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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1912)
Looking Backward This Day in Omaha Thlny Taoaly Tea TMa Age . tmm Kdttcalal - f wk Iml The Omaha Daily Bee WIATHZS FOBICAST. Fair; Warmer VOL. XLI-XO. 219. ) OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY US, 1912-fX)UITEEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. HOUSE UNAFRAID OF WARSPECTER Phaatom. Hecto and. Smouldexinp Bran of Capitals Fail to , . Secure lew Fort SOLDLta arnnreM JOU ATTACH Amendment to Fortification! Appro pripatioa Bill loit. ' JtEASUBE PASSES TJHCEAlfQED Good Lorn ia Xenewed Attack on Powder Trait AOSICUUUSAL SUPPLIES KXI T.tlmrt Will Bs KaJf to Stria, at rnfWn to Salaries of Solte ttwr MoCab 'mm Tsrewtr. ' Tm Clerk. . , WASHINGTON, Feb. E. Phantom ' fleet of hostile ships and amoulderinc rain of capitals, the capitulation ot Washington. Philadelphia, Baltimore and Norfolk, and the Invasion of tbe taUU of Virginia, vividly portrayed la toe houae today, failed to procure an appropriation of SUA.0W for a ait ot a pro pored coaat defenae on Cape Henry. RepresentatlTe Holland of Virrinia of fered the amendment to the fortification appropriation Mil. which was under con sideration. His argument on tbe need of another defense of the lower Chesa peake were reinforced by the eltisen aoU dlery of congress, and protraoted de bate In which representative maneuvered hip and manipulated land batter! wa on. Proposed Defease Defeated. Representative J. Hampton Moore ae tirely championed the Holland amend ment. Representative Shirley of Ken tucky eomronnad Rapreaentatlve Pltsger ald ot New Tork to hi aid. and Chair men Houston auitalned a -point ot order. The propoaed fort at Cap Henry fell. The appropriation bill wa pawed with out any trtcturee on prorate purchase of powder by the government. Repro aentatlr Oood of Iowa renewed his at tack apoa the Powder trust, but lost The passage of the fortifications Mil to day, nut the house abreast ft tbe loot asaslca et last year. The army, pension, and . fortification bill are now before the senate. With the coast defease bill out of the way, the house immediately took up the atrt cultural appropriation Mil, which carries tU,M,rTt, S1.61,M0 lee than that for the surrent year and .OtJs below the estimate of Secretary Wilson. A fight I expected to develop over the bill tomorrow. Move Agmlaet MoCab. A determined effort will be mad . to strike out approprlatlena for aalarlea of Solicitor McCabe and twenty-two . law . clerk, hia subordinate la the Depart mnt of Agriculture. It win be ooa tended that this fu notion of the Agrtcul: Jural department can be conducted by the Department of uettoe-and that ne . thortty la law exists for the legal ataM whjob. Mr. McCabe directs. ; ' I Debate over this will Involve 'the con trovert! ea In the Department of Agricul ture between. Dr. Wiley and Mr. MoCab and the pending charges that the de partment was influenced by Florida everglades land promoter In th action which wa takes concerning certain official report. PUBLIC LANDS COMMITTEE AGREES ON HOMESTEAD BILL j - (From a Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. Feb. Z7.-(8pclal Tele gram, -Th public landa committee of the houae met today tor the purpose of agreeing upon a Mil modifying the pres ent homestead requirements that would meet with th approval' of the depart ment, which opposes the three-year home stead bill recently passed by th senate. The committee finally determined upon a bill providing tor residence ot three years on a homestead Instead of five, the homesteader to be allowed absence from his land of sixteen months during that period. It Is doubtful If the depart ment will favor the bill, but It was aald that the house would try to pas th law without the approval of the department. : A petition from th German alliance of Lincoln 'Urging that no prohibition laws be passed by congress was introduced la the senate today by Senator Hitchcock, together with petitions from eltltens of Mason City. Cumro aad Miller asking tor a parcels post law. Robert Kil Patrick and wife of Beatrice lunohed today with Congressman Sloan. Mr. Kilpalrtck is on of the well known Kll Patrick Brothers firm of railroad eon. tractors, and Is In the capital on a pleas ure trip. The senate today confirmed the ap polnment of Ben F. Sailor as postmaster at Elm Oeek. WOMAN GETS JUDGMENT - AGAINST HENRYC. PIERCE SOW YORK." Feb. W.