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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1912)
THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MAY 18. WIS. PRAISE FOR PRESIDENT TAFT l Mothers! Don't miss , a word of this ad. It means a real saving to you on many articles of wearing apparel. This busy Boys' and Girls' Shop will have some ex traordinary bargains to offer for Saturday's selling. Here are some items that will further, strengthen your confidence in our ability to deliver the highest quality wearing apparel for young folks at modest cost. Another shipment just received of tliosr. hiindsome little Princes dresses In colored and In hit. If you war not fortunate enough to (at aome of the earlier shipments, tomorrow w will offer you another opportunity. Don't miia these ettrnocdlnnry valuiw la to 14 year. Colored drees at f 1.25. 11.00, fl.Sft. While draesea $1.96. t.5. $3.75. Girls' Coats Underpriced Every girl's coat in stock shows a redaction in price. Fino choice model such aa have made thla de partment famous are now offered at real earing. $6.00 eoata now $2.5: $10i Yoata T. 10; $11.60 and 913.60 model now $10.00; Im for girl I to 14 J ear. Coats for Little Tots We are making a clean sweep of the colored coats for 2 to 6 year at $1.15. Ther ar all color and white in Mrge and cheviot Our Boys' Clothing Dept. offers some excellent values for Sat urday' budneu. You can take your choice of two hundred Ro;' Hutu In broken lot from our regular linn that eell up to $7.ftG for boy 7 to 11 yeara, Saturday $3.7. These ar made In Norfolk or plain Jacket atyle of neat mix ture or plain blue er(e. We are exclusive agents for Startright Shoes. It's real economy to buy good hoe for boy and girla. Start right shoe ar the beet. Ankle (trap pumps In patent or dull leather, alao rich tan ac cording to ill, 13.00. 92.26. 11.75. $3.00. In connection with the Btartrlgbt line we handle a popular priced line of ankle (trap pump In dull or patent leather for Ml and Children at $1.!5. $1.10. $1.75. $2.25. Boys' Scout and Outing shoes are here in the best qualities. ttcout hoe $1.21 and $2.60; Tennll and Outing shoe 5c, He. $1.15, $1.35. 1 C$fr ioc s ioc i 1518-1520 FARM AM BTEIIT Boy Scouts Oitlitteri Lake Hohonk Platform Conunendi Efforts ia Bchilf of Pesee. FAJLCEI OF TB.IATHS DEPLOHEE People Are Called pi te Week lee Early Ceseleslea Aareemeate f Eaal ar Breaker UOHO.VK LAKE. N. T- May 17 -Tht platform reported today Br the eierotlv committee et the Lake Mobenk confer tnc on International arbitration for adoption u in part at follows: "Th eighteenth Lake Mohonk confer- euce on International arbitration ex-1 pi etses Its profound grstltode to the pres- ldent of the Unite Hie In for hie HIbs trtoue aen ice for the cauae of Interna tional peace in the effort for tba arbi tration treat in with Great Britain end France. Ws believe that the president la thla memorable effort represented the (reat popular ienttment of the American people, and deploring tba defeat for the movement of hie blah purpose, we call udm the people for unremitting endeavor te eaoura the early conclusion of treaties of equal or broader tcop with the great natlona of the world. "It la pre-emlaauily the duty of the United State to maintain atrons leader- hip In thle commanding cause. We record with satltfaetlon the recent ratifi cation by the senate uf the United 8tate of the declaration of London which make It possible to establish the Inter national prise court a::4 en the eve of the creation of the committee to prepare lb program for the International con ference, we ure such broad and ad vanced American action aa shall con tribute to secure the moat efficient heal of organisation and procedure for this and future conferences; the adoption of a general treaty, the marked develop ment of the International court, and united action for the limitation of arma ments. "We emphasise anew the need ot asm est effort everywhere for such a public opinion a shall compel the powsr party te The Hagus conventions to respect the same In letter and spirit and to resort to no hostilities until all poestbl means of peaceful settlement ar exhausted.' Other planks express the gratification of the conference at the prominent place given arbitration on the program et the coming International congress of Cham bsrs of Commerce and at the "Inspiring evidence ot the broadening co-operation Of the world's peace workers" given by the presence of many foreign represen tatlvea at the present confer eace. Man Shot by a Trainman Will Die of Wounds MOT SPRINGS, a. r.. My n.