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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1911)
TllK HKK: OMAHA, SATURDAY. OCTOHEtt 121, 1!U1. . 10 ere Are . 1 aV "J W nn f not taT li A w u wwmmmm n n 1 r H n V "i r ' n lr " trrrT.iTnr-Tit-.TT-r Ta KID GLOVE SALE Women's Kid Mocha and Cape Gloves . In one and two-clasp ffvta; tan, groy, black and tl or white; fitud to tho hand, at pair !) jjj? This is the JIunsing "Wo believe in Munsing l . : .. it u Woidmi'ii Manning I'nlon Knits Klne cotton, soft fleecy lined, part wool and all wool, at a nrment .-08 91.50 S1.f8 un ,0 ' $2.1)8 Women' Mnnnlnn Vest and I'untt Cotton, .fleecy Unod, part wool and all wool, at a garment 4Q f)8 d $1.50 Misses,' Children's and Hoys Vests, rants and 1nlon Hult Fine cotton, fleery lined, part wool and all wool, at a gar moDl 19 75 080 nd S1.5Q Special Sale Women's pur thread HI Ik Boot hosiery, wide llil trartrr top, alno ll silk; regular and out pze; worth tip to 81.00. at JOy. pair Women's roltoit and nwrrer Ised Idrlrt Hosiery, double lieols ami toos; Mark, wltlt ml colors: too pulr, at pair ,,,, Women's Fine Cotton Hose, full fashioned, high spliced hoela and toes; mercerized silk. Utile, fleece lined and wool, at pair I5c Special in Our manufacturers' seconds but to $1.00; at, pair WOMEN'S NECKWEAR New Dutch and Sailor Collars, new lace fichua, fancy lace jabots, side frills, cascades, coat sets; worth up to II Uid Lots Women s Onyx Hosiery at 19c j . Pure thread silk, wide lisle garter tops, silk with wido $u hem tops, lisle soles, double heels and toes. They nro sa efl jp ea a e si ev eaM m Women's Embroide'd Corner Handkers Sheer Irish linen, Swiss embroidered Bcalloped borders, dainty Val. laco borders; also women's and men's plain hemstitched border worth 25c; at, each. V BRANDEIS CKn C37 CTOrxrjft fawokfKipr C01 C0 8 (Th m. & d I aus.1 1 Fresh I ruit and Vegetables X Malk Urge celery lOo plain Inttuoe I'mihua pr bankol l'rrjh cirape t'ruit. each and . ..lOo . . ao . . .is 1-Ywili fldor, per jnir 30e, soc Water t'renn, Mint. Imiiorted ICndlva, Cauliflower, Kresh rine aptilea, I'nrKiruinonn, Cantaloupes, lined lnttiK'. 8 - rakra "Mucin Waiiher" Hoap at Sfto (.rape Nuts, per pKs loo "lirown lialsy" Imat Abnorblnir and i'olltihtiii: ltrushes and 1hm- era. ea 'h See to S3 OO I rans "Nabob4 Houpe, asaoried, at So r.Oo )ar Uuwn Oil veil 3Be Mr, -fttdd s 'Pin Money" Pickle. flnt Jre 3Rc; quart Jara ,.S b. carton Lyer llalatiie . .85 .C Czrzz& CF&JZ? C3 Fresh Dressed 4 SPRING CHICKENS, 1ft X arrt eat la Meat rlos rr heard ef la Omaha Rlfhest saaUty, loweet ericas. SpeoUl atteatloa atvea to all a silvery orders. Fhone as. Staer Pot Boast, lb. TBe aad SJte bun Stsak, lb f?0 Youi Yl Chova, Its. lOo Tou Teal Boast, lb. 10 Sal tUw. lb tamh lb He Lamb CsuiMI, lb. lOo Ltub Riser. lbs. fot 86 i Fork Boast, lb ., lo. 1 Uama, i l4-e CE LIVERY LEAVE AT 10:30 A. fl ar.i 3 P.M YrfAK Ladies' Old Hate Hade Over SEiirrirvt, trsiu tinrntii hats, bbafes in matzbialsj. X.AlLr ttTLl.ll, LOWtkt rslOIS. StT, ritTsLsi aaa rwiicH m,u or oxno. MISS PEFPErt, MILLINERY PARLOR 14 Bonth 88th St., Oia aha. Telephoee Harney 3SOS, Women's Loa White Kid Glares Elbow length, 12 and 16 button; worth up to $3- a bargain equaro spe cial at, pr.. . 98c Women's French K d ' GIoTes 2-clasp fasteners; white, & black, tan, grey, mode and hTL champagne; fitted to the $i hand. Perrin's ant other V well known tf 5017$ tij) makes, at pr, ejl Underwear Store Underwear and po will you mI i W. of Hosiery Imported Men's Imported cot ton and 1 Im I. tlirm t llonlery; black, tnn and color; worth tip to Dbn pair, will m on sale, at inn worm pair .