-Mr. A Ilea O. Bycroft of New Tork won a verdict of 1,B against Henry Clay Pierce, the oil magnate, by a Jury verdict In the supreme court today. She charged that . Piero bad obtained paesessktn of ther securltle, valued at the amount sued for, and had converted them to his o use. Pierce Is in Florida bees urn of 111 Bcas. His counsel obtained a stay of the execution of the judgxoent until tbe third Monday In April and will appeal. The Weather FOR NEBRASKA Probably snow rjes; colder. - - KOR IOWA Unsettled weather probably snow flumes: warmer. Hour. flur. with The National Capital Tuesday, resrssry ST, 118 - Ike Senate. Tn session 1 p. ra. Steel products manufacturers continued protests against steel tariff revlssan Mil before finance ceounltteew Interstate commerce committee began executive sessions to consider evidence taken tn hearing on proposed trust legis lation. Senator Dupont flatly denied election corruption rbnrges made by Senator Heed investigation reeotuUoa which went over until Wednesday. Senator Lodes objected to the resolu tion for Investigation of Lawrence strike, eying there was smpls authority under present law for investigation. Senator McLean introduced Mil exempt big "factory smokers'' cigars from Inter nal revenue tax. ' The House. Mat at noon. ' Chairman Wilson ot labor committee sought pssssge of his resolution for In vestigation of Lawrence strike, but ob jection forced matter aside. Objection mad at Everglades hearing to hearsay testimony that 'Influences'' had been at work to procure a favorable report from Agricultural department. Rules committee will give hearings Saturday on Lawrence strike resolution Inquiry. Subcommittee of banking committee re ported upon "money trust" investigation and Chairman Pujo announced hearings would begin In a few day. Amsndraent ts fortifications appropria tion bill providing for government to manufacture its, own powder waa de feated. Waya and ruear.s eammitt-e ill d ad- locked on sugar tariff: considering lug duty on raw rubber. Woman's Love of Finery is Clue to Big Robbery NEW TORK, Feb. r.-Pettc traps set la this and other cities to ensnare other members 6t the motor car highwaymen who blackjacked two messengers of the Bast River National bank as they rode to their bank In a taxkab and robbed them of tceue n bill, may be sprung today. Three men, who the police Insist took part In the robbery, were arrested yeeter dsy and they will be arraigned today. They are: Edward K. Kinsmen, alias Eddie Collins, ot Boston; Jess Alberusso, a truckman, and Gene Montenl, chauffeur of the robbed tarhmh .Detectives went today to the Bowery bank, where -Alberusso hired a safe de posit box two days after tbe robbery. Some of the loot was found In Kinsman's borne tn Boston, where th money waa enclosed In the original bank paper. A woman's love of finery which piqued the Jealousy of a companion, led to the capture of th highwaymen, Anna Hull, better known as "Swede Annie" and Myrtle Hoyt, recently returned from A1-, beny, wearing a new and expenlv hat and a new suit of clothes. Myrtls waa Jealous, and aha told the chambermaid In a tenderloin ' dive that "Swede Annie" and her friend had goo away on a taxi cab ride to Albany. The chambermaid was a police matron In disguise.. Then tbe trail became clearly evident."" folic Inspector Hughe today an nounced a. fifth arrest, but declined to are or in maw aiieitej ana said he would not be arraigned today. Police reported today that Kinsman and; Albruuo had sonfeaeed .After the rob bery the money was divided among sit or even men. Three thousand dollars of the loot. It was said, was deposited tn a safe deposit vault by Albruiso under another name, i Two thousand dollar of the stolen money waa recovered today from the de posit vault. Th money wa in K bill and don up In packages beating the name of the Produce Exchange bank. , The lock, box In which th money waa found bad been rented tinder the name of Joseph Push, proprietor ot the saloon In which th highwaymen divided the money, Push wss taken to headquarters. I MEMPHIS, Tenn., Feb. fT.