Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 24, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Page 5, Image 21

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    ' tiff, omaha run-day bef,: pkcembkr 24. 1011.
How United States Government Feeds Its Army
We Wioh All
(CopyrtRM. mi. by Fnnk O. Carpenter )
.ABtUNUTON, D. C.-Thls letter
la to tell you rf the new
preparation, which Tncle Sam.
patriarch. Is mnkitiK for feed
ing his army. What kind of
a Christmas dinner will be
Slven tomorrow? We have about
soldiers, and they are mlshty hungry.
Now that the army has become a g"eat
fighting machine their labor in tine, of
peace la quite as hard as It would be
In war." Nono of them lucks uppetlte,
and they all want tho bent. The man
who haa chargo of feeding them Is tho
commissary gencm'.. Ills name I Henry
O. Sharpe, and he graduated at West
1'olnt thlrty-otio yearn ago. He started
hla military career with this branch ot
the service, and he haa served In every
department ot It and In every one of
the United States pot session. He has
had chargo of emergency woilc In varl
ous parts of the I'nlon, has been In
Torto Rico. Cuba and the Philippines, and
for some years ha been commlsnory
general of tho L'nlted States army. Tt Is
from him and his department that the
information I now give you comes.
Chrlilmai Dinner with the Soldiers.
And now as to the, Chrlstmns dinner.
It will bo vartel according to the loca
tion of tho troops. There arc fat turkeys
In Porto R!co and the Chinese ralso them
by the hundreds on the tan coast ot
Asia. There U plenty of wild game In
Alaska, and each army post, ami es
pecially thoso In the west, has'Us peculiar
supplies. In the main, however, the
Chrlstmus dinner will bo made up from
the same markets e yours or mine, and
the government has written Its menu to
suit. Here in a Christmas dinner sug
gested by the commissary general. It
comes from a manual which has been
recently prepared for the cooka of the
Oyrter Soup and Cracker.
Hoast Turkey and Dressing, Cranberry
Cold Boiled Ham.
Mashed Potutoes. Candied Sweet Potatoes,
' Brown Gravy.
Tread and Butter.
BhrimS Salad. Celery. Olives.
. l.oaf Cake.
Chocolate Layer Cake. Fruit Cake.
Jelly Roll.
Mince Pie. Lemon Meringue Pie.
Cheese and Crackers.
Mixed Nuts. Assorted Candies.
Apples. Oranges. Bananas.
Chocolate. Coffee.
How do you like it.' It is fit for a king,
and It aeetna a costly feast for Uncle Sam
to supply to 80,000 of his children. Upon
Investigation, however, I find that a din
ner like tlilu can be served for Icbs flian
39 cents. That la the price the commls
Bury gcnertil allows for the soldiers on
transports, tvhero the meals cost more
than on lund.
, Twenty-Three Cents n Day
Indeed, the cost of feeding the army Is
one of the most Important things con
nected with the commissary. .The gov
ernment lias to know Just what It Is
spending, and at present the army ra
tlons cost only a little more than Jij.000,000
a year. Thla- sum supplies the food for
all the 'Soldiers and the cost Is Ho cafeu
lated trlat the cooka have to market and
serve out-the rations at so much a meal.
Tha average price now paid la less' than
8 cents.' It 1s 2'.''4 cents per ration, and
a ration means three mealB, Last year
the soldiers In the Philippines' aVeiuged
less than! a nickel a meal, and the yearly
cost ot subsistence per man per day, the
whole, army through," wan leas, than 31!
cents.. "'"-'.; o -t '
Theak ar the figures for these days of
high pfluel, and they lead" one vto think
that the food must be skinny and poor.
It is not. It Is the best that can be
"l i i i ' m r. m i -v z ... t . . i li . i
. ia rrrp.z, r u, fx - is t
w&mi&A km NLtf rm
- ""1
A Merry CritMS
(Store Closed All Day Monday)
ttx muse or
high Mfrr. "
f IS- ?' m . --
20 ?lXJiK . ; .
' - y -v" V'- . ''ill
Tho Doctor's Answer9 On
Health and Beauty Questions
Br Dm. txxoooks a zox.
Th ulom sMwere blo are cnral la cknrtcUr: thn
ymptomi or (1 1 - r ln nnd th snitrtm will srplr " nr
ihi ot similar nature.
