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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 23, 1912)
3 . . . THE OMAHA SUNDAr BEE: JUNE 23, 1912. C', A' BUSINESS PEKS N'Lh Mae-ma, Furn. Mooiror: 'sjiifcn. .MPv ' : w- j GORDON riiep'-w it-i-tit u.. - Loans ncgotlaud on real estate. furM Co. Moving tUi i.ifr-.-. ........ , tuie, planus, sa.a.lts, etc. Very low storage. Cry oUiv,.J o. ,; late8 ana- eonf.dentlal. We will appre- H or ind. A-U.14. - j. i 44 j ytf Call. McLaud & boa an 'c ol. "J nor vm. ii j BiGCCST, BEST AND CHEAPEST, men, $U5 hr. f hor. u nr. W. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. , . , r- paMun Block. S17 S. Wth St. MiwM . -" t Te.epr.onr. Doug. 1411 or Ind. A-UU. STEWART'? SEKDMEN. !!" N. I6H " 1 Upiteia... B. P. Wurn. fitting and rep fi. 443 Biandei. ; Osteoputay.' . Alio Johnson. 308-9 Urandf Is The. Bldg. Katherya Nickoiaa, oM-a ruutioh tu. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. PATENTS secured or money ivlunued. .Send sketch for Irte repott a to patent abliity. .Guide book iti.d what 10 u.iu wnn not oi v.-iiwi iie.-. vi,u, 000 offered for inventions. Patents aaver- Used tree In orias rYogres. "smpes free, victor J. fcvarj oc Co., Washington, V. C. - . H. A. STURGia registered attorney. United State and foteikn patents. G4 Brandela Theater iiMg. fhone U. 84t9. Wtllard Eddy, lido city Nat I k. Bidg. ,- faolograpaer. Rinehart. photog-rapher.- 18th & Fa mam. OMAHA SILVER CO.," 314 8. lath. Lew W.Eaber, Printer, 0UghiJi5 yrijj BUX3. BNJRANCE ON COUK1. I -Wa-Hail Ptg Co.. ltl a. I4ti. led. A-fcU. Lyrifttad Printing Co., 16th and Capitol Ave. Tat. 1ml. A-HM tor gooa printing. . .... .. Mfrlsrstra. ICELES9 refrigerating aysumi for butcher, dairies, produce hounea, cafea, etc. Better and cheaper than lea. Free catalogue. II. A. Rorn Company, Dept. r. Chicago." ' - teei 'mmh: mm. Culvert Cnrat. NEBRASKA find Iowa Steel Tank Com. pany, ln and Nicholas. Doug. Mtenocrapher and Coart Reporter. Myrtle A. Kel'.er; V. Bran. The. P. SSSl Teat a ad Afvalaca OMAHA TENT CoT" Tel. Dougla tel r Traak and Matt Ca. Fraling Stetnle, 1SG3 Famam flt Wince and l.lqaor. WiLlOW Bprlngn beer, liquor, cigar a, aandwiohe. Alex Jetea, SOl-a t). Utn St. IflROINIA DARK win. nc a large bot ht. Klein Liquor Houae, m N. Wth St. , EDUCATIONAL B0YLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ALL THE YEAK Complete course la Bunines. Boole keeping. Stenography, Telegraphy. Civil eervloa or taleatnanhtp. The catalogue is Ire for the a king. Call. wrR or phone for it at once Addresg u. R iioyle, Preaident, , Boylea College, Omaha. Kebraaka. - The number of new atudent that n tered the Moeher-Larapmam College thta wek remind one of the beginning of a new term, and others, have arranged to bacin next week. - This is thn school tout draws tha sum mer trade on account of our cool, breesy rooms and snappy pracUcal courses of study. You ought to nter tomorrow. How would you like to double your sped tn figuring? Writ for our SHORT CUTS IN LIGHTNING CALCULATION. W will bo gvad t-end them free by jref-'-n hiailj but yo: wuet be sure to ..uan in paper tn wmcn you saw our . 1 ' . AHA ,k.l 1 L I a L A . . A.l. - .1 I peruse aem. ?, that auarantftea Viiir cot oosition uixin I graduation. '. -nir- l . - c - - I Mosher'&'tampriian v 1818 rarnam; fit., Omaha. LIVE STOCK FOR CALE lior and veali-le. Buggies, surrtes and rana bouts at less than wholesale price, to close out. JOHNSON-DANFORTH CO., 10th and Jonosats. GOOD TEAM, road bred, weight about 1,U pounds, sound. For particulars call Webster 82l. RKEfjR'H urn' Horse and farm wagon bones to let by the day. 2i3l Sherman Ave. Phon Webster 1138. ' v ' FINE standard bred mar and colt. Mara took record 1:16ft; fin driver. Will el) or trade. FVna Webster !58. FOR DALE d horses, on nic driver any lady cati drive, one I year old, both weil broke, weight 1.100 pounds, good brand new, double harness. bherman Ave. Webster 14U2. Snaps in Buggies I delivery tgons and evral cUoi t j buggy and carriage bargains. - DKUJYliVLUJNlJ " : "lit it and Harney 'jiu.-'' ' ' ALFALFA hay. U ton. Wagnr, sM N IS. FuR eALE, cheap, surrey, Ktanhope and top buggy; twu U slnKle harness; ail good one. O. A. Bcott, lsl Binney. lOSt ANl FOL'XU , PLRgONo having lost some artlcls would do well to call up the ofilce of ut Omaha 4k Council Riuifa btieet Railway company to ascertain whether they, left it In tit street car, i . - . Many articles' each day are turned in and the company ut anxious to restore them to tha rightful owner. Call Doug las 4L OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOST Gentleman's bill book, contain ing several billa Return to Be of floe; reward. MEDICAL Dr. Babcock, specialist; both Macs; Jui WiihneU Bids.. Lth snd Harney tit. Women's ailm'u. Dr. burke, Doug. blk. DR. RACE KpetlaUit, nervous and all chronic disease. t2A Harney. Doug. Piles, Fistula Cured Dr. E. R. Tarry cures Piles, Fistula and other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book eu 1 ecuf diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R.. TARRY. Bee Bidg.. Omaha, , SOY JOY HONG HERB CO., Celebrated Chinese herb medicine, cures rheumatism, kidney trouble,- heart trouble, female trouble, dropsy; tegulatea deformations caused from sickness or in flammation; all immediate relief and an eventual cure for all chronle disease. Call or writs 202 North 19th street. Ladle' guaranteed remedies, ail Ware b'lk. MOSEY TO LOAN Saiarr mad CkatteU. DIAMOND LOANS at 2U and I per cent FLATAU. 161 Dodge St Tel. Red j JNEY at 6 per cent and per cent Interest per annum loaned on personal "- to respectable poop!, professional i i business men. farmers, mechanics, i t; no special cuity required: strictly ...'