-On tel egraphic advices from Chicago, detectives hre today arrested two men wanted la connection with the taxlcab robbery In New Tork. The men gave their names as James Keefe. M, bellman, and Francis Ford. 8, dark, both of Boston, CHICAGO, Feb. t7 Ten thousand dol lars of th money stolen by the New Tork "taxlcab robbers" has been found hi a Chicago bank, where It was deposited, it ie thought by th 'men arrested In Memphis. Efforts will bo' mad to re cover It. Governent Drops : Case Against Five , , Bathtub Defendants DETROIT, Mich.,' Feb. .-Tbe govern ment caused ' a sensation today In Its criminal suit against the so-called Bath Tub trust, when, after announcing that the prosecution's case was dosed, Edwin P. Grosvenor, special assistant to At torney General Wicker ham, moved that the ease against five of the defendants be noil prossed on account of lack of evidence. Th court granted the motion. Th defendants whose cases were dropped were: C H. Voetrel. president of the Barnes Manufacturing company of Mansfield. O. . N. Ford, president of the Humph rey's Manufacturing company of. Mans field. O. Themes Walker, president ot McVey t Walker company of Braddock, Pa. D. W. Davis, secretary of the National Sanitary Manufacturing company of Nw Jersey. E. V. Brlghem. aecretary of the Union Sanitary Manufacturing company of NoMeavilla, Ind. The government also requested that the same order be made In the case against J. A. Frauennetm. president ' of the Kerner Manufacturing company of felieneple. Pa-, who was put on the stand Jbrf th government, thus making him eobjeet to Immunity- The request wss granted. Deg. m. 141 jf r ,;" 1 .graH' il a. m .......... si tzSr m" ".:: gjre.J I la m V arr p- m. r t 2 BRANDT GIVES TWO BONDS BUT IS STILL IN JAIL KEW TORK. Feb. K.-Foike E. Brandt. former valet of Mortimer L. Schlff. sought In two courts today to procure his release on baiL He first faced Judge Crain tn th court of general sessions. Judge Crain fixed bail at CM on th ebarge of as sault, but declined to fix bail tn the bur glary charge. Jostles Gerard today admit ted Brandt t bail fta HON on th bur- glarr ebarge. Still tho prisoner was not . fj released, for there stands a bench wi rant charging Messous assault. BARNES PREDICTS FALL OPCOLONEL Chairma aof Few Tork Statee Ee- publicaa Committee akes State ment Before Tiiitine; Taft SPEECH VIOLATES PRINCIPLES Sari Followers, of SooteTelt Stand Upon Slipper Ground. TELLS OF EOXE CONDITIONS Primary and Conrentiou Will Eat ify True Bepoblicana. TOTXSS CANNOT BE SWEATED Xew Yorker BeesllsX Foraeer Tens Whew His Slats tailed to Hold Party Firm la steetetaBe t erased) Ides. WASHINGTON. Feb. XS. William Barnes. Jr., chairman ot th New Tork state republic nacommittee. gave out a statement here tonight Just before going to th White House to dine with Presi dent Taft. "I want it made clear that I gav out this statement before I went ta th White House," Mr. Barnes said. The burden of the statement concern Colonel Roosevelt's recent tpeerh st Columbus, It follows: - "I can only say this. It baa seented to m that homogeneity ot opinion within th republican party haa been threatened tor a long Urn and that a definition ot fundamental principles was therefore, ab solutely neceeaary tn order that the part might endure ss th preservative fore In th nation's life. "Th speech of Mr. Roaevelt at Colum bus kt a violation ot republicanism. When casually read It would seem ts contain a formulation of doctrine, but coupled ss It Immediately was with a declaration of th author candidacy for the nomina tion to th presidency K acquired virility, but lost that dispassionate devotion to principle which would have given It whatever quality It might have) bod. In other word this exposltlea at Colum bus waa to preface a- candidacy rather than to maintain a principle aad a caoai. deey which had been by Ha progenitor distinctly repudiated. 