Tlinae lahlfi furthar dvlr trea, mi sddraaa tr. Tbaodora
ha.-k. l"olla tilili., (-ollaia-KlliroM Sta., Prta. Ohio, enelsa
Ing aalf-aildroaaad, alamptd anral op tor 'ull aama aad
aitdra mart l , but Initials or tlotuiaua aaraa lll b
uaod In my anawara. The reacr Iptlona can b flllad at anf atl
atuvkad aru atom. Any druniit can onlar ot vhalenlar.
bought In tho markets, and (he variety
Is greater than that of the average family
the United States over. I have before me
the bills tf fare for one month aa aug
gested by-the commissary to the army
cooks. They consist of thirty-one typical
breakfasts, thirty-one dinners and thirty
one suppers, no two of which are the
tiood Bleuls at Setea Cents Per.
I woufd like to givo you housekeepers
who are trying to make the ends meet
some specimens of . these rations. I ven
ture that any one of you would consider
the average menu good enough for your
family. They are practically the tame as
those t supplied to the soldiers at the
Washington barracks, the meals for
which! are prepared by the students of
Uncle Barn's School for Army Bakers and
Cooks. ; This, school I describe farther on
In this letter.- In it each student has,
from time to time, to' plan out, prepare
and be responsible for one day's rations
for the sixty men at the barracks, lie
has to keep the cost of each Item ot food,
and on the averago tho day's rations
must not run over 22'i cents per tnan.
This means a little more than 7 cents
per meal, which, is clOBe to the average
cost that Uncle Bam pays the whole army
through. - ,
The bills of fare I choose are those of
one day last week, as selected and pre
pared by one of the student cooks. The
lienmanshlp Is crudo and the man Is
probably uneducated. 1
His breakfast consisted of pork chops,
fried potatoes, hot griddle enkes and
sirup, bread ami butter, peaches nnd
cream and coTfee. . A very good meal for
7 cents.. Is it not? The dinner comprised
a vegetable soup, roast pork and gravyr
tomatoes with Hulad dressing, apple
sauce, chocolate lajer cake, coffee and
bread. Not at ail bad for 7 cents. The
supper Included beef loaf with gravy,
baked bans, German fried potatoes,
sliced cheese, plain cake and duusnnuts
and coffee and breed. Another good
7-cem mdl. I would say, however,
that tho student lias a right to spend a
little more for brdkfust, provided he
cuts down on tho supper or the dlr.ner.
Or he can add to, t'.ie dinner and supper
as ho pleases; tho only requirement Is
that the .uy's three nials rl,- not com
more than L'l3 cents per man. Such
meals are served by every stuuent cook
and student baker. He has to keep all
inside the allowance of 22 cents f-r three
ineals. ,
ouklafr fchools for the Army.
And this brings mo to Undo ham's new
schoo's for army cooks and bakers. TheKe
have been established In the last two or
thro years, and tney liavu aireudy grad
uated about liiuen hundred cooks and
over seven hundred bakers. The old
cooks are being brought in and given In
struction and new men are appointed
fuon the- various divisions to couio to
those schools to learn cooking, ho that
within a short time t.-e army will have
several thoucand graduated cooks and
bakers. This education hi Icing done in
three schools, euch of which has been
built and equipped for the tine
of tho33 la at the Prtldlo nrar un
Krauciscn; another at Fort Itlley, Kan.,
and a third here at Washington. The
cooks for the armies of trm west; that at
l'"oit Itlley for those troops which are lo
cated in the central part of tha United
btaica, and that bcrs for the soldiers ot
the eat. All have-beii In operation for
some time and all are graduating a num
ber of cooks and bakers every year. The
Washington school was established In
19C0. It Is now under the charge of Cap
tain Elliott and Its chef Is a sergeant
who Is famous for his .cooking, as was
his father before hint.
Armed with a letter from the commis
sary general, I visited the school thl
afternoon, and saw about twenty bare
armed, whlte-cappod husky youn;? men,
with their sleeves rolled to the elbows.
kneading dough, putting bread In and out
of ovens, and presiding over a large
number of ranges where fo&d of all kinds
was being cooked for the troops at the
Washington barracks. In one room I
was shown a chemical laboratory where
the student-cooks are taught how to test
flour and to know whether it Is pure or
not. They ascertain the amount of mois
ture In tha flour, and also its feeding
lue. They learn something of arith
metic and of tho keeping of accounts,
and each must know Just what goes Into
the dishes he prepares and how much
they cost when given to the soldiers.
