Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 9, Image 17

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    THE OMAlU SUNDAY BEE: MAY 7, 1911.
MO ACRFS. ir mite from Mlnnenla. Vt
cr In hest. one-third to kuvtr; new
4 rcom house, eltble. well, mill, tank, pas
ture fenced, rick black noil; his raisd
good crop every year since broken Out.
great bargain. 4.1S per acre Terms The
froy C. Heard Land Co., Mlnneola. Kan. -
IM ACHES, 1'4 miles out; r0 In whHt,
H to buyer; hsianre isture. The lata rain
ana ino a ires bumper irop; level at a
floor; 1.1 W per acre; terma. W. B. Cut-
tertsoa. Scott City, Kan.
WE have lomi choice targaln In corn,
heat and alfalfa lands for aale In Bentaa
and Rush counties; writ for Hit of farm
bargain. American lavtatmeot Compauy,
liolslngion, Kan
tW ACRES C In alfalfa; 10-room hnuii,
larva barn, granary, etc.; two mllea ta
learned. Pawnee count v; 60 acrea pasture
balance In cultivation; rich deep soil ebun
cenre of water, wells and mills; 'iH.tnO;
terma. Bunte Realty Co., Hutchinson,
J40 acres, J mllea out; IM acrea In wheat,
H delivered to buyer; level, rich, daep soil:
good well and wlnt.lll. ti.iuO; terms.
Other wheat and alfalfa lands, all si
and prices. L. F. echubmachci, owuir,
Meade, Kan
Improved farm SO mile south of K. C. In
Kaneas, 1 mile of K. K. and county seat;
6 acres alfalfa land, In cultivation, for
jiulck sale at $; a barraln at E. YV.
Frewett, &18 Finance Hldg., Kansas City,
a XT PT fine town lots In rapidly
A Y growing city. Plains, Kan,
yA J, and make large profits.
Prices, $12 50 to ISO. Easy
terma. Ask for literature.
VERNON parish. La.: the land of sun
ahlne, soil, climate, market, water, health,
good; prtcea cheap; writs Leeavllle Heal
Fetal and Improvement Co.. C. M. Mo
Fariand, Bec'y, Leeavllle, La.
LOUISIANA farm and timber lands,
good for truck, corn, cattle, etc.; on ao
ccunt of cotton pest, cheapest lands on
market. Hall, Elder, Monroe,
IM ACRES It miles from St. Paul, t miles
froln Roeemont; all fenced; black loam
aoll; SO acres cultivated; balance pasture
and black oak timber; only 136 per acre
for Immediate sale; half cash.
UO-acre Improved farm It miles from 8t
Paul, 1 mile from Kith Valley station;
nine-room house, windmill, large barn and
other buildings, all In good condition;
black loam soli, clay subsoil; always been
cultivated by owner; 180 acrt under plow,
1 acrea fruit trees, mostly apples; balance
rood tlmbir land. 6 pedal price and terms.
W. V. tc R. W. Morlty. Pioneer Preas
Bldg., St. Paul. Minn
"""fine farm home, im acres! t
mile from good town, black loam sol).
All fenced. large frame dwelling, barn,
granary, machine sheds, etc. loo acres
In field, ' 40 acrea timber, balance clover
and timothy and meadow. Ideal dairy
farm. 136 per acre, one-third cash, bal
ance aaay terma. M. J. Kolb, . Fosston.
Improved farm In Murray county, Mlnne.
eota; has first class buildings; fences;
splendid grove; orchard; two mllea from
town. Write John Holden. Jr., Uarvln.
M.ono acrea In Ht Louis . and Carlton
countlea, Minnesota.- near cities of Du
luth and Buperlorj' at price within the
reach of all, t to til an acre, easy terms.
Fourteen railroads how entering these two
cities furnish cheap and quick transpor
tatlon. A ten-niUIIOn-dollar ateel plant
now building by United Htatea Steel com
pany, near land. . Boll la fertile and Well
adapted to diversified- farming, dairying
and garden truok. No long hauls or trans
portation charges, but right at the door of
the best markets of the United States,
with constant demand and high prices.
Writ for - full , Information. Boston A
Duluth Farm Land C,i ISO Al worth
Bldg., Duluth. Minn.
19,000 equity In good quarter In Southern
Minnesota; quarters two mile from
Jood town.' having house Z6X30, bW barn
2x40,: With gable roof, small granary and
fence. Want machine stock or dry goods.
Price S0 per acre.
risnj. A. Cone. v
Wladom, Minn.
I HAVE a farnt of BiO acre t mllea
from good town, SO miles from Minne
apolis, 100 acres under cultivation) about
M acres meadow, balance timber. Can
all be opened up. Rich aoll, good house,
barn and other buildings. Price 3g per
acrea. Also W-acre farm two miles from
good town, 40 acte under plow; 16 acres
timber; good rich aoll, t-toom house, two
barns and other outbuildings, windmill,
fine natural grove. Orchard Just com
rneneinH bear. Price .l,6u0; easy terma.
Write owner, Cbarlea . gwanson, Elk
ltlver, sainn.
- acres
)M0 acres under plow; i0.0r0.00 wrth of
farm buuningr, wmcn are located in tne
city limits of good villas. in southern
Minnesota Can take some good Dakota
land In ech:nn,. l'roperty clear of In
cumbrance. M.rel.Hit & Atchison, Man
kato. Minn.
