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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1911)
WANT ADS Wont aus mtwrd at any time but to I tin tire proper rlaMlflratloa must Ins presented before 12 o'clock m. for the) evening edition and before 7:30 I or morning and Hunday editions. 4ant ad received after auch hoara rill hare their first Insertion under l be heading, "loo Lata to Classify." CASH RATES Toil WANT ADS. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION One) InaerUon 1 4 rents per word and 1 eat per word for each sabaeqnent In ertion. Each Insertion made on odd .'eys, 14 cenU per word. fl.&O per line per month. Rates apply to either The Dally or Knaday Bee. Always count sU words to line. Want ads for The nee may be left at a ay of tlie following drug stores one is yonr "corner druggist" they are all branch office for The Dee and joor ad will be Inserted Just as promptly ana on the same rates as at i lie main office la The Uee building, Seventeenth and Kama in streets. Ibarh. W. C. 40th and Fernera Baum Drug CO., 231 N. 16th St Saransk, B. A., 1401 B. 16th ft. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Hmli Park Pharmacy, 13d and Cuming Blake-Bradlsh, 2908 Hhtrmu Ave. CUfton Hill Pharmacy, 12 U Military Ave, Ceughlln, C. R , 4726 Leavenworth SU Crlssey Fbarmao . 14th and Lake Bt. Coeney Pharmacy, 123 South 18th St Cermek. EmlL 1204-4 South Uth St. thler at Co., not I-ivnortti Bt Foster Arnoldl, US North 26th St Freytag. J. J., 1BH N. Uth Bt , Pregger Drug Co., 101 North ltn St Florence Drug- Co., Florence, Neb. Green s Pharmacy, Park An. and PaclfJo. Qreenough Co.. 10 South 10th Bt. Qreenough ft Co., 10th and Hickory Sta Goldman Pharmacy, 84th and Leavsn- orth Sta. Johnson Pharmacy, 124 Faroem St. Hansoom Park Pharmacy, 1601 g. Uth A. Hlnterlong Drug Co., list Are, and Fer tun Bt. Hoist. John, 34 North lth it. Huff. A. L.. 2924 LMMnworth Bt. Johanaon Druir Co., 14th and Spalding Kin. H. g.. 22W Farnam Ft Counts Placa Pharmacy, 1301 W. Uth St. Lethrop Pharmacy, 14th and Hamilton. Mares, Fred L.. 101 Central Blvd. Patrick Drug Co., 1WK N. 14th BL Heratosra Drug Co., 14th and Ames Ave. tfcbeefer's Cut Frloe Drug Store, Uth and Chicago Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4Mb and Ctrmtng. BIHTHI AlfD DEATHS. Births Charlaa and Grace Conner, 4U6 North Seventh street, boy: William and Mami Dewey, 2529 North Fifteenth street, girl; Simon and Ruby Flnkensteln, S8 North Twenty-seventh street, girl; Luke and Stella Luke. 1820 South Thirteenth hny; A. and Annie Jones. IKK Martha eireet, girl: O. and A. Jaeobberger Forty first and Fort street, boy; Isaac and Jennie Volkofsky. 143 South Thirteenth street, rl: J. U and B MeCorry. 27S8 Leke reet, boy; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Miller, Ki r erth Twenty-seventh street, hoy; Ralph and Alice Miller, 1511 North Thirty-first treat, girl; Harry and Rone Regzeman, 10 South Eleventh street, boy: Frank and Anna 8chllchltg, 1W6 Elm street, boy; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Walker, 2VI7 North Nine teenth street, girl. Deaths Mark Hrognovld, 1 year. WOT I'lerce street; Elix-beth Range, 2 years, 616 William street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marrlag licenses wars Ifeed: Name and Residence. , Age. Philip M. Mel singer, Benson 41 Anna HIM, Bloomfleld. Neb to Frank Dalre, Omaha , fl F.Uen M. Edman. Omaha -, 21 P Myror Pieard. Sioux City, la. tt Fdtth Bayleas. Sioux City, la u l harles U. Mile. Omaha 84 l atherlna M. Henck. Omaha t$ 3olid Gold bedding insV2S. 55 .ij tbnOLM'3, OIHil naeneg. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMEN aX,&NKD& imbelmers. 1U4 Chicago Bt. D. 168; B IS. DUFFT ft BOLAND. undertakers. T. 1671 BLADES" ADai of flmakes -'x-''x-r'I-'-'8harpened; better than l.e , imc eaua, oc per aosen. i nii B ic eaen, oc per doieo, TnJu SWiSHi .lUNt. Mat Congress St., Chicago. - iron and Wire. Chi rPTlPP Fence Co.. Uth' and J vaawv Bt, T,j bouglaa 1600. Champion MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATK. In sums to suit. Hi Bee Bldg. Phnna riia fruii UNION LOAN CO. rrt.r-1, ep the late things In JCWClrV,old nd " I" Quality I mae the puraa. U01 Harney St. 0RPHEUM JEWELRY CO. Vacuum Cleaner For Rant. Phone Webstar MOS; B S4M. IK.'NE by J. R. Lea. painting and Laiwr l angina; reasonable prioee; work guaxan taed. Rea. 1424 . IStti Bt. Douglas 8eS. LOANS