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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1912)
The ' Omaha .. Sunday Bee mi osz. NEWS SECTION FAGIS OXE TO TWELVE. WEATEXS FORECAST Fair; Cooler VOU-XU-XO. 48. TAFT SAYS HE HAS REDEEMED ALL PLEDGES President Defends Hit Reciprocity Treaty in Address to large .Crowd of Farmers. HEW SHOT AT ROOSEVELT Executive Says He Knows Difference Between Deficit and Surplus. TEDDY SPEAKS AT DELAWARE Tells His Auditors to Look Out for the Blind Ballot PLATFORM FALLS AT MARIOI Colonel Climbs to Top of Freight Car and Makes Speech. LA FOLLETTE AT COLUMBUS Senator Sara Repablleaa Party Dare Nat Xaaalaate Klthcr Talt a Reejaerelw Bnwi Re pi In ta Taft. NiPOLEON, O., Mr ll-Th prealdenl addressed a large crowd, consisting mostly of farmers, here, defending hi reciprocity" treaty and declaring ha had redeemed ail platform pledge. "Mr. Roosevelt saya that I tack Imagin atlon and 'sympathy and am' pnsxle wllted," continued tha president, "I am Bet ao puulewltted tut that I can per ceive the difference between tha taO,a,a treasury deficit at the end of Theodore Kooesvclt's two terma and tha SMkUW.Mit urpnia at the end o( my tint year n piexldent." Mr. Taft declared Mr. Rooaevelt abeu'd nut be nominated becauae of tha eliaiac ter of file campaign and becauae to do ao would mean a violation of the third term tradition. , " " ' Raaaevelt an Btlad Ballet. -". DELAWARE, o.. May M.-"Thr' 1 but one fcatura of the entire Ohio eltua tlon which makes me have any doubt at all." aald Colonel Rooaevelt beta today. "And that la the fact of the bUad ballot We tried to have tha republican atate central committee put on the ballot In names of Mr.. Taft, Mr.. La Pbilett and my Eel f. Tha committee, refused because It. did not want you to express your preference, 'he commute believed it could fool you and 1 want yon to fool St. I want you to find out before you go into the booths who the Roosevelt candi dates are. Now, mind yon, yed won't find my nam on tin ballot You won't find It there because tha .Taft managers wouldn't put It there." , " " . . senator Dixon, Colon! Roosevelt's campaign manager, siet the colonel li Columbus and came with hhn is far ae Delaware.- ' -. ' rlatferat Breaks Basra. MARION, O., May 1S.-A platform which- had been erected for Colonel Roosevelt coilapaed here today' shortly 'before he arrived and several persons were caught la the crash and Injured, three civil, war veterans being taken ta a hospital. Undaunted by the lack of a rostrum, the colonel, on his arrival, climbed up the Iron ladder of a freight car and spoke from Its roof. . " I couldn't stand en th platform," aald the colonel from bis perch, becauae the platform broke down.' It wasn't my plat form. Mine won't break down. "In notice," he continued, "that yester day Mr. Taft attacked what I aald about the tariff. What I proposed la perfectly feasible. Mr. Taft aay ha doe not un derstand my proposition. I don't think be la capable of understanding it. He Is well-meaning, but means well feebly." i Koltette Speaks la Fotasabas. ' COLUMBUS. O., May Ifc-'The saddest thing In the present campaign la the per sonal controversies being Indulged In by the president and th ea-preeident' said Senator La Follett In a speech In a local pork today. ..-.- .--... "You are told that only one, and he progressive, can b elected to th tContinued on Third Page) The Weather Forecast till I p. iv Sunday: For Omaha. Council Bluffs and Vicin ity Fan- tonight and Sunday; slightly cooler tonight. Teaaperatwrw . -at Oaaaha Hours. Deg. I a. m...; it a. m is I a. m.... t S a. m M ( a. m ' M a. av jt II a. m R U a. m. T 1 p. m .. n J p. m... n I p. m... T Loral Weather eeee-d.. , lilt ML 11 BUS. Lowest last night....... is 71 w i& sTecipitation . . l Normal temperature for today, de grees. Deficiency In pfedpttatloa since March L. 1.7 inches. Deficleaiy corresponding period, JJJ, t.'M Inches. lieflciency corresponding period. Ilia . HK-bea, -Weather ia the Greia Belt. Wanner weather prevaiia in the moun tain and temperatures are higher ia tne central valleys and throughout tha ea-. and south. A change