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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1912)
2 Interwoven is Sock Insurance - You bare experimented and hunted for a hose of light or med ium weight "which possessed the durable, wear-resisting qualities of a. heavier sock. ; Here's your with coma true not rMnforeod not spliced not doable or triple, bat "lotcrworm" at toe too and keel, the rltal points. Sew Spring weights, light or medium, on display In the window. All colors and white; they're a revelation la com fortable, nns-f!t'-lni bote. TOEHEgl 1518-20 FAENAM STREET FIGHT BEGDN0NBURLDIGT0N Iowa Business Xea Complain of Its Parallel Lints. DESIZE TO TTTWATE THZX BRTAH BDSTEMN WORDS .Will Be First Witness Snmmonfd in Money Trut Inyeitigation. XHD EESOLTJTIOJr PROPOSED eaJo Freanee laotraaaeat Cteiag Ae- (borlrr far loan try Which, Rita. laatee All Speelfte Beferenee to Plaeaedal Moacnoly. ', WAKHINOTOX. Feb. .-Wi;Uam,Jsc Blags Bryan will be tha tint witness to be summboed before the house committee en banking ana currency te t ratify ta tbe nancy trust lavsetlsTatloa. ' which the democratic caucus, repudiating Mr. Bry an's demand Cor a special committee, re ferred t steading committees of the ' sir. Bryan tied eat the teas of the damcrrstie eanmrtttee when he recently declared (he maney trust thought U aoeld Control the osmmittco. The ens atlttee heelats that Mr. Bryan must es paun what he secant, awtthasuding Ma fast that the Bryaa adherents la the asanas Weaneeday night ottered a inula tiaa watch was adeoiad. sapraattng ma- i at the lateartty of their colleagues MANY BIG DRAFTS STOLEN Council Bluffs Banks Stop Payment on 75,000 of Piper. ALL U JCLWAUXU KAIL POUCH First Ratleeml Baab Mad 40,OOe Pa la reach laotltnttons - rat to Brent DraJ af lb peaaa to Slap Pnymeat. This le what Mr. Bryaa to credited with emrt&a about the sororalltaa. eeaceralag which the dwiawirstls members wish tt question him: Imxtecrau, beware! The SMaey trust having tailed ta its, effort te prevent aa lavseilgatloa le noer trying te. force ea lnvestlgatloa by the banhtag eoeantttse The tact that the money truat wanu that aceamtttee entrusted With the tn restlgatloa la proof pnetttve that tt thinks .H eaa eantrel that oomsnttee.' Treat Bat Mentioned. t" la nun-tad - tostrnst ta the propossle hnada by Repraeetitstrve Henry af Tries, rhau-mea af the rales committee for aa linostieetlon of the money trust, was a reeotutteo Introduced ( today by Repre smlntlm Peje elieunhftag all specific Isfsianus te the ioar treat. ' The Pujo leacluUoa wee approved by the majority members at the eomaiHtee te which the exssoeretle smuug raft ltd asset of the I an airy. Bapcassiitetlvs Vreslend. rank ing repubucaa member af the eenuulitee, first taefteettmlty ettempted te have the repubttsaa sum ban Invited late the eess silltee sseetlnc. The Pule banking- and currency committee tvuetutlea wee- re ferred te the rules committee, ' It sets forth that tbe committee Is deetreae of seeurtet full and eomphHe ln rormeltoa regarding the Banking and cur rency coadittoae of ' the country for authertses It te sit as a whole or by seb nommlttee during ths aeastons or reeass at eeegi uss and ta eeeapel the attsadeaos There are an specific referencee ss the reeeluttoa te control af money by finan cial (roups and their domlnatloa at rait, reads. Industrial eomMasHons, national banks and the Mew York stock esehange and eisarlng house such as were eea t tinea 4a the lieary reeolulloa, refused by the caucus. Telephones and the tdecraphs were In- duetrtouBly need yesterday by ' Council Bluffs hansei s etaptag payment af drafts, checks and ether temiaerilel paper eon- taiaad ks the smII pouch that