'This seems so clear to mo that, al though It la Impossible tor -me to sub scribe to th doctrine of th Colnnibu peccn. i wouiu reel tnat a l were one who could subscribe to that doctrine my feet Were on slippery ground. "Regarding th situation In th state of New Tork. delegates from each congree. tonal district will be elected at a pri mary, ejection on March by the direct vet of nearly 600. W enrolled repuMlcans k tli who stat I the naUeaal eaa. ventlon to be hetfaLblsseavUktswl (h state convention to be hld at Kochse- ter or) April I tour clgates-st-large will be chosen by the vote of a majority ot the -delegates ' riectat to .h state con vention at the same primary, "There la no doubt whatsoever '.ht the best judgment ot the republican electors of New Tork will be expressed at that primary and that that convention, which will assemble at Rochester as a result of that primary will reaffirm thoas prh el Pie of the republican party whioh have mad It la th past th medium through which tho thoughtful and patrtotto people of th oountry have rested In security that their government will be represents. I've, ttrsighted and - tenacious of the rights of every Individual, whether his opinions coincide with the majority or whether they do not - "The republican of th tt of New Tork can no more be swerved from their obvious duty now than they were In UM, when that ststs with other united to hold tho party firm la resistance to in erased ideas of that hour." Souther Leaders far gtaoeoeelt. CHICAGO. Feb. IT.-Pearl Wright, re publican national committeeman for Lou isiana, and Colonel Cecil Lyon, national committeeman for Texas, today tele graphed to th national Roosevelt head quarters la Chicago their support of tbe Rooeevelt candidacy for tho presidential nomination. B. W. Sims, secretary of th committee, declared th arawuncementa to bo "ex tremely significant, for the reason, that they come from two of tbe recognised re publican loader In tho south," In that the two men "have la Urn past had mora to do with determining tho position taken by the entire southern delegation than any other two leaders la the party In we south." "Over s per cent of the republicans of Texas are for Roosevelt.'' wired Colonel Lyon. "Practically no Taft sentiment ex cept among office holder, and they are not Btaeere. Expect every delegate from Texas will be for Roosevelt" under abso lute Instruction." ."Should we be successful la getting our state central com mute to authorise primary, th Louisiana delegation will be eottdr tor Roosevelt," said. Mr. Wight' telegram. "We are working hard for a primary." i - Carer Predict R..rvU's Etoettoa. CHEYENNE, Wye.. Feb. SSpeelaU -Governor Joseph M. Carey was besieged wtta callers today, all anxious to know what bo bad to say with reference ts Colonel Theodore Roosevelt's announcement- It Is known that Governor Carey has been a staunch supporter ot Roose velt aad wwa one of tbe goeeruots who wroto tbe eolonet a letter strongly urg ing Mm to become a candidate for the republican aomlnatlen.