BUT from owner and save commission a
too-acr grata and stock farm close to
three towns, school and creamery, 130-aore
field, about IX) acrea meadow, remainder
timber pasture, fenced and cross fenced,
running water and a full set of frame
buildings at I VI per acre. Writ for terma.
C. F. i'laig, Wadena. Minn.. H. U. No. .
SEND for list ot our tin Improved
aouthern Minnesota lands. We have
hundreds ot pleaaed customers. C. B.
Brown Land Co., offices Madelia And New
Richland. Minn.
FOR BALE 180 acre of good flew hard
wheat land, near Walhalla. Pembine
county. North Dakdta. For Particulars,
address owner, A. LucaMe, 137 Third Ave.,
N. Minneapolis, Minn.
Twin Cltlea; good tillable soil; Stat map
mailed with 45 page book tor to rente.
Ilobart Land Co., PhenU "Bid ., Mlnne
apolia, Minn.
Ozark Land
Buy a 40-acre farm In southern Mlasourt
easy payments. Any amount 4w and
snoathly payments. Tracts from A and
Sue Srandela Theater iJldg.
FOR SALIC Finest farm In Ieavenworth
county, Broaddua farm ot 160 acres. Its
mllea from Fort Leavenworth, 4,X0 brlek
resldeuoe, MO 46-year-old walnuta. lot augsur
maple trees, natural gaa, two telephonea.
tree Oelivery, i mil irera banta ye aia-
1 1 jiii examine premises and write Mrs J.
L. Klrby, Uot Fells at.. &L Joseph, Mo.
10-ACRB farm, all eultlvewd; fine hovse.
barn. f-ueea, firet-claaa condition; fine
airing water. 1 miles from town. J must
from railroad. Koutheaet Missouri lium:
ration Co., Ptcdmur.t, Mo
THIRTEEN sections In Dawes county,
riser etdny. cue of the best towns In the
Yellowstone valley; also bav otner land
that we are retailing in any slsa farm yen
went Wiite roar want- Price are right,
lb Hay ward Land Co, tilaodin. Moot.
FOR BALK Bitter Hoot Valley 130 acre
fine fruit laud; old water right; best ceo
lies of the valleys fine ftopueuion for sub
division; fair buildings; easy terms. Ad
Ores owner, Ju - O. Lewi,. wievaasvUle.
tarth. illMy improved ISO acrea; rale
anything. lnX Other decided bargain
Writ ua. Oliiiam IWalty Co.. Ullllam. iln-
MlliSOUIU farm. K4 seres; room kouee;
taiu; re acrea wheat, i'u acre corn; level,
kiaca dirt; t mllea railroad: lno acre. Chaa.
6. ciuoaaus Kaay i.e., a.labeiry. Mo.
FOR SALE farms, largo and email,
between Nlillpi aiJ Alini rivna,
average i per auie. Write for his price
list. William Crewe. .'i.ut City, Mo.
S.UACRE homestead rellngulahment Cor
Hue; aiao una hotel, one bakery, oue general
(tore, one saloon, on fed store. Addxoaa,
i.brla F, iitown, Uaiaia, Moat.
STOPI Don I go a step further than
Douglaa county, down In the beautiful
Oaarka; raise anytl.lng; corn M to tt bush
els per acre, all other crops In proportion;
cheapest good land on earth. JS to $20 per
acre. Free Information. Ulou ileal Mtate
Co.. Ave. Mo.-
W are now ready to offer for sal our
Fellmer Farms, containing over lmrt.'OQ
arres. rili mllea southeast of Jacksonville at
Feliemere. I miles from the ocean, on the
Florida East Coast railway.
The flneet body of muck land anywher
In the I nlted State. Twenty-five feet
above the ocean. Artein water easy and
cnp over the whole tract. Thee muck
lands are being reclaimed by the most per
fect, complete and practical system yet de
vised in the United State. Construction
work began In January, and will be com
pleted In lee than 18 month.
Ijind la suh-divlded Into tracts of 10
acres. Each trart faces on a highway and a
sub-lateral canal. Our own railroad con
structed, and in operation right through
center of land.
We are prepared to e this on the easi
est terms, terms that will suit any pur
chaser. Rest of references, and will take pleasure
In furnishing them upon request.
We want active, thorough workers to
co-operate with us In the sale of thee
land. Experience In selling land Is unnec
essary. If you can demonstrate to us that
you will give your time or a part of tt to
offering people an opportunity to buv here,
you'll find Fellsmere Farm the biggest,
quickest, money making proposition ever
offered an agent. All circulars, literature,
etc. ready for you. Write us today If you
want rights to your city or county.
Security Underwriters
Corporation, ,
211 Bcarrtt Bldf. Kanea City, Mo
the coming farm elate, filet to 110 per
acre. Write for description. Shaw 4
Clark Land Company. Hackney Bldg., 8l
Paul, Minn.
A Great Sacrifice on Land9 in
the Rain Belt of Eastern Ne
braska, the Greatest Ranch and
Dairyina: arm Proposition Ever
8fl0 acres with or without MO err ad-
Joining cf the beat grata land In the state.
Most of this land will produce 40 to 60
bushel of corn to th aer and correspond
ing yields of other gralne. Th soil I a
rich, candy loam gnd very productive.
