juice talk '
we hear so much sbout . .
Will never tame Boss Huerta or starve
old Carranza out;
The thing to do and do it now-'ls to take
this fertile land ;
And open up more homesteads below the
Rio Grande.
John Bull and Kaiser Wllhelm are now
waiting for a chance - - ,
To get control of Mexico and divide It up
with France:
While waiting oh the Powers to lend us
a helping hand
Kissimmee 59.50
Palatka $53.50
St. Augustine $52.80
Tampa $62.10
Mobile 41.00
may lose an asset we noyr own
south of the Rio Grande. S