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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1911)
f I1IK OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: OfTOHEK 20. 1911. The Polo and Reversible Coats Are modeled closely after thoso of older folk, possessing all the style and good service, and priced bo moderately that It only remains to chooue the favorite color and style. Polo models, as Illustrated, are stylish and warm; or, you may choose, from an unusually wide range In coats of broadcloth, velvet, chinchilla, plush, caracul and mannlnh mixtures. For ages C to 16 years. Prices $3.90. $0.50. S7.50. S8.50. $9.73. 810 to $10.75. Write for rfTVf Fell and Winter Catalogue Imperial aemy i drives eebels i from hankow (Continued from First rage.) 2ias been placed In suprrms command jpf the land and naval tureen, met today :dth prominent radical members of the Rational Assembly, who are planning for ;.a entirely new Chines cabinet, a con stitutional government and the Immediate -eummonlrf of a parliament. Yuan Phi :J.a! haa postponed hla planned departure from Chann To for the southp H4 expected ha will soon return to resins In the capacity of premier, lasarsjents liala at Other Points. . SHANGHAI, China, Oct. . 28.-7Wlrelsa dispatches from Hankow rcpurta sweep ing victory for the Imperial troops there yesterday caused a flutter In Blianidial today. The reports were received even In official circle with Incredulity. IWbel sympathisers d-Ur4 that the dispatches were undoubtedly snt from a government aourca to bolster up a faltering cause. Whatever the situation uromid Hankow la. mattera have grown more dnaperate for tua .government cause In the vicinity of Shanghai and along tlie lower part of tha Yang Tee river. There were peralet ent reports today that China Klang, ' l."0 miles above Blisrigluil, was about lo fall Into tha hands of the rebels, t'hlng Klang Is the first of the aeries of lower river forta above Shanghai and la re guided here aa the keystone of the defense of the city., If It falls It is conceded that all the forts below it a far as Wu Hung will quickly follow. Wu Bung, ten mllea above Shanghai, marks the clty'a last line of defenaes. ' West of, the wealthy city of Hu Chow Is threatened, while above Chlng Klang, three Important cities, Nanking, Yank Chow and Wu Hu. are believed to be In danger. Alt four of these cities re municationa, la coming to Shanghai, was quiet, there Is open sympathy for the rebel cause, and probably little effective ichlstance will be offered to attack. , I It Is believed that Sheng Hsuan lluil, jha dismissed minister of posts and com nunlcatlons. Is comln gin Hhanghal, feber he has a magnlflrent homo. More han SM) piece of hi Lacaatjo have ar-Sr DIBLTOW 1 & 0 VtRiT'll' Alt RADIAHT HOME STOVES The Standards of the World. Base liuri.ers, iul.s, fast Hanges and rook (Stoves. I'ash or I'ayii.ents. RUBY OAKS A) Coos' soft coal heat era, nickel trimmed full 05.35 I " teV-.y- Arc Favored by Smart Dressers Wo were first lo introduce these popular coat in Omaha the clever style and un matched quality of the first ones sold has sent scores of women here for theirs the modest prices have invarialtly effected an immediate decision. The Polo Coats, appeal to women who seek the lat ent Id our, but the coat Hre adapted to so many tines, and are bo cleverly fashioned that one could find nothing more nil It able and practical. They tome In tan, white and reversible combina tions of gray and purple and tan and green. The douhle tone coats present . a very striking a)Kavance and the reversible fea ture affords the luxury of two coats worn as your fancy chooses and to suit the occa sion. Junior and small women's sizes. Prices - $17.50, $19.75, $22.50, $25.00 and $29.75. Girls9 Coats mtTOT'irS 1518-1520 FAENAM STREET rived here from I'ektng, addressed to the care of a foreigner. The business situation Is Mill precar ious. The money market Is In an alarm ing state on account of the vent amounts of speciu withdrawn from the bank here by l'eklng and other centers. (iotrriiirirnt Controls Itallroad.' WASHINGTON. Oct. 2K.