Every acre of thl land will produce red
or white clover, 01uegraa, timothy of al
falfa. Every acre will produce a much
gr as any tl2ft-rro land In th state.
It 1 all covered with a heavy growth of
blueetem at the present ilme. This tract
contain a lake of 15 Acres, which Is fed by
spring and furnlshe an abundnr of
pure water the year round. Don't live on a
small farm of high priced land when you
have the opportunity of securing a tract
ot this kind wheY you cannot only make
So much more money In the dairying and
stock feeding business, but the increase In
value of this land will make you a fortune.
Vou dnn't have to dig .ery dollar you
make out of the soil. If you run a dairy
farm they will coma to the door tor the
cream and pay you fash. If you de a stock
feeding business you can purchase th
feeder farther west and feed them on this
land In transit, afterward shipping the
finished rattle to either th South Omaha
Or Sioux City marketa. If you need more
grain than you raise on this land for your
feeding you can purchase all you want
from th adjoining farm. This I not a
tract of cheap western land, but located
In the rain belt of eastern Nebraska In a
district that has been settled for 2 year
being miles southwest of Pierce. It mile
northweat of Norfolk, mllea north of
Meadow Orove and t miles northwest of
Battle Creek. For aulck sal tit per acr.
Halt cash, balance f per cent.
li City Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha, Neb.
(17) One of th Very finest half sect ons
In Antelope county, near Brunswick, at th
rock bottom price of fn; half cgnh! lays
perfect; black soil; jfood improvement.
J. A. ABBOTT. Re,l Eetat
tot Brand! Bldg., Omaha.
- , . . FOR SALE .
Tw tract of IB acre and MO tore ad
Joining ot thole unimproved farm land in
th aouth edg Of Piefc county, eight miles
north of Battle Creek. Owner mutt l
aftd Will Accept $20 per cr If taken At
one. Ttrmg half caah, balanc at t per
cent Interest.
W. J. t)erroody Investment Co.,
1514 City Nat't Bank Blflg.' Omaha. Nb.
10 acre. t4 mle from market, all level,
good farm land:. This Is a splendid quar
ter ot land and will mak the purchaser
money before fall. Pre $27.tO per acre;
ome time If desired.
A Section of Improved land. I mile from
Ruahvllle, good T-ronm house, barn 1614,
buggy ahed Ux2t, double granary ltxM,
hog house 10x28, cattle sheds and a lot
of other small buildings. 2 well and wind
mills; 70 aoree fenced hog tight, M acres
In brome great, f acres In timet hv; isi
cre In cultivation, ould all be farmed.
Prlc (32 per aore, halt rh.
R. F. KITTKRMAN, Ruehvill. Netv.
Two tracU of M acrea and 1 acrea ad
Jolnthf of ehoica unimproved farm land In
th aouth df of Plerc county, eight mile
north of Battia Crlt owner tsutt tell
and will aeoept Its per aer If takoa at one
Trma half caah, balanc at I aer cant
W. J. Dtrmondy Investment Co.,
U14 City Natl. Bank Bldg. Omaha. Ka.
gear fceward, Be'er4 Co., Neb.i seed sia
roora house, barn, shed, well and mill
f n orchard, LI aarea alfalfa, 100 acre
cultivated, 7t acre good hay land, balanc
paeture; prlc. ) per aor; terms, hall
caah. lTtirman Bru., Llnaeln, Keb.
1 131 A gem Of a farm In Perkins county,
40 acre, fine anil, level, highly improved,
cultivated, tonced, a model larm at ItO.
Will take Omaha residence As part lAy.
J. A AUBOrT, Heal Estate,
to EramieU Bldg., Omaha.
10-AC P. B farm. 2t ml:e trom Omaha,
m milee to town; upland, good sell, la
good condition; must eel I; good terma
owner, tsox km, urena, e,
I.tHO-ACRB ranch for mi, M per aore,
two-third cash, rumatader five years,
per cent Interest; all fenced; good Improve
nienta. For particular write Vrank tcbula.
Norfolk. Nsb.-
Ul 4S.10 buy 20 aert. noitl of Key.
stone, together with W head of cattle, 4
horse, all farm tool, household goods;
new set of Improvement, (framei. snap.
J. A. ABBOTT. Heal f state,
lOi Brandeia Bidg.. Omaha.
140 ACRES near Crofton. Nb., Kno
eeunty; good eoll, good roada, well Improved
with buildings; price per acre, fCO; aaay
terma Also 530 aore farm. 4 mile trom
town, well Improved, 7 acre. Otte Uogner,
Crcf L0O, Nth.
FOR SALE not acres hay land. 1 mil
Newport IW.W: tot t mllea, all new build
ings, spring water. Otbera L. M.
Greene, Newport. Neb.
tw ACRUA of deeded land. mile from
town; nearly all level. Prlc. 1:1 00 per
sere. Address J. C. Baraina, Whitman,
FROM three to five hundred thousand
dollars' worth of farm located In Ne
braska. Iowa and Oklahoma to exchange
for large tract of ?od land. For turther
particulars addreaa B. T. Colter, Muskogt.
I ,- .
e bra ska Coat I need.
45-Rushel Wheat
Land for $27 an Acre
Buy Land Where
It Rains
We own and control over J)0.0 acres of
Cheyenne count v (Nebraska) choicest farm
! lands now on th market. Th best crop
pronucing country in the state for twelve
year. Alfalfa I a leading crop. Writ
today for our free literature. Live agent
wantea everywhere.
