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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1911)
TllK OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: NOVKM iW.H 12, liUl. 1 1 T" "Ts 'TVi'Tp P""5? -S! ; iflLai ' "' "' 1 ' '"" ' "" " '"" - lllIM''lililll',L,', I I ! i E-M-F" "30" Five-Passanger Touring Car $liOO nn Car Will: SavelToui e o e IPEIR.IHrA.IPlS IVIOIRE O 9 ONCE UPON A TIME everybody had to pay a high price - to get -.even--a moderately good automobile. That was years ago when automobiles were new and before the E-M-F Co. entered the field. All cars were then assem bled, not many of them sold anyhow. A car as good as the E-M-F "30" today couldn't be purchased then. There wasn't any built. WITH THE ADVENT OF THE E-M-F "30" conditions changed. Perhaps you have not realized what the change has meant. Prices went down, of course; everybody knows that. Other cars had to come down to compete with the E-M-F. But why? Did you ever stop to think? THE FACT IS THE GREAT CHANGE the E-M-F "30" brought about was not only the production of a wonder fully good car, but a wonderfully good car within reach of everybody's pocket book. And the way we did it was to manufacture automobiles in a new way. OTHERS H KD BUILT THEM by hand with about the same kind of equipment as the ordinary machine shop. The E-M-F Co. did it by a host of automatic machines, kept them busy with an immense produc-. tion and sold them at a price never before approached. NATURALLY ENOUGH other manufacturers saw the situation and began to scramble after as fast as they could. Well, they never could catch up, for the E-M-F Co. grew into larger and larger proportions with fast increasing facilities which have kept on growing until in September we have made another huge extension, larger than ever before. THE RESULT IS THAT TODAY the E-M-F factories, now a part of the Studebaker Corporation, are far in advance of all other automobile manu facturers in the extent of their equipment and the number and quality of their product. THE E-M-F "30" AND FLANDERS "20" are today the; best made automobiles in the market, . bar none. And . this is true, because as Walter E. Flanders, Gen'l Man- , ager, says, "To err is human; to be exact is automatic." We use automatic machinery. It is impossible for con cerns with a lesser product to use the same machinery except at a prohibitive cost, and any other method of manufacture inevitably puts the price but of reason. THAT'S THE REASON we say the E-M-F "30" will SAVE YOU $500 perhaps more. The probabilities are that it you are considering buying a car you have the E-M-F "30" in mind as your first choice, only question is whether you can get one. Factories are working night and day and yet unable to meet the rush. . NOW IT'S UP TO YOU entirely if you delay, your decision a' week you , will probably have to wait two weeks longer for your E-M-F "30." We are trying to : catch up. We havebcen hopelessly oversold for months past but we did expect a little let-up in the fall. , Vain hope! SEPTEMBER WAS THE LARGEST month's business in our history. October promises to be still larger simply because; at this season, when other factories arc running short time, we arc able to get more help and therefore can more nearly reach the demand. GET YOUR ORDER IN Don't merely tell the dealer you want an E-M-F "30" that isn't an order. That's only a probability at least the dealer so considers it as long as other buyers 1 a vc put up a deposit. Naturally and justly they get preference in delivery. Give him a bona fide written order with cash deposit of. say 10 per cent of the price, then you will get your car in its regular order, and you won't have to wait more than a couple of .weeks at most. The dealer will tell you just how long. THE STUDEBAKER CORPORATION ITT TT1 ilil t 1 CO. Phones-Douglas 363, A-3679 L. A. KLLLER, Manager 2026-2028 Earn am Street ' Direct Factory Oranch, Sludcbaker Corporation, Detroit, Mlcli. 1 hi ii I vv.