."intial. C; h. burroughs, 123 E. lit It i ., New York '-. ? !oaisi . -ied peopla, women - bouse s i cli'B, without se ; easy psve Orflces in 57 prln--i ftie. Tounan. (C Omaha Natl . i formerly N. Y, Lit Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN tun liiaitela. NOTICE I 'IT-I. lOANS. S lo $1W. SALARY L-AN. You can avf it tooay of An LOAN CO.. 601 Paxton Block. M on furniture, pianos and lt'lPV esl eatat'i at a very' low lw,lw late of Interest. Nebraska Loan Company I'mic I3" ; J Bee Bid. A-ir,S. .. You i Money . WILL BRING YOC A GOOD I.N'COilE If you loan It through W. FAfl.VAM SMITH & C0 No. i:a Famara St., On IMPROVED OMAHA PROPERTY. KATi.3 RIGHT. SECURITY THE RteT. OFFERED tVli HEM . Uurl mil ttvuui. O. M. E. hauls truoK. D. (ill. A-IS1L LfctiiKABLi; place, large porch, cool rooms, exueiieni bouto, M a. ' w.r. m, IhuiiH LuUKias Jli. RtEDH URaT, lu N. oth; coiBuriauie r'vtms, table Oourn If desired. U. -iibu. Muou. rt.N room , wltb boaru, ziwo-I oi. Mary a Ave. 417 N. 25TH ST. Beautiful, large, cool front room, nuiiable tor two retlnvd pcii sons; hot and cold water; very best tabie board; also nice single room; waiKing distance of business illHtr.ct; two car lines within half a block. LARGE south room, lavatory, hot and cold water, with board; reference. IU eV. 25th Ave- FRONT room with or without board; modern. Telephones. 2407 Harney. MODERN rooms, with board, 2UW&-7 St. Mary's Ave. - 2di2 Dewey Ave, Walking distance, nicety lurnlsned room in strictly moaern home, reasonable. Tel. Doug, mfiH. 411 H. 2tkh. upper flat with board and room for lor young men with ua of piano. Tel. Red 13. THE MADISON HOTEL. Tha most ideal Place in the city for per manent and transient, guests during the summer season. All outside rooms, with fine ventilation and every convenience; first class table board; rates reasonable; wanting distance. Zlat and Chicago. ROOM and board for gentlemen. S0 Dewey Ave. Dougla im. - ti'arauaad Uawaia. NICELY furnished rooms In new mod ern fiat, los tn. 221 Farnam. RATIO suessenger service and imuuaUJJ ,(Bht hauimaj prompt service; reasonable rate. Auto Del. Me. Co., 1715 Dougia lit. Tels. D. mi; A-HM, iSlO CASti , flT.-CooL clean- rooms; walking dtstanc. NICELY furnlshra, cool, front room; gentlemen only. 102 North 18th street NICELY furnished south room In pri vate residence; reference. lWU Capitol. COOL, southoast room; modern, 116 N. 20th. DODGE fit.. 116; elegantly furnished rooms; modern.' 2-room suites furnished runidng water, very desirable, rates low for summer months, located ciose to 18th and tar- ram. Cy Smith, 1812 Famam, lo&tf Park Ave., furnished room for gentlemen, modurn house on' ear Una, 17.60 per month. Harney s $991-' ; ; ' THREE nicely furnished rooms, nice lawn, M,veiid porco,. U4 rratt, wao- ster 8118. ' . . 2&i0 'CAPITOL- Ave.: nicely furnished slngie room,': v.Oti; .also room lor two gentlemen, FURN llliEb room: - modern, with board. tt N. Central Blvd. Tyler 12X. 3w N. Ul BT. Modern rooms. Douglas ; ,. ... ., ... . , , ,i , , . m. r , , ;S , rpwr "f WO furnished rooms, including a large fiiiflt room, bii s. lvtn, for light house keeping room. Ult FARNAM tft. Two well . furnished rooms, single or. in suit! modern. Har, 67t2. ' ' , , '. .. , Karalaked Apartment. BIX-ROOM furnished apartment: July 7 to September 1 ; references, Apply Apu Th ciannaa - ; - ' Furnished iloasekooplnsi Mounts. THE MANUEL Two room apartment, $21. Tii Howard, t-rooni, private bath, W. list and Howard. t NICE rooms, housekeeping. Uth. , HU MODERN housekeeping : rooms. Good location. 2U Chicago, FURNISHED housekeeping room, also front sleeping room,, 12 N. lth. - TWO large unfurnished, light house keeping room. $.W. ml No. 2itn Ave. 616 NO. HDD. $12-4 housekeeping rooms; prlvat aritt batn; summer porcn; strictly modern. ' PRETTY it largo room home, furnished; pantry, clothes closet, electric lights, porch with awning, lawn, shade. , im 8. iuth St. Leavenworth ear lino. Hotel and . apartment. , Dewey European hotel, 18th and OXFORD and Arcade, special wkly raio. DODGE HOTEL, ait reyuiretueuts of a first-class hotel, at reasonable prices. . Apartaivats and Flat. 4-ROOM apartment, new, modern brick; Steam heat; short walking distance; gas stove, refrigerator, oupboard, wardroos; Minds; laundry; fin Janitor servieo. Douglas uWM. FLATS. ' . 41S, 8. 19th, 4-r.. very close In $8. ' Ulov N. 17th St.. $-r partly modern. close in, $. s,S Hamilton, 4-r., partly moaern. . S: N. :4th. 6-r.. motUrn except heat. bargain at lit. , , IM N. 43d St., a brand new 4-room flat. modern tu every respect except beat, till. 2041 Howard, a 4-r., strictly modern SL Louis apartment, $27.60. 623 d. 2btn Ave., iu-r., an modern. close In, $30. 11 H. Atu a g-r.. strictly modern Bt. Louis apartment, within walking dis tance and In a cholc residence district, hot water heat, bargain at 40. 613 S. 18th Kt.. s-r.. strictly modern St. Louis flat, only three blocks from busi ness center, $36. 824 N. 26th. a ft-room, strictly modern St. Louis flat, close in, reduced to only $32.50. 8126 - Pacific St., a beautiful 5-room strictly modern St. Louis apartment. In Field club district, finished throughout tn quarter sawea oan; Jiving room very large, with open brick fireplace: finest apartment in the city for the money. t'rioe iw. U Vft S. 19th St.. a new-6-room. strictly modern St. Louis apartment, very close In, reduced to $3. PAYNE A SLATER COMPANT. Omaha Nat. Bank Budg. .- 4-ROOM modern apartment Web, 6875. S-ROOM murium ' flat S)Kpa Dili iUVs N. 34th St., S. Omsha. Hall, 433 THREE-ROOM apartment, $25, Janitor service, steam liett and modern. CorntKb apartments, 8. W. corner 10th and Wil liam Sin. Very desirable location.. W. FARNAM SMITH t CO.. -No. 1320 Farnam St. o--'. STRICTLY modern 6-rjtn apartment In Davldge Bldg, Uth and Famam, $36. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. GEORGIA APARTMENT Five-room apartment; janitor service, steam heat, tiled bath, laundry in base ment; a beautiful location. $40, PETERS TRUST COMPANY , ' ": -'' '. 1H Famam 8t. - - ' : ' 10-ROOM modern apartment, In very good shape, rent reasonable, over drug store. 24th and Hamilton. - ' 14-room modern flat, 614 South 13th. ' THOS. W. HAZEN. i $07 MoCagus. , Douglas 1300, OFFERED FOR KENT : Apartment and Flat. - APARTMENTS $30.00220 South 29th Ave., 4-room flat, modern; very good. First Class Apartment' Bldg. Close in $37.50 '4-room apartments, thor ouehlv modern, new. first- class in every respect. Can be seen any time by calling at cur office. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY 913 City National Bank Bldg. Tela.: Doug. 49; Ind. A-2049. 6TR1CTLT high grade G-rouin apart mnt on West F'arnam Pt. Very choice. JOHN VV. ROBBING, l&i FARNAM 6T. FIVE-ROOM modern house, close in, $25. ' J. II. DUMONT & SON. Phone Douglas m. 1603 Farnam fit A-l 5-room flat no equal bib N. ffld St. . tafaralahed Kuoiue. FIVE nice, modern rooms, ner.r car; good neighborhood; adults. 704 Bouth 39th street. KarnUbrd ilouae. 7-ROOM houfe, nicely furnished with piano, walking distance. D. UT1. NEW. modern, well furnished house, fine location, rent reasonable; - adultt -. - . . i... .! .... . ' . 1 1 L. .. . C4.1 . vmy , rinRncy ci. nrunirr van; 9 7-ROOM modern brick, furnished, 3112 Cass. Harney 4690. FOR July and August, second floor, east, New Hamilton; large living room, two bedrooms and baths. Reference re quired. Apply A. H. Williamson, Amer ican Radiator Co. FOR RENT, FURNISHED. 8-room modern house, fronting on park. near car line In Bellevue; snap for thu summer, write Mrs. S. M. Chapman, Beiievue. rneo.. or pnone Beiievue 50. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, well fur. nished, for year or more. 1026 S. 31st. Houses ana Cottage. $9.00-2 large room apartment, part mod em, 1910 Elm St Key next door. 2532 Capitol Ave., All modern, nine room house, walking distance, close to car line on paved street. Shade and lawn, good neighborhood, neat high school. House just been papered and In good repair. $40 per month. F. H. Tunic y, owner. Inquire at 2530 Capi tol Ave. Phono Doug. 6227. 4-ROOM house, S. Uth St. Tei. Dougia 1918. MAGGARD VAN AND STORAGE CO., pack, move, .store and ship H. H. good and pianos: no charge for return drive to offle. Doug. 1406 or B-2128. Ihlo HALL AVE., $36.00. 7 rooms, moa ern. Vacant July L Tbos. F. Hall. 431 Ramg. Both 'phones. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. New S-room modern hous complete. July L 926 S. 86th St. Telephone H. 2991. $6 per mo. 2 to 4 rooms, Tel. D. 2707. $15-7-room house, 102 N. 27th. 2704 Sew ard.. $16. Tel. Doug. 6476. . . RENTAL BARGAINS. $26.00 6-room all modern St. Louis flat, 1512 N. 20th St.; vacant July 1,1912. $20.00 -room modern cottage, 2012 N. 27th St $13.00 -rm. mod. Tat, $21 N. 21st St. $l0.00-6-room flat, 2208 N. 21st St HARRY WOLF, 432 Brandels Bldg. Doug. $068; A-3671. I-ROOM modern house, new range with water connection; water paid; $20. 1407 So. 16th. ...... 8215 N. toth, 1-T., mod. ex. heat, $a 408 N. toth, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $20. 1)120 Sprague, E-r., all mod. bungalow, $25, 410S N. 17th, 7-r., new, all mod., oak fin ish. $27.60. 2216 Leavenworth, S-r., all mod. flat $25. U07 8. 221 -r., mod, ex. beat, $20. 22 N. .Jitth, -r., all mod., $30. , -2421 Maple, f-r., all modern, $27.50. -2918 Msson St., 18-r., all mod. brick, $40. 1107V4 S. 2?d, 4-r., city water, sewer' and ga.-$l0Ji. ; ,... .j ' BIRKBTT A TEBBENS,". 428 Bee Bldg. Doug. 4764: A-1754. $8.00-lJirN.TJ2d St.; nsw brlofcrrflat. i rms. -f. $14.00-1416 N. 2d St,, nsw brick flat,. 4 rms. . $86.00641 Park Avenue;'! rms.; win re pair and decorate for tenant. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY, Tyler 1536. 210 8. 17th Street. TWO 1 room houae - modern except furnace, 878s and 8732 Parker. Best rent In Omaha. We pay water. 828.00 for corner, $31.00 for ether. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO., Phone, R4 661 Sunday, Webster 6621. SIX-ROOM flat, third floor. 909 N. 24th St - Six-room flat second floor. 937 N. 24th St Eight-room house at 1559 N. 17th St. Eight-room house at 1568 N. 17th St. ; O. C, REDICK, ATTORNEY, , 1517 Farnam 8t. $414 Cass, I rooms, $7. tm Charles, 6 rooms, barn, $12. 19U Isard, 5 rooms, $17. Dundee, 6004 Underwood Ave. $27.50. Flat. 8238 a 16th. tin a. aist. 10 rooms. JOHN N FREN&ER, BOTH' PHONES. 6-ROOM modern house, nearly new, 2710 Decatur St- 123, - rhone Harney 6432. Key next door. 1-ROOM cottage, all modern, close In. $26 month, sis N. tsth. 6-room modern flat, 1934 8. 10th, $16 month. L. HARRIS REAL ESTATE CO., 678 Brandels Bldg 3607 DEWEY AVE., strictly modern. seven room brick flat hot water heat; combination lights, excellent neighbor hood: vacant July i. $40. W. W. Mitchell. owner, 411 Bee Bldg. Red 1332. $5 per mo. 1 to 4 rooms. Tel. D. 2707. 6-ROOM house, modern. 8402 8. 16th. FOR RENT 6-room cottage, modern but furnace. $16.50 per mo. 1015 N. 29th St Tel. Harney iai. Xflt t O L KIT 7Pfrim minfo .ia. A . AhiM' ew wvi m UVWN hot water, heat. log In fireplace, KkM naiulu AimAMUttoH. At 9191 1 4 Lcai iit iici atr- v aswuvg rent $35. Ed. McEachron Realty Co.. sum ana i.sse om.' NEW & and 6-room modern cottaees. bealtitul and shade. Phone Web ster 1122. FOR RENT Strictly i modern 6-room house. $26 per munth at 2612 Corby St. Call Webster 1907, iaiDTiWl V jtj4srn nsmr iljs..AM tage to desirable tenant Phone Webstsr aU nr Wobstar 8009. 