Salary or furniture: 110 up. n. wnaaar purger. IM FARNAM ST. Roam IU. Douglas 2286. Ind. A-10O. MAOOARD Van Storage. Pack. move, store end aalp H. H. goods. D. IM4, B 142a LYNCH BR0& t$lNso aSPAIR WORK. IV Jackson bt. D. 147T. STENOGRAPHER, (40 Baa Bldg. IJ. SW. Oaaady Co., 8. W. Cor. 14th and DeugiaT BUY AND SELLteZrtr, B1 Writs fire Insurance. PATTON'S SUN PROOF paint card free! Saratoga Drug Co.. 14th and Ames. TWENTY 'per cent less than Omaha prices. H(5mb FURNITURE CO., 9 Twenty fourth and L Sts.. South Omaha. BARIvER BROS. PAINT CO. iViT? f'rnm M In- A-JR2I. Dong. 4TS0. holeale and retail agents for Hherwln w illlsms paints, varnishes, tarter lead and Keyntona. Open Saturday evenings. Lawn lifowers Sharpened 75o by tha latest patented machlna. WRSTERN tiOOK ()fN REPAIRING CO 2420H Cuming St.. Phonaa: Douglas S751 or Ind. B-1101. AFTER using Farrell's ivmp you will hsve no other. If Kverltt Richmond 44a Decetui Hi , will bring this ad to The Hee offli within three dajs wa will give him a to-cent can free. PAPERHANOER9. use Snowflkke rata Omaha Paate Co. 71S 8.. 13th. Both 'ohonea Filter, filter repairs, m g. toth. dTiTII OMAHA furniture repair wks. Doug, ha Si'HLITZ famous ATLAS beer oa traught at Ed Rothery's. 1U 8. 14th Si J. Knox O'Kelll-Arttst and photography: pictures enlarged. (Studio. 1 B. lith 6U S. H Cole Sign Co., P. 1767 nil FarnanT EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING ARKINS. IK S. UTH. UPSTAIRS. OUR letter duplicating work la unex eel lea. A trial will convince you Both phonee. Western Duplicating Co , 404 Be Bldg. Cement Blocks, fl.Tm?"A"TTA Ideal Cement btoas Co. FRENKLE presses and cleaai men's or ladles' suits; alsj rt airing. Ka S. Uih. VIRGINIA DARB WINE 76o a large bottle. Klaia Liquor Houaa. ai3 N. lath tTt OMAHA Reed and Rattan Co., red fur niture, repairing a specialty. Ill N. tttb. ANNOUNCEMENTS tConunued. HER HIVE CLEANING DTE WORK. 1D1 Vinton Bt. Wagona call and deliver. Phone Douglas 4387. DAVID COLE CREAMERT COMPANY MRS. CHARLES C HUNOATE china firing. 170 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Web. Vi Cement Blocks ftV r,,ht' ' OMAHA CONCRETE STONE CO. ! th Ave snd Sahler Web. IM; B 301S. j Nebraska T&n" ?E ANCII0H FENCE CO., Iron snd vlra ftices clieapcr than wood: last a lifetime. 107 N. 17th. 'Phone Red 814. CATH..I APT. Locksmith. Uwn mowers ! 1701 Leavenworth. Tel. Doug. 4377 or A-4384. i auiliravi line of liquors and I wa are. vara in connection. Ill S. lltn at, TH E 8PHTN Jd HA 9 SPOKEN I Said: 'Have Butters Ca I and Take That Post Card Picture Now."' OBEY THE BPHTNX. Low Prices High Quality. Address, 1041 Half Cass St. Phone Harney 62M. TTTMTC'T .Tr cleans and presses men's and ixituiu, women's suits. Calls for and delivers. A-23M. 1407 Leavenworth. DOCOLAS PrlnUng Ce, TsL Deuglse ML Mies Da Witt piano Instruction. Red 42t TrW fRTT' A f Harding Hyglea brand v" All leading dr druggists. Harding lea Cream Co. DRUOS at out prices; freight paid on all HO orders Catalogues free. Sherman a MoConnall Drug- Co., Omaha. Neb. Damon Elec. Co., a (th St. Co. Bluffs Botn phone. lW. Ill ILER GRAND HOTEL Turkish Bath Finest In th west. 16th and Howard Sts. HORNBY. Blus Print Co. SU Bee Bldg TO DO taaty work for tasty people. Decorative paperhanglng and correct color schemes a specialty. 11. Coombs. 8-130S AUTOMOBILES "Smash up your auto, "SKID into a post, "Tear your top." And bring It to the best place In Omaha for all kinds of repairing. DRUMM0ND Corner Uth and Ha may St. 1910 40-h. p., flve-paasengar Overland.. 11.000 Seven-passenger, 70-h. p. Stearns 1,M WALLACE AUTO CO.. DOS FARNAM BT. "VfV. j T-rdoee auto and carriage painting; Ululia J guaranteed. 2424 Sherman Ave. National Auto Training Ass'n. Omaha. Neb. Actual experience In shop and roadwork, competent Instructors. FOR BALE Baker Victoria electric. 'Phone Harney 084. NEW and 2d-hand autos. Deri grit, Omaha. FOR BALEt Five-passenger, four-cylinder automobile; fully equipped, windshield to speedometer, and everything In flrst clans condition; cost 13.60); sell for 18U0. WALLACE BENJAMIN. Rooms 1-2-3. First National Bank Rldg., Council Bluffs, la. Both Phones 202. Metorcyclee. TILE FLYING MERKEL Is the simplest, easiest riding MOTOR CYCLE In tha world. Louis Flesoher, Stats Agent. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, call on GANGUSTAD. 