was stolen Wednesday ntrhl from a mail track at tbe Milwaukee passenger station. Tbe peueh may bare contained eeaamer cii paper ta the value ef more thaa FIM. aad payment v si of this paper Md to be etopped. The drafu were mostly Chicago esehange, but la a num ber ef lastaaees Mew Tors, drafts were In the pouch. Wcdaaaday hsppissS to be aa enosu slly hoary day for the Couacil Bluffs beak when tbstr drafts for banks In towns an the Mnwaehae rail road exceeded the asual amount. A rough animate but svealng by the rirst National bank IndJ eated thai the etolea mall pouch eoo- tained at leeat Sst.tss. Ths Commercial Matmnal aad City National alse place m the mail ea Wedensday aternooa a large aaseuat ef ooounerrtaj paper e ataned te bank oarmsoooanu along the Has of the Milwaukee. It le not believed that the peueh oaatalned much cash, el ttaMgb. there were a number ef regietered ckga Paymeat ea all of the drafts aad'rheeie has baea stooped and this baa entailed aa eoranoua eantuat at wt requiring a eomplete eeateh ef the rerarda end heavy expense for telephone, tnd tel-egrsphle-ieenrlce. That ths pouch ama stolea by Ceemcll Bluffs tblerea at a low order of Intel u- denes has beea fully damoaatrated. Fost- atfles laspeeter Sanger wsa glvea ease last evening. Atteewoy W. T. Mazer of Dee BVaiaee Oiaaarrrd rrem rraetlve , la Iowa Cearta fas rape. feaeleaat CaadaeS. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINKS, la., rob. S.-Operial Tei- egram. InformsUoa hps reached the state house that a suit will be flatd be fore the Interstate Commerce camndeston salting that the Burllagtoa Railroad vaay be compelled te dissolve Insofar as it controls er paiellels any competing Unas of railroad betweea the Mlsslsstppl and Mlamurt itvers. It Is alleged that the Burllngtaa Is op erating ths tear parallel Haas la violatloa I of the rule laid dewa by the United States leupreme court In Ae ferns uo Northern Bacurittee caaa. It h) conceded that the Burttngtoa eperstrs two parallel and com peting line ta Iowa betweea the two rivers and also operates tww parallal aad osmpetlng lines In Missouri betweea the twe rivers. It is understood that the railroad eom mlaataa will be sakad to present the com plaint oa the relatloa af certain Iowa buataaae snea. whom names bare not yet so divulged. Tlargar te Be !. United States Marsbel Clark win sell at aectloa nezt Thuraday IB barrels ef vine gar that were eenflseated and oowdeuiaed by tbe gsnremmcnt pure food afflcers aa being made aa viola Uoa ef tbe haw. Ths vinegar was made by the Central City Pickle company of Peoria aad eanslgsad te Chariee Hewitt Boos compear, Dee Molaea. aleaer le Msheirred. Attorney W. T. Maxey was today dis barred from practice la Iowa by the Polk county court.. He had beea In practice here about tea years and was eeussad of tailing te turn ever senary collected far his clients and OTsr-eharging oilcans far his mrrlcee. Its bad J eft the city prior to his disbarment and made no defi - Calls Aaceelatleej CI ma. The annual meeting ef the A Angus' Cattle aameutlea came to a eioee tonight, after ejecting the following of ficers: President. J. V.' Arner. Ua. la.: firm vtce preeidrnt, W. If. Dmiaborg. Mer- wais: sarona vice president. Bears Mo-Hrririr.