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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1911)
THE REE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 23. 1911. II BRIEF CITY NEWS e Boot, Mil it. ee, Blee. ruism, lupn-Orut. I. ICttt, W. M.ah. Pat. Drafting A stayer, UM XiareA.r.n - Mayers started suit for divorce Mfcast Juim H. Meyers la district court elab will hold K. annual f,a pen.n Saturday night. There will be torn eat ing. Hni handbaU playing- ul a gen eral food time. Trollee1 Bide fo Chrlsma Bosae ike Peopie of the Chrluea bom at Council Bluffs were givan a. trolley ride 10 TJoraaca ud return oa tha afternoon of September . Bmllion TIlUrN re tha Limit Pm o- nar Olbba and Oaorga Bonner, charged with grand larcenr for stealing bullion from a Union Pacific railroad box ear, offarad to plaad guilty to a charge of petit larceny la criminal oourt Friday and were given, the limit, thirty days in Jail. Bepalre at TederaJ Building- XTU- Uan Bellamy, a local plumber has baa ewaj-ded tha contract for making tba an nual repairs and gnaral ovarbauilng of tha plumbing throughout tba federal building. Tha amount Involved la car. George 6. Collins, another coal contrac tor wee given tha Job of erecting a roof over the platform used by the Weather bureau on top of the Federal building. Tha amount of Collins bid was 1200. Man aad WUi Wake Tp William Johnson wn bound over to the district court oa bond of IM fnQay morning by Judge Crawfordon a charge of wire abanduiui-.j-nt. Johnaon p.aadad fullty to tba charge. After the pi. tnary hearing Jonnaon waa granted leave to talk to h.a wife and later announced that a reconciliation could be affected. Judge Crawford aa.d he would dismiss the mm as aoon as both parties signed an agreement. fraternal Order of Bag-lee Omaha Aerl . n met Thursday evening, wort i.rient XV m. Kennedy In the chaii ij.1 candidates were Initiated. Inter, k ... adresnes were delivered by A. C. Kugel, Julius 8. Cooley. and Frank taway. The next meeting will be Thurs day, October 3h, and meetings will be he.d regularly every Thursday evening, during the fall and winter. The enter tainment oommlttee plans to have a monster stag social on the evening of Thursday tha 12th of October. AFFAIRS ATjSOOTH OMAHA Policeman 6 mall Suspended for Ton Days by Brigv A LUGE ASSAULT OS PEIS0NXE3 If Evidence la ra4 te Sahataa Hate Charge Cat HI Oa Before Bear- far Trial at Early Data. High School Cadet Ulub Electa Officers The Cadet Officers' club of tha Omaha High school met Thursday afternoon for the first time and elected officers for the comics yaar. Prof. Nathan Bernstein of tha faeuky presided at tha meeting until the president was elected. There are forty-four commissioned offi cers la the cadet regiment thia yaar. but only thlrty-itx were preaent at the elec tion. The only cloaa contest waa over the election of the president, tha winner being elected by only two votes majority. Tha Cadet Officers' club la one of the time-honored affairs of high school unitary Ufa It Is made up exclusively f senior boys who have reached promo tion to a oommlaaioned officer in tha cadet regiment of tha high school after threa years of drill. The purpose of the club la to regulate the general military affairs of tha school and to promote af fective orguUsatloa of tha commissioned officers. Ia addition to tha military aide there la a social Ufa connected with the club Each winter aa elaborate hop la given by tha club, at which time all tha officers appear In dress uniform with their ac coutrements. The club hop will be held this year at Chambers' academy on Feb ruary 16. and will be In charge of Lieuten ant Haruld Thomiu. The following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Rex Houl ton, captain of Company B; vlca presi dent. Vergil Rector, major of the Flrat battaUon; secretary. Charles Shook, first lieutenant of Company F; treasurer. WUI Noble, captain of Company E; sergaant-at-armu, Dave Bowman, captain of Com pany C A Break far Liberty from stomach, liver and kidney trouble Is made when a 3c box of Dr. King's New Life Pills Is bought. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. teqaittal la Dow Caaw, CRESTON, la.. Sept. 3. (Special.) After balloting six times a verdict of acquittal waa brought In last night by tha Jury la the Dow murder case about 11:10 o'clock. Judge Maxwell was summoned and the other court officials, together with tha accused man and his friends who kept the vigil with him, and tha verdict read. Eidusiyc Models in Fans f Iillinery on Spe cial Sale Sat'rdy Tha delightful Frenrn manner of creating hats mkea tha millinery from Paris tha moat fashionable of aU tha world. We are showing a beauti ful variety of French atylea poaaaaaing a youthful ap pearance that Imparts to trie wearer aa irreaistlble charm. A trend our fashionable opening oa Monday. firs. Richards M floor. City Beeional I 9 The action 1 1' plaint made j J that Small : W 1th a bunch ' fft "Juaf Say" IHORLICEt'S It Huns Original and Gfrnlnt HALTED r.lILEC Tka Food-drink (or All Afts. Mart Healthful than Tea or Coffee. Agrees with iKe weakest digrtwi. Delicious, fiviijoriting and nutritious. fvirh mux. waited grain, powvicf form. A qokk Innck yrtp&rti ia a mincta, falg bo jaJatltaHv JbktarHOiUJCrS. Other arn imitations. Police Officer Jacob Small was sus tended for ten dsys yatrdsy mominj by Chief Briggs for alleged crjeiry to Nick Salistren. a prisoner oi me cniet followed a com by Salistren, who alleged struck him over ths hesd with of keys. Tha man nut a wounded head into evidence in support of his assertion. Officer dmalU whan called up on the carpet by the chief denied that he had struck Salistren. Other officers about the nation admit that Officer Small did go down Into the cell rooms, but fur ther than that they knew nothing of ths affair. Pending Investigation Chief Briggs sus pended Small for ten flays. Officer Small has Oen tn trouble re cently and his case became more or lees a cause "calebra" because of tha di vision cauaed by It among the members of tha fire and police board. Tha case of Small was In fact the last straw that provoked the apposition to force the Issue upon the two members of the board now under fire. At that time the board after a trial reinstated SmaU, although the period of suspension Imposed oa him by tha rhlet had not elapsed. The present case may eventuate In a reunion of the board member. For some days there has been talk of a get together movement among the members of the board for the purpose of nullify ing; the Imminent ouster proceedings brought against Members Ryan and PI vonka. An effort looking toward the re union was made Wednesday evening, but no results came out of the movement. There Is a feeling among tha friends of tha commissioners that a quiet compro mise will effect a great deal, and among other things there was a talk of a sus pension of thirty days for Small. If evidence tending to prove the charges of Salistren Is found the matter wlU probably go before the board and Small will again have to make a fight to re tain his star. Ma y Be White Slave Caa. Mrs. Mary Clark, a whits woman re siding on L street between Twenty-first and Twenty-second street, was arrested last night by Captain Hank Enrfelder and a squad of police on the charge of run ning a disorderly house. An investiga tion by the police created a suspicion that the place waa being made tha head quarters of a white slaver. Yesterday morning Probation Officer O. B. Carver brought to the local police station lira. Millie Barton, a sixteen-year-old white glrU taken in company with a negro In Omaha. The Barton girl, who la white, said she had been married at fourteen. She told ths police that the Clark woman had Introduced negro men to herself and another white s"trl named Virgle Marks. The police, after having considered a plan, went to the place last night about 9 o'clock. They found the Clark woman and two negro men In the place. In vestigation may warrant the placing" of a more serious charge against tha woman. The negroes arrested with her were Frank Crow and Henry May. Sqaeesed Gooea to Death. Three Sarpy county farmer coming un der the general designation of Joha Doe and Richard Roe, are wanted badly by the constable attached to Justice Cald well's court. Also Mrs. Toney Salenski of Thirty-sixth and W street wants the same farmers and value in coin for a dead goose that passed over through the ministrations of tha sons of the soil. Mrs. Salenakl told tha court that on laat Monday she was the owner of a dosan geeee. The three reubena returning from a day'a outing In tha city engaged tn a discussion as to tha comparative amount of strength possessed by them. The