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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1912)
1 E :' Omaha Bee PART THREE WANT AD SECTION a , M6ES ONE TO EIGHT. OMAHA, SUNDAY ' MORNING, JUNE 23,' ,1912! SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. VOL. XLII-NO. 1. Sunday mm MAIL ORDER BUSINESS RHEUMATISM ' - Eon't Invite Torture by Neglect ing Nature's Warnings Try My Drafts. Coupon Brin:$ Ik m To Try FRE Don't let that-Rheumatisn' gain an other inch. Sign and mill my coupon and you'll get by return post, prepaid, a Vcgular Dollar pair of Magic Toot Draft, remedy .ior rheuma tism of every kind, To Try Pre. - Thous ands write- us that the Drafts cure ; where everything else falls, even after a lifetime of suffering and try ing. It it were not bo. how could we send them On Ap proval for we get the difficult cases m!as well as the mild. A,YThen why hesitate? come, try them, they're simple, con venient and harm- Frtd'k. yer. Cor. Sc fuL'Tnen after try ing, if you are satisfied with the relief they bring you, you . can send . us One Dollar. If not, they cost you noth- ing'. Send this coupon and make us prove these strong claims. it today.. THIS $1 COUPON FREE Good for a regular' $1.00 pair of Magic Foot Drafts to be sent Free to try , (as explained, above) to Name Address 1 Mail this -coupon' to Magic Foot Draft Company. GS25 Oliver .Bldg., Jackson, Mich. -' ' Don't Wear a Truss TREE $TIm HAS TSfAOt"'"" V bomthaUuu,HiuiludllappM- oalonmuewlf'MMUnpunwwij ce bold paruieeurelT In plue. Mi. kuoklw or prtoM n hD.aatohaJorco preu -Init U dubIo bona. The oioit .Hutn.1. m aatwd. Thonwodi .TirocntullT tmled tfccmnliM k it kMM -Kbout hlnilraaca from work, do" V-J I Awarded Gold Medal. Wt at wk a fpTt?Z ... a K tktT T teadliltYOU Trial ofPltpM -oupon and all TODAY, Addrne PUPAO LABORATORIES, Block 1 1 7 St toul. Va Hum,.... V ' .:. :" iddJtM vaie Mil bl,n ft Inl yuP TAPE-V0RK1 -xeelled alive' la en minute with hrad, or no 1r. No aitinr. 68 pin book for 2o tamp. DA &SBXSMlTH,SptcialUt, XiatliBtJSt.UaiaJte HELP WANTED -FEMJLE , jtieiti and Saleanome... WANTED Solicitors, either1 lady or , Do I gentleman, for Prime of Life Insurance li Stssociatlon. Omaha National Bank Blag. LAUV agents xd take orders for guar v anteed dress form. J1&.00 pair. week. Ad I dress Y 62 Bee. - . - - - SALESLADIES, at onoe, three bright, capable ladies over 21, to travel, demon Htrata and sell dealers; $25 to $50 per week. R. R. fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., 1308-10 Harney-St!) Omaha. Neb- . WANTED Lady canvassing agents to ' lake orders for made-to-order corsets, bi. Louis Corset Co., St. Louis. Mo. LADY demonstrators, for Omaha, So. Omaha, Council Bluffs. We pay nine dol lars per week; salary and commission. Call Sunday, room 39 Drexel hotel. WANTED Lady agents. Write us quick. We have something entirely new. Good money. Made 100 per cent profit. Sells, to ladies only. Agents Supply. 301 barker Blk., Omaha, Neb. . ' ' Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER, Implements, $50. Stenographer, lumber, $G5. Bookkeeper, lumber, $65. Stenographer, out of city, $65. Assistant bookkeeper, $40. The above positions are for immediate .'acceptance. Call and get particulars. , CO-OPEKATlVHi KKr iitiHiINlli cvj., : 1015-16 City National Bank i Factory and Trades. wanted-Fifty girls . to make new Vjliirts, overalls, cotton mittens, etc Good ' it-ages, permanent employment in clean ''Smith & Co., 9th & Douglas. " GIRLS wanted for decorating sofa pil lows at home; good pay; experience un- 1 .. . n-i ct imL c necessary. vjn lorenooiis. i&ji o. jam. J ilouaekteyeis uuU Uuuieniic. WANT girl to help cook in small hotel. Good wages. Park Hotel, Audubon, la. ' THE' SERVANT UiKL PROiiLjBi ' SOLVED The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you gat tne oesired results. This applies to resident ot Omaha, South Omana and Council lilutfs. Bring your ad to Tne Bee oiuue vi- u-iiephone Tyler. lwO. GIRL for housework, small family. Apply forenoons. 1145 Georgia avenue. WANTED A girl for general house . voi k, fcoou wa&es for tne rignt party. 4i,44 iiodge. Harney H63. - - WANTED A girl to assist with general housework no washing. 508 8. 2Uib St. GOOD girl for general, housework; Binull family; references required; good wages. Phone Harney 838. - ' WANTED A competent .cook; jnust ' have good references. Call l'axton home, harney 95. Mrs. Martin Saxe. : WANTED A good reliable colored Wo man of neat appearance to uo general housework for two people; must have Kood references, rnone fiainy wji w a 'TET A i housemaid who can i go home nights tp assist with housiework nd care of children; no cooking or aundry. 2408 Bristol. ""WANTED Honest, cleanly and reliable young woman for general housework; small family, medium sized house, best of wage3 and good home; would .take woman with young daugnter old enough to help with worn. Auoress t at, nee. iAXTED Girl- for housework. Very ueslrable place, with pleasant room. TeJ. Harney 3077. 1144 S. 3d St. WANTED Girl for. housework; - small family. Apply forenoons, LU16 Georgia 'Ave. - ' . ' ROOM and board for the summer in pleasant home in exchange for help with jousework. Call Harney 3723. WANTED-Experlenced cook; refer ences required.. Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton, ilO S. 32d Ave. WANTED A girl for general house worfc, three in family, good wages. 2724 Spaulding. TeL Webster 3203. GOOD, capable girl for general house work, good wages, Danish or -Swedish preferred. , Douglas 6043. 