Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1911, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Women Best Buyers
The paper that ii read by worn
brinjf bcit retnmi to advertise ri
For Nebraska -I nsettLed.
For lows Fair.
VOL. M-XO. J77.
Bank Robbers Shoot Officer at 1
Iowa, and light Behind His
, , Dead Body.
One Dies and Another is Dangerously
Wounded in Battle.
Several Hundred Dollars Are Taken
from Dynamited Safe.
Paper In Pockete of Hohher Indira.
Connection with w York
Prison Other (rlmri
JEFFERSON' la.. May 7. Marshal of Paton, la., and a bank robber
war killed and a highwayman eerloaly
Injured In a fight between a sheriff's
poeae and bandit early this morning at a
' school house two mile from the town of
Pat on.
'Sunday morning at 4 o'clock the high
waymen lucsMled In breaking Into the
postofflce at Paton, blowing open the aafo
and taking several hundred dollars In
tamps and money. The noise of the ex
plosion waa heard by a stranger In the
Maretial Busby was notified. He and a
posse of armed men started In purautt o
the robbers, who fled south. A pose also
was organized at the town of Dana. A
' search waa mode of the whole neighbor
hood. Marshal Busby and several men
after dividing the posses Into several
searching parties with Instructions to scour
the whole country, started hack to Paton.
believing that some hiding place had been
Marshal Shot at Door.
They came upon a school house near
Paton, union no precaution whatever, the
marshal went to the door, and. on openlna
It a report of a gun was heard. The raw
shsj fell dead. One of the robbers dragged
the body Into the school house. Then a
fusillade of shots was begun between the
robbers and the members of the posse. The
lifeless body of Busby waa propped up In
the window as a guard, from behind which
the robbers fired on the posse.
By this time Sheriff Williams snd his
rnsse arrived on the scene. He called on
the men to surrender, but he received .a
volley of shots In reply. The combined posse
then poured a fusillade of shots Into the
windows and dors of the school house.
Finally one of the robbers staggered
through ths front doorway, badly wounded,
saying: "Boys, I surrender, but my pal Is
" golq., to .fight until 6U "get hlro.' '.. .-. I
Bandit Flahts to End. ',...'!
Sheriff W Warns gave the one lone bandit
a chance to surrender, but he refused. The
firing was renewed. All the time the' dead
marshal's body was hung up against the
window and the robber was firing from
behind, Jt- The fusillade lasted for thirty
minutes. Finally the posse saw (he robber
stagger and Burby's body fell from the
window. A rush waa made for the door.
The robber was found dead with a bullet
through his heart.
,The wounded robber refuses to give his
name. His leg Is shattered and wUI have
to be amputated. A hotel key was found
In his pocket, which came, from the Royal
hotel In Pes Moines, and oeraln papers
bearing tb postmark of Sing Sing and
It la believed these men are the ones who
blew the safe In the Bayard (Iowa) post
office a few weeks ago. They axe about
years old. The Injured bandit was
brought here and lodged In the county Jail.
Thirty-Six Postal
Banks Designated
North Platte, Neb., and Albia, la.,
Will Bo Depositories Total One
Hundred and Twenty-Nine.
WASHINGTON. May 7.-Foatmaater
General Hitchcock today designated thirty
six additional postof flees as postal savings
depositories, which Including those pre
viously selected will make a total of 129
established since January L Among the
offloea designated were: Albia. la.; Brook
ings. 8. D.; St Charles. Mo.; North Platte,
Neb.;, and Dickinson. N. D.
