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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1911)
I Tun Omaha Suxhay Hem KOCMjEII BV tlHYAF;D RtVMCWATF.tV VK'TOIl noSKWATKfl, Kl'ITOK. Enteral at Omaha postofflce as second clase matter. a. . . .'. I ..'. Remit br draft xrrrx or postal order. pavaUri to 'I'll P, Publishing company. ')ly 2-eent stamps rfrlw in payment of. small account.' Personal checks. s rrpt i n Omaha and tamers exchange, not 0-pvl. . . . , i oFr.cF.s. rimst-a Tli' Pe Building. Fouth Orrilia N ft. Council i uii.-i., jM'oit t. I.1nrolti-.?B t.lftle Building. hl' ari). Maro,utte Building. Kansas CltyReilnnre Building Nw Yerfc-; Vet Thirty-third. Washington?? Fourteenth t.4 N. W. cAn n ru:. pon r ence. Communications relating to news an editorial matter should 1i ad'lrcased Omaha, Be, F-d'torlal Department. OCTOBER CIRCULATION. ; ' 50,703 Hate of Nehrnaka. County of Douglas, . Dwlght Williams., circulation manager rif Tli line Puhltthlng company, being duly sworn, saye that tho average dally clro-j'atlnn, le upmird, unused and re turned copies tor the month of October, 111, ii ft,7rj. DWKJHT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager, "uhecrlbed In my presence and aworn to hefore me this 1st dav of November. 1911 (sai) Hubert hunter Notary Public. Snbeerlhere leaving- the rlty temporarily abanld hare) Tka Mailed tn , bm. Address will be changed aa often aa requested, - Ths roan with common sense can usually keep his dollars. Maine must continue to sneak u in. Hurrah for decency. The Brick trust baa been attacked. Watch for the flying mUsles. Simplified, spilling In another re form that sooms to need relnflatlon. The Tobacco trust reorganization plan la judicially approved. Have one. As QIc Business become leu a ham. pered, it should become lens hamper Inc. It la almost time for Mr.. Turkey Gobbler to take an inventory of him self. ... , , ,H Still, it was only a question of time when the coal man was sura to have bis inning. It. did pot enow exactly the "next day,", but yotf notico' the flurries ar rived a few days after. wo, i jug-rang is making use or his Anierlcan'tralnlng'by helping to un- uorse me Aiancnu rider. This laut hand-out 6t 125,006,000 by Mr. Carnegie must bring him down. to hi last billion.' The "men higher -vs" in some of l DOS UDUft rnafraitlna fakua nr. In lianger of getting theirs. v ., The election is over, but this is the year that politics holds the board ior a continuous performance. Of course, those institutions that are afraid of the taint will not accept any of Mr. Carnegie's $25,000,000. Mr. AVanamaker gently says he feels sure the trusts will adjust them selves. rofiBlbly with a little help. Millionaire Long of Kansas City in sists it is a pleasure to give away money. Then the pleasure la mu tual. , One good thing at any rate none of the defeated candidates hereabouts are talking of instituting election contests. Out this way Dr. Wilson will do just as well not to make too much of the fact that he did not vote for Mr. Urjtfn in 186. It is assumed, of course, there la no partisan selflbbnetts in this demo cratic protest sgalnst the president's speaking tours. The geuerallsslmo-in-chief of the militant suffragettes Is heudlng for Omahi. Look pleasant, men, and fortify yourselves for the ouslaught. A correspondent writes to know how to pronounce the name of the uw Chinese minlBttr to the United States. It i3 pronounced Sie. Ills full uamo Is S. Alfred Sxe. ' The cert mnuu a uera hrlof i.l simple," said the UUpaUhes in de scribing Madero's Inauguration as president of Mexico. Sounds as much like a valedictory as a salutatory. Sacramento caunot be clear in its own mind about the comuiUnlon form of city government. It was the first Ity to adopt It and then renounced It. and now it has taken It up again. President William T. HornuJay of the Wild Life Protective association has dlcovered a kind of prohibition that prohjblta-r-game Uw, . Mr. liornaday evidently has not located the right place to take his noon luncbtou. TERMS OK FUnSCkiPTlON. Fun1ay be, on year.... I? " Saturday n, cn ar.. IM Jllr Kee ( lihmit Sunday), on year. () I 'ally Hee and Sunday, one year 6 MJUVERE1) UY CAHR1ER. Evening Bee (with t-'unday). per month..Sc rally Hee (Itrflud.njf riunday), ler m..M I'allr He laithnnt Sunday), per