- twnleon; secretary-treasurer, Buas igv, inoianoia. Following ths report' by the committee oa the pro pool Uoa of making Des Moines a osatral aalee market. It was ennoiiaosd no action would be taken for another year. There are but Urea such markets la the United States, one being located at Omaha. The ausatloa of opening a -market for Angus bulls la Argentine also was tabled for another year. CAHNERS REFUSE TO ACT , ON DISCOUNT RESOLUTION ROCHESTER, M. T, Feb. I The Ks tlaaal Caaoers assodaUoa aad Its allied ladttsulea laid ea the Uble tadeflnllely ths tosomiasndsttna of a eemmittee that re nam give a dlaceuat ef I per osat Pa aU goods said te wbolesalsrs. At a tag af a Joint committee af the atksa and the Wholesale Orooere' asaoct- atiea Mat year, a eentract calling aach a dlseouat was fermuhttad aad at Its Iadiaaapolls eoavaatlea la May, the grocers asonetslloa adopted It. OCflcera were elected as follows: Precl dsat, aamaat W UsssroC ClaveUad. a; Ties premdeat. Z. Hughes Ores, Baiu- raece; msretajy-treasurer, rraak B. Oer- reU, Bemlr. Md-i additional sareoters. C W. McKeysMkss. laduuuw i. w. Cay. keadaa. Iowa; Oeorge M, Geerge, Orsgoa Kmhard Dtrbmeea. Iluaett: w. kL, Bald win, Hawaii: Oeorge H. Chatham, Wis The place ef the aext meeting ws not flsed. The preMdeate of the three as aortadons win snake a choice from Paul. Blctunond, Ctadanatl. Baltimore aad Seattle. ' iHIRTY-EIGHT INSTITUTES TO BE HELD DURING MONTH (From a Stsff Corrmpoadent.) LINCOLN, re a. s.-iSpaelal.-Thlrty sight farmers' Institutes will be held ai various points m the state during the aioath of February. These practically close ths Institute season In this state and will snake a total of over CO I during this winter. Hers to the Ust for ths remainder of the year: tawood-B. JL M array, Tsssrlsy. rek- ruerr PV Franhim-H.' . Cyr, Tueeday, Wednee- eay, eeoruary ss, bl -.( ..' Allan la r. ti. Browne, Weaaeoeey, inureoay, reeruary ii, a. Keneeaw M. A. Stoner, Thursday, FA day, reeruary u, XL Crete-U. C. No Me, Friday. - Saturday, February IX M. creetoa h. w. lAleaiae, Tuaoasy, ree ruary 11. hjgin Bert Hunter, Teeaday, Wednee day, February It, M. at, Kdaard-H. Uordoa Croes. Wednes- dar, Tburaoay, Fsbruary IV la. -eilver Creek Ohariee Wooeter, Thurs day, Friday, reraary a M. .uu-ke-l Utua, I rloay, aatarday, Powers, Tuesday, Feb- Taasday, Wednes- MOUSE PUIS PIPE ORGAN . OUT OF COMMISSION TABOR. la., Feb. t.-(Special -a though ohureh adee are popularly sap- aoeed te be poverty etrtehse, they ee mo ll aeee prwra aa ex penal re lusary, at (east saoh sraa the espreastea of the Tabor CoaaTsamUenal church, RECTOR BELLWIHS FIGHT Ttttry ef St PmJ's Omreh Bcfases to Accept Eetisrnatinn. . BISHOP TAXES HIS SIDE OF CASE Pivw Veotrymea Head la Beelawa tioaa aa Saea as Teee le Takme Mr. Badi " rwatrly Worked ta Oasaha. DES MOINES. 1- Feb. Ii-The reslgBa tioa of Bve reatrymea ef faahlonsbia 8. PauTs Eptseopel ehureh hers me sffectlve today as ths result of the scrjoa of the vastry last night la deaUalng te accept the resignatioa of Rector B. H. B. Bell. Bishop Theodore N. Msrrisoa of Daven port, who presided at the vestry ssseting. took the pan ef the pastor, who had sa aounced bis Intention ef leaving the church because certain westryassa had criticised his work akma; social service Mr. Bell, who wee formal r a rector ia Omaha, la noted Uuwaghout this section for hie tabors la behalf of the peer, and when tbe more artsteeratte members et hie eongrcgaaoa objected to thsee labors be resigned. Among the vestrymen sf ths church who resigned following last Bight's setlon are N. T. Guernsey aad Oeorge T. Henry, prominent attorneys: Henry Not ion; leading Insurance magnate, and Charles a Defunan, bead .of the local water company. weeks the Mg pipe srsaa la the eharrh j has beea behaving ta a meaner omits aa-1 emina to one la Its responsible po sition. Free neatly it gare utteraace ta alalag groans galto out of harrnany with the deeotleaai muslo of the church services. Finally aae of the pedals refused to act aad the ergaa sraa est out of deeaa, Frof. N. O. Rows, the orgaalst aad chorUier, sot psmisMng the proper issnrumeau with which le operate apea ths vtlals