404 Baa Bldg. "Tel. D. 2M7. PUBLIC sale of stock of merchandise at Clearwater. Neb. Notice Is hereby given that on the 1Mb day of May, 1911. at 10 o'clock a. m. at the store of L M. Snider In Clearwater, Antelope county, Nebraska, I will offer the entire stock of general merchandise and fixtures of the said storu of I. M. Snider for sale to the highest bid der for cash. This sale Is made by me as trustee and a proper deed or conveyance will be made. This stock of goods Is clean. It oonalsta of groceries, shoes, dry goods, notions, etc. and the fixtures are every thing neoeesary for tha conduct of a going business, whlon this Is, and Is located In a live town with a irood farming commun ity surrounding It and Is doing a good business. There is no oil stock. A sum mary of the Invoice and all particulars In connection with this stock and sale can b had by applying to the undersigned, Jamea C. Faguson, Trustee. FOR BAUD Good general merchandise stock and building In a good business town in eastern Nebraska. For further Informa tion writ to Box B, Uehllng, Neb. FINK for breakfast, dinner or supper; use Farrell's syrup whenever you wish. We will give a 60-cent can of this fine syrup to C. Carrlgan 1623 Burt St., if he will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days. GOOD BUSINESS for sale; must leave city at once; have good reasons for selling. Call 402 Omaha National Bank. OLD established manufacturing firm wishes to secure competent office man; good salary; must Invest 13,(100; security A-l; references required. H. 121. Bee. WANTED To sell a first class confec tionery store In a town of 1,000. Party must buy whole stock and fixtures. Am leaving town for other business. Good lo cation and llvs town. F 219, Bee. FOR BADE A thoroughly established re tall coal bualnass. ample yard with track age with every facility at reasonable price and terms. D 217, Bee, GARAGE If you want te get Into the automobile business. In good building snd location, correspond with Y-1M, oars Bee. BARGAIN, $250 CASH Will buy the best furnished six-room flat In the elty if taken at once. 706 S. 16th. INDUSTRIOUS party with some capital to invest In business and take charge of manufacturing plant In Montana. Good salary. Permanent position. Address Montana Gypsum Plaster Co., Room 3 Hotel Bouquet. THE best paying family and transient hotel In the city; good reasons for selling B 21T Bee. MONUMENT works, good trads. only shop In county. A bargain. Address Y 1&8, care of Bee. FOR BALE Exclusive up-to-date gTocery stock, county seat town, northwestern Iowa. Address Y. 126 care Omaha Bee.' PAYING shares In successful laundry. 12.200. E 218. Bee. steam SCALES, SCALES Independent Scale Repair Co.. UO So. 11th St. Ind. A-2SC2. SIM buys half Interest In exclusive busi ness In cttv; pays large returns; experi ence unnewsKary. Mr. Adams, 110J South loth St. Htootif Hawses Fee Sale. FURNITURE of I rooms, strictly mod ern. A-S28S. 1040 Farnam, seven or fourteen rooms, completely furnished; all full; good Income. Good paying rooming house. 822 N. 23d. FURNITURE of 4 rooms, cheap; slightly used. Call A-Sti3. FOR SALE or exchange, rooming house for house and lot or lots; will pay differ ence. Red MM. MODERN rooming house full of roomers. Douglas Ms CHIROPODISTS DR. ROT, 1606 Pamam St. Douglas HQ1. MONHEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hairgooda City Nat I Bk. D. 2S33. DENTISTS BAILEY MACH. Sd floor Paxtea. IX 1GSV Get Acquainted With Bee Want Tad Big Prizes Each Week for Each Week Bee Want This week he is renting rooms. Next week he will eell horses. Watch him every day. Get busy and write a six line limerick following the style of the one accompanying Bee Want Tad today, only WRITE ABOUT HIM SELLING HORSES. For tha beat verse written py a lady this week we will glre a special prise) of a $15 Pattern Hat from Mrs. Richard's Millinery Rhop, Snd floor City National Bank Bldg. For tha next best verse written by either lady or gwntleman this week we will give $.1 worth of Soda Water Tickets good un til used at Sherman McConucll's new "Sodoasls," 16th and Dodge Streets. The Bee reserves the right to publish any or all verses submitted. RCU58 FOR WANT TAD CONTEST EYerybocy in Omaha, South Omaha. Dundee, Connotl Bluff, Benaoa and Florence are eligible, except employee of Tha Bee and members of their families. Tou must follow tha style not orer six lines and It must relate to tha subject published each week. Contest closes