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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1911)
I UK OMAHA M;M)AV Jr,r,: ;uhJuUil, 1J. liill. Always Erst ikioitf Si Make Three Miles a Minute? Cars of Latest Type 10 EBabo&ls by RRF.v oi.nriEi.n. fCoprrlfhl. 1911. by Herney OI1fll1 ) Three mllea a minute Is the latest prurn Sse of Bob" Hurmin, speed km. Two yr-w alto Burman aallpd for Germany to arrange for the purchase of the -greeter blltKn" model of a, Kuropean make. A few dsys ego ho csWed me thai the deal hod been cUsed end thnt h would return to the L'nitrd 8la:-s wltli.r. a few days with tho new rpced creation. I am tlmn.ugMy farnille.r with the in car. having been instrumental In havlnt the factory plan tho ru-.'tiucttini of the tV horse-rower rime ann.h.laur. o'"l 1 bolleve that Hunnan will ninUe 6kU h promise to cover three mllrs In a rmnute on the nurlda beach. lieient.ilB nie.i InuKh.d at the picdutlcn a few srs ago of lo In a minute. In 11 lem.osn covered the d.siame In .f-SS; tn U 1 clipped the two ml'.rs In .C'i. and laat April Burma'ii tuintd the trlrk In a I. tile better than .52. And the intrepid Mich Kan lad ta um for a three-mile a innate record with a. I t!io carnrstm In h.i make-up. and determination h been a dominant factor In the success of Jtur man aa a raclns driver. There ! ns s.ich a thing aa a limit to speed, C at In. r.oi until a mljo 1 covered In nothlnB or better." In the early day of a jloinobile racing the scientific crowd un-d to -art ne nearly to death with the d.p!ay of a 1(H llt of flKurrn which they told rrfe represented tho solution f the problem of ccntrifuRal force' as applied to tires and wheels and that whin 1 attained a speed of a mile a minute rn a circular tia-k there would be work for the under taker. lHit tires properly madn and ap plied to the proper rim with plenty o( , iis la Just as anfo at 1 miles an hour a at a mile a minute Ball- 1 hardly be lieve that Uarmiin can stand the strain three miles at " a terrific speed, but I am punitive that he ean brln his mark of .I'H tnr the mil down to ' .-nds. When he left for Europe It we "Wild Rob's" Intention to make hia ualghtaway trial at Dayton aomo time In l-'ebruary or March. I talked to a famous motorcycle rldo: lh other cay. The motor rider was amhuuing over tho possibilities of a motorcycle covering a mile faster than a giant automobile. It will bo recalled that Clenn Curtis", the noted aviator, claimed to have ridden a ml'.e on ''the kayloha leach In lees than 27 eeconds In The trial waa not offlc.ully timed, being made M a private effort, but Ciirtlss had two experienced men checking him. The aviator has often told me that a motor cycle fitted with an elgM-cyl?iider en Mine could negotiate tho mile Journey on Ui Florida aands In 13 or S4 seconds. Opinion seems to be divided as to whether a motorcycle eould get euff.clent traction t hUh speed with so little weight. One thing la certain, however, the next year will witness some remurkable bursts of eV-ed. , It has been definitely decldtd by the directors of the 11.000.000 Indianapolis perdway to atage a t'O.OOO race on Decor ation day, 1912. Tha dare-devils sra not to ba asked to yompete In a race for a paltry $J3,0 puree. The winner Is to re ceive $20,000 and even' tha driver who finishes twelfth will be rewarded with I1.00O Id gold. The neat ' thing wa know they will be recruiting drivers from Wall afreet. The raca In to be at a distance of tyio mllca, same aa tha event last Decora tion day and will be open to non-stock vara of 000 cubic Inch dlanlacement and under. The field will be limited to thirty atarters and all entrunts must show aeventy-flve mlle an hour or better for a full circuit vt the track, which 1 two. and one-half miles. Only two cara of the aame make will be allowed In the race and the flrnt thirty to enter will comprise the field; those unable to qualify will bo replaced from the overflow list. Last i May there were over forty amrters and ' many of the cars were wrecked through faulty steering