mo .' Addrraa all ciimpintnta of Irregularities In delivery t, City t 'Irculnilon Dept. 1 1 I. JI IT! A V . ' I. Mr. Carneyie'i Latest Gift. Mr. Carnegie's latest benefaction of 1:5.000,000, announced In the in auguration of the Carnegie Corpora tion of New York, brings up his total bequests to $100,000,000. What small significance such a sum really has to the average mind, aftr all! Yet, the only way this sort of philan thropy can be measured Is by the in adequate money standard. The moral, the Intellectual, the really practical results lie far out of the reach of any measure we may con trive. In making this gift the donor ex plains that it la "to promote the ad' vancemcnt and diffusion of knowl edge and understanding among the people of the United 8tatea." Within mis oroaa scope are ail the co operating forces In -the combat against Ignorance and evil, and this combat is aa old aa time Itself. A tremendous stimulus can be given those forces through this latent rein forcement. The administration of this bequest, of course, la conditioned, but with no restriction in promoting the advancement and diffusion of knowledge and undertsandlng. The basic problem of this country today is the same that has vexed civiliza tion from its dawn the problem of overcoming ignorance with intelli gence. It Is the problem of the press, the pulpit, tho school, of art, of science, of government Itself. The Democracy of the Voting- Booth, Visit the voting booth on election day If you would see militant democ racy. There in that long line lead ing from perhaps outside the door to the voting compartment 1 the com posite American, after all, the most emphatic, impressive exhibit of the republic. Rich and poor, high and low, employer and employe, black and white, Jew and Gentile, Catholic and Protestant, native and foreign born, every type of American citizen ship, la there represented. The pres ident of the great republic may rub elbows with his footman, the million nlre may meet the impecunious town' loafer. Race nor color, nor creed nor faith knows distinction there. There all men who have sworn alle giance to one flag and claim protec tion under It stand for once on a com mon level, with equal rights and priv ileges. The line may be long, the de lay tedious, but they all wait alike and they all vote alike, so far as the law's requirements and privileges go, each casting his ballot according to his own will and pleasure. And every man who goes into that secret cham ber oh election day and fails to vote as ha wills has no one but himself to blame tor It Who that has stood and watched one of these long lines ot cosmopol itan Americanism can believe the peo ple of this country have not the right of ruling themselves? "Let the peo ple rule," shouts someone. The people do rule and have been ruling, und it they, fall to get,, what they . want at those election booths the blame can Dot be shifted, You say they did not hava the right men up for election, Imperfections, of course, exist in our election machinery the same as in every other part ot our governmental mechanism, but so long as that lint ot composite Americanism keeps passing into the election booth It will not quite do to say that the democ racy It this country Is not real or that self-government Is a failure. , Progresa on the Iithmui. Kvery American should Inform himself as fully aa possible aa to the work his government is doing on the Isthmus ot Panama. The construc tion of the canal la a world work of transcendent Importance and Its progress should be the subject of deepest .concern to our . people.' Therefore, all ahould read the pub lished extracts from tho annual re port of the Isthmian Canal commis sion filed at VUasblngton. They aet forth what has been done toward solving the great mechanical prob lem Incident to the work, beside showing just what progress has been made In the building of the canal. II ut after all, the mechanical problems are not the final tasks confronting the government. There is the problem of civil government for the canal tone, which must be established without delay. Working out the details or this Is going to In volve all the wisdom and resourceful- news of a grat nation. Without the right sort ot government, the canal, however successful the mechanical construction might be, could never become