673 8. 28th St S mini rnmnlftalv modern: t&.UL 433 Ramge. D. 7406; A-440S. NEW 6 and (t-room modern cottage; beautiful lawn aud shade. 2124 Miami St. Vhone Web. 1122. . XXOUSeS cr(,)gh Sons Co., Bee Bldg. 4323 PATRICK Ave.. 6 rooms, recep tion hall and bath. Strictly modern in every particular, $iS.00. Bemls-Carlberg, Jio-Jij Brandels xneaier. NINE snd six-room houses, modern. Harney 647. 181i Cs-es St., $ rooms, part modern..$14.00 t a" ti c ICtk C. A Huiiiti mulAn 14 t. ..IV VJ. .u.ll w, V ...... , u.W. 1544 N. Wth St., rooms, modern.. 17.50 1321 S. 3Sth St., (-room, alt modern.. 23.00 dicd nnn. iis Mrt-miiia nMir 5o3 So. 28th, 6 rooms, modern, $& in KO.' Kd, j rooms, moaern. 3o. 2.27 Hamilton, f rooms. $15. Others. RINOWALT, Brandels Thea. B4dg 1 OR 8-R. all modern, on nice corner, choice neighborhood not a rental dis trict; walking distance, $30.00. Fsrnam and Leavenworth car lines. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., 101 8. 16th (Cor. Dodge) .Street Floor. Insurance, Rentals, Loans, Abstract. i uivuri 11 nou, electric light and hot water heating plant; Instantaneous heater for summer use in bath room, house newly papered and all rooms in good condition; 6-foot south front lot with fine laws and Urge maple shade trees; only minutes walk from P. O.; will make. the rem ngut to a respon sible and permanent tenant. Call at 3l South tth St. or Tl Doug. Inn .U awl Harney 3440. MODERN, cottage f rant Oil Chi cago. Tyler U4 . OFFERED FOR REST Houae and tte. 1407 N. 40th. -r.. partly mod., Jl. 1618 Clark5Tr.rpartly mod., close In 1 ir. v w. r . ..ttafff. moaern in v.;v r:.' ' " .in, heat, reduced to only m. 3014 Amp A 5-r., moucni modern except heat, newly, lecorated thro"B ot 2M Davenport, i-r- modern except heat, very, close In, W- , vrv 19 Iouelfl- t.r osrtly modern, ery i7U Kpraii, St., a strictly modern ana up-to-date. 6-room cottage, beautifully decorated, $25.. . 481J Capitol Ave., an 8-r.. tnctly mod ern detached house In very cholc res" ldnce district, $27.50. mt 1325 S. 34th, -r.. all modern, bargain at $30. 1002 S. SOth, 10-r.. strictly modern, in first class condition, $3-5. , n 120 fel 35th Hi,, an S r.. strictly modern brick dwelling in West Karnam district, ;5. - - . . r swh ...;u- modern, cnoice location, reduced to only , . 108 Spruco St., a 7-r.. strictly modern uciauneu nouse in a fntn:c trict. $05. . . , . ' We have others. Get our eomruete printed list before renting " PAYNE & 8LATEB COMPAN Y. vinvmina ;ai. i-p ft 2822 Davenport, 3 rooms, close In, $10.00. 1042 S. 23d, 8 rooms, ciose in, $S.0u. 649 8. 25th Ave., 4 rooms, close in, $11.00. 547 S. 26th Ave., 7 rooms, mod. ex. heat, $18.00. 1530 S. 29th -Ave. 7 rooms, all modern (new), $35.00. - 2035 Muple. 7 rooms, all modern (ready about July 1), $35.00. 122 S. S6th St., 8 roome, all modern (new flat). $50.00. - ' 604 N. 20th, 8 rooms, all modem, $47.60. 2S23 N. 16th. 8 rooms, mod. ex. heat, $22.50. THE BYRON REED. COMPANY, Phones Doug. 297-A-3S34. 212 S. Uth St 1217 bo. Wtii. 6-room flat for coloreu1 family. $15. , " . RING WALT. Brandels Thea. Bldg " $15 23d and Burt Sts., 4 large rooms, mod. ex. heat; 1st floor. $l.5a-H812 Parker St., 8 rooms; good con dition: nice little place. $18-2821 Seward St., 5 rooms, mod. ex. heat. $20-2227 Miami St., 6 rooms, mod. ex. heat. 82.50-2418 Maple St.. 6-room, modern, nice place. $22.50-2210 8. 15th St., 7 rooms moa., frame flat; good. ' $27.60-4230 Harney St., 8 rooms, mod.., hot water heat; bam; nice yard. $40.-4008 Harney St.. 9 r., mod.; good condition; excellent location. $50-2554 Harney St., 8-r., mod. brick; good condition. $863504 Harney St., 10-r., mod. oak floors; good. D. V. SHOLES COMPANY, 91$ City National Bank Bldg. Tel. Doug. 49; Ind. A-2049. $20.00-r 1510 Madison Ave., modern except heat $22.50-8-r., and both, 1712 Burt St., mod-. em apartment. $27.60--r. flat 1616 Howard Bt. modern except heat $2.o-6-r., 3415 Dewey Ave., moaern. , $35.00-7-r 1426 Emmet St., modern.' $37.60-7-r.. flat 617 S. 16th, modern ex cept heat, fine repair. 46.t--r., 316 Park Ave., moaern. $47.50-7-r. flat, 616 8. 16th, modern. $56.00-7-r.r flat, 624 8. 16th St. modern. GEORGE ft COMPANY, Phone Douglas 768 or A-I766. ' $02-12 City Nafl Bank Bldg. . - Good brick rooming house, 1106-07 N. Wth; 14 rooms, $60; 28 rooms, $100. - s 8-room modern house with large aleep ing porch, 119 S. 42d St., $42.60. 10-room -house. 974 N. 27th Ave., 825. " 8-room house, newly decorated, 2642wDav enport St, $22.50. - . 8-room house, 1814 Nicholas St. (will rent to colored.), $12. 7-room house. 978 N. 27th Ave.. 815. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. 2722 CHARLES 6-room modern houo. Phone Webster 6089. 7-ROOM house, all modern, 3126 Cass St. 'phone Benson 853 W. - - S-R. modern, well located: electric lights pretty yard; $46. 726 S. 37th St Web. 2590, HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed and for warded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Gordon Fireproof Warehouse and Van Co. Tel. Douglaa S or A-1314. i' City of tic. 216 S. 17th St., Bee Bldg. MOVING, packing and storing. of house hold goods and ' piafios Is our business Omaha Vsn and Storage Co., fireproof storage, 806 S. 16th, by the . .viaduct. Branch ofiice, 309 S. 17th St TL D. tUi; A-1&59. .".'" WEST FARNAM New brick. 6 bed rooms and $ baths. 816 N. Kth Ave. finish, sleeping porch: . one block from Hanscom park. 2307 So. 83d. Telephone tiarney bmi. , mt. Nn 2tst St.. ft-room modern flat close In, $50. ' ' , 706 No. 2M St., 6-r., moaem, 924 No. 26th Ave., 6-r., part mod.. $20 1126 No 17th St, S-r. part mod, $1L Arthur J. McShane $19 First Nafl Bank Bldg. Phone D. 1675. 211 R SOth, 6-r., $12.50. 