Everything is done by weights and meas
ures, and It takes a man of more than
ordinary intelligence to pass through the
school and become a graduate.
A Kitchen as IIIje as a Barn.
The kitchen of the school Is an inter
esting place. It Is about seventy-five feet
square with a high roof, the whole cover
ing the most of the one-story building
which has been built for ft. The walls
are of white tlles.'and the floor Is cement.
There are long tables running through
tho center, and tiear them a great dough
trough of Iron. 1
At tho back are two huge bake ovens,
ono which la permanent and Is faced with
white tiles, and another made of Iron
coated with porcelain. The latter can be
taken down and moved at a moment's
A part of the education of the students
Is connected with this oven. They are
made to take It apart and put It together,
and ution graduation any one of them
could co with it to tho Philippines or
anywhere else and start a bakery there.
"Iho oven Is twelve tot wide and about
fifteen feet long and higher than a man's
head. It will cook iJ) loaves at once and
can bake thousands of loaves in a day-
In lu'.iiitlon to this the students are
taught to bal;c lit field ovens, which 'can
be put up and knocked down and' car
ried from ono piaoo to another on wag
ons. A full bakery of that kind and all
of its equipment can be put in n two
horse wagon, and there are enough 'of
them hero to turn out "20,000 loaves of
bread a day. l-.ach of the other baking
schools has a similar equipment, so that
Uncle Sam could put Into the field baker
ies and men to run them sufficient to
supply fr,000 pounds of bread a day to
his soldiers. He liai. In addition, so the
commissary general tens me, a suwicieni
equipment for ten' other dlvllslons, si
that upon occasion ho can now supply
enough bread for :jfl,000 men, giving each
a pound loaf a day.
Could saintly Hrcad for 3t,000 Men
During npy stay at the bakery I looked
at some of the bread. The loaves are
larger than those sold In the private
bakeries. They are white and crisp and
the crust Is delicious.' They come out in
girat sheets of six loaves each, all baked
to a turn. While looking at them I
talked with the sergeant In charge about
the cost of the bread and was told that
It was Just about equal to the flour re
quired to make It. Batd the man:
"We are required to run this bakery at
over 20 per tent profit, and, to tell
truth, we run It at about 40 er renft
We find that wu can do that and sell a
loaf of bread at Ju:U the cust of the
pound of flour that ts supposed to go
into the making of that loaf. This seems
stiange to you, but you must remember
that there la a great deal of vale;' In
bread. Now, the water weighs, and this
wdght is taken into account when the
pound loaf of bread is sold. The man who
knows aUiUiUig about baking need not
lie awake at night worrying about the
profits of his baker. They are very
This Bread Keeps Fresh Two Weeks.
Another bread made here Is such that
It will keep for days and still remain
fresh r.nd good. This Is after a French
method, the bread being made in a long
round loaf, one of which stood upon
end would reach to the height of one's
waist. Tho loaf fs halt silt before
baking, and In this way an additional
amount of crust Is formed. Such bread
la good when the army Is marching so
rapidly that new bread cannot be sup
piled from day to day. It should be
good and palatable for fifteen days after
making, and It Is intended to bo used
when the troops cannot be supplied with
soft bread and to obviate the necessity
of using hard bread at such times.
The Emergency Ration.
And Just here I want to tell you about
the emergency ration. This Is a new food
by means of which the soldier need never
go hungry. It has been Invented by the
commissary general In connection with
other officers of the army, and It consists
of a little package not bigger than a deck
of playing cards, or, when Incased in tin,
not larger than a half-pint flask of
whisky. It can be easily carried In one's
breast pocket. This little package weighs
only eight ounces, but It contains three
full meals, and its nature Is such that a
man could live upon it for a long time If
he had to. It Is made of the component
parts of milk and eggs, so treated and
mixed with chocolate that they look ex
actly like the chocolate cakes you buy In
the candy stores. Each ration Is In the
form of three cakes of equal slxe. Each
cake is wrapped in tin toll, and all three
are Inclosed In an hermetically sealed
round-cornered tin box ot the site I have
I have talked with the army officers
about these rations, and they tell me they
are satisfying. Major General Wood has
used them when out camping, and many
of the other officers carry them with
them on their test rides and use no other
food at such times. General Fred Grant
on his last ride of ninety miles or thirty
miles a day for three days took three of
these emergency rations with him, Intend
ing to uise one for each day. He found,
however, that one rutlon, or eight ounces
of this concentrated food, wus sufficient
for tha whole three days, and he was not
hungry at tpo close.