what It was destined for. It Is the judgment of wise students of the situation that congress this winter should empower the prfsident, to proceed with the organliatlon of a canal loue government. Enacting a law to that effect at the coming ses sion of congress would enable the president to retain the choice men for permanent employment now on the canal payrolls. Or course, in making selections, the president would be guided by the advice or the chair man or the canal commission, Col onel (loethals and others at the head or affairs now. One thing or para mount Importance is to get the right miin for operating head of the canal, hlmory It. Johnson, In a very able discussion ot Panama canal legisla tion in the North American Review, urges that this man be an engine!4 officgr Instead of a civilian, "ho training has developed both his initi ative faculty and bis sense of dis cipline." , . , The proper form of government Tin: OMAHA must be such as to provide the slm plftt and most economical adminis tration. In tlmf-a of war, ahould any transpire, msrtlal law would, nat urally, be Invoked. This would place command of the tone In the hands of the superintendent of fortlflca Uons for the time being. The first step toward all this should be taken this winter by congress. Powert of Party Committeet. V Much misunderstanding as to the powers of party committees prevails even among . those who ought to know better. The editor of a nearby republican weekly, who bolted one of the party ' nominees In the recent election, Justified his course by ex pressing his conviction that the can didate in question was unfit, "no matter If the members of the state committee are willing to stultify themselves and disgrace the party by supporting him." This editor, who bad himself served on the state committee only last year, ought to know that , the laws providing for direct primary nomination hare taken from the party committees whatever power, if any, they ever had over the nom inees, and that the certificate of nom ination Issued by the canvassing board is final when uncontested. Tho committee has no authority In law to remove any candidate, or to name a new candidate, except toi fill a vacancy in fact. It Is presumed to get its commission from the same source as the party nominee. Unless a nominee should himself volun tarily withdraw, the committee has but one duty to perform, and that is to conduct the campaign for all the ticket to the extent that ita re sources permit. Were this not true a despotic party committee might overturn the overwhelmingly ex pressed will of the rank and file and substitute someone who could by no means procure a nomination In the regular way.' What relates to the state or local committee is equally true ot the na tional party committee. After a na tional convention has named the standard-bearers the committee is powerless to change the tfeket with out the consent of the nominees. A nomination for president requires the votes of a majority of the con vention delegates In the democrats convention of a two-thirds majority while the committees are made up of but one representative from each state) , Were, the committee to usurp power to make nu,ltltutlons on the ticket,, representative,: ot a small minority of the whole- party might easily control.- . The. fact," then,' is that there is but one appeal from a questionable nom ination, when the nominee persists In running, and that la to the people who elect, and' who, aa a court of last resort, may decide In favor of nlB competitor. If the people, with full and free choice, do not so decide, the Verdict must be either that the. can didate la not objectionable or that the voters are not aroused to the seriousness of the'objectlons. . -1 I Thrift. '"Everyone preaches thrift, but all too few practice It sufficiently. Tbrirt is absolutely necossary to get ahead in the world. Thrift looks to the future aa well aa' to the present; It combines acquisitiveness with saving, and more particularly avoidance or waste. ; , . ' v The thrifty housewife has been sung in song 'and story from the be ginning ef the world, and the la In as much demand today as ever. The thrifty man la a man who accom plishes things, and has something to show for what he has accomplished. Habits of thrift should be incul cated in children, not