Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Women Are
Doing in the World
HE ctub calendar hu been
Juffleil about a s"ood deal
this week, many of the meet
Enllh. Mr T. N. Connor. Mr. H. C
Brome, Mrs. J. R. Rlnr-alt.
The Censnn Womin'i club hu post
poned Ha meeting from October f to i
week liter.
Th Woman' Relief coma of TT. K
Grant pout meeta Tueaday at 11 39 p. m..
at Baright hall.
The Story Tellere leau will meet
Thuraday afternoon In tha Dubllo library
MlM rinla liltlli V. 1 - - .. J .1
, j - - - ........ wiuipq 1 1 1 1" ".ii ur, irauri lliw
injra being changed to other j Greek myth of Then, of Andromeda
man inn irnuinr aayp, or and or unon Will b told.
postponed until nest weak on
account of tha Ak-Sar-Jien parade
Tuesday and Wednaaday.
Tha club event of tha week will be
tha opening of tha Woman club and of
tha Daughter of tha American Revolu
tion en Monday and of the Society of
Fin Art on Thursday.
Tha Omaha Woman's club will begin
It eighteenth year of activity Monday
at J So p. m. In tha club parlor at the
First Congregational church. The moat
Important subject which will com be
fore tha club I the quaatlon of changing
th club headquarter to the Metropolitan
j building. Mrs. C. H. Aull, chairman of
I tha room committee, wilt report on the
Metropolitan proposition, and the club
will probably vol to move cr not to
Delegatse to tha biennial convention of
, th Nebraska Federation of Women'
j club at Holdrege October 10, 11 and 12
! will be elected. The club la entitled to
! en mor than laat year seven beslds
' th president. Th following teller have
been appointed: Mesdamea F. R.
Straight, Edward Phelan, Jam Liddell,
R. V. Col. W. E. Bingham, C. T.
. Flett, W. A. Challls. W. O. Paisley, F.
i C. Tym. C. H. Mullla.
Mrs. T. J. Gist, president of the slat
federation, and Mr. F. H. ' Colo, chair
man of th state scholarship committee,
have asked that the subject of scholar
ship be given a place on the programs
oi ine opening meetings or each state
club. Mra. OUt has aaked that each
club woman give $1 toward the scholar
ship fund. . The educational committee
of the Woman's club, of which Mrs.
George Tilden Is chairman, will preaent
the matter to the local club Monday.
Th club manuals, containing list of
officers, committees, departments, mem
berehlp. calendar of meetings and other
literature concerning the club will be
Mra. M. D. Cameron, president, will
apeak on th work for th season.
Th Society of Fine Arts, which will
study British art this year, will hold Its
opening meeting of the season Thursday
at tha public library, when Mra. Healleck
. Rose will be the lesder. A general sir
j vy of British art will b given and th
work cr th following forerunners of
British painting touched upon Holbein,
Rubens. Vandyke. Lely and Kneller. The
pain ant of William Hogarth will be
given especial attention.
The Woman Suffrage society, which
wag to have met Wednesday of thla week,
: ha postponed tha meeting on week. At
that time th annual election of officer
I will be held, also tha election of dele
ta to the state convention at Lincoln
In- November. Th society has Invited
(Mr. Emmellne Pankhurst, th Brltlah
uffragett. to apeak In Omaha, and I
now negotiating for a place for the noted
'English woman to give her addresa on
uaar November 20 or a.
Mra. Pankhurst haa just been complet
ing a campaign tour In Scotland, where
ah haa bees preaching th gospel of
vote tor women to th women and men
of the Highland
The Major laaas Sadler chapter of the
Daughter of th American Revolution
will meet October 17 instead of the Jd, aa
Mr. T. W. McCullough will give a lec
ture on "Th Relation of the Drama to
Literature" at th opening meeting of
th literature department of the Woman's
elub Wednesday at 10 a. m., at the Flrat
Congregational church. Mra. Millard
Laagfeld will give the prospectus of the
year's study course, which will be on the
drama ancient, mediaeval and modern.