National Prerealve Lesgae la Mak
ing Campaign Ia goath
HrrtON. 8. P.. May 7.-(8peclal.V-In
furtherance of a popular government move
ment H. L. Loucks the main spoke In the
Farmers' AD'ance crusade in this state a
lew years since, and now a resident of
Watartown, was a Huron visitor yester
day. Mr. Loucks waa In Washington a
short time time since, in conference with
progressive republican leaders relative to
the popular government movement now be
ing fostered by the National Progresilva
After several weeks of corference with
mo progressive republican leaders In the
senalo at Washington. Mr Loucks will
Visit all sections of the state during the
next lew months. He will confer with the
Veople as he goes along, with the purpose
of posting himself, for the information of
the leu sue. regarding the sentiment exist
ing n r l.iilon ts the popular government
movent, m.
as soon as the league organised and
rOopted the policy thai has been prom u I
gatatl: Mr. Loucks tendered his service) to
the leanue, as he has advocated the meas
ures it is promoting for many years and
nas Become an entnusianio supporter of
Sonator La Follette.
Harry Pane Whitney and Captain
, Bartlelt Will Make Anelhrr
Trip North.
NEW- YORK, May T. Announcement
waa made here tonight that Harry Whit
ney, big game hunter, and Captain Robert
Bartlrtt. who commanded Peary s ship,
the Roosevelt, would head another arctic
expedition for the double purpose of bunt
ing and seeking the records which Dr.
Cook says be loft at tliL
Woman Asserts She
rned Wife Would Be Punished
Before Child is Born Telltale
Letters Cause Murder.
NKW YORK, May 7. Frail, but cool
young Mrs. Patrick 6'8haughnes.v told '
the coroner without a tremor of remorse
or fear In her voice that she hud killed her
husband last night to save his soul. It was
nti astounding declaration quite In the same
key with her manner of yesterday, when
she went Into a police station and Informed
the sergeant, "I've Just shot and killed my
She wants to be punished at once, before
the birth of her child. It would have been
easier to commit suicide, she explained.
but In that case the husband she loved
would have foresworn his religion for the
wnmai. who had supplanted her. Rather
than see that, she killed him and rather
than add tha crime of suicide to murder
she chose to give herself up and let the
Justice of man take Its course.
"I hid the revolver In the folds of my
dress." said the little woman, "and came. !
upon George as he was hunting for letters
I had found, letters that told me the other
woman's name, the letters be hud for
gotten. "lie said It was true, but that he could
not account for It. We talked of her. George
loved me through It all. but when he was
with her. he said, he forget his country,
his religion, his wife and his coming child.
"I feH on my knees and asked him If
there was no chance for" us to he happy
together again. He pushed mc off. Then
I shot him. As he lay on the floor I stooped
and kissed his lips. Then I gave myself
Mrs. O'Shaughnessy was committed to
the Tombs without bail. Her husband was
a store cashier only L'l j cars old and the
girl whom he loved better than his wife Is
but 18. She is heartbroken. O'Khaughnessy
told her he was unmarried.
C. Walker Child Makes an Impression
and TeUa What He Finds After
F. lamination.
IiONMON, May 7. (Special Cablegram.)
An Impression and delineation of Andrew
Carnegie's right hand has been maile In
London by O. Walker Child. These are his
'This hand is character! zed by it's un
usual amallnees. the peculiar development
of the finger tips, the strong firm thumb,
and the fact that the fingers are of the
same length as the palm.' The Impression
produced Is one of proportion and exact
ness. There is Uttle idealism indicated,
and none of the excesses to which many
successful business men are addicted. Kv.
erything 1a taken from a practical stand
point The eentrai line crossing the hand
Is -toter and cleaiv and '-slightly ''separated
from the line encircling the thumb, thus
showing strong Intellectual faculties, self
reliance and concentration. The fingers
are placed evenly, the first being short
and bent the fourth long and pointed. The
former Indicates an absence of 'side.' the
latter shrewdness. The. thumb ts heavy
for the alse of the hand, and shows a mas
terful will, good reasoning power, and
combined with the strong fourth finger,
ability to control and influence others. In
a word, this hand, shows the practical man,
devoid of sentiment."