ed the ergaa found It necessary ta seed feraa expert from the factory. Tds snaa upon making aa aaamlnatlea fauad a near ths refractory pedal a large, osmmsdtoua mease Best, eeaatraotad of apple eeree, data sssds, aut ebslle, eta, This domlcle as It asarsd soanpletioa be. cams aa high that the pedal could not drop, After routing the Industrious little builders out of their novel winter cjuar lore and reviving the Instrument ths specialist charged tbe church the sum of UM aad returned to b ease, part era. The ergaa now performs la ths most eases- Plans Made for Big Gathering of Troops by 'Of ficers in Texas SAM AXTOKJO, Tea, Fee. t-Ueutea- eat CeloasJ Samuel D. Sturgla, Third field artillery, left toalgat for Houston. where oa erdsrs from Brigadier General Duncaa. eomsssndlag the Department of Texas, he will ascertala whether a suita ble elte cue be secured for a ooaesatra- ttoa camp for troops. Although no official notice has beea re ceived here that a movement of troops to Teaaa will be ordered, preparations for their eeeornmodatlons ara betas: sna and Cetenel Sturgta" mlmloa to Houston Is part of ths plana The maneuver camp outside Fsrt Bam Houston -Is sufflclestly tares to si maim data about ll.eoo troops, the a am key sao blllsed. hare hut March, la the event a larger. amrssssBt ef troops to Texas is entered, camp sHss at Baa Aatanlo Houetaa and possibly Oalrmlua mid other strategic points win be a reliable. WASHINUTON. Feb. k-lstarrmrtloa hi Mesiee by the Uartad States to aot Int eased by any amMllsaUsa of troops that aslght be Shade sgala aioag ' ths southern border. This was ths attitude of the depertmeot telegraphed today to various consular diplomatic reprsseata trrsa la Mcaleo srhe had eeaaplalaed that intervention talk there eras fostering a dangerous aatl-AnMrlcaa sentiment. A reajuest frsm the Mexican aeeerav ment te move Us troops through linked Statsa sarMtsry so aa to reach points In tne Interior to which rebels had severed railroad eeaaectloa was acted upon by the Btate Deptrtment here today, r Oeaeral Wood, chief of staff at ths United States amy said tonight, bs had ordered a detail of Am ericas orfiosrs to accompany the Msaloaaa as aa honorary escort. ' t ; . . . ., i Your Final Chance to buy, Suits and Overcoats of the celebrated Broivning, King & Co, make at reduced prices,- 'i . : ' ' ' -i " ' : ' ' S. " ''.,-'. Gentlemen who appreciate the points of superiority found ; in this clothing (and this includes practically every , well ; ' : dressed 'man In Omaha) will recognize the honest saving, .to be, made and supply their clothes wants at' once. B, K & CO. OVESCOATS) $15.00 OVESCOATS NOW. .$12.50 120 and T18 OVERCOATS NOW $15.00 ' $20, $22.50 OVESCOATS NOW. .$12.50 ; $22.50 OVERCOATS NOW, . . . . .$18.00 $25.00 OVERCOATS NOW! .... .$20.00 $28.00 OVERCOATS NOW. . . . . .$22.50 ' $30.00 OVERCOATS NOW. .... .$25.00 $35.00 OVERCOATS NOW. .... .$28.00 B, K. & CO. SUITS $20.00 and $18.00 SUITS NOW.. $15.00 $22.50 SUITS NOW .......... . .$16.50 $25.00 and $220 SUITS NOW. .$18.00 $28.00 and $25.00 SUITS NOW. .$20.00 $30.00 and $28.00 SUITS NOW.. $22.50 $32.50 and $30!00 SUITS NOW. .$25.00 $35.00 and $3150 SUITS NOW.. $28.00, R.S. WESTERN BilSS SUSPENDED !. , ! vaameansaaw y , aaatificttioa Eeeently Filed is Held TJp j Commisaion. ". A1TSCT8 ISARLT ALL P0IHTS SehedaM iWklek Wewld Maar Raves' aad Dr aw ! I'atlt aae aa. Stajasaae s,aee Tbe following aasrrtage Issued: Nics sad Real donee. Age John R. Atnander. tun Orsok. Meh.,..H Ola Taaey, kMUth Omaka. :.. noons W - ftmfth. Omaha....'..::...-. B tirade Barber, time he .IT Willie E. Taylor, f lereace, Feb..., Maale Inmaa. Florewea, Noe. a Jeme Wbalee. South Omaha........ ....Ml Cat lien ae Xuipaer. South Oamha..... J Anion Alukoala. Bouth Omaha n Mlcaaataa Maaacslasketa, south Oasaha tt Ocorse Xieniuei. Omaha ... .....,..,.r Uazte Oue. 1,1ms lis ..r Ralph W. Jeetea. Wnensnilish. Ia. B tiarastma MelMmwu. beaver a February It, IT. Maiuuette-Aiex raary a Aurora J. FA Kerr. day. raoruars Ml U. Mace m. . uetty. wsoaesuay, Taure- oay. reeruary at. m. fuca ueoree usse.t, -nureoar. m- aar. ruiuei B. SL beaver Croesi-ig, 4. C. Menard, Friday, February 3S. i'rru-J. 1. Orares, Tuesday, Wsdaes- day, reeruary It. av joaneoa w alter aweaei, -rseaoay, Wetnesssy, Thursday, February 8, to, ai. Humbokit Iwn Ortdlry, Thursday, Fri day. February to. Manm L Mindea U a. Mewsetd. Tun Say, i adeaadsy. March S. A acbuyler to rand View church) B. F. Peanoa. Taeeday, February IS. North Loup-C U HIU, Wedaaoday, February tt. - Loup Utr-k M. BmUa, Thuraday, ree ruary tt. a.iliasa-C. Srarba, Wsflpssday. Febru ary n. . ttoividare K. T. Dili. Thuraday. Febru ary SL ixtler W. C. Line, Friday, February n. Kimball Horaoy Beaeon, Tueeday, Feb ruary N klorrtll-Jamee Elliott, Thursday, Feb ruary ft Hnrhell lasma T. WMtshead, Friday, aoott a Bluff WTnlam B. Woodruff, Saturday, February K ttayerd-C H. Uarpole, Monday, Febru ary M. Mciirsm-Lw W. Rlageby, Tusaday, Feb ruary Tt. iw.iles- Dr. IX F. Morris, Wcdaaaday, February to. Keyetone C. B. PtiHIIpe ( flleeam peswftioei Tbaa-sday. February za. Safrraatat Debate at Ida dreve. IDA OKOVB, la.. Feb. A-4pectaL-Tha Iowa State college short oeurst Is being bold In Ida drove this wsek. aad in spite ef almost Imnessslils eoasu roads, there are upwarda of MS scholars enrolled. A feature ef the day yesterday was tbe estertaliuneat la the stoning la tbe form of a debate ea the euestloa ef woman'a suffrage - Mrs. Julia Clark riaiiam ot snoui city. Mra, Bolls Ham and Attorney Chsriss S. Msonmlmi Ida Oreve took the afftrmauve side, aad tbe negative was takaa by Mrs. Calvta a-asere. a M. Carrie, farmer emu rem eeatadve, aad Attorney Ouy a K11K Tbe Judges anaeuaee that they gave the de- cunen to ins surfrsgtsea. Wrthe-Joa end I4a Altssaa. 1TB Cas tellar street, boy: Pete end narah Flb rtnaky. BOS Bh Teath street bey: Heraaea aad FVaaeee aUaoery. m Mouth Tenth etrect. boy: Louie and 1-onf Van il-n. rm Cam-atr-et. bor. Albert and jma . fVtteriew is South Thirty-Urn ' etrrrt rtrl: Jabs V. aad Lnaoa- Bunnlnc, PHt Patrlrfc avenuak pu-i Imtha-riaaMB M . I'oan rn. at rear. Peever: Oiariea F. Eiert, tt years. Fr tieth street aad Penpeetoa aveauie: KH aatMh Uencoer, K years, TweaC'-durth aaf artaeu atreota. - Pwassieat AdrsrtUtcg M lneRsad ta Returns, Waat Lseeaas keaey Mot CENTRA.!. CITT. Nek, Feb. k-gao- dsXl-Cbartas M. aofcel and Nlchelaa A. Skua, es eelosa keepers ef eairer Creek, bare iibimismI anut la the district eeart agalam the airrur Creek seamot dkHrict fer SBUk each, aa the peruea sf thetr whea the astt raid veaad. . KING FREDERICK HAS ANOTHER GOOD NIGHT CO PFJfHA QUI. Deaamrk. Feb. s. Kins FnidmHh Is amkbat such good pro gress m has rmawmi from has iwcsmt si mmm that only one buDetm wig be baejed daOy by the pbysaeaus m atteadaaca. His amjmtj paewed a gsed atgbt. His aaasral eeodltlOB to good. Tbe asflamatioa of ths tusgs cnattanra to dsn esse, Maria a LanSurk Burned. HARLAN. Is.. Feb. e,-Sneclal-Tbe home ef Mrs. Peter Commaader ea North Atsth etreet wse aimost totally destroyed oy lire ncuneeoay Bight A karem laasp as'oded and Mra. Cessnasader a email children were barely able to escape wua ineir avea. About SUM tnearsass was carried. The house was saw ef the landmarks here. It bavhag baea buUt fifty years ego by Hoa. Xrklckea" Weeks, who was a noted character horn h ti early darn MANN SAYS ARMY NEEDS MORE AEROPLANES WAKHINOTON. res. S.