Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
i niK I'.KK: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCmi.K.. 21, 1011. ,1 BRANDE r r ' a v . i Wish to Notify the Women of Omaha of a Remarkable Event Next Saturday A SPECIAL SALE OF SILK DRESSES 400 TO SELECT FROM-NONEOF THEM WORTH LESS $15 AND MANY UP TO. $20 STORES ;t t $10 Suits for Women THE NEWER FAUj MODELS A HE HERE. No moderate priced suit can couaparo with the Fashion- seals in workmanship or genuine style COET excellence. The price is always PO CHILDREN'S COATS at $5.00 Great special lot of these practical School Coats for girla in a variety of cloths and colors; heavy, roomy coats, 5.00 Juniors' Fall and Winter Coat' Many Girls' Wool School Dresses All pretty and girlish styles. In all colors, at ..$7.50 . practical new models and i $10 I t $5 9G.98 $8.08 $10 I In Brandeis Drug Dept. XanitoI I f ' 1 I TOOTH f 1 iToilet Articles 2Cc Lilac Talc- ltn i.6c 25c S a n 1 1 o 1 Face cream for He 50c Dr.Graves' jTooth Powder at -c 14o sue t-onuo Sanltol Tooth Powder 14c 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste, ; at . . 3Wc Colgate's Tooth Paste 20c fl.50 Oriental Cream 08c tOc Palmollve Cream 38c 0o HlndB'' Honey and Al mond Cream ..... .29c 25c Amole Rose Cream 0c 75c Pompeian Massas;e Cream 49c ; ; ' Perfume- BecUon. . 50c Java Rice Powder'26e 50c Mauberts'. . imported Rice powder . . .39c $1.00 Violet ' Louisette powder . 59c 50c La Jeune powder 39c 25c Satin Skin Powd. 18c 50c La Franc Rose Sachet powder, oz. . ... . 2()c 60c Dabrooks' Locust Blos som Toilet Water . .29c Hair Fluff ...50c Plnauds' Lilac Toilet Wat er ....... 59c HoublganU' Ideal Extract, oz. ....91.73 Lozells' English Ideal, per OZ. . . m $1.00 D-Er-Klss Extract per. oz. ft t m $ 1 s-V5 HoubigantB soaps ..$2.00 Hesa Toilet. Water, per bottle ... . ...... $3.50 Hanson & Jenks Violet Brut Toilet Water $3.25 " Sundries. ' 6 cakes Ivory soap tor : .19c Ms Jap RosO' Soap, fir ... 6ttc 1 On lv I 1 1 I tt ma- l r., fiT" DuaviUK Dual' .r 1-lb. 20 Mule Team Borax 9c Hydrogen Peroxide -3 South Side Main Floor 3 cakes Harmony Rose soap 25c Rexalt $1 Beef, Wine and Iron for 04c $1 Every day tonic ...79c $1.00 Rheumatic Remedy, at . ....... -.89c Hair Tonic, 50c and $1.00 $1 Kidney Remedy ...89c Rubber Goods 75c Fountain Syringe 49c $1 Fountain Syringe 9c S3 Prophylactic Douche at m. . ....... $-.5 $2.25 Fountain Syringe and Water Bottle $1.78 75c Rubber Gloves ,.4o - Photo Supplies. 8 tubes M. Q. f developer, at .... . -.. ..23c 16c pkg.' Acid Hypo -.9c 2 doz. Postals . . 23c $10 Post Card Camera, 0 t $.WO 40 off on all Seneca Cameras Saturday. The dresses in this pale arc from a very fortunate special purchase. They are wonderfully attractive frocks that arc suitable for every occasion, and they are made in the height stylo for this season. There are messalines and satins in every new color; some are embroidered, others are lace trimmed. Every one is t new model and all women's and misses' sizes are represented. It is really an extraordinary special. SATURDAY SPECIAL SATURDAY. YOUR CHOICE AT $10.00 Women's Fall Suits $15 Your choice Saturday of many plain tailored, exceptionally, well made fall suits. All the pop ular navy serges or smart rough mixtures, all colors. Smart styles such as only CM C Brandeis show at. .......... P J.O Millinery Dept. Second Floor 200 GENUINE Pattern Hats in the Newest Fall Models. from Jas. G. Johnson GoG Broadway, New York. At a Remarkable Price Concession. . The season's most remarkable sale of stun- VT-i ninsr hats. Every one of these hats is a recent creation from a famous New York Milliner all patterns no two alike charmingly trimmed for street, dress and evening wear- large and small velvet or felt shapes, artistically made after the newer fall ideas of American and French style creators. These hats are actually worth up to $25.00 at $10 Girls' and Misses' Felt Hats Simply but smartly trimmed and ready for wear Ages 5 to 16 years; colors, red, brown fl1 CQ and navy, worth $4, at!