Rappaport Will Confer with Clarence
Darrow, Who Will Be Leading
Counsel for Me.Xamaras,
LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 7.-Wlth the
district attorney and other officials hold
ing a conference over the cases of John
J. and James B. McNamara, charged with
murder and dynamiting, Ieo Rappaport.
their attorney, on his way east with
a copy of the evidence taken before
the grand Jury which indicted them,
and hta announced Intention of conferring
with Clarence Darrow, who Is expected to
arrive here about May 16 to assume his
duties as leading counsel for the defense,
the day following the arraignment of the
accused men was not without develop
ments. Attorney Fredericks said that the
time of the arraignment of Ortle Ei Mc
Manlgal, alleged confessed dynamiter, was
not settled, but that "the man undoubtedly
would plead guilty."
Marker Left by Lewis sal Clark
Found Near Stanton, Sooth
ABERDEEN, 8. D., May 7. (Special.)
While chopping down an old cottonwood
tree near the Yellowstone river basin,
John Allison, a Stanton. N. D., woodcut
ter, chopped into a lead slab nearly six
Inches square and a half Inch thick, upon
which was found the Inscrclption, "Lewis
and Clark. 1805. Exp. 8. F. U. S. 12
Gov." This slab Is bejloved to have been
a landmark fixed into tke tree by the
early explorers whose names appear on
the slab.
Men Who Conies, to trim
Taken front Offieera Is
LOUISVILLE. Miss.. May 7 Charjed
with attempting to poison the family of
Johnson Pearson, for horn they worked,
two negroes. Cliff Jones and Bruce White,
half-brothers, were taken from officers
here toilay by a mob and hanged.
They confessed they put poison In the
drinking water because Pearson had repri
manded Sones ;tr being cruel to a horte
and later would not, advance him money
for a suit of clothes. Pearson detected the
prnsence of the poison in the water before
barm a as done.
Nebraska City Man Who Has Keen
Traveling la Karopo Reachea
Row York.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., May 7. (Spe
cial A telegram reoalved last evening
stated that Judge William Hay ward, who
has been touring the old countries In his
trip around the world, arrived in New York
City and would arrive here tbe first of ths
week. His wlfs and son are still! In Eng
land and will follow him home la a few
j Member Northrup of the Canadian
! Parliament, in an Interview, .
Expresses His Opinion.
Real Fight to. Come on in the Next
Day or Two.'
Decision Not Likely to Be Reached
Until Last Moment.
Effort to Be Made to Force Mr Wil
fred to Show Ills Hand and
Declare I he Waster Whom
He Will Serve.
NEW YORK. May 7 (Special Telegram.1)
William B. Northrup, a member of the
Canadian parliament from Belleville. Ont.,
in an Interview today, told of some of the
difficulties that lie In the way of the pas
sage of the reciprocity treaty in this coun
try. Mr. Northrup is a leading member of
the conservative, or opposition party, the
party which declares that reciprocity spells
annexation, and will have none of it. Sum
ming up the situation as he uvea It. in one
sentence he declared that: "Reciprocity Is
by no means out of the Canadian woods.
II Is only fair to the government to say
that they have given all the time they
possibly could under the ctrcumstances to
the question.
"But it has been only a desultory discus
sion. The real fight Is due In the next
day or two and it will probably be a
spirited conflict. I do not wish to fore
cast what my party will do In the case, in
fact, its course will not be decided until
the last moment. It Is a tremendous re
sponsibility which Is taken when supply
bills are, held up. for the party doing so
is arraigned before the public, and If the
reason for Its course is not a good one. It
is bound to Buffer defeat.
Hltuatton la Peculiar.