-Incrsassd an- preprlBUoaa for army asroplaaes use de clared to be the meet hnpertaat acOea eoagresa could tabs to faapreve tbe naeocy ef .ths prmy by Rapuhllena Leader Maaa la the boose today. Ia the debate ea the army eurpreprtatlon I Mr. Mana declared the Called Statee was behind ether aettoaa la the aae ef aere plaass for war perpasse and abould re duce other axpsadlturee if sicmiary to Increase its aerial fate an i f DEATH RECORO WA3H1.NOTO.'. Feb. .-A ae rlassiflosHsn of frelaht. ea which the wmtara transrmrtatloa lines worked for BMmy months and which recently eras filed with the Interstate Commerce com mlssiea, today , was ordered by, the com ndsslan to be sispendts tram rehruary it to June 2K, , t - - , .Tlw, proposad. ..classification carta ma kaadreda of changes resulting la advaasm and some deoreasea la rates. Naturally, rates would he affected by the asw elsaslfloatloa, not only In westers territory, but , throughout the eeoatry ea all trsaghl originating la 01 dostlasd to potato la that territory. A bearing oa the prop need ciemlfleaiioa was held la Chicago ea January e bat It waa found Impossible by the oommamlea to osBOlude Its inquiry before the affective date, rebruary U. . . Other Itotea Saeaeadsd. Advanom la freight rates proposed by transeentlnental railroads were today sus pended by the eemmlssoa from February until August tt. - It sraa Pound Irapos alble to eeoelede the Inaulry wlthla the time original ry fixed by the oommbsrlea.l The osmmlssloa today ordered a general to-seettgetloa at the araotiee of all tnter etala carriers with reapeot to the toseaaos of pasaso, franks and free transportation Mrs. A. J. Pollock. . WI8NER, Nab.. Feb. sWRpecml)- Mra. A. 1. Pollack died suddenly et Nmonia Thursday mi ruing after a short Illness. Ths funeral was held this aftsraeea at ths Methodist ehureh. Bee. O. U Ooodell ef O leu wood. Ia., afflctat SAN DIEGO FAIR REFUSED OFFICIAL RECOGNITION WASHINGTON, Feb. a. Ths asaate ismmnns aa aapraaimaa today artsd ad versely sa the riailstlia rasa ml lag the praaldrat ta hwHa I arm Sinnkas ceua trias to participele ta the Panisse Cad fornia apeertlea ta Saa Data CaJL. m Utta, As Sen Fraactseo la te bold aa ex pesltlasi thp same year, m which the aa tiana of the wertd already have beea ba Ttted ta partlctpate. the enmwltlm de cided that aa lasttaOan to a aseead fair Jawa we ere Notes, t LOOAM-Rev. C. S. Lrlas. naator af the Melhodlet church at Logan, else at Bethel, baa arranged to boid a bread- saaklruT ecateet sonaT the reunc aeoole oi tne reepecuve cnurcnes nature ey. t ea- ruary ll. Tfie oread will ae Juoged ay eeperte and sis certlOoatas awarded. MA RetHALLitrW a The annual most- mg of tbe Asaociated Ad Clean ef Iowa will be held ai Cedar Fames Februanr M and 17. Oeorge W. Octemea of Boston, aruelderit ef the National Ad Mee'e as aecietaoa. will be tbe gaiaslpol saeakar. LOOAN lames W. "earth. Dimeta Ckat- trel railroad agent aero, received aetass Iset evening that be would be sent te Woodbine the hurt ef the moat a to lake charge ef rail rues static there. IOWA Cirr-Isaec FurMah, one ef the roretnoet citltons et that piece, wee nearly killed today whoa he plunged down (If teen stere ta a dark stairway ef a local store end struck the herd He was Tt years ef age. BOON B The Chicago A Nort Sweet ara company has rest tncreeaed the allow ance fur the a hope hi this city M,0ia) per raontn. making a total oi ea,ew per menu for oboe and roundhouas ear alone. Fifty-eight additional mca are to be brought hare, BOON B-Dm D. C. Rawe and J. H, Noyce of Boons and Ogdea, who have Been acaveiy emncea in tns meal cat nractlra nearly flttr ream ta tale eeuaay. were tbe honored guests at aa elk borate