Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 08, 1913, Page 10, Image 10

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KiiiMii.t) nv BtnvAim uosbwaYkh
"rintwd af ninnha Kstoffleo as second
clM matter.
Sunday lie, one year Jj-W
Saturday IW. one year
Dally Bee, without Sunday, one year.. 4.1W
Dally Bw. and Sunday, one yonr .W
DEIilVEKUn 11 V CAmtlEIl.
Bvr-nlns; and Sunday, ptr month s
Kvenlnit without Sunday, wr month.. c
Dally Hee. Including Sunday, per mo.. 6Ac
Dallv Bee. without Sunday, per mo ... 46o
Address all complaints or IrreKUlarltle
In delivery to City Circulation Dept.
Itemlt by draft, express or poUl order,
t-ajnhlr- to The Hr I'uhllahInK company.
Onlv :-i ent stamps received In payment
of small accounts. Personal checks, ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
accepted .
(maha The Heo building.
South Omaha I8 N street.
v-iti ,11 Hiufrs 14 North Main street.
7 - r n -VI IJttle hulMlnR.
Chicago 1041 Marquette bulldlnn.
Kanaa City Ilellancs IviilldlnK.
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Hi Ixitus U Frisco building:.
Washington-? Fourteenth BUN.
I'ommunlcatlons rrlattnic to news and
editorial matter should lie addressed
Omaha Ilee. Editorial department
Ktate of Nebraska, County of Douglas, m:
Dnlght Williams, circulation manager
of The Bee Publishing company, being;
duly sworn, aaya that the avnrage dolly
circulation for the month of January,
191$. wit 49,618. DWIOMT W1L.I.IAM8,
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and swoi'n
to before me this fith day of February,
1913. ROUHHT HlTNTBit.
tecal ) Notary IMblic.
Why Keep it Dark?
The resolution atloptcil by tlioj
council calling on the Water board to
make a report to the comptroller, the)
samo tut other dopartmouts of the
city government, of financial opera
tions for the rear, and particularly
for the nix months since possession
of the. plant. Is to the point.
The municipal year closed Decem
ber 31, and there is no good reason
why the figures should not have been
available a month ago. The Water
l. t I - ! U rrnv. fnr Mill
people of Omaha who bought the
water works with $7,000,000 of their
money, and who are entitled to know
how much cash has been taken In,
and what has been done with It.
We presume tho Water board will
quibble by denying tho right of the
council to require a report, but that
Is ontlroly beside tho question. Tho
peoplo have a right to have a full,
prompt and understandable account
ing from their servants without any
Juggling or hiding behind technicalities.
1 1 .
I'F.ll. H. ? ODD
1 In Other Lands
II r.
flabscrlbera Icnvlnit the rltr
temporarily should hnve The Dee
mailed (o thrni. Address will hr
chanurd aa nftru nm requested.
History being a kind montor, re
cords the deeds of comparatively fow
Tho Overland routo projected by
thoso great railway pioneers Jit vin
Sadder than tho word of tongue
or pen Is tho knowledge of an empty
coal bin.
This last death of King Menellk's
tightens the game, leaving the cat
two to the good.
That "Luorative" Contract.
Representative Flanagan hopes to
Rome enactment that will permit
county commissioners to ajratn award
him the lucrative contraot (supplying;
meals to Jail prisoners.! World-lteraJd.
"Lucrative," Indeed. Possibly.
Tho Jail feeding contract bos
called for the payment of 9 cents
a meal, and for two meals por prls
rner per day has cost the county 19
cunts. At tho samo rato for three
moals, It would call for 28b cents
per prlsonor per day.
Right this minute, howovor, our
democratic sheriff, sotting up his
claim under tho supremo court de
cision, asserts his right to feed theso
prisoners, and to reach Into the
treasury of Douglas county, for GO
cents por prisoner por day, of which
plainly more than half would bo
puro graft.
If the contract at 9 cents n
meal was "lucrative" pray tell us
what term should bo applied to tho
sheriff's proposed grab 'of GO conts
If Mr. Wilson calls Mr. Bryan to
his cabinet It will bo because tbero
is no ono elso to call.