"In the present, the situation Is a
peculiar one. fir Wilfred Laurler is bound
to try to get the treaty accepted by the
present session of parliament and as he
has booked his passage to sail for England
May 12 he has only a few days In which
to accomplish his object. Now, the op
position ts bitterly opposed to the treaty
and it might mind I don't say It will
but It might hold up the supply bills and
either force the prime minister to a com
promise by which the treaty would go
over to the next session, next November, or
It might force him to appeal to the coun
trv. "Sir Wilfred is thus placed In a very un
comfortable position. On the one hand he
Is In duty bound to sail on , May 11 to at
tend. ttM Imperial eo(igresf the premier;
and on tbe ether hand he is bound by his
advocacy of the treaty Ito stay In Canada
and see It through. Home of the papers
are saying: 'We'll see if Laurler Is stronger
for Uncle Bam, or for the empire..' "
Slonx Falls Bar and
Representatives t
Lodges Send
PTOUX FALLS, 8. P., May 7,-The Mln
ncfiaha County Rar association, of which
the la e ex-Sinator A. B. KUtreilg? was
for many years a prominent member, has
sent representatives to attend the funeralJ4.como the highest paid woman on Uncle
of the ex-senator, which Is expected to take
place at East Jaffray, N. H., Monday aft
ernoon. The representatives sent by the
bar association are Judge ,T. -W. Jones, of
the state circuit court, and E. R. Wlnans,
who was a law partner of ex-Senator Kit-
trudge. They were accompanied by C. R.
Beattle, who went as a representative of
Minnehaha lodge. No. 5, Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons of this city, of which
deceased was a member.
C. M. Pay, fditrf of the Pally Argus-
Ltader, who wai constantly at the bedside
of the ex-senator from the time his sick
ness took a turn for the worse until he
passed away, accompanied the body of his
dead friend from Hot Pprings. Ark., to
Nt iv Hampshire, and will represent the
local Elk lodge at the funeral, ex-Senator
Klttredge having been the first exalted
ruler of the lodge.
Bx-Benator KlHredge also was a member
of the local Oermanla Vereln society, and
as a tribute to his memory the flags over
the Germanla Vreln hall and Masonic
temple are flying at half-mast.
oalre Hlnklr la Legally Separated
from Hla Helpmeet Who Died
m Year Ago.
PA V JOSE. Cal.. May 7. (Special Tele
gram) Squire V. Hlnkle yesterday obtained
a final decree or divorce rrom the late
Mrs. Hinkle. who has been dead nearly a
year. The action 7 taken In the superior
ccjrt and was granted on the motion of
Hlnkle's attorney, who mid the divorce
was necessary In order to rettle questions
of property right In the sivte.
The divorce was on the grounds of de
sertion, and wilful neglect. Mrs. Hlnkle
was granted sn Interlocutory decree a year
ago. 8h owned considerable property in
Congress May Investigate
the Playing of Base Ball
WASHINGTON, May 7 (Special Tele
gram.) A s arching Invrs gai on of the
American national game of base ball waa
demanded In the house today by Congress
man Rodenberg of F.aat Bt. Louis. HI.
While some SnO members of the house
were attending sn exo ting meeting of the
Washington and Philadelphia teams of the
Anier can league, and while s-vent?en dis
consolate colli agues were detained on the
floor of the chamber debating the farmers'
free list tariff b 11. Mr. Rodenberg. 'being
one of those th is detain d. arose, and ap
proaching the speakers rostrum. Intro
duced bis resolution of Inquiry.
It was easy to guess from Mr. Roden
burg's stern demeanor that the wrath of
t no peoples representatives was being
called down upon some institution charged
with sapping the vigor of the nation. It
wss even so, for ine leso'utton. after a
number of whereases, ceooludadj
From the Minneapolis Journn
Mr. Well Highest Salaried Female
on Uncle Sam' Pay Roll.
Not a Rampant MJaat Suffragette,
bat Prond to K mow that She
Has " the TUtfnc IV
WASHINGTON. May 7. (Special Tele
gram.) A billion -dollars Is appropriated for
the general 'running expenses ct the gov
ernment and otser purposes at every regu
lar session of congress, and the clerks and
assistant clerks to the committee on appro
priations of the house and senate handle
this enormous sum through preparing the
various bills.