2562 SL Mary's WANTED Strong woman to help with iiousework and care of Invalid. - Small iamtly. Wages $5 per week. A 341, Bee. WANTED-e-A- middle-aged lady to as- -irit with general housework. . Telephone ;iitrlas mw. WANTEiJ by single, middle-aged man. a iiuMwonny, clean Housekeeper; good n -xl'-rii tiome, ,iot muc'b work. Address "II. '), B4S." " WANT ADS Want ds received at any time, but to insure proper classification must be presented before 12 o'clock m. Ior the evening edition and before 7:30 p. m. for morning and Sunday edi tions. Want ads received alter fuch bouts will have their first Insertion under the heading "Too Late to Classify." ' CASH IUTEs"fOR WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION-One insertion 1 H cents per word and 1 cent per word for each subsequent consecutive insertion. Bach inser tion made on odd days ltt cent per word; 1.50 per line per month when ad is run without change of copy.' " " ' DEATHS AND FUNERAL. NOTICES. FINAN Edward P., died Friday after noon at the residence ot his parents, m was a member of Omaha camp No. Modern Woodmen of America, and tne International Association of Machinists lodge Wo. 81; has been an employe or the McKeen Motor company for a num ber of years. . . 1 Funeral services will be held Sunday at 2:30 p. m. at the undertaking parlors ot Hulse & Riepen. -709 8outh Sixteenth street. Interment. Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends invited. . Vi, ., ''-' JOHNSON Bengta, died Friday evening at the residence of her daughter,' Mrs. Gustave Wilg. Funeral will be held from the residence of her daughter, 1005 South Forty-second street, Sunday at 2:30 p. m. Interment, West Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited.' ALL machinists are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother, Edward Timan, Sunday, July 23, at 2:30, from Hulse & Riepen's parlors, 709 South Six teenth. , GEORGE EV NORMAN, President C. E. CLARK. Secretary. LOOMIS-Mrs. Ellen B., June 22, aged 81 ' Services at residence, 3608 Jackson St at 4:30 p. m. Monday, June 24. Interment at Topeka, Kan, lodge: noticks. . Mondamln Todge" No. Ul, F. U. Of A.; requests every member to attend meettng on June 24 at Frenzer hall. 24th and Parker, on account of Important business. Refreshments after session. : i Banner ' lodge No. 11 and all members of the F. U. of A. are requested to attend the funeral ot our late sister, Marie Peter sen, at 2 .o'clock p. m., Sunday, June 23, at the residence of her sister, Mrs. Niel sen, 2711 Sprague street. . - ' ,, NELLIE P. VAN HORN, F. M. , . J. B. MASON. Secretary. Attention. Modern Woodmen of Amer ica: Members of Omaha camp No. 120 are requested to attend the funeral of Neigh bor Edward P. Finan Sunday at 2:30 p. m. at Hulse & Riepen's undertaking par lors, 709 South Sixteenth street. Inter ment will be at Forest Lawn cemetery. Members of other camps are invited. FRED DICKINSON, Y. C CARD OF THANKS. . i i ; Mrs. Ju'dson Hlgley and children desire to express their heartfelt thanks and gratitude tJ the friends, neighbors and Odd Fellows for their helpfulness and love shown during their recent bereave ment occasioned by the death of their be loved husband and father. . .. . . I MARHUOB LICENSES. , Th4ollowing marriage, licenses have been issued: : - - -;.. r Name and Residence. Philip Smith. South Omaha. .. Margaret Smith, South Omaha Andrew I.' Thompson, omana.. Edith Robinson, Omaha ........ Age. ....SO ....27 ....24 ....27 ....24 ....22 ..22 ....25 Harrison Bell, Omaha.-... ....... ...... Pearl Hanna, Omaha... .:.;, t.. Edward F.'Falvey, Omaha.. Pearl McKinney, Omaiia. William 6. Moore,' Omaha.......;..:. Minnie M. Gebert, Nebraska City., 25 22 38 Louis unver,- umana. .............. ....... .oo Nellie McCormick, Omaha. 26 James G. McGlee." South Omaha........ 29 Lydia A. Preston, Omaha . i..2S Ralph T. Osborn, St. Joeph...;........24 Eunice A. Chrlstensen, St. Joseph. 21 H. Earl Shaw, Omaha. ............... .1..22 Pearl M. Clark, South Bend, Ind 20 Charles J. Mysicka, Omaha. 26 Antonia Adam, pmaha.. 19 Charles D.' Bussler, Waterloo, la...... .'.36 Anna B. Huehaca, Waterloo, la..... ....23 Arthur A. Johnston, Omaha. ............. 23 Beatrice Colemart Omana... 22 Nicholas Clous,, dmaha.:........'. v...J6 Doorthy Petersem Omaha. . .20 Allen - Burdlck, Omaha 23 Matilda Bachman .Albright 22 BIRTHS A D DEATHS. Births Jesse and Winnie Shelby. 2103 Dougias street, girl; F. A. and Minnie Hansen, 4518 Lafayette street, boy ; George and Alma Saltzgiver. 1733 South Fifteenth street, girl; Thomas and Zona Wilson, 2910 Hascal street, boy; J. J. and Mar jorle Foy, 911 North Forty-ninth avenue, girl; Thomas and Anna Chrlstensen, 3421 liavenport street, girl; L. C. and B. M. Best, 4025 North Thirty-ninth street, boy; William and Lilly Brown, 1109 1 Lincoln avenue, girt; F. H. and Cora Bartlett, 3410 Bedford avenue,! boy; Thomas ana Cora Hlckson, 3217 South Twenty-tout tn street, girl. Deaths Marie Petersen, 57 years. 2711 Sprague street; Louis Won, 45 years, tt. Joseph's hospital; Mrs. Bengto Johnson. 75 years, 1006 South Forty-second street; Edward P. Finan, 23 years 2327 Souta Twenty-first .street j . . - BVILDIN 1 PERMITS. . J. A. Carlson, ' 3425 California street, frame dwelling, $2,8U0; J, H. Horak, S64 Manderson street, $2,0u0; M. Garrison, i,, Fort street, frame dwelling, $2,i)00; M Garrison, 25u3 Furt street,, frame uelllnfc'. $2,000. ' " ' HELP WANTELV FEMALE Jloasu eeyei-a and Uoniestlc. WANTED CKrl for housework, llffi Rn 29th St. ,. ,, . . Allscellaaevaf. Apprentice girl ' to learn halrrl Oppenheim parlors. -2d fl. City National." GOOD servant In smali faintly; no washing or ironing; ' also young girl for stock room. aaiss 1'iatteiL 1909. Cap- itol Ave. i YOUNG women coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Youus Women's Christian association huiidini; at St. Mary's Ave., and 17ih, St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assibtau, Look toi our travelers' guiae at the Union station. EARN $10 TO $15 weekly copying ad dresses; particulars for stamp.