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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1913)
Tin-1 BKB: OMAHA, TIiniSDAY, JAXfAHV 1fi. 10K Nebraska GIYES PROPERTY TO STATE Historical Society Donates Lots to the Commonwealth. Nebraska BANQUET IS WELL ATTENDED .o(nhlrn Arc tiumln nnd rriiaprclH or OrKitnlintloti Tnlkril Over vrlth Mnn) I'Vllvltndnnn nt Slntitn of Hie Work. tb'rom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 15-(Speclal.)-The state historical society In session here has adopted a resolution giving' to the stato tho lots oposlto the southeast comer of the state house grounds, the property where a state building has been begun. In addition to this the society proposes to uso every endeavor to secure sufficient appropriations to complete tho building. Tho afternoon session covered reports of officers, the report of Secretary C, S. I'alne being especially Intecstlng In that It showed an Increase In membership, while the report of Treasurer S. t,. Geis hardt showed a healthy condition In the icasurj $5,022.53 being on hand. Officers for Omlujr Vrnr. At the election the present executive board was re-elected with one exception, lllshop J, Henry Tlhen of Lincoln being dieted In the place of Frank Currle of Broken Bow. The officers elected for tho present year are: President, John Lci Webster, Oniahu; first vice president. Itobert Harvey, St. Paul; second vice president, Samuel C. Uaesctt, Gibbon; secretary, Clarence S. Paine. Llnco In; treasurer. Stephen L. Glesthardt, Lincoln; directors: Charles B. Letton, Lincoln; Horace S. Wiggins, Lincoln; Hamilton H. Lowry, Lincoln; Krank L. Haller, Omaha; George W. llnsen, Falrbury; J. Henry Tlhen, Lin coln.. On tho cx-offlce list of members, cx Governor Aldrlch gave way automatic ally to Governor Morrhcail. The list Includes; John II. Alorehead, governor of Ne braskn; Samuel Avery, chancellor of Unl erslty of Nebraska; H. G. Taylor, Cen tral City, president of, Nebraska State Press association; Howttrd W. Caldwell, professor of American history. University of Nebraska; .Manoah H. Itecso, chief Justice of supreme court of Nebraska; Grant G. Martin, attorney general of Ne braska. Tho banquet In the evening at the Lin coln hotel was a success In every way, although ex-Governor Shallonberger and present Governor Morehead, who were on the program, failed to materialize. .Mini In A ttonditlier. About 200 guests weie present, wnile the speakers' table contained Chancellor Avery of tho Stato university as toast master. Judge Hamer of th esuprcme court, Clerk Harry Lindsay of the same court. Adjutant General Hnll, Dean 13cs fccy of the State university, Dr. Ruben Gold Thwaltes of the Wisconsin State. Historical society, John Lee Webster of Omaha,, president of tho State Historical society; Dr. Lowery of Lincoln, State Auditor Howard and Hallway Commis sioner Taylor. Avery, Statesman Milker. Chancellor, In calling the guests to order for the toasts, which were all Im promptu; said that he always Ukcd to prcsldo as toastmaster because-one could talk Just as much oa he pleased without responsibility. He said that ho did not desire to pose as a maker of statemen, but. ho would simply say that he ' had twice stood In that, same position during the laat,ycar and had introduced tw: men. Since that time ono "had been elected president of the United States nnd tho other governor of Nebraska. Dr. Thwaltca. In his talk, complimented the Nebraska Boclety very highly on the Interest taken. Said he: "Up In Wisconsin our historical society has been organized for sixty-four years, .yet wo hold but a one-day session and then only a few at tend, but hero In Nebraska you get to gether for three day, and when I look over this large crowd of banqueters It makes me proud of the Nebraska so ciety." Webster Given Addrens. John L. Webster, president of tho so cloty, was the last speaker. Ho said. "Two hundred and fifty years ago the stato of Nebraska was inhabited by a trlbo of Sioux Indiana and at that time they held full sway, but the Omaha Ulbu canin and took from them the land they had called their own. Later tho white man camo and took from the victorious Indians the lands which we now possess." He talked In a very Interesting manner of some of the oasos ho had had in early days and closed by saying that the tlini would coroo when the Nebraska Historical society would have a building costing 11,000,000 and that the regents of the Stato university would soon have everything they were asking for. Both sentlmcnU were loudly applauded. Both houses of the legislature were well rffnresented at tho banquet, the wholo Douglas county delegation In tho lower house occupying a table on tno norm, while the senators from