- Women's Trimmed Hats Hundreds of ready to trim bats In the season's newest shapes and colors largo and small, felts, velvets QQ and silk shapes, etc., at sO In Basement Millinery Sectitn-Trimmed Hits at ei e i en All new fall stylea.and colors wonderful values, at J)1."P i.Jv The Season's Greatest Coat Sale Several Thousand Stunning Fall Cloaks in Women's and Misses' Sizes Bought from a New York Maker Will Be Sold at Great Re ductions Saturday. Every new and authentic style in coats is here and every new shape, new fabric and new color that is in favor is represented. A more stunning array of now coats was never seen in Omaha. You've no idea how smart these moderate priced coats can be until you see this lot. New reversible coats, heavy mix ture coats, silky fur cloth coats, sealette plush coats and black broadcloth coats. 1-4 'L IS 13 I . I'm J ' $ 'A: -1K FOUR GREAT SPECIAL GROUPS AT $12.50 - $15 - $17.50 --- $19 BRANDEIS HAIR GOODS DEPT. Pompeian Room and 2d Floor New Store. Special Sale of HUMAN HAIR GOODS We offer special values for Saturday that should interest every, woman in Omaha. Cluster Puffs 15 in set, $2 values, at ...-98 Natural Wavy Switches 28 Inches long, 3 tt.,' made of German hair, $7 val ue". t .' 83.08 U'-Mmh Natural Wavy Switches German hair, $4 values, at S1.08 0ry Wavy Switch, 24 lni'hea lonK 2. ox., 8 val ues at ... .$9 Th Boll Tnrbaa fram at BOo W h a b I Uollm 24 In. lung, 60c val ue, at . .35o Two Extra ! ft r r Bilk Vat for . . So Carman Jfets, six fur . .250 - - - -J . Ilalrdreaalnc, R h ampoolng, Colortnr, Ueauty Mas Base, Mani curing: and Bcalp Treat ments. Ap pointment mad by Phone, NEW FALL WAISTS New "King" and Herald Square Tailored Linon Waists Just Received. TIicso are the best tailored waists made, and the new styles are wonderfully attractive at $1.98, $2.50, $2.98 and $3.98 The Now "Hook On" Waist This Is the new season's newest Idea. Waists that will fit anyone easily put on only one hook. Ask tn ana lmm fit L Oft " v.ww , , Nfiw flhiffnn Waists at $6.98 and $10 136&UUIUI wniniB lur cvruuiK niiu uitpd umfuhu wi stunning colors and new styles. A variety such as you can find only at Hrandets' Stores. Special Fall Models in Tailored and Lingerie Waists, 98c This is a special group of pretty and fashionable new waists of value that you could not find anywhere In Omaha. A fine varioty at ...f)K UKHT BIMC PKTTKXXYTH IN OMAHA At f2.0 1 rfrm s - Another Big Sale of, , Fresh Ti017C ' Out IvUOJJO Colprs Regular $1.00 value Qr Saturday, a dozen J7t Dig sale of Cliryaantliemunis, (Tut Mower Deportment. Candy Dept. Pompeian Room AHMorted Cream Peanut NugKeU, per lb. , 15c Fresh Marshmallows, lb. Isc I'ompeisn Chocolate Hitter 8weets, per lb . .SOc A full line of Hallowe'en- Novelties and Favors for Hallowe'en. parties at mod erate prices. ' I From Omaha's Near Neighbors th e Hlllmrd. Mrs. Tholck was an Omaha visitor last Saturday. Mr. Henry Bchuett of Omaha was a Jllllard visitor last week. Mrs. Fred Walah and son of Omaha are visiting at ber father' home, J. J. Nelsen. Mrs. Outhart of Paxton. Neb., visited with the Von Dorhen family Sunday and Monday. A' Viumber of youne people attended the dance given at halco last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Schmidt and chil dren vl-itd in Omaha with relatives from Friday to Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. U Oallagher of South Omaha vltrtted with Mrs. Gallagher's mother, Mrs. Bchatx. Sunday. MIh