to much cooler oc curred in Ute exueme upper Misaouri valley and western Cunadian provinces hut aif bt. This change will extend dow(. the valley during the next twenty-four hours and will bring fllgbtly cooler weather to -this vicinity tonight. Light ahowers occurred in the extreme upper Mi-euwipct valley and upper lake remoa since tne preceding report. The weather Is geaeraliy clear over the southern por tion ef the country this morning, aud wnile eonaiderabie cloudiness is shown ut the lake region,, extreme upper valleys and north went, generally fair weather prevails ever the northern portion, and the outlook Is favorable for eoatlnaee (air In tola vicinity tonight and 3uae)er. At -A- Kaua, irfttai trerecasuc. O YO EllO MIKADO BIG BATTLESHIP SLIPS INTO WATER Super-Dreadnought Texas Largest Fighting Machine in World, is Launched. CARRIES FOURTEEK-niCH . GUNS Tbeasaad Taws Larger Than Any Other Ship la Existence It Will ' Have Speed at Twchty-Oee . '.. Knots Hear. ' NEWPORT NEWS. Vs., May ll-Wlth th launching here today of the auper- drsadnaught Texas th American navy counted as It Its proudest possession the biggest and th most powerful battleship th world has ever teen. Other nations are trying desperately or th honor of owning th greatest warship, but It will be months after th Texas and Its slater ship th Nw Tork. which win . be launched - at tha New Tork 'navy ' yard la July, have taken the water before th mooattr ship plsnned te ouulieUhara and now under construction in. European shipyards will be water borne. It was deemed fitting that these two exemplar at tlte highest skill ef the-shipwright should bear th aamaa of two warships which covered themselves with glory dur ing th Span hh-4merlcajl war. ; Th Texaa, with ail of Its store aboard will displace H.s tons, or l.eoo ton mar than (ha great dreudnaught Ar kansas,, now. about ready for commission. It Is Kt feet long, ninety-five feet two and . a 'halt Inch beam, so that 'It will hav almost fifteen feet In spar In' pass ing through the Panama canal locks. Its -draft will be twenty-eight feet six Inches and Its speed twenty-one knots, which would hav been high speed for cruiser a few years ago." -- II la a remarkabls fact that 'the XT, horse power required to maintain this speed will be developed In the case of Texss by twin screw vertical, triple ex pansion engines of th old type, instead of by turbine, which hav been almei universally adopted abroad In all naval construction. This machinery Is Installed because ef the convict loo of-American naval 'engineers that the reciprocating engine la tb moat economical and reliable for battleship practice, lit la Merer) Tlaae."1 The Texaa represents soma feature of Interest entirely apart from It great sis. In the first place, Its launching eomea Just about thirteen months from the date Its keel was laid; a remarkable performance for American shipwright. and a practical demonstration of their ability to-4urn out warships as rapidly aa any nation In th world under proper Incentive. - ... r - , In the second place th Texas will h-. tha first ship In tba world to carry four-tea-men guns. It will hav ten of them distributed In flv turrets arranged on e, central line front stem to stem. Th.' Mggeat guns now afloat la th American navy are tha thlrteea-lnch rifle of the famous old Oregon type, while tb best that tb British navy can do Is to point to their U.t-lnch guns en their la'teet battleships. In addition to these monster gans the new American ship will carry n less than sixteen five-inch rifle In place of the little three and four-Inch guns that were formerly regarded as suf ficient for th secondary battery. Th: increasing sis and power of the torpedo boat destroyers an tba enormous speed of the chain-lightning cruiser has brought about this doubling of tha power of the secondary battery , which moat be relied upon for very alck -Xjrk 'in meetiug theme attacks. . . . , Ana lansauUly Heavr. ' Th Texas will ha dothed with armor ta plenty; not only over its vitals, but even over the ordinary exposed end of the ship, but in conformity with the new rule adopted by th Navy Department, the