Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 25, 1912, Page 4, Image 4

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The Qmah daim m
BEE Ul'lLblNO, FAllN'AM AND 17T1I.
Entered at Omaha postofflce as eocond-
claaa matter.
Sunday Bra. one year $.
Saturday Dec, one year 1.W
Sally Beo without Sunfiay, one yer. A W
ally Bee. and Sunday, one year.... M
Kvenlnir and Sunday, per month...... wc
Kvenlnjr, without Sunday, per month. luc
ally llec. Including 8unday, per mo. c
Dally Bee. without Sunday, per mo... w
Addreca all complalnta or Irroirularlties
In delivery to City Circulation Dept.
Itemlt by draft, oxprfiaa or posUl order,
payable to Tho Bee Publlahlng Company.
Only 2-eent aUmpa received In payment
of amall account. Ieronal checka. ex
cept on Omaha and eastern exchange, not
Omaha The Bea bulldlns.
South Omaha-nlS N iitreet.
Council Hlufra-H North Main street.
Lincoln- Little bulldlnK.
Chicago 1041 Marquetto bulldlnK
ICansa Clty-ltllance bulldlnK.
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fit. Loul-2 Frlnco UulMIn.
Waahlnston-72S Fourteenth ft.
Communlcatlona relating to newa and
rdltorlal matter rhould be ttddr.ciaed
Omaha Bee, Editorial Department.
Stata of Nebraska, County of DoiiKlaa. m:
DwlRht William, circulation manuRor
of The Bee PubllahlnK compnny. belnc
duly iwora, aaya that the uveraco dally
circulation for thn month of October,
1912. was 61.8M. DWlOHT WILLIAMW.
Circulation Manager.
Subicrlbcd In my prensnco and aworn
to before me thla lt dny of November,
(Seal.) Notary Public.
"Bbcrlbrr lenTlng the city
eaipo rllr ahoold have Tfce
Bed mailed to them. Adilrraa
will ba .chang-ril aa often aa re
qneateil. Tho sublimity of tho nubllmo porto
Is fast fading.
Two Christmas Horns to romembcr
early shopping nnd Ked Cross
stamps. .
When, an actpr cannot think of
anything else to do ho trios to play
How could tho sultan boar to loso
with such a 'fine roglmont of Vivos
to choor him on?
Another theater, says a news
Item, Is planned for Omaha. Whoro
Ib tho demand for It?
Now, If wo could, also send up tho
gun along jxJth tho gun totor for llfo
tho law would be moro effective.
So Women's sklrtfl of tho now stylo
nro to look Uko on envelope Juut
so they do not fit quite like thora .
Th now nickel with a buffalo fend
an inuian- itwcripuqn must o u
token of' respect to Colonel " vt K,
Cody. '
Sonator Joe Datloy of Texas prom
Ises to tender the nation his services
a Jlttlo longer than ho had first de
An oxchango has Homo ," Yarns
Told by fiuVg'oons.' We doubt If
thoy arc. .half ns KPdd ns somo told
by thoir patients.
Tho only place In tho country
now where corn la called raalzo is
New England, where they do not!BhoulJ bo th1 f .-nation.
raise enough to know wbat it is.
President-elect Wilson seems to
have some atrenuoolty of his own, ns
indicated by Mils ' angry throat to
thrash- a displeasing newspaper
Mr. Bryan Is going to Bormuda,
but, of course, merely to rest and
visit, not to tallo politics or (cabinet)
chop with another distinguished so
journer there.
Six months' leavo of absonco in
Europo Booms to have worked tho
desired Improvement in Mr. Morso,
bo much so that, ho is ablo to start on
another foreign trip.
It tha Pullman Car company
earned 140,000,000 hut year, iiur
haps it can afford in time to relievo
tho traveling public from the onus
of paying Its porters' Wages.
The Houston Post attempts to
charge up the Ben Davis npplo as a
product of republicanism How does
it happen to have been so oxtousivcly
popular in Missouri, then?