- v Infants' 811k Fine Cashmere Hosiery heels and toes black, white and colors; worth 25c, will go on sale -fl C at, pair 1JC Basement worth from 50o 19c RIBBONS Wide All 811k Moire, mes salines, satin taffetas, plain taffetas, Persians, Dresdens, etc; up to 6 Inches wide sod worth up to S6oayard, 1CA at, yard , lUW handkerchiefs; xuu STORES Saturday I specials Feanut nil ner 'i sal. ran . So ilallou ram .....114 Karhman'a Celebrated Pretsels. per tkt lb. 3 large cane Hed Croea" niUK. at Bee S pkss. JO. ( Corn "Makes ,.BSe Batter, Krrn and Oboes Sept. ' J.otu creuinery bultur, la i r- toiim. per lb. .Sao Our uut country butter. In sani tary lurs, per lb 34 Strictly freah egics. per do. . .30 LHHiieatlo He lmi Chcvoe, pur lb. aft ljirn full i ream l.dain Cheese, fur 1.1S Iniportfid Koquefort Cheene, at. V'aucy Jar Cheen ,.10c, ISo, &&0, Chow Chow or Celery Kellh, per nuart ...BOo Cuttace Cheese per pks. ...lOe - - cacjt c3 mail Kama, lb. Mo, 1 Calamst Bacon .10S .lT,e ear Cored Baooa, lb. ib. Vaol of Best -Lard. .18 t: 9-1 . .3 BFBCXAU. Bt to F. hL X.aib Caopa. lb. 5, Frosa F. K. te 10 F. BL Blrloln Bteak, la. 10o 1610 HAR EY ST. 2144 lnd.A-2147 'ssswwf ' mm Also KEW MATS V Order. 75c SUITS and 0UEQC9ATS QROWW Are the correct shades in men's elothlnf, era la a larfe rartsty of fabrics and model. The Drowns Tho Dlucs Are keaTy ZngUah chtrtota In rrj oonoelrabl eomMa aUoa as well as plain aad self stripe rg. Thi ftnua art or light ehSTiots iiw win mlstores. ThA AunrrniQ Are the eiasstaet Tr erery new and staple fah I ilO WVClCOaia na made In plain, presto or combination eoliars. Men's and Young Men's HIGH GRADE TROUSERS At Popular Prices Is the XAQVETI3 drawing card that makes our Tronaer Depare.neit t e BEST In the It. When In noed of trousers come her I Where stocke are iTnt tot end prices the lowest. EXCEPT 1JJIAI. VALDll. $1.50, $1.90, $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4, $5, $6 Men's & Boys' Caps Whisper Weight latest ool tylas ef- A regular B6o lty Hoe in colors, has etlky fin tsb spe eiai Tin Top Dread... 5c r. ETIAK BAXIKO COMyAWT DISTINCTIVE MILLINERY , BEAUTY We Urge You to Be Fair With Yourself and Your Purse. Our shop is upstairs perhaps you will consider our location a trifle incon venient but . wo can as sure you that we will give you the surprise of your life, viewing our beautiful creations of the milliner's art if you will only visit us. We Will Not Urge You to Buy. "We ask you to come and seo what wo have and judge for yourself. A very special feature of our millinery showing for this week will be the beautiful new creations we havo mado' up to sell at $10.00 to $15.00. O'CONNOR 1 & EPIBLEN Boom CI, Continental Bids', 15th and Sourlae kts.. Over Bers Clothln a tore. Take Blevatox at FlfMeath Street Entrance. Home Dressed Chickens Just why 'hlcken haa become a favorite aieat for riunday dinner Is hard to explain. Whether hotel. ...nllnK hoime or private family, you can bunk on It you 11 hav chicken for dinner next Sunday. If It couiea xrom bath's Market you can alMO bank on It you'll h.iv the best, purest flav ored, cleanest and most toothsome fowl the -uarket afford. Not only In fovvlx but also th choicest Keef I'ork, Mutton. Veal, l-ajub. Home Mad Pora HiunK, Home Kandered ljird and the price will be on a strictly cash and no delivery basis. Cholre Hprlnsr or Hen, per lb... 1310 Home Xldo I'ork Bausase 180 Home Hendered Laid l'-i Vork HAMt i i ....... IS' aS Pork SltH 180 Fot UoaHt. tSso and 7Uo lAiub chops lOe Ijunb Kie .Ve Jos. Bath's Cash Market Itm Farnam Street. lie's Coming Here $15,-$20 BLUE GRAY We show these popular eol- Ar coffee, wood and hickory shades and th ssw com bination eoronatloa oolor. and worsteds, plain aad fancy Try a "Guarantee" Special Hat at $1.90 Soft or stiff styles the q.l-il of the bsst S3.60 hat on the markst. We Lave them in Bcraten Ups. Vel ours and Smooth Telts lu all th new shapes and hados. Hose