details of Its thickness gad general dis position are withheld from publication, lest tb Information : might b ftf profit to a possible future enemy. The Texas after it la In water.' win be far from complete and it will not be ready to go Into commlsaloa until December 17. next year. Aa It emerge from the build ers hands. Its total coat win be about tit.cse.oes. Tb launching of the great ship drew to the yards of th Newport News Ship building company, a notable gathering of distinguished persons. Though President Taft waa prevented by his absence in the middle west from attending, he. was represented by Secretary Meyer, who cam down from Washington with his family ' aad ' Ms naval aid. Lieutenant Comsasnder Palmer an th presidential Taoht, Mayflower.: .--... Then was a liberal sprinkling of eenssr tors sad representatives m congress; of the heads of tha great naval (CestiatMd Second Page.) OMAHA, SUNDAY MOBXIXG, MAY 19, 1912-SIX OUTDOOR JtAHZW IHE RIVAL CIJalMSjOF DEMOCRATS No Candidate Will Win at Baltimore Convention on First Ballot CLARK IS HOW IS THE LEAD He a a' Dog Candidate hays He Has h early rear Haadred Votes r Wilson Clalsae Tw ' Haadred Farty-Threc. .WASHINGTON," Msy lS.-Wlth more than two-thirds of th delegates to tb democratic national snnventlon eleeted. control of th Baltimore gathering re mains as much In doubt as It did several weeks ago. Claims mads today by the manager of th different candidate at th headquarter In Washington mad it clear that Ron of them expect to con trol th convention through Instruction on th first ballot ven though great at rides are made for their respective candidates la the convention and pri maries still to J held. Th democratic convention will consist of 1.0M delegates. Under th two-thirds ml applying to presidential nomination 73 -votes will be necessary for any can didal who secures the nomination. With about Ct delegates still to b selected, tha strength of th reapectlv candidates was given by their headquarter today as follows: - , . Clark-Claimed tnstfweted. S3; pledged, 4 total. PI. Conceded to Wtlsoa (not Including South Carolina' It, what the convention Indorsed .Wilson); conceded to Underwood, it; - to Harmon, t; tu Baldwin, U; to Mssahail. It; to Burks, 1ft. Considered doubtful, .117. . ., , , . . .Mlson-Clelmed Instructed, N3: Kan sas' (Clerk), and North- Dakota's 1 I Burke) claimed, as favorable I Wilson. : total of - Wilson's claimed ' strength m. Conceded to Clark, ; to Under wood, at; to Harmon, f; to Fobs', J; to Baldwin, H; to Marshall, ; ta Burke, 1. Considered "unlnstructsd and doubtful," 1M. Underwood claimed as Instructed total delegations: Alabama. ' Florida," Georgia and Mississippi, and from Tennessee. Total, M. No other claims made. At th Harmon headquarters today It waa said that th statement would b mad later. Anthracite Mine Workers Decide to KeturntoWork WILKES-BARRE, Pa., May ll-Th an thraclta mln workers' convention this afternoon ratified the agreement entered Into by a sub-committee of the miners and operators and the miners will go back to work after an idleness of seven weeks. The result of the vote. S3 to M, waa an nounced amid cheers, though It was mani fest when the delegates rose to their feet to vote that the.agreement had been car ried by a large majority. The debate had been on for flv days A motion waa Immediately adopted au thorizing th miners sub-commltie to sign th new agreement along with th coal operators. Michigan Orator IZ Wins Interstate Contest, Iowa Second NORTH FIELD, Minn..' Msy 11-Th tats of Michigan won first honors in th thirty-eighth annual Interstate oratorical contest held 'at SL Oiaf college' last night Iowa won second place and Minne sota thfrd, Illinois fourth, Indiana fifth. Ohio sixth and Nebraska seventh. Wiscon sin. Missouri and Kansas failed to qualify for the final contest. ' - Leroy T. Robinson of Albion college. Albion. Mich, wss the winning orator la aa oration entitled "The Edict of Industry.- Hugh Webster of th Iowa .stste collegs st Ames, represented lows, speak ing on "Commerce end World Peace" NEBRASKA CITY BOOTLEGGER . MAKES HIS ESCAPE ' NEBRASKA CITT, May U--8pecal.