- J. Mur ray Co., 44 .Elizabeth St., W.; Detroit. Mich. ANY WOMAN of average Intelligence can immediately be established, ni a per manent business.; we teach you bow to easily earn from $500 to $3,000. yearly. The greatest real value ever. offered. In guar anteed corsets maae to order. ; National sr. j- Ks Ing (ni corseueren, utpu io, vnicago. EARN $5 TO $10 daily doing -Interest- mg, aurecouu n . uome, ( ull par ticulars free. Japanese Art Co.,, Milwau kee. LADY GOVERNMENT matrons wanted splendid position examination . soon. Write looay. mintni, oo m, t. Louis. LADIES make shields at home. $10 per 1 Syntem Specialtv Candy and - Popcorn 100. Work sent prepaid to reliable women, fi-igpette Factories," home, anywhere. Particulars for stamped addressed t en-, vear round. Oppoi tiiiiity llfet,ine; book velope. Eureka Co., Dept. 53, Kalamazoo, lu free. Radale Co., Diawer D., East wicu- . Ii HKLP WANTED FEMALE MUrellameoBS. "WOmev AZITi. i a" 86 PhildelPhla firm; good money .5..s,eady wor'; no canvassing; send jepiy envelope for prices paid. Universal ... 'v amut t., pniia., "a." . HELP WANTED MALE Aaenta, Salesmea aid Sollcitora. WANTED Accident and health insur-?S- 8ents to work in Omaha or state of .Nebraska or in seven other western states. Best line of policies top notch commissions renewal contract granted by the large casualty , company of the west. NAT. FIDELITY & CASUALTY CO.. V Omaha. Neb. AGENTS You can muk oulck sales and big profits wtlh our new self-light ing windproof cigar lighter; every smokers buy on sight. Sells Itself. Rath bun Mfg. Co., Indianapolis. Indiana. SALESMEN-11.000 accident DOllcv for $1 yearly. Everybody buys when con vinced that company ' is sound. Liberal commissions $250,000 deposited with state. Write for particulars. . Underwirters, Newark, N. J. AGENTS Send for free amole: new ar ticle; bound to sell. Write today for our attractive summer proposition. Hugo uevecnery. sn uenker Ave., JjOS An geles, Cal. AGENTS Wanted everywhere for easy selling $5 proposition; $'J5 daily easily made. Particulars free. J. S. W'lllard Co., Desk , 1860 Main St., Henderson, Iowa. AGENTS are coining money selling our big 10c packages of 20 assorted postal cards; 5,000 varieties; big profits; sell everywhere at sight. Sample package 10c Particulars free. Sullivan Card Co., 1284 Van Buren St., Chicago. 111. AGENTS.. Our patented specialties sell like wildfire. Send for free catalogue and sample, worth 10c. The Frederick L. Coe, Co., 376 Shelton Ave., New Haven, Conn. AGENTS Either sex, to distribute free pkgs. perfumed soap powder; good pay; all of spare time; no money needed. Dept. F. S., 8422 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. . AGENTS Everywhere (either sex) to handle latest novelty In women's wear: nearly 100 per cent profit: ready market; particulars free; write to Horwlts & Hickman Co., Dept. G, VIneland, N. J. GREAT leaders in national Issues dis cussed bv all parties: big book; best terms: ' beautifully Illustrated; send lOo for prospectus. M. A. Russell, 108 LaSalle St.; Chicago. 111. -; - ' ' ' $100 weekly profit; start in business for yourself; don't worry about capital; no experience. Boyd H. Brown, - Omaha, Neb. - ! PORTRAIT MEN For solar or bromide prints, convexlng,, finishing, convex glass or metal frames write us; 24 hours' Her vice guaranteed. Catalogue free. Por trait Men's Supply House, 1507 Central St., Kansas City, Mo. 1 - - WANTED Salesman, to call on local trade with line of dress goods, silks, Vei vets and. handkerchiefs. State experience and references. P. O. Box 3, Station V, New York City. ' - -' , REPRESENTATIVE wanted in every city and village. Best ' proposition out. Pays over $200 monthly. No investment or experience - required. Bend, wt, e-m plre Bldg., Seattle. Wash. - STATE Sales Manager If you cannot make $5,000 per year with our proposi tion, we do not want you. One energetic, ambitious man In each state. Small. rjjttented blacksmith's machine; $1,000 re aulred:. reasonable terms. American Calking Machine Company, Perry, la. WANTED Agents Legitimate subatl: tu'ts'for slot' machines; patented; sells on sishf for $l.t Particulars. Oisba: Co., Anderson, Ind.--"-, : ' . 1 ' ' . CANV-ASSERS 'UTo-i sell . automatic Bcteen door catches. Big money; except tlonai proposition.?. Sample eatch-ost- paid 25o. Auto Catch Co., riarvcy, in.- HiTSTl.lNrt lanil agents wanted to sell our new.i. unique, novel land; .proposition. Commissions unusually large. Send for. literature. Reynolds. -..County': Fruit Lands.: Company, , HW . Great.. Northern Bldg., Chicago.- " ; . ' .' ' .' " ' . . . . '.' ..; AGENTS. .,'. : Y A money maker, & perfection aluminum set, four pieces, twelve - combinations. Good for all kinds of cooking, low prices, big profits, quick sales. . Write at once to, Anchor Mfg Co., Desk 74. Dayton, O ruM'T o!av tfr laaren. - B VflUr own boss; we show you how. Particulars free. The Alberta 1 Specialty Co., 135 Jackson St.. Topeka, Kan. . -''.