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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1912)
int. hcL: U.vlAHA. AiiniAi. Mi 4. i.nJ.. 4 I U Nebraska LEE PUTS HEARING OYER Broom Man ObjecU to Action in Governor's Absence. ALSO OBJECTS TO PUBLICITY Belief la Objeetloa te Essalerlaa: Xur Coarlrts Will Be lasatls (artorr WsrklBK CsaaHloaa at PeaHeatiary. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May IWSpeclaD-Cllnton R. Lm of the Lee Broom and Duster company, met the members of the Board of Public Lands and Buildings this morning; to discuss matters connected with the employment of priso nlabor under the contract hla firm has with. the state. Ever since the trouble at the prison he has been employing from 1$ to ITS. vhereas bis contract calls for SS dally and the state baa proffered him that number, with the exception of a few days followtns the trouble. Mr. Lee has refused to take tbem, but de nies the reason Is his company Is over Mocked with manufactured roods. It was to settle the question of employment ' that the meeting was called. At the outset Mr. Lea, observing the . presence cf newspaper men, asked If the hearing was to be an open one Being Informed by Land Commissioner I Cowles, and backed up by the other i members present, that it was, Mr. Lee offered decided objections. The board members asserted they had nothing to conceal, but Lee Insisted that the news- paper men misrepresented him and his concern and wanted an executive session, which the board declined to grant. Then Mr. Lee took another tack and asked that the meeting be postponed until tomorrow afternoon, owing to the ab sence from the city of Governor Aldrlch, who Is a member of the board, and this was granted. Incidentally Mr. Lee fortified himself for the hearing by pay ing on account of his con treat ts.or., which squares up tor January and Feb ruary, leaving March and April still due. It Is for these latter month that the controversy arises over the charge for time of convicts contracted for, but not used by the firm. Caaaltlems r satisfactory. The hearing did not proceed far j enough today to develop definitely what . defense the contractor will offer for not working the men. but from remarks dropped at the meeting and elsewhere It , Is thought his contention will be thai conditions at the prison render It Im practicable to work the full force and It Is also understood that ha will claim the present officials and guards, by reason of their Inexperience render It unsafe and that he cannot get foremen to supervise the work and that working conditions are therefore unsatisfactory. The board, however. Insists there has never been a time In th ehlstory of the prison when discipline was better or as good and there has never been so capable a set of officials, taken as a whole, as now, and that this Is particularly ture of the guards, upon whom principally lies the responsibility for handling the conviets wrrile at work. Board members say they will Insist on compliance with the, terms of the contact sot only to safeguard the financial Interests of the state, but for the good of the prisoners. Another matter, which la taking the attention of the board at present Is the proposed actldh of the stste against the bondsmen of the contractor for the building erected at the Norfolk hospital for the Insane. The atate was compelled to take over end finish the work and the cost of this, added to what was paid the contractor, was approximately tM.OM more than the contract price of the building. Former Treasurer Brian and Former Secretary of State Junkln, who were on the board at the time, have been at the capital this week assisting the present board to figure out the amount the state Is out In order that the suit may be brought. The Board of Public I.ands and Build ings Is advertising for bids for tlte erec tion of a large barn on the state experi mental farm at Curtis. Half Minute Store Talk ( Here's something perhaps you've often thought of- but It's doubtful if any o:ie. even your shoemsn. has ever been able to explain to you. "What la meant by the else of a shoe?' "A siie is 1-1 of an inch. The sn.allest sise is 0, infant's slse which ac cording to an adopted standard is J Inches long. They run up to It which is approxi mately ft inches long. Men's sixes start front there and each slse represents fe-lnch In length. There is 4 -Inch difference between widths. It is not known why or where this slse standard was adopted. Our shoe stock contains every slse and width a man or boy wears OMAHA'S ONLY MODERN CLOTHING STORE nmmmmmmm THE HOME OF QUALITY CLOTHES FU-x To find better suits than ours is impossible frft To find suits as good is a task Have you seen our $15, $20, $25 suits Until you have you cannot know bow good and bow stylish Spring Suits, popularly priced, ran be. Any color you want, any fabric and any model. MAN RUN DOWN BY AUTO BRINGS SUIT FOR DAMAGES CENTRAL CTTT. Neb, May .