For the first time In the history of the
government a woman has now been em
ployed to assist in this important work.
Mrs. Lena M. Wells of Wyoming has,
throuah the reorganisation of the senate,
Sam s payroll. From the assistant clerk
ship of the powerful senate committee on
military affairs, she hss been promoted to
a similar position with the more powerful
senate committee -on appropriations.
The senate committee on military affairs
was much written and talked about while
it was conducting the Investigation of the
Brownsville affray, one of the most
thorough and longest investigations ever
conducted in the senate. The mass of cleri
cal work made necessary thereby fell to
Mrs. Wells. Many compliments were paid
her ability m handling the work and her
knowledge of the case by members of tbe
committee, newspapers, witnesses and
spectators, and finally she received the
substantial appreciation of the senate by
way of an appropriation in a general de
ficiency act of !2,K)0 for extra clerical
Native of Illinois.
Mrs. Wells, 32 years of age. Is a native
of Illnols; she was reared and educated in
Iowa and went to the Rocky Mountain
region in 1899. in 1900 she became secretary
to the chairman of Wyoming's republican
state central committee, and after Preal
dent McKlnleys election. In November of
that year, she went to Washington to be
come a clerk to the senate committee on
Mrs. Wells was the first woman enrolled
to do the regular clerical duties of an Im
portant committte of the senate. At pres
ent there are forty or more women on the
8 nutn lolls, the majority being engaged
In stenographic work.
Assistant Postmaster Arrested.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. May 7.-Joseph H.
Klnghain, aatlatant postmaster here, was
arrested and lodged In Jail today chargad
with embezzling $23,336 from the postal
money order funds. According to officers
Kingham has confessed and says he Is
ready to pay the penalty.
"Whep-M, all the people of the United
States arj Intensely Intertated In the na
tional tame known as base ball, and.
"Whereas, said national game seems to
be about the only matter of national im
portance, the Investigation of which has
not been provided for since the convening
of the ts.xty-second congress; therefore,
be It
"Resolved, that the committee on educa
tion is hereby required to Inaugurate im
mediately a thorough and searching inquiry
Into the operation and manner of conduct
ing said national game of base ball."
In making this investigation the com
mittee shall have power to compel the at
lendno of witnesses. Including iimpiiea.
and examine them without administering
oaths, and said commltloe Is authorized to
employ a competent stenographer whlie
j conducting
said examinations, and to ait
' In
Ik. mn.lalirri r t ,k. h.,. , . .
j - -- '
eeViag the sessions bt lbs house.
Colorado Fails
to Name Senator;
. Members Adjourn
Mayor Speer of Denver Refuses to
Withdraw and Single Republican
Will Represent State.
TENVER, Colo.. May 7. At 11:4 o'clock
tonight the Joint assembly of the Colorado
legislature, balloting to elect a successor to
the lste United States( Senator Charles J.
Hughes, Jr., was formally dissolved, leav
ing unbroken the deadlock which has ex
isted since January 12. As a result, Colo
rado, with practically a complete demo
cratic state administration and with an
overwhelming democratic majority In the
legislature, will be represented In the
United States senste for the next two years
by a soltary republican,. Simon Guggen
heim. A personal fight waged against Mayor
Robert W. Speer of Denver, the leading
candidate, whose final strength of thirty
three votes in the balloting was exactly
one-half of the democratic majority In the
legislature. Is held responsible for the fail
ure to elect a senator. The closing hours
of the Joint assembly were marked by the
refusal of State Senator Thomas J. McCue,
Mayor Speer's campaign manager, to ac.
cept the nomination for the senatorshlp at
the hands of antl-Speers men. Just before
the announcement of the seventh and final
ballot It appeared that McCue's election
would be brought sbout. State Senator
Irby, Mayor Speers' private secretary,
rushed from the chamber for a conference
with his chief and the report thrilled the
assembly that he had gone to bring word
of Speers' withdrawal and pave the way
to McCue's election. His return shattered
the hopes of those who still thought an
election might be brought about. He said
Speer would stick to the bitter end. A mo
ment later Lieutenant Governor Fitzgerald
dropped his gavel with the words, "I am
ringing down the curtain on the greatest
farce comedy In the political history of
Plan to Have Government Control
Matters of Trade and Monop
olies la Defeated.