FOR BALK-!.SW acres of land In Kim.
ball county, Neb., suitable for farming.
Address C. N. Cole. Fella. Iowa.
Level 4, Cheyenne Co., Neb., the best
crop county In western Nebraska, tl per
acre, If taken soon. Must sell. Term.
W. B. Ripley, 2221 Burt St., Omaha.
)) acre, Knox county, n ci a-t of
new impiowmenia; 10 miles from Crelgh
ton: land lies wil and a big bargain at
the price ot tJ6. Wr to today for descrip
tions. J. A. ABBOTT. Real Estate,
tot Brandels Bldg., Omaha.
WANTED Ret tiers and Investors to de
velop homeMeerte. desert entrv. Carey act;
rtate and Irrigated lands. Live protects
for capital and homesertter. Information
and literature free. Wee tern Land and
Irrigation Syndicate, Bos 434, Ely, Nv.
North Carolina.
In "Nation's Garden Ppnt" Low price
and asy term. Writ for "Club Plan'"
telling how to secure free farm for a tew
hours work. Carolina Trucking Develop
ment Co.. 617 Southern Bldg.; Wilmington,
rfortn Carolina.
North Dakota.
SEVERAL Improved farm In McHenry
county, N. Dak., for aale oa easy term;
food aoll; 12b to S30 per acre. C A. Stub
in, Granville. N. D.
FOR SALE Ranter and Investor. It you
want to own one of our fine Improved
grain farm with every modern conveni
ence and be Independent, write me at ono.
Little money needed. Wendell ttuatoa.
Carrlngton, N. O.
WANTED Hav good list Of land In
Jam River Valley, Btutaman county, N.
D. Correspondence with real estate agent
allc!td. Farmer' Btat beak, Tpallantl.
N. D.-
FOR BALE im acrea eholceat apple, pear,
cherry, (rape land la the weat, ia mile
tram town, on mil from railroad; aoll
deep volcanto aah. Th Dall, Ore., prize
winning fruit.
lot acres, m mile from town, new, mod
em house, barn, tenement; 0 pear prune,
bearing; 1.300 young tree. 1,000 grape vines,
good water; wood. Or will sell to acre
with all irnprovernenta Investigation
solicited. C. H. Webster. The Dalle, Ora
Our privet car leaves Omaha Jun B.
direct to our fruit lands In th Willamette
valley. Free round trip to our prospective
buyer. A tew reservation left. For In
formation te Santlam Fruit Colony, (20
Be Bldg.
100-pag book give amount of govern
ment land open to homestead. In each
county In th state of Oregon and Wash
ington ana aeccription or same; give
homestead, desert, timber, stone, coal and
mineral law; two map ot Oregon In
color. Ilxtt, showing R. R. in operation.
On showing All proposed R. R. and electric
line. Including eastern and central Orefron,
30c each, or the three toe. Map Of Wash
ington in color, f 1x21. Mo.
Hamilton Bldg. Portland, Or.
oattt Carolina.
LAND 1500 per aer mad growing fig
for preserves on th Islands. Orchard on
y monthly payment. Bea Island Orchard
Company, Charleston, B. C
yaatk Dakota. I
Clo to th Minnesota line; heavy black
aoU: clay uboll; lie very level and all
under cultivation. Must be told within M
aye to lo an tat. Half of thl year'
crop go with th prlc, 3t per acr;
aay terms; 13.000 will handl It and It 1
a snap. No gravel, no atone, no foul weed.
Addres W. F. MoOea. Lake Preston, . D.
400-ACRE corn farm, out from Sioux Fall;
excellent Improvement, large grove and
fruit; all In cultivation; price for quick aale
IK, easy term; alio 140 Wall Improved, easy
terms, and 10 acre unimproved. These are
bargain for quick sal. R, A. Sllvlua,
owner. Slouz Fall, , D.-r
Thl la th land w hav. Free home
steads: relinquishments and deeded landa
For particular write E. O. Wonder & Co.,
Buffalo Gap, 8. D.
VOW HAf .TKRaotfnn ! 1.1,4 all
feneed; good flowing well; t mile item
rlankington, 8. D. For particular, writ
IB. O Malley. Philip. 8. D.
WILL exchange choice farm land near
Pierre, the capital of South Dakota, for
good Iowa or Nebraska land; what have
you ta offer? Weat Land Co., Pierre. 8. D
W k. . u. . li.. ir i . . . . , .
' '-. v. CAJIIIUIlUe Kl,M II I ISflD
tor eaie at from tit and up aer acra If
Interested writ u for particular and w
v ' , wu( iw mi ijvukvi map. ll
t. Our motto la "A Square Deal to Buyer
and Seller." Give u a chanc to prov our
Statement Hvold Land Co., Mlna, Ed-
ewimHi nauntu , V Va. L. . av
Fair Improvement. Price $5,800. Equity.
H.400. Akaaka RaJ EsUt Co., Akuka, 6.
D. -
OJ) Oh ay term We can eel I you A 810
aere farm tn Hughr caunty. Houth Da
kota: unimproved, but lays perfect, at tat
per acra and has n.n eoll.
A- ABBiyrT, Real Estate,
tOf Btwudcl Bldg., Omaha.
fee a a.