I am nibbling one of these rations as
I write. It tastes just like chocolate, and
I am told can be made by any
cliocolute - factory. We have such fac
tories In ! nearly every large city, and
General Sharpe tells me that an order for
them might, be placed at uny time In
thirty of our chief titles, and that each
factory would turn out 15,0.x) to 20.000 a
day. In this way we could have W)0,000
such rations almost upon rail. These ra
tions keep a. long time. The one I am
nibbling at is three years eld, and not
stale. ...
mule, and another, twice as big,
can be transpjrted by wagon.
As II I at aa a Hat Box.
The small range is sufficient to do all
the cooking for a company of fifty-five
men, and nevertheless It Is not as big
as a woman's hat box of the present time.
It Is about twenty Inches square and
sixteen Inches high, and at first sight It
looks like a little safe or money chest.
N'everthcless, It contains all the pans,
kettles and equipment to supply that
many men. It Includes a stovepipe and
a lantern and all of the kitchen .uten
sils. How would any woman reader of this
article like to take a stove the size of
a steamer trunk, and put all her kitchen
tools In It and go off on a trip to cook
for flfty-flve men. That Is what the army
cook does. The ramie la set upon the
ground usually over a trench or hole and
a fire built beneath It. It can bo put up
and taken down In five minutes. During
my stay at the school the sergeant cook
In chargo took one out at the back and
set It up In front of the camera. The
photograph shows that the range only
renches my knee and nevertheless It will
cook three meals a dRy year In and year
out, for flfty-flve men.
The other range, which Is Intended for
111 men, Is perhaps twice as big. It Is
made of sheet steel, but it Is to be mads
In the future of a pure iron, which will
not rust. I am told that the commissary
department now has enough of these two
kinds of ranges on hand to supply an
army of 260,000 men with food In the
field, so that If an army of that size
should be called Into being we could sup
ply them all with bread and food upon
very short notice.
Kitchen Cars for the Troops,
In addition to this arrangements have
been made for a large number of kitchen
cars cr rolling kitchens. This Is In con
nection with the Pullman company,
which, at the suggestion of the commis
sary general, has remodeled some of Its
tourist cars for the purpose. The cars
may be used for the tourlBt travel while
they are not employed by the War de
partment, and in case of war they could
be employed to carry the soldiers and
each would supply hot meals for f00 men
at one time.
These are among some of .the things
that Uncle Sam, Patriarch, Is doing to
make of his army a live, actUe and al
ways ready-to-move fighting machine. In
order thst If war should unexpectedly
come from any source lie may not be
found napping.
The key to u cress In business Is ths
Judicious and persistent use of nswapaper
1 bet you dldn t have a
t your birthday party yes
good time i
Willie I bet 1 did.
Billy Their why ain't you sick today?
Passerby: "What's the fuss In the
school yard, boy?"
The boy,:. ' "Why, the doctor has Just
been aronnd examln us an' one ot tha
deficient boys Is knockln' th' everlastln1
stuffln's out of a perfect kid." '
Mamma was dressing when 7-year-old
Freddy burst Into the room with a loud
"Why, Freddy, dear," expostulated she,
"you mustn't open my door without
knocking! I mightn't have been dressed
at all!"
"Oh, that was all right!" said Freddy
I looked through the keyholo first."
Our foots In the Field. ,
At the cooking and taking schools the
students are taught how to. do all sorts
ot work without any machinery to speak
of. They are taught to make bake ovens,
which consist of little more than a hole
In the ground or of trenches covered with
clay. One of these rude makeshifts Is a
kind of a barrel oven. A flour barrel or
any other old round thing la half sunken
in the earth and clay put over it In such
a way that when thr fire Is started the
barrel burns out am. the clay Is formed
Into an oven. They also have seml
cyllnders of Iron which are used some
times, This was the form of oven that
was employed largei during the Spanish.
American war. It Is, as General Sharpe
ays, a man-klller, and Is enly put up in
cases of emergency.