the same county had places at the south end of tho ban quet room. ' WVH00 PEOPLE FAVOR EXHIBIT AT SAN FRANCISCO WAHOO,' Neb., Jan. 15. (Special.) The Wahco Commercial club held Its an nual meeting, last night and elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, Louis Dvorak; vlco president, J. C. Hamilton; secretary, Kmll Benson; corresponding secretary, B. O. Weber; treasurer, Ed Lchmkuht; E. E. Placek, John Hanson and M. A. Phelps were se lected as delegates to attend tho rtate as sqclation, -which meets In Fremort In Jlay, The secretary. Kmll Benson, was chosen to attend the stato commercial secretaries' meeting, which will bo held ' In Omaha the latter part of this wck The club went on record as opposed to the state publicity bureau, but favored a building and exhibit of Nebraska ut tho Panama exposition at Sun Franclsoo. Tho committee on statistics reported the Burlington and Union Pacific furnished I lie committee with the amount of busi ness done here, but the Northwestern re fused to do so. The committee will try and get this information from tho Stato Railway commission. This action on the part of tho Northwestern will hurt that road to some extent with tho shippe here. The data that Is being gathered Is for the purpose of presenting Wahoo's claims for the new public building, the government having already purchased u Ite. also re-elected: C. L. Hogers, prsidcnt; r . Whltmore. vice president, and F. C Kennedy, cashier. Many at Funeral . of Pioneer Editor NORFOLK. Neb., Jnn li.-(Ppeclal Tfclcgram.) Ftinernl service for W. N. Huse, pioneer edltot and publisher of this city, wero held In Trinity Eplscopil church at 2:30 this attcrnoon For one hour nnd a half, during the services, business of nil description was suspended In Norfolk out of respect to tho memory of Mr. Husp. A throng of people at tended the service, Including many friends from over the state. Among these weru A. M. Wnlllng of David City, grand mas ter workman of the Ancient Order f United Workmen; F. C. Llttlcscy of Grand Island, grand recorder; J. H. Boil nett of Omaha and A. Gnlusha of 'Mc Cook, grand trustees of that order. Tho floral tributes were numerous. NOTES FROM BEATRICE AND GAGE COUNTY BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 15.-(Spoclal.)- M. N. Barnes, late secretary of tho Be atrice Commercial club, who was found short In his accounts with tho club and Post H, United Commercial Travelers, to the amount of nearly 1,000. yesterday imido a satisfactory settlement with tho officers and departed for his new home ut lxw Angeles. Cal.. where his family located a few months ago. M. M. Fnlk of this city has purchased tho plant of the Plymouth News and will assume charge at once. The annua! meeting of the Farmers' Elevator company of Hoag was held yes terday, when tho following officers were elected: II. J. Buss, president: G. It. Esau, vice president; Sidney Uonslter, secretary; J. Henry Penncr, treasurer; H. E. Arthur, manager. Floyd Robinson and Ada Crosby, both of Beatrice, and Herman Baumgartcn of Goodlund, Kan., and Mrs. Josephine Schu macher of Beatrice were married yester day by Rev. U. G. Brown. Ilolliiv Case Is Set for Trlnl. AUBURN, Neb.. Jan. 15.-(Speclal.) Judge Rnpcr today adjourned tho dis trict court until next Monday, at which time he set the cosu of State against Alfred Bollng, charged with criminal as sault. The case grows out of Boling tak ing his cousin, Dolllo Hager. a girl under H, to Kansas nnd marrying her. The mother objected and had the marriage Bet aside and brought criminal proceed ings. Bollng was convicted about a year ago, but the Judgment was reversed by the supreme court. Another casp set is the State against Wlncle Shafer for (per jury, and another, Stato against Roy Brlnkley, charged witly assault to do great bodily Injury. The case against the three Anholtz boys for assault with Intent to do great bodily harm to Mar shall Llttrcll, jvtll be tried during the term. Valler Ilnuk Hlecta Officer. VAILEX Neb., Jan. 15. SpeotaI.)-The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Valley State bank was held at the bank Monday. The following directors were re-elected: C. I. Rogers, F. Whit more, J- H- William?, Mons Johnson and F. C. Kennedy. These officers were llnffnlo Supervisor Uritnnlr.e. KEARNEY, Neb., Jan. 13.