Buy Gulf Coast Fruit Lands
on Easy Payments
Where 10 acrea will produce as much
each season a 100 aore farther north.
Watch for our ad next week offering
Oulf Ceaat Orange and Fl land within
ten mllea of Houston, Tex., on terms of
One Dollar an acre caah and One Dollar an
aore per month.
Be u for particular.
W. J. Dermody
Investment Company
1514 City National Bank Bldg, Omaha, Nob.
Buy orchard and garden land near
Houston, the greatest and most prosper
ous city to the southwest, where values
are going op all the time and fortunes
made In real estate In short while. Easy
terua if desired. Address EL C. Robert
son. Ut Klaia Bldg., Houstoa Tea.-.
ONION MAGAZINE The June number
at tha Ttiu Multv I ., w l
Texas. I th "Onion Special" 'devoted to
me great nermuaa onion (nauatry lit th
Irrigated district of Texas. Treata on
Send for 10c for sample copy..'
tat caah and t per cent Interest, payable
semi-annually, will secure you a home In
Vela, Tex . and a 10-acr farm la the Rl
Orend valley, where th farmer s caah In
come le a perpetual ae the day that com
and go 8. H, Jackson, 10 First Rational
Bank Bldg.. Houston, leg.
WS are subdividing t.tot acre of fertile
farm land la Jackson county, dpleadld
crop vry year. Rainfall about right. 4
lnehea f or deeorlpuoo, plat and price
til S. Uutel t.. So AAtoaiaV TotV-
Teaae oatlaeed.
SAN SABA VALLET. the garden spot of
Texaa. home of the paper shell pet an We
can buy land for you or Inveet money. S
per cent nt to you secured by tuortMce on
these lends . Correspondence -o.ic !!.
Refer to First Nat I bank, tan tabs Nat I
bank. "Ward, Murray Co.. and toe nipm
be rs In congress from Texas. Keiley
Butieeon Co.. .-an Saba, Tex.
Over V0"0.flM0 arte for sale hy the state;
you can buy 4' acre at IJ an acre; pay
132 rash and helan.e after tn years,
farming and fruit land and healthy climate.
For further Information sent c postsge.
Investor Pub. Co., lcpt. IT. San Antonio.
SAN SABA VALLET, tha garden stmt ot
Texas, home of the paper shell pecan. W
can buy land for you or Invest money, I
per cent net to you secured by mortanae on
these lands. Correspondence eoliclted.
Refer to First Nat I bank. San Saba Nat I
bank. Ward, Murray A Co.. and the mem
bers In congress trom Texaa. Kslley
Burleson Co., San Saba, Tex.
For Ail Irrigation
The right kind of n man with
the right kind of hustle can find
at Ogden, Utah, the opportunity
of a lifetime. A High Line Canal
can be built which will reclaim
several thousand acres of land;
all of which will be most valu
ORCHARDING and kindred soil
For further information write
to a paid official,
The Secretary of the
Weber Club
Wise Investments
Make Men Rich
"Buv raal estate In small but grow
ing towns," was the wise advice of one
of America's wisest statesmen. Mur
ray, Utah, twenty minutes from Salt
Lake City by trolley; tnree transcon
tinental railways, more than half a
doien business factories, means an
opportunity for YOU. Write today to
tha Secretary
WRITE to William Broth., Real Es
tate. Murray, Utah, for full, complete, re
liable Information concerning this city.
Busy factories, farm land, town lot that
mav b bought for lees than their value,
WE CAN TELL YOU OP. Write today
You ARE Coming to Utah.
Than votT MUST ASK US whera
tnd in hat section you had better
GROW; WHERE they will grow. Our
FREE. Davis County Nurseries. Roy.
near Ogden, Utah.
I sd, place It where It will bring you the
largest returns, i Keep in mucn wmi ven
dition In a country of vast possibilities
and will keep you posted.
I w III G-urntee s rer tent -et.
Ogden State Bank Bldg., Ogden. Utah.
Of S3) acres of wheat land In Utah, and
no residence required. Free booklet on re
quest. Guthrie & Lewie, Locator of Pub
lic Lands. Kearney. Neb.
640 ACRES choice Unimproved wheat land
(black andy loam) tn northern Utah, near
railroad. Prlc 120 par acre. Term reason
able. Address Dr. W. H. Petty, Ogden,
FOR BALE 18,000 acre In Laraml
county, Wyoming, In Ooldsn Pralrl dis
trict; mutable for farming i now stocked
with cattle and aheep: will sell with lanch;
Will exchange for eastern Nebraska er
Iowa farms. J. T. Bell, Owner, Cheyenne.
We have farms to sell lni Minnesota and
Wisconsin; Improved and unimproved; big
nd email farms: the beet ever at right
price. Writ or com and see u at Room
301, 1 East 6th atraet, St. Paul, Minn.
UNION STATION Teatb. a4 Uasoa
rto Paelfl
Ban Fran, Overland L.
China and Japan V. M
a l:U am
a 4:06 pm
all 30 pm
a 4 4 pm
a 8:46 am
a 8:10 pm
a 8:80 pm
a 7:M am
a 4 60 pm
a 8.80 pm
a 4:46 pm
aio so am
b 1:80 pm
a 7:4 am
a 1:50 pm
a 7:69 am
all 46 pm
a t 'ia pm
a ( 60 am
blO OO am
Atlanlla Express
Oregon Express
Los Angeles UmiteA..