only by book adage, but by practical object lessens. The rewards of thrift should bo held up to them us Incentive and Inspira tion, and the disasters of the thrift less as warnings, Thrift In the whole people as a na tion Is not less important than thrift In the individual. A thrifty nation will not lag In the race for world ad vancement any more than a thrifty person In the race for individual success. , A Divorce Proctor. For very fourth marriage in Kan sas City last year another marriage ended in divorce. .This shocking condition is attributed, chiefly, to de fective divorce machinery. Eighty per cent of the divorces were granted without contest. One-third of this 80 per cent Were ot couples from other states, lured to Kansas City by the law'a facility. The law requires outsiders to reside In the state one year, but it seems to have been en tirely set aside and divorcee granted with utttr abandon. Aroused to the enormity of such a baleful condition, Kansas City has decided to Install a divorce proctor, whone duty It shall be to summon witnesses and hear testimony before a divorce Is granted. Thla should have a restraining Influence, but the divorce evil will not be solved In Kansue City or elsewhere by taking hold or it at the wrong end. The divorce Is the effect, while tho evlj lies iu the cause, and the cause Is to be found, very often. In the reckless marriage. 1 ; Uutll society devises some method of safeguarding ' marriage, It is bound to have the divorce evil with itr. A juvenile court Judge In Kan sas City says thai one-half of the de SUNDAY fiEE: NOVEMBER ' 12, 1911. linquent children who come before him for correction have divorced parents. Here Is something to think about for those who waive the whole subject aside with. the flippant re mark that marriage is only a lottery. One of the most direct evils ot di vorce lies in the fact that the child Is the chief sufferer. A vast num ber of unhappy marriages are child less marriages, which also accounts for some divorces. But the state ment or this Kansas City Judge stands out as a haunting reminder that something must be done to stop divorces that disintegrate families blessed with children. Old Men at the Helm. The recent death of Associate Jus tice Harlan. of the supreme court has directed thought to the old men hold ing conspicuous places In the affairs ot this country. Justice Harlan was 78, and up to the end as vigorous and alert aa any man on the supreme court bench. In the government service, In literature and In business the old men seem to be holding their own tolerably well, despite all that Is aid of this being the day of the young man. Among the men of letters one turns instinctively to John BIgolow, who, at 94, Is still active, and William Dean Howells, at 74, hale and inter esting. James Wilson, secretary of agriculture, is 76, and gives no sign of Inactivity. Approximately ten United States senators have passed their three score and ten. In the buslnoss world Its most dominant figure, J. Plerpont Morgan, is 74, James J. Hill is 73 and John D. Rock efeller and. Andrew Carneglo, retired from active business to strenuous philanthropy, are respectively 72 and 74. And the list of old men In less conspicuous places who are still ac tive would be almost interminable. Certainly it Is long enough to dis credit the idea that man passes his day of usefulness at 60. As a matter of fact the old man should be even more prominent in active life In the future, for the ad vance of science toward correct living should begin tp tell in practical re sults. Age depends largely upon youth. How long a man lives must be determined, under ordinary cir cumstances, upon how well be lives. It Is a laudable ambition for a young man to aspire to longevity. It has a moral as well as physical aspect that gives a healthful tone to all his work and play. Llfe'a substance cannot be wasted and conserved at the same time, though it may be judiciously used and conserved together. Age ripe with experience Is needed for successful leadership. Tested by the enrollment, the meeting of the State Teachers' asso ciation In. Omaha must have been a success. -We suggest that the teach ers on returning to their schools give their pupils this simple examplo in arithmetic: If 4,022 members reg ister and pay a fee of $1 each, how much is