-8ps-Osl.) Claiming that be was ruthlessly and carelessly run over by an automobile driven at as unlawful rate of speed, Wil liam Tlbbetts of this city has commenced suit In the district court sgwmst Lee Williams of Clarks. the driver and owner of the automobile which be sass ran Mm down. He alleges that his knee was so badly twisted that It will cripple him permanently and that two ribs were frac tured. He asks Judgment for IMS. GAGE COUNTYNEWS NOTES Drlvlag dak Orsaalse at Plrkrell Tlsa Fe. tea Killed at Falls City. BEATRICE, Neb, May l- Special.) The Plckrell Driving and Sporting dub wss organised last evening by the elec tion of these officers: President. B. E. Ridgley; vice president. John B. Beetem; secretary, O. A. Roby; treasurer. C. P Horn; board of trustees, O. L. Mumford, Frank Williams. Bud Welser. Charles Virion, Elmer Lawrence; superintendent of speed. F. W. Mumford; base ball man ager. Dr. A. Lee; superintendent of grounds. M. F. Day. The old ball park will be changed so that It can be used for either bass ball or bone racing. Among the Improvements will be a large grandstand- Tlm Fentoa. a former resident of Be atrice, was killed at Falls City Tuesday by being run over by a train. Fenton was at one time employed as a brakeman on the Union Pad fie route between Bea trice and Valley. Neb. He left Beatrice about a year ago and engaged In farm ing near Salem. Neb. Later be entered the employ of the Missouri Pacific .as yard master at Falls City, where be met bis death. His foot caught la a frog aol be was unable to save alms'! Fentoa wss 31 years of age and leaves a widow and sos child. , The funeral of John K. Rammers, who was killed by a bona at "Wy more Wednes day, was bald yesterday from the Ganaas Lutheran cbarch south of Wymora. C. O. Hammstt. for nine years a resi dent of Beatrice, died suddenly yesterday morning of heart trouble. He was bora In Marshall county, llnscas. May 1. 1st and before coming to Beatrice resMed for twenty-two years la Pawnee CT He Is survived by his widow sad Ova children. Tbe body will be taken ts Pawnee City Saturday morning for Interment- I price. Our suits are as good as the best and better far than the average. They're the most reason ably priced suits in town. They're sold in the largest, finest, most delightful clothing store in the West, and under the most liberal guarantees that any one can devise. They're shown in assortment fully double that of ordinary clothing stores. With these easily proven statements in mind why flounder around in uncertainty instead of coming direct to the clothing store that has the most right to sell you that Spring Suit? Our $10 to $3S Trse Blue Serfe Suits Goarinteed When you buy one you are assured against faulty dyes and careless weaving and poor mak ing. If it doesn't make good, we will. Any thing fairer than that proposition? Be Your Price $10, $40 or Any Price in Between This store lias more claims to your patronage than any store in town, because, we give you values that no other store can give. In the showing no good style has been overlooked, yet, our buyer has purposely overlooked every bat! style. Great line of head wear. Give Your Old Hat a Lay Off Come in and buy one of our creasable, dentable, tilt able, pinchable, any-way-you-want-to-wear-it spring hats. Great line every hat a quality product. 51.50 to $10.00 Stetson's $3.50 up. The best $3 hat on earth. How do you like these boys' suit styles? They, and scores of o t hers are here to choose from. $2 to $10 Greatest Two-Pants Suit Values on Earth No Btore in town is able even to of fer single pants suits as good at the price. There is an ample range of stzes, styles and rot ors and it will profit you much to see them Moderate prices al- Some Nighty Swell Furnishings wanting to wear the newest style should form the habit of dropping in to this store every week or so to look at the fur nishiugs that ar rive every now and then ways prevailing. SOFT SHIRTS- Krench Cuffa. collars to match. .$1.00, $1.50, 92 t p COAT SHIRTS rialn or pleated, ruffs attached guaranteed colora RICH NECKWEAR Silk 4-ln-hands, narrow or flowing ends, .Vic, 75c, 91 WASHABLE NECKWEAR The most beautiful you ever saw. ...... .50c SILK HOSIERY All colors, fine and gauty 25c and BOc LISLE HOSE Gauie weight, in all colora ,-. . .2 for 25c MEN'S BELTS - Black, tan, gray and w hite 50c to 91.50 PAJAMAS Great line of plain and fancy atrip effects t 1.0O, 9 1. SO and up to 910.00 UNION SUITS Lisle and 811k I. Isle, short sleeves, ankle and three quarter lenctha 91.O0, $1.50, 92.50 B V. D. UNION SUITS- Nainsook and linen, great stuff for warm weather, at 91.00 to 9X0O B. V. 1. SHIRTS AXD DRAWKRS 50c VARMENT Kino Balnriggaa Hhltia and Drawers 25c and SOe a garment. far .50 and 14 Men, Here's a Style Hint No matter what clothes you wear, how good or how stylish they may be, if you are not well nhod you are not "dressed up." Our .Spring linn is just bubbling over with classy style and every pair is full of quality, made for comfort and sure to prove the best shoes you ever bought $2.50, $3.50, $1.50, $5.00 Th Best Boys' Shoes in Town, $1.50 Up. According to price and kind. -.J