Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 7, Image 7

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Sale PI?
emi-Aininnuia! Pre-Inwmtoiry
ttiAact stent '". j
The knife has been used in every department. The greatest price cutting sale ever known in Omaha
is on right now and this is the money -saving spot.
The Best Bargains in Men's Fine Un
derwear and Hosiery Ever Offered
Men's 4.00 Klk lull Union Suits at
Mrni I b
12 I.U Mlk l.ittl I'fiu.r Ki.lla t 81.4S
Mens line Lii nnj Cotton Unlin Butts, also Porosknit, in white snd
ecru, worth to J2 iu, at 4o-o-8
Men's balbrlggan Khlrt and Drswers. in all color and else, worth to (r.
ai iae-850
Hen's II.2S Male and Merceriicd PhlrU and Drawer. In all colors S6W-4&0
H'n'i Sic quality fine, light weight Shaw knit St"Ckln. tn liliick, navy blue,
ray and tar on aile it 4 pairs for 81.00
lltr. i fine Socks, wortli up to Sic. on aala at, 6 pairs for 49c; pair for eej
4 pair, for 7 So
Man's Sanipl Pelts, all klnda, worth to 1109. at . . 8So-4o
Shirt Bale that al
ways will be re
numbered. Bt
stylp and qual
ity and fit to he
I. ad. Every ahlrt
kft? Sift :r:...'Miz
H Jf I 1 000 dozen Mens
J'V 1 i-'ne Hirh r1e
K A Shirts, all klnda
all sizes. 1 rnch
fluinel, aiik mer
cerised, madras,
made with or
without collars,
coat styles, all
allk and silk
and linen f r
Klf, tennis, of
fice, outing or
dress, nothing
letter made
This bis- lot all
goes Saturdav .
at 4BO-69Q
Mn'i (2.60 and 13.00 Pytaxnaa at S8e and S1.4& n"j ctoxen Jirni Hue Mer
cerised and madras Pyjamas, in white and colors, made to aell at, I!. SO
and 1)00 nil so at SBO-81.4S
Men's 76c Silk Four-ln-Hund Ties, at 86o
Extra Bargains in Ladies' Knit and Mus
lin Underwear, You Can Save Half on
Any Garment and Get the Best Made
Ladies' Italian Bilk Vests, hand em
broidered In white, pink or blue,
made to sell up to IS 00. at 81.S
Ladles tl.OO Bilk Union Sultsat No
Ladles' fine Cotton and Lisle Union
Suits, In all kinds and sises, worth
to 11.1. at 86o-Soo-49o
Ladles' Uause Vests, all kinds, worth
to 11.00, at to, laVfcC 85o, 85o, 40
Ladles' $2.00 Muslin Oon and Com
bination Suits, lace and embroidery
trimmed, at 980
Ladies' Muslin downs, coraet cover,
drawers and combination suits
worth to fl.25, at 49o
Children's Union Suits, for boys or
girls, at 8So-4fte
Boys' fl.00 Cambric Night Gowns 4c
Children's lc and tro Muslin IJraw
ers. at 7Ho-18Vo
Ladies' and Children's Bar
gains in Stockings
Children's fine Cotton and Lisle
Stockings, worth to 36c, at 9c, 13Ho
and 18o
Ladles' 25c Lace Lisle Stockings
at 11V40
Ladles' 60c Mercerised Osute Stock
ings, in black and colors, at....8So
Ladies' $1.00 and $1 60 pure allk
faux Blockings, in all colors and
embroidered, at 4SO-SS
Children's pure silk and lisle socks,
in plain colore and fancy tops
at imo-iSo
Children's 76c Black Sateen Bloomers,
at SSe
I pairs for tl.OO
Children's Tic I temper, all kinds
at aso
I for L00.