geara and through being 1 Improperly constructed. For net yeafe j rsce one of the greatest automobile en gineers In the Industry will Inrpect the i entire lot or nominations and disqualify those likely to couee aceldenta through Klvlng away of aome vital spot. Taktn In all. the next race at lndlanapolla will be conducted along lines more thorough thuiv pre ailed this year. The promoters have learned much from experience and I believe there will be few accidents In the 1VU classic. Savannah automobllUts predict that the course for tho Grand Prise and Vander 1.1 a cup races will ba a revelation to the rueing drivers. The .hustling southerner have epont thousands of dollars on the toorse In an effort to hava tha world s record broken during the big race. The course is much longer than the Sunt a ili,.ka triangle, on which tha world-a jreord was made by llcrrlik three woeks a;.o. and. of course, th'.s la an advantage. titit the surface of the Santa Monica cout-se la absolutely smooth and Is ao n .!' like asphalt that It was not even n c.niary to una oil to lay dust. From what I can learn Ilia cars for the tJi'end I'rlse will be much less powerful si. J heavy than pieviounly, though the t-i.gmva ill uevcJop more sp-ed thau any of the former nominations. Of course ti ts will help a lot towards preventing iIja cuuie belnu rut to ribbons In some of Hie soft spots which always are found on a toad course. Again, the dlstanc of uM'ruximatu'y i mllea is agalnet the ct.(iiicr of lowciir.g the Banta Monica n.ujk. which was made at a distance of rJ mllea. Many wafers are being made aioong thoao lnteresied In record on the aveiage of the tirar.d 1'iiie tailor when )..; had covered half the great distance. elgn factories. Tha mechanical "high brows" will bo g'jets of honor at many banquet and gatherings and will prob ably Impart few of the Yankee secrets of manufacturing while abftorblng from the Europeans much that will be useful to their employers and of great benefit to the purrhssers of rsrs. There Is ono portion of the contest rules which should be changed beforo Fanctlon la granted for the Indlannpolla sweepstakes event. It Is that cla.ialflea- tlon which enables a promoter to put a minimum restricting on tho entrants. As it now stands a car to bo eligible for the rnce rr.uM weigh at le.nt 2.000 pounds. If a manufacturer can produce a car of great power and endurance, but of ex tremely light weight and with the chnnoe of little tire trouble, surely t should bo permitted to race It against the larger cars. Compd an entrant to prove his car Is practlr&l, hut after he has done this there should be nothing to discourage the building of 11k lit cars. I'realdetit Taft Is a dyed In the wool speed enthusiast. I have talked with half a rioscn motorbitn who drove the presi dential cur durlnr; portions of Mr. Taft's tour t,t the country. All of them told me that the president never objected to fast riding and often requested them to "hit It up" on good stretches. 1 am touring this weelt along the Olid- den tour trail on my way to Atlanta and Savannah. The excessive rainfall has made the roads almoqt Impaxvable In many places. How the Olidilen tourists ever got over tho route with any perfect scoro cara In the lot Is a mystery to mc. Burely they could not have been any penalty for the use of "cuss' words.' Hu the fried chicken and southern hoa pltullty I receive more than makes up for tho hardships encountered along the high ways. Arrangements Made . For Races in Havana NEW YORK, Nov. 11 All arrangements have now been completed for the opening of the new racing plant at Havana. Cuba The date of the opening has been changed so that the racing will commence on Thursday, December II. tn place of Frr day, December 1T, aa first scheduled. This will make It one day earlier and will give plenty of time for the shipment of the horses from all racing centers and give them a chance to be rested tip before be ing asked to race over the strange going. It has also been decided not to clore the stakes until