The army rooks are taught to do their
work under all conditions, although the
food equipment Is now such that our
army wilt have the best of meals while
on the inarch, and In t amp. These will
be prepared upon what are known as
Iron field ranges. They are of different
sizes, rue of ahlch Is so sniHll that It
could taklly be carried on the bV-k ot a
The superintendent of a Sunday school
announced his Intention of visiting each
class and personally examining each pu
pil. He was a methodical man, and th
teachers prepared the children for the
occasion on lines firmly established. They
knew the order of questions!" He would
ask for the first: "Who made 'you?'
and if the second, "Who was the first
man?" and of the third, "What Is your
duty toward your neighbor?" and so on,
In a manner supposedly haphazard. Ths
teacher of one clans lined her boys In
a row and told them the answers they
should give. The first boy was to say
"God"; the next was to say "Adam," and
so on. Several classes were beard credit
ably, when the superintendent turned to
one composed of 10-year-olds. "Well," lie
began, "my little man, can you tell me
who made you?" "Adam," was the sur
prising answer. "Oh, no; you must know
it was God," said the auperlnlendent
"Wasn't neither," said the lad. "The boy
God made ain't here today, because he's
got a toot'ache."
H Drop of Blood
Or a little water from the human system wtien
thoroughly tested by the chief chemist at Dr.
fierce' Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., tells the
story of impoverished blood nervous exhaustion
Or some kidney trouble. Such examinations are
made without cost and i only a email part of tbe
work of the staff of physicians and surgeons under
the direction ot Ur. K. V. fierce giving tne neat j
medical advice possible without cost to those t'
who wish to write and make a full statement of
symptoms. An imitation of nature method of
restoring watte of tissue and impoverishment of
the blood and nervous force is used when you
take an alterative sod glyceric extract of root,
without the uie of aloouol, uch a
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
Which make tb stomach itronf, promote the flow of digestive juices, re
tore the lost appetite, make assimilation perfect, invigorate the liver and
puribet and enriches the blood. H it the great blood-maker, flesh-builder
and restorative nerve tonic. It makes men strong in body, active ia mind
and cool in judgment. (Jet what you atk fort
This is the New Way the elvtllsea
Stop t'breale Consultation and Its
.Nourish the bowel-nerves: (don't
purge with salts, aperients and
cathartics, and weaken your sys
tem.) Castor Oil, pure Sulphur, concen
trated with Cascarln, lilarfc Cherry
Hoot, Ginger, etc. In Ulackburni
CascaKoyal-l'llls makes the on
Ideal physio for old and young. Titer
ouriaa tae saoti nerves ana re
lieve eonsilpatlon.
Get tneoi tor lOo, 2 be at all drug-fists.
" Civilized Woyl!"
'ay to eserelse the Dowels I
lany attendant evils.
'I II I:. I C1 JCAklLV.
nf whlla vanillic. Thla maVra an aicallent
ln halm whan appllas to in nnsinia inn.
tho remainder af ina awwnar aa iwirn w. i..noonfnl In a tint at waras watar. Cnufr
tha watar from tha hollow o tha fcanil wall us
Into iho somrlla smitl all siwraoa it ramoa.
thla twir, daily and Is wwas er ! all !
of catarrh will vanlah. Kaaa s the Irastmaol
as a pravsnttrs.
OnMIs N. : Your halfhl Indlraiaa that yw do
not walih enough, sad an aMnrmally thin (irt la
narar arr attrartlva ta tha aeiualla aai. II you
wish lo b slump with rink chaaaa and rod llpa
you should eontlnua taklne th tahlata. One ta."k
ata ot l-araln krpo-nuolan Uhlaaa eauld not ha
aipavtad to an more than alart th proooaaa In
tha rolla and tlaauaa eirattorr to Inonwaa your
weltht. It la s aiilontirio prooan whlrh roqulraa
tuna Is tha mildlns up of sew roll tlaauaa, whltt
and red Mond oorpiialiw.
Oontlau takins th a-inln tirDO-mKian tahleta
tor i or rrcontba, Vaur health and atrontth are
nartaln to Improve 'and tddad wtht will coma,
aa certain ta Sight tolrswa day.
Mist M . ! Tha formula whlrh you rIUat la not
una ot my awn. hut I hsa rraauantly ,uotd It
and haT learnad by eorraopondonoo that It haa
provan Tory effoottrs tor torn ot my patlanta. The
formula la that ot I no!ad beauty upoelaliat. If
proparly wad It should prora vwry aallafaotory and
round out your rigura aa aaairaa: i ompouno tinc
ture oailomana I os , (not ai'damnnl. glyoarlsa
na., marwatar I eis.. and a taaapoanrul of borai.
