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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1911)
THE TV.K: OVAIIA, TlUTTiSDAY, OCTORETt 12, 1011. Nebraska Nebraska The Dos OWEN AND BRYAN HAYE PLAN Oklahoma Senator and Peerless One Fash Organization. SENATOR MAKES QUICK VISIT Morrmrnt on Foot to Captare Pop ular Clab Organisation of N-. bra ska br Simon Tare (From a Staff Correspondent.) ' LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 11. (Special Tel eRram.) Senator Robert L. Owen of Oklahoma was In Lincoln yesterday, but his presence was known to but a very few whom he chanced to meet. Senator Owen arrived Monday evening and was th guest of Charles W. Bryan. White here Senator Owen was In con ference with C. V Uryan relative to the organization of precinct clubs throughout the state for the purpose of affiliation with the Federation of Democratic Tre clnct Clubs fit the United States. The plan Is one adopted by progressive demo crats at a meeting held at Washington oon after the close of the special session of congress. Senators Owen, Chamberlain and New "ands are at the head of the movement, the first named being temporary presi dent of the organization. MANUAL TRAINING AROUSES INTEREST IN FAIRBURY ' FAIRBURY, Neb., Oct ll.-(Speclal.)-According to A. L. Cavlncss, superin tendent of the Falrbury schools, great interest Is being taken in the new course of manual training, business training and domestic science recently added to the courses of the school system. Mr. Cav Iness states that in' the domestic science :ourse. Miss Alice E. Skinner of Topeka, Kan., instructor, seventy-six high school girls are taking cooking and In the grades between eighty and 100 girls are taking ewlng. Prof. II. C. Hoge of Creto has charge Of the manual training department just added and about fifty boys' 'from the high school department and eighty boys from the seventh and eighth grades. With the new arrangement the domestic science and manual training classes are limited to students In the first and sec ond years of the high school and seventh and eighth grade students. Mr. Cavlness states that about forty high school stu dents are taking the business training courses. The total enrollment of the Falrbury schools for the month of September was 1,127 or seventy-nine better than the same month in September, 1910. There are 256 students In the high school and 871 In the grades. The senior class of the high school Is composed of fifty students, against forty-four last year. BITTER CLASS FIGHT OVER ELECTION OF OMAHA STUDENT (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb.. Oct. 1L (Special Tel egram.) A bitter class election fight has developed at the university over the election of Roland Thomas of Omaha as the president of Junior laws. Thomas defeated Bob Hastings Tuesday morning by the narrow margin of 43 to 41. President Rodman of 'the junior laws announced Wednesday that more votes had been cast than were members of the class and ordered a new election. Hast ings won the second election by fifteen votes. Friends of Thomas now threaten to contest the election and take the mat ter up with the university authorities. Rodman declares that one man cast fifteen votes for Thomas, who is an Omaha man, the ballots being all in the name handwriting. Hastings defeated Thomas Wednesday by exactly fifteen votes. Club Women to Meet Two-Year Intervals IIOLDREtjE, Neb., Oct. 11. (Special Telegram.) A decision was reached at today's meeting of the Nebraska Federa tion of Woman's Clubs to hold the meet ings of the organization at Intervals of two years hereafter. The morning ses sion was devoted In part to an address by Mrs. W. J. Bryan, who, though not on the program, was asked to tell about her visit and experiences while In Japan. Visiting delegates were today given a long automnbllo rklo about Holdrege, which Included a visit to the Christian orphans' home. Fifty-two automobiles were, lit line. The annual . election of officers will take place tomorrow when Mrs. T. J. Gist of Falls City will be re-elected pres ident and with her will probably go the majority of the present officers. An nd dress was to have been given tonight by Jenkln L. Jones of Chicago on Browning, but a message was re ceived that his wife was dying. Various committees completed their re ports today, all showing Interest In club work In Nebraska to be constant. NEWS NOTES FROM BEATRICE Cas of II. V. Wheeler, Chnrard with Hank Hnhbcry, la Continued Z. II. Ilonr Is Dead, BEATRICE. Neb., Oct. 11. (Special.) The case of B. F. Wheeler of Wymore, charged