MELBOURNE. May 7. (Bpeelal Cable.
grsm.) The figures received of the voting
on the referendum on a constitutional
amendment and monopoly questions I
now practlcaly complete. On the first
measure, which gives the federal parlla
ment powers over all matters of trade
commerce snd Industry within the com
monwealth, the returns of the voting are:
For, 4.13.0W; against. 67.000.
On the second measure, which provides
fur the nationalization of monopolies and
was to enable the federal government to
enter Into possesion upon Just terms of
any enterprise officially declaredly parlia
ment to constitute a monopoly, the voting
was: For, 146.000; against. 6SJ.0O0.
Western Australia recorded a majority of
S.OOi) in favor of the proposals; all the
other states gave adverse majorities.
tion of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wlnsren of
Epiphany, S. I)., Falls Into Seven
Inches of Water.
SIOIX FALLS. S. V.. May 7. (Speeial.)
The 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Wlngen, who resides at the little town of
Epiphany, met death by drowning in an
unusuiU manner. The little fellow had been
playing with a piece of harness which flew
from his hand and alighted in a rainwater
barrel, in which there was only seven
Inches of water. The boy climbed up on
the side of the barrel for the purpose of
recovering the harness, when he lost his
balance and fell headfirst Into the barrel,
being unable to extricate himsnlf. the depth
of water being sufficient to cover his
. , . . , , . . . , ,
mouin gnu noes sua iuus result in nis DO-
J ing drowned.
Minister Under Fire Visited by
Sterling Delegation.
Preacher Says Only Crime Is tarry
ing; Letter from Y'onngr Man to
!!V-.V', Yannjr 0rj and I wr.te-.. "
LINCOLN. May 7. Reports have reached
this city that Rev. U G. Parker, who
recently left Sterling and waa made the
victim of several attacks at the time, is
being urged by citizens of that place to
Rev. Parker, who until he assumed
chsrge of the church In the Johnson
county town, was a resident of this city.
where he still owns considerable property,
declares that the attack upon him grew
entirely out of a thoughtless act on his
part and which was nothing mors than the
carrying of a missive from a young man to
young lady In Sterling.
A delegation of Methodists from Sterling
are said to have visited the city yesterday
urging the preacher to return to his
charge. Before taking up his residence In
this city Rev. Parker had charge of
churches at Wytnore and at Seward.
Parker Makes Statement.
In speaking of the difficulty experienced
at Sterling Rev. Parker said last night:
"Let the people read carefully and keep
posted in this case. In regsrd to the care
less reports In the newspapers about L. G.
Parker, I wish to say as soon as I receive
some important papers this case will be
prosecuted to the finish. As I stated be
fore, I carried a letter from a young man
to m young girl and if that Is a crime I
am a criminal. Some have enlarged upon
this until thny bring character into ques
tion, which In fact this was foreign to my
statement until reporters got hold of It.
"I shall let the law take Its course upon
those who did not commit crime and if I
am guilty of a single act that is wrong In
the case, I challenge any party to prove
It. I have papers I think that will settle
the case in the pudgment of an intelligent
public We will publish in a few days In
detail. I am well aware that the black
man and the preacher are subject to mob
law. A certain class of Ulbreds are always
after the preacher, but be patient and lis
ten to the conclusion of ths whole 'matter.
I have not said much about the case In
the newspapers as yet on the advice of
my counsel."
Ohio Base Ball Bill Becomes Law.
COLUMBUS. O.. May 7-The Greeves
Sunday bate bsll bill will become a law at
midnight tonight. The playing of the game
is restricted to the afternoon on Sunday.