Now that a 11,000,000 hotel Is
decided on, let us havo- it beforo
1915, so as to accommodate our
selves: to tho Papama-Paciflc expoBl
tlon hosts crossing the continent.
It seems safe to bet even now that
the .cabinet which goes Into otflco
with Dr. Wilson March 4 will not
be the cabinet intact that comes out
of otfce with him four years hence.
Philadelphia is slow to permit the
United States to have the old liberty
boll transferred to San Francisco for
the exposition Jn 191C. Fortunately,
the old town holds no monopoly ' on
what the liberty bell stands for.
Tb Globe-Democrat, always alert
to taa best interests of St, Louis,
csiw en Its people to plant more
tre n the public thoroughfares.
WHat, with, whole streets already of
Poplar, Elm, Spruce, Walnut, Chest
nut, Pine, Olive, Locust nnd other
A Real Hotel Proposition.
The .offer by Messrs. IJrandels and
Kennedy of a site for a 11,000,000
hotel at tho northwest corner of
Eighteenth nnd Douglas street
should bo accepted without needloss
delay and work on'the building begun
as soon as possible.
This Is a business as woll a public-
spirited proposition. Wo have no
doubt that tho men. who met 'to re
ceive tho offer will exert their in
fluence to see that it rosults in giving
to (Omnha this much . needed ac
So far ns the site is concerned, lt!1Ie wanted tho nomination himself, or
is almost Ideal. As a business prop
osition tliero can be no doubt of the
soundness of such a project. While
Omaha is highly equipped with very
good hotels, (t lacks this otic, as is
generally recognized.
Wo havo had a good many plans
for $1,000,000 hostelricn In tho yearn
gone by; wo should carry out this
one. Omaha's distinctive locition,
growth and nggrcsHlroncsB peculiarly
requiro It.
Those Warring Doctors.
This promises to. bo a lively winter
for legislatures, for tho allopaths and
tho homeopnths and tho osteopaths
and a few score other varieties of
medical schools threaten to lock
horns over legislation compelling tho
use of certain kinds of medicine.
Tho homeopaths' field commander,
for Instance, charges that tho allo
paths, or tho rogulars, as thoy pre
fer to bo called, propose to rnako
compulsory tho tiso of aiitl-toxn in
coses of diphtheria, while,, according
to the homeopaths, thoy can and do
effect euros of diphtheria better
without this nntldoto, In short, Dr.
A. P. Bynns, secretary of tho Nationnl
Loaguo for Medical Freedom, who
belongs to tho .homeopathic school,
assorts that tho allopaths' purposo la
to form a trust and shut out from
legal practice physicians of all other
If the doctor has accurately divined
tho enemy's plans, It shows tho allo
paths to bo courageous men, to say
tho loast, willing to undortako tho
most herculean of tasks. Tho day
has gono by in this country for any
ono school of hcullng to claim a
monopoly, on tho field.- That Is not
saying that, for.thb ,uako ptfhumanlty
it might not bo better if tho bars
wore raised a llttlo it la simply
acknowledging the surer, tswlft tend
ency toward tho licensing of most
any kind of treatment of' human Ills'.
It would 1)0 our ' guess, therefore,
tlint tho homeopathy ad their alllos
in this battlo for froedom woro a-
eumlhg jnnocfcssary trouble in 1m
uglnlng th'oy aro In dangor of oxclu
'slon in restraint of trado. . -v
What Basis for Taxation?
It Is interesting to road from tho
pon of ono of our local tax reformers,
who has given much study, to tho sub
Jcct, this reference to tho Incomo
i The proposition of taxlns Incomes Is
fundamentally unsound and unjust. It Is
baaed on tho Idea that tho government
should derive Its revenues i from those
best able, to pay, while the proposition
can bp considered neither Just nor wise,
Not all men aro able to pay, but what
V i 1 1 1 wnuaptiniant I a il I la t r K
In vlow of this reversion to tho
Jeromy Bontham'a quid-pro-Qi(o the
ory, it would seem that wo will havo
to rovlBp our notion what the basis of
taxation ought to be before we ngrco
upon a uulvorsally satisfactory
method of tax revision.