Boys' tl.OO and 11.25 Blouse Shirt
Waists. In white, black and all col
ors, at 49e
Ladles' f 1 60 Princess Slip, tn pink,
blue and lavender, special, at. . 4M
Pre-lnventory Sale ot Corsets
Kftho, Royal Worcester C. B.. a la
Spirits Corsets, In all new spring
models for medium and stout 11
ures, worth to 16.00, for .... 81.98
tl.OO and 12-50 Corsets, in best stand
ard makes. La broken lot of sizes,
special 8o
II. oO fine netting coutil and batisie
corsets, splendid long model with
garters attached, special 49o to 7So
Brassieres, in ail styles and materi
als, at aso-49o '
Ladies' Bathing- Suite
The best line in Omaha, values tip to
812. on sale at $3.98, 83.60, 83.98,
$4.98 and 88 (8
Special bargains in ladles' Umbrellas
and Parasols. Ladles' fine silk and
linen and all silk umbrellas, all the
newest handles, made to sell up to
tS.bO. St 98O-81.60-81.98
Ladles' I'arasOla, newest style, at 880
and up.
Extra special shoe Sale Saturday
. Reducing the shoe stock before our Seml-Annual Inventory. Short
lines and other line In stock marked for QUICK selling. '
Women's $4.00 Patent Colt Oxfords, button or blucher; Women's
$4.00 Patent Colt Pumps, one and two-straps. Women's $4.00 White
Crashette Button; Wpmen's $4.00 Black Velvet or Satin Pump, with
tailored ribbon bows
Women's $3.00 Oxfords, all stjles and all leathers, one and two-strap
pumps, at .. .gl.98
Men's Shoes and Oxfords, tan or black, values to $3.50 .....$1.98
Misses' and Children's Barefoot Sandals, all sizes 50
Don't fail to visit our busy Children's Shoe Dept. Special sales
all day. .
Saturday's Specials in the China Dept.
Pink Austrian China Cup, Saucer and Plates, 18 pieces; set, $2.00
Shell China, white cups and saucers; per set of 6 for... 65t?
J -quart Glass Wfeter Jugs, each
Thin blown Water Glasses six for ...'... -20
Fancy Glass Sherbets, three for 10?
Gold band Water Sets six glasses and Jug; per set 69c?
t dosen best Fruit Jar Rubbers 10
Good Fruit Jar Rubbers, 2 dozen for
Fruit Jar Covers t dozen for , Ia jc
Economy Jar Covers dozen 2o
Record Breaking Silk Dress Sale
Choice Fabrics and Latest Styles Values up to
$25.00, Saturday $5.45
At no time in the history of this store h&s such values in dresses been of
feredhandsome shades and splendid qualities, in silk messalines foul
ards, pongees and ehallies, fashioned after the most popular models intro
duced this season and made to sell up to $25.00 on sale Satur- C A XT
ilii '
day at
Children's Wash Dresses Saturday
at 39c, 59c and 89o A splendid col
lection of choice dainty styles to
select from in each lot; made of pop
ular mid-summer materials and ac
tually worth double the sale price;
on Saturday, your choice
st l39c, 59c and 89c
Ladies' Wash Dresses $2.98 Over
300 dresses, choice" designs, in lin
gerie, lawn, batiste and ginghams,
fashioned according to the latest
ideas of correct style and made to
sell up to $7.00; on sale Saturday at,
choice, for 2.98
Ladies' Wash Dresses $3.98 Big va
riety of neat and nifty styles to se
lect from, made of dimities, lawns,
batistes and lingeries in white and
all colors, made to sell up to $10.00;
choice Saturday at 3.98
Ladies' Coats $10.00 Splendid vari
ety of nobby styles in black silk,
black satin and cloth of gold silk
coats; sold everywhere during the
season up to $25.00; Saturday your
choice $10.00
MIaws Middy Waists 7&c A new lot tn
pretty designs, worth up to $1.50; on sale
Saturday at 79
Ladles' Mid-Summer Waists High and low
necks, in lingeries and marquisettes, ele
gant values up to $5.00; Saturday, your
choice at 51.95
Ladies' Waists f2.05 Fine lingerie and
marquisettes, some hand embroidered, high
and low neck, the latest style productions;
values yp to $7.50, on sale Saturday at,
choice, for $2.95
Ladies' Wanh Press Skirts 5c Big variety
of Indian Head and Llneen Dress Skirts, in
colors and white, worth $2.00; Saturday,
at 59
!f Buyers' Prices
On Fly Nets and Sweat Pads
in Harness Dept.