Eg-Rers of Klkhorn and Miss Barkhaus of Bennington were guests of Miss Margaret Blert Saturday and Sun day. Mr, and Mrs. Hubs of De Moines. Ia., who have been visiting at th Frahm home, returned to their home last Bat- HI uu) a Mr. Jackson Dohren, who has been vlnlting his parents here for the past two weeks, returned to th ranch at Kushville Monday. Miss Lillian Anderson left for Los Angeles, Cal., laet week where she will pend the winter. Htr sister, Edith, ac companied her to Omaha. I Mr. A. A. Taylor, having been trans ferred from hl position her as wire chief. Mr. Rosker of Valley has taken his place. Th community extend their bst wishes for success to both in their 1 new positions. ' BalaCB Many from liar went to the Land j ahow this week. 1 pr. C. W. Hlckey Is running his Veil 'again after having It completely over hauled. O. M. Mangold went to th annual ' meeting of th Odd Fellows at Lincoln , Tuesday. 1 A peaaenger train passes through her almost every hour for tb registration In South Dakota. Henry Wrag and Andy Bhaeffer left 'her today for Cody, Neb., on their an nual duck and rtilcken hunt. Walter Petersen and Jt.rred Aiiuamon leit Monday. 'A number of boys her are shooting cks without a lioenae and a number of t!.ca who hav !tld their lieena ar complaining as th license gives them no protection. ever sown In this vicinity. The late rains have put the crop in excellent condition. . Prof. C. H. Taylor was a passenger on the Missouri Pacific train that was wrecked at Fort Crook laet Sunday, lie escaped unhurt. Abe Dunn Is moving Ms family Into the Congregational parsonage. He will devote his time, however, to real estate and Itev. Toms will do the preaching. Elkhorn. Prof, and Mrs. Tat spent several day in Omaha last week visiting friends from Crab Orchard. Charles Witt left Monday for Osmond, Neb., where he will visit his sister, Mrs. William Koeruer, and other friends for a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Mein of Monnctte, Mo., were here last week visiting the J. A. Cibbon's family and other ltiends. Mrs. Mein was formerly Mrs. F. J. Ulbbons, and was only recently married. Mrs. J. Fate surprised her friends Tues day by going to Omaha and returning with a tiny baby tflrl from the Child Having Institute, which she expects to adopt. Miss Ros Witte entertained several young women at cards Tuesday evening. . A good time was had by those present. Mr. R. L. Livingston of Burwell. Neb. is here visiting relatives and friends and looking after her property. Herman Ohrt has sold his residence and merchandise store to the Doud (Sales and Auction company of Omaha. It Is said he revived a forty-acre Improved farm in southern Nebraska as part of th pur chase price. Sunday while engaged In some game Itussell Deerson climbed Into a tree to cut a stick, when the limb broke, he failing to the ground, striking on the back of his head, fracturing his skull. Dr. Baldwin was called, but could not re lieve him. Dr. Jonas of Omaha was Im mediately sent for, but nothing could be done. lie lingered until Tuesday evening, when death came. The funeral was held Friday at 1 o'clock from his home. Burial was at Prosnect Hill cemetery. He was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deerson. Methodist Ills case is conalii- gprlB;flel4. i Frank Moliler Is In the hospital at Omaha. cred very serious. Superintendent Wykoff was unable to ttend to his duties on Thursday as he bad a fcevei e cold. About thirty filings hav been made by iSprlngfltld cltisens In th South Da kota land drawing. f, C. nadcllff of Central City has 1 bought the brick residence lateiy occu Mrd by Mrs. Hancock. Mrs- James MrCamley and her daugh ter. Mae, will leave fur their luiin in 1 Los