Advertising for Marriages.
A San Francisco clergyman has
been running this advertisement In
tho want ad columns of local news
papers: Wanted Tho llov. .J, M. Heady, pastor
Central Buptlst churclC 1&0 Kureka street,
has opened a downtown office at Hotel
May, across from the court house; mar
riages solemnized. Anyone desiring the
services of n pastor Invited to call.
No doubt, many ways are open for
a ninn of God to minister to tho re
lief of burdeucd hearts or stricken
minds by keoplng himself within
their reach. It is currently believed
that a great gulf too often separates
tho splrltually-neody and the splrltu
ally-blessed. But whon it cornea to
facilitating matrimony If that .Is. tho
purpose another sldo of the quca-
tton presents Itself for sober thought
Do couples seeking marriage exjSorl
onco difficulty in finding some-one. to
perform tho ceremony? The' diffi
culty seems, to be the oxcosslvo ease
With which persons, fit or unfit fori
mating, can have themselves spttcod'
at cut rates. Far bo it from us to
discourage advertising, but. wo would
hftyo tho marrying minister empha
elio other advantages "safe and
sure," for example. That Is one of
Uio prime factors considered In every
attack made upon the growing dl
vdrce evil. Proctors and medical ex
aminers are advocated as a means of
restricting undesirable matrimony,
Thla minister, -who shows himself
alert to modern methods of pub
Ilclty, toas a" Ifteat opportunity, thero-
UiUl .
llvrrfnir is l;rr(nK
Washington ftoit
The Treasury department 'haaforinayyj
Mtuucu iifut ? ici ruin la Ul7, " mui
demonstrating tho' enlightenment In tar
iff matters which Ku come since Secre
tary una held that frogs" letfs were
!rcsad poultry.
What Will Woodrow Wilson Do with Mr. Bryan?
"Deueon" 3. C. Hemphill, a dl
tinctiiihej southern democrat, editor and
party commentator, recently transferred
hl editorial aklll to the eolumna of the
New York Times, and la down In Wash
ington observing tho political game nnd
telling about It. In a late letter to the
Times Deacon Hemphill propounds the
qtieatlon: "What Will Woodrow Wilson
do with Mr. Bryan?" nnd dlscumcd It
In this dearonlnn atyle.
It Is true tlint William Jonah Bryan
whs largely Instrumental In brlntrlnir
about the nomination or Woodrow Wil
son at lialtlmorc at lonat. It wits with
b' knl'e that Clininp Clark was alaln.
tH-ariy everybody thought so; but lull
ing that, bo ensayt'u hjClvmsh,..,
rolo of Warwick. Not only did h knock
his iiuondani loyal chomplon from Mia
aourl Into a cocked hat and open tho
yay for effoctlvo work by tb- fr'o '
of Mr. Wilson, but he dominated tha
Commllteo on resolutions and iai .
platform of the party. What It Is all
ilbout no ono has been ablo to figure out
ito far. ft can bo said for It, however,
that It proved to be a ffood enough plat
form to net In on, so far as It really
had anything to do with the result. But
why In It that Mr. Bryan will not let
tho altiiatlon along? "Would to God."
said a vory pious democrat tho other day,
wouia to God he would stay nt home!
Ho is not only tho jrreatost menaco of
tho democratic party, but. If Mr. Wilson
suffer him to monkey with his work,
no will prove to be tho Jonah of Nlm
democrntto administration as ho has
proved to be tho Jonah of the democratic
party since hu entered upon his nolipv
of rule or ruin. For sixteen venrs hl
man has been In trio bally of tha dm...
cratlo whale, which nppears to havo a
Bood deal stroiiRer gastrlq tolerance than
uio mammal which .uot rid of his pro
totype In throe, days. HoVo BKain. prone
to mako trouble as tha snarks flv tin.
ward-ho couldn't srot what bo wnnii
ind ho will not lot Wilson havo what he
nun KOI.
- t
Mr. Bryan Is not a member of ..m..-
houso of congress. , Ho has no official
relation to tho domocrotlc party. He has
only to his credit thrco defeats for tho
presidency and boars the well-doservcd
reputation of marplot. It appears to bo
Iniposslblo for tho party to shako him.