4103 N. 2Sth Ave., JB-r., $12.60. 207 8. SOth, 6-r., new brick, close in, $27.50 4220 Farnam, T-r., all mod., barn, $27.60. 1324 S. SOth Ave., 7-r.. all mod., $27.50. 3521 Hamilton, 6-r., garage, $32.60. 24th and California, 5-r.. new apartment. 2027 Wirt large li-r., z lots, barn, $oe. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat. Doug, or A-2151 6-ROOM cottage, gas. bath. 1813 N. 35th St. Call Webster 794. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT On corner. In excellent location, 8 rooms, strictly modern. WALNUT HILL DISTRICT 4003 Seward St., 9 ' rooms, modem, sleeping porch, $40. 608 N. 41st St., 8 rooms, entirely modern, garage. A bargain at $30. BEMI3 .PARK DISTRICT 1314 Burt St., large 8-room modern house. $29. Is a snap. WALKING DISTANCE No. 9 Shelby Court 6-room cottage, $1$. 23d -and Ixard, 6-room cottage, excel lent condition, $18. 33d and Burt St., 6-room cottage, an modern, $15. 1141 N. Uth St., -room cottage. $ia. 933 N. 87th St.. 8 rooms, strictly mod ern, $30. PETERS TRUST COMPANY lfC2 Farnam St. BUY WITH YOUR RENT MONEY. Seer ".Rent Talks." special ad In For Sale Column, Be and News; worth $f to you. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON CO., 101 S. 16th St. corner uoage.- 608 8. 25T11 AVE., 6-r. St Louis lat strictly modern, $32.60. 41U6 N. Uth St., 6-r., moaern, ao. S. W. corner 88th & Grand Ave., 8-r., $20. 10T7 S. 2th 8t, 5-r., bath and gas, $20. S. P.. BOSTWICK, Tyler 1506. . S18 8. Itth St LARGE, modern double house, suitablo for boarding house; 1 rooms, 3 bath rooms: alterations to suit; rent, $60; west of high school. . s-ROOM modern house, hot water heat KilO Arbor. Phone Douglas M FOR RENT 7-room modem house July 1. 334J Harney St Tel. H 5309. CARS-2305 Eleeant 8-room house, with bath, new furnace, " lawn and shade trees: walking , distance; on car una. Douglas 5729. ' y . - inD nTl l area hrlclr hmis and X . J ' . .w.uv " about 5 acres Improved ground, at Sher- naM A.-A rinntM Rt virv auitahln for club, hospital or Institutional home, ss wen as private rwnwun.- $16-1556 N. Wth St., 4-r., mod. ex. heat. $ is 1164 N. lth, 4-r, mod. ex. heat. $26-121 N. !7th St., -r., all modern. $27.60-2612 Sherman' Ave., 6-r., flat mod. $30-2968 Dodge St, 6-r.. modern. $32.50-1617 N. 40th St., t-r.. new, mod. $40-2599 Evans St., 8-r., new. modem. 1829 8. 13d 6t, 14-r., very elegant home. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. IS. 00-Close in. new. mod. flat TIT No. JW8.6t)-Niee mod. 8-room flat 2623 Lake; (colored)., . v ' " ' $.(-Nic mod. I-room nat, Mtae, (colored).'; - ' : -$9.00--room flat, water, sewer, ga 3U4 No. 26th. - ' , . V J. R ROBINSO.-v, ' '' 44$ Be Bldg. : Douglas 9t OFFERED FOR RENx He and Cottages, , 413 N. SSd St, 10 rooms, modem, $50 604 So. 35th Ave., 7 rooms, modern $32 50 110 So. 25th Ave., location and arrange ment suitable for roomers, $&. 2010 N. 18U St., and U08 Grace St 10 rooms eaoh, modern, $25. ' ' 508 So. 29th 10 rooms, strir.iiv ern, barn and garage, $50. W. f AK.NAii SMITH ft CO No. 1320 Fainom St. " ' ..... -FLATS- .... , 2952 Harney, 9-r., modern, $50. 206 N. 23d, 7-r., modern, $42.5o. 2202 Farnam, -r., mod. ex. furnace $35. 621 S. 2th, 4-r.. city water, gas. $15. 1212 S. 27th, S-r., city water, $u. 2204 N. 27th, 4-r., dty water. $9. 2214 D, So. Omaha, 4-r., city water. $9. DETACHED HOUSES. , 2S27 Cap. Ave., 7-r.. modern, $35. 1546 8. 29th, 7-r., mod. ex. fur., 12s 1702 8. f8th St., 7-r., modem. $25. 3520 Hamilton, ti-i'., mod. ex. furnace, $22. 2602 Blondo, s-r. mod. ex. furnace, $22. S44 Park Ave.. 6-r., city water, aas toilet $20. . ' . . b& S. 24th Ave., 6-r.. city water, toilet. $1T. 218 N. 25th. 7-r., city water, gas, toilet $1(5. 2617 Charles, 6-r., city , water, $16. : 3912 N. 28th Ave., 7-r., gas. well, $15. 3317 Dewey Ave, 5-r., city water, $1S. 1629 N. 22d, 4-r., city water, toilet, $14. 505 S. 34th St., 5-r., city water, $14. 2517 Chicago, 8-r., city water, $12. . 820 N. 23d St., 3-r., city water, $11. . GARVIN BROS.. 364 Omana National Bank Bldg. 6-ROOM modern cottage, located at 613 S. 19th St.; newly papered and painted. DOUg. atorea and UMicea, M'CAGUE BUILDING, 15TH AND DODGE. ' Atuactlve office, moderate prices. APPLY OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION". STORE at 2106 Cuming St Store at 933 N. 24th tit. Store at 937 N. 24th St. Store at 336 N. 8bth St., South Omaha. O. C. REDICK, ATTORNEY, . 1517 Farnam St'. DESK room. 756 Ornana IN at. Bank tW. SINGLE or double store, 19W-9 Cuming; special Inducement in rent for grocery and market. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. Grocery and meat market with fixtures. central, cross-town; no equal. 220 N. 2dd. 'HDIPK ham at Utn M :'.'rl St. O. C. REDICK, ATTORNEY, 1517 Farnam St. Store. 320 8. Uth 8t. 20x45. Tel. D. 6220. 1606-07 Davenport U. B. Balcombe. WE can lease a space for 8 or 10 auto mobiles, 29th and Farnam Sts. Brick fireproof building. Heafey ft Heafey. NEW centrally located hall, well equipped. 1508-10 Harney St. Office or salesroom at 15th and Harney Sts. iNew). Third floor at 1506 Harney St (New). Office at 1517 Farnam St., second floor. O. C. REDICK, ATTORNEY. 1617 Farnam St. STORE ROOM and high basement now occupied by N. P. Swanson, - for , rent August L Store room, 26th Ave. and Cuming, $20. THOS.. W. HAZEN, i . ' 207 MeCagu. w Douglas 1300. i FOR SALE-2-story, 4-r. building, oc cupied by Caldwell & .Drake, builders, southeast corner 17th and Harney Sts. Bids received until July 1. Building may b InsDected at anv time. John Lewis, 810 Ramg Bldg. f f'-- - :" " CTnBFJS HVR RENT.' 423 8.' 16th. room about 22x60 feet; steam kas4 flC nan tnillth sew,. jww jhs . 622 8. 16the 22x60, fine new etore front, steam heat. $176 per month 613 8. 