the treasury to the good? In casting up the balance, the re publicans throughout Nebraska have gained two Judges of the district court as a result of the recent elec tion, and that too, under a redisrict ing law passed by the late democratic legislature In the expectation that It moro , favorable to the democrats. Omaha and Council Bluffs street railway passengers are still waiting to know whether they get their trans fers, and at that are not sure they want them aa much as they thought they did. "Butchery, Fire and Desolation." -Headline. In other words, China becoming a republic. "Wading through slaughter to a throne to shut the gates of mercy on mankind." :i j In Jofftlng the revolutionists Wu Tin B-faii' doubtless felt he could not fare much worse than he bad at the hands of the old regime, no matter how things ended. Ilrturaiur. bat 1 naaf flt'leat. Kauaas City Star. Advlcrs from Tripoli Indicate that Gen eral Khertnan was aadly larking In Ue- rrlptlvo power when he drscrlbcU war aa merely belt. Think What Yon Lost. Indianapolis Newe. And when you knew sa wtll Just how II theae election w?re going to come out It imiiii a aliame that you didn't buve sand enough to bet on the right aide. War Inferior Talret. Huston Transcript. A humiliating atatlatlcal report shows that although we consume In the aggre gate more beer than any other land Belgium, the British Isles, Germany and Denmark exceed u in per capita con sumption. Hew Hare Ike Mighty Kallea. Ixiutavllle Courier-Journal. Even 1( the British secretary of foreign affaire did take Pptaker Clark e Cana dian annexation expression aerloualy nj. body In America would. Rven If Mr. Clark should take himself aerlously In that matter nobody In America would. Chicago t-oat. Here's to Mme. Curie. Phe not only de serve the Nobel prise, but she deserves to have It awarded Just at the present moment It will help to ahovel Into Ita Stave the goaalp which the Parisian yel low Journala have been printing about her goaelB which they are retracting on bended knee. The story of this little woman's life la a splendid Inspiration not to her sex alone, but to all mankind. We re'olee that aha h been given the Nobel award, and we know thut Ita ItO.O will nowhere receive a more noble use. IhbDav In Omaha 'COMPILED I MOM DEC riLP-4 NOV. is t ,.-H Thirty Tears Ago The Union Square Theater company was the attraction at Boyd's new opera house. Tho critic says that It la some thing of a mlnomer to call the company the Union Square company, but Still the combination was In many respects the best which has appeared in Omaha for some time. The only familiar names are those of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wolcott. The illness of E1 H. Dexter, the tenor, who was to have participated In the Trinity church concert, resulted In the postponement of the concert for one weelt. Today was sentence day in district court and Judge Savage gave out quite a few tlcketa-of-leave to Lincoln. An advertisement reads: "Brash, the olothlor, 1203 Karnam street, wants the mud to dry up or else he wants the city to move It Into the Missouri river or somewhere else." The Swedish Library aasoulution cele brated ita first anniversary with a grand ball at Turner's hall. Ten cars of hogs a day, 70) head, la the average now received at Boyd a packing house. ' , "Sixty-five Mormon dupee" went west on No. T. who came In over the Wabash. Mr. A. Benson has purchased the In terest of the lata V. J. Johnson in the ice and coal business. Two petitions are in circulation in Lin coin, one asking that Elmer B. Frank be appointed clerk of the United States cir cuit court to succeed Watson B. Smith, and the other that K. B. Stearns be ap pointed clerk of the United States district court in case Mr. Krank Is promoted. A neatly clad boy baby was left ot the door of J. S. WrlRht's piano room In the city hall today, where it was found by Marshal Angell and Officer McClure. Accompanying- it was a letter addressed to Mr. Wright asking that ho provide the baby with a comfortable home, which he says he will do. United States Senator Jones of Nevada went through Omaha westward bound, also Vlconte d'Hauaonvllle, one of the French commissioners to the Yorktown centennial. Twenty Years Ago The Omaha Athletic club house was formally opened on Harney street. There was much speech making. Tresl dent George W. Ames began it and was followed by John M. Thurston, Max Meyer and J. I. nodlck. John L. Webster, attorney for the water works, secured an Injunction from Judge Dundy of the federal court pre. venting the Omaha Board of Public Works from tapping certain water main. George N. Hicks took out a building permit for a two-story frame dwelling at 1130 South Thlrty-flrBt street costing tt,B00. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace gave a coming, out party for their daughters and their handsome home was the scene of a gay festival. Among those present were Messrs. and Mesdamm Broatch. Kll patrlek, Squires, McCllntock, Coutant. (Dr.) Moore. William J. Poppleton; Messrs. Robert and John Patrick, Frank Hamilton, Howard Kennedy. Barlow, Wilson. Adair, Rheem. Deuel. Jordan, McCague, Arthur Pmltht Misses Balch, Porpleton. (Shrwood. Parker. Stanton, Sloore, Chambers. Rawlea, Tost, Mo Cllntock, Smith. Millard. Dundy. Chand ler. Brown: Mr. and Mrs. Will Millard and Dr. and Mrs. Ganen. John Clark, a counterfeiter In the county Jail, whose wife was thwsrteA In a scheme to liberate him by Assistant United states Attorney Baldrlge.. made a dash for liberty on his own account, but was caught and placed In solitary con finement for his trouble. ' Ten Years Ago Mr. W. T. Utterback and Mlaa Fannie Dsnghert.r were married by Rev. Mr. Walters of Park Avenue Presbytorlan church at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dnngherty. parents of the bride, 1716 Routh Fortieth street. One of the large weddings of the aeason was that of Miss Hnnchen Rehfeld. dauffh ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Rehfeld, to Mr. Eugene Levi of Nebraska City at Temple Israel, Rabbi Flmon performing the cere mony. About 300 friends were present Mr. Jo Barton sang "Promise Me." The bridal procession was led by the ushers, Messrs. Julius Meyer. Bernard Rehfeld, George Pollgsohn. Sam Lnbnteln of Kansas City. Will Biswanger of St. Louis and Moses Oo'dburg of Kt. Tonh; the matron of honor, Mrs. Hugo Bnndals; he bi-taeemald. Mlssea Lou's- Metier. Mettle Krhfeld. Minnie Myer and Blanche Fhr man of New Tork, the bride and her father and Miss Lena Klifeld, maid of honor. Mre. John Currey entertained the South Side Whist club In the afternoon at her Sherman avenue home. , Mr. John T. Phoning and Mrs. K. A. Bryson were the prise winners. , 1). B. Thompson and wife of TJncoln stopped In Omaha on thMr return from Europe, where thry spent five months, milking a tour of the continent. K. O. Strelght took out a building per m't for a frxme dwelling ,it Twenty eighth and Woolworth. to cost $J.50O. Captain Thomas 6wooo arrival in Omaha from Washington to nettle up pome matters before leaving- for Manila. W. U. Her returned from Nome City, Alsaka. in whose praises he was very loud. T Mra. a II. H. Cl.trk of St. Louis left for her home after visiting Omaha friends. People Talked About Wu-Hu Is breaking Into the date line as a news center In China. Who a Who is backed off the celestial map for the present. The charm of the off year elect "one for the party man lies In the fact that If the returns are cold and gloomy at home toe sua shines somewhere on the political map. Anant the projected war on tipping. Chicago hotel men say to the commercial travelers, "Go to It. You started the bualnree. Let a ae you stop It The ob la up to you!" Now watch them clinch. Dosplte the sharp shooting Instinct of the natives and the spur ot military evo lutions, a Texan fired eight shote at bis brother-in-law and never touched him. Disarmament la overdue In Texas. Rer. Joseph Lambert, the clergyman who officiated at the Aster-Force wed ding, has been frosted from his pulpit In Providence. It. I. The person rttlrea with the conviction that publicity not as prudtable a th.ii a It U cracked up to te. Special Sale -rFor This TI ffany 6ettlng Special, one fine blue white Diamond, weight 3 M carat, absolutely pei ict, worth $850.00 at $600.00 Single atone, weight H Car atfine white Dlan.ond ,.135 One fine white stone, weight 3Ti carat, worth $1,000.00, at , $750.00 One fine white Diamond, weight 1 1-1G carat, slightly im perfect, worth $225.00, at $160.00 All our other Diamonds sold at the same reduced prices. AMEEICAN CAEDINALS. Baltimore Sun: Baltimore is to lose the