Ions farmer made a bet that he waa the strongest. The short man called his bet and made a pot of twenty dollars to go to the winner. The thin man not to be outdone, contributed another ten spot and agreed that the whole should go to the strongest man. in test waa to aqueess a goose to death with the naked handa Ura. Salenski unwitting and unwillingly supplied the goose. The short man won and collected the thirty from Peter Sara- oskl, who was tha holder of the bet. They left the dead goose but no money to pay Mrs. Salens Itl. Now Mrs. Sal enski wants damages and the court and constabls will aid her la getting the three strong farmers. The only trouble, said the Justice, is that it will be difficult to gat a conatable to arrest three strong maa. Xaffttt Cadtr Arrest. Oerar Moftltt was arrested this morning by Captain of Police John Dworak on a charge of assault and battery committed against a colored woman at Twenty-fifth and P atrefets last Mondsy night. According to the police, Oscar, a few days ago urged thereto by Jealousy sent word to his duaky asms that ha waa com ing out to "carve her up." He came Monday night and In a tussle is said to have cut the woman on the handa Than ha escaped to Omaha. Wednesday night he thoughtfully telephoned the same woman that ha waa going to coma down and kill her- She telephoned tha police and Cap tain Dworak went out after Oscar. Ha caught him yeaterdey morning at Twenty fifth and P streets. Boosters In . At the rgu!ar meeting of the Omaha Booster's club last night It was determined to petition the elty council tor the creation of a special lighting dis trict in the business section of the city. W. H. Marsh of the electric eompany ad dressed the moetinx and explained the desirability of tha new lighting system. Accord n to ths plan propoaed tha busi ness district will bs lighted by ornamental Tame arcs burning 2.0CO cand:s power psr ; '.amp. There will be three lamps to a ! block giving an aggregata candle power of .). The cost will approximate H6 j per year, halt to be paid by the dty-at- large and half by tha abutting property I owners. Tna new lyiwra win oa in ao i x cord with a provision of the new charter I which authonsee apecial lighting districts. & Tha club also took up tor consideration tha project of holding a wild weat show on the afternoon of October 4. The matter waa placed tn the hands of ths various committees who will proceed to make tha proper preparations for tha celebration. Father Joanltla. pastor of ths Lithuan ian church commer.aea rne wont or trie 5 the ! . METHODS fe'hode, like habits are eon tlnuaily chanson. Teeteriay a met.Toila are ! Med for tod iv If tha same memo. la aa ware uard year a were emoioyed to build the Woodmen nf tne world budd ing, the etruettire would tana years to complete, in fact we doubt if it would ever have bn commenced. It la the atralajht from the ahonlrler me'hod that Is uccnessful today We uae It Honest, open and above board methO'le are min. One price to all an 1 that price tha lowest enn atarent with gd quaittv We atiopted this method year aai. tts aui-caaa baa proven its correctness. Get on a Sure Footing by coming here. Your wanta ara looked after carefully In our anoe section. Your feet are fitted prop erly became we have every size and every width. Not any old pair to force your feet Into, but a well fitting pair, to fit correctly, and with comfort. That's our system. Be it man or woman our large stocks and variety of gtyles make the choice easy. All the new shapes tn all leathers. Hen's and Women's Shoes $2.00 Upwards to $4.00 THERE'S MORE IN OUR FALL AND WINTER CLOTHES THAN MEETS THE EYE. "Wear only will discover the dollar for dollar ralne. But if you will look at yourself in our clothes before our big mirrors you will beirin to understand and you will see how you can save the mony that has heretofore gone elsewhere with little profit to you. No better clothes, or more reasonably priced can be found anywhere. A broad assertion we admit, but we can always back up what we My. IT ISN'T WHAT YOU PAY-IT'S WHAT YOU BUY For instance there ia nothing remarkable in a suit or overcoat at $20.00. It is what we sell you for that price that is remarkable. If we, too, fell into the com mon practice of sacrificing quality to make a cheap price, suits that cost $20 else where could by reason of our