16th, alley store, large, modern . .. . J Ml . 1.&AM.-L All M ' snow winaowB, -aiiio un-euiCIIl. vi kA4 KAnstlv t1(t nap mnnfh. VXOV Ul SQj'SS)! T"v a ' w v . . - 617 or 19 8. 18th. 22x80 feet, full base ments; new ironts; ceilings, uecora- 418 8. 16th., in new City National Bank xtiag., room suuui waw kow win, basement The very best available location in the shopping district, Just aoross the street from the new Or kin Bros. Department Store, , Terms on i application. - - - -GEORGE ftvCGMPANY. i - 'Phone Douglas 756 or A-176. 902-13 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. " 8tas Cuming, with 8 living rooms, $20. 609 8. 13th, with basement $35. ' 111 8. 15th,. steam heat, basement JOHN N FRENZER, BOTH PHONES. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. Louisiana Furniture Store closing out furniture, ice boxes, etc. 2104 Cuming. ALL kinds ot good turniture tor sale at 2664 Marcy. Call at once. FOR BALE Furniture of 10-room house, solid mahogkoy and dark English bed room sets, oa' parlor and dining room furniture, large "ook case, kitchen uten sils; leaving city. Call at 911 S. 3Gth St. or telephone Harney 1878. SECOND-HAND desk; double flat top desk 4x6-foot top; as good as new. In quire at one. Douglas 492. 724 Brandeis Rldr jtar kale Furniture of 9-room modern rooming house, near 24th and Farnam, at sacrifice If taken at once. Tel. Doug. 6762, WYPrcrrriNO la leave city will sell household goods at 4801 Davenport; take Dundee car. i riviMrt .An. w will iiaII chean. hard coal stove; soffcoal heater; dining table; kitchen table; kitchen cabinet; parlor table; office desk; Ice box; two beds. All first class. 3219 N. 26th bt. Tel. Web. 4878. ' vs-ib aiT.m rvintant of 2-ioom apart ment as a whole or separate. Rugs, din ing table, chairs, box buffet rocking chairs, bed complete, chiffonier! China, linen, aitcnen uiensiu. Airiiuwi Florentine, S. 25th Bt.' irnn rat.r a aaad hard coal stove, in . .... " .. , . . , . . good conamon. can wepster WW. HUT anil U anything, everything in fixtures. Omaha Fixture and fcupply Co., 414-19-18 8. 12th, near Howard. Phone Doug. 2724. ' Maatcal laatromeat. ELECTRIC Pianos, music boxes, player pianos. Continental Novelty. US N. lath. UTirt rale a new 1:00 Victrola; has never been used. If interested asK for price. M 257. Bee office. PYPS.Bf vlnlln ranairina.. solo violin for 'sale cheap. Graves, 60SVi N. 16th. RENT from the manufacturers direct No. 3 Oliver typewriter, 3 months, $4.0 'Phone Douglas 2919. The Oliver Type writer Company. 1 Mlsvellaneon. OLD SAFES, DERIGHT. ISIS Farnam St SAFES-Overstocked with second-hand safes; aU sixes and makes; bargain American Supply Co., 1110 Farnam St. POOL tables, store, restaurant fixtures bought sold. Levy. 2610 N, So. Omaha. FOR SALE New nd second-hand carom and pocket billiard table and bowling alloys and accessories; bar fix ture of all kind; eaay payment, lhe Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co u7-4u South 10th street fcViR SAt.rAn ftu.horwDOwer electric motor, also one 24-lnch blower, both in good condition. Hornung. 1822 Farnam. A-l GASOLINE launch with all equip ments, cheap. D. F. Corte, S4th and Far nam. Douglas 4179. ' OFFICE chairs, $1 to $4. Tel Douglas 2107. - - - WILL trade high grade piano, for carpenter work. L S46 Bee. ; FOR SALE-Palnt, wall paper, store stock and tools; first class, cheap. Web. 6264. ' " ' IRON BED, dresser, gas stove, rug. Address K 847, Bee. ' - PERSONAL 43-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Bexten Pharmacy. 12th and Dodge. - THE SALVATION ARMI solicit cast off clothing; in fact anything you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 134 N. Uth St, for coot of collection, to the worthy poor. Phon Douglas 4125 aud wagons will call. ' y "" - .' Up-to-Date Beauty parlors. Kathryn Lane Daly. U3 8. 16th, 3d floor. D, ttSJ. PERSONAL Massage. Mr. Rlttenh . 308 Boston Bid. MASSB0THE1YWM Allen of Chicago. 109 S. 17. 1st fl. D. 7665. Vital massage, baths, electric vibratory and radiator treatments. Dr. Anna D. Fisher. 401 Ware blk. 808 S. i:th. D. 275. ANNA H. MARKS SKE Mm, Davldge Blk. At 3. Red 7529. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Seventeenth and St. Mary's Ave., where, they ' will be directed to suitable boarding places, or otherwise assisted Look for our travelers' aid at the Union station. - Body Massage, 222-3 Neville Blk. D. 7761. f A Aflir Swedish movement. Ap.l f AnfrVF.TTfi treatment. E. Brott, 710 .UiiUiN Ut A XJ a i6tbj 2d floor. D. 6289. WE RENT and repair all kinds ot sw ing machine?. Ind. A-16S3; Douglas 1062. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney Sta BATHS. Swedish massage. Mrs. Snyder. No. 3, The Dunsany, 10th & Pierce. D. 43S0. MASSAGE xpPrt treatment. Mrs. tU" Steele. 20ft S. 13 St. R. 325. SEXTON R rirons fnrm ki,.,,.. ...... ,VJIUUUUUUU of your figure, fully guaranteed, order by mall. S. D. F. Co., 312 Ridge Bldg., K. C, Mo. . 8UPERFLOUS hair, warts and moles' permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free anil rnnfMonMd- n -. . .7 t .-".-.. Hum guarajiteeu. wise Aiienaer. 624 Bee Bldg. LADlKfc Wct'll irlsirllv .nH U.U1.-.1.- a beautiful set of STERLING LACE imwsi patterns, exquisite de slans. at rock hottnm nrlrou fiTb-ui LaCE CO., 270 F Stenlng St., Brooklyn, 4-1 . i POULTRY AND. PKTl3TOCK Screening $L60 per 100. Wagner. 801 N. IS. HOUNDS. Bprt. n.r Wnlt rCT vZZ v, . tjUaji......j. r.