reception, smoaer aae oaaeuet at t Booas Medical society thai areuaag. IDA OROvej-Thet wehres are still a menace 1a Iowa waa abowa whea the Poerd of Sxiuervtaoro wee asked to pay four rial ma from rarmers who bad sheep hdled br Ins varmiata auaas list agee waa allowed by the beard fer this Purpose. IDA GROVB-Ida county dtatrlct court will convene Monday with Judge Hutch Icon presiding. Tbe bag lead salt ef George M. Meyer asjaiaet Charles O. JLeib win no tnee. nr-NlieoK-TVe Klrea ila.) Farmers' Mutual laaurance eoeiety moat pay Rich ard Kmaay ef tale county Met en account of loos te bat cattle. The eooaaty rseieted payment on tke ground that ths cattle were eat ea the lead af ths tee and ween tha torn br krbtsuae- eotmied. Kinney Maimed he bad the right te seed ths cattle out le pasture aad the Insurance Mill cover. A jury ia eismct court roes Una view Bad gave eeretet assmaiiariy. DKNTPON-Tbe M.BB) daamge suit af Mrs. Nellie Patrick against laeae Pattar aon ef U eat fade, la., was soatlnued at lots term of court until the Bans barm. Harlan Galllard Swrft. daaut county clerk, who sane opusied apea fer uwl. aDoeadlcltls last araek. lag rap.dly at the Methodist hospital at Omaha and expecta to he able to return bare esse. HARLAN The Farmers aad Men basts' Bartaaw bank will mere late ats new tsvew bsildiaa this week, and ea Satur day will bold Its formal opening. An elaborate pragram to betng pripand. Tbe bid ding le siaairurtsd saaialy of Car Uaga saarble aad the taterler flsdablngs are CUeaaaaa watam aad waste marble nnrrois Tetearraph Operator P. 8, DMaa of tbe Cremea efttce boa received newe ot the death ad bis ssother at WataeTB, tU, strJvT-bOm Dorwtsrv K. tisane of Msaan City sad Roy it. Locke ef Kent were married ta Crcetea yeeterday efter nooa at the aarsoruure af ths Christian mmistar. Rev. o. W. Wnttas. They arm Only One- ' stVUIBRe That at Laatlve kareme Quiman Look res the eigaature at K. W. Qrova, Laed the nsrld ever to euro a cent Mi ana dap. Jhh Infamaatlen has reached the commission that many carriers ara violating the law h thai retard. Indtearlons are that ths offending carriers may be obliged to face prosecution. TURKISH TOWEL TO BE USED TO FORM LATEST STYLE HAl CHICAGO, Feb. . The Turkish sewek wklch previously had beea wrought from the bathroom to make ap mUady's blanket cast aaoV utter to pro rids her with the most modern gown, has seme out again. This time It Is for her hat. The National A areolar! oe of Retail Milliners, fct ceSTastlos hers today, has ordered Ms latest Bureaus af amfulnsss. Tha decree says the proper thing la hats that spring Is bs be: Small ar medium ia sum;- a riot of colors with plenty of plain red. Novaltiee la Turkish designs. Aaythtag rather thaa large bats for farhtonakls woman. In the wsy of nov el ties, aa umbrella hat, a "sou'wester," a aeere ot arsatloaa evolved from the Turkish towel red stripes, tasssto anal all and wound t urban effects are set forth la the display sf hats. "Sty lee this esaaoa are to be leas ex pend re and mors simple than ever be fore, but startling la edotlng." said President Mrs. Marie Harris at ths aa- WYMORE MAN ENTERS PLEA OF NOT GUILTY TO FRAUD WASHINGTON. Feb. S.-The state de partment to watching aaeotopaasnta la tbe dispute between tne Hendurna aor- arnmeat and nprsnealatrves at tha Talea .ha aanartaaant lesrnal that 4.. mum a. thai eoeurwenent the Honduras efndaaa ware about to seise Vaiaoitaa mesaartiae. The Sean set JmI wrmm Ml aa PuWUl OarSSB O aallora were landed. Tbe property was aot seiasd. Ths Duly purpose es tbe hi ua Jackets waa ta guard againe. vielssre. Tbe ansatlea of title to tk. property ia alapata to to be osttto. threagh Judicial and dlnlematla mstbeda. ea sin in ama at fer the adjustsseat ai the dispute betweea tha eiaiimlaaarlis .a UMinne Hnwaaant waa ara- Tkted for la a coa treat bold by tha Mor gan syndloate, but thla has Bean eaan doaed aad the Issue reanuaa open. bargain banquet Kilpatrick's Saturday y rTERK'S THE MENU 8 A. HL at Gloves, worth $1.00, at '. I','. . . 