-''' SUMMER time Is beer time. Sell "Ambrew" Concentrated Extract for making real, genuine, Intoxicating beer at home. Not a near beer not artificial but real lager beer guaranteed strictly legitimate no license required. Saves over 100 per cent of brewers' prices. Gat ready for the stziling hot weather. Small package. Everybody buys. Terrific sales great money maker territory being snapped up. Get busy, while the weather Is warm. Write today. American Pro ducts Co., Dept. 2056, Cincinnati. Q- . SALESMEN We Vant men of ability and good character In every locality to take orders for groceries at wholesale from farmers, ranchers, hotels, etc.; special Inducements to experienced men; we teach . Inexperienced men. George Meldrum & Company, Wholesale Grocers, Chicago, 111. ; SALESMEN Two 1 energetic,! clean-cut salesmen. Oils, greases and paints. Y 61. Bee. " 1 AGENTS Most exciting political cam paign in half century; . tariff, recall, money trust and other burning questions must be settled by the voters of the United States; all the facts and argu ments on both sides of questions, written-hv tln leaders themselves; 100 por traits and other engravings; every voter wants our wonderful-book "Great Lead ers and National Issues." Be first In the field and make big money fast. Hand some prospectus and canvassing outfit free Send 10 rents In stamps to . pay postage. The Thompson Pub. Co., St. Louis, Mo. ' ' SALESMEN Every town has buyers for our advertising novelties, idle time made profitable. Liberal commission. Good representative wanted , in . your locality. Box 75. Newton, la, WANTED Bright man with a little casl' to take active Interest in estab Ihe6 ' h house. Address L 290, 1;:' k ' ' '" AGENTS make big money selllng-our metaiUo letters tor office windows, store fronts and glass signs; anyone can put them on; samples free. Metallic Sign Co., 437 N. Clark Ht.. (jmcago. oilJ'D"""CONVEX PORTRAITS Best work,, lowest prices. Send for booklet of new style portraits something differ ent. M. A. Beall, Artist, Chicago. AGENTS wanted-Large business sell ing a wonderful novelty, folding trick faim Agent's price, $1.50 per hundred. Sample by mall. 10 cents. Aug. Foell, 33W California Ave.. St. Louis, Mo. BIG profits for you. Manufacture Bar ley Crisp. New confection. California Invention. 5c package cot you lc. Ma chine Instructions complete, $7.60, pre paid. Samples 10c. Shafer Co.. 1079 How- t flan rranrlNM MI U Ok.,' " TiSSAl". AGENTS WANTED TO SELL postcards " through our original "trust scheme" method; no experience re quired; big profits; sample package 10 cents Taylor Brothers, 2233 Clifton Ave., Chicago. irtt-vTaRell our Catchy "Den" Pic tures- big profits; sample outfit free. Taylor Brothers, 2233 CUfton Ave., Chi cago. AGENTS to represent the factory di rect. $75.00 per monyi. cspenwm ana commission. 4-ln-One Mfg. Co., U. S. Express Bldg., "cagcw"- WE START YOU IN BUSINESS, fur- nluhtnr everything; men and women. I $30.00 to $200.00 weekly operating our "New tOiange, N. J. HELP WANTED MALE A seat, Salesmen and Solicitor. $5 PER hundred for collecting names and addresses. All or spare time, stamp for particulars. Keystone Sales Co.. Darby, Pa. "REPlUaSENTATIVKS WANTED to manage a mercantile business in their lo cality under our Instructions; no capital needed. The Consolidated System Co., 22 Butts Bldg.. 'Wichita. Kan AN energetic man with higii-clat.- ref erences will be given most exceptional opportunity to establish hlmselt as bond salesman. Evans & Co.. Otis Bldg., Chi cago. . ' $6 TO Jli dally selling campaign book; appeals to republicans and democrats; &0 paKes." fully illustrated. Price. 1. rret outtit. Central Supply Co.. Kdsewood. la-" SIDE-LINE, pocket samples; 10 minutes, $10 romnusalon; high-grade men only; no other need apply- Advertising Novelty Co., Newton, Ia- - wanted By strong land company owning large tracts In Texas under de velopment, townsltea, private oars, etc., high-class men to sell lots In new county seat town on distribution plan, lands to settlers and small tracts on monthly pay ments. Talking qualities unsurpasseu. Gilt edge "everyway. Liberal commis sions and active . co-of. mnmuu Land Company, K3 Monadnock , Block, Chicago. SALESMEN capable of earning $5,000 yearly. Unequalled tnctory specialty. Iberal commission; iimiuuwni puniiio". be Ensign Refining Co., t'leveland, Q. $50 WEEKLY Salesmen to take orders for cut rate groceries. Outfit free. Ex perience unnecessary. Standard Mer cantile Co.. Inc., 'Hippodrome Bldg., Cleveland. O. CANDY MAKING Simply, practically taught; candy Kitcnen. proms weekly; "V60" recipes, full Instructions, IL50- free particulars. Frenchetti's School Candy Making. Box 166. Chicago- o . t iroJlirv Wanted Karn $250 per DAUuPW " - , month, sell- dealers highly advertised article, exclusively or sideline. No sam ples to carry. Impertal Co., St. Louis, Mo dudtd a it ArtKNTS-Photos enlarged on mercerised sateen pillow tops, 18xlS inches, 28c. Portraits, frames, sheet Pic tures. Catalogue free. Oak Park Por trait Co.rOak Park. 111. AfiKNTS Our compalgn book appealing to democrats and republicans making agents $6 to $12 dally. Only authorised edition.. Over 800 pages. Credit given. Biggest terms.. v ; Beautiful outfit free, end sn tn hftln cover Postage. C. W. Stanton Co., .Monon Block. Chicago. WEEKLY selling collection cabinet. tr.A to merchants.' No competition. c u sive territory. Write for free samples and descriptive matter. Sayers Co.. Laclede Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. GREAT leaders and national 1s8,leB-J?1;" cussed by Roosevelt. Wilson, Clark. Taft and other prominent men; colored Illus trations; only $1; greatest money maker; extra terms; sample free. , Zlegler Co.. -yv , , . w " " r, , . . Philadelphia. nitcuniR SAT.RSMAN WANTED We want a reliable and capable