Friday night of each week. Write plainly on one aide of the paper only, and sign your name and address. Address, Bea Want Ad Editor, Omaha, Bea. The Bea Want Ad Editor will be tha judge All verses gent In becoma tha property of Tha Bea. Winners names will be announced the following vreek and will be found somewhere in the Want Ads. ' You must find yonr name and identify yourself to claim the prize. It will be fun for everyone. Write your verse to-day and mail it to The Bee Want Ad Editor. Remember contest closes Friday of each week. DETECTIVES CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH Blk. OMAHA Secret Service Detective Agency, Inc., bonded. 42S-D Paxton Blk. D. UU; A-U19. JAB. ALLJLN, KARBACH Blk. Doug. 1832. WE will give a 60-cent can of Farrell's fine syrup to R. J. Bchonborg. 606 N. 17th St.. If he will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days. DRESSMAKERS DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. 715 S. 17th 6t. Douglas 6421. MISS DUOOAN, dressmaking. 2S64 Farnam. TERRY'S Dreesm'k'g College.tOthosFarnam DRESSMAKERS WANTED Those whs are willing to make a change In occupation If offered ateady positions, short hours and larger Incomes. Care U B3, Bee. DON'T forget to put a pitcher of Far rell's syrup on the table If Mrs. H. E. Marlon, KU Caldwell Bt.. will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days we will give ber a 60-cent can free. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE Omaha's largest and most successful commercial school. Day and night aeesions. Students admitted any time. Business. Bookkeeping. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship. The cata logue Is free. Address H. B. Boyiee, Presl. dent, Omaha. Neb. FARRELL'S syrup has a flavor all its own. We will give a 60-cent can of this a- w ann . iait rvnn at syrup io ,w.v, . .... If she will bring this ad to The Bee office within three aaya. EVERYTHING FOREWOMEN CUSTOM MADE eorsets, 16 00; front and back laced; residence fitting If desired. La Brock Cerset shop, 623 Bee Bldg. L. Lief f, Ladies ' Tailon Phone Harney 6410. SWITCHES from combings, 11.60; set puffs free. Mrs. Eck. 1700 Leavenworth Bt. MADE hats In the 86 and 110 class for 82.60 to (6.00. We send hats out of town on approval. Keep the hat twenty-four hours If satisfied, send check, describe what you want, and send bank or business. Refer ences. Crosstown Millinery, 2420 Cuming St. FLORISTS A. DONAQHUB, 1907 Farnam. D. 1001;A-1001 HES8 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. BRANDEI8 out flower Dept. New store Bennett's Flower Dept. East entrance. It. Henderson. 1618 Farnam. Douglas lilt. J. H. BATH. 13 Harney. Douglas 8000. Nareerlee. NUR8&TRY STOCK. 18th and Douglas. FRANK K. MARTIN. Phone D. 8678. 600,000 vegetable plants of best varieties. Plant our Spark's Karllane tomato plants, fully two weeks ahead of other varieties. Phone Benson 831. Ferguson Bros., Station D, Omaha. t HELP WANTED FEMALE rectory sii Treses. GIRLS to learn halrdresslng. Oppen helm Parlors, City Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel Doug. 8. WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERA TION HELP; BEST WAGES. APPLY ORKIN BROS.. 818 8. 1TH ST. Hoaeekeepere aad Dosses ties. WANTED A girl for general housework Phone Webster 68. WANTED Girl te help with geneial housework. 110 8. 84th St. WANTED A girl for general housework. No washing. Telephone Mrs. Allan A. Marsh, Douglaa 43)2. WANTED Competent second girl. Mrs. E. M. Morsman, 224 N. 82d Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; good wages; three In family. N. W. corner in 1 1 and Dodge Sts. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family; good wages. 606 Park Ave. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. No washing. 1034 8. Thirtieth Ave., telephone H 33. WANTED A girl for general housework; small family; good wages, 18al 8. Thirtieth Ave. WANTED Olrl for general housework. Douglaa 1163. Apartment No. 1. WANTED Experienced cook and experi enced aecond girl; references required. Mrs. Frank T. Hamilton. 210 8. ltd Ave. WANTED Experienced cook. good wagea Apply Mra Arthur C. Smith. 19ul Park Ave, TL Barney all, WANTED A cook. Phone Benson 178. y Mrs. A. L, Reed. HELP WANTED FEMALE Hoaeekeepere ag Deaeeslloe Ooat'd. WANTED A woman oeok, reference re quired. 1W Farnam St. WOMAN to assist In rooming house for hll.K.n A'm Vn M . gnM - . WANTED Olrl to assist with general housework. 