November 27, which will give owners plenty of time to make arrange ments before shipping and will not Inter fere with their buslnera while the meet ings at Lalonla and Norfolk are being carried out. There vlll be twenty-seven stakes, which will rang In value from Il.titX) to IT..O00. and will be attractive to all owners. At the present time the schedule of racing will be from December II to March SI ; ' there will be seventeen daye' racing In December, twenty-nine duya In Jan uary, twenty-nine duya In February and thirty-one days In march. This will make aa nice a season aa ono could wish for and will give the horsemen plenty of time to hip bavk to Norfolk for the spring meeting of the Jamestown Jockey club, which will be followed by rimllen and then on the Canadian tracks. Mashed with a Itasor, wounded with a gun, or plereed by a msty nail, Uucklen'a Arnica Halve heals the wound. Guaranteed, 25c. For aale by Beaton Drug Co. -coop W".e' 'HO' 3 zmz, SRawrr by ja cufzj-dArrzzY co, fen, jsjz BOMBSHELLS WILL BE FIRED Athletic Soloni Will Gather in New York to Legislate. RADICAL REFORMS ' PROPOSED Propnaals Will Make Kvery Athletic Hob, College and Athlete Alt Vp . and Notice Wllhoat Aid of Alarm Clock. NEW YOIIK, Nov.ll.-Wat pronrlseg to be the most exciting1 meeting held In years by the Amateur Athletic union la rcheduled for the Waldorf-Astoria on Monday, November 20. On that date the athletic solons will gather In annual con erencc, and according to the present . lans aome legislative bombshells will be .Ired that should aroure comment wher ever spiked ahnes are worn those days. At this meeting the Amateur Athletic union executives propose to read Into tho constitution aome reforms which are not only extremely dratlo and needed, but so radical withal that every athletic club, college and athlete will pit tip and take notice without the aid of an alarm clock. It la the plan of the reformers to In corporate Into the Amateur Athletlo union code a number of new rules for the belter governing of amateur track and field athletics, two of which are ex ceptionally draatlo and should make for a much-needed reformation In the ath letlo club sphere. The first of these calls for an athlete who leaves a club affili ated with the Amateur Athletlo union ta compete for two years unattached beforo he I eligible to join another club, and the second specifies that no athlete pursuing a course In any college or university shall bo eligible for membership In an athletic club so long ns he Is attending a colic go or university either a an undergraduate or as a post-graduate atudent. The proposed amendments to the Ama teur Athletic union constitution covering these reforms are worded as follows for the consideration of the Amateur Ath letic union delegates when they convene on November SO. "Amend article x, section 1, paragraph 2, to read as follows: "In all open competition a student at tending a utilvcrHlty, college, school or other educational Institution must repre sent his educational Institution, and tin less he bus graduated he shall not be allowed to represent a club or other or ganisation u.vtil he files with the regis tration rommlttctt a certificate that his period of scholarship In the educational Institution has finally terminated." "Amend article x, section 2, to read as follows: , "No one Khali l.e eligible to compete In any athletic meeting, games 0r .en tertainment given or sanctioned by this union unless he ehnll be a duly registered athlete and a member of the organiza tion from which he enters; nor shall any member of any club In this union be al lowed to compete as a repreoentatlve of such club in case he has within two ' ears competed as a member of any other club unless said club shall have disbanded or practically ceased to exist, or unless he has taken a bona fide residence In an other district of this union. Aa to Residence, "No persons shall be eligible to com pete for or enter any competition as a member of any club In tho territory of j.ny active member of this union unless