Wolfo's copy of Gray's Elegy has
been found. And Connoisseur Mor
gan thousands of miles away.
When man stops to think that
woman not only takes him, but also
his narao, he ought to love and cher
ish nor.
Omaha, of courso, remains tho
railroad metropolis of the middle
woBt under tho Pacific road reor
ganization plan.
American suffragists know of
bettor way to advanco tholr cause
than sending dangerous explosives
through tho malls,
If thoso law-makers down at Lin
coln had all gone through Omaha's
experience with two telephone sys
toms, thoy wouldn't.
A Household loaguo woman says
tho high cost of living is a prime
causo of dlvorco. Possibly, but at
that not a justification.
Tho Now Orleans Picayune tils
ciiBBes "Tho Spirit of tho Carnival,'
Mardl Qras, Of course, It must bo
Just the straight stuff.
Cannot Muzzle the Press.
Tho attempt of an aggrieved Judge
to imprison Colonel W. It. Nelson,
editor of tho Kansas City Star, bo
cauno his paper published a few tin
pleasant facts, evokes strikingly
similar expressions of opinion tho
country over as followed the six
hours' Imprisonment nineteen years
go of Edward Hosowater, founder
and then odltor of Tho Boo, because
his nowspapor had likewise boen
publishing some pertinent facts.
Thoro is a peculiar coincidence In
the circumstances of tho two cases,
unpalatable to nn lrascl'jle Judge
but without wishing to delve Into tho
past, this point is worthy of montlon
always: Tho basic principle of free
speech ami froe press ns enunciated
by tho organic law of our nation will
bo forever chorlshcd and upheld by
a liberty-loving people.
Tho Chicago Post commenting on
tho enso of Kdward Rosowator nearly
two decades ago said:
Imprisonment of a newspaper publisher
for "construotlv contempt or oou
a flagrant violation of the liberty t
Many like comments aro'now inado
on tho case of Colonel Nelson. Will-
Iain'' Allen White says:
One day In Jail fpr prlntlnc uimurv
tloned truth la worth more than year
of discussion.
In oldon days tho trouble used to
bo to got a bill started In the legls
laturo. Nowadays tho troublo Is to
stop it whon onco started.
A famous nlnger wants a mil
llonalro manufacturer to salve her
wounded prldo to tho tune of 1500,
000. Striking a high nolo?
"Is It not time that tho people o
Omaha should demand in unmlstak
ablo terms, 'lower wator rates, not
next month, not next year, but
now.' "
Tho young woman who says she
nover kissed la not entitled to de
fenao on the old theory that "where
Ignorance Is bliss 'tis folly to be
Assurance of Union Pacific control
of the through transcontinental line
ought at least to brighten the pros
pect for Omaha eventually getting
new union station.
if every official who solemnly
promised lower water rates for
Omaha will now loin In Tho Bee'
campaign, we aro sure the reduction
will be put across.
Young Mr. Harrlman, a senior at
college, is elected to the Union Pa
clflc board of directors and the
chances are some cynic will say the
boy would never have got In so early
but for his father's Influence.
John D. Rockefeller's personal
slice out of the latest Standard Oil
melon la said to amount to $ 10,000
000, the full melon coming to $40
000.000. For a man not in active
touch with business affairs, that
aot 0 bad.
A St. Louja paper publishes pic
tures, names aqd sketches of various
prominent mc-n who have served
penitentiary terms and then made
good In life- This free publicity
shpuld place the men under lasting
tin itou to the paper.
Thirty Yean Ann
Considerable Interest has been excited
In the last two days In roller skating by
the flno exhibitions being given In tho
opera house, and Omaha Is to have a flna
roller skating rink bv the enterprise of
J. (J. Mghtford, who has rented Crounsn
hall, corner Sixteenth and Capitol ave
nue, for that purpose anil will Inaugurate
d season of three months nt least by 3
first reception next Wednesday.