-Teed Carman waa arrested some ttm amc on the charge of operating a "hole m the wail." He was caught red handed, pleaded guilty and was fined tla, but not having the money went to Jail.. He waa put to work on the street and yesterday afternoon asked permission to step into a barher shop to get a shsv and hair cat Klnc then be hss been missing. It was afterwards found ha bad taken a boat and crossed the river and headed for St. Joseph. Carman waa a character about town and had given the, ofrtcera eoexkl arable trouble ta the past If he returns he win be ornamented with a rail working on the t l 4 ' Coming and Going in - SPORTS GXASS ' DANCING STAYS' ONDERTHEBAN Methodist General Conference Be , fuses to Strike Out Amusement Section of Discipline. VOTE STANDS 448 TO 389 Fearth Ballet fat Mishap Is Wltheat " Heselt W, O. Shepard at Chi- ' , ease Within Ferty Vstes f Election. ' ' MINNEAPOLIS, Msy ll-By sn aye and nay vot of tM to M, delegate to th general conference of th Methodist Episcopal church late today voted not to accept th minority report of th com mlttee on state of church. Which provided for th striking out of that paragraph of th discipline which prohibits dancing and kindred amusements. , Th majority report which-favored th retention of the paragraph was then adopted. With seven blthops ' of th Methodist Episcopal church still to be sleeted by th general conference in session here, there r twenty men. who, according to th third ballot, hav a foliwir. of more wag lis voter. - - - "a aUeetlea an Faarth Baltoi. J ' Th fourth "ballot, th result of which wa announced today, shewed no election. W,,0, Bhepard. Chicago, received votes whlls U ars necessary to a choles. Kea rth tap if tha list Is Dr. Matt at Hughes of Pasadena. - Cel., who brother, Edwin H. Hugh, I k bishop Of th church. . Dr. Franklin Hamilton. chancellor of the church school at Waah Ingten, D.' C who ha beta polling a heavy vote In th conference, also has a brother, John W. Hamilton, In the col lege Of bishop. '. i . . While th episcopacy committee Is said definitely to hav decided early In the Week on the new episcopal ffcridences. It Is said that at a meeting last night the decision was reconsidered and that Eu rich. Bwiiserland. may get a place In stead of Copenhagen or Rom. Th cities In the United Stales which It Is aald the conrmlttes will recommend for bishop' residences are: Atlanta, ua.; Detroit Mich.; Pitts burgh. Pa.; Kansas City, Mo and Hel ena, Mont. Three Cadet Officers in Varsity Regiment Asked to Eesign LINCOLN. May 1L (Sperlal Telegram.) Th dosing hours of th Stats univer sity encampment at Crete, Neb, this morning were marred by a court-martial, at the conclusion of which thre Omaha boys were requested to hand in their resignations as commissioned officers of th battalion. ." . - The me? are Dana Van Dusen, captain of Company K. of South Omaha; First Lieutenant Don Wood, Company K, Omaha, and Second Lieutenant Alfred Kennedy, Company K. Omaha. The court-martial was composed of th colonel of the battalion, lieutenant colonel and the majors. Neglect of duty wss th ehafg brought against them. . Kennedy and Wood were formerly offi cers In lbs Omaha High school cadets. Kennedy haa been prominent In athletics 'la th university and Wood Is president of th Sophomore das. Van Dusen Is editor of ths Cornhusker. AD thre Sr fraternity men. ' All Indictments Against Abe Euef .'Are Dismissed SAX FRANCISCO, Cal. May it-ln obedience to the mandate of tb stats appellate court, superior Judge Frank H Dunne today dismissed tha twenty-four Indictment remaining against Abraham Ruef, former political boss ef 8aa Fran cisco, now serving fourteen years In -Sao Quentln penitentiary for complicity fn the corruption la municipal affairs, un covered in Mot The National Capital . . aai-srday, -May 18, lata. ' ' " . . TheEenate. ' Not la session today, meets Monday. " She Honie" ' " ' Passed Nn amend Inr national .hh ktwa a aa te give the bouse "money trust committee Inquisitorial powers over national baaka. Sill aent to senate. Psrauna canal govenitnent Mil taken wp with probability s being paasad before SECTIONS-IX)RTY PAGES. Omaha ;: BATTLE PENDM IN MEXICO Federals Say They Have Rebel , Nearly Surrounded. WELL CRUSH THE INSURRECTION Decisive Aetlea la Expected Within - Thre i Days Oroeee Ceaeea- - - rratlnsj His A rear Near ......... Cblbnahea. ' KL FASO. Tx.. Msy 1.