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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1911)
TTIE OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: MAY 7, 1911. ANIIEr,1TI. OU!F.MFTS. HKLEN TRLDZR1CK M Che aea" Auditorium 1,. ay 15 and I G-Matinea I6ih The Mendelssohn Choir of Omaha A THOMAS J. RKIilA, tii1utior. assisted bjr . .. The Theodore Thomas Orchestra of Chicago -AX. S A ' n t- V X w 1 7 7 SCOTT In 'The ZfepTT Widow At (he OrpheuJtL OLLiOWlN'tl lta appeal anco at tha Uiundeli, beginning with thla evrnlng and running till after Tuesduy, with a special mallnea on Tuesday, Henry W. Savage'a delightful production of 'Tha Merry Widow" will Bay good-bye to thla city for four years, lta forthcom ing engagement here marks the third visit of Fran uhar's light operatic master piece, and upon Its semi-farewell lour, Mr. Savage haa attempted to 'give "The Merry Widow" the best all-round Cast In lta history. To effect this organisation, be haa drafted the most talented artints from tha numerous companies that have played the Viennese operetta in the princi pal cities of America. In the titular role of "The Merry Widow" will appear Mabel Wither, who has scored an emphatio suc cess; Natalie will be sung by Ivy Scott, who ia appearing for one season under Mr. Savage's direction, through the courteay of her manager, J. C. William son of Australia. Miss Scott originated the role of The Widow in the Antipodes, where she will return next year to sing under Mr Williamson's management. Charles Meakins, a Canadian player, will lng Dantlo. R K. Graham, Fred Frear and F. J. MoCarthy, the three chief come dlans of the famous company which orig inally appeared In New York, will Inter pret the rolea with whlcii they are so creditably Identified. Harold Blake, con- gldared by many the foremost light opera icour ui Aiuvrii-, win sing in uiuicuii part of De Jolldon, and Leon a Brandt will be seen aa Olga. Two orchestras, the Savage Grand Opera orchestra, under the kilfui direction 'of Brahm Vandenberg, and tha Hungarian Troubadours from Buda-rest, will Interpret the score of Tha Merry Widow," while an ensemble of rare peauty and vttcal accomplishment will add to tha physical attractiveness of tha operetta. "Henry, dear." said the sweetly. "Hum," grunted Henry. "Karah Bernhardt Is coming." "Welir" "I think wa ought to go to aee her. Aside from the pleasure we anal! get out Of It ourselves, think how nice It will be in the years to come for us to be able to tell our children that you and I one saw the divine Sarah." "Wa can't afford it," growled Henry. "Only 16, dear, and perhaps she may never come again." "tiU dollars is almost a ton of loal. ' lelorted the commercial Henry. "But It's worth It It you will only do this for me 1 won't ask to go to the theater again for two months." "I auppose If your mind s set on It we'll have to go. I'll borrow the money and get the seats tomorro." "If you're going to borrow the money, Henry, borrow U more and get a ticket for mother. She's Just dying to see Bern hardt. And you know shea been always willing to come over to mind tha children whenever we wanted to go out at night. This Is a splendid time to do something for her." "Look here. Mary, I can't afford to lake all your family to aee Bernhardt. If you want to blow them off to soma theatrical amusement I'll stake them to' the 5-cent show a" "Henry, what haa my mother ever done to you" "Oh, rather than have words. I'll stand for mother, too." ' "1 knew jau gold and Henry, of course i f 4' M I thla evrnlng and running till K0ri I after Tuenduy. with a special I J 51 mllnc on Tuesday. Henrv W. r J - v. , . 