Denver Special
Colorado Exp res
Oregon- Wash. Limited
North Platte Local
Orand Island Local...
Etromcburg Local
. 4:00 pm
.al3 pm
.a T:04 am
.a I M pm
.all M pm
.all:6 pm
.a 815 am
.bli:tl pm
I tea art Paelfl
K. C. Bt. L. Ea
K. C. Bt. U Ex., ex
cept Saturday
K C. A St. L. Ex., Sat
urday only
Chleaao, Milwaukee
a aia
ell:15 pm
. 12:00 pm
St. Ps
Oveland Limited
Omaha-Chicago Ex..
Om. -Savanna Local..
Colo.-Cal. Express....
Colorado Special .,
Perry-Omaha Local..,
Illlaole Central
Chicago Eiprees
Chicago Limited
Minn. -Ml. Paul Ex.,...
Mlnn.-Bt. Paul Ltd...
ell:43 pm
b 7:18 am
.a 7:16 am
.a t OO pm
.a 7:42 am
.b 6 Is pin
a 7:00 am a 8:46 ptn
a 8 j0 pin a IM am
b 7:00 am
a 8:00 pm a 8:00 am
North v ester an
KllBTK MrtT'N-11
Twin City Expreaa....a 7:46 am al0:20 pm
Bloux Cliy Local a 8 46 pm a 8:28 pm
Minn. A Dakota Ex. ...a 7:0(, pm a 8.15 ant
Twin City Limited a 8:44 put 7:8uem
Mluneaata Express all:W am
Carroll Local a 7.00 am a J 50 pm
Daylight Expre a 7.40 am ali:M aut
Cticagu Local ali:U6 pm a 8:V8 pm
Colorado-Chicago a 6:10 pm a I pm
Chicago bpecial a t.vt pm a t it am
pacific CoaKt-Chlcago..a t.'i pru a 1.2s pm
I .oa Angaies Umiied.i.a w.60 pnt ali.JJ pm
Oxerland Limited all 4 pm a 46 am
Carroll Local ... a 4.M pin alO lO am
fast Mail........ a I S' pm a i,ru
Llncoln-Chadron a 8 u am all 00 am
Norfolk-Dallas a 8 00 am a 10 16 pm
Long Pine-Lincoln a f it pm a i tl pm
Haailnga-Hupertor b 8:16 pm b t 20 pm
Dea4wood-Hot Bprinaa.a 8 66 pm a t.M pia
Caspar-Lander a t.'ui pm all 00 am
Fremont-Albion ......... b 6.M pin b Lot put
Oir.aha St Louis Ex....a6 30 pin a 8 26 am
Mall end Ejtpreaa a 7 08 am pm
eHaetity Lcl Utyu G.U jtt t.uv (iw bin ia ti
Chicago, Rock Island Pacific
norky Mountain Ltd...aU a am 10:46 pm
Chliago Day K pre. .a 6 45 am a 4. JO pm
Chicago laical l as .. blO.lS am blO lt pm
I'm Moines Local Pass a 4 W pin aL'..x pm
i lilcag-o Erprcss a 4.4i) pm a 1 lj pm
t hlcago Limited a 4. I pm a 8.U1 am
CM. Neb. Lincoln. a 8:.0 am a 6:47 pm
Colo-Cal. Express a l:;i pm a 4 JO pm
tiki A Texas Express.. a 2:15 pm a 1.20 pm
Pocky Mountain Ltd.. .a 10:65 pm ali.jO am
tklrsso-Urest Welters-
Chicago Limited a 6.48 pm
i win City Limited b 8.20 ptn al fci airi
Twin City Limited... clO;Ai am
Twin City Express a I:) am a k.iit pin
Chicago Express a 1.4 pm
Uarlloaioa atatlua 10th aa4 Hues,
Denver & California a 4 lu pm
l'uget .Sound Express. .a 4 10 pm
Nebraska point a ' 2v am
EiacK tulia a 4.1o pin
Lincoln Mall ,..b 1 jo pm
Northwest Kxprees . ...all ,xi pm
Nebraska points a 6:20 am
Nebraska Express a :lj am
LUCCuill i.OUMl
fc;iu iei-liattsmouth...b 3.06 pm
Lincoln Local a 7.26 pm
piattsniouth-lowa a 8.16 am
pelievu-I'laltsniouth...al2:8'l pm
Central NebraeHa all. 65 pm
Chicago Special a 7.15 am
pienver Special
Chicago Express a 4 20 pm
Chicaxo Past Express, a 8:j0 pm
Atlantic Coast Limited.. 11 :40 pm
Iowa Local a 8:15 am
Creston ila.) Local... ..a 3 30 pin
St. Louis Express a 4.30 pm
K. C. A St. Joseph al0:45 pm
K. C. & St. Joseph a 3:15 am
K. C. & bt Joseph a 4.30 pm
a 3 46 pm
a 3:46 pm
a 4 in pm
a 3 45 pm
aU 16 pni
a 7 .00 am
a W pm
a :lu pm
b :l am
bl0:0 am
a 7:60 pm
a 8:80 am
t:40 pm
all 85 pin
all 21, pm
a 7:00 air.
a 8. 6,i tm
a 8:00 am
Ho. 30 am
al0:3o am
ail:40 am
a 6:45 am
a 6. Id pm
Webster Station -18th and Webster.