unique facilities and our fixed underselling policy be obtainable at the Nebraska for $16.00. "We have a standard and comparatively few manufacturers are able to satisfy ua. Particular men, men of discrimination, are invited to examine our new clothes for fall and winter. Prices From 510.00 Upwards to $40.00 WHY NOT SELECT YOUR FALL HAT TODAY? The newest and cleverest hat gtyles are here tn a profusion ef most fashionable styles. Every dlmentlon and style that Is In demand by up-to-date dressers is In our hat store. If you've a preference simply state It if you've none, then it'll take but a few minutes to acquire one just now the soft hat predominates. HERE ARE THE HATS THAT HAVE MADE OUR "HAT STORE" SO MUCH TALKED ABOUT. John B. Stetson bats from "Good Old America." $3.50 upwards. High grade Velours from Austria at (We have been told that other prominent stores sell this hat for $5.00) J Morley & Sons, London, England, at Guban, Germany, soft hate at .... $3.50 3.00 .$3.90 $3.60 $2.50 $100 $1.50 Our celebrated Rutland hats at Asbury hats, "the rlfht hat at the right price" Law ton bats, the world's best at Nebraska Special Hats at ( !'; A "Tho Mouse of High Merit? SPECIAL Men's Hone 25c -A wonderful value Saturday in Lord A Taylor's onrx silk hosiery for men 25c SPECIAL Men's Hose 12 He Light and med ium weight lisle finished, seamless hoae, a very special value 12ic SPECIAL Men's Garters 5c A very good Cm quality of elastic the Injured boy hurried him to Omaha tor treatment. McDermott reaides at Twenqr-thlrd and L street. Macto City Goaap. The Omaha Bee branch office Is now lo cated at 2118 N street In tna Brandes building. Mr. and Mrs. James Tlvy, 309 North Eifhteenth street, announcs the blrtn of a daughter. For sale, large heating stove cheap, quick. Apply Bee Office, South Omaha. Alois Swoboda and wit ot 378 North Nineteenth street are rejoicing over the birth of a girl. Winona lodge No. 22S, M. B. A., will meet Fndav night, September 22, for a lodge lnltatlon. rorsrent. for store of office. 62S N. 34th; good location tor anv business, reasonable, Apply Bee Office. South Omaha. The birth of a daughter is reported at the home of Mr and Mrs. John Biles. &i South Eighteenth street. Mrs. P. 8. Shields entertained ths Ladles- Aid society of the First Metho dist church yesterday afternoon. The high school foot bail team ni out practicing every evening at tha Koutsky cam pus, Twenty-fourto and O streets. BUY Cherokee COAL now, 14.00. E. H. Howland Lumber Co., 517 N. 24th St., Phone South 7; Independent F-15o. 'Phone Bell South siiS Independent F 14 for a case of Jetter Goid Top. Prompt delivery to any part of city. William Jetter. E. C. Archibald of UT15 Missouri avenue reported ta tha police that some one had stolen 130 worth of plumoers' tools from bis place. A mile of concrete work on Thlrty-slith and Q streets Is completed and the con tractors began yesterday to lay the brick and topping. Coal, money talks. 2.000 lbs. Cherokee Nut coal. J4. Special price, act quick. Broadwall, Roberts Co., Phone 9. The Board of Education refused to as sist the council in defraying the expense incident to the employment of an auditor of the public accounts. A team of horses recently bought by the department wss taken back by the onirlnal owners because the council re fused to vote the money to pay for the team. City Engineer George Roberta left yes terday for Chicago, where be will attend the good roads contention. After the meeting in Chicago he wtu go to Grand Rapids. Mich., whore he will attend a meetlra; of tha Association of Municipal Improvements. William Jackson, aged 80 years, died lest mwht of pneumonia at his late rasl dnee, nM North Twenty-seventh street. The body was removed to Larktn s under raking rooms, where It Is held pending further arrangements by the family. South I r i asssjsjsjhfwsgwia mi&wwm- y j ?i?LPmr lit jl t t tt ii $wmmmmwk wmMKm I III mam MMl Mmlmmmmlmmmm n What Book Does This Picture aepresent? ii i n .1 mw ii i -tj jiHi-i f iM 1 i i ira hi i in p"I.t,'lfr Mttiil 111 i Author - - ni p!pi iIP. HI ; I Street ad Number .....,..... II J f m 4 IW J0:-;;; v;;; Vaw.-;.:. - . : l I II fl 11:11 49 I I JJUIL-. ell ' II no coupon until finish of the contest is announced. Eh picture rpresiants II -VCS r-- A .'