-Th Uexicaa federal government, by a series of maneu vers that sr expected lo com to a cli max la the next three day hopes to deal s cruising ' a blow to th Insurrecto movement la th north as to diapers th hitherto organised army of rebels. While Oeneral Orosco, with 1.000 rebel, I holding (trategto positions between Rel lano and Jlratnea, and Oeneral Huarta, with an equally strong fore of federal, I only fifteen mite away today, press ing, northward to attack the Insurrecto. sharp fighting I now looked for aU th way' to the American boruer. ' Juarss likely will fall Into th hands of th constituted government again. ' 1 Communication by wire and rail south t Juani will be severed within tw day by advancing columns of fadaral. ' Chil shua, whir there are hundred of American residents, will be cut ff treat both the north and the seat, and th govermnent plana to driv Oresao bark into that 1ty and tore Jilm front ll' Direction to surrender r tax to th- hill. ... Chihuahua Is likely te be tb last stand of the fsbel. ' ; Th arrival of a federal column at Ban Imhacio, forty-five mile cast of Juarea today,- was the first warning of a welt organised campaign In tba rear of -tha num rebel army.. It I planned to sur round Juaies and destroy th connecting rink of th Insurgent forces with ths United Btates.. . i Thre columns of federal volunteers are converging on Juares with tb purpose of forcing its surrender. One column has marched up the Rio Grands and is now at San Ignaeio. Another-federal fares. numbering an men. Is approaching ths ally from th west, and a third detach ment ia marching from th southwest. Ths capture of Juares Is expected to pot a stop to th smuggled munition of war and provisions. An Associated Press correspondent ac companied th federal force from 0)1 n asa to San Igna. Th column number SW men. Receiver is Asked For Great Western Cereal Company NEBRASKA CITT, May ll.-(Speclal ) Charles 8. Ostrom, for himself and severs! other stockholders of tha Great Western Cereal company, a New Jersey corporation, which owna a big plant in this city, baa filed a. suit In ths dis trict court asking for th appointment of a receiver, for . th corporation. HI petition 1 a lengthy one, alleging that th corporation was first formed with a capital stock of Si 00.00 and afterwarda Increased to tA.OOO.OSQ. Th corporation now owns only three plants, oca being at Akron. O., on at Muscatine, Ia., and tha one her. ' H charged they discon tinued business because of ths lack of operating capital and credit' They have not paid any Interest an their bonds lines October, Mia Hs ststes thst Joy Morton secured a Judgment against the corporation at Chicago for, but th Judgment la not valid or good, not having found any property within the Jurisdiction of th court to satisfy th same. H contend that th three re maining plant are worth about $m,im. The suit wss brought by Judge Paul Joasea, ss their attorney. The local plant haa not been manu facturing any goods tor ths pact eighteen month and part of tb buildings were torn down and. shipped to Muscatine. However, steam Is kept up on the boil ers and men do duty dsy sod night about ths plant so as ta keep sllvs th In surance and are constantly making some repair. Ths plant at Akron, O.. and at Muscatine, ars being operated. Tb cast will corns for hearing at ths June term of the court sa Judge Travis will be hers at that time. FIVE INDIAN STUDENTS -ARE BURNED TO DEATH CROWDER. Okla, May -F!v stu dents wers burned to death tnday when fir destroyed th ms'n bulliifnc at the Creek snd Seminole Indian college at Botey. Okla.' Wrheat Bawd atsrrtsM at York. TORK. Nsb.. May U.-Speeial.