Th department Invite all member of
th club to attend.
Th Dundee Woman club, which was
scheduled to meet Wedneeday with Mr.
O. C. Toung. will meet Monday at 1 p. re.
at tha horn of Mr. K. R. Horn. Mrs.
P. J. Barr will have charge of ourrent
topic. Mr. Burke Sinclair wilt load th
etudy hour, at which th book. "John
March, Southerner." by O. W. Cable, will
r reviewed, different phases being re
ported by Mr. J. J. Dodda, Mr. K. H.
Wtaterfield and Mr A. D. Bradley.
Th class In Feralan htatery. of which
Ma. Ida Hanchett of Council Bluffs la
leader, will meet Monday morning at 10
'oloek at the publlo library to continue
the study oourse begun laat spring, whea
It waa organised. The members are;
Mr. C. W. Axtell. Mra. N. P, Felt, Mrs.
John McDonald. Mra. Edgar Morsman, Jr.,
Mrs. Alice Blerbower, Mr. Joccph Pol-
car, Mr, c. C. Roeewater. Mra. Arthur
The Daughter of the American Revnlu
tlon will hold their first meeting of the
year Monday afternoon at 2:30, at the
home of Mrs. Jobn R. Webster. Mrs.
C. D. Parsons, whose mother waa a "real
daughter," will read a paper relating the
experiences of her grandfather during the
Revolution a related by her mother.
Mrs. Frank Crawford will speak upon
"The Star Branded Banner". A mini.
csi program will be given under the di
rection of Mra. Thomas L Lewis.
The Daughter of 1812 hav Boatooned
their meeting scheduled for Wednesday
to tha week following.
The members of the houaehoM at-
nomlcs department of the Woman' club.
will get together Thursday morning at 10
o'clock to talk over their Bummer vaca
tions and plan their work In the depart
ment for thla season.
Th Woman's Journal, tha nation!
suffrage magaslne, haa thla to aay of a
Nebraska woman In the September 23
Issue: ,
'Miss Oertrude Jordan has "made rnod"
as county tearsurer of Cherry county,
Neb. The young woman has nrnvM t
be so valuable a county official that for
th coming election aha haa been nom
inated on every political ticket No one
ha com forward to oppose her."
Miss Orace Conklln and Mrs. F. A.
Blxby were elected members of the
American Woman's league at its meeting
Woman Loses Money
on Joy Ride, Police
Arrest Companions
Thre Omaha Joy rider, accused of
robbing fourth member of their party
In Fremont, were caught and eesrehed
by Omaha police at I 80 thla morning and
releafed at the request of the alleged
victim. A. E. Walkup. an Omaha lawyer,
as a friend of Mra. Marquette, who as
serted In Fremont that her companions
had robbed .her of 13S0. la ld to he will.
ing to file a complaint, but none had been
riled at an early hour this afternoon. The
accused members of the nartv were
Charles Howar, a taxi driver. Mrs Spen
cer of Council Bluffs snd Mra Marian
kounts of South Omaha.
According to the story told bv the
Fremont police, the Joy riders arrived In
Fremont at about 11 o'clock laat night.
Mr w.a I.It.m anAA.nlu in
from heart disease In a garage where
the machine was being filled with gaso
line. A physician was called and the
stricken woman wa taken to a hoapltal
and A. E. Walkup decided to stay and
take car of her.
Th remainder of the party. conltlng
of Howard. Mrs. SDencer and Mr.
Kounts left for horn. Soon after th party
started for home Mr. Marquette dis
covered that aha bad been robbed of $330
In bills which her companion had given
her and which she sequestered beneath
her storkln for eafetv. Word wa im
mediately telephoned to the Omaha police
to stop the party and place them under
The emergency automobile with threaJ
policemen waa sent out to meet the ma
chine, which they did about 2.30. near
Dundee. The party waa taken to the po
lice station, where all hands were
sesrehed, and no money found. Th
Omaha Police then telephoned to Mrs.