Mlsaoarl Pacific
Vtnre ,
A viburn Local b 8:f0 pm bll M am
Chlcaco, St. Paal, Minneapolis Jk
r w
Depart. Arrive.
IOn IOCal h R-RR nm t
ibl dallv excent flnnriav
Opera Hesie, Reatanrant and Dreg
Store Are Destroyed rir
Station Da ma Brd.
IDA OROVE. Ia., May g.-(Spc!a Tle
gram.) A fire at the town of Arthur, seven
mliee east of here, at 8 o'clock thi morning
threatened to destroy the town. It tartd
from a gasoline stove explosion In the
Frank Curran restaurant, completely de
etroying three buildings and burned 'the
roof off the fire station. The lodge build
ing and opera house, a two story concrete
block structure, only completed laat year,
was completely destroyed.
Th Curran restaurant and the Jess
Hendrlckson drug store are also g total
los. The city well gave out and a rittien'
bucket brlgsde was all that saved the
town. Word for help went out by 'phone
end within thirty minutes surrounding
town had sent fifty automobile loads of
citizens to help fight the flames.
There was 81.600 insurance on the lodge
building and fr, XI on the drug stock, but
none on the other buildings,
Depart. Arrive.
Bloux City Express.... b 1:26 pm bl2:0R pm
Omaha Local c 6 2(1 pm
Sioux City Pass b 8:26 Pm
Twin City Pass b 8:45 am
Ploux City Ijocul o 6:26 am
Emereon Local b 6:66 pm b 8:10 am
tbl dally except Sunday, tc) Sunday
W Wk n fit
If You Have
You Still Have
First Prize
VALUE $2,000.00
A 11,800 Appefson "Jar Rabbit" Touring Car, Model
Four-Thirty, with flve-paaaanger rapacity. It 1 a great
car lit a great contest It has rnfny speed and road
records, and today ranks among th leading motor care,
Tot both ervlce and speed this auto will rr.ak an ex
cellent possession. It Is a real Joy-maker. It Is fully
quipped and I Just Ilk accompanying Illustration.
Tha famous Appefson warranty goes with this car. Th
prize may ba Inspected at th Appersoa salesroom.
1101 Far Dam Bt.
Answers to the puzzles must not be tent in until the contest
it all over; therefore, everyone who joins now has an equal chance.
MQr $3,600 in Free Prise
Third Prise
VALUE 0500.00
,u 1 1 . ,m.ju'1" Jiiui-j-i'.JJ1 " il
gaga mml
111 ae n
tell what lucky person will get thla
be the tna.
Turn to the Puzzle In
tea ed proposals will be received bv th
County Posrd of Cotnmlseionere of Chase
county, at imperial. Nebraska, until noon
of Tuesday. June . 111. for the construc
tion, erection and completion of a court
PeTa' r,8,K.bU",", c ot ".
i.m,i714 .""".V". ih" rlht ,n cn
shin r.. V ,h7 lf. n ,hHr J'",nih' it
h.n 1,1, 1 ti , ""-'"i i" no so, and
si.fficien, honH,"::i7.:n",Lf?
V'lJ" ru"""l h contractor shall nav
?n.i5" A bo', of be re
quired from the contractor
All hill mill H ...
-u-i, T, o tne countv
mVX-J1 . y-.i 'M1: '""".N'-aska, and
Hni..-- iiV ..j 1 "" bounty court
House All bids must be made as per In
structions In hiHH... -
he rV ,iVTj . " , r", n Dinner wi
nfilfq L ? enclose with his bid a cer
tified check for 3Mio ray.hle the order
Of t h nnunrv ai..L. s . . 1
the Id la a"..,V:V .LT ,i .""J.1 l,""r.1 "
. dinner tans to
thi hrl h ,;r1?,p"lv written contract with
wiih .m fkM in accordance
Hh said bid. or If he fall to give a good
and sufficient bond for the performance
L,rtdHn,r'c, JWh6n extract Is
alien ? " 00d "nd uf,lrl''nt bond Is
bid. th. "Ah-W ' V'"'',nr .?"
checks lire returnable oo nn rontr.rt
IH lnari nil 8m . . ,
longer than fifteen davs.
The contract win tn.i... .
-,.i .11 V.L j fxcavation
fh. Jhor "nd ""trlal meniloned In
the sneclf pa nn. n. , . .., i . l . .
k . . . , . t"inf inerein, except
m V.u h ."i"1 leclfically named
r i.j " .i.t-u ujr ma ooarn, and the
bulid na tn h. run.. -j ,r :
V f,h? t'" ''ted'VA th. contrVc,0
within th .i " ul rully completed
hi r i ', "ed nd egrefd upon In
tded i-.7h ZYX' ''.":?il: rr-
from il - . . :".r:"' ""epted.
to th board up to the um of 125 perslev
a liquidated damages for each and every
...... , contract ror the
Z.-.. . .L V., "ri suoject, now-
eter, to the discretion ot the architect and
board Allowance will be made to said
stipulated time for each and everv dav
nelev Inil a ,. aaa... j .
i m m wwui Kim may oe occa
sioned through no fault of th contractor,
provided he has used his beat effort to
foresee and avoid uch delay.