What heed the democratic administra
tion and coiiBrcss will glvo him remains
to bo seen; bqt It. cannot bo denied that
Ills presenco here was rcirarded with scrl
ous foreboding In tho last copBrcss ho
tthtasonlrcd tho choice of Senator Murtln
of Vlrjrlnla aa tho minority leader of tho
sonato and did all ho could to dofcat tho
ro-cIocUon of, Martin to the ronato in
ine primary elections In Virginia. ,lle
fduffht Simmons of North Carolina In
the senate and Undorwood of Alabama in
tho house. Ho assailed tho fnteBrlty of
tho democratic, delegations from Virginia
and Now York in tho convention at Bal
timore. Tho party must do what ho
cdmmands or ho will not stay w(th the
party. He has moro than once proved
his Independence of party obligations by
refurtnir Ms support to party candidates,
although ho has Insisted for sixteen Venn.
that tho democrats who did not voto for
him In 180! must bo excluded from tha
rights and privileges of full ni.n . '
bershlp. Uo went Into tho campaign
ioi ijjinnun in unio: lie lias nvorv.
Lwhiro ami ul! the timo tried to bo the
master,, not tho varvnnt of tho party.
Ho- woufd havo bolted nt Baltimore If
Harmon or Undorwood or Clark had been
nominated, or so a great many of thoso
who wcro watching his movernonts there
ine BieeS Letter Boj
ooklnar Bnckvrnrtfa nnd Korrrurds.
fJOUTH OMAHA, Nov. a.-To tho edi
tor of Tho Bee: I want to aay a few
words moro In connection with my letter
that I oddrossod to Governor Aldrlch a
few days of tor tho recent election, u copy
of which letter you kindly printed In your
columns. After my letter was printed In
Tho Bco I received many lettors of com
mendation on tho stylo of lettor I wrote,
from different parts of the state and was
also personally praised for my action. But
received one letter that was of un
anonymous nature, as It was written on
somo typewriter In Omaha and mailed In
Council Bluffs. Tho anonymous writer
complimented mo by calling mo a fool,
Idiot and other pet names, following out
tho ltoosovelt style of calling people, who
do mot agree with tho bull moosers.
thieves, liar b and scoundrels. It must
have hit Mr, Anonymous hard or hu
would not haVe been too great a coward
to sign his natno to his very pleasing
epistle. It Is to bo hoped that the cam
paign methods of the Iloosevelt people
will never again be countenanced by the,
peopi of this country. A part of tho
bull mooso campaign was to havo sent
to all Voters that they thought It would
Influence one of tho most disreputable
sheets ever published In the United States
In which all kinds of baseless slanders
were Used against Tuft by accusing him
of bvlug In league with the Cuthollo
church. Tli result of the election showed
how much Tuft was -In league with tne
Catholla church or any other church, or
gunlsatlon. But the slanderous sheet
had Its effect Just tho same and thoug.
ahds of old time republicans, and prob
ably hundreds-ot thousands of them, Vrero
8Q badly Influenced that they voted either
lor .Wilson or Iloosevelt. it is already
stated that the election of Wlloon la mak
ing things In the country dull, with the
mere threat of what will come with
democratic administration In full control
of the government when they, ns a party,
did not get a vote of confidence from the
people at all for Uie returns show that
It la a minority party by millions of
votes. It Is my prediction that the bull
tnoosera will want to tumble over thm
selves to get bark Into the republican
ranks Inside of four years. The demo
cratlo party never run things right In this
nation and they will not do any better
now than at any time In the past.
"Mr., Anonymous. 1 will not accept your
Invitation to Join the bull niooHo party
for 4t wllL last about as long aa 1 the
Knownothlng party did. I; A. AONHW.
Strrct Cor Venttlatlou.
OMAHA. Nov. 1 JTo the Editor ot The
nee: At thn present time The Be is
advocating reforms In the street car
service, which. If followed out, will proy
ot Inestimable value- to ttjt public. It has
sent forth a demand for more cur, which.