- Governor Carey sbm: "I believe that Theodore Roosevelt's speech at Columbus, supplwnenied by bis reply to- th gOTotima letter. Is so defi nite that the people of the United States now know Just where Roosevelt stands. "His declarations are an epitome of the very best sentiment of the peopl of the United States who believe In and la remedying the defect wMch have crept Into our system of His principles as enunciated will be dorsed by too people preceding the re publican national convention and by th people after Ms aemlnatlon by that con vention. The west is at a standstill. - It Runs raH. who understands th west bet ear thaa any other maa. I Bvoebesy bis nomination and election." Theory and Practice. REBELS OCCUPY CITY (JUAREZ Vitquiita Takes Poneviion Shortly Hfnra sTmm Tnesdav With Practically lo Opposition OBIT FEW " TOILETS FTBXD ' One Member of the Defending Fores ' Ii Slightly Woanded , , i mil 1 CRY IS SOTLB0UNDED EAS1T i Invader Spend light on the Spot I Where Peace Waa Negotiated . , HO ' SESISTANCE IS, , MADE teoel ia Kl Pass Sara Official Desired to Avoid Possibility of ' -Neeeeelty ot Aetloa by I'alted Statee. EL PASO. Tex, Feb. SS.-Juare it in possession of the Vasqutata rebels. Fir ing but one or two volleye and meeting with no reaiatance. oaly a tew scattering ( shots in reply to their first volley, the i rebels this morning marched Into the From the Indian poll News NAME BEYERIDGE FOR TICKET Unirertity Place Ken File It for .' Place of Vice President. ' FUST FLUKa FOB THIS OFFICE Dan Mr Lead of Sebayler File as Republican Caadldatee ter . ' a ter Ires Tenth Dletrte. Perkla Coaaty Maa Files. (From a Staff Correspondent. I LINCOLN, Neb., Feb, 17.-HpectaM-A new feature was Injected Into the Ne braaka campaign to day by the filing of a petition to place th nam of Albert" J. mvsrtsfe'ef Indiana on th preferential primary ballot as a renuitken candidal Right to Fortify . Canal Will Not Be Challenged WASHINGTON. Feb. 17.-Any fear that th right ot th United States to fortify the Panama canal might be challenged and forced to arbitration under the pro. Villon of the pending Anglo-American arbitration ha been dispelled by a state ment from official sources .that Gnat Britain already haa formally acknowl. edged that right. On sever si occasions this acknowledg ment haa been made. It wa learned to day, but ail doubt la aald to have been removed by a communication In writing from the let Secretary Hay to th aen ato explanatory of the understanding he far vtee sveeldenU ..ajl jj'a.ajgnarai twrm, M reached wHb ba-Ssttlsb Jn My-vn In number, are, from UnivbraUy Place. , At tbe state how inrormatiea is lacking whether th filing Is with the aMwIeug or aonsent of the candidate or simply th outgrowth of the enthusiasm eaused by the former senator's resent vUH end speech in this city. This Is th first real filing for the vh presidency, the original one, that of Charles Fanning of Omaha, being aimply a bit ot political horseplay, and It : was wlthdcawa some time ago. ' MeLeea riles, for Senator. Dan HcLsod of Schuyler has filed as a republican candidate for senator from tbe Tenth district, oompessd of Madison. Stanton and Colfax counties. McLeoi has seea service In th regulator, having surprtead the native aad km other by being elected In MM la tbe strong demo cratic count! of Piatt and Colfax, r Claud J. Hungerford af Perkins county has filed as republican candidal for the leglalatur from th Seventh district. Some Urn ago a certain Lincoln paper resented the printing of a rumor that It was to come out as a democratic paper. The story wss printed beoauae there ap peared good reasons at that time te be lieve tt true and te show republican th folly ol following after a leadership that would abandon then as soon as th real fight mmnsencea. ' In spits ot the denial printed at that time said a prominent re publican, present facts are as follow: The one republican, candidate whom It has been booming. Senator La Follett. la hopeleasly out ot tt sines Rooeevelt be actively entered the arena. That paper la absolutely committed at the present Urn against President Taft and former President Kooeevelt, the only ones who have a ghost of a show of obtaining th republican nomination. ' In. view ot this fact It appear. to m that It Is good policy to look for advice from those wad are conceded to be republican, and wan, regardleaa of difference over the nomi nee, expect to rot tor the nomlae of th party." Mara Flllase Made. H. P. Stevens ot Maxwell haa filed as a republican candidate tor the leglalatur from th Sixty-eighth district. R. 8. McCarthy of Spauldlag. a democrat and populist, desires to represent th Fifty second district in tbe leglalature. ELEVATOR CHARGE LIMITED Hew Baling Made on Allowance at ' Xiuouri Birer Terminal. GBAIN MUST BE ST TBABSLT Parosmia an Orala that ta la Blava tor Mere Thaa .Tea Daya la Pre alblted Amplltteatioa at Peary Fladlaav WASHINGTON, Feb. ft.