The women of Sacred Heart convent
are grieving over the death of Sister
Ilrldget Mangeln, one of the ploneera of
the order In this city, ami their first be
reavement. For tho coming Omaha Olce club con
cert the solo numbers, according to the
program, will be rendered by Mies Jennie
Dutton and Miss Emma Mabella and
Messrs. Northrap, Smith and Henry D.
Parties with exchanged overcoats it
the Mapnnerchor masquerade arc Invited
to call nt Strasburg's photograph gallery
and exchange back.
Miss Bridget Mullen, sister to Mrs.
James Ilrophy. Is reportod dangerously ill
with consumption.
Twenty Years Alto
Sneaking of the election to the senate
of Judge W. V. Allen, Frank T. Ransom
aid: "I don't llko the way It was dons
Would rather have seen a democrat n
tho senate. Still, I tlim't know whtci
party can lay the best claim to the new
senator, as he has belonged to all of
them within the last five years." John
M. Thurston pronounced Allen "a credit
able representative." General John O.
Cowln said. "Judge Allen Is a strong
tnan. Seeing that we couldn't get a re
publican, I think we got out In vry good
hapo." Dave Mercer said Allen was a
strong man nnd we might have done
much worse.
Oeorgn C. Rassett and W. 8. Wedge
were chosen by tho Omaha Rudders' and
Traders' union aa delegates to the Na
tional exchange nt St. Wils tho following
Cnrl von Wolf, a roomer at 1C23 Douglas
street, wiib found dead In his bed by his
landlady, Mrs. Hemnn, who had occasion
to go to IiIm room. Death was due to
heart disease. lie was u young man from
Oerniany, who had oome to Omaha no me
nine months before looking for employ
City Superintendent FlUpntrlck sold he
would represent Omaha nt the annual
meeting of school superintendents In Ros-
ton, February 21.
Secrctury James of the Omaha Asso
ciated Charities completed n. division of
the city Into 175 parts for tho purposes
of his work and called for twice that
number of volunteer helpers to aid In dls.
penslng charity to the poor.
Room for Growth.
In point of population and farming
area the largcBt growth Is being
made In fifteen states, tho eastern
most of which are Minnesota, Ne
braska and Kansas, the others ex
tending to tlib Pacific coast. Ac
cording to tho federal census, tholr
average pomilatr,on Increase front
1900 to 1F10 was 41.7 per cent,
whllo the. Increane for tho United
States wao 21 per cent. Tholr aver
age Incroaso In farming land area
-that it, land redeemed or thrown
open to cultivation was 162.7 per
cent, while that at large was 100. 5
por cent. Tholr increase in the
number of farms was 22. G per cent,
against 10.9 per cent at large. But,
while more than doubling the na
tional gain, evon these growing
western states show a very poor
growth in the number of farms as
compared with the area of available
farming land.
Which suggests the tremendous
Importance of scientific distribution
of our foreign immigration, so much
of which comes from the farmB of
Europe. Our country shamefully
neglects, both aB to Us own and their
advantage, the skill and experience
of hundreds of thousands of these
sturdy yeomeu, by simply permit
ting them to drift by default Into
urban centers, for which they are ill
fitted, Instead of directing them to
tho soil. Here is one of tho best
ways of promoting our so-called
"back to the farm" movoment. This
kind of enterprise ban been begun
In sporadic cases and with good re
sults, but it must become general.
We need not fear overpeopling the
country. The population of this
nation per square mile Is only 30.9
pereons, as against from 200 to GOO
In European countries, and In theso
fifteen western states it Is Just 8.8
persons. So there Is ample room for
domestic and foreign influxes.
Ton Yvitrn Ann
Announcement was made of the plan
for a now brick edifice for Ht. Patrick's
Catholto cljurch, costing J30,000. The
parish, under Jtov. P. J. Smith as prlost,
had overgrown the smnll frame structure
at Fourteenth and Castellar streets.
From Chicago came tho rumor that the
Hammond Packing company, was angling
to buy the Omaha property of the
ArmourH, who. It Is snld, were not anxlou
to sell, The rumor said that A. N. Noyes,
formerly local manoger for tho Hammond
company, would return to assume charge
If tho deal wrts made.
Mr. nnd Mr. W. J. Rurgeas went to
Kansas City for a brief visit.