Angeles on next Tuesday. Frank Comt returned from Cherry couiitv, where his son, Albert, has a liumeatead. Frank Comt jr. returned lili him. The averse of wheat I tb largest Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sa are the parents of a baby daughter. Bert Tullls of Buffalo, Wyo., visited his contln, Archie Anderson, last week. Miss Verna Donnhoo of Missouri Valley "f.l,"),ue" of Rlr- and Mrs. John Aye vis uunua, Mrs. fcd Wolff Is -spending several weeks wlih her mother, Mrs. Johnston, at Lusk, W yi. n.eY.,E VC- rn"v of New Windsor, 111., will fill the pulpit on fiunday at the Con- .i.uuii.i cnurcn. jurs. Thomas Landale and daughter ''.'" "'"" Brnt hunaay with Mis. Charles ltoaa and family. Mrs. O. A. Krlckson and ""'"' o' aper, ieb., int bun day with Miss Mary Kemp. Miss Itulll Palmer mnm n zt ..a r ........ Mont.. thW week to siend several Week win, ucr aiairr, jura, uunnar winuard. The young people of the Congregational church will hoi.I a Halloween social at u niuruu on rriuay evening, October 27, no jnrm. j. w. INeWell, sr., sr PiM-iiuiuv iiih weex wun their son Dr, irar Newell, and family at Crelghtun Neb. Johnnie, son of Sheriff ri,.,. nr.nni. has bought th Amhemt (Neb.) Mirror and left yesterday, with his wife, to taka charge of his paper. Mrs. Ald.i King left Monday for Te- kaniah, where her husband, who Is In tereated In the promotion of the new Te kamah & Decatur railroad, will spend the winter. ICORN AT FABULOUS PRICE Two Cars of White Ears Sell fot Seventy and One-Half Cents. Valley. Mrs. May Nichols visited Omaha Mon day. Mrs. F. C. Kennedy and children went to Fremont Saturday. Mrs. Curtis and Vern were Bchuyler visitors the lUHt of the week. Georite F.ddv of Fremont and an aunt. Mrs. Harriet Tripp of New York, visited W. S. Eddy Wednesday. Mrs. Got hard Pollack and Donald of Tilden are visiting relatives and friends this week. Mrs Rov Bvars. who has been III for over six weeks. Is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. A. McDonald and Mrs. Gardiner were Fremont visitor Tuesday. The Methodist Episcopal Ladies' Aid society held a monthly buHlneas meeting at the home of Mrs. Sunan Lewis. The nelkhbors and friends of Mr. Tom McNlsh liave her a surmise party Satur day afternoon In honor of her birthday. Miss Edna Weekly. John Derthlck, A. C. lledhcrg, Bay Egbert. A. A. Egbert and Mlxs Emma Egbert are among the Valley people who went to Gregory to register for the land drawing this week. Mrs. C. E. ltyars. anal -ted by Mrs. John Hall and Mr. E. Erway gave a party at her home Thursday afternoon In honor of her mother, Mrs. Lyman, who Is visit ing her from South Dakota. The Valley High school has recently organized an athletic association and a literary society. The ortlcers are: Mur ton Whltmore, president; Mae Lutton, vice president; Ethel Ingram, secretary; Harvey Johnson, treasurer. 1 n orricers of the Library association are: Victor Peterson, president; Marie wanstroem, vice presfflent; Jessl Harrier, vecretary; Harold King, treasurer; jonn weesiy. attorney, and Paul Idee, librarian. Nehtwka, Miss Patton was In Lincoln Wednes day and Tuesday. Mr. William McConnell was In Omaha on business Wednesday. Ralph Vlall was a Platto Marth visi tor Tuesday and Wednesday. Ralph Johnson, who spent th sum mer In South Dakota, has returned. Mrs. McCteery of Alma Is with her mother, Mrs. L. C. Pollard, lor a few days. M. II. Pollard left for his old home in Vermont Tuesday, being called by the death of his futlier. Mr. Jones of Lincoln left for home Wednesday after a visit with his daugh ter. Mrs. P H. Davis Mrs, Huntington of University Place Is making an extended visit with her daughter. Mrs. r . P. Hose. Lea Schooler and sister, Gladys, of Hoik