with bank robbery, was called In the district court at Marysvllle, Kan., yesterdoy and continued to the next term of court. He was released on $2,000 bond. Wheeler Is an old resident of Wymore, and was formerly employed as a con ductor on the Burlington road. Charles McDanlnl, who left Beatrice a few weeks ago, was arrested at Tecumseh yesterday on the. charge of wife desertion. Sheriff Schick left for that place today to bring him buck to this city. Z. H. Howe, for thirty-seven years a resident of Beatrice, died yesterday of stomach and liver trouble. He was "S years of age. He leaves a widow and four children. His daughter, Auss Cath erine, Is a teacher In the Omaha schools. In the district court yesterday Judge Pcmberton granted a divorce to Lulu Tatum against her husband, William Ta tum, on the grounds of drunkenness and nonsupport. 8he was given the custody of theln three children. The Beatrice High school foot ball eleven has arranged to meet the Colum bus team here next Saturday afternoon. BRYAN TALKS IN CLAY Makes Addresses and Attends Ban quet, Sneaking; Today at Superior. CLAY CENTER, Neb., Oct. ll.-(Spe-clal.) William J. Bryan delivered an ad dress on the court house lawn this fore noon at 11 o'clock. A banquet was served by the members of the local society to the democrats, at which banquet Mr. Bryan presided. He went from here to Superior. Bentrlee Council for Utah (ins. BEATRICE, Neb., Oct. ll.-(8peclal Tel egram.) The city council last night turned down a petition signed by 250 of Beatrice's property owners requesting that the Gage County Gaslight and Power company reduce the price of gas from $1.35 per thousand to $1.25 per thou sand. The company secured a franchise to operate under the scale of $1.25 per thousand, but the council last summer I M AGAR am In every market basket (None complete without It-) It makes delicious dishes that all il.o family like. Sold In largo sanitary pnekages for 10 cents. At Your Grocers $kinn'r'$ s the kind you buy again. Write for Mrs. MacMurphy'i book of 100 best recipes. Kreo. Skinner Manufacturing Co., Omaha. passed an ordinance increasing the price 10 cents per thousand because the com pany stated that It could not operate with profit under the old scale. ELMER SCHNERINGER IS BROUGHT TO BROKEN BOW BROKEN BOW, Neb., Oct. -(Special.) Sheriff Kennedy returned to Broken Bow last night from Rocky Ford, Colo., cringing with him Elmer Schnerin ger, who is wanted here charged with obtaining money under false pretenses. The complaint alleges that Schneringer obtained $200 from a man by the name of MlcAaelson at Merna, by giving a mortgage on furniture and a horse that ha did not possess. Schneringer was ar rested by the Rocky Ford authorities for intoxication, but a letter he carried aroused their suspicions and the sheriff here was notified, who immediately wired them to hold him. . Upon arriving here Schneringer was taken before County Judge Holcomb, who upon request of the young man's father, continued the hear ing thirty days and placed blm under $500 bonds, which were furnished. UTICA, S. D., OFFICER FACES CHARGE OF MURDER ' YANKTON. S. D., Oct. ll.-(Special.) Circuit court is in session her and Mil lard Limpo, marshal of the town of Utlca, is on trial on a murder charge for shooting and killing John Cheek, a quar relsome farm hand, last November while Cheek, who had threatened Limpo, was resisting arrest. Publlo sympathy is largely with the officer. The defendant is a member of one of the most 4roml : nent Bohemian families of the county. Arm Broken la Poor Places. WEEPING WATER, Neb., Oct. 11. (Special.) Ed Kelley, who has been as sisting in threshing for William Ash, while at work on the John Rauth farm north of town got his left arm caught In the belt on the separator and sustained two fractures above and two below the elbow. The bones protruded through the flesh and the flesh was torn from the bone almost around the arm. Physicians believe they can save the arm unless unlocked for complications set in. Kel ley is a man of about 30 years of age and is unmarried. Tonne Employ Special Teacher. OXFORD, Neb. Oct. 11. (Special.) Holdrege, McCook and Oxford have em ployed a special teacher. Miss Osa Mil ler, of College Springs, la., to teach elocution In the publlo schools. Alius Mill will dlvlda-her time among the three towns, giving Oxford one day each week and each of the other towns two days per week. She began her work this week under favorable condition. The Bahoale Plaauc destroys fewer lives than stomach, ifver and kidney diseases, for which Electrlo