614 N. 16th St., South Omaha, S. 1060. A GIRL for general housework. Apply at once. Good wages. 8024 Pacific. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Mrs. A. F. Smith. 3910 Dewey Ave. CAPABLE girl, who Is a good eook; laundress employed. 41f 8. SSth St. Har ney 2660. WANTED A girt for general housework. 211 So. 10th Bt. Douglas 704L HEAR grand opera In vaudeville at the American theater. If W. R. Bradford. 1810 Ohio St., will bring this ad to The Bee of fice within three days we will give him a pair of seats free to the American theater. WANTED A girl to help with general housework. 110 South 84th street. WANTED Woman or girl for house work In small family. No children. 814 North 23d St. WANTED Olrl for mnAra I hnm.wnrl. 4160 Cass St. 1 WANTED Girl for general housework; desirable place for right girt. 601 a tth St. W ANTED Experienced girt for general housework. 219 8. 88th Ave. Harney 2626 vlrs. Dery Austin. WANTED A competent girl for first work; go to Sioux City; must be a good cook; best of wages. Mrs. O. J. Moore. il3 Nebraska St. WANTED A good upstairs girl. Refer ence required. 439 N. Mth St. WANTED An experienced cook, 840 per month. References required. 426 N. 88th St. f WANTED A good downstairs girl. W) . month. Reference required. 424 N. 88th St. WANTED A capable, energetic girl for housework. Call 1318 City National Bank Bldg. GIRL to ears for two children Tuesdays, In exchange for musle leseons and car fare. 4636 N. 89th St. Phone Webater 4208. WANTED Girl for general housework In small family. Call 8816 So. tad St. H. 4 Id. I w ah rtiu-Ai onoe, repent gin tor general housework. Mrs. J. C Colt, Har ney 121. WANTED A girl for general housework In a small family; must be a good cook; no washing. 414 S. nth St. M leeellauiewae. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. 4 WANTED Ladles and girls to work on eofa pillows at home; experience unneces sary. Call forenoons. 2307 S. 13th. WANTED Ladlee to take orders or made-to-order corsets In Nebraska and Iowa towns. Large profits. Samples at wholesale price. Care Bee W 2S8. HELP WANTED MALE i Aaeats, Solicitors aad Baleesaea. AGENTS Wanted at once, first elaas proposition; big commission. . Write today. Hartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk., Omaha. Neb. SALESMAN to call on doctors; estab lished trade; clean, well paid work for hard worker. Also on for central Neb. P. O. Box. 121, Philadelphia. WANTED Experienced specialty sales man with computing scales, cash register or high grade advertising experience for advertising proposition to retailers; com mission, with reasonable expense advanced to men with proper credentials. Want am bitious men, capable of eventually hand ling large field force Foaltlon worth 88O0O to 812.000 to producers Rooms 1429 and 1430 Masonic Bldg., Chicago. Ill WANTED A collector for city collection: good future for right party; call at once. 408 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. WANTED High-grade man accustomed to soliciting and to making good money. Must be able to approach men of affairs and capable of presenting high-class mat ter. Not insurance nor books. Address U 16. cars Bee. Clerical mm Office. FOUND If H. G. Btalden. 161T William St.. will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days he will receive an order for two American theater tickets free. Feelery ssl Trades. Drug Stores (snaps). Jobs Knlest. Bee Bldg WANTED Competent blacksmith, stead v work for the right party; state wagea In f'rst letter Address Oecar Carlson, Danne brog. Nsb. the Two Best Verses About Him. Tad Will Do Something New. (5 This) slilsf is Bee Y Tad ' Tf -privets femllyV HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) aflaoellanesme. UQ H MONTHLY AUTOINO. ij.aUTG SCHOOL. Omaha. Nsb. LARGEST ft BEST WRITE. YOU ARE WANTED far government po sition; 80 a month. Write for list of posl tions open. Franklin institute. Dept. 172-JT, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED For U. 8. army, able-bodied unmarried men between the ages of 18 and 86; oltlzens of the United States, of good charaoter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan- SUaae. For 1nfnrmlnn annlu - ..n..l,U. officer, 13th and Douglas Sts., Omaha, i-.-u., saanuaeita uiag., Bioux city. la.; 130 N. Tenth St. Lincoln, Neb.; US E. Third St.. Grand Island. Neb. . 