-The control of the entire line of railway communication from l'eklng to Hankow by the Imiwrlal Chinese forces was reported, to the Chi nese legation here today In cablegrams from l'eklng. These dispatches confirm the report of an Imperial victory north of Hankow yesterday and add that the Imperial forces had captured the railroad station at Hankow. Tlfe messages received by Yung Kwal, charge of tha Chinese legation, and for warded by him to the State department stated that the government forcea had attacked and captured several of the positions rinld by the rebels north cf Han kow, Including IJu Chlao Nlao, 'twenty miles northeast of tho city. " The Insurgents retired before the Im perial troopa and the lutter sui-rrsfilly stormed the railroad near Hankow,; ac cording to tha legation mesvjjcte. ! Dr. Ni-n In New lurk, NKW YOHK. Ctet. CS.-A gaunilisHU Chinese, with atoop shoulders and" a Sirassly moustai'he, who hears a marked resemblance to pictures of Dr. Hun Yat Ben, was found today at the quarter! of the Young China association. Home of his countrymen declare that he Is the noted revolutionist, whoso active presence since the outbreak of the Chinese rebellion has been reported In many different puna of the United States. The supposed Dr. Ben declined to answer questions about tils Identity. RULING EXTENDS SCOPE OF FEDERAL LIABILITY LAW MF.IUD1AN, Mass., Oct. Ut.-Kullng in a damage suit Involving the federal em ployers' liability act today. Circuit Judge Huckley held that If the cars causing the accident carried Interstate shipments the state was without JurlHldctlon. The plain tiffs will attempt to show thst the cars did not carry Interstate matter. If you have anything to aell or exchange advertise It In the Want Ad Columns of The Uee and get Immediate results. L Lri SONS 1515 Harney Street Hardware Specials onday Iarii-. I15 S2.15 lie Monday S' sjll folding tsundiy BeaeU. W HU ringer atia li- tnent, regular II 7(: Monduv for ')', Monday 15c Electric Flat (hil vanlieil Tub, heavy, well made, .ic sue .1Q Monday luv lio atove Potato Ricer or Fruit Monday Uu etove pol lull Monday ltoud or V ii Ur 3ic. Monday shaped. plx pounds, nickel pluie with coll UJ tiuaranteed Oustlesa .-viops, long buiidlrs. Keg. Ibi; Monday t;.c Huatlesa clot'ia Monday with 19( 15c (-( lar I'olisli 125c 50i P'Pe 1 fio r-a 7 Exclusive Agents for Mark Cross Leather Goods STOCK MARKET IS QUIET Wall Street Exchange Showi Little Trace of Friday's Turmoil. STELL SHARES SLIGHTLY HIGHER Statement Issued by Chairman tiary I'.nenaraurs Speculators Urn eral Market la Kirns and (Heady. NKW YOrtK, Oct. 28. Tho stock market was quiet during the early trading today and there was .uo iilnt f the excitement produced yesterOk toy the1 Wild trading In I'nlted States Steel stocks. The course of the market 'yesterday ' had Indicated that the heavy selling' of steel stocks was over and the ' Improvement was helped by the statement of Chairman Oary, rela tive to the government's dissolution suit It waa apparent at the opening of the stock market that there was a good de mand for steel stocks. Tha first trapsae tlon In ther common stock was a block of 12,000 shares at 61T to K. The stock waa quickly raised to K. a gain of from yesterday's close. The preferred stock raise '14. lloth Issues .lost much of their gain within half an hour, but held steady without further losses. The stock market in general showed much firmer tone, some of the iosee of yesterday being recovered. HYMENEAL fr'ar.lund-l'nlnier. FAIIim ilY, ISeb.. Oct. KX.-lSpeclal.)-At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. llurd, llev. K. 11. Taft performed the ceremony uniting In marriage Mlsa Rthel O. Fainter of this city and Harry E. Fors lund of Needles, Cal. The bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. rainier of this city, and has lived In Falrbury for a number of years. The groom Is a sou of Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Forslund, waa raised In Falrbury. and Is now employed In the Hanta Fee offices In Needles, Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Forslund leave Saturday for their home In Needles. Ulvens-Kenyon. WKST POINT. Neb., Oct. M.