Hotter is the guaranteed remedy. For ale by Beaton Drug Co. The highest point of woman's hap. piness is reached only through moth erhood, in the clasping of her child within her arms". Yet the mother-to-be is often fearful of nature's ordeal and shrinks from the suffering inci dent to its consummation. But for nature's ills and discomforts nature provides remedies, and in Mother's Friend is to be found a medicine of great value to every expectant mother. It is an oily emulsion for external application, composed of ingredients which act with beneficial and sooth ing effect on. those portions of the system Involved. It is intended to prepare the system for the crisis, and thus relieve, in great part, the suffer ing through which the mother usually passes. The regular use of Mother's Friend will repay any mother in the comfort it affords before, and the help ful restoration to health and strength it brings about after baby comes. Mother's Friend I is for sale at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant moth ers which contains much valuable information, and many suggestions of a helpful nature. BKADFIELD REGULATOR CO., AdwUa. Cev Interest allowed in savings department at 3 per annum . . The United States National Dank of Omaha elves prompt and courteous service, affords absolute secur ity and has a most con venient location. Korthwtsl Corner Sixteenth so a Ftratt Streets Capital $600,000 Surplus $600,000 Dunbar l.cctnrc Course Opens. DUNBAK. Neb.. Oct. ll.-(ipeclul.)-Dunbar's clty-slse lecture course opened last evening at the opera house with John B. Ratto, the character delineator, as the flrt number. A packed house greeted him. There aro eight numbers to follow throughout the winter season and Dunbnr is alive to the lecture course problem,! as is attested by the fuct that the money has already been paid Into the treasury to guarantee the session's entertainment, with a neat balance on hand. Golden Wciltllna; at helly. SHELBY, Neb., Oct. 11 The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Gabriel was observed today. In the morning they were remarried by Rev. Joseph Hess, of Stelnauer, Neb., and Rev. It. L. Blckert, of Shelby, In the Catholic church. In the afternoon a programme, consisting of speeches, songs, muslo and bund, was conducted In their yard. They wero married In Germany flfty years ago, but have lived In this county must of tlio time. Voiiiik Foruer la Sentence.!. Hl'llON, S. !., Oct. ll.-Speclal.)-In circuit court hero yesterday morning Judge Taylor sentenced William U Wells to serve two years In the penitentiary fur forgery. Wells Is the young man ar retted at . Mitchell a few weeks since and his downfall Is the result of bad company and lntoxlcutlng liquors. Hoy Prnitaeil by Horse, WEEPING WATER. Neb., Oct. 11.- (Speclal.) Sammy Smith, 12 years old. son of H. P. Smith, who was thrown from a horse and dragged . last Sunday afternoon. Is gradually becoming con scious. Ills face and head are almost raw and it Is feared his brain may bo affected. The Key to the Situation Bee Ads. Facts for Weak Women Nine-tenths of all the sickness of women is due to some derangement or dis ease of the organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness csn be cured is cured very day by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Wemen Strong. Sick Women Well. It acts directly on the organs affected and is at the same time general restora tive tonio for the whole system. It cures female complaint right in the privacy of home. It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and local treatment s universally insisted upon by doctors, and so abhorrent to very modest woman. We shall not particularize here at to the symptoms of those peculiar affections inoident to women, but those wanting full information as to their symptoms and means o( positive cure are referred to tba People's Oom maa Sense Medical Adviser 1008 pages, newly revised and up-to-date Edition, sent fret on receipt of 31 ene cent stamps to cover cost of wrapping end mailing enty, in French cloth binding. Address Dr. R. V. 1'ieroe. No. 6o3 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Durability of Mason & Hamlin Tone is the Marvel of the Mu sical World.... eat; If you were to enter any music store lu the United States and ask what piano has the best tonal qualities qualities that are sweetest and last the longest the person to whom you put the question would reply, "The Mason & Hamlin." This Instrument has no equal, and you cannot appreciate the state ment made here until you have seen, heard and played