6,000 government positions open. Writs for list Franklla Institute. Dept. 16 F, Rochester, N. Y. YOUNG man, 16 to 18 years old, to work in ahn ... h M i w. w, ..BUB. (II BJ .lt:G and had some experience. Address, N 226, care Bee HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED A competent vocalist to dem onstrate songs In our Pompelan room. This Is a permanent position requiring well trained singer. Apply superintendent Bran dels Stores. WANTED High-grade ladles and gentle men to travel, acouetomed to solloltlng and making good money. Must be able to approach the business public and capable of presenting high-class matter; not books ur Insurance. Address, with reference, O 87, care Bee. WANTED Man and wife for small hotel:' oeok and all around work. West Hotel, Herman, Neb. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horace si4 Vehicles. HORSES1 and MULES for sale. 1711 Burt taunt neaa or norses ana mares, wag ons and narneee; cash or terms. 817 North 26th St i . . . ALFALFA HAY, Wagner. S01 If. 16th. 810. HORSES CLIPPED. ITU BURT. D. 1667. FOR BALE Standard bred stud colts and fillies. Bred to win. For particulars, write, B. N. Armstrong, West Branch, la. RUBBER-TIRED surrey at a bargain. Call 2fcOS Capitol Ave. LOST AND FOUND dt10 Rownrrl to "Y on finding a bet 1145 warn . h. ..,. rugs, mattreases, upholstery, furniture and eta., oleened. MYERS, Webster 61S2. LOST Mesh parse containing money, key and handkerchief; Brandels Pompelan Dressing Room. Reward. Harney 8084. PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha ft Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they leit It In tbe street cars. Many articles each day are turned In snd the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug las a. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. LOfT Three medals, gold, sliver, bronze; owner's name on them. Finder please re turn to Bee office. trnTTUnroEt. CLEANING WORK" f ouiMUUc, curtains cl'ned. 86c. W. 39) CTlTTMn The Teddy Bear expert clean r VJ U IS U m D(J ,rg. A-2&5. D. 84i6. MEDICAL HAZEL LEAF PILE CONES-Tlest rem ery for Itching, bleeding or protruding PILES, 60c postpaid: samples free. Sher man ft McConnell Drug Co, Omaha. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. NOTHING BUT MONEY That is All We Ixmn. Could you use 2o or 8fi0 to a good ad vantage? If so, come to us; don't go to a friend. We loan money on furniture, pianos or teams without removal, small and easy payments; 6ou is the weekly pay ment on a 8ii6 loan and 81. 20 Is the weekly payment on a $0 loan for U weeks. Other amounts In the umi proportion. Write or 'phone us and we will call on you at once. All business confidential. STATE MORTGAGE LOAN CO Room 12. Arlington Blk., 1511 V4 Dodge St. Phonea: Douglaa 2466. Indeoendent A-2466. MONEY 80S Paxton block. Tel. TO LOAN. Come in ind let us explain our low rates. He liable Credit Co., Douglaa 1411. A-14U. DIAMOND LOANS AT V2 on large loans; smaller loans at JH and t W G FLATAU Telephone Red 6CI1 Tha Baa Want Tad la a lively Ud, He's always on tha go; He'll rent that room. And do It soon. Tha town will tall rou so. MONEY TO LOAN alary ssd Chattels Coatla-ea. LOANS 81000 UP QUICKLY On household goods, planoa, horses, wagons, etc. Low rates; easy weekly or monthly payments. NO ADVANCE charges. You get the full amount In cash. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 1806 FARNAM ST. ROOM ZK. (Board of Trade Building ) Phones Doug. Z2S6, Ind. A-107L MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without security; easy payments. Office la 67 principal cltlss. Tolman. 603 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg.. for merly N. Y. L. Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 220 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1366. A-186. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING OMAHA VAN ft STORAGE CO. elaan. your carpets on your floors; olectrlo vacuum vi-u-rs. bus a. ihi; sw a. lvtn. . Doug. 4i PIANO moving. Cole's storage and ex press. Capitol Ave. D. 60, A-4va7. EXPRESSMAN'S DELIVERY CO.-Mov-:ng; furniture packing; fireproof storage City office, 216 S. 17th. Doug. 84; lad. B-1341. BENSON TRANSFER Furniture, plane moving, transfer work of all kinds. 618 8. 10th St B-223; D. 1696t A-lOte. CURTAINS laundered, 2816 Dewey Ave. Harney 1198. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES BLACK'S UNION ORCHESTRA; musle furn. for all oocaalons. 