salesman at once to carry our attractive line of calendars, fans and advertising P" tles in Nebraska; we have splendid line, carefully selected by men long (In this business and who have themselves sold this class of goods on the road for years. On our liberal commission basis plan a salemen who will devote his time exclu sively . to our. line, should have no diffi culty in clearing from $o0 to $100 per week. If you are a man who will work and can sell goods! address Sales Man ager, Kalamasoo Advertising Co.. Kala mazoo Michigan. Attach this advertise S o your reply an4 give full particu lar? regarding .your -past. -business Pwl. rf'Ac-K nMTi' vnur soars tirne into monev -A poWlaP specialty whicTi makes SuSai luSKm Appealing t? meanW i i h.n cnmmlsslonemall SnSn" Specialty Co.. 1812 COLLEGE 'MEN-Three bright young men-of good appearance and address tp interview DUBinctia ;r " kiMv 1.00 weekly assured. Mercan- tile Co.; 434 Okln Bldg.,' Newark, N. J. Clerical and Office., ' '" ' WE WANT; ' '. Office ' manager and ' correspondent. Prefer man with implement , experience. $1,500. ' - f ' ".- . Bookkeeper, lumber firm. $75. , ,. Stenographer, out of city. , $i5. . . Stenographer, lumber firm. $65. , , Bookkeeper, experienced. $75. -Office clerk, quick and accurate in ngr ures. $50. I .. '' . , ' ' Bookkeeper and stenogi apher, real es- t&CO OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., . mi5 lti City National Bank. - FULL, dress suits and party dresses for sale- also tor rent. $1.00 to $1.50 a night. "um SbtSmAN. 206 W, 17th. D. 312S. Factory and Trades. -, Drug store (snap) Jobs. Knlest, Bee Bldg. wanted Moslac tile setter. Writs C. v rw4hand. Sidney, Neb. v.; . xi itrT.CvnorlencBd men on Brown & Sharp automatic screw machines; also hand screw machines. Monarch Telephone Mil?. t;0.t run, nr a tirrn Msii tfl learn the barber trade- few weeks completes; another rush for barbers this season; best trade In ex ftenc? today ; good money; light, clean, insldf work; call and investigate our me hod or write for catlogue. Moler Bar ber College, uv p- "WANTED First class commercial or ,iu,i. ais-n men. open snop. ray Sign Shop, ues wuinr, WANTED Machinist draughuman. 1220 Howard. - . bttwh-.r Men keep out or Superior; town Is flnnded with men. Misceiluaeuns. YOU ARE WANTED for government Dosition. $8 per month. Send postal for fist of positions open. Franklin Institute, n-nartment 217 P.. Rochester. N. Y. r t K'Trrai men on sewer at Superior, NebT trench work by foot, U0 on up. Kelley Construction MOVED TO OUR NEW TRAINING SHOPS. he largest, unesi ana uw equipped plant for automobile training. Do you- want pleasant outdoor work, of money making oppor tunities? Write or call on us. Day or night classes. 'Unlimited coiirae; libera terms. NATIONAL AUTOMOBii-fcJ TRAINING ASS'N, 2814 N, 20lh , St., Omaha, Neb. - ' '' "- '' Tm GOVERNMENT POSITIONS OPEN Write for list. Franklin Insu tute. Dept tU P., Rochester. N. Y. TELEGRAPH positions guaranteed you hv h Union Pacific and Illinois Cen tral railroads if you gain your training in our school, rracucs on xu n. wirw. An dreas for particulars, H. B. Boyles, Pres. Boyles College, omana, jseo. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY Able- bodied unmarried men between the ages nf m and 3fi: citizens of United States of good character and temperate habits who can speajt, reaa ana wnu iu ivngwsii language. For Information apply to re cruiting officer, 13th and Douglas St., Omaha. Neb.; 607 4tb St,, Sioux City, la.; 13o N. 10th. 8L, Lincoln. Net). WANTED A man well recommended for steady , work on one of our routes; cash or security bonds required if em ployed. 1812 Farnam, The Alamito Dairy. -WANTED Ambitious young man to be come traveling salesmen and earn while they learn. Write- for particulars. Brad street System, Rochester, N. Y. 5u0 MEN 20 to 40 years old wanted at once for electric railway motormen and conductors; $60 to $100 a month; no ex perience necessary; fine opportunity; no strike; write Immediately for application blank. Address Y 60, Bee. - 25-CENT night rooms. Carey Hotel, 18th and Howard. $100MONTllLy and expcnsijx to travel and distribute sample. U.r big manufac turer; steady work. 8. Schcffer, 762 Sher man, Chicago. HELP WANTED MALE Mlwrllaneou. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS. Most thorough preparation. $5. Returned j u noi appointeo. particulars iree. i.urri can Civil Service School, Washtnrton, D. C. HAVE ycu made, up your mind how "' want to make your start In life? If not, have you considered the V. S. Navy? Most young men are surprised to discover on Investigation how little they really know about the opportunities in the Navy for a successful career. To begin with, every man Is given a thorough mental and physical training, preparing him tor his work. He is allowed to do work for which h Is best fitted, as the variety of duties in the Navy. Is wide. And there are chances to Jearn and perform many different trades. He is psld well from the start and advanced regularly. These things and many more are open to every ambitious, serious minded young Ameri can between the ages 'of 17 and 35 A four years' enlistment In the Navy will do more for a young man's character and health than almost any position in civil life. Call at the Navy Recruiting 8U tlou, " Postoff Ice Building, Omaha. Neb., and talk with the officer In charge. Hs will tell you all about pay, hours, promo tion, chaces to save monoy, tne iino cwm of men you'll meet, etc.. etc. Or send for "The Making of a Man o' Warsman, which describes fully the dally life of a bluejacket, a fine, Interesting book, free. Address Bureau of Navigation, Box e. Navy Department. Washington, D. C DiiuBiv -matt. I'LHRKS. carriers, wanted; good pay, fine positions; iy for instruction after you receiv 7""'"" Liberty Institute. , Dept. Sv. Rochester, "ARB "YOU THE MANT HERE IS nnnnrtunitv. Ns matter where you ilve-if you want to wake big money and establish yourself in an I.NDhPKND-t-MT rmoiiiriNO'.NO CAPI TA L-we will teach you by ma". 