75 Lah Buggy Nets each, 2.50
90 Lash Buggy Nets, each, $2.75
100 Lash Buggy Nets, ea., $3.75
CO Lash Heavy Leather Team Nets,
per pair $5.75
70 Lash Hesvy Leather Team Nets,
per pair 96.25
Leather face Nets, best, pair, 25c
76-lnch Stable Sheets ...... 7
Heavy double bar cotton Team Net a.
per pair
Good Single Net. small size ..6O0
Opsn weave Fly Net to h !.... 75o
Sweat Pads, 4 hook, 11 In. Pad ,.8So
Oood Burlap Cow Cover $L1
Gall Cure. tSc sise for. ...... .18o
300 Beautiful Trimmed Hats, All New New stylish shapes,
loaded with pink roses; also with black facings, ))
prettily trimmed; price only JtJ vl
To close quickly we offer:
100 Trimmed Hats, value to $5.00, at 9Sc
50 Trimmed llats, value to $0.50, at $1.98
200 Trimmed Hats, values to $3.50, at $3.50
All the new White Duck Hats Very nifty effects, styles at 98c
Hundreds of new white and black fancy feathers, 39c to $3.50
The Last Big Furniture Sale Before Invoicing
We are not describing these bar
gains; you ought
to see them wheth
er you buy or not;
every piece of Fur
niture on our
floors in this sale.
fn ii ii ii it n
' c- rT
ipj " jj
Large continuous post bed,
white, green and
One motion collapsible Go Carts, worth $5.50,
only $3.75
Folding Go Cart for street use, only ....$1.)5
Hall Tree, soliu uuk, o .patterns, on sale $5.95
Arm Rocker, solid oak, on sale $1.50
Princess Dresser, quarter sawed oak . .. -$10.50
Cupboard, glass doors, extra large $6.50
Solid oak Sideboard, quarter sawed ....$17,50
4 -Passenger Lawn Swing, on sale $6.50
Pre-lnventory Sale
Hardware Dept.
This U the sreatest money-sivlng
sale of the season. Every item
means a savins of from iac to itio
on the dollar.
Kegulaj- MOO Garden Hose. 5ft-tt.
with nozzle . , It 00
Ring Sprinkler ......4c
Huse Norile, worth 60c 2o
..,H1,let.tMLBi'l reituuu- TSc. Sic
I 1 An An. ssa
fl.00. this sale
.COc 70c and Ho
. - - ' j ...... vvu, i
1 1-fit r.rinli. r.n
- mil ....... Fu
tOc Cherry Btoner Ji,o
20 per cent reduction on Lawn
Mowers, this sale only.
10 Kefrigeratora, a pounds Ice ca-
. P'JLy- tnl
Llsk Tin, 14-ox. copper bottom Wash
Boilers, regular 1 60, $1 a. $1.I,
tVita aula CI 1 G A, .a
No. I Galvanlied Boilers ....
0-ft. Hemp Clothes Lin ..