1618 Ohio. Wsb. 8411. FIRST class vocal Instruction M- vr- berly, 626 So. art Ave. Phone A 2078! OFFERED FOR RENT Board aag Reeata. ST. JAMES. 41 So. 18th; steam heat free bath. Am. 81.26 us; wkly, 86 up; meals 2So. FOR RENT Neatly furnished south room; desirable for two. 646 South 86th St.- NICE south single room, furnished, mi Douglas St. FOR RmKTT UnJIm w . Cuming Bt- FOR RENT-Two desirable rooms; con nected; good board. 611 South 84tb St. FOR RENT Strictly modern rooma neatly furnished: two gentlemen. One block from two ears. U10 California Bt- FOR RENT Two single rooms for two gentlemen; board. 1118 Cass. Bt FOR RENT Two desirable rooms for two; table board. 1221 Howard St VERY comfortable rooma; board. Davenport St MO FOR RENT Desirable room aad board. 1216 Howard St O. M. E. hauls trunks. D. Cll. A MU. FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooma with or without board. 1017 Mandarsoa St FflR H V. NT T m - a mm. .lwi - two. 1104 South litth St. Kim aulet hnnu -,1th M booking; cool rooms: everything moskera; noi arm coio. water an aummer; references Web. 876S. 2631 Hamilton. FOR RENT Desirable rooma neatly fur nlsbed; home cooking. 710 South 18th St. THK RirUITt Mio m v. A - ---- - wviii kitv rMaam. Kates: Single, 836 to 840; double, 868 to 866. NICE room with board for ene or two, with private family. 8118 Meson St VERY desirable rooms with board. 8. 26tb Ave 104 SEE the manicure girl at ths American this week. If E. W. Perchal, 814 Poppleton Ave., will bring this ad to The Bee office within three days we will give him two tickets to the American theater. TWO nicely furnished modern rooms, one south room snd one north front room; also table boarders wanted. 2407 Harney St. NICF3.T furnished modern front room, with alcove and large clothes closets; hoard If desired; ladles preferred. 2408 St. Mary's. Red 6009. TWO nicely furnished front rooms; ev ervthlns; modern; close in; walking dis tance: large shady lawn. Good home rook ing. 2112 Douglas street. Douglas 4834. LARGE alcove room with boerd for two gentlemen; walking distance; to a week each; private family. Telephone Douglas 109Z. PLEASANT east front room, nloely fur nished, with bosrd; modern home; Kountxe Place: no children: young married couple preferred: terms reasonable. 8M North 24th. Phone Webster Wl. TWO Isrge cool rooms, ensulte: with exerythlng modern; one block to car large closet: beautifully finished; line, or walking distance; also room large enough for two; board If desired; strictly home cooking. 117 N. loth St OFFERED FOR RENT Hoara eat Rssiai atlaaeaV NICFLY furnlshel reom with good location, ft North Ud. board i Paralsheal He as a. TWO furnished rooms. Tel Webater UV Kit N. Pth Bt. Al ROOMS, No. I "tarllug apartments, for single persona or couples. 1 arms rea sonable. NICKLY furnished modern rooms, with breakfast If desired. liJ Jones 6U 'Phone Doug. X4K6. NTCE. large, modern room. In private family: Hansoom park district. 3U2I alaroy Bt. 'Phone H. 4oa. NICELY furnlahed front room, modern throughout; rive blocks t of Slataenth street; cool "place. )3 touglaa. SOUTH front largo room In oool flat; everything modern; on car llns; walking distance; large shad, trees. 24K Cass street. LARGE modern rooms, sultabls for two; $11 per month. US N. 23d. FOR RENT Two Blcsiy furnished rooms. U3 8. Sid Bt. TWO strictly modern rooms, single or snsult., suitabl. for two or thrss. 207 Farnam. Douglas Moi. OKT away from the grind of ualaaas snd spend an evening In vaudeville. We will give two tickets to the American theater to C. E. Dlckason, Wl? N. lvth Ave.. If he will bring this ad te The Bee office within three days. DEWEY European Hotel, llth rernem. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms down town. Third floor, 1S02 Douglas. TWO strictly modern rooms, single ee ensulta; suitable for two or three. g Karaam. Douglas 13, FOR RENT Comfortable rooms, walk. Ing distance. 407 8. ISth Ave. NICELY furnished room, Hansoom park and Field club district, on oar line. Phoae Harney 71&. FOR RENT Two large rooms, desirable for two gsntlemen. 117 8. nth St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished - rooms. private family. M10 N. Uth St FOR RENT Two neatly furnished room. 2628 Capitol Ave. FOR RENT Nice room sultabls for two. 811 8. 28th St. NEAT rooms, all modern oonvenleaeesi walking dlstanoe. 