-(Spcclal.) George Conroy of Shelton was chosen by the new County Board of Supervisors of Buffalo county at its organization last evening, after which adjournment was taken until this morning, when they re assembled, and the chairman appointed his committees. Four new supervisors 'of the seven on tho board took their places at the meet ing, at which Conrby was mado chair man. Conroy was on the board for two terms. IIiirlliiAlou Coiiiiiiercliil Club KleelN. HARTJNGTON. Neb., Jan. 15. (Spe cial.) Tho Hurtlngton Commercial club held Its annual meeting Tuesday evening and elected the following officers: Georgo !. Parker, president; George IT. Scoville, vice president; 6, H. Morten, secretary und treasurer. Tho last year has been a prosperous one for the club. Nebraska INTERURBANJJLA1M HEARD Application of Company for Right to Issue Stooks and Bonds. MUSSER MAKES HIS APPEAL Dr. !, K. Wllllnin nf l.'nl veroKy I'lnee Appointed I'tiynli'lnit nt the Slnte Pen I tent In ry Veterina rian Hold State Session. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Jan. 13, (Special.) Tho ap plication of tho Omaha, Lincoln & Bea trice Interurban Railway company for permission to Issue stock nnd bonds in tho amount of W.IOO.OOO for the purpose of completing Its road from Lincoln to Omaha. -was on before the railway com mission this morning. Harvey Musser of Akron, O., a wealthy promoter, who Is also president of tho company, answered the questions put to him regarding the plans of the company for the building of the road. The bonds will be taken over by a construction company as soon as Issued and the road will be put In running condlsetion as soon ns it possible to do so, providing the application Is granted. The commission took the matter under advisement. Iimnector iii llnnil. Prof. King, tho new Inspector of schools appointed by State Superintendent Delzell to fill tho vacancy caused by the 'death of Inspector C M. Penny, was on duty this morning. Dr. William fietn Job. Another political appointment was made by the governor today, that of Dr. G. E. Williams of University Place to be physi cian ut the stato penitentiary. ' VeterlnnrlniiH In Senitloii. "The state veterinarians met at the state farm yesterday and outside of electing officers transacted little business of In terest to tho public-. Tho new officers arc: J. C. Bowman of Tecumseh, presi dent; L. P. Onrstenson ofv Columbus, vice president, and J. C. Norden of Nebraska City, secretary-treasurer. FAIRBURY ENGINEER IS - HELD FOR MANSLAUGHTER FAIRBURY, Neb., Jan 15.-(Spcclal.)- Charles II. Laird, tho Rock Island en gineer whose train killed Mr. and Mrs. Wilson James and two children, two miles this side of Belleville. Kan., De cember 31, while running tho fast west bound passenger train No. 5, was nr tested In Belleville, Knn.. Tuesday and released from custody on a $1,000 bond furnished by the Rock Island officers. The coroner's Inquest held In Belleville, Kan.. January 6, found Mr. Laird re sponsible for the death of the James Jamlly for running his . locomotive with out tho electric headlight in operation. It is said tho headlight flickered out a few minutes before ho struck tho cov ered buggy containing Mr. and Mrs. J, and two children. Mr Laird Is a popular engineer of this city and has been In tho service blnce 1SSS. He is a prominent member of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers. Sewn Niiten of Wnlloo, WAHOO. Neb.. Jan. 13.-(Spcclal.)-J. Ceck, a retired fanner and an old rest dent of this counts;, died at his home hero yesterday of pneumonia. Tho de cease wan a native of Moravia and came to this country over thirty years ago. He leaves several children. A farmers' institute und domestic science demonstration will be licld here on January 15th under the uusplcea of tho state university extension department and tho local farm Institute committee. A number of prominent lecturers will bo here and a good attendance Is promised. Sure, Quick Cold Cure Acts Gently I'npo's Cold Compound cures Colils ami (irlppo lit n Vci- Hours Contains no Quinine. Tho most severe cold will be broken, and all grippe misery ended after taking a dose of Papo's Cold Compound every two hours until three consecutive doses ars taken. You will distinctly fool all tho dis agreeable symptoms leaving after the very first dose. Tho most irilscrablo headache, dullness, head and nose stuffed up, fevcrlshncss, sneezing, running of tho nose, sore throat, mucous catarrhal discharges, soreness, stiffness, rheumatism pains and other distress vanishes. Take this wonderful Compound as di rected, with the knowlodge that thcro Is nothing else In tho world, which will euro your cold or end Grlppo misery as promptly and without any other as sistance or bad after effects as a 26-cent package of Pane's Cold Compound, which any druggist can supply contains no quinine belongs In every home accept no substitute. Tastes nice acts gently.-. Advertisement. vice prusldcnt. Charles SondeiAireKKi'r; secretary and treasurer, 1). W. Cook, Jr., ground superintendent, Charles Hognto; board of directors. C. M. Cruncloton, il. L. Spellman. O. 1 Sherwood and H. 11. Kennedy. The club starts out with a membership of thirty and expects to double that number by May 1. FORMER STATE SENATOR WILL NOT MAKE CONTEST SIOUX CITY. la.. Jan. 15.