-tspe-clel r-Roy B. Weatherly, whe waa ahot while keeling hi way near Cdgemont en a Burlington train, la sspeuted V die of hi wound a. The ball entered hie abdomen, piercing h Intestine la ssv piece. Railroad officials and etvll au thorities both declined te assume re- saoeslbilMy and twsnty-flve hours els peed before b waa brought here for relief. Weaiberly and two companions, a rrenrhsiea and a keslcan. were beating their way east ea a freight and had an noyed the train orew for let mile threuib Wyoming. Trouble' waa resumed after the trai pulled out et Kdgemeot and the new crew (topped the train and ejected them after some difficulty. A fusillade of mrks ensued between a bra as men end Weatherly and an emigrant traveling with his car took part In the fight and admits tiring a revolver at the tramp. It I claimed that the brakeman fired at the nam Instant. Wcatherly's (lory I that he and hi companions ware walking up I he track behind the train after they were put oft when fire we opened on them from the way car. A hearing bs beta held at Kdiemont and all wltnea exonerated. W.stherly s ham la at Faola. Kan., and hi father and mother ar on the way to the young man bed Ha ace Hlaoeelf with Leer Chain. DBS MOINES, 1., May IT.-Henry Homer, year old. prominent and a wealthy pioneer fee Moines resident. hanged himself with a log chain In ths bars at his horn here early today. The discovery of the dead body wae made by Homer's daughter, a school teacher. No roa Is assigned for the act. Chester Behests leee. CHESTKH. Neb.. May IT. Hpedsi.- Tbe nubile schools of thla plsre are c toeing a moat successful year. Prof T. A. Frre, who hae beea at the head or the schools for several years. Is retained for enother oar. Ths clsae plsy was given last nlht. Ths haocelaureats ser mon will be presetted by Rev. J. P. Toet ef the Methodist church Sunday May Is. and ths commencement exerotaea will be held May B, the address being delivered by Rsr. A. A. Brooks. Persistent Advertising Is ths Road in Big Returns. DEATH RECORD Aadeeev Jaeksaa Sbeldsa. FAIRBL'KT. Neb, May t.-gpeell.)-Andiew J. Sheldon, one of the eldest business men of Falrbury, expired st bis home en ths corner of Heventh and I) streets from heart failure. Mr. ghaldo had mad his home In this city for forty years and ass well known all ever Jef ferson county. Andrew Jackson Sheldon was born la Uellmont count)', Ohio. June 1 141, and was over ! yeara ef as. September St. IMS. hs waa married to Mis Amaada Rhode In Ohio. Shortly afterward they removed le Brookfleld. Mo., and In lttl located at rslrbury. where Mr. Sheldon established a harness shop. He served as councilman In Fair- bury several terms and took great Inter est In ths municipal affairs of the elly lie Is survived by hi widow and six children. The funeral servlcea will he held from the homo and Rev. Thomas Maxwell of the Christian church will of ficiate. Four sons-la-law ef deceased wl'l act a pallbearers Oeeeve It. Howard. TaX'l'MKfcUI. Neb., May H.-dSoectal.)