Marquette the result. A consultation was
held between Mrs. Marquette and Mr
Walkup and they told the Omaha police
to release the three.
From reports received her this after
noon Mra. Marquette ia still In the hospi
tal at Fremont. The Identity of tha
Omaha attorney waa withheld by the
Fremont police, but It leaked out through
the Omaha police.
The public library will be cloaed Tues
day and Thurtdav afternoon durln- the
parades and will cloae at 7 80 o'clock on
Wednesday evening for the electrical
parade In order to give the employes an
opportunity to witness the spectacles.
The Key to Business Success The Bee
Advertising Columns.
Col. Charles F. Weiier. president
and principal owner of the Richardson
Drug company, will Mart out Sunday
on a trip around th world by way of ret
and recreation after a successful busl
neos career of a quarter of a century.
Col. Waller will go atralght to Syracuse,
N. T.. where he will visit his daughter.
Mra. C. 8. Walker, after which he wit,
attend the annual convention of National
Association of Wholesale Druggists st
th New Astor In New York. He will tall
October 21 on the Cleveland for Europe.
He wllj be gone four months returning by
way of San Francisco.
Friday evening a number of Col. Wl-
ler'a friends gathered At thai VtAvrtA v hi-
daughter, Mrs, J. W. Fisher, to wish
him "bon voyage."
Remedies are Needed .
Were we perfect, which w are not, medicines would
not often be needed. But since our systems hav be
oom weakened, impaired sod broken down through
indiscretions which hav gone on from tb early ages,
through countless generations, remedies mrt needed to
aid Nature in correcting; our inherited snd otherwise
acquired weaknesses. To reach the seat of etomsch
weakness snd consequent digestive troubles, there is
nothing so good as Dr. Pieroe's Golden Medical Discov-
'7 s'7rio ovmpouna, extracted from nativ medio-
inal mot sold lur . a.u . ..
: l .'. ' ' g iBuiiscuon to ail user, ror
Weak stomaah. Ki innin I n.: i ... . ...
. -, . 7. ' . v.i.7iiin, i am in mo acomacn eiter eating.
Heartburn, Bad Breath, Belching of food, Chronic Diarrhea and other intestinal
I Is rm nmrira la Tlm A I .
. i.vumr i a iime-proven ana most eOicwnt remedy.
The genuine ham on its
outside wrapper the
Yost can't afford Ia ..n, l i a .
- f- "vuuBi uuBiimm ror mis non-nico
none, medicine or known cowros tion, not even though the urgent dealer may
thereby make a little bigger profit.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver am!
bowels. 5u?nr-coated, tiny rrentilex, easy to take as candy.
III, - ' ' ' " r t ' J I 1
Inspectors J. C. Britton. 3. 3 aoin...
and Miss Edna Miller, connected wrth the
Department of Commerce and Labor,
who have been making Investigations in
th Increase of the ooat of living and
wag cale here during a period or
fiv years, finished their probe and hav
one to Kansas City, where they will
begin an Investigation along th same
lines. The work was carried on quietly
and the Inspeotors would not state whst
the result of their Investigations were
although they Intimated that th ooat of
Uving had Increased considerably more
than th wage scale.
. . Cfcpialsi Hataa Pardo.ed.
ALBANY. N. Y.. Sept. .-Oov.ror
Dlx today signed a pardon for Captain
Peter C. HaJns. Jr.. who killed William
E. Annts at tha BavatrU r. t t.
club house In August 1908, The" pardon
! v euecuve Monday.
Ten Days Saved
Money deposited in Savings Department of
t . . u
p " 1 ' ' - ' ,.XUJI H ' 1
-,( . .
on or before OCTOBER 10TH draws in
terest at 3 per cent from OCTOBER 1ST.
Capital :. ..$1,000,000.00
Surplus and Profits 600,000.00.