Mix. Shaka wall and apply about t taklaapnoerul
to lha nark, arms and bust, ruhhln and iraaaaln(
until romplaltly ahanrbad. Than waah tha parts
traalfid with hot watar and kmm and dry thorough
ly Apply morning and night tor aavaral wak or
montha. ta tha ra mar raqulrw.
I would fnrihar tdTlt Intarnal traatmant tn Im
prore th blood and Incraata th anral plump
nan of tha body. Tar thla shuts l-gvaln hypo
nuclana lablata.
Vmms Adam. f-My famiit praerrtptlon. whlrh
haa fnMiuantly boon glvan In thaut column fur
(hsbhsm at th kldnra tn bladdar, eta ba td
by a vary larga numhar, aa thla la tn affliction
vltltod upon arnraa who hav dlanbeyd In tows
way natural lawa. Anvona who ha aooh symptom
aa lama bark. hnda-ha. favartahnaa. puffa undoe
th araa, innamad ayallda, awaiting of th ahln
and lat. fraqurnt burning and profuaa urination,
wpx-itlly at night, with pom In th bladdar
ration, may raat avaurad that thai following pra
arrlntlnn will prov vaally uanaflrlal, and til
turd symptoms will dlrappatr with Ita us. Hav
roar druggist mix or ub'.aln Ingrodlanta ap
araltly and mil tt noma: compound fluid balm
wnrt ana ouoro, fluid extract bocliu on ouno
and tyrup aaraaparill on tn pound four .
Take t uatpannful before er attar maals and
on whan rallrln. drinking plant y ot wttar ba
twaan maala.
Thoaa within furthar advlr, lr. may ad dreaa Pr. Thaodor Ba.k, Collet Bid., Col-
Irga-Kllwnod Mia., Dayton, Ohio, vuol.xlng salt- addressed, atampad envelop lor reply. Pull
name and address must h (Ivan, hut Initials or flntltloua I nam will h used In my antwtrs.
Th pi-ascription van e filled tt tny wall- atiKkad-drug at or. Any druggist aa order ot
Ki ltesllh Your
vmptoms lU'llrsta a
vask-rtin-down rendi
tion of the narvoo
tvatem probably due tn
Imtlscret'on, lalft hours
or overwork. Tills
ri nrtlMmt Is aro.impmile.1 by stlh evmptems as
tlmnlltr. donii.sit ea. lank of eniiflden'-, loot
memory apt visor, oolit et'retnltl,. dlislnaaa,
heart palpitation, tremM'.ne. Ilmha, ahortnasa ot
bieath, aleevlosnnese, dlsronteit. irritability and
a n'Ti'ml Inability to art naturally at all time.
Si'leiitlfltally roncntratd drugs, fm front opium,
ootalne and the Ilka, will oraroame euetl condi
tions. Obtain Iheee Ingrrdlinia eenarttely. avoid
any emharaaament, and mis at home e followa:
Get three ounroe of compound syrup saraaptrllla
In a slx-oitnr hottla. Get on ounce each of
compound fluid baimwort, compound aenra car
dlnl and tincture nadoinene compound. Add balm
wort to aarsauarllla. shska and let atand tw
hour. Then add other two Ingredlewte, ahako
well and trka a tesspoonful trior each meal and
one whan retiring.
N, ft. K : elurh symptoms ai are mentioned
tmont th following Indicate a herdltry
a-rofula or a condition of blood polaonlng. Tha
dlsess can be eliminated by a regular and thor
ough cn u me of treatment. The aymntamt ar
sores, running sores, ecsema. ulcers, holla, oar-
tunolea, bald epot. sore mouth, sore evaltde. met
terv dirrltarevs. etc Here th following prescrip
tion filled lor both roureelf and child: syru
trllollum eomn. 4 osa., aromatic ceaotrt 1 ta., ant
oomp. fluid balmworl I ot. Mis. .noun oe.
teasnoonrui tour times natty. i.min --
fourth In one-half teaapoonful. na persistent ann
regular In taking until th blood la altered and
Claire It.: 1 cefalnlv agree with you that fine
othaa and Isdvllke deportment will not over-
corn th III I on lis of t eiiingr, treuy head or
air, but eurh adornments too often accentual
th poor health of the hstr snd scsip. u your
sir Is "greasy. oily ann naaa in nivxre, you
qulrklr reators Ita metre and aiiminsie me
oily appearnnce and at the eime time cur the
worst tata of dandruff and inning scalp, obtain
fiiur ounre sr of plsln veiinw minyoi and use
a per dlrectlnna arcomapttylng same. Beautiful,
lustrous fluffy hair will ba your early reward.