-Georg Riley Howard died at the noma of his son, E. O. Howard, in Tecumseh, st 11 o'clock Thursday morning. He ksd been In poor heelth for some tlms. tuber culosis being the reus of death. Mr. lloasrd was It years old. A widow and three children survive, ths children being Elv f Chlrago. Mrs. Has! Morris ef Alameta. Colo., and Elbert O. Howard of Tecumseh. Mr. Hoaard we In the drug business In Iowa for aome statesa yesre. and later he want Into the news paper business. Fer six year he nwned and edited the World at Shenandoah and Most Certainly-Go To Your Doctor And why not? Yet some people act as if a medicine could take the place of a doctor! The best medicine in the world cannot do this. Have a family doctor, consult him frequently. If we did not btrttm doctors endorsed Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds, we would not offer It to you. kS.fH.S; the Reporter at Keola. Fer several years he had been In the real eststs business. Mr. and Mrs Howard cams te Tecumseh te live la IMS, the son going Into business hers. The funeral will be held at the Howard horns at 10. M o'clock Saturday morning. abort N. reh. FLATTSMOUTH. Neb,, May U.-tgp. cjal.l Robert H. Fitch, a pioneer ettissa of Csss county, died at hi boms sight miles south of Plsttsmeuth, ysstsrday aierrdng, ef paralysis ef the throat. Mr, KIIcb aa M year of eg, having oeie brated hi birthday three day before his death, lis leaves a widow and the follow In sons and daughters; L. F. Fitch snd tire. R. H. Fran and Mra Charles Fran. Union: Job M. Filch. Nehawka, James 1. and R. H. Filch. Mra B. R. Queen and Mrs. Jos Campbell, Murray, snd Mr. Ed Rlgi. Brewster. Mr. Fltob ws a charter member ot the flret Masonic lodge organised in the county, His funeral took plaee this afternoon at I-eerieton church. Rev. W. A. Taylor ot L'nlon conducting the service. 1 J. W. Cattle. EDftAR. Neb.. May ll.-Mrlpeelal.) The funeral of Jamea W. Cottle, who died at hie heme In Bdiar, waa held from the Presbyterian church of this city yeeter- day. The service wsrs conducted by Rev. Thomas Griffiths, pastor ot the church, and Interment mads la Ddgar cemetery. The deceased was nearly n years ef age w-eecrnl et Pameel Caee. BUTTON. Neb., May 17 -tmwcUJ )- The funeral of Samuel Case, whe died Monday svenlng wss held yeetsrdsy, the services heme conducted by Rev. Mr. Hawka of the Contrccational church. Mr. Case aad family came to Nebraska la the early 'Tns and at ths tlms of hat death was living ea his otiainel home stead. 'leur miles southeast ot town. Mra. Jacob Render. BITTOM. Neb.. May 17-goeclsJ.-All buetnees Pisces were closed yesterday during the funeral sen-Ices of Mrs. Jacob Bender at the German Reformed church. Both English and Oerman sermons were preached. Beaeaaa fare to to te SO Days. Ths Paris Medicine Co, MM Pins street. 8c luis. Mo., manufacturers of Laxa tive Brerae Quinine, have a new and wonderful discovery. OROVaVS SA-NARE CUTIS, which guaranteed to sure any esaa of ECZEMA, na matter of hew loni.' landing, la 10 to M days, aad will re tund money If R falls. GROVE'S SA NARE CUTIS hi perfectly clean and doe. not stain. If your druggist hasn't It. evod us Wo to stamp and It will be seal by mall. STUNTZ IS ELECTED BISHOP (Cvntlnued from First Page.) BrowningKing & C2 . S. WILCOX, Manager. 15th &t Douglas Su. Here You Choose Your Suit From Amongst Hundreds of Desirable Patterns and Dozens of Approved Models Baying your clothes at this store- means, making se lection from the largest and best assortment In the city No matter whether you are short or tall, stout or thin, whether your clothes ideas are extreme or conservative, you'll find this store Bhows more suits to satisfy your ideas, and fit your figure, than any other store in Omaha. Suits that Fit and Styles that Please are just a small part of our clothes story-the big feature with Browning, King & Co. clothing ia the superior workmanship, the indi viduality that is built into every garment The fact that we make every stitch of the clothing we sell, and sell it directly to our enBtomersenableB us to quote a lower pritje, quality considered, than any other re tailers of clothing in America. MEN'S SUITS $15 to $40 YOUNG ruJvS SUITS 915 to $30 of strenuous oampaifna, as many othsr soldiers da Hs was the only on of the trio that spoke te the eoafaranc sftsr ths vet was anaounced and be mads a most happy speech. He declared hlmselt most willing to bow to the will ot ths conference. Bishop Ksely recognised that his rstlrs msnt ws due not so much to hi g as to his personality. Hs took his retire ment very hard and left ths company of hi colleague on th platform, weeping. Bishop Naely