'h secrets of the REAL EST AT E BL8I- NESS. Includina thorough COMMfctv .1 i i iwr "htsic list .with you readily salable properties, co-operate wttn . ..a vnn tn nnrmanent success. Our 64- PAGE FREE BOOK fully ex plains our methods and tells what , it means to the be the local representative oldest and largest Co-Operatlve , Realty a Dmb.ra aa Prtrnnrstlon In the world. wrlte today to INTERNATIONAL REALTY CORPORATION, 350 Manhattan Bldg., Chicago, in- w i MTMrv-.TOmip , lubllen slnaera and other attractions for July Fourth celei bratlon. Commission or straight price. Write or phone for Geo. McKnlght, Bur lington Junction. o. i HELP WANTED M A l,E OR PKMAI.B' 3: week. Address New Restaursnt, Humphrey, Neb WANTED SITUATIONS BUNDLE washing, 0 centi i a ;. rough dry, 25 cents a oosen. WASHING and lronlr one. T.. H. MHO. LADY wants day work. Call Red. 8206. FIRST class practical nurse. Harney SiilO, BUNDLE and family wash. Guaran teed. Tel. Webster $677. " u; i mtei vP,.lllnn hv fiiHt-class laun dress Mondays and Tuesdays. , Phone Webster 1163. '""V wiKTer wmdwmI ladv with no chil dren, wants position as housekeeper, for widower with not more than two chil dren, or elderly couple. Address, 1822 6th Ave., uo. tiiuirs, j. unatTinv wntrl tnr - 15-vear-old girl ,n ..t with hmuework or take care Of children. Address Ella Johiiori General Delivery, Omaha, Neb. - .EXPERIENCED engineer and fireman wants position, as; iW', fMf- WANTED Work on ranch for summer by husky youth, of lfc Atiarest ,a, oea. CQLOKEU giri.'wsnts aay wpriu. t itriusv. inins 'and . lAwh moWmit prices reasonable; satisfaction. H.. 6874. pt timmk:!? '. first-class, i wants 'work good references furnished George-Willi j t;an, care Mrs, nan, W 8. 16tl Hi ! WANTED A place to work In private family; place to care for children; no washing or ironing, vim narney m. a nkat colored clrl would tike to go away witn lamuy ior iue : umt maid or nurse, s. 842, ues. . POSlTiOW as traveling Hurouiau v. Mveral vaars experience In both capacities. References. , B 840, nee. tir vrim a r.nHit!nn traveHnsr salesman. Prefer grocery line, but will u-i n,hr iinca linn't think because liaiiuic ui",', - - I advertise, I am a dead one. Am Just a stranger in me , cuy. y i r um. dress. O 343 Bee. w a ntkd Position as private secret tary, stenographer or bookkeeper by a young man, married; work occupying half or less of his time. Address C W Bee. ' ' - - ''' .-v: vmm.R air d ladv. . desires t nositlo a hniiHAicAAner. in rennea noma, nu uu lection to .children, school ge, highest city reference. Phone Ind. B 1924, or so dress. O 318 Bee office. ' .. wiNTF.n-A steadv lob summer and winter on a farm, by man snd wife and tn i-hlldren. Can sDeak Polish and Ger man. Willis Paris. 46 and K, South' Omaha. j ; ATTRACTIONS WAJTRn--For 4th of July celebration at Missouri Valley, Iowa, good merry-go-round, balloon, first class base ball club and other moral amusements. Write 4th of July Committee. Missouri vauey, Iowa. ' OMAHA FILM EX. " a Motion picture machine and film bargains. WISNER. NEB., CELEBRATES JUL FOURTH. WRITE OR PHONE A. J. WEST FOR CONCESSIONS FOR AMUSEMENTS. ' WANTED For our Fourth of July eel- ehrntlnii . r-nnrwaalnns. fine attractions, fine hanil halinnn man. merry-go-round; we always have tho crowds. Write 1. A. Blntcky, Onawa, la. WfiOh River Concert band open for en- gagementa at fairs, carnivals and Fourth of July; sixteen uniformed men. Address wm. Bturchcomb, Mgr., wuuu ntr, Neb. SOFT drinks. Ice rream, fandy, pea nuts and . popcorn, fruits, liooi-la and paddle wneel concessions for Red Men f carnival, June 2 to July e, 1M2, St, Maurice Katleman. 1508 Harney. Plione Dong. 3039. r- 1 : ,.r- ANNOUNCEMENTS OMAHA ART AND FRAME CO.. new location 1711 Leavenworth. 20 per cent discount on pictures and framing. U. 1004, NEBRASKA SEWING MACHINE AND REPAIR CO. Expert repairing. Better work for less money. Work guaranteed. Full line of sup plies. One doa. needles free wlih every re pair job, 1813 8t Mary's. Red 72o7, A-3931. ' DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Doug. 64.. ALL will be forgiven, Mary. If you will meet me at the Sign of the Crown and the Golden Stairs on 16th and Dougtas streets. That is where BRODEGAARD sells those lucky wedding rings. GET your diamonds at Brodegaard's. rtiMTifNTn HA HAN A CIGAR. i.! Box GO, postpaid. $2.76; try half dosen; It not satisfactory money rmunuwi. TON DRUG CO.. 1603 Farnam. O... -a. M. E. Morrill, china paint. 833 Brandels f h OMAHA TENT CO. Tel. 822 Douglas. 8tevennoii, carpenter, cont, Both 'phone. THE collection of coins In the Unitt & Docekal Drug Co. window at 17th and Farnam is for sale. D. 8. Griffith, wig mf r., 12 Frenzer WANTEI Repair work ol all klndi. M-lndt iri nw tin. Cs Ind. B-Sttli. General machine repairs; lawn mawein sharpened. Jshn Brice, 811 8. Uth, D-$j78. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ANCHOK FENCE CO., Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood; j,tfl , lifetime. 2U7 N.L'tn. 1'hon Ue.l Bath tubs $12.50. Offerman 11 10 Douglas. FOR livery, saddls boarding of roiree. call Roy Younw, Doug. 1032. MONEY i LUA.M v, , In sums to 1110 Bee Bldg. 