'V-TJ ft i ?a f ' I v - -' X A. ' 4 X SARA BEiKNEAKDT W9 if wa re going to ait in tha $3 seats I shall have to" "Nothing mora nine beana la all I can afford to blow In now." "But I haven't anything fit to wear." "Say," he retorted angrily, "are you going to see Sarah, or is Sarah coining to ae) vouT" A tale of love and temptation, of the victory of a good woman a nature over the trials and disappointments that aeemed to wreck her life, and of how she finally, blessed both herself and the man she loved, is to be told at tha Boyd this week by the Frank K. Long Mtock company. "Lena Rivera" ia to be the bill with Miss Nana Sullivan in tha name part, and Mr. Rem ington and the others of the company well cared for in tha long caat. The novel waa a most popular one In Its time, and lta great dramatic, strength haa been utilised In the preparation of a play of real power. It poaaessea all the elements of success, and has been o hailed. The piece has never been presented her by a atock company, and so will have much of the ele ment of novelty aa well. Mr. Long haa given It a fine stage setting, and promises an excellent performance. It will be put on at matinee thla afternoon, and will run all week with tha usual matinees. - Supported by a company of capable al locates Miss Helena Frederick will offer Homer Und'a vaudeville production of "The Talea oX Hoffman," at the Orpheum thla week. Miss Frederick haa the role of Antonia and In her duets with the tenor and the baritone provea herself equal to the exacting requirements of this dif ficult rqle. Ueorge Crampton haa the bar. Itone pan of Pr. Miracle, while Arthur F. Burckly is the Hoffman and displays a splendid tenor voice. Thla adaptation of Of ff bach a famous opera waa made by Randolph Hartley. Homer Lind ha given the story a splendid stage setting, with a music room in an old Italian palace over looking the grand canal. Other members of the company are the Misses Alice and Ida Ryan and Joseph A. Rudd. In this adaptation the best numbers of the opera have been retained. The theme of Offen bach's opera Is one of tragic brilliance, being in substance the passion of Dr. Mir acle, the mysterious, for the death aongs Of beautiful women. The Four Casting "Dunbare offer a thrill ing aerial art with some new stunts in this line of entertainment. Archie, tha comedian of the quartet, la a revelation In his way. Eunlre Burnham and Charlotte Cieenaood have something out of the or dlnury in the way of a mixture of mirth nnd melody by two young women. The comedy by Alisa tiurohani ia original and (Y M ft w J highly entertaining. Miss Greenwood la pleasing at the piano. Walter Lawrence and Lillian Fitzgerald offer an Irish mus ical aklt, "Just Landed," which affords Mr. Lawrence an' opportunity to sing several Irish songs. Milo Beldon, Hazle Chappie and company have a sketch they atyle. What's the Matter With Father?" Tha story Is of a father who wishes hla daugh ter to marry the con of an old friend, rather than the actor of whom the girl la enamored. Thla situation results in a ser ies of laughs. Lotta Gladstone Is known aa "The Girl With the Laugh." She depicts a country girl and displays considerable talent as a woman monologlst. Her talents are reinforced by a pleasing appearance and a charmingly natural manner. "A Scene on tha Congo River," la the title of tha act offered by Ruasell and Devlrne, tha former being In the guise of a frog and the latter dressed as a dragon. The act la largely one of contortion and s presented In a pretty stage setting. New.lnodrome views and the Orpheum concert orchestra will complete another excellent bill. A The return of Bob Manchester's Cracker SE THE BIRD MEN FLY nn LiVLi i w ii iiiiii imiimmiiihi um ' I i 3m pin m 1 1 ' ill iiwiuimii! JJ iiiiii i H niiTieil m I n II Mi I