-A a allowance of not te exceed three-quarter of a cent per hundred pounds tar th eleva tion of grain may be made to ahlppera by the railroads at Kansas City and other MlMourt river transfer point, ac cording te a decision handed down to day by tho Internet Commerce com. vitsTt lit IlirtwvW or th tnrrflc bursa o. BABTOM WHITES HIS PLATFORM Tells ths What Ma Its ad for ta Fifth District.. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 8.-8peclal.-F. P. Corrtck has written 81 Us Barton, audi tor of state, who kt a candldata for the republican nomination for congress la the Fifth district, asking Mr. Barton to state lis position on various public questions, sod la the letter saya that -others who seek th same nomination have done eo, and that tbe people would Ilk to know bow b stands. In reply to thia letter Mr. Barton makes tbe following statement: I had no Idea ot writing a platform. I expect to leave that Important duty to the great body ot aelegetes assembled for that purpose at the next repubitcaa con vention, aad as the people have so eftea seea disappolnteel In pre-election prom ises, I take the posit Ion that a man and hi past public life and actions are setter evidence than future promises. I am ta hearty accord aad sympathy with th mutative and referendum, (or the very foundation of eur government I based on the great principle ot tae rule of the people. While our state. In a manner; elects United eHatea senator by direct rote. It is net nationally a common practice. I believe If ink law was tn vogue aation aily that new face might be seea tn th (Continued oa Second Pag. tire when the HayPaunotfot treaty was being negotiated. Mr. Hay explained very atep of th negotiations and when he cam, to the clause In the Clayton Bulwer treaty prohibiting the fortifica tion f th ratlal he offered the follow ing statement oi th reason that led him and Lord PauncVfote to omit that pro hibition from th new treaty: "Th whole theory ot the treaty la thai the canal hi to be an entirely American canal. The enormoca cost of oontrucl lug I to be borne by the United States alone. When constructed R Is ts be ex clusively the property of the United States, and la to be managed, controlled and defended by It Under these ' cir cumstances and eonsldertny that now by the new treaty Great Britain la relieved of all the reaponilbtlltle and burden of maintaining Ita neutrality and security. It wss thought entirely fair to omit the prohibition that no fortification shall be erected commanding the canal or the waters adjacent.'" ' Chinese Warships Prepare to Bombard , Capital of Java SAN FRANCISCO. Feb' r.-Chlneae warship have been ordered to the Wand ot Java under Inatructlon to begin a bombardment of the port of Batavla K the Dutch -gtovernment does not pay an Indemnity demanded for the killing ot Chinese, aald la have beta attacked by Dutch soldiers. In an ultimatum sent to the Dutch gov ernment yeaterday Provisional . President Sun Tat;8ea Mated that an attack on Java would be begun It the Indemnity were not paid within a week. This Infor mation waa received here today In a private dlapatch from Dr. Sun's private secretary to Tong King Chang, editor of the Chinese Free Press. publlshd hers. . Dr. Sun declared In hi ultimatum that passports would be haaded te th Dutch minister, whs la said to be at Shanghai, ea route to Peking, It the Indemnity were not paid. Chinese here explain tbe pro poaed action oy Dr. Sua on tbe ground that the Manehuriaa government no longer exists and that ths Dutch govern ment must treat with the revoluUonlets, although the republic baa aot yet been ,Tb