10- qt. Galvanised Pail ......... .100
11- qu GalTanlsed Pall .llo
Any size drip pan . . 1 Qc
Any wash board IFj
No. 1. i. and I Gal v. Tube. I So. 4o
and 5Jo
. . . 1 0e
Sale of Rugs
9x12 extra heavy seamless Tapestry
Rugs, $18.00 value, Saturday
each $12.75
9x12 Seamless Wilton Rugs, big line
of patterns, $25.00 values Saturday
t $17.75
9x12 Mitre Velvet Rug; nothing bet
ter for dining room, $20.00 value
Saturday at $12.98
Wster color Window hsdes, 16 inches
wide. 7 feet long; Saturday at 85o
No Piece Lace Curtain Stretchers, made
from bass wood, non-rustable pins:"
Katurday at 8
One lot Velvet Ruga. 17x54 sise, 12 00
values, as Iocs as they last. at..flX5
Wre-Inventory Bale of
Drugs and Toilet Goods
Wow Saturday and Monday
25c size Hire's Root Beer Extract. . .15o
5s box of Dr. E. L. Grave's Tootu Pow
der lor lOo
15c size Sanltol Tooth Powder for ISHo
12 sheets of Poison Fly Paper for. ...60
t double sheets of Sticky Fly Paper... to
10c Shlnola 8hoe Polish for So
10c' or Colgate's ghsving Bop
for o
10c Jap Rose or Palm Olive Soap, two
bars for
10c Java Rice Face Powder for 85o
i5c Can of Mennen's, Colgate's or Wil
liams' Talcum Powder for 16o
1 5c Sise Peroxide Cream for 10o
50c Bottle of Bay Rum for 8So
25c Bottle of Bay Rum I to a Cus
tomer, each v .10c
$1.50 Double Bristle Imported Hslr
Brushes 91.00
tl.OO Hair Brushes, Extra Good at 60s
25c Tooth Brushes go at 100
Tic Rubber Gloves go at, per pair. ,.4o
Special Bargains in Croquet Sets
Tor Saturday.
$4.00 Croquet sets, (Saturday 82.75
$100 Croquet sets 8S.S3
12.00 Croquet sets $1.45
$1.50 Croquet rets with balls and o
mallets 89o
4-Hall Croquet sets, regular the kind,
suevlaJ 69o
ii 00 Tennis Rackets 81.95
1 00 Tennis Itackels 81.78
J .50 Tennis Rackets $3.a5
Tennis Nets, regular $1.00 value, spe
cial 3o
Iru" Cut Glass b Silverware
$5.00 and $7 00 Cut Glass Fruit Bowls
at 83.00 and 14.00
Cut Glass Sugar Bowis and Cream
Pitchers $8.00 and 83.00
Cut Glass Napriea 75o and 81-00
$3.00 and $5.00 61lverplated Bakers.
Saturday 83.60
$1.00 and $$.00 Sllverplated Fruit and
CKke PtAn.V 83.00
$1.00 rJilverplated Bpoon Trop .... 81.60
$1.00 Burling silver Shirtwaist Ring
at BSo
Sterling silver Hat Pins 85o
German Silver Uesh purses, $2-00 value,
at 8o
German silver Mesh Purses, $1.00 value
at So
$1.50 Embroideries Only 49:
Our Groat Pre-Invcntory Sale of Embroideries begias
$1.50 Skirt Flouncing 49c a Yard An elegant line of 27
and 45-inch Skirt Flouncings, so poplar this season for
the dainty lingerie gowns. Not a pattern in this lot worth
less than $1.00 to $1.50; but as n big leader for our Annual
Pre-lnventory Sale we will close this lot at, yd .49c
50c Ladies' Belts 25c These belts are made of the best
quality "ilk elastic with black gilt or oxidized buckles
regular price 50c, special Pre-lnventory price 25c
$1.00 Silk Elastic Belts 41c This
Is a beautiful quality of silk elas
tic, with a choice lot of extra
heavy buckles; a big bargain for
our Pre-lnventory Sale; fl.00
belts for 49
$1.00 Lao Collars 4c Each An
other big Fre-lnrentory bargain;
elegant Plauen, St. Gall and
Imitation Irish Crochet Collars;
price $1.00. Pre-lnventory Sale
price, each .4&
SAMPLE HAND BAGS A big line of ladk-s' hand bags.