-Jam) S is the date set for voting aat.SB) bonds t bund three ward school buildings, - '- SINGLE . THE NEW ilCRETAKV VILE ATROCITIES ON MEXICAN SOIL Omaha Kan Returns from Madero Land with Tales of Bitter -. " Strife. WORSE THAB CT DIAZ'S REIQS M. H. lab, Who Leads Band af American Oat ef Land st Tar-' aaell, says He Will Nat Be tarn Till Things Chsage, M. H. Ish, who piloted a band of thirty American out of Mexico from th rav aging hands of ths Insurrecto, come to Omaha declaring ha will never put foot on Mexican soli again until all strife between th government and rebel haa ceaeed Ish haa his horn at IKS Mouth Twenty-svnth tret : Ish wss ssslstant to Consul Hsskell at Trra Blanra In Vra Crux. H says that th perpetrations by th Insurrecto and government troops on Americans. la that section never reached the press In this country. Th ban put on th publication of news, he asserts, -wss either dus to Madsrs's srdsr or th fault of th press associations. . . . "I hsvs lived In Vera Cms tor over tws ysara and hav Waa employed by th government thr aa aa attach to th snsul'i ffic at Terra Blanoa," said Ish. "Th wrong don Americans la th rebellion against - Madsrs ars doubly greater, than occurred during th realm f Dlas., For some reason news of ths atrocities commuted never reach th aagea of an American newspaper. I Fsrelaaera Fearing Oat. "Out. of Inland points there is a eon. tlnuoti stream of foreigner ponrlng to the coast to take ateamer for other ports. An owner of tangible property, uch as horses, crops snd feeding anl awls. Is In constant danger of molesta tion. It wa getting so bad when I loft ther that a man' II r wasn't aafe. He waa forced to leave the country or take desperate chances. Nearly three-quarter of the Americans snd ether foreigner have quit ths country, taking sway only their, money and ths clothes on their backs." Ish described his (rip from Terra Blanca to tha dty of Vera Crux, a distance of sixty-five r seventy kilometer (forty five or fifty miles). Th trip waa s peril on on through a section harassed By Insurrectos and guerrilla bands. Ha ssld: ' "Twelve men and their families consti tuted our llttl group. We met trouble twice, but both times we were In luck At on ttm ten armed men obstructed our path, but after a few threat we were ((lowed to pea on. They had ths op portunlly lo tsks sll wa had and wa hat Ih chance of firing at them. Neither side took the Initiative, however, because the road was one frequently traveled. 1 "It too kus two days to make ths trip to Vera Crux, where we boarded a boat, and war two days snd a half going to Galveston. On board tba ahln war mane m th same predicament, some coming from Mexico city and other from the coast towns. . False Mepart nlvea. "I saw accounts la the Galveston paper sr W. S. wane's death, which occurred shout ninety kilometer from Terr Blanca., They ssld hs wss killed during a quarrel with his hired hands on his ranch. That waa wrong. -Waite had money, which he refused to give to a marauding bend of Mexicans. Hs was killed snd his body decapitated to set an example to other foreigners who darri to resist their Intrusions. It had tbe de sired effect, for several Americana left the vicinity. Tha same band that killed Walta also set apon ths Drake family t Cordoba and threatened Drake with death It he would not glva up 8M pesos hs was known to have. While Drake went to ths barn, where his money was bulled. Mrs. Drsks was strapped down and her feet spanked. "This Is one of the tortures that Is fsnrous with' th Mexicans. Several bone In her feet were broken and sh ea badly crippled. W took th family with to- Vera Cms. ! "I left about six acres of pineapple, orange and ginger going to waste an land which I own near Terra Blanca. The pineapples will blossom this month and bulbs will form by August Ths orange trees have blossomed- and should bear fruit In July or August This M ths wild orange, which wss already growing on the lal. The ginger can be harvested la July. There la an outlay of ll.0Ot or more dollars sn which those marauding Mexi cans will feed. It would be folly for me to return there until the warring elements hav subsided, so I have considered my adventure In farming a waste of time and rsoner"- On Verne ef Starvatlea. The Mesrieans all thromrh tha eonntrv ars set ths verge ef starvation, ha said. (Continued