three cruiser which left Shanghai today are the Hal Chan, the Hal Tube and tbe Hal Sun. They were fully provi sioned and equipped under orders of Wong Chung Wet, minister of wsr. Advices to the Chines newspapers her declare that the attack on tbe Chinese by tbe Dutch soMlera waa made without prevecatloa and that three Chinee were killed and many others srrested. PEKING, Feb. IT. Tuaa Shi Kal haa notified Dr. Sua Tat Sea at Nanking that international bankers have offered to ad vance a loan of KOM.OW taels (about tU.en.NM. He therefore, he ssys, wUl eboa be la position to send 4 taels (about RnMuf) to Nanking to pay the repulblcaa troops. Tuaa Shi KM realises that unless they are paid a. ealtated men In th re publican army will be liable to constitute a national danger. Omaha Ceaple PXsurrteel ta Chlemae. CHICAGO, Feb. . (gpeciaj TelegramT) -Mr. Claud "toiler and Miss Bertha Lews, both of Omaba, were ttoeneed to aaarry hare twiUy, Merchants' exchange f St. Louie, against ths Chicago, Burlington and Qulncy and other .westers road. ,,.... . . i v . - Effective Keat April.. Th decision wa rendered In th light of opinions ot th I'alted State u preme court In the Peavey elevator ease and th caae of th Interstate Commerce commission against Dlffenbeugh. Involv ing the payment of elevation allowances. I'ader the Order'. of the commiMlen, which ts to become effective April it, the Mlowanre may be paid only on grain that actually pesseajhrougn the elevators In tea daya --. , , . ' i The St. Lout Merchant' exchange urged that the payment of the allowance at Missouri river point discriminated against St. Louis as a .grain markat where no alowance were paid. To tbl proposition tbe commission agreed, but Is view of the aupreme court's decisions, nothing was left for the commission to do but authorise the allowance and limit the time ot th passage ot tho grain through the elevators, tirala Men ta be Cabinet Member. CHICAGO, Feb. 27,-John F. Cou rater, aecretary of the Ortla Dealers' National association, announced today by wire from Toledo, O., to delegates to the Chi cago Board ot Trade that the conference by representatives of grain producers and grain handlers with th secretary of agriculture, the secretary ot th treasury and the secretary of commerce and labor will be held March 4 In WasMngton. The purpose of the conference la stated to be to obtain relief from a recent ruling of Dr. Wiley, whereby the market for darn aged grain. It la asserted, would be limited to distillers only. Will Get History v of Standard Oil . Into the Record ST. LOUIS, Feb. n.-Clrcult Judge Kin sey today by overruling a decision ot Special Commissioner Jesse McDonaid, before whom deposition were being taken In the Water-Pierce-Standard Oil legM battle, made It possible for Us Pierce faction to go Into the history ot th Standard Oil company's connection with tho ra.tera-Plerce Oil company aad Into tho business history of the three men. propoaed by the Standard as directors for the Waters-Pierce. The court declared that a wide scope would be' given In the Inquiry and that tbe antecedents ot tho stock which ths Standard voted at th annual meeting of the atock holders of the W'aters-Plerc company could be shown. Ths question arose la a mandamus ault filed by the Btaadard to compel the Pierce faction to count tbe votes of the Stand ard. The Waters-Pierce faction m an swering the mandamus suit si legs th Standard la seeking to motntaln,a trust la violation . of tbe United State su preme court dissolution decision. had been purchased to repel them, took ebarge of th municipal offices, tbe cue torn house, the barracks, the JM1 and ether publlo buildings. The rebels made the assault at 10 O'clock sharp, entering th utskirta ot the city from the northweet and firing they entered, using rifles and one cannon. The few hundred men In Juarea as defenders fired a few a ,o from various points ot vsntage and then war ordered by their officers to cease. Mexican Conaul K. C. Llorenta ot Kl Paao