In hi administration baa represented a certain type of autocracy not Just la keeping with the spirit of ths times A man ef naturally kind hssrt. he has, unfairly te himself, given ths tmprssstea ef austsrlty. He represents soms thins la ths office, ef bishop tost ar rapidly passing away. His recent hook en the "Eplscopecy of the Methodist Church" takes an almost reactionary view ef the highest administrative efflee m the churrh. All ef these thing miti gated against him. and aa he waa rapidly earing ths se when hs might reasona bly he esjpeoted ts fsll In his natural power, ha wa retired. The metier ef retiring these three men ha broucht th cruelty of the system before the general conference. It le not likely that aaaln In the history of the churrh will the same method prevail. proposition has already been presented to a committee of the conference fixing an si limit for bishop. Th proposition I that at th see of 70 year every bishop may expect to he retired. If be Is In goed health and gives evidence of being sbls te represent th church properly and perform th arduous duties of a bishop ha may be continued until 71 years of sge, but at that ace ha must retire. This would make hi retirement automatic and th man himself would be able to shape hi affairs accordingly a th time approached. Ry the present plan every bishop as he approaches old age. Is on th anxious seat and at the session of ths general conference la kept In an agony of suspense until the commutes on episcopacy has made Its report. On every hand could be beard today the seller that these new methods will be adopted at thla conference so that the present btsh ons may know what to expect at the next general conference. On th whole,ihewver, the bishop are treated with far more conelderatloa than th avra Methodist preacher. Esch retiring bishop draws half pay the rest of his life, that Is. a salary ef B.500. Ths arenas Methodist preacher whose salary 1 never over tl.SUI, taking th country at leaiwe, retired at aeout it year of ac and baa no auarantee ot any salary at alL True there le a fund for superannuated preachers, but It doee not admit la many case ef mora than ilM a year te each ma a, end frequently lee than that, go the bishops fare rea sons! I y well after all. ' E. H. American Men Must Have Time-Saving Devices Three Minute Gillette Shave Another Indication of National Activity "Quick action is the order of the day all over this country. It's too fast -an age for slow-moving methods.! Minutes count" , This is the way astudent of American character explains the remarkable popularity of the Gillette Safety Razor. And millions of Gillette users agree with him. They are alertf energetic men who push ahead. r They have no time to wait for the call of "next," or for stropping or honing or fussing with the ordinary razor. They lather then shave with the Gillette simple, quick, clean, convenient r What the Gillette Will Do for You Whatever your shaving habits may be, no matter how tender your skin or tough and wiry your beard, the Gillette will give you a clean velvet shave. It will give you a light shave or close shave (closer than a barber dare give you), with no roughness, no irritation. It is not necessary that you know how to shave yourself. You do not need to be tool-wiae" or handy. There is no strop ping, no honing. You quickly get the knack of the Gil lette and you will learn little individual sbve-eumplifying tricks every day you use it. The wonder of the Gillette is its adaptability the way it meets individual needs. Every man's face is different. Your beard is individual in the way it grows and its shaving requirements. The adjustment of the Gillette will suit your beard and your skin. The Gillette will save you time and money and it is safe. Think of the comfort of it; theabflfty to shave in two or three minutes in the morning as regularly as you wash your face. The convenience and simplicity no litter of strops and hones. No danger of bad cuts and scratches. Don't Put It OffBay a Gillette To-day Considering all the Gillette meant b comfort and