r' ifr ' itiiii 1 1 Tl " 1 'l 1 1 " . I 'n 1 ffwlMiHW ii'jnii vjuibihw i.wmmwmvmimmm mim. hiwi itmummj w.imw m A series of sensational, darin i, thrilling demonstrations by a team of the most daredevil avia tors in the world. The most fascinating entertainment ever presented to the public. DAILY EXHIBITIONS. MONDAY, MAY 8TH, TO SUNDAY, MAY 14TH SIMON. GARROS, FRISBIE, SEYMOUR, STAPLE. Gates Open 1:30 P. M. Exhibition begins 3 P. M. THE OMAHA SPEEDWAY AVIATION FIELD. felL, 50c V LAQJZY At Out ( Mm J 3 Jacks company la the signal for a week'a jollity. Tha first part Is a real novelty entitled "A Trial Marriage," and will In troduce the "big five" comedians, headed by Johnny Jess, aeconded by John Wil liams. Frank Marcourt, Will Brooks and Frank Fanning. The vaudeville element la about aa atrong as any, If not atronger, comprising the Persscoffla Family, five In AM I IEME.TI, OOYD THEATER Tonight, 8:15; Mat. Today, 2:1 S Mats. &uudav, Tuesday, Thurs day, Saturday. Frank K. Long's Stock Company THIRD BIO WEEK EVERYBODY DELIGHTED LENA RiVERS From the Novel of Mary J. Holmes. Preaented by NANA SULLIVAN and a Strong NupiMirtliig Company. ext Week THE MAN FROM KOKOMO 1,000 SEATS AT 10 C NT- P. L. YOUNG Presents The DSSlt ' The Biggest number. Jugglers: Motile Williams & Co. in "Lt Danco lu Enticement,'; and Williams and Brooks, two great entertainers. The closing skit, "Daffydlls," la beyond ques tion a great satire on the New York's Upper Ten, brimful of mirthful complica tlona and brings out all the members of the company headed by Ruby Leonl, with Mollis Williams, who will also introduce her character Impersonations of Anna Held. The company returns intact, not a single change having been made in its greut cast as seen here last fall, upon which occasion The Bee spoke In excep tionally high terma of the entertainment. Starting tomorrow there will be a ladles' dime matinee dally. i Tha amateura will hold the fort at the Gayety next Saturday night for the laat time this season, as the at:raciion coming next week (The Bon Tons) will play on Saturday night, closing their season here and leaving the following morning for New York. A great program Is being arranged and the biggest laugh of the aeason Is as sured. Preparatlona are going forward making to the formation of tha Lloyd Ingraham Stock company which ia to hold the boards at the Gayety at tha termination of the extravagansa season. There will be a ten dency to present playa that will permit of Mr. Ingraham portraying tha principal role. An adequate scenic production will be given each play. The introductory per formance by Mr. Ingraham'a company will be given on the afternoon of Sunday, May 21. the bill selected being Eugene Walter's drama, "The Wolf," In which play Mr. Ingraham will be seen as Andrew McTav Ish, a Scotch settler. AMUIK.ME.M8. Trices Mat. 10-, 20c; Nights 10c, 20c, arte. SBaQKSBES II Show Above the Earth FRKDKRICK STOCK. lirr tor. and Kin Verceral Allen, iocrano Miss Janet Bpenoer. Contralto. Steed Miner, now, Clarence S. WhltehlU, Bantona. Monday Evening, Kay 15', at 8il5 Mlacellanenua Concert hv Oiotr and iicl.e-tm SolnltH. Mls Allen, Mr. WhitPhtll and Mr. Stolnrle',. The Menrtelfwohn Choir will alng, "The lth of Minnehaha." hy 8. Coleridge Taylor. Tuesday Afternoon, May 18, at 9:30 Mince'lnnenua prcenon hy Orchestra and anslnttng artists. Soloists, Mr. Lundow and Mr. I.ttx. Tuesday XrenUg, May 1, at SilS Memlelssohn'a "Klijnh." Choir and Orchestra. Sololat-.i, Mias Allen. Miss Spencer, Mr. JJIller, Mr. WhltehlU. orzinifa or ticket sax.b. Pubrlh r inav oxcl.pnjte their neuson tickets fur Reserved Boats, Monday, Tuesilsy and Wednenlay, jriiy 8, . and 10, tit 9 a. in. General Rale ot Tliursdsy. May II, at nine. Season Tickets, 13.00, on sale I lonierts. 