-News haa reached this city of the marriage at Vega, Tex., of Frank Ulvens, a son of Felix (livens of West Point, to Miss Huiel Kenyon. Mr. Ulvens waa born and brought up In Cuming county and Is now CsZaaew3 Ems COMPANY it. j Monday will be another Big Bargain Day at our store. Needful articles for the home and kitchen marked down for Monday only. Use the phone. We de liver. Here are a few of our BIG MONEY SAVING VALUES: rioax fllfter Mhakor pat tern. lte duced Mon day to 10c Oaa Toaster eli ,eg ( ieuutna Wils.jii ulariy Iron til Beaters Cenulne Hover lo else Monday 15c alse Monday 7c 9c Press Uff ll)c com- ?3.85 OIL HEATER Smoke less, with Monday Ash or Oar bag Oaaa. Heavy salvauUed Iron, re saliou size with cover. regular i.7S - K( Monday ipX.Uif Mouse Trtps With snap springs tao for 5c DES MOINES CLUB IS BUSY Convention Committee Says Many Visitors Come. ARBITRATION REPORT COMES UP C onductor Illatt Ordrrrd Il harael, Tnaether lh Huberts, lloth of Wbom Are l eader Among: (be nlon Men. I (KYom a Stuff Correspondent.) IK3 MOINKH, lift. (Special Tele ' Kriim.) The convention committee of tho I Commercial club made public today Its j work i'ii' ii g the lust season In securing I conventions for iHs Mo, hex. The commit tee secured in convention. nt a cost of ' iS,00. " hce lonveiitlons if,ni nented an attendiitico .f one day r.irh person of IKI.noo ri.I the Hub pmI .idtps that the J persons comlnK here left an average of tin a day in the city for c xi nnis. This does not in.' ndc the Mr.te fair and other establish!-'1, institutions. The club Is go ing after :) convention:- l.r next year. Suit was 1 enun In court today by the local comrru real organizi.tinns to compel the Hoard f Pupei vlhors to change the method of hanillln the budge funds of the county. It is clnlmed that the super visors divide up the rounly and each one has abaolute authority in a district and that no accounts whatever are kept. This plan has resulted In an enormous expense to the county. The suit is to compel the entire board to pass on every bill and to do bridge work by contract only. The arbitration board settled the cause of the recent street cur trouble today by deciding that as to two of the men in controversy the company was Justified In dlschurglng them but as to the other there was no ground for their discharge. They decided that Conductor Hruce could hold his place while Illutt and Roberts must go. This Is a decided victory for the street car company as both Illatt and Roberts were exceedingly active In the union work and Roberts was a member of the exacutive committee. ALL BOOSfWLAND SHOW (Continued from First I'agc.) dividual, but also as mayor of Omaha, I say In all sincerity that the Land show as conducted at the den this year is as great and good un Institution hs Ak-Sar-Wen or any other public enterprise .which has ever come to my notice," said Mayor James C. Dahlman. "The exhibits were not only of high educational value, but they all brought out with startling dls tlnctlvenexs tho fact that the great west Is 'The I'romlMed Land' and showed the way to llvllhood to the shutins In a way that could be accomplished In no other manner. The land show Is certainly a fine thing for any city and It has done an Immense amount of good for Omaha. I sincerely hope that we will have another next year and I will, if called upon, do all In my power to that end." Sanion II oust a Khow "It's a fine, big show,'.' said It. J. Ten fold, secretary of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Uen, speaking of the Omaha Land show, "and I'm proud of It Junf as I am proud of Ak-tiur-lien and of all the big things that are credits to Omaha. I don't know of anything that I would rather see oc cupying the den that has been made famous as the home of Ak-Sur-Uen. I don't believe anyone could go to the show and come away without being bene fited In some degree, depending upon tho individual. Kveryone In Omahu ought to bo proud of tho allow." ... , 'The Omaha Lund Bhow Is of groat educational value, both to city bred peo ple, and farmers," said (Jeorge H. Payne, president of the Payne Investment Com pany. "The show domonstrutes to' the people what wonders can be performed with the soil. It also bears out the fact that a man who puts lilm mind and heart into a farm will reap a bountiful harvest. The 1-and show haa brought many Inquiries to us and I think It hus proven a great success and hope It will be a yeurly event in this city." t'wuimlaalun Mau l.lUes It. Charles O. Trimble of tho Trimble Bros. Commlsxion company had nothing but praise for the show. He said: ''The Omaha Land show Is far superior to that of lat year In every respect. It has brought to this