ecooocsy, it ahould be in the hand of every man in thig city with a beard to gbgvev-. Don't be without it another day. Ask your dealer. If you can't go now, go soon. The very nest time you tee a Gillette m tore window go in and talk to the man about it. Examine the razorbuy it take it home. Standard set, $5.00 everywhere. Pocket editions, $5.00 to $6.00. Travellers' and Tourists' sets, $6.00 to $50.00. Gillette Blades, packets of six (U shaving edges), 50 cents; nickel-plated boxot twelve (24 shaving edges), $1.00. For sale in 40,000 retail store in every part of the habitable globe. Gillette tfd Stropping Ko HanTn a ova GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR COMPANY, BOSTON Scarborough. The scsool board le oota- posed of W. Ash ton. president; I. K. Boos and K. T. Harrison. I AMUSEMENTS. FRANK K0EHLER OF GRAND ISLAND KILLED BY TRAIN GRAND ISLAND. Neb, Hay IT.-8pe-clal Telegram. Frank Koehier. a nlddle. aaed day laborer, ae struck aad fatally Injuria last eight by pas eener trsia Na I sa the I'nlea Pacific while rnaklrt on of the crossings la this etty ea a bicycle. He waa taken te the hospital aad died three hour later, the skull being severely fractured. Then Ara a Great Many Dtaapeotated. dissatisfied people In Omaha every day, ones that have to eat at restaurants, but nons of them are patrons ot m BBxaroarr TArmATr, for ws have an envied reputation for aatlarylng the moat critical, as evidenced by the satisfied look oo the faces of all those who dine here Come once end you will eosne often, for the prices appeal to the smallest porketbook. 11 Bod re at. Opsa Ait BrigM. C. ST. I1IL, Prop. Loek for th larre electric Sim- PIONEER WOMAN KILLED ' IN RUNAWAY ACCIDENT BEAVER CITT. Ms.. May IT. -(special Tslsgraa.)Mra. J. A. Goudi died today from Injuries received late last evening In a runaway at Stain lord, and her granddaughter, Vilas Ethel Ooudle. Is suffer le from serious injuries. Ths two wensa were oa the snaln street at .taitv. ford, drlvtaa a single horse te a tlht buaxy when an euteenobll frichteoed the bora. Sirs Ooedls waa throws out j and sustained Injuries from which she died without recovering eooerleusiissa . Miss OosmIIs's Injurts are sot fatal. K. A. Ooudle. husband s Mra. doodle.-j ws so ef the eerltest settlers ef the ! Baaee, valley and a proealnent ctusra ef H arias CMaty. lasnesa tfiffHrus urse. j CHAR1TOA. Ia, Msy K.-Mre. Cther- In Lusk. aaed KS yean, died her today. Her husband ws a veteran ef the war of im Bhe wae bora In West Vh-stnla, Oc- : tober U. 1&1L and had nved In Iowa for ' seventy-two year. ROME SUMMER GARDEN Entertainer! St Photo Flays Dine Out Doon OBCsTMTaUt BVSBT BVBsTIsTa Adaile tea 1 Casts BRANDEIS THEATER SARA CREIVE THE LITTLE PRINCESS Utdst DlrtctlM it Hiss Lllilai Fitch Saturday Matinee and Sight MAY 18, 1912 for the benefit of Th Visiting Kant Association. Reserved eeata est sale at boi office aad after Thursday. Price, SUM. 76c, SOc aad 23c Gaveraae Sldrtek at Deaaair. Dl'NBAR. Keb, May 1T.-4 Special. -Governor C H. Aldrtch delivered the cnenaseacesnsnt eddresa bar last night to a crowded opera bouse. The gee es sue waa at hi beet aad made ea ef the best speeches ever heard bt thla aseCoB. The fnllowtn- hlsh school pupil eeanaoss the graduating das ef BU: The Mia Cecelia Scott. Helen Brick tvell. Sylvia WUhelm. Marsaret Kail and Itaura exandee: Messrs. Ralph A, Lincoln. nr. Walter Scott and Wsiter St. Marys Ave. Congregational Church LIFE LECTURES TO YOUNG PEOPLE LECTURE 3 YOUNG MEN AND THE MONEY MADNESS Violin lumber by Miss Florence Wooley SL Mvy. Amu, at 27th SlrwL at WaO'ctaok Base Ball OMAHA VS. DERYER ROURKE PARK HAT IT. 1. 1. BO. Friday. May n. Ladle. ray. Monday. May M. Ladles' Cay. .- lear lath snd Fsroam. 1:1. Oar-ee rallM e . THE LAST TWO PERFORMANCES OP THE 8KA8OS &XXVmTs ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Matinee Today 2:15. Wets: stasty Cartels Toalgat, JO Saara, BOYD'S kJr- rata a eoeaetsiao. b,, as TTlsCOT mm turn a.ti I Moss Bight, see. - eve, ata-s sex ChOarsa, la, anal at atats. ;esd, XavmU. Hew -.Mini JZMMLeeottra Paeare of t T ,1