A sample line at Half Price for this sale.
Specials in Domestic Room for Saturday
81-90 Sheets, always sold 75c; Saturday, each 68c
72-90 Sheets, always sold 65c; Saturday, each 58c
72-90 Sheets, that sold for 55c; Saturday, each 38c
45-3G Pillow Cases, that sold for 18c; Saturday, each, ,13c
42-3G Pillow Cases, that sold for 12l2C; Saturday, each. .9c
15c Bath Towels, each, 11c; 18c Bath Towels, each, 12VfcC
Union Mills Fringed Bed Spreads; our $1.05 spread, $1.25
A good 3G-inch Bleached Muslin, our 10c quality, yd., 7V2C
Turkish Bath Towels, large sire, heavy and absorbent, worth 60c
sale price Saturday", each ;20
Bleached and unbleached Turkish Bath Towels, Urge Bite, worth 28c;
sale price Saturday, each 10
Bleached and unbleached Hemmed and Fringed Batii Towels, worth
19c; sale price Saturday, each 12 H
Hemmed and Hemstitched Huck Towels, large sise, worth 17c; tale
price Saturday, each 10
Liquor Department Specials
Man-lard Rye and Tennessee Cqrn Whiskey. years old, per full quart To
Per gallon, $i.60 .
Pchenly, Overholt. Weldcm Springs and Cedar Brook Whisker, $ years old.
pet full quart 81.00 per gallon SS. SO
Fuiiklst California Port, Sherry, Muscatel and Angelica Wine, per full ft SOo
H.ima Made Grai Wine, red or white, per gallon 91-O0
t quart botUea high grade Beer
The Greatest Traveling Goods
Sale Ever Held in This City
Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases, bought from the Ilartman
Trunk Co., of Chicago, at 60c on the dollar, on sale now at
Vs to V2 off regular prices.
Trunks worth $5.00 to $2o.00 on sale. .$3.75 to $1U.Ui
Bags worth $2.00 to $25.00 on sale... .$1.25 to $17.50
Suit Caws worth $2.00 to $25.00 on sale $1.25 to $16.95
Wardrobe Trunks worth $40.00 to $60.00 on sale
at $29.95 to $43.50
Our Stock of Panama and
Straw Hats is Badly Broken
But we are still able to offer you a good selection.
Panamas worth $5.00 at ..$3.95
Panamas worth $6.00 at $4.95
Panamas worth $10.00 at $6.00
The best straws in town for $2.50- Others at 25c to $4.00
A large lot of boys' and children's straws, including both
dress and play hats, worth to 50c, at 25c
The Talk of the Town
XI m Home ot Low Prices and High Quality Hay den's Grocery Dept.
The Talk of Omaha; Hayden's
Fresh Vegetable Prices
Fresh Peas, per quart ........ 5c
8 bunches Fresh Radishes ....6c
Fresh Home Grown Cauliflower,
each ...So
6 bunches fresh Onions 6c
6 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce. .. ,5c
The best family Diamond H Flour,
per 4 8-lb. sack $1-15
10 bars Beat 'Em All or Diamond
C Soap for 25c
Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jello
per pkg 7 He
Grape-Nuts, pkg 10c
Corn Flakes, pkg Vc
Condensed Milk, per can.... 7 He
Potted Meats, per can 5c
The best Soda Crackers, lb 6c
8 lbs best Bulk Laundry Starch
for 25c
011 or Mustard Sardines, can. . ,4c
The best Creamery Butter, lb. 85c
Full Cream Wisconsin Cheese, per
lb 15c
McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb. .15c
3 bunches fresh Beets . , Sc
4 bunches fresh Carrots 6c
4 bunches fresh Turnips ......6c
Large Cucumbers, each 6c
2 Green Peppers for. ........ 5o
Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb. ...7 He
3 large bunches Fresh Pie Plant 5c
2 bunches Fresh Parsley 5c
Cerpse Comes Life Sits X m His
Dos. ltd Salates tn
Ths story of the festive funeral Is one
that has its scene laid In the mountains
about Gunnison. Church dignitaries, the
law and the mountaineers are characters
In that early day srrlo comic incident.