city people who would not otherwise have come here. It cer tainly haa fulfilled its mission and I sincerely trust that next year we will have a larger and better show. If possi ble. People have come to this city and to me. whom I had never before, met and they vail agree with me when they say that the show Is producing results." "The exhibits shown at the lAnd ahow were the best I have ever seen at a show of i&. kind." said lUlph Kitchen, manager of the Paxton hotel. "I attended the show ,l)o nights and was surprised to aee the crowds that passed In and out through the gates, showing the great Interest that the people of Omaha and the state took In the show. It is a great thing tor Omaha, it not only boosts the city, but also brings much trade. I know that we had hardly a vacant room during the ahow." Al. V. Drcsher said that the Land show waa certainly a great institution and that the good it has done for Omaha and the west Is beyond compulation. "We live In a strictly sgrlcultural country." aald Mr. Dresner, "and a big exhibit of the products of this country, like the one Just cloged, attracts tha attention of the entire country to the wonderful recourses of this section. Hesides Omaha haa ae cured a wonderful amount of healthy advertising from the show." HraiKlris Writes Appreciation. Hugo H. llrandels haa expressed his appreciation ot the I-und Show in the following letter to C. C. Hosewater, pres ident of the show: "Permit me to express the sentiments, which 1 feel sure must be shared by thousands of others, that the Omahu Land Hhow has been a notable success. It hus been an impressive siwctacle and a great educational exposition as well. "i attended the show on Society night, but because ot the great crowd I waa able to see only a portion of the Interest ing features. 1 was so impressed that I attended the following evening with more time at my disposal, and found the ex hibits wonderfully entertaining. 1 visited the Land Show In Chicago a year ago and 1 can say that the Omaha I.and ow far surpassed It In every particular. I regard It as tha greatest exposition of Its kind that has ever been hold. Accept my sincere congratulations un the success of the Lend Show, which was due in such large measure to your own activi ties." DEPOSITORIES DESIGNATED FOR SAVINGS BANK FUNDS WASHINGTON, Oct. . (Special Tele gram.) The following banks have been made deokUortes for foatal Savings bauk funds In Nebraska: Cltlseus Na- WINDER OF FIRST CLAIM AT THE RECENT LAND DRAWING. I .4 r f f ILt. MltP. MARY J. KENDALL, itapm city, B. v. -L tlonal, Orleans; American bank, Sidney; Central National. Lincoln; United States NatloYial, Omaha; Merchants' National, Omnha; First National, Omaha; Omnha Corn Kxchange National, Omaha; Ex change bank, Ocullallah, Neb.; State bank, Mllford; City National, Omaha; first National, Oenoa; .Sutton National, Sutton; Farmers' and Merchants', Ash land; First National, Valentine; First National, Fender; National Hank of Wll bcr, Wllber; Kxeter State, Kxctcr; Loup City State, Loup City. NEW LAKE CARRIER WANTS THROUGH RATE ON FLOUR WASHINGTON, Oct. 2S.-Freight rates on millions of barrels of flour annually will be affected by proceedings Instituted today before the Interstate Commerce commission looking, to a reduction from 23 to 21 cents a hundred pounds between Minneapolis and New York City. Th Flour City line, an Independent lake car rier, asks the establishment of a new through rate between those points. Rail roads operating; between Buffalo and New York refuse to recognise the new route and exact from Buffalo a rate of 11 cents a hundred' pounds on its traffic, while a late of 9.3 cents Is accorded so-called standard lines. Careful Laundering Is what has built up our business. Per sonal attention t o Customers' Comfort is our motto. Shirts in sanitary covers. A perfect package. HotU lMiones. Wagon Kverywhere. Members Lautulrymen' National Aan. L9Li &mg4-. L"iiiiiii-fi iffilr""issii Your Catarrhal Headache Instantly Believed By FREE Sample ust a little Kondon'i purest Catarrhal Jelly, snultcd into the nostril relieves, soothes and heals the affected membrane, which, raw or inflamed, brings on catarrhal headache tx mt mtoilra thto trontiie. sntteptlc. coollnf sa4 picawK. purra an. him irmrsy lor SuartMS, u HHwa, vum liriuu. bui si tot seal. 9 Ask Your