-i - - i "--a" utiioiiaicu catalogue, 5-ccnt stamp. Rockwood Ken- n.iiu ' inuuii iiuu iiiim. ni i tn i'a 1 1 1 tiu to. a neta, xjeAineion, ivy. LIVE STOCK MARKET OF WEST Ship Uv stock to ttoutn Omaha, have mileage and shrinkage. Your consign ments 'receive prompt and careful atten tion. Live Stock Commission .Merchants. Byers Bros, ft Co. Strong and responsible. WOOD BROS., 234-38 Exchange Bldg. Great West. Com. Co., Omaha & Denver. Clay, Robinson ft Co.. 200 Exchange Bldg. CLIFTON Com. Co., 322 Exchange Bldg. iiartln liiO". & Co.. Exch. Bidg. TAGG BROS., handle cattie. hogs. hep. OCEAN CTEAMSHIP8 THE ALLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL 8TEAMERS MONTREAL, LIVERPOOL, GLASGOW. Montreal, Havre, Plymouth, London. -The Picturesque St. Lawrence Route. Four days on the ocean, three days in river and gulf. Splendid new Turbans steamers. Saloon, seeond-cabln and third class. Superior on-class cabin service. Cuisine unexcelled. Courteous attention. Send' for circulars, rates, plans, etc Allan ft Co., 127 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. Anchor Line Steamships . New York, Londonderry and Glasgow. New York, Palermo and Naples. Attractive rates for tickets between New York and all Scotch. English, Irish, Continental and Mediterranean points. Superior accommodations, excellent cui sine, efficient service. Apply promptly for reservation to local agent of Anchor Lino or Henderson Brothers. General Agents, Chicago, Hi. - ' .... i REAL ESTATE LOANS OMAHA property and Nebraska land O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 New Omaha Nat'l Bank Building. LOANS Farm and city property, J. H. Dumont ft Son. Iti02 Farnam M. (100 to $10.000 , made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., ISth and Famam. MONEY to loan on business or resi dence properties, $1,000 to $500,000. W. H. THOMAS. 503 First Nafl Bank Bldg. WANTED City loans. Esters Trust CoT WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. 6 f!lTV LOANS. . Bemls-Carlbarl 0 Co. $10-812 Brandels Theater Bldg. GARVIN BROS. ftvr&X. LARGE loans our specialty. Stull Broa Wanted farm loans. Kloke Inv. Co., Oma.' WANTED TO BUY Household gds, clothes ft shoes. D3971 B19&9 2d-hand goods. Keiser, W Center. D-56UI. Chicago buyers, id-hand clothes, shoes, hats; best prices; win calL Tyler 1100. AT P T H M Pays the best prices tor old " aavai lron metaj,,, rubber, etc. Highest , price paid for men's cast-off clothing. 521 No. 16th. Douglas 773& WE BUY anything in store and office fixtures. Omaha Fixture and Supply Co., 12th and Howard. Phone Douglas 2724. WANTED TO RENT GENTLEMAN with two small children wants to board and room in strictly pri vate family. Answer A 300, care. Bee. FURNISHED cottage or flat, for family of three at once. Give all par ticulars. Including price. . Address A-387, cafe Bee. ! FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE Want Southern California property : for good, clear Omaha. Address Uo West.42d St. Los Angeles, Cal. OWNER will exchange equity in a choice unimproved, quarter section of farm land for clear residence property or stock of general merchandise in a good Nebraska town outside of Omaha. Box 28. Egbert, Wyoming. TO EXCHANGE Good smooth land and new whiI rented town property for Stock of general merchandise well located in eastern Kansas, XseoiasKa or western Iowa; can use large stock and might put In some cash If stuff Is good enough; give full details in first letter. Address Box L, Seibert Colo. . FOR TRADE 320 acres, well Improved farm, 6s miles from Lodgepole, all fenced and cross fenced. 175 acres in cul tivation, good six room house, well house, two' wells and windmills, barn and other out sheds, shade and fruit trees with fruit this ye-ar, two good cellars, three miles from Sunol, another town on U. P. R. R. Will traue my equity for an eighty acre farm. 1 am getting H of all crops this year delivered to Lodgepole, fine prospect for a big crop, no better pros pect for a big crop for years than we have now, write me. Lock Box '400, Lodgepole, Neb, WOM A Vfik- 1rrtvat0ri B8t- fern Colorado land for stock merchandise; general stock prererrea; wouia oe wining to add three to five thousand dollar cash. L. D. Lowe, Norton, Kansas ONE I'passenger Mason car, as good as new; will trad tor a good building lot In a suitable location. , Phone Webster 2S25 or B. 3n6B. , TO EXCHANGE Drug stock, fixture and furniture complete; now doing good business; on best corner In St Paul; value $10,800: will exchange for good farm land of equal value. Fred Mohl, 511 Cap ital Bank Bldg., at. ram xwinn. 400 ACRE CENTRAL NEBRASKA v - f - 4MVI atirdC Ifl mrfefc h I A-ll M hi.? JT lt 111 W Js.wa vv m i - - - and pasture, rant has averaged $1,350 a year since 19Wi no-incumoranca, owner wants to move to in city, win vr take good imcom property and assum up to 86,000. - . ' ' w ' MAXWELL, i passenger automobile, , ii, (Urt. r. or. or hll no una. tnr It but want city lots well located. W. W. Mitchell, 411 Bee mag., umtni, gien.- iiLifsca lriithHjit Kansas, hlsrhlv improved. Price $75. For mdse. or Income. Wnt rnidence lot on Uth, 81,000. for equity in lend or Income. . 12-room house. Council Bluffs, for west land. Price $6.000.. : ' 640-a Cherry ' county H mile town, Improvedi. price $12. for Income or mdse. Submit wnat you nave, i '""" B. J, Newlon, 591 Brandels Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE Section of land near Gree- ' ley, Colo.; about 200 acres Irrigated, bal- about $25,000. Would consider clear resi- L dence pronerty in West Famam district f E 337, Bee. SOME OF MY WANTS . A good cottage any place for a nearly new 10 roomed house in north part. $4,00o. Cottage In north part for a fine 8 roomed house on Manderson. : $3,806. This Is flna Good residence for clear 166 acre Dawson county ranch? $25 per acre. . -" Good residence or income for 80 acre Improved farm, Adair county, Iowa. Price $108 per acre. Iowa farm for 1640 acre Colorado ranch. $28 per acre; worth the money. What have you for 960 acre Sheridan county ranc. $36 per acre. ' I want listed houses -and income prop erty for farm and wild lands. I have some good propositions. J, W. Dean, 617 Bee Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. WILL trade high grade piano for palnt ing. N 344, Bee. . 