It acceded to, will expedite tmrvl and ru
believed at the time. "If he and I were
both going to Chicago at the same time,"
said Clerk Tremblo of the house yes
terday, "ho by tho Pennsylvania rail
road and I by the Baltimore A Ohio, as
suming that I rhould (fcrcr that route,
there would !o a fight If I should refuse
to go with him and In his way. In his
opinion here Is only ono road in tho
party, nnd that Is the road that Is trav
eled by him."
NolKxly knows exactly what the rela
tionship letwi-h Mr. Wilson and Mr.
Bryan will be when the new administra
tion begins; but all the sincere well-wishers
of tho new president nnd of tho dem
ocratic party hopo that there will be at
least ono exception to tho alleged "open
door" policy at tho White house. It
.would save Mr. Wilson from many a bad
quarter of an hour if ho should say to
tho Nebrnskan right now: '"Here's your
hat; what's your hurry?" But there Is
alt sorts of talk hero ns what Mr.
Bryan will do about the cabinet! what
ho will do with tho tariff: whether he
will Insist upon monetary legislation tak
ing precedence, nnd what will be his at
titude as to many other matters of leg
islation and administration. A rather
shrewd observer of air currents said to
day: "Mr. Wilson will offer the appoint
ment of secretary of state to Mr. Bryan,
and Mr. Bryan will say; 'Thank you: but
with whom am I to be associated?' '
That Is to say, If the other cabinet selec
tions mndo by Mr. Wilson should bo sat
isfactory to him -and the subscribers" to
The Commonert as It were, Mr. Bryan
might bo gracious enough to assume tho
premtehshtp. And It he should. It would
bo Interesting to speculate ns to what
would become of Mr. Wilson: for there
Is not the least doubt that this particular
camel, having gotten his head under his
canvas, would not be slothful In Induc
ing the remainder of his body to follow.
And then, what?
Naturally Champ Clark, the speaker as
Is and tho speaker ns Is to be, and Under
wood, tho democratic floor leader In the
house, and Senator Martin, tho demo.
cratlc leader In tho senate, could not bo
expected to go wild about such an ap
pointment to the chief seat In tho demo
cratic Sanhedrln, and there is no reason
to believe that Simmons of North Caro
lina would regard such an event with
any degree of hilarity. There Is a very
pronounced disposition on tho part of
somo of tho least terrified among tho
triumphant democracy to. resent Mr.
Bryan's Interference with tho courso of
legislation or administration affairs at
Washington. Ho has no responsibility
for either, and many men in good and
regular party standing will bo much sur
prised It ho shall bo permitted to take
any part In directing or Influencing tho
affairs of the government. Tho story
was told last night thut Mr. Bryan had
said he .would decline to ,nccept the state
portfolio If It should bo offered to mm;
,that be would bold himself In reserve for
tne spaco oi two years, oy wnicn ume
bo was well conv!r)!fcd Mr. Wilson would
bo involved In so many difficulties that
ho could, step in then and do whatever1
ho pleased with .him, This story lucks
confirmation Mr. Bryan' would probaiy
say. that it Is. tod" ridiculous to dignify
with dental! biit It shows that tho people
aro loosing n Air. iirpui unu nuuut'
and watahlng to nob What he Is 1 going- to
.In iUn J1hU Vi- AcAmlaA Wa1(
. '. . ..-iX . Iwj .,1 i
essential to democr'tla iirt,c.'x
But why Is It that Mr. Bryan .will j)0,f
go homo nnd stay there? Old clncjnnatus
wont back to his farm after ho had per
formed th service required of him and'
stayed there wt,t'h his goats and alfalfa
until ho was recalled.
tin ce to a great extent the present over
crowding of tho cars during the rush
hours, and add rmJch to tha comfort of
tho passengers.
Buuthuro is another matter concerning
which tho public has not been consulted.
and which Is intimately .related to Its
comfort and health.