position of honor It has held In pos sessing the prelate of highest rank In this country. But. after all, that position can never be denied It so long as Cardinal Gibbons lives. St. Louis Republic: Of course that American Pope has not been elected yet, but the day of fulfillment of Dr. Mc Olyrn'a vision, when his, holiness should walk down Fifth avenue In a frock coat and a silk hat." seems nearer than It did, Washington Post: Archbishops Farley and O'Connell are richly deserving of the honor that comes from Rome. The church In this country la flourishing, and its ad ditional representation in the sacred col lege will Infuse a new spirit of devotion among clergy and laity. New Tork Times: The Catholic church man in America who looms largest In the public eye Is undoubtedly Archbishop Ireland. The opinion of his fellow citi zens not of his faith perhaps does not weigh with the Vatican, but there Is a suggestion from Rome that the highest honor in its gift, except one. will not long be withheld from him. Springfield Republican: The selection of Archbishop Farley of New York la no surprise, but outside of the church that of Archbishop O'Connell of Boston cannot be said to have been generally anticipated. Archbishop Ireland has many friends among Protestants as well as Catholics who will regret that his claims havs not been recognised by the Vatican. Boston Herald: ' Archbishop O'Connell Is a man of ripe scholarship, of marked cultivation and of wide experience, par ticularly In diplomacy and administration. The honor which comes to him Is an honor to the state of which he Is a na tive, and In particular to the archdiocese nf Boston, one of the largest In the country, of which he Is now the head. EDITORIAL PEN POINTS. Houston Post: The biggest fool In all the world lives In Kansas City. The Judge In the Hyde trial rejected a venire man on the ground that he hadn't sense enough to be a Juror. Washington Post: All the world heard the news when the price of. sugar Jumped, but It is suspected that the dropping thereof will receive but acant publicity In grocery circles. St. Louis Globe Democrat: Nickel and 10-cent atores are forming a big merger. The publlo fail to see how nickels and dimes can be marked up, but have no reason to doubt the ingenuity of trusts. Cleveland Leader: A New Jersey mule drank s gallon ot whisky and then kicked himself to death. It Is dangerous to anybody but a native New Jersey demo crat to monkey with Jersey "forty rod." St. Paul Dispatch : One of the moat elequent details In the trust situation :s the silence which has stricken Chancellor Day. 81ni;e the Standard Oil decision were words have proved Inadequate to express his sentiments. Louisville Courier-Journal: Chief Crow Twice from the Fort Peck reservation is reported to have had a fine time In th bright light district of St. Paul. He seems to have lived up to a great name during the evening, but ie would not have been recognised upon the morning subsequent fit. Paul Pioneer Press: Baby cabs In Minnesota cities, according to the at torney general, are required to carry front and rear lights In after dark per ambulations. As the law Is construed, discrimination against automobiles is not permissible. The blow Is somewhat soft ened by the finding that the same rule applies to wheelbarrows. Converting an FitHor. St. Paul Pioneer Pres. California's first Jury, composed en tirely of women, has done Itself proud. It sat in the case of an editor who had persistently opposed woman suffrage though that was not the crime he was charged with Juist then. In thirty min utes the Jury decided that he was not guilty. Now the editor Is converted to a belief in tho ability of women and the Justice of their cause, and declares that ha will be a suffrage booster. All of which should be a lesaon to the militants. We Give Away Free The People's Com ox a Sense Medical rJi(iih, or Medicine Simplified, by K. V . Pierce, M. L)., Chief Coasultioi Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute at Buffalo, a book ot 10OS large pates aaJ rer 500 illustrations, in French cloth binding, to any one sending 31 ooe-oeat stamps to cover cost of wrapping" sad msilinl mly. Over 680,000 copies o! this complete Familr Doctor Book were sold in cloth binding at regular pries oi J 1. 