Rlsla J. : Your atiettlona and srmptnma have
been answered and esplalned aaveral limes here
tofore In there columns, hut aa Ihey may have
escaped your attention I will repeat tor advlra. at
hav for many other, leu nsv an esiremeiy
hrnnlc end dsngemua case nf nanal catarrh, and
hia la reaponalble for ymr headache, foul breath
nd Indlgeitlnn. The mucous nripa lato your
hroat and thence to the etomach whll Bleeping.
Obtain let ounces nf vllane powder: take t lvl
tettpoontul tnd mix It thoroughly with ons ounce
m I p 1 m
Our readers are for the first time ivn an
onnortunit to learn, withtut at fnt of cos I, iutt
hner ta aeauira aad retain a healthy oalp, culti
vate luxuriant growth of heir, and restore faded
or gray hair to it natural rich eolor. . Thi intbr
mation it ol vital imuortaac and Inestimable
value to every men and woman.
Than front Itetaras. font la anrnber, eontala the
Information vry woman want aad no woman thoula
be without t car lot A satlsi ana tair. In pltinM
Birapl. uuderttandabl Isnruagw thy describe tho vartouar
scalp disorder, the taatol all hair troisbl, to that
reeding tbm you will know Just exactly what It wront wiwil
your anal p and bsir awl saw I trtal tktm. Al how tfl
Brewnl trnln Irrltntlona. and aeolil th4tntT of f ray andj
sorMrgly hair. II aadtomtly prlatsd la aampalet torsi, sadi
profusely Illustrated.
II-- Ml ,miI won t. la bh,Im mukS ft four la,1 tl IWS sb"t
tolutely fro when application It nails on th poitctrd : ea-t
eloaod In rypk of Q Bsn, Hair Tonle and Q b-a!
llaii Restorer, or If front part of carton In which bottl t
necked tt nelo4 In your Utur. Addrtts HIMilUii
aLUS IKUii CO., Uttgpuit. Tsnn.
Ti.. m-n or women who todav Buff art the embarrass-!
ssnt of gray or ttrtmkwd hair dowe o I roro choicwand no
nottetlmplyeolor tn xtrnai line or in n",r-
sitionot coloring matter or ems. mum
directly upon Hi Internal pith snd sttmultt tli ilen
within th hlr. That why th .01 of U Un ilalr lU-toi-rlrraanent "'.iV Vnen Kir
production and distribution of th natural pigment, and when iisd lnnnetJoo with Q Dhlr
Tonic, la u.rar,td to rtor grty htir to Us orlg.aal Ju'f" rWIU nJ?VJJ
ark entrant that allows you to witaout esse is is ... -'e- .
uy. i-riot, Wc.iiH. , b n.lp food htir frtHU.r. Rerprrvea dandraff. poaltrve-
jl 44 I, kin every rm.urt all tealp due and prevnt llilr
eVtoVW ftYmtlll2. return. It remove al I obatmetloni In the ny trUr.e. of the
U VUHfwlV ) , uermitt a tree flow of rVn. red blood, aud prwvanU baud-7-
,. Vpoai tieely alopa falllug hair tod ludoctt a iturdy urowUU,
Tour ciny back If It tail. Atk lot ti.ned guaraut-s ba yoa wuy. rtiem.ti.un.
Ust4 retr Mars, will msi dir. e. rsaslsl l prlM. Mrt MiatlOCLU MU CO, MrMs, Tceieuj
Gbtrman a. McConnsll Drug; Oo., Owl Drug Co., Ball 3rur So., aleatea Btlf Co,
J. X. cbmldt aad Boaaefax Oat ric Drug Store.
Free Land Information
The Twentieth Century Farmer, to meet tho demand
of its renders for land information, has gathered and
compiled data on soils, climate and farming conditions
in all parts of tlie country. It is willing to givo out th'13
information, free, if postage is sent with inquiry.
Do You Want to Know
About government land laws, location of land of
fices, etc.
How to get irrigation lapds, location of projects,
laws governing same, etc.
Best sections for fruit growing, general farming,
stock raising or dairying.
Your questions will get prompt attention. Stato
plainly and ppecifically what you want to know. !Write,
Land Information Bureau
The Twentieth Century Farmer
Omaha, Nebraska