During these beautiful days, when the
temperaturo has boon that of early spring,
tho cars have been literal Incubators: and
all efforts on tho part ot the Individual
passenger to let In fresh air have been
futile, because tha windows aro fastened,
and must remain bo, by reason, ot tho for-
pceing nnd benevolent policy of the com
pany In preparing for a hard winter.
The fault does not He with the con
ductora. Thoy aro constantly on tha plat
form In tho fresh air and only venture
past the threshold at times to shout to
the suffocated, suffering passengers to
move to the front of the car In order to
make room tor mora victims. Having
thus nicely packed tho "Incubates," ho
closes the door, to keep them snug and
warm; or, perhaps, to avoid losing one
or .two. After a car has made one or two
such trips It becomes as close and foul as
r Pullman sleeper- after a hard night's
use, but lacks the comfort thereof.
It Is inenecessary to here dwell upon
the clanger to health ot massing together
Individuals In such unsanitary manner.
Suffice It la to say .that many diseases
can be. readily transmitted from an in
fected person using the car to those im
mediately surrounding him or her, and to
subsequent passengers. This-Is especially
true at this time ot the year, and later.
when such diseases ore most prevalent.
The methods of correcting' the existing
yll Is deemed unnecessary herfc, better
lojivlng tnem to tne altruistic spmi or ine
company, whoso already expressed desire
ls to Improve Its, service. .
Problem of Keeplnsr FrelRUt
Moving fix lioara a uoy
Philadelphia Record,
Jnmra J. Hill knows almost everything
about railroading' that Is worth knowing,
and he says that a freight car Is In mo
tion about two hours out of the twenty
four. The rest of .the time It is 'backing
and filling In freight yards, or standing
on aide tracks, or wkltlng to be loaded or
unloaded. Certainly no sort ot machinery-
would earn Its, keep If It were" run only
two hours a day, and It seems as It thero
must be some way to expedite the- dila
tory freight car, though of course the
railroad officials have every Interest In
thla an have resorted to many devices
q accomplish It. Borne .railroad genius
will aahieve'famn one bf tiie'se, days by
finding out) how She cars can' be lept In
it.i -t , . j....'
unmv'i 4uur,jOr .jvosjjuir .iji,, iuua mvj
i t r-1 : L:r-' .
Art for Ari'd
t Indlaoapoiin News.
However great mu bo the uselessnesa
hf trying to. decora the lily, the pure
food authorities havo discovered that
somo conscienceless, fruit dealcra have be
lieved that It was profitable; to point the
Hooking Backward
Thirty Years Ago
Tho Omaha Worklngmen's Sportsmen
club has elected the following officers;
President, H. Brewer; vice president,
Moso Hender: secretary. John Lcocter;
board of managers, H. D. Hathaway and
H. Kerr. Tho club mil givo a shoot
Thanksgiving day between teams cai-
talned by Sfoso Hender nnd tSd Hen.
''Tho Maid of Aaron" was put on at
Boyd's In a pleasing manner.
A ten'pound girl arrived nt the resi
dence of Dr. J. M. Borglum and will oc
cupy a prominent place In the household
Tho Lincoln telephone exchange Is still
hanging fire, waiting for some prominent
citizen to advance funds to aid In con
In tho freight rate war the Chicago, St.
Paul & Omnha and Illinois Central ad
vertise to carry freight, regardless ot
class, from Omaha to Chicago for 15 cents
per 100 pounds.
D. J. O'Donohoe of the firm of O'Dono-
hoo & Downing, went east to purchase
holiday goods.
Miss Amelia Harto died at her resi
dence U18 Mason street.
The new stenographers' brotherhood had
an interesting banquet at the Millard.
President (Shropshire was toastmastcr.
Twenty Yenrs An
W. D. Haller of Blair, rcprescntatlve
olect, who was In tho city, thought the
republicans would elect a United States
senator ut Lincoln.
Mc. nnd Mrs. Thomas Gibson returned
to California, after visiting their son and
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gibson,
nnd they wcro accompanied by Mrs.
Henry Gibson to spend the winter with
them. Prior to going to ("Qtillfomla In
1886, Mr. Thomns Gibson was secretary
of the Omaha Board of Trade.