After some litigation and pending Idle
ness, the Presbyterian hospital, Twenty
Mxth and Marcy streets, It was an
nounced, was ready for reopening undo
tho manngeincnt of Dr. Ksther A. Ryer
Congressman 0. M. Hitchcock addressed
the Omaha Philosophical society on "The
laborer U Worthy of His Hire." He
(poke chiefly of waRes, urging tho point
thnt any man or woman who worked was
entitled to fair compensation.
Row Clyde Clay Clssell, pustor of Hans
com Park Methodist church, preached
thoro on the subject, "Ixmglng for the
Higher Life."
Hlnnghler of Innocents.
It In estimated by the Constantinople
correspondent of the London Times that
.T5.W) human beings, noncombatants, have
perished In the Ralkan war. slaughtered
by guerrilla bands or by blood-mad sol
diery. There Is hardly any doubt that ;
thousands of Innocents have perished In
the war. Scarcely a living thing has sur- j
vlved the retreat of one or the advance
of the other army In the districts In
volved. In Thrace, particularly, town
and villages as well as the countryside
are depopulated Rut reports of wide
spread massacres should be taken with
reserve. Roth sides are known to have
organized massacre publicity bureaus for
the purpose of Influencing European opin
ion. War needs no sensational colors to
make It all that General Sherman de
scribed In three words.
(trim Irish Humor.
The twentieth century' "siege of ton-
donderry." pulled off last week, over
flows with grim Irish humor. London
derry' Is accounted the strong right arm
f the province of Ulster. Ulster. It will
be recalled, filled the public prints a few
months ago with burning words of op
position to home rule, so cleverly phrased
anq covenanted as to lead readers to be
lieve the province was a unit on tho Issue,
Thon came the political test In the vacant
Derry division, where oranjre and green
went to tho mat with all the enthusiasm
that could be mustered. Tho decision
went to tho green by fifty-seven majority,
giving the home rulers seventeen. AH
of the thirty-two Ulster members of
Parliament All the noise and the fury
of the Ulster proclamation simmers
down to the cold fact that a majority
of tho province uphold the policy of
self-government for Ireland. Hut the
election was no Joke. It was bitterly
fought, 6,341 votes being cast out of 6,482
Knlser'a Ministry Censured.
Tho recent adverse voto of tho Reich.
stag against the ministry does not affect
the office tenure of his majesty's coun
cillors, who nre not responsible to the
legislative body. Rut Implied censuro Is
sure to have direct bearing on budget
measures, which tho ministry Is pressing
for approval. The Immediate cause of
tho rupturo Is tho persistent efforts of
tho Prussian government to expatriate
the Poles In German Poland, This op
pressive policy has been pursued for a
doxen years past carried on with ruth
less Indifference to raolal traditions and
property rights, and Its aim Is to sup
plant a subjugated and discontented peo
ple with loyal German peasants. When
the question was raised in the Reichstag,
tho chancallor did not defend or deny
tho brutality of the policy, contenting
himself with the statement that the quel
tion was outside the Jurisdiction of the
Reichstag, Then followed tho remarkablo
vote of censure 231 to 97,
llrltlsh l.nnil Heform,
Only a skeleton outline of the land re
form measure Incubating In the mind of
Lloyd Qeorge was given In tho chancel'
lor's speech last week. Full details await
the conclusion of the labors of the com
mlttee whtoh has been Investigating tl.u
problem. The plan contemplates a mini
mum wage for agricultural laborers, :
cottage and a plot of land for each, Inde
pendent of the landlord, scientific farm
Ing and an extension of the co-opernllve
principle. "Tremendous opposition," says
the Ixmdnn News, "will bo encounteiod
from the landed torles, und the House of
Lords will do Its very worst. The chan
cellor, however. Is undaunted by the mag
nitude of the task." A campaign of edu
cation Is to precede the Introduction of
tho land reform bill, probably a ye-ir
Keep It L'p Victory ComlnK.