-J-.syy s?reas. - r-,- i, j j 1 J rns. ...... u,., i turn amm lor -a orais. ejr mell 1 1 1 i i ii i I aB5aai i i i i n - i n i , i s n d I 1.1 i 1 V " I II Ttic Omaha Uee' Great i The beautiful rich fabrics used for Adlcr's Collegian Clothes thia fall and winter season surpass anything ever before attempted in men's apparel. The new and fashionable weaves, patterns and shades are alone sufficient to commend an Adler Collegian Suit or Overcoat to the man who seeks individuality in his dress, but coupled with the Adler Collegian superior tailoring system, an insurance for smartest style and correct fit, these garments are the pre-eminent clothes of the year. And Adlcr's Collegian Clothes arc not high priced; $15 to $30 is the price range. i Our new Fashion Book will be sent free to any address on request. We will also tell you where these distinctive clothes may be seen in your locality. club and promised co-operation on paxt ef himself and his parisnioaara. He i told the oiuh that It was his aim to make his eountrymen permanent residents of j ? aouth Oman and American citizens. , . A number of booster buttons and cards I were distributed to the members. ' Br Break Lea:. 1 Willi mine a oicycie on Twenty-tmra etrest. near I street, yesterday evening. George XcOermutU U years old, collided with a motorcycle and broke hie left leg. The police, who witnessed the accident. canted a phjvciaa. but a companion of i , " - .r.....w.... lh..l..............x..v.v... aw... DAVID MILWAUKEE ADLER & SONS CLOTHING CO. CHICAGO jWe)rVNrW Rules of the Contest AH sirsass are ellstble ta rater tats eeateet aacept wpiarM mt die Omaoa S etuas taetr heilln. Sees 4a. ter M'kimiv. o&jra, teere will ke ruta Toe Be a steiura tua will nsr.nsf iJae uat at a boos. H-nts tn imm ill be s biu tor u miimuju u Oil in ua nue mi mm bank. Cut out buts toe eaciur au4 lu aim us mam till la toe seas ea4 mbajj ef tae seae sag us jour oiae mat uvw Beeur mam pi.ioir la tae apau.e arevulMl. Me luutetleau enil be i oa tbe wmy is "ttica viuwor to tae bactane star oa a, ored. aock atoture minain aaur eoe utie at aao buo. Ii feu mim set ewe ot a title as wis le oaaS la aero toaa ob. aaew r ta auB aijture. you mar so aa. SCT fof MORg THAN lva aviSWtv TO A.X ON riCTl'Uai W1U. fig t mB.HZTT tO. (a- twiw. w tii oaju am oiibiaioe oaaa at couaaataJiT.a u aorrobt mnmm m im mim Mure taoa oua anawor aauuie aot be put oa ibo aomo aoueoa Sura nonpoaa aaealS wara ana; aum ouaworo. au uewvro ua uaa aavme uumoor .aouie be mmvm aoeotea aoaeiaa ta tae aa. Oal aae lut Mr ae suuaiaiiad Uf one cunt .or ant, tbuuca ear Hat star aae lire aaaieara to aae pauaia. The sumaar ot ooupaxts uaMae aaawore floa tauae be plaialr vrHtaa ea tae an Ha mt eacB a ST auuaiuao. bad te But write auub .nluraauiea aa tea wntpaor. si biio aut aoootutair aacaaaory, ii la Uamirottao iut too pictutoe ataoulS a eacS aeee be aaat la anth tbo aaawora. la or4or taaat an a.fs om untuam. A441Uoaai aiataaxaa end ooupoua star be oMAln4 ax ttaa offlue of Tba by maul -r la peraoa. "ibaal yea Omm mil aarreaty-tlvo piutuaaa. Ioton tbata tcgetuar is a. V UA r ptif u4 brtoaf at SkAal Uaaaa te Ta. uiaauia Baao, aoArfaawd to aoomuvorm' Coataot asitoe. rilaaa wul be ewaoaS te tae coctaotouta aoudlss ia (ba largaat uumbar of oorroot ooiutiess. la event or twe or store paaauoA bATtus tbo aiaiua numoar af aorroot aoiuuaea, tbo taaoaaaa aoins Uta amaiiar Hum Dor of oztra ooupona in ale aat of anawora anil be eocierwi anasaor. la mat of two pwoeiia bAtaw Uae aauae aemoor eorroot mua aatae tae aatmo eataabor at aeo Poo a, toe peraoa wsooa aat of eaowore la baa aaatl aropAxou. la tae apiuioe of tae run JuAfiaa ooaaaiiiaa, will rwaoloe ua lint priae. Oa'r oae Uat of aajwors Bar be auoouuaa by a eaatoatAat ei'4 ealr eae srlse arm be awaruaS te eae (sauly at aae aulilraae "nao aa of tbo atHapoae is twt .bjlretorr apaa tae anniaelint. tag aa baoaaer Saa ks Slloaalttae la aar laaibao aaaoaor tha ooutaataat eaey aaloot. raw will be aa aaa otnet. r aooarlinc te the avant of aaai aapaiala Uat. Tbe BAjae of aaare I bee eae paraaa eiaot out bo ajrittea upoa ear eae ua iipaax Tbe awards wul ba atado by tbo roeteaa SdiuaT sag a aaasiiilae aat vaaUaeaea alia, aae wtauaa aatmas will be aauuuaeoe utar rSo aeetaat is lltaitod to the tollowtos Larrttary NaaaraAka. tliallx teat null, ot towe waas of bet sot lacludias Doe btotaee. aad taac aoaii ina of souiaXiee kawwrn as Ue Situs Hills Dtoutat.