qnaV Men's Shoes plain soil Positively th Talu In th clti bst shoe z $2.50 la our wonderfu; line at.... Good Bread Aids Dyspepsia The bent cure for dyspepsia In pure bread, well niaJo. Properly baked Tip Top bread Is perfect bread made of the best flour, nmno!iol JuMt rlBht, thoroughly kneaded, and baked to perfection. Try It. at all grocers A Shoe fo r the American Boy When we say a shoe for the American Boy we mean a shoe that he cannot kick out. The American hoy is never still a minute; he is constantly and perpetually wearing out shoe leather. It takes an exceptional boy's shoe to stand the wear that the American boy will give them. But our TEEL II0D HOES Are very exceptional boys' shoes. -They cost a trifle more, but It is true economy to buy them. Boys' siaes, 8 to 6H. $2.50 Youths' sizes, 1 to 2 ..$2.25 Little Gents' sizes, 10 to 12 Vs. t $2.00 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam St. .T''8lttlllsWiWiissi Candy Special for Saturday 40c assorted Cream and Nut Car- mels, per pound 25 60c "PTlncews Kwets,, ChocoUtea, per pound 39 Uallowe'rn Novelties and Favors, We have a big assortment of the following, which can be filled with candy and used as favors. All inexpensive but very neat and attractive. Black Cats ........... 5c to 83c Jack 'O Lanterns 5c and up Pumpkin Heads Ac and up Peanut Boxes ......... Sc and up Egyptian Chocolates Packed in one and two pound boxes only. Our latest creation No better at any price . -SOf ana ...... $1.00 HYERS-DILLON DRUG CO. 16th and Faruani 8ts. DENTISTRY I can restore your teeth without the us of plates or brl due work. Call and let us explain. Bailey. Tha Dentist Wew office. City national Bank Bidf. Tel. XVBSde. Established la loss. BE SURE lo get the colored comio section of Tho Sunday Bee. n OlllfiOl e Great argains that crowded our store to tho limit, and hundreds of customers were turned away that could not be waited on. "Wo have such a big stock that wo still have everything that has been advertised. Come Satur daj', sure, and don't miss this great new goods sale at Kapha cl-Pred Co. $1.00 Ladles' at Kid Gloves 69c I.ddlfM- Hats, 880, 81.48, (JO QQ 91.83 and p.JO J1.00 !Jand Hags 3J)C 11.00 Children's Wool Sweaters 39c tadi' nd f5entn" Shoes 81. IS. 81.35 and. . . $1.25 Old and Knda I-nre Curtains at $1.79 39c $l.r0 ladles' llcuwe lreHo.s .... 59c Outlnir Flannel Night Gowns 39c Men'a Pants, for l.i6 . usually eell 59c Infants' all wool Waists usually sell 69c 25c l,adles' Neckwear, Bella regu larly up to COo, at 5C Men's Fancy llorder Hand- O., kerchiefs, sell regularly 10c J Men's Sunrendors, regular- If',, ly sells 35o iut Ladles' Waists, regularly sella ip to $1.00 19c Men's all wool Underwear, f?f)s worth up to $1.00. at.... Children's Coats, SI. 09 and $1.98 Girls' to . Coats, 91-88 $5.95 Ladles' fni..??:60:. $14.85 9H.99 and Men's Suits. 93.50, 96.70, 98.80 and.. $11.95 Men's and Young Men's Overcoats at 90.70, 98.80 and $122.50 .Boys' a f"! ':.V:'':..f" $2.95 an Ladles' and Misses' Novelty Couts; also reversible coats baga to match, 99.SA, CliT OS 911.83. 913.80. 914.80. P-s-s .Ul Ladles' bklrts, 9125, CO ft" 98.S9 and pO.Jia JJ.9S Silk Petticoats, at , $1.89 Mens Sweaters at 43c, 89o Ladles' Waists, 9L19 and $1.89 Silk Waists at 91.88 and $2.95 Ladles' Herge Dresses, 94.90, 99.80 and $G.95 Men's Fancy Hose, per pair 3c And hundreds of other similar bargains that we have no time and space to advertise. RapIiael-PredCo. WSOX.ESAX.B AHO BETAXX, Cor. 13th and Farnam TIB STOKE FOB TIB FXOrX.E u ifiwwjwi 1 1 1 f im an. ..uimumi juui au AMUSEMENTS. AODiToniiin Saturday flight, October 21st Frank Gotch World's Champion Jess Wcstcrgard r.iAHr.iouT Tho Wondsrful Turk GEORGE WEDE17 BILL HOKUF TB John Kcrscnbroch - Seat Sale Now On. PRICES: 50c to $2.00. DHAKA'S rDB CXBTEB" Cja.U&t2l u1 19-as-so mmmJ'zXir XTga- 16-SS-60-75S Becusd OvSf to th I.aad BUow. Tt.E Jfc-rt!HY ES ZXTBATAOABXA AID TAVDCTIU1 As clean Slid tweet as Its IKle Implies. Llltle liarlle Howard. 