OMAHA, Feb. 7. -To tho Udltor of Tim
Hee: Keep up your Tower water rate
campaign and you will win out. The peo
ple are waking up to the Imposition trf
paying their own water works the old ox
tortlonate charges exacted by the old
water company. Evury man who goes to
pay his water rent takes a kick with him.
nd the multitude of kicks are sure to
tell. C. E. .1.
!tillli. I
"All. right,
of ear muffs,
want some furs this win
dearie. I'll get you a set
"And why Is stork the rarest bird?"
"Because It Is always about, but no
body ever sees It."
Mrs. Crawford Did your husband senfl
you a valentine?
Mrs. IIuntfGk I never like to accuse
anybody, but I think he did.
Kllmmer When Shlmmerpate tried to
speak to Miss Trlmley Just now, she
pnssod him with hor eyes a-slant.
Flamson Naturally; being a dress
maker, sho cut him on the Was.
People Talked About
The real question Is, Will the tax
payers of Douglas county have to
pay the sheriff GO cents for every
19 cents worth of Jail food?
The late Captain L. T. Heritage of Em
poria, Kan., left J10.000 to churches, char
ities and various public uses.
Tho biennial report of the death of
King Mincllk of Abyssinia comes from
Addls-Abeba, a spot on the map of the
durk continent famed for royal mortuary'
Miss lle Passavant Emerson, a girl
with an Income of 110,000 a year, Is earn
ing herself the name of the working- girls'
friend by scrubbing floors In the spirit
of a student of social conditions In Chi
cago. Sally Gordon of New York has per
suaded the court to change his name to
Haul, because "tho name Sally has fre
quently been mistaken for that of a fe
male" and has caused great Inconven
ience. Ueorgo II. Holmes, who has begun his
fifty-seventh year In the office of the
register ot deeds of Suffolk county,
Massachusetts. Is a deaf mute and a grad
uate of the American School for the Deaf
at Hartford.
A group of wealthy men In fevr York,
with a capital of K.CoO.OOO, have launched
a movement to reduce the high cost of
burial. Professional morticians and cem
etery owners aro sure the promoters
must he craxy.
It Is the heirs' turn to laugh. Pub
lisher of the humorous London Punch,
who deftly tickled the ribs as he touched
the purse, shuffled off the other day,
leaving a fortune of $6,000,000 to brighten
the family Bloom.
A deft kick ot a woman's foot landing
on tha Jaw ot Theodore Rurchelt, a New-
York giant, put him to sleep long enough
to enable the police to slip on the brace
lets, Refore the Jaw collision Rurchelt
had thrown all comers tothe mat.
J. M. McDowell, a retired milter and
capitalist of Marysvllle, Kan.. Is spend
ing his eighty-ninth winter In cutting and
sawing wood for the furnace In hts home.
Already three cords of wood have been
sawed by tho octogenarian's bucksaw,
and h takes much delight In tho exercise.
Mlsa Ina I Morgan, said to be the
youngest woman minister In this country,
his Just given up the pastorate of two
churches In Mulne and entered the Ros
ton University School ofThcology for a
three-year course Though Miss Morgan
Is still In her early twenties, she has al
ready has charge of four MethodUt
Episcopal chur hrs.
KlekliiK on Wnr Tnxrs,
The coniiuest of Tripoli by Italy piled
up bills against the Italian treasury vari
ously estimated at from tM.OOO.OOO to R,
000,000. National enthusiasm was arou-.l
by the win; and Its successful conclusion
was cheered from tho Alps to Sicily. In
settling up the bills, however, much lea
enthusiasm Is observed. New taxes have
been Imposed and old taxes Increased, and
public clamor against the additional
squcexe provoked a scries ot riots In Na
ples, last Sunday, requiring military a'tl
to suppress. Against the rioters the po
lice were as so much chaff before a tor
nado. Mounted cavalry charged and dis
persed the mobs, but not until they dem
onstrated the underlying ugly temper of
a peoplo already taxed to the living limit.
The Worst to Come.