Central City Couple Charges Fraud in Real Estate Deal CENTRAL CITT. Neb.. May i-Sp-Ctal.r-Cnsrslnt- that they were the vic tims of a real estate swindle, Benjamin Jackson and Ida Jackson, his wife, col- ored, and ex-slaves, have brought suit In the district court of Merrick county acalnat Axsl C. Thompson and Joseph Larson of Wheeler county. The plain tiffs claim that In their old afs they went onto a homestead In Wheeler county and finally proved upon a section of land under the provisions of the Klnksld law. In the suromer of 1M, they say, the de fendants approached them and repre sented to them thst they owned a fine forty-acre tract In Oklahoma, which they desired to exchance. They represented the Oklahoma land, so the petition Si lases, ss being a fine little farm of very rich and fertile soil, with ten acres of fins timber, with many tine fruit trees thereon and with a house and barn and outbuildings of a substantial and val uable nature. On these representations ths Jscksons say that thsy excbangel their Wheeler county homestead for this Oklahoma tract, receiving a cash differ ence of tin. They claim that their home stead had about U . worth of Improve ments on It sad that It Is worth SO.SOO They allege that tba fertile forty-acre tract had no improvements but a rotten tittle dugout, the land was poor and bar ren, there was no fine timber and no fruit of any kind. They claim that the place was worth no more than toda. They ask a Judgment against Thompson and Larson for S3. SOB, which they claim Is the difference in value between the Oklahomi land and their homestead. The Jarksons have been making their home In Central City for the lsst few months BERWYN MAN CHARGED WITH WIFE ABANDONMENT BROKEN BOW. Neb., May. l.-Spe-cial.r-Wllllam B. Meeker of Berwyn has been arrested on the chance of abandon ing his young wife. According to his wife's statement to the county attorney the two are first cousins and owing to ths fart they could not be married In this stste. but went to Colorado three years sga. where the ceremony wss per formed. They returned to Berwyn and In lsst January. It is alleged, hex husband disappeared, leaving her entirely without support. County Attorney Beal finally located Meeker at Comstock, this county, snd Sheriff Wilson went over there the first part of the week and arrested him. When taken before County Judge Hoi comb, the defendsnt refused to entertain any proposition regarding reconciliation or contributing toward the support of his wife. He was accordingly placed under OS) bonds to appear for preliminary hear ing May 13. Bonds were furnished by the defendant's father. GRAND LODGE MASONS WILL LAY CORNERSTONE CENTRAL CITT. Neb, May JtSpe- dal.)-It has now bees deft niter decided that ths comet stone of Merrick county's s m.00 court bouse win be laid on May XZ. and that the ceremonies attend ing this event will be In charge of ths aiciubets of the Masoerie order. The county hoard has extended sa tarltaitoa to this order to take charge and they have accepted. The members of the grand lodge win be hers ander the direc tion of Grand Master Olbbon of Kearney. Quite an extensive program will be ar ranged, and after the ceremonies the members of the local lodge will tender ths visiting officers a banquet. A full program will be announced later. Echtencamp Insists That He Feared Flege PENDER, Neb.. May l-tSpecial Tele gram.) Albert Echtencamp resumed the witness stand this morning In the case of William tfege. He persistently stuck to his story about the shooting at the Flags home and although questioned over and over as to w hy he did not re port It sooner, he gave but the on an swer "That he was afraid of William Flege." The state rested Its esse at the conclusion of Krhtenramp's testimony. The first witness put on the stand by the defene wss Chris Wlsrhnff. a neigh bor of the Fine's. Mr. 1schoff was census enumerator in the precinct wher the Fleges live and testified that while taking the census In April, 110. he took dinner at the Flege home, and spent some time there. He found the relations ex isting between , William Flege and bis sister, Louise, to be very pleasant In every way. Fred Flege, a brother of the accused man, was next called. He also stated that his brother and sister got along pleasantly together and testi fied what took place after his arrival at their home on ths day of the murder. The deposition of eOorge Bannon. a mall carrier at Wakefield, who carries mall through the Flege neighborhood, was sdmitted. In It he states he passed the Flege home about 1 o'clock on the day of the murder and saw Albert Ech tencamp coming out of the cornfield with a team. Mrs. Henry Frevert. sister of the defendant and the murdered woman, was called to the wltneaa stand and bore testimony to what took place at their horns on the evening of the murder after her arrival. She testified to ths finding of her sisters' pocketbook which wss re ported stolen. Despondency Causes Man to End His Life HARTINOTON. Neb.. Msy t-8peclaj (restrain.) I. String-follow, commonly