Governor Harmon will allow It to become
a law without his signature.
ynris mut
1. , j&ritndris & one
Publishers Omaha Bee.
Drandels Stores have always believed in dally newspaper adver
We Invariably announce events of special interest st our store;
In tbe columns of the Omaha dally papers.
We have advertised in The Bee for more than twenty-five years.
The results are self evident.
Vours very truly,
President Agrees to Resign on Condi
tion of Peace it Announcement
from Capital.
Rebel Chief, Fearing Complication,
Withdraws from Frontier.
Leader Says America Give Proof of
Its Friendship.
Federal Commissioners Will Return
to Capital.
Abandonment of Border Warfare In,
Line VHth Poller of Inserre-rtos
to Seek Enrly Hrcosmltlen
by America.
MEXICO CITY, May 7.-Presldent DU
will resign when peace Is restored, ac
cording to official announcement given
out here tonight
EL PASO, Tex., May 7 Fearing com
plications with she United States, Francisco
I. Madero, jr., hss given orders to all the
revolutionists on the Mexican border to
withdraw from the frontier. He, himself,
with all the tnsurrectos before Cludad
Juarez will proceed southward, his ob
jective point being the City of Mexico.
General Madero, In a manifesto to nis
army today cited the Douglas, Aris., In
cident and rteclsred thst while the taking
of Juares might ' be an immense military
advantage, it would bring about complica
tions with a iiatlon "Which has always
given us proofs of its friendship," and with
whom an international conflict would be
"On to Mexico City" Is the cry tonight
In the Madero army as the men are prepar
ing to break camp. ' '
Ths pesce negotiations have been a hope
less failure. A few political chiefs
gathered today for a final conference, com
pleted the organization of the provisional
government and bade farewell te
leader. Two commissions were appointed;
one of which Is to ha an executive consult,
ing Junta to receive ny, nw propewaJs
from the Mexican government tnd ths
Other to direct the diplomatic or commer
clsl relstlons of the rfvolutlonlsts In the
United States. I ,
Rebels Want Early Recognition.
It Is no secret at the Madero camp today
that the abandonment of border warfare
Is In line with the policy of the lnsur
rectos from now on to court ssrly
recognition from the United States, of their
belligerency. MaderO'S military lleutensnts
were loath to abandon their fiosltlon around
Juarez, especially General Orotco, who was
confident he could taks the city. General
Madero, however, reassured his men of
his faith in them, explaining his plans in
the following msnlfesto:
"When, you were Invited to come and
take the important city of Juares. you all
I responded to my call with a cry of enthusi
asm. I know that your efforts would have
proved irresistible knd that very quickly
this city would have fallen Into our hands
but. since arriving at the border, 1 have
received knowledgs thst when our brothers
took another town which Is also on the
International line of the United States, the
bullets of those fighting fll onto Ameri
can territory and claimed many victims.
"This brought diplomatic complications,
which would be Inevitable if an attack
were made on Juares, and might bring
about very serious eompllcatlons with
nation which has often given us proofs of
its friendship, And it devolves upon us to
sacrifice this Immense military advantage
which would result In the taking of Juares,
which would probably result In an Interna
tional conflict.
Recognises Bis; Sacrifice.
"I understand the Immense aacrlfk-a
which we make In this. Our field officers,
especially our generals, have manifested
with great Insistence their desire to take
the city at hand or to sacrifice their lives
in the attempt.
"General Pascual Oroxo, especially, who
at the last time when he was near to the
city of Juares could not attack it, con
sidered that it was h military obligation
that he should not retire a second time
without msklng sn assault. But, showing
an example of patriotism and abnegation,
with sorrow he has Joined me In this, but
I promise you that which I also promised
him, which is thst from now on we will
make a very active campaign, which will
carry you Into many battles where you
will be sble to satisfy your legitimate
desire of fighting for your country, wd
AprllJS, 1911.