lie -shall have resided within tho terri tory of said active member, and shall have filed with the registration commit tee of said active member a certificate of residence at least four months previ ous to entering for competition. "No person shall, be eligible to enter or compete In any district championship meeting unlers ho shall have been a bona fide resident of such district, and shall have filed a certificate of his resi dence with the registration committee of auch district at least six months prior to the holding of auch championship meet ing; provided, however, that undergradu ates of an educational Institution shall not be limited by this restriction, but shall be eligible for the championship meeting of the district In which the edu cational Institution Is located; provided, also, that a registered athlete who has resigned from a club that Is a member of the' Amateur' Athletlo union shall for two years after such resignation be en titled to compete In the championship meetings of the district In which he has been a bona fide resident for at least six months' prior to the hoUlln's of such championship meetings." Des Moines Team on Market Once More Presto, rhango! The dopesters had tho Des Moines situation settled for next season. Comlsl-ey owned the team and Duffy would run It a the training Bchool for the White Sox recruits, when all of a suddon Duffy announces he has signed to manage Milwaukee In the American OKBoelutlon, tlun Norrls O'Neill, nt least the nominal purchaser of the Des Moines franchise from Father Jawn HlgRlns, an nounces the team for sale at the cute little figure of $20.ou0. Still, It la not proved that Commy riot-l nit own It. Why couldn't tho Old lloMfti now step in nnd act as the i(iirchaser from O'Neill? Well, let ua hope that a live man gets the team before the guns: rings. So far there la a dearth of entries for tin big race, and I doubt If nolo than twelve cara at the Puuklo will gj to the pott. Ti ls Is duo In a laige measure to I l.e number of events which have been run within tho Ui.t fow wli. There a Uriie wli u a manufacturer coulu ti,n r a race In a modest manner, and If bo loMt, the cost would not be heiv; rnoigh to count. Hut now it Is different, luu-lug must either be dune on an ex pensive and elaborate scale or cot at alL With a big road race being run every few weeks during the latter part of tug iuioa the drain baa been heavy on many of the makers who find that they have fur exceeded the appropriation for racing iDd early tn the eeasoik That Is why tl.o Indianapolis promoters ate euxloua to run their event at the real oiwoinjc uf tiie ktaie.ii. The manufacturers are ely to race and have aper.l nous vt li new season's racing fundi. E3S25 V.ilf members vt tha Society of Auto- : imc-Lt: Jlng Inters are on the ocean eo route to Kngland. France and Germany 1 f r the purpose of visiting the Kuropeaa ( c -jtuini bile shows and golug tbxuugb f or-j Tine Yeaif-aipoiiod Caf l.r-; V.. .-7 '. ? ! Tr-T'-T!; .JV..-"? er...-:C '1'. , - " : " " ;"-''f ''-'""TVS Roadstcr-40 II. P.-531.773.00 Viherc for less than $300 nore cai you ssvj. s sj:h sriliciliois ? Kutenber motor; Hosch magneto: Warner Iran nilsion: fiont axle Tin. kin; rear axle Tlnikln, full floating: Tim kin bearings throughout; H.hwarts wheels; Splcvr universal joints; c lutch, vune, leather faced; double drop fraine. Cellular radiator; Tire, painting and upholstering optional. Tlrea- iixi. , ' ' :- ' " ; i u's 'v l 'VjUi- f ; A') Touring Car-40 H. P. -31,775.00 r? r lltfll.AM f ..A.:iev afA Distributors 1. UyilLUII WU. 20(1-11 Naroey SI. Z etiagtoa k Valfe. Dstrult Motor Car. .i : . .7 .. . . . r WtJiV'Y' ' . . ;:i. I . kv?e.X ' i ws-t-.