50. Afterwards about two and a half million copies were given away as above. A new, up-to-date revised edition is now ready for mailing. Better send NOW, before ell ere gone. Address: World's DisrcMAar Msdical Association, Dr. R. V. Pieros, President, Buffalo, N. Y. U. PIliUCK'ti FAVORITI. PKF.NCRIPTiUS THE ONE RF.MFDY for womaa'e peculiar aileaeare good ea-ah that its maker era mot afraid to print oa its outude wrapper its ' every Ingredient. No Secrets No Deception. THE ONE RFMF-DY for women whioS) oootains no alcohol sod sm behil-foraniag drags. Made from native Medicinal forest roots of areU established curative value. B 35, i On Diamonds Week Only Single Stone, wleght 4 carat fine white Diamond t-S SasSB-a SECULAR SHOTS AT PULPIT. New York Post: A London clergyman, visiting this country, tells his audience that no successful business man In mod ern times can be honest. Even In an at tempt at being sensational, the business man would find himself hopelessly out Classed. Chicago Record-Herald: Owing to con tinued criticism the preacher who mar ried John Jacob Astor and Madeline Force has resigned . from the ministry and an nounced his Intention of going into busi ness. Did John Jacob furnish the neces sary capital? Houston Post: A Chicago minister says the commandment, "Love one another" means exactly what it says, even that every man should love every Woman. We do not dissent from that view of It, but we feel It our duty to add that there era Important qualifications to be observed merely for the sake of peace and concord. Springfield Republican: The pope's de cision to create more American cardinals has "great significance," says a dispatch from Rome, and "by some It la asserted that the way la being paved for the fu ture advent of the American pope." The Italian majority In the sacred college will remain preponderant, no doubt, for many years to come, but ene cai con ceive of a situation arising which would make an American pope seem expedient to cardinals engaged at some future tlmo in electing a new bishop of Rome. Euro pean rivalries might make such a com promise attractive. And It may be added that a real American in the chair of St. Peter plight accomplish a great work if he tcrved long enough. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. "What do you think of a husband who deceives his wife?'! -: t ;. r, o- .v.i - i. "lie's a mighty smart man." Boston Transcript. "Why are cities referred to in the feminine always?" "It may be because some of them pud their figures." Chicago Tribune. "The people next door seem anxious to be friendly." "How do you get that Idea?" "They have bustid their phonograph." 11.111. I .in Inat "I don't like the woman you made ma take out to supper. 8he has such a way of pinning you down." " ui 1 1 n U.I nun lirr. She's a dressmaker." Baltimore Ameri can. Customer How much for that suit of clothes If I puy cash? Tailor Forty dollars. Customer How much on credit? Tailor Klghty dollars. Half of It down. Toledo Llode. "Two thousand Americans are said to be stranded In lxindon."- . . "Terrible! We must raise a fund." "It Isn't lack of money. The fact is that all palace staterooms are engaged six weeks ahead." Louisville Courier Journal. Woman (to detective) Why, it was this way: There came a ring at the door, and there stood two men who satd they were from the gas company, Inspecting meters. They looked so dishonest, i thought they were, so I let them In! Puck. . Wife I had a doaen proposals ' before yours; all from smarter men than you ire. too. Hub That Is evident: they all managed to crawl out of It Boston Transcript. "I wonder how Adam and Eve came to name their eldest con Cain," said Wattles. "They probably knew what they were raising," said Dlngbate. Harper's Weekly. THE HOUSE OF LIFE. Henry Wadsworth I-cngfellow. In the elder cava of Art, Builders wrought with greatest ears Eorh minute and unseen part; For the gods see every where. Let us do our work aa well. Both the unseen and the seen; Make the louse, where gods may dwell, Beautiful, entire, and clean. El'e our lives are Incomplete. Standing n there walla nf Tim, Broktn st i'.iwava. where the feet Stumble as they seek to climb. Build todav, then strong and sure, V Ith a rt-m and ample base, And ascending and seicure Shall tomjrrow find Its plici. of Cost Adviser,' ia Plain m- ' " A 71 JsBBBnaaW