'Phono Doug. 2m UNION LOAN CO. H. Cole Sign Co. D. $76. 1316 Farnatn. wenty per cent less than Omaha price. HOMB FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L Sts., South Oma-a. Upholstering, piano, turn. rep. 2.04 Far. W eddlng announcements. lHiuy. I'tg. VL Guarantee Laundry. Fine work. D. 137$. FOURTH OK Jll. c ftlHl.ratt'Jii w!H be given by the Bennington Plattdeutcher Vcreln at the UnmKion pari.. For concessions vlte to V. 11. Ul.sciimer, Bennington, Neb. ' Neb. Seed Co.. 1201 Jones. Both 'phones. Omaha BUI Posting Co., 1915 Har. 1X 2034, BVh' H I 'V hi Cleaning and Dyo Works Ws call and deliver. Moth phones. Soreens Weirlch Fixture Co.. Web. 25:7. HIBBELER 'S PARK, White people only. For information call Harney 2421 ' GRANDMA'S Wild Cherry Phosphatu, cheaper, than lemonade; all grocers. L'All VC! Eastman Goods, complete iwumw; .t0CK Largest finishing department In the west. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER TO,, 1813 Farnam St., and 308 S. 16th St. Expert piano tuning, repairing, refinli-h. Ing. Sohmoller A Mueller, D. 1623; A-lt2&. EAT KOrtHER HOME COOKING. ARKINS. 31 8. 1STH, UPSTAIRS. NOHT1IRUP LETTER DUPLICATING Co., 506 Psxton Blk.; circular letters, any quantity; oldest established company, cv perts of Multtgraph snd Nenatyle. BEAUTIFUL GROVES, V GOOD FISHING if v-nn want to damn out this summer, see F. l. Anaerson, or pnone wm, wj. - . ... . .AIM Western Millinery School '' ' "' Kn.K&.m PAXTON BLK. nv and nlsht classes start July 1. Join now and be prepared tor lau iraae. AUTtlMOUILES AMEIilCAN Aut.,mobMelrePaiHn: Patents developed. 110 S. Uth. D, 4681. t "V a fv . j T.REPAIRING, Murphy Did It Your TIRE EXPENSES cut In two. Expert tire repairing; work guaranteed. AUTO TIRE REPAIR CO.. 1822 Farnam. INTERNATIONAL delivery auto., fins ntnel too. In good rennlr. price risht. Phcne Doug. 5320, Frank H. Gibson, 2111 cass. TIRE REPAIRING J;t tires. Wt make them almost as good ss new. Nothing but highest priced and new materials usea. - ah work guaranteed. Arthur Stors Auto Supply Co., 2020 Far nam.- , .ii OMAHA TIRE REPAIR CO, Omaha's Exolusive Ttrs Repair House, kui rarnam. - rnone lyier UaZ. -Albert EBihler utomobil Repairiiig, aaau r arnam oireei. j ; phpn D0uflai 839. -: - - - -'- - ' DRUMMOND I White Steam ears, laU models, fins condition. $600 and $660. - Auto lamp repaired. Omaha Sliver Co. Beaconi Moved 2318 Harney St Tvler I486. Bi6,0nto;:v:yff 250 1(Th. P. STANLEY steamer. In good cohdltidn, 2 or 4 passenger. Phone D. 6320,. Frank H. Gibson, 2112 Cass St. - SECOND HAND AUTOMOBILES TWO high grade Firestone Columbus touring cars; new models, new cars. Reg ular price $2,500.00, close out $1,600.00 each. Biggest auto bargain in Omaha. No trade considered. Haclne "Sattley . Com pany of Nebraska, 10th St. Viaduct. FOR HALE-Cheap. B'rankiln 5-pasBen-ger -touring car. Pnone Douglas. 2600 or .in, j w lu. REBUILT STODDARD DAYTONS '. ; 7 ' L. 7-passenger..,.$ '700 M F. 7-passenger.'.., 1,200 - , . 8 F. Limousine 2.100 OA. t-passenger 000 SEVERAL OTHER MAKES OF CARS AT REDUCED PRICES. J. J. DER1GHT COMPANY, 1818 Farnam Ht. Omaha, Neb. CARTKIt car roadster, only run 3,300 mnes, iu.00. t'ordi"T" touring car, good condition, $125.00. ... Hupmoblle roadster, good condition, $400.00. . . . W. N. H ELLEN MOTOR CAR CO., 2416 Farnam St. FOUR b-passe.nger automobiles for sale cheap. Rushing imos., HOiilh Omaha, WELCH SEVEN-PASSENGER CAR, SLiUHTLY USED FOR .DEMONSTRA 'I ION, WILL ACCEl'T OLD t'AR IN TRADE. UH MAKE VERY ; ATTRACT IVE CASH PRICE. i .xEA4it.-Li.icrv AUTO '-COMPANY, .Via fAHNAM 81. Peraisteut Advertising Is the Road it Bijj Rot urns. : ' " ' '" BUSINESS CHANCES TO get in or out of business call on GANG-TaD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. Mil. To quickly buy or sell business, any kind, a'ywh're. Kennebec Co., o42 Bee Bl g, Om. .u Hotnery. Lutine and Real Estate Exclian.e co. uuom ulj. AicCague Bids. GAijULlNU turbine, well adapted motor for automobiles, motor boats, aeroplanes, aiso automatically balancing Monomane mechanical engineer aesires manufactur ing capital, sell patents royalt.e. ur.epe, 70, Prospect Avenue, New tors. , rO.M Building and Loan. Associatioiu we hear are . . -i , . TLRNING MONEY AWAY because they cannot place It with profit to tneir stocxnoiaers. We have a uozen or, so of gilt-edged first on Nebraska Irrlguted tarms, bearing 0 per cent interest; the security being at leapt twice thu amount ot the loan, which we offer at face and accrued interest. . " These we can conscientlonsly recohi. mend to the man or woman with $2,000 ot $5,000 in Invest. To those with a smaller sum we advlao Investigation of our SAVINGS BONDS, . SECURED BY FIRST MORTGAGES, BEARING 6 PER CENT INTEREST and Issued In $100 amounts or multiples. Call or write ..' , PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., ' 15th and Farnam Sts.. omana, -'Neb. SYNDICATE -erecting luxurious 600- roorrt hotel middle western city, will con slder leasing sam to responsible party lor long term. J.. 