'UluU'h" (.'uoper and Great Olio, chorus of Lily Hud. Ladles' Dim Metis Bvery Week Day. bun. and We lilt: lKuCAtifcllua." AMERICAN THEATER Toalght Mat. Tees- Tsars., Sat. Price lOo aud 8So aCISS EVA Lisa aud the WOOSWAKD STOCK COMPAWT la TSS THBaiB OT UUS Bt Week TBB BIII.Z.M or TUB OODS s B to Laond Shf Make Hayden Bros. Piano Department your headquarters. We are showing; more and a better class of Pianos than any house in Omaha. We sell the world's best pianos for cash or on easy payments. Call and examine our pianos. o You Like ST- Popular Near Classic Classical? If so, and you are not a musician, you should call at our store and allow us to explain and demon strate to you some of our beautiful Inter-Player Pianos that we have very carefully selected, so as to satisfy the most exacting person. In our line you will find the world's best. The Angelus, the acme of perfection in tho riayer Piano. . KNABE ANGELUS EMERSON ANGELUS ANGELUS PIANO PISCIIER ESTEY SCHAEFER PRICE & TEEPLE HARM0N0LA MILTON All eighty-eight note, fully warranted players. . Prices on these instruments range from $350 up, with twenty-fivo rolls of music free. PIANOS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. . TERMS TO SUIT. Hlaydleira Ems V QS!S(4!fttetav' ESayden Bros.' T.leat OepL OLD PRICES STILL PREUAIL Meats have advanced but that cuts no figure with Hayden's we still sell at the old price in fact, just a little less. hlGkens.-lilc Boneless Kib Eoast ....I2V2C and 10c Pot Roast .,..8c 7c and 6c Hindquarters Mutton .Gc Forequarters Mutton 5c Mutton or Lamb Chops, 3 lbs. for .......25c Mutton or Lamb Stew, 10 lbs. for .'.. .25c Mutton Roast lb.., 5c Veal Roast, lb.lOc & 8c Veal Chops, lb 10c Veal Stew, 5 lbs....25c NO. 1 LEAN BACON .... 15c No. 1 Hams, lb 14c Pork Sausage, lb 5c Hayden Bros.' ABITJSEMEVTS. AUDITORIUM GREAT -UORUOII TAB ERNACLE CHOIR 200 VOICES200 Directed by Evan Stephens The Wonderful Choir Master and accompanied by John J. McClellan The World's Famous Organist. Wednesday Night, October 25. Seat sale opens at the Auditor ium Saturday, October 18. , Prices, 50c to $1.50. fhoaesi Bona. 494 Zad. A-1494 Advanced Vaudeville Matinee Today 2:15 Note Early Curtain Satur day Night-8:15 Sharp. KRUG THEATER KaUne Today, 8:30. - Vlffbt, Si3a Best Scats 00 Cesta. FAT WBITB aad his buaoa of (Aowy show girls who show. A-Bal Bur lesque show.. Bstra Full returns of th World's series baa ball games will be read from th s tacit. BOYD'S THEATER TONIGHT MATINEE SATURADY Special Frformano Eunday Bight THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER BABOAIW MAT. TOSAT 850 Tonight, Sao, OOo aad 7 So. "McFadden's Flats" Briar the child re a to sea the -Yellow Bids." Sunday, udonday, Keary la -Th savoe." BUUar the s sic? $ A-' i r.lcat Boys' High Gut Shoes Our high cut shoes (or the boys' . winter wear are a very sensible, comfortable and dur able boys' shoe proposition. A splendid Investment. Durable black or tan waterproof leathers. Heavy oak tanned soles. Sites for boys of all ages. 53.25 $2.75 to 83.50 High Cut Shoes are Ideal Shoes for School wear, for Coasting, Skating and Stormy weather. A treat protection to the boys' feet. Sizes for boys of all ages. FRYSIIOECO. TUB 8 II O E It 8 ICth aad Docglas streets, 9SK Where to Tind the Dee la Hew York City.N. Y. Arthur Ilotallnc. Grand Central lepot News bland, Aator House. Harry J. Station. Schults, Grand Central Tyson Co'S lnuiudlns News Stands, Haul Knickerbocker riiffm.a " Howl I E luiprl 1 kurrar 1 utu Howl U.nh.tua u,.. . ., . Luim Uotai V .lOort-auorU Bept m X I II , A 1 n sr. 1 -