afterwards declared that the offi cers decided not to make resist snce, to avoid complication with the United mates. United 8tata troops petroled th border at tho time the attack was made, apparently ready to enter Juarea It Kl Paao should be oodangared. ' - Aa the rebel marched Into Juarea, they found Ml bouses closed, but no res lata nee. Only one man. Captain Rosnoro, at the defenders, wss wounded, accidentally. .. All night th rebela spent In camp sut sld ot Juarea, after moving around from th south' to the northwest. Tasy at tacked from the northwest, partially using th bank of an Irrigation ditch for protection. Th fir waa directed sa that the bullets ot the defenders and assail ant did aot fall on American aotl. The rebel advanced ia considerable order and appeared to be under perfect control .of their office. Kmlle Cam pa, wa la command of th attacking party. Th rebels declare that they will main tain order and arrangements are being made ts restore communication between Kl Paao and Juares If th United States troops will permit. ro lootina aiwnu'siuvu in leniaa fir th eltr. Battle la Stale at Jalisco. '' GUADALAJARA, Mxlco, Feb. .V. TMKiia ieal-weTW-lrleeeV-aiid foatur tout wounded la a hittl with th t troop fought at Tonaya. bear San dibrtet, la th southern part ot the stat of Jalisco today. According to Informa- tlon reiwived her th lot ot th federal troop tn tbe fighting consisted ot a lieutenant blued and three pelloemsn wounded. The rebels were led by Fran dco Del Toro, who succeeded la escap ing with tlfty of his men. - ' Samuel E. Maglll. United State sonsul here, has been notified that five Ameri can eltlsens Interested In th San Miguel Mining company, an Indianapolis eonoarn, have been driven from th property hoar Lbutls. No details ft to ths ooourrcne hav reached here. Th party waa oa a tour of Inspection. - Ambaeeadar Kxpeeta Little Tresbl. WASHINGTON. Feb. Z7. - Mexican Ambassador Martin today expressed tbe opinion that the present dtMurhaacea lu Mexico would ' not lead to a "real r volution, beoauae a majority ot publlo opinion waa opposed ta It" He said ths "vsrloust weal dit urbane" would be put down ia tw or three moato at the longest "Ths people of Mexico.' bs added, "have bad enough at revolution and tbe majority of them are la favor ot peae and-quiet so that thsy may g ahead undisturbed with their business." th fact that there are bands of ma! eontentents In various parts of the oua try, tbe ambassador declared, should aot be taken as an Indication that th Maxl. can peopl as a wnol are warlike and fond ot turmoil any more than th ex kttenee of tbkrfes and sat nine la other countries means to those eouatrle are normally fond of robbery and murder. Word was received at tho Treasury de partment today that the Mexican consul in El Paso had declared ta the name of President Mader that the port of Juarea waa eloaed The sariouncMBent. however. It Is sMd bore, will not atop traffic. Two Men Killed in Riots at Kingston KINGSTON, Jamaica. Feb. r.-Klng-Moa waa given over to mob rale tbruearh- eut tho night aa a result of coillaloa between tbe police and the , populace. Two men were killed and more thaa thirty injured, soma of then awveraiy. Thirty-Two Drowned in the Belgian Congo BRUSSELS. Belgium, Feb.. zT-Thirty-two ot tho passenger and erew were drowned by tho foundering ot the steamer Dllvranlo, a government vessel ptyimT ea the Kwango river, oa the border ot th Belgian eoago yeaterday, according to a di patch received by th Petit Bioa. Great Enterj grow from a small business. But a small business must , be advertised. Not necessar ( ily must the advertising ba display; classified advertis ing will aid immensely. Per haps : you have a business that should be advertised is the want ads. The Bee is th : paper that reaches the peo ple who give you GOOD re ; suits. : , The cost is ooly a few tests a day. tho galas era recorded la dollars. - Insert your ad im Th Bes and waves your ouaiuess grow, rsoue jonr message to I Tyler 1000, il