-Kormcr Stato Senator Robert Hunter of Sioux City will not contest tho election of K. P. Fair, democrat, who succeeded him in tho last election. This statement was made today after Mr. Hunter had been informed that the Indeflnltcncss of his stand had delayed tho appointment of the senate contest committees in tho Iowa legislature. Beatrice Gnu Clnli llleelH Officers. BEATRKE, Neb., Jan. 15.-(Special.)-The Beatrice Gun club held Us first meet ing of tho year yesterday and elected these officers. President William Tanner; DEATH RECORD "Sirs. Joseph H. Cinldliinlon. AUBURN. Neb.. Jan. 13.-(Specll.)-Mrs. Joseph E. Coddlngton died nt her home here this morning. Sho was tho widow of tho late Joseph E. Coddlngton, one -of tho early settlers and was about 75 years old. She was tho mother of Georgo E. Coddlngton, tho manager of the telephone plant here. She is sur vived by four sons nnd four daughters. The funeral will be tomorrow ut Chris tlau church and Interment in Sherldlnn cemetery. .1. II. Ilulelilson. SIVLER CREEK, Neb.. Jan. K. (Spe cial.) J. H. Hutchison, S3 years of ago died at IiIb home yesterday. He had lived in Nebraska many years nnd has several sons und daughters, all of whom am prominent. The funeral will be hold Wednesday and the body will be token to ABhland for burial, ho having lived thero a number of years beforo coming to Silver Creek. His widow survives him. They celebrated their golden wedding about four years ago. S. W. AVnttn. HUMBOLDT. Neb., Jan. lu.-(Spcrlal.)-N. M. Watts died yesterday at tho homo of his daughter. Mrs. Thomas Jenkins, a few miles south of town. Of old age. Tho funeral was hold from tho Jenkins homo this nftcrnoon. Uitrvtln 31. I it inn ii. VERMILLION. S. D.. Jnn. 13.-I)arwln M. Inman, a widely known South Dnkotu banker, died suddenly at Clarendon, N. Y., last night. He founded tho First Na tional bank hero nnd was Its president thirty-eight years. A Life Problem Solved by that great health tonic, Ef?ctric Bit ters, is the enrichment of poor, - thin blood, nnd strengthening the wenk. 50c. For sule by Beaton Drug Co. Advertisement. FOUND A vnliiulitc wntcli Owner iiiny linvo sanu tip on fut-nlhtiK description. OMASA'S OKLT MODERN CLOTHING STOB.E, F.S.KINO. PRES. Tilt HOME oQltUTYOUTllS AS.PECK CCC.TRtAS. Soo our win dows for' ex ceptional ral lies in quality clothes. Our Half Price Sale Relates the most interesting story of greater clothes values ever told , in Omaha Here it is, briefly tolde- $ 6.25 for Quality Suits that sold for $ 7.50 for Quality Suits that sold for $lf).u0 ? 9.00 for Quality Suits that sold for $18.U0 $10.00 for Quality Suits that sold for t0.00 $12.50 for Quality Suits that, sold for $'-r).00 $15.00 for Quality Suits that, sold for WO.OO $17.50 for Quality Suits that sold for HU5.00 $20.00 for Quality Suits that, sold for $40.00 $ 5.00 for Quality 0 Voats that sold for $10.00 $ 6.25 for Quality O 'fonts that sold for $L2.50 $ 7.50 for Quality 0 Voats that sold for $lo.00 $10.00 for Quality O'coats that sold for $'20.00 $12.50 for Quality O'coats that sold for $L'5.00 $15.00 for Quality O'coats that sold for $:0.00 $17.50 for Quality O'coats that sold for $.'15.00 $20.00 for Quality O'coats that sold for $40.00 $25.00 for Quality O'coats that sold for $50.00 $30.00 for Quality O'coats that sold for $60.00 II i All darmentB Displays in Window Diss 30. The outside of the bottle is readily recognized by the Blatz triangular label the ( contents, at once, by that .snappy Blatz fragrance and body. Good to look at and indescribably satisfying to the taste. Order a case that you may all enjoy its benefits at home. BLATZ COMPANY Phone: Douglat 6662 H you onl knew what Victor-Victrola brings into your ieasure home you wouldrt without one The followiig Omaha and Council Bluffs dealers carry complete lines of VICTOR VICTROLAS, aad all of the late Victor Records as fast as issued. You are cor dially invited to iispect the stocks at any of these "establishments: Any Victor dealer in any city in the world will gladly play any music you wish to hear. Victor-Victrolas $15 to $200 Victors, $10 to $100 Victor Talking Machine Company Camden, N. J. Nebraska Branch at 334 BROADWAY Council Bluffs - Cor. 15th and I p Haney, Omaha- tVClC U), Geo. E. Mickel, Mgr. Brandeis Stores Talking Machine Department in the Pompeian Room A. Hospe Co. 1513-15 Douglas St., Omaha, and 407 West Broadway, .... Council Bluffs Orkin B Victor Department Third Floor Cor. 16th and Harney Sts. jKLi4mm5i HflPBH mHlmmBmKi I Victor-VictrolaX, $75 j H Mahogany or oak ' Vft