port. Mo., were here to the funeral of their grundmotlier, Mrs. KJme. Mts Mllie Tucker, who fell and sprained her knee, is able to be about the bous with the aid of a crutch. Mr. and Mrs. Waterman, who have been visiting w:h their daughter, Mrs. E. M. Pollard, returned to their home in Omaha the first of th week. Roy Kirkpatiick. who has been visit ing with his parents for a couple of weeks, returned the early part of the wtek to Tacuma. Wash., to take up tits duties as chief clerk In th office of th general agent of th Northern Pacific railroad. WHEAT REACHES HIGH POINT Nebraska Prod net, Sold by braska-Iowa Grain Company, Sells for 1.0S, Highest Price of the Year. Two car of whit corn sold on the Omaha Grain exchange Friday at 70 cent a bushel and on car of wheat was disposed of at $1.05, th highest figure reached by either product this year. Corn has advanced 5 to t cents a bushel since October 1, th quotations on whit corn today being 70' cents to 70H cents. and on No. S color corn (3 cents to 70 cents. Bom dealers ay that som mys terious Influence Is "bulling" th mar ket, others say prices are going up be cause old corn Is scarce and the new crop Is not yet harvested. Th wheat that brought 11.05 was No. mixed, Nebraska wheat, sold by the Nebraska-Iowa Grain company, . Th Beal-Vlncent company sold a car of No. t hard at 1.044. The nominal range ot No. 2 hard is 11.02V to 1.04. Outs are advancing, but not at the same rate as corn. Standard oats today are quoted at iVi cents to cents, or 1 cent higher than on October 1. Governor Coming for Boosters' Night Governor Aldrlch has written to Peer, tary E. V. Parrlsh of the WeBtern De velopment league thst he will attend the meeting of the league In Omaha next Wednesday. President Brady, former governor of Idaho, will preside, and gov ernor of a number of other northwestern states are expected to be present. There will be a good atttndance from all of the state represented In the league, many of the exhibitors at the Omaha Land show being official delegates from their respective states. The meeting Is In connection with the Land show at th Coliseum, An Asito Collision mean many bad bruises, which Buck len's Arnica Salve heals quickly a It does sore and burns, tie. For sal by Beaton Drug Co. If you have anything to exchange ad vertise It In Th Omaha Dally Be. "The Pennsylvania Special" New York in 18 Hours 'if time Is an object you can reach New York from Chicago in 18 hours. i And enjoy the trip on the AH-SteelTralns of the Pennsylvania Llnsa, arriving Pennsylvania Station, Nw York only a block from Broadway. "The Pennsylvania Special" leave Chicago daily at quar ter to 3.00 p. m.( arrive New York (M0 a. to. next morning. Or you may nsa "The Pennsylvania Limited," leaving Chicago later, 9.30 p. m. arriving New York next evening 9.30 p. m. 23 hours from. Chicago. Other New York trains leave Chicago 8.1S a. m., 10.05 a. m., 10.30 a. m., 3.13 p. m., 9.43 p. m. and 11.43 p. m. Peiiiilvaiiia -JLiiies- W. H. ROWLAND Traveling Passenger Agent 119 City National Bank Building. OMAHA W Ttie Omaha Bee's Great Booklovers' Contest sTo. 7 Saturday, October 81, 1111. Wkat Book Does Tbis Picture Represent? Titla . Author ............. ....... . .M. ... M ....... w . . ....... i Vour Nam ........ , Street and Number ..... ..-....,....,,.,..,, M i.uv or lown .................. Write In title and author of book and eouDon n,i i.i, ir. ' 'JJ. no coupon until finish of th couteat la hoiwudcwL fcauli picture raurcMuia a book title not a scan or character. Catalogues containing aoos cauiaa on which all pu.i picture are based tb catalogue Maed EV the eoutaat editor are for ai at the iftiaiueaa otU. at 'la snm tut e.nla. by iuii. lie's Coming Here He's Coming ilere