Revolution Is moving at an amazing
pace In Great Rrltaln. Consider whnt has
happened In a few years. OU age in
surance, equality of land taxation, the
House of Lords deprived of veto power,
unemployment and sick Insurance, home
rule progressing, Welsh church dlsestabr
llshmcnt coming and onc-man-one-vote m
the way. Hut all these, past or to come,
pale their revolutionary fires before the
blazing project of abolishing the red coat
of Tommy Atkins. History, tradition,
valor and scenic effects are so bound
up in the redcoats of the Rrltlsh army
that one might expect a hint at a change
would start a riot. Nothing of the kind.
Some protests from admirers of the pic
tureaque have greeted the war minis
ter's proposal for a less conspicuous uni
form the gray, the drab or the brown
khaki of Uncle Sam's soldiers. Tommv
Atkins Is not hankering for a fight, but
should one come, he realizes that a lesM
showy uniform is Just as effective In a
scrap, besides prolonging life.
IinprrtullBiu mid the Dorra,
General Rotha, premier of the South
African union, is facing a stiff Dutch re
volt against the Imperial policy of the
ministry. General Hertzog, an Irrecon
citable Roer, heads the revolt, and Gen
eral DeWet, equally noted aa a soldier In
tho Roer war, Is his chief of staff. Gen
eral Hertzog held a cabinet post under
Rotha until December last, when his op
position to the plan of South Africa Join
Ing other self-governing colonies in con
tributing to the defense of the Rrltlsh
empire forced a reorganization of the
cabinet, with Hertzog left out. In a re
cent address to his constituents In the
Orange Free State, Oeneral Hertzog said
he was not going to lay "the children
and the interests of South Africa on the
altar of Moloch. If egoism and envy df
slred the Dutch-speaking people always
to make sacrifice to the English-speaking
race In order that true conciliation might
be secured, then South Africa was nut
ripe for conciliation.'' The Dutch, united,
control lite Mtuatlu.i UiMUi-d. impe. lat
um wins.
An Incident,
OMAHA. Feb. 7. To the Editor of Tho
Ree: A girl on her way to work lost ncr
purse, containing nearly X In change.
She was carrying It on hor arm, sus
pended by a strap or chain, also had n.
book In her hand, which no doubt pro
vented her noticing tha dropping of the
Now, girls, when mother was a girl
she had a good, deep pocket In her dress
In which she carried her money and hand
kerchief. Purses and handbags with straps
and chains had not yet como Into fashion.
Do you not think the old way better,
certainly safer. Put enough more clotn
n your skirt to allow for the addition
of a pocket In which to carry your money,
and some other artlclos mother did not
However, purses aro not always lost In
this way. Eliminate the question of the
chance of loss to you, did you ever con
sider the temptation you place before
the ones who are homeless and hungry.
without money, and the desire to grab
the little bag you carry so openly and
carelessly overcomes their scruples, and
to meet the demands of nature a crime
Is committed In which you have acted a
part. Think of It. W. O. TORREY.
Nerlnl Debate on Teaching Deaf,
NORTH LOUP, Neb.. Feb. 7. To tho
Editor of The Ree: Olat Hanson InHlsUi
that the oral law for the deaf should be
repealed because the old system gave tho
parents a choice as to methods, and the
present law eliminates all choice. Let us
soe If thin Is so. A few years ago we took
our child from the public school, when;
sho had report cars to show that she was
ready to enter the eighth grade, and
sent her to the school for the deaf and
requested that she be taught by the oral
method. They answered readily enough,
"O, yes, we'll teach hor by the oral
method, but' we will have to put her back
Into the sixth grade, for we havo no oral
classes above that grade." So there we
were. O, yes, we parents had a choice
In the matter. We could have her taugnt
by tho manual method or put her back
two years. Great choice!
Aa to the other side, If there has been
single parent this year who chose the
manual method and was refused, we have
yet to hear from him.
The troublo with Mr. Hanson's logic Is,
that ho does not know what the oral
system Is. He seems to think the little
articulation drill In tho combined schools
Is the oral method, when In fact that Is
only the faintest shadow of the real
thing. No wonder he can quote parents
who are disgusted with the oral method,
If their experience came from tho com
bined schools such as the Nebraska school
was. When both methods are allowed In
the same school, even the orally-taught
pick up the easy way and use It In all
out-of-class intercourse. Unless compelled
to, they gradually use It less and less.