Every old-timer remembers Sheriff Jack
Bowwan. ter.-or of the horse thieves who
were Infesting the country. Sheriff How
maa was resarded as one of the bravest
men In the west, and. when he and his
wife took up their permanent abode In
Gunnison, then a typical frontier town,
they were the life the social center cf
the place.
Mr. Bowman, wfioee home la Denver
had bees the moat beautifully furnished
and elaborate la the new dry of the plains,
tuok with her to Gunnison after her mar
riasw to Jack Powmaa the eastern, lor
of style and comfort of fine dress and of
vu to dat tnlnss that were a real luxury
la the wild and crude west.
Known to every prominent Denverite. ber
boom was always a haven of hospitality
when bis events happen rd In Gunnison.
One morning, when the west was youns.
Important ceremonies were held In Gunni
son. Bishop Spalding had arrived from
Denver to dedicate the new Episcopal
chapel. Court was In session In the moun
tain hamlet and all the leading: lights of
the bar were In the town.
Sheriff Jack Bowman had left several
days previous to the chapel dedication to
locale a band of horse (hleves who were
ruthlessly raiding the country. On the day
of the dedication exercise a horseman
clattered down the mountain , and dashed
madly up to the home of Mrs. Bowman.
"Sheriff Jack baa been killed by the horse
thieves,' he gasped, flinging himself from
his panting horse and wiping the tear
which ran down his tanned and sun
burned cheeks.
"Are you sure? Where did It happen?
How do you know? Tell me all about It!"
cried the distracted wife, gaxlng frantically
at the panting mountaineer who had
brought the tiding.
"Can't tell the details. They sent me on
to break the new quietly to you. H was
killed last night by th horse thieves,
that all they told me. They came to my
house this morning." he gasped. ,
Th BMu-nlng th funeral ceremonies
broke over the mountains with flagrant
buoyancy. No gray mis is veiled th
brilliancy of th sun's rays dancing down
Into the little town of Gunnison. As though
mocking at th downcast widow arrayed
in heavy crepe, th splendor of a. Colorado
day shon on the world. From Denver
bad arrived the most elaborate mourning
costume which Ianlela St Fisher could
provide. The bishop, with du solemnity,
clad in his robe of state, came to per
form the funeral ceremonies. Th court
was adjourned so that members of th bar
might pay their respects to the dead sheriff
and to th widow they bad known as a
leader of Denver social life. Ail business
was suspended. Gunnison was In mouralng
for their lost leader.
As the distinguished guests assembled In
that Httl mountain borne, with Its rich
eastern furnishing, awaiting th arrival of
th body, a Strang clatter was heard In
th village street. From th direction of
tb mountain a wagon was seen dashing
over the rough road. Beside the wagon,
which was driven most recklessly, mounted
men were tossing their hats In th air.
All th assembled guests forgot even th
reserve customary to a funeral to run to
th doors and windows.
As th wagon drew near a sight, never to
be forgotten, greeted the mourners.
Sitting on th coffin box, waving his
hand Joyously, sat the corpse.
The widow-elect gave s piercing scream
and fell over in la the arms of Bishop
Suaulding. When she recovered Sheriff
Jack was descending from his ghoulish
wagon seat and was shaking hands with
th mourn era
"Shame to spoil such a swell funeral,
but I refuse to be buried," he chortled.
His roaring laugh penetrating th rooms
where sighs and the quiet of death had so
lately been disturbed only by th sobbing
of old friends and the widow, sent tb
"At Rest" pillows and. the "Gate Ajar"
Sheriff Bowman, gazing upon the floral
tribute, burst out into heartier laughter.