Plan and specification my be obtained
from M. H. Prall. county clerk, or seen at
the office of said county clerk, upon the
condition that lf they are ent out a certi
fied check for 126.00 will be required for
the prompt return of the plans and speci
fications and then the check will be re
funded. Plan mar also be seen at the
office of the architect. A. T. Simmons,
Blnomlngton. Illinois.
Dated at Imperial, Nebraska, Mav 4. iH.
M. H. PRALL, County Clerk.
Leave Typewriter Company to Go
with the Trowbrldae-Bolster
Land Company,
M. O. Plowman, who has been western
district manager for th Smith Premier
Typewriter company, haa left hi posi
tion to enter the real estate business with
the Trowbrldge-Bolster Ind company.
Mr. riowman has ben engaged In the
typwrlter business for twelve year, be
ginning with the Smith Premier company
In Omaha and working himself up through
successive stages to th position of man
ager. Th Trowbrldge-feoleter company
has offices In the City National bank
Hot Entered the Contest, Do It low!
a Chance To Enter and Win a Prize
Not av r y
body can play
a piano, but
vary b ody
would Ilka to.
Tha II -Not
Kimball player
piano, worth
174. whloh is
th fd -grand
prise, will fur
nish muelc for
you whet her
you play or
not it ia a
wonderful In
strument, and
will mak som
home a happy
plsoe for very
member or th
OrandmA can
play It without th
fhlg PtiM
a beautiful
A 110 Col
umbia "Regent'
Orsfonol and
ItO worth of
records form
the fourth
grand prlia
Thle icellent
Instrument e
ne ef the best
nianufactur e d.
In A. P
A Son'
i Her ad
adjacent dition.
to H
n o o m
Park and Can
trel Boulevard
It le lot 4 ef
block I. on d
rtreet and I
b x lit feet
Th street car
line run along
tid Ave . just a
block from h
It of the lot
Rome young
couple, perhspe
will here erect
a little cottaae
mualraJ i
Jt La aura ta In
In which to live
ereaae tha iliaa
're and
who ca
Tou may
1.1 lot
Aro 35 Cash
This Issue, and Geo If
Book Is Represented
Stewart Before
House Cornmittco
Second Assistant Postmaster Generel
Sy Tostal Clerks Have No
Right to Strike.
WASHINGTON. May 8 Second As
sistant Postmaster General Stewart ap
pear r-rt again today before tne house com
mlttee on civil service tn opposition ta
the Lloyd bill, giving a've"nment em
ployee the right to affiliate with trades
un'ona. He declared that union uch a
th proposed organisation of railway mall
clerk were calculated "to coerce the de
partment, subvert goo1 administration
and Intimidate congresa."
"Do you deny tha right of government
clerks to strike?" Mr. Stewart was asked
by Repreeentatlv Wilson of Pennsyl
vania, chairman of the committee on
labor, who haa attended all the hearings
on the subject.
"1 do." Mr. Stewart replied. "The clerk
have a right to resign, but not to atrlke."
Mr. Ftewart told the committee that th
oath of the Mrotherhrnvt of Railway
postal clerks stipulated that the clerks
must all resign end walk nut on the same
day If xuch a plan Is approved by a vote
of three-fourth of the member of th
Kmploye have been notified that th
department I unalterably opposed to th
union, Mr. Stewart said.
Man Whp la ald ta Have Demanded
Death of Cnnrrolo Denies All
V1TERRO. Italy. Mny 8 Two ef tha
most Interesting of the alleged Ciranr.
rlsta charged with the murder of Oen
naro Cuoceolo and hi wife confronted
Oennaro Ahhalemagglo today. They wer
Lulglo Arena and Clro Vttoiti.
Arena, according to the theory of the
stafp, baaed on the revelations of Abbat
emaggln, had been sent to prison after hi
betrayal by Cuoceolo, who wan ofnndel
because Arena refused to snare with him
the profit of a robbery. Arena wrot to
hi fellow Camorriata letting forth hi
grievance and demanding Cuorooln's
death. Cuoceolo was already under u
plclon of combining hi activities as a
Cnmorrist with thoae of a police spy. Ha
slso had Incurred the Jealousy of Enrico
Alfann, the alleged head of th criminal
society, and It wss decided ta do sway
with him. The Carabineers claim to hav
possession of the letter which Arena
All of thl was vehemently, denied to
day by Arena, who denounced the In
former s a manufacturer of evidence andl
the paid tool of the carabineer. 1
According to the testimony of Abbat
emagglo, he had heard Vltoul, the priest
who I one of the accusad, and Alfano
discussing th Cuoceolo murders at 10:30
o'clock on tha morning after th assas
sination. Vitoaxl replied that liesVould prove that
on the day and at th hour manllonad h
waa at the cemetery of Poggiorealc of
which h was chaplain.
Second Prize
VALUE $750.00
s nin i. iiiii i i miuesei i
this Instrument.
Jf sister want to
mechanism, ah
simpiy naa ta nrt
Thla Pjyr t hlblted at th A. Hoep star.
1611 Douglas Street
Fourth Prize
VALUE $250.00
of any huma It will draw the family cloeer together
and form mean ef entertainment night after night.
Thi. urafonola Is now e.hlblted at the Columbia phono
graph Companyg agency, llll-lllj Farnam Ktreet.
You Can Tell Which