-w-r- pPp FbkIcuI $710 yP shield, ren '-raillBhta and genera-0 tOP' Uy' S lor. o.'l ittinj.h, tools and hnrr,. - sm S klZZMxv Kctir eji ;icc: i 20 Tt. i., aKdltig- l:s -N gears, iicaLlv n p.ip'.eto. "'lilrv-f?raaMssS' Tlio Ilupmobilo Iturieibout 'is the first of its' typo today ns truly as it was in its first season. Xo other enr of its class lias attained," even briefly, the prestige which 'at once made the Iluptnobih; the stand ard of runabouts. The Ilupmobile Kunabout is a perma nent model. lis popularity is ennanent. m- 1 1 i e xne ueraana ior it is pennanent undis turbed . by the dis tractions of other models and con stantly growing. To meet this increas ed demand, we are building a new plant of thrice the capa city of our present factories. Some fifteen thous and owners, most of them users of run abouts, form a constituency that has established permanently the extraor dinary excellence of the Ilupmobile. They never tire of tolling of the (staunchness of their cars of their unfailing service of their remark able economy. ou find these owner3 on every hand from one end of tbJa country to the other; evea across the seas, for the Ilupmobile has found a welcome at the very ends of the earth ' alongside of tho beat of Europe's produc tion. H1I1..II1LI XOADBTEX, 98SO F. O. H. Detroit. Including cornplf to equip ment of top, wlndhhleld, Kas headlights and generator, oil lamps, tools and horn; 110-ln. wlieelbase, two passenger body, with Ras oliue tank and highly finished steel tool nnil accessory box mounted on rear elerk. 'l'ho lmprpRsive porformancce of tho World Tourins? Hupinobile have given rise to a perslHtent call, lrom all porta of the coun try, for a Hupmoblle Koaclster with tho name rhaspla and the longer W'hcclbase of the frlobe-girdllng car. So, here you have It a Roadster with the speolficatlona proved so marvelously effici ent In the 25.1100 miles of land travel cred ited to the Hupmohlle Touring car and tho thousands of Touring cars In . use in all parta of the World. The Ilupmobile is thorough-built from top to tire. , It will continue to be so as. long aa money can buy fino materials and skilled workmanship. If you are not already familiar with the good qualities of the Hup moblle at first hand, by all means let us make them known to you noty through our local rep resentative. Hupp motor Gar Go. Detroit, Michigan WiJL Huffman Automobile Company Omaha, Neb. Sieux City, Iowa. Distributers for Nebraska, Soulh Dakota and Western Iowa ' Mitchell Big. SIx 7 Passengers-50 Horse Power-$2,250 No one had the nerve to follow us when we started to build the Big Six two years ago. And no one has had the nerve to do it yet. We arc still absolutely alone in the building of a Big Six Cylinder, seven-passenger touring car for so little money as $2,250. The Big Six has everything that the high-cost cars have it's running like an Elgin watch it's making good, ivith emphasis, in every kind of country, and it is within the reach of the average man. As long as it has every detail that the auto-heart desires, what's the use paying twice $2,250 for some other car, just because Percy Van Loon has one? This car will serve the richest man in the world and give him the same satisfaction as any other car built. miHiens can't buy him tny tntre. The car that gives him the maximum sathfac.iin at the minimum cost is the lexical business buy and that s the Mitchell Bin Six. Jf 't'v thrtt thousand instances t prove it. Roll this over in your mind before you make your decision and see what tl, 250 will buy you elsewhere. The Big Six is equipped with top, Splitdorf dual ignition system, 5 lamps, generator, horn, jack and complete set of tools. This equipment is included in the list price of $2,250. You don't have to hustle off to a supply man and spend perhaps $200 more for accessories. The car is complete. Specifications: 50 horse power, six cylinders, 130-inch wheel-base, selective type transmission, full floating type of rear axle, standard universal rims, 36x43 tires, 56-nch tread (60 inches optional), fore-doors; oiler self-contained in crank case. The Mitchell Full Line: Mitchell Getabout, 2-pass., 25 h.p. $950 1 Mitchell 5-pass., 30 h.p. touring $1,350 Mitchell 4-pass., 30 h.p. touring 1,150 Mitchell Baby Six, 40 h.p., 5-pass. 1.750 , Mitchell Big Six, 50 h.p., 7-pass. $2,250 MITCHELL MOTOR CO. NEW LOCATION 2050 FARNAM STRFET-2050