120 acre farm, IVs mile to town, 8 miles to Council Bluffs, la.; rolling upland, aU well fenced and cross fenced; 6 rooin. house; large barn, s granary, corn cribs, hen house, bog house; In fact, all nee-, essary outbuildings. Fine large bearing orchard, good well, also good sprint; water in nasture. 66 acres In cultivation balance in blue grass pasture and bard wood timber. . ; I will take a nice little property I Omaha or South Omaha as part pay ment. Price, $100.09 per acre and wortl that cash. Address "U. 350," Be.' SIX nice lots in Berkly addition. Den ver, for Florida ' Everglade lands. Rey nolds, 2116 Wirt St, or phone Web. 2793. REAL ESTATE : ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Reed Abstract Co., oldest abstract of fice in Nebraska. 206 Brandeis Theater. NEALE ft CAMPBELL. 1714 Famam St. BUILDERS' INFORMATION. Electric, gas fixtures.' Omaha Silver Co. Ideal Cement Co., Uth and Cuming Sts. Fucha, Son ft Blind, paintlng.decoratlng. ' H. Gross, lum. wreck. g. plb. 21 ft Paul. BLUE PRINTING, 424 PAXTON. D. 872lt H EATON, tin work. Original- Ameri can furnaces. 2518 Cuming. D. 5198. - - - WILL trade high grade piano for brick work.- M 845 Bee. ; ACREAGE FOR SALE. ACREAGE BARGAINS near- Omaha,! flrln K Merrill. 1213 Cltv Nat. Bank BllieJ GARDEN farm;' 40 acres smooth, blackj soil, .ten minutes walk to tne .postonice; rented for crop; house empty; possession when papers are signed; improvements. $1,000; price, $1,800; $500 cash, balance long time. Inquire owner, 1304 Dodge. . 5 Acres ' Improved - v 4 Blocks v ' . From Car Line - ; Located at 3520 N. 43 St., has S-room house, 3 rooms finished and balance un- -finished. Two large barns, good well, chicken houses, and other 'outbuildings. About 1 acres in alfalfa and one acre in fruit; large asparagus bed, strawberries and . other small fruit ' Within a couple blocks of school; high and sightly loca tion. This has been laid out into 23 fifty ! foot lots, which can be sumdjvided sni Can be sold out in a short time at th rate of $300 a lot which would figure the! improvements at almost nothing. Owner wants to go to California and has made the prices very low for quick sale. Many new bouses have recently been built all. around this district You can go direct to the house or we will be pleased to show you this beautiful 6-acre tract . ' HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, , 1614 Harney Street Five Acres Improved i . Near Krug Park Located one mile north of th Country club grounds and on mile west of 43d and Grand Ave car line. Has stable large enough for two horses and cow and one room house; is all fenced; ground lies high and sightly and slopes mostly to the east. An eiegant place to grow grapes or other kinds of fruit ad raise chickens. This district is building up with a good class of homes. No doubt a car line will be within several blooks of this ground before long. The soil is the very best. Will make reasonable terms, can give possession at once. Don't wait too' long. Let us show you this choice five-acre tract at once. V HASTINGS ft HEYDEN, . 1614 Harney Street 9 Acres Improved ' Near Benson Located in Keystone Park addition. One. 6-acre piece, all In cultivation and- one 3-acre piece In cultivation .which has a 4-room house, barn and other outbuua-i lngs. In splendid location, high and sightly ground, can be sold to two airrer- ent parties.. The 6 acres vacant for .-$2,26(1 and the 3 acres witn nouse tor or $4,600 for the two pieces. Also have an other 7V acre piece in Keystone rar addition for $2,260, which figures abou $300 an acre. The owner adjoining tnli land has refused $600 an acre for hi Either one of - these properties is very cheap and are good investment or i a home, . m ' HASTINGS HEYDEN. . . 1614 Harney 8t . 15 ACRES $1,650. $260 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent; near state deaf and dumb institute. ' All good farm or garden land: upland' not subject to overflow and not rough. 6 acres alfalfa, 6 acres tn cutlvatlon. We believe this is the cheapest 15 acre J tract for the price near either city.' Ai,y in telligent and industrious man can make a good living and save money on It and be his ewn boss while he Is doing it McGee Real Estate Co.. 105 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. -' ' Immediate Sale 2V acres, with good 7-room house, ideal location, close in, for immediate sale. Price $3,850; $500 cash, balance $25 per month. Act at once. - ORIN S. MERRILL CO., 1218-1214 City National Bank Bldg. CITY PROPERTY Qlt SALE HERE IS A BARGAIN . IN BENSON 3369 buys a 60xl28-toot lot not far from car line. Lot fronts south on Lucas be- . tween Clark and Burnham: described as Vfc of lot 10. block 35. Phono Webster. S8&0, or address G. R. W Be. . . Are You a Speculator! If so, this bunch of S lots, situated on 26th Ave. and 27th St., just south of Sprague St., should interest you. They all go for $1,000 cash,' and should retail readily for $360 each. Owner needs money to protect an other investment, hense this . low price. ,-'. ,' .- .' - W. Famam Smith & Co. 1320. Farnam tL .. , Tels.: Doug. 1064; Id. A-1064. - i ;,,-' - $3,460 - . '.. .,- buys a beautiful S-room cottage, fine lo cation, one of the finest little homes in the city. Let me show yon.. W. S. Frank; 1025 City National Bank. ' NICE vacant corner, 80x110, at 27th, and Erskine, near car. Reynolds. 2111 Wirt Phone Web. 3792. - f 4 ribmf V - i- i