ea Third Page.). COPY FIVE CENTS. PI AYFR.v NTRKF m MiiBiw v i limn FORGES JENNIHGS INTO FARCE GAME SJ Si way SB s sjss any ) SSSSS Detroit Seralars Make Good Threat When Ty Cobb's Suspension , is Upheld. . . XAKAGER - USES PICElfiP TEAK Athletics, in Full Streng-th, Caper Around the Bases, TWENTY-FOUR TO TWO IS SCORE aasa-aasss-M I College Boys and Other Amateurs Do Their Best. BIS CROWD XARXS OBTOTIOffS Spectators Who Remain Go Away ftuietly at End. COBB'S ACTION NOT COUDEKHED Jeaalags Asserts New Incident la Baa Ball History la' Waraiag Flayer Shsald Be Pre tested m Field. ' PHILADELPHIA, May ll-Ths Phila delphia American today played a cham pionship gams with a makeshift nln representing th Detroit aluh before IfcOM spectators. Not - one of th Detroit club' regular player look part la th contest. . Manager Jennings waa noti fied after hi men had practiced g few minute at tha park that they would not play aa President Johnson had refused their request to withdraw th suspen sion of Ty" Cobb, ' ' Philadelphia overwhelmed th Detroit winning by a aoor of M to S, Jennings was prepared for tha emer gency, Th regular players unl terms war turned over to tha (ubatltute. some of whom were amateurs. Boms of ths players wers member of ths St Joseph college team of this city whlls "Jim" McUulr) th . noted old catcher, . waa behind the bat and Joa Augdeo, another veteran catcher of year ago, played first base. A lad named T ravers, who oould scarcely throw, wss ths pitcher. Th gsms wa a faro from th start th hem team beating out bant and running the has In reckless fashion. Th Athletics' battery was Coemb and Lapp. Manager Mack had In hi regular lineup. ... ai the eesnmnlUT ar tne lems innine. with th seer I t in favor at Phila delphia.' tbuaahd ef spectators started to leev th park and ther wers de mand from them to hav their idmUslon money refunded. At tha and at th game thee who remained dispersed quietly, just if th has ball history had not been made. Th Detroit players had notified Man ager Jennings they would go to ths ball park this afternoon In wnlform, but If Cobb was not. permute to play they would take off the uniforms. Davy Jones, who acted aa spokesman, aald Jennings misunderstood ths purport of th action taksn st a secret meeting of th players, Jenalaan After Tea, we vary Team, "Ths boy ar determined, aald Hagh Jennings, manager of tne- team today, "and In order to protect the Detroit club owners I am Booming arewtd for players In order to place a -team on th field this sfternoon. Failure to do so mean that a tin of B.OOJ will be Imposed la addition to th forfeiture of the game.1 Questioned as to hi view of the attua- (ion. Jennings said: "It's a good lesson for ths club owner. They should real lie that player must be protected from Insult." Askrd If he had made a report of the New Tork Incident to Ban Johnson, Jen sing aald hs hsd and that ha had also told htm that Cobb was Justified and that CINCINNATI, O., May U.-Pruldnt B. B. Jobnann of th American league, on hi arrival hers today, aent the fol lowing telegram to Manager Jennings of ths Detroit tesm: "Cobb's - suspension stands until th matter ta fully investigated. If teams refuse ta play, that la a matter for tha dub owners to make good an. Umpire would have put the man out of ths stand, Cobb had no right to attack him.' . EXPERT INVESTIGATING PACKING PLANTS FOR HOUSE WASHINGTON. May lt-Repreeents-tlvs Moss of Indiana, chairman of the hoasa committee on expenditures In th agricultural deportment surprised that committee today by announcing thst under his direction a well known ex pert veterinarian whose Identity hs with held, was auistly Investigating th pack ing centers. f Do you have a piano, automobile, watch, knife, horse or any piece of furniture that you do not want.' A Bee want ad will sell them, for you. . Are there" many ar ticles yon do not have that you want T ' Turn to the classified pages of The Bee!. It is a bar gain counter.' ' " Too probably wHl find wbat yon want there. It yon do Dot, send a messst-a to thousands through a little want ad telling . lust what yon waat ' You'll get results. Tyler 1000 J