No wonder It "petered out" In the sixth
grade of the Nebraska school. But Is It
always best to teach them the easy
things? How many of you parents of
hearlrite children allow your sons to drop
grammar,- or your daughters arithmetic
"bcoauso It is so hard?"
If tho old system allowed the "use of
the oral methods to tho fullest extent
"why. is It that every time our child went
to the state school sho came home de
pending less upon Up reading and speech
than when sho went down? No matter
whether tho teaching wos good, bad or
Indifferent, the environment was one of
signs and the little class room drill was
lost In the relaxation of play. It Is Ilk?
the old story of the man climbing out of
the well, who went up one step and fell
back two. The children learn ono word
In class, but forget two on the play
ground. If Mr. Hanson thinks that ,
simply because our child Is aomewhat
dense In the upper story, how does he
account for the good progress she is mak
ing now under strictly oral methods?
Why did two former superintendents of
our Nebraska school tell us It would be
better to keep our child at home If we
wished her taught to talk? If under the
old way tho parent had so much choice
In tho matter, why did so many of us feel
compelled to take our children out of this
free school and at great expense of both
'labor and money teach them otherwise?
Rut there was something else, Mr
Hanson, which nullified the parent
choice of orallsm. Did you ever tie your
horso to a hitching post and then try to
drive him down the street? Ho would
jiranco around a little in a half circle
and finally stand still. That Is Just what
they have been doing In our state school.
They taught the children from start to
finish that they cannot talk, that it !s
useless to try to talk, and that they are
foolish to even think of It. The school
paper was full of Just such language.
They whipped them up a tittle In the
lower grades, the child prances and
capers, but the halter holds him fast, su
he gradually quiets down and stands still,
sometimes before the sixth grade.
We have no objection to the manual
method If It Is kept separate from the
oral. It Is the combined system we are
I represent no society and have no title.
Mr. Hanson, to attach to my name, ox
cept that proudest of all titles, 'One of
the Mothers."
"won't you marry me, dear"" pleaded
the actor, nfter his fourth divorce.
"Why, I kind o' like you. Hilly," said
the actress; "but I've heard so much
about you, I fear"
"My dear," hastily interrupted Uie ac
tor, "you must not believe all those old
wives' tales!"
Winter Travel.
Twos twenty miles from Hayvllte
To Slabtown, and we used
To think the road was something
That ought to be abused
In language that the viler
We got It seemed the stuff
To best describe the going,
And that was enough.
Hut, say. now when the winter
Got there and froze the ground.
And sjeighlng was the travel
That always took us round.
By heck! that road to Slabtown
Was heaven's shining way,
With robes and warmers plenty
And Susie In tho sleigh.
Sportsman (in auto, calling to boy plow
ing by roadside). HI, ther, sonny! Seu
anything to shoot around here?
Roy Yep; but ye needn't be scart
mister. It's Jest nrv luck nlwnys
not to have my gun along with mc.
Judgn. '
I'nril I p. iJ
It takes fat man to escape
The traps for husbands baited:
For when the women see his nhap
They're not Infatuated.
r -Cincinnati Inquirer.
Who's llltf
Statistics often fool the eye.
They are not worth a Jigger.
While figures do not often lie.
Some liars often figure.
Chicago Post,
A Ilenl Ilrnirnlii.
There onco was a man named Costello,
Who was a most stingy old fello:
To church ho oft went.
Donated a cent. ,,,
And brought homo a fine silk umbrellok
Woman's Home CompunliM.
"1 was a fool to marry you!"
With rage tho thought shed Riuothcr,
"A fool! A fool! It's plain that ve
Weren't mode for one another
I'm sure you're Just as different
From me as you can be. '
She stopped. Ho didn't say a thing
Rut this: "You flatter me." .
Hoston Transcript.
When Mother Comes Mnrchlna;,
Oh. father, dear father, como home witU
me now;
For mother Is out on parade.
The brass bands aro raising a terrlbl
They're all out of breath, I'm afraid.