'Olson, 607 6thAve., New yors. , TO LEASE The.r snd equipment for aale; great opportunity for-responsible .i i in i that, understands vaudeville. Popu lation ls.wv. uniy email smoqni ot casn I required. Address, Box 71, Ashland, Ky.'j MISS PETERS piano teacher.. Web. 1004, BUSINESS CHANCES STOCK and Bond House of reputation, with the best of connections, that can furnish references of cdrporatlons where Issues of stocks and bonds have been sold during the last five years, will consider the sale of an Issue of stocks and bonds In corporation of merit. New projects or ganized and securities sold. Horace H. Hastings & Company, Rockefeller Bldg, Clevclund. O. OFFICE business dealing with bwt firms In Omaha. Close to $3,000 a year Income. Will consider, good property lu exchange. - F 336, Bee 7 We nave for sale choice mortgages on Improved Nebraska farms bearing 7 per cent., ranging in amounts from $350 to $5,000. None of these mortgages exceed 30 per cent of the market value of the farn-.s. Call on us for further par ticulars. v , -, KLOKE INVESTMENT CO.. ' 801 Omaha Nat. Bk. Buldg., Omaha, Neb PATENTS THAT PROTECT ANT) PAY. Books, Advices, Search snd iTPTTTi?. List of . Inventions Wanted vlJi- i'end sketch or model for search. Highest references. Best results. Promptness as sured. - , . .. . Watson E. Coleman, Pat. Law 'r 622 F 8t.. N. W. . Washington. D. C. BUTCHER'S ice box and patent oil tank for sale. See Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., '2th and Howard. Douglas 2724. 3 GOOD bakeries, good locations. Fins business. 215 N. 26th St. FOR SALE Building, crooery Stock and three lots, $1,800. Address Mrs. T, J. urowne, wayside. Neb. FOR SALE $16,000 stuck nf rWn nwr. chandise and new fixtures, In town of 1.200 In western Iowa: good business and good location. Address Y 60, Bee. FOR SALE The only restaurant . In town of 800. Write or call on Owen Brad ley, uesnier. Neb. FOR SALE-Mllllnery store on pay ments or will trade.. In Iowa town. Ad dress, Y 53, Bee. , .. FOR SALE Grocery and butcher ahnn. good reason for selling; reasonable price. rnone iyier . .. ... UP-TO-DATE confectionery for 12.200. In good Nebraska town; reason for sell ing. Y 57. Bee. FOR SALE A live $4,500 stock of hard. ware and farming Implements In the most tnriving town in eastern Colorado; will trade for good land or cash. For partlcu-, lars address Y 30. cars Bee. - t BRANDON. Manitoba. Woitarn 'anuria S 15,000 city now. arowlna fast, will quickly reach 50,000; live center of rtuh prospering area; Brandon hat openings In all lines of business: fine Investment opportunities; ambitious men can do well in Brandon; convincing Information sup plied oy tiranaon. commercial . Bureau. Write today. TEN THOUSAND PRACTICE. To sell, a one-half interest in a TEN THOUSAND dollar yearly cash business. in a town or a thoroughly equipped and up-to-date office, and all modern equipments. The man must be up-to-date and from 40 to 60 years of age and able to take charge of the business. Ad dress Lock Box m), Shenandoah, Iowa. I HAVE $100.i00 which 1 desire to Invest in a sound, profitable business capable of expansion and promising substantial re turns, x &, wee. i A SNAP. $30,000 STOCK GENERAL MERCHAN DISE, STRICTLY F1R9T-CLAB. WITH E8TABLI8HKD MONEY MAKING BUSINESS WESTERN IOWA, 66 CT8. FOR A WUICK DEAL.- Y 69, OMAHA BF.K. ' ' . -;" ' -' THE only leading merchant tailoring establishment in a good lows town; railroads; 1,600 tnhabitants; spienaio mo tion: catering to 4h best trifln or wn; good olaanlug fVtfy WHte. for a-bft.n if can sell y, .Address Y 64. Be. Ul 1UW trade, quickly, FOR' SAL)-$9,00 ttvn. mde stock; clan staple; also building," eastern Neb. town; at 80c; -no trades., Address Y 63,. Bee.' ' "- - . s . FURNITURE and lease of 35-room ho tel in good county seat town. Price $1,400, UAJsGSTAD. Room 404 Bee Bldg. BARBER shops for sale; $300, $460, $550--and others. . .'. . GANUdi'AD, 'Room 404 Be Bldg. FINELY equipped picture show. Wilt take Omaha cottage or garage stock up to $2,000; balance cash. Pries $3,400. Ad dress F 351.-Bee. . LouuWUif Mouse lor Sale. ONR nf the laraest ' bargains ever of fered; 20-room house, good money maker.. must DS sola at once regaraiean ui iJiiuti, make offer quick. Tel. Tyler 1545. fi.nvpA'.nnnM. nlnelv furnished, mod ern rooming house, best locality; snap If taken- immediately. 1915 Chicago. D-ROOM flat, partly furnished, for sala reasonable. ,616 N. 22d. BUSINESS PERSONALS . - Attorneys. O. W. Ehlelds. Attorney. $27 B. of Trade.' v Bag . Maaaf aotarers. , BEMIS OMAHA BAG- CO., Omaha. Neb. Chlropodlate. DR. ROY. 1505 Farnam. Douglas 649T. . Clothlas JUaaufactarers. Wear Ideal dress shirts. M. E. Smith Co. C.ralce and steel Celltngs. CARTER Sheet Metal Works. - Omaha. Creameries, Dairies and supplies. Fairmont's Diadem butter. Always good. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. . Detectives. L. W. LONGNECKER, 617 Karbach Blk.' Omaha Secret Ssrv. 42$ Paxton blk. D. 1319. JAMES ALLAN 81$ Neville Blk. Evi dence secured In all cases. Tyler. 1136. . .v - - . Draftlas. ,:: Jacobl ft . Wilson, 731 Bran.The. D. 2047. Dreeemaklug. Dressmaking by the day. Webster 6435. DRESSMAKING. Tel. Harney 8999. Mrs. Hodgen, 1202 N. 27th. Phone S. 2065. SPECIALTY One-piece dresses and chil dren's clothing. 839 S. 24th. Red 6347. Terry's Dressmaking college, 20th & Far. DeatUts. Bailey, the dentist. City Nat'l. D. 2366. Mach & Mach, 3d floor Paxton. D. 1085. Taft's dental rooms. 1517 Doug. D. 21S&. Everythlac for Women. Dr. Babcock Co., 202 Wltnnell. 15 & Har. Curtains laundered. Mrs. Carmody. H 4529 Everything Electrical., Electric lighting fix., wholesale and retail. Burgese-Granden Co., 1511 Howard. D. 681. ETECTRICFANS StanS ARD ELEC. CO.. 317 S. 13th. D. S9SL ; Feed Mills and Stores. Feed, all kinds. Glencoe Mills. 2332 Izard. Florists, -v. A: Donaghue, 1607 Far. D. 1001: A-1001. HESS & 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. L HENDERSON. 1619 Farnam. D. lSt BATH'S FLORISTS, B yd Theater Bid. 5' ',.' -;...... KiSaadrles, ; McDonald brass and bronze foundry, alu minum, tin. lead castings. 1407 Jackson. - j , Maslc, . Art and t-Huifoatfea. 15 if A " - :