known as "Doc." hung himself at Coler idge that morning. He came from Insu re!, where he ran a pool hall, but was closed out. He attempted unsuccessfully to open one at Coleridge and despondency over his bad fortune, was probably the cause of his committing suicide. He was ei years old snd had two children liv ing la Kansas. His wife is dead. He had Ctra Ufa insurance and he told his landlady at Coleridge today that he would be worth more dead than alive. Coleridge people saw him passing with a rope this morning, nut tnougnt notn- Ing of it. Tbe body was found In the Benson elevator with the feet just touch ing ths floor. BIDS ARE RECEIVED FOR THE MILLER PARK SCHOOL BMs for the construction of the Miller Park school have been received by the buildings snd grounds commutes of the Board of Education, opened and read. B. P. Gould St Boa of Omaha were lowest of the dosen bidders, proffering to build ths school for exclusive of heat ing and plumbing. For a slate roof Gould at Bon stipulated they would need M extra. Bids run ss high as tX,ns). More than PM could not be Invested In the building. If ths order of tbe board Is carris. out. I LOVELORN LADTURNS BANDIT Without Fundi to Take Wife, He At tempts to Hold Up Street Car. CEIW PUTS UP A HASP BATTLE Hoy F.raeresw Was to Have Beea Married to Mlse Maraarrlte Basils, Daaaater of Contrac tor, Nest Week. Love drove Roy Parsons to a cell 'n the city Jail. He was to have been mar ried on May 11 to Miss Margustits Smith, XS Parker street, ths daughter of Con tractor John Rmith, and being out of a Job and without funds he chose highway robbery as a quirk way to secure the needed amount and to avoid dlsappolallng his sweetheart. "I guess I'm craxy." young Psrsont told the reporter. "Vou see, I've known Mesne for s long time, and we're aw fully fond of each other. We were have been married on May 11, and I didn't want to borrow or ask any favors from her father, so I Just msde the attempt. Ilwl 1 been successful the first time I suppose I would have gone ahead and stuck up cars all night, and perhaps every night until I had gotten enough money. Persistent Advertising ve ths Road to Big Heturaa, UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING STUDENTS VISIT HERE A party of thirty senior and Junior students of the engineering classes at the University of Nebraska arrived In Omaha Thursday to make a two days' Inspec tion of various engineering and electrical plants. They are In charge of Prof, V. L. Ilnlllster. The party canir In from llncoln over the Burlington snd left the train at South Omaha. At : o'clock they were shown through Armour'a packing plant by Su perintendent John R, O'Hern. At 11 o'clock they Inspected ths electrics! sub. station of lha street railway at Twenty fourth and O streets. At nooa they wars the guests of the Toung Men's Christian association. During their stay here ths party will inspect ths wster plant, ths Union Pactfle shops and other largdj plants and factories. ROGER BRESNAHAN IS TAKEN TO A HOSPITAL! T. IUIS. Mar l-It was learned thlg morning that Roger Breanshan, man ager of the local teem of the National Bsse Ball league, was taken to a hos pital lsst night suffering with Incipient pneumonia. Rresoahan contracted si severe cold before ths team went td Pittsburgh and aggravated matters by directing hla men on wet fields In Pitts burgh and Chicago. Saturday aTer Vs, T.V M JK IfS-aaT sti 1 vT' i,v ft' " 'IS3 to -f -.Va5 - , h e"'t J? ; fit III IV A ,ns.w ''. , V-,';.-i,'ri- CP w & :,".vl-li' W.rf'.:.iil'. sw Saturday A Sale ol ureases the najmtutfe ! Which Has Never Before Been Equalled By Any Firm in Omaha or the Entire West. Evening Gowns and Beautiful Afternoon Dresses A week ago most of these Dresses told at double the price we're asking for them Satur day and not a dress in the lot but would cost you two to three times as inucb. to have made by your dressmaker; they're truly matchless. , Cher enthusiasm on the part of one of Xew York's foremost dress making establishments led them to make in excess of demand hence an over production and the immediate necessity for their disjxJsal. A Deal was Closed by Which we will Offer One Thousand Beautiful New Gowus and Dresses At less than Cost to Manufacture Over 50 models to select from 34 to 44 sizes for women. 14 to 18 yrs. for Misses. Taffeta, Foulards, Eolienne, Serges, Mescalines. .4i For Gowns and Dresses worth $16.50 to $22.50 51 ft-50 IV For Gowns and Dresses worth $25.00 to $35.00 25 fjfi For Gowns and " T It. $35.00 to $50.00 They could not be prettier or made better by the most expensive dressmaker in. Omaha at two to three times the prices we ask. There are Dresses and Gowns for every occasion every one of them absolutely new; the most bewitching styles in a wealth of beautiful colorings and materials elegance is shown in every garment. Come early Saturday and secure first choice of this marvelous lot of gown and dress bargains. Bit Sale of Lingerie Dresses Saturday See Ad on Page 7. immn mm. Extra Salespeople to wait upon you 'Saturday.