There's Aunt Sarah Jane nnd there's
sweet slBter Sue.
And dear cousins Gladys and Kate.
They'll soon promenade down the Brand!
In splendid and serious state.
Washington SUr.
A Cross Counter. ;
Sing a song of highballs
A stomach full of rye.
Fotir-and-twenty keyholes
Dance before his eye.
When the door Is opened
His wife begins to chin,
"Well. Isn't this a pretty time
To let a fellow In?"
Chicago Record Herald
Children's Prattle
"What's a stepbrother?" asked little
Mabel of her 6 year old brother.
"A stepbrother." he replied, "Is mo
sitting on the front step."
"Who can tell me what 'don't' Is the
abbreviation of?" queried the teacher.
"Doughnut," promptly replied the small
boy at the foot of the class.
A widower who was endeavoring to
bring up his only child, a little girl of
8 years, in the way she should go, felt
(t his bounden duty to expound the Sorlp.
tures to her. All went well until the child
left home for a short visit, when her
father received his first letter from her,
which ran
Whenever I hae a testation I think
of iou. dear paua. and a 'Oct ilicc be
hind me. Satan. "
ff TO
The Golfers
IF you want real golf in mid -winter,
you can get it in Florida. You don't have, to muffle
yourself in wraps and sweaters until you can't get a
free swing at the ball. You don't have to get your
ears frost-bitten, nor to break your clubs on froztn
ground. Tha Florida links are verdant all winter long;
the sun makes it Just comfortably warm; and the salt sea
breeze invigorates and makes one really' enjoy the exercise.
If you don't play golf there ar score of other pastimes,
soma of which are certain to appeal to you. There's
tennis, boating, sailing, automobtling, surf-bathing, sea
Ashing, fresh-water Ashing, shooting, camping and othtr
healthful out-door sports too numerous to mention.
And, If norv, of .these appeal to you if you're Just going for a rest
and a change of climate FLORIDA offers more to the tourist
than any other section of the United States. Its magnificent
hotels; Its tropical vegetation; Its historical bulldlnc s, dating baok
to the first landing of the Spaniards; and latt,but not least. Its
superb winter climate, all combine to make Florida tha ldaal
winter playground of America.
Arrange for your ticket via tha FRISCO LINES, and take tha
From Kansas City Every Afternoon at 5:55
It runs right through to Jacksonville and carries all-steel, electric
lighted coaches; electric fans; Pullman sleepers of the late, design
and all-steel dining cars In which Fred Harvey meals are .served.
Last Chance to See the Panama Canal Work
before the water Is turned In. Eight personally-conducted tours
in the steamship Evangeline," from Key West to Colon, return
ing via Kingston and Havana. The vessel la new, built in Scotland
during 1911-12, especially for touring the tropics. It Is equipped
with Marconi wireless service, electric lights and fans, and all
modern conveniences and luxuries. It will leava Key West
January 7th. and Zlat; February 4th and 18th; March 4th and 18th;
April 1st and 13th. An eleven day trip. Including meala and berth
at sea and In port, for 1110. Stopover privileges granted at Colon,
Havana and Kingston.
Farj, Train Schedulu, Futltnan and Sltarmklp JtejrtxfiOfir and
Illustrated Dicrlpti LUtrotur may bm oblmlnad by oddrtsimg
Division Passenger Agt., Frisco Lines.
Waldheim Bldg., Kansas City.
O Lamp
THE LAMP that burns right because it is
made right. The shape of the wick, the
size of the chimney, the size of the inlets
for air all these, and countless other details
have been determined with utmost care. An
Efficient. Economical,
lamp is the result the best oil lamp made.
At DeaUrt Everywhere
For -Beat Results use
Perfection Oil
Ask about quantity
price and iron barrels
for storage.
ins Uliajiia.
via Rock Island Lines
3:00a. m. 6:45 a. m. 1035 a. m. 1:10 p. m. U27 p. m. &08 p. m.
Automatic Block Siffnalt
Tickets and reservations
1323 Farnam Street, Cor. 14lh.
Pkanei Deatlaa 4205 Nebraska I