69e , GjoveV worth $1.25, at ..' 79c .Gloves, worth $100, at $1.19 12-Bntton, worth $3.50, at $1.89 16-Button, worth $3.75, at $1.98 20-Bntton, worth $4.00, at : $2.49 ALL DAY ORIENTAL SLIPPERS, at ,29c 10.00 A. M. Down and Out Sale of Ladies' Suits, Dresses and Cloaks, worth up to $35.00, at, each .... . , . . $5.00 Till store, closes at 9 P. M. A big assortment of Chil dren's and Misses' Coats, worth up to f 15.00, at $2.50 Men will relish the Tie treat 4-in-hands, were 50 cents, : at, each , . '. .'. .V. ... .V : .t . .. . .25c TOP OFF WITH BALDUFFS CARDIES; Don't Tail to Inspect This Sweet Section. , ' r : ' " " u 1 ? SEX PAGE 8 '; ' Thomas Kilpatrick & Co. Good corY mcaiM a good mtal 8 Serree delicious coffee that leaves aa appetite for mora. Kat year lunch or din ner here. , Largest cats In Omaha. ' BaceUeat cuis ine and attentive service. COURTNEY'S 8Trnrtryith aad Donglaa TheWellington Cafe 1817 Farwam Street Mrs. Francis Dinner ' 50c Cream of Chicken Queen Olives er Celery er Radishes Rips Olives Prime Rib ot Beef aa Jus or Roast Turkey. Family Style or Baited Pork With Dreestng Manned Pctatoea or June Peas . Cranoemca or Candied Tama Fruit Salad , -Hot Roiia . Our Own Made Mince Pies or California Loganberry Sherbet With Cake Coffee, Tea. Milk. Buttermilk or Cocoa rekraary- 11th, 11 A . AMTJSEMENTS. LOOAN-Oearge Mereehtag. who eue talaad tbe lorn ef an aye by tbe enapBtag back ef the ceiled ead of a taterbone wire here seme weeks ago, has settled with the saansgers sf the Weodtaar Teeroheee company tor aVOM, N-VTTON For the third tana within a year Lee Xramee of Barter to to be Hi nl e trial for fleet degree mmdei. He to arcuaed ot killing Mlse Matilda Kramsex aa aged and rich wemaa ot neer Bastar. hut Fsbruary. At both ef the trials the Jury dtosgisna. r Wtat fines. lens VwV Stop and Think What This Means Ne IJia to anew; no scales to eeene eff Juat one asild lense. Tbey tare to be aeea to be ap preciated. Step la whea conven ient and let us show yea. - BITESC1 OPTlCJa CO. dlS I Richest values ily ta char ed ran lea's Tree diamond aual Ity hi found atones of high eater. As ta baying St the R d store . lice fsct that etone le wbet It Is This bsuea has a fins assort- slit e f d lamoada, modee 1 1 y priced ee that the ble nurse be eetlsf Diamond bay ing as the est Inveetment. This etore be nlraaed show its large nock - ef manna and mead Jewelry ta aay visitor. tll'l Merely diamond 7 ' balm jf " Vf ta tbe JtPiV every ilSSrH i II Juet f,Amiil S: mm ' atATTsTBB TOBAT, See to St TeaiBXT, saa te SI AO MAY ROBSON la tha aTparkUag- Ooaaedy "AIMIght Out" Baa, atoa. Special Mat. Toiaoiiow MADOBTT MAJUaTTA. -wloreaoe Wsbser aad flompaay af PS AmericanThcater rOWTWSTP MATUfBRg TTJTgDAT, rHDAAIXAg ARB SATBaUbAT THE PRINCE CHAP at Tlsgtato aaahae Own Bacree Boa ED LEE ttiOT.GiMVRL HXTBATAaASrXA ABB A0BBTTUB Frank Dope' Wakefield. Jane La Beau and at others S real race horaee ta mlle-a-avtnuts handicap ta -Kutuiity Winner" aae aransee arrsry wees sey. ftKjYVi?fm. auras tvwvstiv bti-UH ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE MATLVEB TODAY 1:1 ' Note: Early Curtain Satarday Night 8d5 Sharp.- - ALBERTEDH0LM, KnUG THEATER , . ritsanlb aad Baraey. put Today ! It Night S:P Beat Beats aae The Omaha Bee reaches more SAM DEVERE CO. readers in Omaha than 'any I"mf"TR , , ' Beasrtiful Sotrventre to LaBise at Other paper. Pally DTne Matinee