Tho big committee of ushers for the
coming B. "Fay Mills meeting was to re
ceive instructions tho following Sunday
at tho Young Men's Christian associa
tion. John I. lledick filed In district court on
amended petition In tho suit to collect
a JC.000 Judgment against the city. Mr.
Kedlck had in 1870 donated land for tho
extension of Harney street from Twenty
second to Twenty-sixth, which was to be
improved by the city by 1SS6, and In the
moantlmo Mr. Redlck sold tho lots along
the lino of the street, setting up the claim
tho Improvements were not up to con
tract. Ho sued and got Judgment for
Several railroad men expressed the be
lief that the Interstate commerce law
was dead, in all oxcept, possibly, its
name. 'Among those so auotrd' was
Thomar Miller, general freight agent, of
the Burlington. 1
Ten Years Ako
The Commercial club entertained the
oard of governors of Ak-Sar-Ben 'nt a
dinner, with some 125 members of the
club present. J. Frank Carpenter, presi
dent of the Commercial club "presiding,
first Introduced Charles 'N; 'Robinson,
Who welcomed ' the governors, extolling
thelr real and achievements and tho
orithe governors thanked .the-'clubs for
lt hospitality ..and. fgencfoug apprecia
tion. Other speakers ' were-O. Mi Hitch
cock, Lieutenant Governor1 E. 'O.-. Mc-
Gilton, Rev. E. F. Trefz and VT. S! Sum
Thomas Brennan announced that his
friend, Michael B-avitt, tho great Irish
patriot, would arrive In Omaha the com
ing1 Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hitchcock enter
tained' at evening dinner for Mr. and
Mrs. John V. Thomas of Chicago. Their
decorations wero La France roses and
hopes of smllax.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P. McConnell enter
talned a large party in tho evening for
their guests, Mr. and Mrs. B. F.- Shaw
and Mrs. Miller, nt their home. 2120 Bin
new street. The first woman's prise wont
to Mrs. R. E. Welch, whllo Mr. Harrv
Hussle and Mr. E. V. Lewis cut for the
man's prlre, and the consolation trophies
were won by Mrs. Fowler and Mr. Ed
Misses Harlena and Margaret Curtl9
entertained at luncheon In honor' of Miss
Kathcrine Pollack of Chicago. '
People Talked About
The literature of military defeat has
been enriched by the Turks. Instead of
the Infidel sob, "I regret to report,'
Haxlm Pasha wlrc.d to Constantinople.
"My sword has melted In my hands."
Official confirmation ot hot work.
Russell E. Brown, Btudent hero ot tho
Northwestern university, Chicago, will
lead the Junior prom., December t),
boldly defying the Delta Tan Delta and
the Inter-Fraternity council, both of
which had a candidate whom the co-eds
cruelly swatted at the ballot box.
Raising J72,3 . lit twenty minutes for
the erection of the .First Congregational
church of Son Francisco Is. featured by
local papers as strong evidence of tho
overflowing piety ot that city. Insuring
against squally weather-at the Golden
Gate la a wise Investment In San Fran
Divorce seekers looking Reno-ward will
have to hurry to get ahead ot the amend
ment requiring a tuVt year's residence in
the state, whloh, according to report.
goes Into effect on the first of the year.
A year's residence In Nevada, with noth
ing to do but wait. Is a pretty stiff pen
alty for a divorce scandal.
Rival candidates for president, are flirt
ing for the electoral vote ot California,
with plurality below 100. Similar situa
tion obtains1 In Kansas with respect to
the governorship Hodges leading; Capper
by thlrty-on votes on the official count
In both states there Is work ahead for
the courts and the recoUnters.
The startling charge was. made at tho
Retail Merchants' convention Jn St.
Louis that bales of Paris .. labels aro
brought to this country, attach ea to com
mon home-made gowns and the gowns
sold to society swells at French, prices.
This, explains why the retailers" fancy
run to htgh-power limousines.