1707 Dodge. H. 64ML THE DOUGLAS, large oool rooms, mod ern; walking dlatanoe. 1201 Douglas St FOR RENT Front parlor, handsomely furnished In mahogany throughout facing on a large screened porch: retereneee ex changed. 'Phone Harney ML BEAUTIFUL large room and ene small room; everything modern; rent reasonable. Phone Red 6823. 611 N. l&d St FURNISHED front room on boulevard; nice oool flat; close In; everything modern; rent reasonable. 411 north 19th. COOL, clean room. 108 N. loth. FOR RENT Nloely furnished, good location. 716 N. tOUi St. tod era. FOR RENT Nicely furnished close In. 1611 Leavenworth Bt. rooms. FOR RENT Clean, neat furnished rooms. 1916 Douglas St. i FOR RENT Nloely furnished rooms suitable for two. lab Dodge Bt Tlr.A m 1 1 K II.. 1 1 , . 81 a week. Good board near. Walking dls- IMC oincuy moaem. Tee p no ns aad bath. Phone Harney 80M. NEWLY furnlahed front sum with lar alcove; everything modern) exoellent meals next door. 117 S. 16th Ave. Douglas 7400. TWO and Ihr mnm nat .1 modern; gas range ; also single room com plete. 90S N. fcHh St. LARjOH front reom fm two nil i--1 room, avervtlilne mn.m An - n . . walking distance; excellent home beard. Phone Douglaa 6307. 8414 Capitol Ave. . TWO furnlahed front rootna ss far ing east; married couple or two lejdlel preferred; oool place. West Faraaoa D trtot Phone Ind. A-1831 MODERN front room In new heme. 8. 86th Ave. D. BBSs, 1411 Dodge St. large south front reom. modern) ether rooms, 8X66 up WANTED Two refined root-saw fa a large east front room foe North Berav teanth Bt.. la new modern flatl breakfast and support walking dlstanoe ea &vr ilae. 144 N. VtH St, phone Webater 6860. ijta -rent room ana twe rooms suite, every thing modern and within walk ing dlstanoe large ahady; yard, 181A ua LOOK-A large parlor with Urge stttingi room warn vuve or ww om renieei separate also smaller furnished roomj re aaonaeie' rami sea utirut neagnDorDooa, en car Unei everything mad era. lr X. 27ta Bt. Jf Webster tie. O'BRIEN'S aaady, the kind that maWl the girls smile with Satisfaction, A eO-oapif box of this fine oandy will be given lei Cart Kehschuh. 1011 8. Est 0t If be will bring this aa te 2 no tee pino WUa tnree aaye, VBTJRT too earge fuarnlshed, roema fo young men, ea-yuung moaern, ea oar liner walking dlstanoe. JPree telapeae. aU Me Nil Bt WAJJCTNO dlatanoe, well farniahed rooms elngle or ensulte on Fatnant Bt nice oool piejoe, shady jrarAj avery thing taodero. 822 Fx am BC 1421 California. I famished room, fine location; walking dlstaneei g nUeman ure ferred. Red 787. VTCRT large, well-furnished. newTy- FINK- large room at U20 Douglas, near two car lines; less than sis blocks to Six teenth etreet; large lawn with swing: everything modern, with hot and cold water. FURNISHED front room for rent on oar line; walking distance; everything mod em; 120 Nurth Twenty-fifth street SOUTH front large room In cool flat; everything modern: on car Una; walking distance; large shade trees; 141 Cass street FURNISHED rooms In private family, walking distance. 602 & 28th St FURNISHED front room on boulevard nice cool flat; close In: everything modern; rent reasonable. 411 North lvtb. FOR RENT I-arge front room to two gentlemen, private family, til N. lid St. FOR RENT-Strlctly modern room te re fined gentleman. 216 A. 86th rit SOUTH FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY, 2 BLOCKS WEST OF HIOII SCHOOL ON HARNEY AND CROSS TOWN CAR LINE. 2410 CHICAGO BT. TWO strictly modern rooms, stngls or ensulte. suitable for two or three. 1607 Farnam. Douglas (. GENTLEMEN Iarge. modern south room, for two; board if desired. Se Far nam St. Phone Harney 6460 607 No. SOth, modern, newlv furnished front room; fine location. Phone Harney 2171; ' block from Harney car. PLEASANT modern room for one or two gnutlemen in private fan ill , 8 blocks from court house. 2017 Howard. ONE nice front room. $2. One larger room, suitable for two or more. 83 Free tine of bath and telephone; one Mock from car; everything modern. 118 N. 26th St Hetele ssl A pert me eta. NICELY FURNT8HED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. Uth St DODGE HOTEL Uth snd Dodge; ell out side rooms; teem beat, special weak rete Ogden Hotel ir8.. Room- 3 Persistent Advertising Is the Road te Big lis turn a Sa w a KiiuHH pwrior. wiin pee" win ow: with or without piano; ploe bath, plenty of hot water: both teleobst car one block. 2663 St Mary's Ave