The good bishop, his whit robe float
ing In th mountain breese, stealing In
through th windows, his prayer book
opened at th burial service In his hands,
stood amased. Th lawyers and th Judge
gased with an Inquiring legal mind from
the widow who wasn't a widow to th
corps who refused to be defunct. Then
th laugh of Sheriff Jack onoa mors
floated through th room.
Mr. Bowman, always ready to lis' to
any occasion, passed up the divine right
of weak woman to indulge In a nlc ot of
hysterics and hastened to th larder to
bring forth refreshments.
.The solemnity of the occasion, which
had weighed upon every Gunnison dweller
since hte news of the sheriffs death, sud
denly turned Into a sort of hysterical Joy.
Everybody present stepped forward and
enthusiastically drank to th long life and
continued good health of Sheriff Jack
Bowman, the corpse who rod Joyously to
his own funeral on the top of his own
coffin Chicago Inter-Ocean.
Worth of Good Spieler II ease red by
the Sis of the Crowd He
Omar Sam!, the cleverest ballyhoo
spieler who has ever lured the reluctant
"simp" Into a show, whether on fairground,
park or circus, says that New Torkers
are tb hardest people In the world to
talk to. Omar ought to know, for b has
tally hooed In all parts of the world, from
India to Indiana, from Hobcken to Hindu
stan. 8. W. Gumperts, fnsnsssr of Dream
land. Coney Island, has .ens-aged Omar
Paml as Instructor for tb school of bally
hoo apUlers woo will this season jt-tlltam-
Jennragsbryan front of the various at
tractions. Testerday when Omar Baml
gathered the boonters or thlllabers, spielers,
or ballyhoo talkers about him In th rkat
Ing rink of Dreamland, he explained sev
eral Interesting points In his science.
Jn the first place, be said, It was com
monly supposed that a ballyhoo is the per
son who makes the talk In front of a show.
This Is an error, for, as he said, a ballyhoo
Is merely a performance given outside of
an entertainment In order to attract the
crowd Vo that th spieler may lure them
Inside. He said that as much art, system
and brain work are required to make a good
spiel, or talk, as must b possessed by an
actor appearing la on of th most dir
the ballyhoo spieler, some of whom talked
as If they nad lived on Fifth avenue and
bad seen better days, and others as If they
had never been away from th east side,
be said:
"You men all seem to be trying to talk
Ilk showmen! The first principle ot a
good ballyhoo spiel 1 to talk naturally,
Th aim of th old spieler was to make
a noise. That sort of thing won't go now
aday a New Torkers art the hardest peo
ple in the world to talk to. When yon
have a crowd of educated people you must
ad dree them as such, and not as you
would a bunch of -simps;' and when yoi
have a mob of roughnecks to interest ans
lur inside, talk to them la their own
Omar, who lays no claim to having writ
ten "Th Rubaiyat.- exclaimed that a rid
like th "Great Divide" or "Th Glaciers."
or a spectacle Ilk "Creation," had no
ballyhoo. Such shows bare merely a grind,
that Is, a oonstsnt talker. He called at
tention to th fact that all shows calling
for a ballyhoo had three step before th
entrance. Tb reason for this Is that th
boosters, or shlilabers. In th crowd may
be seen going Into th show by those be
hind, and thus noourage, as It were, a
forward Impetus toward th ticket seller.
Xw Tork Sun,
What S Baas.
Th stoat prims donna waddled forward,
smiling In every dimple.
"Tou so vei" kind," she said, "sat I seeng
for you see song of your land, "Oma, Bveet
(MIS "
Thereupon, having warmed up. sh
emitted something that sounded like a
composite sdaptatloo of "Her Ms,
Norma." "The Last Roe of Summer."
two calliopes and a steam ere retiring
amid tremendous and long-eontlnued ap
plause. Clevelsnd plain Dealer.
Persistent AdrUalajr la th Road tm mm