'New York papers give currency to the
story ot a candidate for congress who
paid. ISO) to a campaign committee and
watched the money dose enouglj to- dis
cover that alt but M ot U stuck In the
committee's .packets. It the unnamed
candidate sticks to the political 'game the
Unwisdom ' of doubting committee dis
bursements will break Into bU beau lth
the force of an' ax.
Reporterr-I suppose your s notes has
been achieved only after a hard struggle.
Actor Yea; there was a time when my
name appeared oftener. on ft board bill
than on a. bill board. Judge.
"I always did make a hit with the
womn," bragged Henry VIII.
"With your wit, sir?" murmured tho
obsequious courtier.
'No," answered tho monarch, with a
sly smile. "With an axe." Baltimore
"Why does Mr. Growcher always wait
to consult his wlfo before expressing a
positive opinion?" asked one woman.
"tfo ns to be sure of disagreeing with
hur." replied the other. Washington
"Johnnie," asked his teacher, "can vou
Hlvo us a sentence using to word 'In
come In It?"
Johnnie hesitated a minute, then "Yes
'urn," he replied. " 'The, boy opened tho
door and In come a cat." 'Woman's
Homo Companion. , ,
Nell Isn't Allco soon going to marry
Belle I don't know. She saya she
hates to givo up the dollar and a, half
shows for a ten-cent moving picture.
Boston Transcript.
Yeast Bid your wife read the. riot act
to you last night?
Crimsonbeak. No.
"Why, you thought she would when
you got In late, didn't your'
"Oh, no; sho doesn't havo to read It to
When Guests Come to
Spend the Evening
HEN friends come
wished you could serve a tasty little sup
per easily and quickly? An Electric
Chafing Dish will allow you o prepare any one
of a number of tid-bits without bother and with
' out the risks attendant upon the use ofalcohol
fuel. Artistically wrought, ; simple and ;saf e-'lo V;
' operate tho combined ftoaiity arid5 ultility .O
make an Electric CbafingDisJi anr ideal accea-Cl
sory to your table. ''j. ,
, tf-Jt ' , -K
. Electrical Aplpliirifces
Convenient and Economical
There are any number of electrical devices that
you find decidedly useful and attractive. The
same eloctricity that you use to light your house
will operate time- and- labor-saving devices that
cost little to own and less to operate.. ,. .
Foot Warmors
Flat Irons
Heating Pads
Ciirling Irons
Coffee Percolators
Tea Kettles
Excellent for
Omaha Electric LigM
and Power Co.
Low Round Trip Rates
Ticket on salq duSy to all
Florida, Cuba,
The Gulf Coast
New Orleans. Mobile, Pensacola,
Central America and Panama
i .
If t. bear'
"My husband Is always oraokltw up the
virtues of his first wlfo," said Mrs. Hlnk
ley, with a sigh. "Though, ns a matter
of fact, they got on very badly."
"Perhaps ho understands her better now
that she has been translated," said Mrs.
Wlggs. Harper's Weekly.
Watervlllo (Me.) Sentinel.
Peven little governoro asked T. It. to run;
They sent him a letter and the talc wa
begun. ,. , ,,,,
eoven little governors, all In polltlos..
Hndley left them In the lurch; then
wero six. , ,,
Six little governors, very muoli alive;
US8 was not a nominee; then there worn
FlvoUttle governors, but Fato had In
store . A.
A little bump for Osborne; then thoro were
j.)Urf0Utlo governors 'neath the lemon
SomeVhlng dropped on Aldrlch; then there
were three. .
Three little governors alono of all tho
The landslldo burled Glasscock; thon thoic
wcro two.
Two little governors for office on the run;
Carey was defeated; then thoro was ono.
Ono llttlo governor aloal tho tale Is
StubbifaTled to reach ,the fconato now
thero Is none.
to call, have you often
Bread Toasters
Grills .
Chafing Dishes
Egg Boilers , .
Cereal Cookers
Waffle Irons
Christmas Gifts.
me now. She Unt"A
Yonkers Statsman.
Far fR arf linn d&ca
r. v. BoutqfWi ti. r.A, cuaH,
KCtsagu&iiiifi i