11.69 T0X1GHT. M9NDAY, TUESDAY - RCirmT W. BAVAOB Offers The The Ulerry Wtfidow With tha Orirlnal Hew York Ctii, Wilber, Sobert . Oraham, Marold lake, Trad rrear, T. J. Mouartny, unariea t. Xanfman, Ivy BooU, ieona Brandt, Mlnni Olton, Ttola Mapp, Jerome B. Xiatsch SPECZAXi BATAOB OKAJTO OPXKA OBCKESTBA Direction of Brahm ran den Berg. Nights-25e to $2 -Matinee 25c to $1.50 SUNDAY EVENING. MAY 21st Positlvsly Last Appearanoe in Omaha Madame SAHAE3- BERNHARDT Selection of Play to be Beoided Advanced Vaudeville Katlaee Every Bay Itl5) Every Wight 8 115. Week Starting Matinee Today Condnoed Presentation ot Offenbach's Opera "THETdlES OF HOFFMAN" (Randolph Hartley Adaptation) With HELENA FREDERICK FOUR CASTING DUNBARS A Combination of Laughter and Thrills Eunice Charlotte BURNHAM AND GREENWOOD Two Girls and a Piano , Walter Lillian LAWRENCE AND FITZGERALD Presenting an Irish Mualcal Com edy Skit, "Just Landed" Milo Beldon, Hazel Chappie & Co. In the Farcical Hurricane'What'e The Matter With Father?" LOTTA GLADSTONE The Girl With the Laugh. Depict lng, "The Country Girl." "The Frog and the Dragon." RUSSELL AND DEYIRNE Presenting, "A Scene on the Con-j go River." KINODROME Projecting- Orphenm Animated Photography. Musical Teatnre Extraordinary. ORPHEUM CONCERT ORCHESTRA 18 Talented Artists IB PBICEI. lata., lOo, ase. Bat. In. kUta, 10O, 800, BOO. XTg-s., 100, SSo, BOo. Baa. Bra. loo, 85o, SOo, 7Bo, Phones. D. 4S4; Ind.. A-1494. CONTINUOUS SHOW M .VIMC PICTURES Illustrated Songs My Mas tanrtow, Pianist. Bruno Btelndel, Celllft, Bans Lets, Violinist. at A. Hjape s. amiu.-h'm o amgio n m iriaiT iii SPECIAL TUESDAY MATINEE Supreme uocesa of Bncosssea lnoludlng Charles Meakins, Mabel upon Thursday, May Eleventh QQaa1 lr it' at MB rw aAYETY ATM OOOD SEED Devoted to Btrlotly KLi h Orafte ExtraTaranaa and Vaudeville TWICE DAILY kK MAT. TODAY gnrayement Ends with Bat. Matinee Triumphant Ketnrn of the Daddy of Them All, BOS KAKOKSSTEl'8 PAMOUB ' CRACKER J AGKS With Its Oraat Caat Intact After a Ton of Thirty-seven Weeks Over tha Columbia Circuit. XTJBT X.BOITZ. Tha Modal Tenns. MOKIiIB WILLIAMS, Anna Bald Olrl X.IX.LIB TEDDER, Tha Southerner Johnny Jess, rrank Karoonrt. John Williams, rrank rannina-. Will Brooks , and tha Marrelons PERESCOFFIS FAMILY MOLLIE WILLIAMS & CO Novelty. Spectacular Sramatlo Effort, "LA DANSE D'ENT.CfcMENT' DEAH READER: Of the 'Crackerjacka" The Bee said laat Sept. 5: "Made all rorls of fvln." The Newt: "It'aj a laughing ahow at tha Gayety.'' The World-Herald: "In point of splendor surpasses anything Oma aha haa seen." There'a nothing left for poor me to nay except "Go. ft. I, JOHNSON. Mgr. Owyety Evenings and Sunday Matinee 16o. 85e. BOo and 76o. w..; Mats. 15c & 25c LADIE'S 10c At Any Week TICKETS Day Matinee. SAT. BIQHT OMIT, MAT 13. Another X.udlorous and Side-6pUttlng" AMATEUR CONTEST Tor Liberal Cash Prises In Coajuno tlon with "PHOTOPIjATS" Orchestra. 8So; Balcony, lOo. May 81 (All Summer) Xloyd Ingraham Stook Company RIVER VIEW PARK COPPOCx: B, GBIPriTK, Mgre. CRETE, VEBBASKA Located three miles up the Big Blue River An Ideal spot for ramping and fishing. The lover of outdoors will find here In abundanra all things which make rough ing It desirable. A hoat line of gasoline launches. A first-clans dining hall. Three springs of running water. BBTBBTAIMMEBTS Band Concerts - Base Ball Croquet and Lawn Tennis Grounds Cottagea and tanta to rant at reaaun able rates. Omaha Film Exchange Q. HOX.MBEBQ, Mgr. Telephones Donglaa 4104; A-4304. BOBTILEABT COBHEB 14TK ABS DOtOLAS ST. HeitdiuurteiH for limn h)dcs and ma hi ilea for churches, lodges and tlieatera .seo our pictures at the Cdiiieraphont Theater. THE BIRD MEN FLY