Savings Department open Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M.
Farnam and 17th Streets.
Use Sunderland Certified Goal
hrf"e .81 kln, M U la delivered under Our "Guaranteo Certificate." Coal that we
5SJ?5r napte- tJfMtiOB or money back MI ST and DOES hare extra
fZ d " W-50- W i- - own hoote. he-use
Economy Lump And Egg- Sixes same price.
our adTertl.tng ma be Imitated, but not our coal quality or deUyery aerrlce.
D. 252
. f vu viu cvst quauiy or aeuyery aemce.
underland Bros. Go. 1614 Harney Phones
1 1
Ml M
I "V.. " . . JT
-j W-- -- ,, , ,r... .... " 1
On the King's 1
Just one-half block from the glitter and glare
of the bright lights.
Within easy reach of all both in price and
Delicious meals served at moderate prices. "
' your first meal and your judgment will guide you
yur first meal and your judgement will guide you
to the second.
Little tables at pleasant windows.
Seventeenth and Douglas Sts.
- mi, i k i 1 n-b
The only dealer in Omaha
who owns and controls a
factory, thus eliminating all
commissions and middle
man's profits. You can
save this by purchasing
from the Segerstrom Piano
Mfg. Co. We don't agree
to buy stock in a railroad
company for you, or pay
your board bill, but will
give you value for every
dollar invested.
iUR beautiful new
piano wareroom
is the place for you to
make" your headquar
ters while in Omaha.
whether you purchase
a piano or don't, we
cordially invite you to
honor us with your
t JS 'AMIS. JJ ."1
m" imjs& hew
Th8 Home of tba World's Bast Piano I
FTP! ifl
19th and Farnam Sts., Onaha
Monday Used pianos in good condition, from $85 up to $212.
Tuesday -Slightly used and discontinued styles, from $167 up
to $237.
Wednesday-Samples 1912 models at $219 that will sell, later - :
Thursday Player Pianos, nine different makes, from $345 up .
t to $1,000.
Friday Miscellaneous .clearance stock of rented, returned
your choice from $129 to $263.
Saturday Used players, samples, discontinued styles, from
$176 to $548.
For once in your life "we appeal to you," and trust
vou will become awakened to, facts; and we can say
honestly "that we have never offered such sterling
bargains;" and again we tell you no other dealer in
Omaha has ever had the interest of the people of
Omaha and vicinity a large, enough to duplicate this.
Call Monday, Tuesday or any day, as every day will
mean DOLLARS SAVED by your purchasing here.
hi 1(1
uvu u ro
k HI
19th and Farnam Streets
i Piano
1 Block West of Court House.
sw mr-m sma mm XT 9 kTAm n 4T
- A If I Oil ve 1M1F I Snnn flmnU .
n rr v if you haven-t s " n " if
UVUiL o New Dry cieaninrwon; .?
Xs. V.
qu,?pe1- m'tropolttan Dry Cleaning and Dye- ? iT
Tf taut nTr iAn n ImmAnu. rnmnltAlv
!ng Establishment, see THIS one. You are VERY welcome to go through it while in Omlht
attending Ak-Sar-Ben festiTlties. Se our force of dry cleaners, dyers, rug cleaners SDot r
movers, alteration hands, tailora. cuttera. etc.. all at work, all benefiting mankind with thli
efforts; restoring clothe that would otherwise have to be cast aside. 8ee it all v7, .,
WELCOME. . " u au you are
Sec Our Plant; You're Welcome!
Telephone Tyler 1S09 or Auto. A-!5, and a wagon calls EDr.. r.M
one way on shipment, of U 00 or over. Uptown receivln, atatlon. 1,
palan Koom of Brandels Store, and Dre.her the Tailor'.. 115 F.rSln? .fr,
PJant is at 2211-13 Farnam Street
a a "ss. .":
Sf 2C Pianf fat m 9911.1 V.
.......... tauiBm iJireei
- .7