the Mason & Hamlin. Then If you appreciate music, you will at once understand the "differences" that assure Mason & Ham lin perfection. You are Invited to hear the Mason & Hamlin at this store. When you wish to purchase, our easy payment plan will enable you to become an owner of this marvelous piano within a short time. A. HOSPE COMPANY 1513-1515 DOUGLAS STKKKT, OMAHA. Branch Store, 407 Broadway, Council llluffs, Iowa. Western representatives for Mason & Hamlin, Kranlch & Bach Bush & Lane, Cable-Nelson, Pryor & Co., Kremlin & Son, Halk't-Davts and Hospe Pianos. II I WWW m Illl..... I nil I..IIHI.I , ..III. .in 1 1 V ojp o o LJLS lf, lr? -- y c H1 ! - ... a mIi iinn mi-saiiiriasM Mar it. r mm in hi smmr .1 in tiiasiiWssssiissisistwl,Tr t ff.l .rtvWV1--for rfrt r.-"' tuim,i ir"iai fiH' irf sjiSifcri-- ft-i I i-tr-" laiaVTsisamassaatMi Bargain Event in Bed Room Furniture TOMORROW morning we begin a remarkable sale of bedroom pieces. Included are odd chiffoniers, dressers and beds, all of the highest quality from the best of suites. Wc lire wiling thorn nt slaughter prices bocnuse they aro odd pieces which we wish to remove from our show rooms so thnt now suites may bo displayed. Wo ask you to sea these articles. Then you immediately will appreciate tho cuts we have made in prices. llcmembcr, this bedroom furniture is among the best wo havo in the store, and tho prices on it are cut down so far that it will bo months before wo shall again equal them. In our windows some of the pieces are now exhibited. $65.00 Solid Mahogany Chif- . ' fonier A substantial articlo of dignity and graceful lines. It is a bargain, indeed $40.00 $50.00 Hepplewhite Bed Ma hogany, fine lines, and grace ful design; durable, construct ed with care to details $30.00 $85.00 Dresser Solid Mahog any; 48 inches; graceful front; French plate mirror, 28x30. It appeals te all $60.00 $38.00 Chiffonier Solid Ma hogany; swell front; strongly built; just tho kind that will delight n housewife $26.00 $35.00 Solid Mahogany Dres ser It is majestic in appear ance and solidly constructed; large French plate mirror.... $25.00 $40.00 Mahogany Dresser Scroll Colonial design; dis tinctive character; 3G inches; French plate mirror 2Gxl5 $27.50 $35.00 Solid Mahogany Dres ser Beautiful colonial pat tern; heavy French plate mir ror 10x20 $25.00 $80 Jenny Lind Dresser Crotch mahogany; very beau tiful design; 45 inches; French plate mirror 38x26 $60.00 $60.00 Jenny Lind Chiffonier W Companion piece for Jenny Lind Dresser; very excellent article of crotch mahogany. . . $15.00 $90.00 Colonial Dresser-Solid mahogany; French plate mir ror 20x20; excellent article at a tremendous cut $45.00 $57.00 Circassian Walnut Dres serColonial scroll; a magni ficent article with a French plato mirror 28x18 $45.00 $58,000 Chest of Drawers Beautiful Circassian walnut; durable and dignified; 40 inches wide; spacious drawers $40.00 $30.00 Brds Eye Maple Chif. fonier Beautiful and distinct design; strongly made 30 in. wide; French plate mirror. . -$20.00 $20.00 Oak Chiffonier Large, roomy drawers; a distinct bar gain, that will give excellent service $15.00 $35.00 Colonial Poster Bed It has grace and dignity and , is strongly built; full and three quarter sizes $25.00 $115.00 Solid Mahogany Dres ser Heavy, swell front; mag nificent article, highest qual ity; French plate mirror 32x40 $75.00 Remember: Good furniture may be cheap; but "cheap" furniture cannot be good. Miller, Stewart & Beaton Co. Th Tag Policy House 413-16-17 South Sixteenth Stroet. Established 1884. I A REST nt the club and an order of letter's Gold Top Deer completes the delight of a motor ride or golf game. Superiority Is t h a watchword throughout the Jetlor plant su perior hops, superior malt. superior brewing", superior superintendence all thesa make Jetter's Gold Top the auperior Deer. ramlly Trade Supplied tyt Omaha. Huyo T. falls, 1384 Dougias St. Phone Do ay. 1643; Auto., A-1M2. oath Omaha, Wm. Jettr, 8603 lt. Bell, 868 i Anto., JT-lBttB. Council Blnfs, aUohell, 1013 Main St. Both phones 80. aC Tip K The brown, well baked loaf I aTX .. llell 'u"s quality Imparts let to one's J J If I) '""! 1, and flavor plaSaiihJ i VM PalM" and the crisp i.iclv browned crust J funds out a list t lis merits whlcl, V TX Jk Its eating altogether satisfying-. Pi D r6Qd. . . 5c at all grocers f V. V. STEAM BAXIBTO CO at FA STY V ft Ttirrc?TT m r i rl 2L v JIsLLVll JLJOJUiJlA (m) Anti-Skids (M) The u The hardened Steel ( Leather tread is Anti-Skid 1 yl&y ( tough, flexible and 1 hilkAiKA EUICK COMPANY 1911 Farnam St. OMAHA :.a.j-an jy