Druggist Write iu todsr tor Ire. s par sr s 2c er S Jc bindy. anSiry lube tunllml no hrmlul drug, and ia auld audtr our puaime uanuuee. Koadoa Mlg. Com pasty aHanespellt, Mlna. II!!lll!!lll!!l!!I!llUlIljl Something Hew New Process of Cleaning WINDOW SHADES Makes them look like new. Any kind or color. Our work guaranteed. Call is up and we will call on you. PHONE DOUGLAS 6617. Hamilton Cafe Kuuifay Menu: 12:30 to 2. Clam Chowder Fried Spring Chicken or Roast Beet Potatoes. O'Brien Lima Beans Cranberry Krappe Hot Roll Lettuce Salad Mince Pie or Delmonlco Ice Cream and Cake Tea, Coffee or Milk Oyster 8upn?r, 6 to 7 Mrs. Kullaway. I'll sjsmbi iijB - Wll We.-" jrrB- . fl'rtaakaavSBhwiCll IDEsfisSsasCES MEW'S $20 SUITS A and OVERCOATS at Strictly all wool garments, in tlie best of styles and fabrics. Splen did hand tailored garments, posi tively regular $20.00 Qf a FA values at $l.iledU Men's Hand Tailored Suits and Overcoats S15.00 and $18.00 You men know good clothes when you see them so what's the use of talking. Juat como in and try on one of these splen did hand tailored garments. Note the fine fit, the splendid business like appearance they give you. You can't get a better gar ment if you paid $5.00 to $10.00 more for it elsewhere. Let us prove it. Men's Splendid Fall Hats $2 Those stylish "Scratch-up" hats, and every other new style. s Men's all wool Flan nel Shirts, worth to $2.50, at 1)S Men's Sweaters, worth $1.50, t GOC Men's Kid Gloves, all standard makps, at 08 to 3.00 Ml' X SI NO UNDLUWKAH HOLEPKOOF GUARANTEED HOSIERY Men's $5 and $4 Shoes at $3.00 and $2.50 The finest of leathers and workmanship are embodied in these chocs, to givo the wearer the utmost comfort and durability. LADIES' SNAPPY NEW COATS in Reversibles, Polos Blanket Effects. Etc., y (uAw collars Ladies' Dresses, I. . I (L SALE OF TRIMMED and UNTRIMMED HATS 08c and $1.98 lingular values up to $5.00. Bargains in Women's Furnishings Tloo Hcntor Comfort Underwear for Women and Children Ladies' Union Suits at 69c to $2.98 BEAUTIFUL NEW SILK WAISTS at $2.48 and $2.98 Taffeta Silk Pettieoats ut $1.98 Ladies', Misses and Children's Wool Sweaters Worth $1.98 to $3.98, at 48c and 98c. Colors white and gray. Some are slightly damaged. Warner Bros. Corsels. Holeprool Guaranteed Hosiery. T1N0VELTY COMPANY 214-18 North 16th St. Clothes lor Men and Wome Formerly Novelty Skirt Chmpany. BUCKING About Jun 1, 1911, a trust agreement was entered Into by the Abstracters of Omaha. Since that time the prices of abstracts have materially advanced. Wo have withdrawn from this agreement and have adopted the following reduced scale ot prices: Ollt RATKS v Plats, each 30c 1st entry fl.OO All other entries, each . ...c Court proceedings, per iaKe, at o 1st name in judgment, ctf. $1.00 All other names, each ...... .2-V Tax certificates, each . . ... . .75c Our aim will be to improve the high standard service of the past. BETTER HE SAFE THAX SOKRV. KERR ABSTRACT CO. 309 South 17th Street. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER is the Leading Agricultural Journal of the west. Its columns are filled with the best thought of the day in matters pertaining to the (arm, the ranch and the orchard, and it is a factor in the development ot the great western country. Gt).50 $12.50, $15.00, $19.50 Those beautiful reversible coats, so much in demand. Can be worn on either side. Come with porketbooks with long cords to match.' . Also striking new coats iu blanket effects, n novelty mixtures, etc., with the pretty sailor Handsome Fall worth $12.59 at $4.98 Another lot of those splendid dresses. Made of all wool serges and fancy worsteds, all leading colors, with wide silk and satin sailor collars and lapels. LADIES' $17.50 TAIL- $A A A ORED SUITS at ... . vlv.UW - Splendid tailored garments in the best of fabric. ' Rich Plush Coals at Great Savings $12.50 to $35.00 Your Suit or Coat Made to Your Measure In our Tailoring Department. Suits to order up from $25.00 Coats to order up from $15.00 Misses' and Boys' Union Suits at 50c to 98c Long Fleece Down Kimo nas, at 98c THE TRUST OTHER KATES Hats, earn .. . . . .$1.00 1st entry , $1.00 All other entries, each ...,50c Court proceedings, per page, at $1.00 1st name in Judgment, ctf. $1.50 All other names, each ... .$1.00 Tax certificates, each .-..fl.OO Phoue, Douglas 5187.